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Dennis G. Dalton, Ph.D. ‘Aon Whiney Olin Profesor of Pica Scene Barnard Cole Columbia University Demis G. Dalton, Ph.D recived bis bacbelr's degree fom Ras University in 96D and did porate work athe Univers of Chica. I 1963 he ‘hnod hs PD. an pola tory rom the Univer of London. Profesor Dalon has tee honored with numerogs whoa ad rans, nll ‘Pantin I9TS fom he American Council of Leureed Societe fr is research a Sout Aa, sno llowshp in 975 wid the America TnsiueofIndan Stas for is oseathin Ina anda Gand Peace Foundation Gratin 1970 fo is pation nn Iteratona Sensi it Deh nia. Betwecn 1964 ‘1986 he wae review eto forthe Journal of Developmental Sais {Londo} aod bewsen 1969 an 1975 be served 22 US. conespondea forthe ‘South Asian Review (London). Profesr Datos lds of interest incade politcal ory (cassia and mod ‘er, Wester and Ai) he oles of South Asa parca the Indian ‘trons movement aed dclapes of modem ple! movements wih {eve oEarpe Indl, Chinn and Aficn, Hear writen amerous aches outa a hn ubjet Profesor Dalion ha edited and conte 0 meee ‘hana doves publctons, nde te athor of The Indian lea of Freedom (983) He iva merber ofboth he Arion Polen Since Association and ‘he Anoeition or Asin Stes (8 Te Tea Company Ln Peery 1 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Profesor Bigeye (Co 5.09 nnd Recommended Reading 0 ACCOMPANY the LECIUFES enn [Lecture One: The Hinds Vision of enn Lecture TwerThocyde nd the Ploponnsa Wannnmnne nn ‘ExcerpsframThuyades, History of he Peloponniat Fehon nc Greve a ‘Lectre Tree: Law and Raf Sophocles AMO nnn Lecture Fear: Socrates a the Sorte Qt anne ‘Lectre Five: Plat: Keli an Pov, Pat eer “Lector Sx Plato: Iain and Poet, Part even 3? Phibophial Bacground to Plt's Republic Plato's det of ow: ry 3 Plato's Sl in The Republic. 0 Plates Three Cie. or ‘Thvee Forms of Leadership and Types of Rule in Pat's Repub. Lecture Seven: Arisa’ Clq of Plates Repl nnn Lecture Hight Machiavli's Theory of Power Pollet nnn Firerel Charge set dle tepenno 7 Italy, Florence and Machivell 2 Te Generel Canmnts on ay of Ts Period. o Comparison nd Contrasts Between Machivl and Plato. 61 (Crt cnn er) 2 (© Te etn Congny ind erp Power over People: Classical and Modern Political Theory Scope: Any political theory canbe analyzed and evaluated onthe basi of wo ‘oheence ofits sponses those guests Tus te fs two |oeron tha we ak of any polical tel ze thes: Does he theory ‘over the eset and eedring questo of pola thoy? How ‘ysemacc rete responses to those quesins? “These lecres examine ome ofthe fndamentlqueston that ane shaped West poea huphtsace Us inception a Aten a entry together wih some ofthe mos sna answers hat politcal tears ave proposed. The ists aes in hee FEcres—and in Wester pola theory rerally—fal ito tee wos enegors. The ist volves te esse characesics of mas ate and the good Sei Ibu ature essen} Spit or ‘mur? It deta by eon o omit by passion? Ist ed or ‘allele? Iie) sil aggzessive, and ween o sit fname benign, cooperative and noviole? Wil he good sockeye charetrvd by perfect harmony ory continued conf? I ‘fics nevable inthe good sci, ms tbe contd ough the leaders dcretonary we of conrie power ects ibe conan onseutvely within pola sitting? Ave socal unity and ‘emony achievable oy ven deeb? Do the popes and igo of society depen, by cones, pon some forma sug? ‘The second set of fundamental questions nlves the easonip ‘exwoen be nvidul and society. What she ph reabonsp of te adil osc? What the relatonsi of ivi 0 ‘oc and pli abort? What onus legis poliesl, ‘uot? Docs i come ulimssy om God the sate, rhe Individual? Are hae eng andamentalyegul or neqa!? “The le of guetion involves hore of hang. Wha are he fundamental dacs change? What le plage by iseetnary leadership or orl values in effectng change? Ave er inexorable laws of sy tha rogue change? lean unchanging emarng, unr ym of til values pou? Man sch system be ‘rounded theory of abot th If an edung, several ert fae pose what recily are hve vals nd wba hie ‘elvan fr plc and cil ae? Should tosfrmative Tears be based on te Hard farts of pla ely a man ‘weaker on tb knowledge of asl iT he most ‘nde Change dele, economic, or pychaogial rate? © 194 he Teadhig Compa Ln Pei a Shoo ages of change pre reform throvgh grad evlsonary Teo shld hey puch wl wanformation of sol ad aman natre rough evolution? Should rad! cange be prs though vtolenceoreovilene? Shou irl ail om spotaaly ‘rom autortrianoguizaton? “Tho questions ein our study of a wide range of theories of power dis au, We const Pat's dslon with Arn’ els, Mars optimism with Fret’ pessimism, and Hie'sexcusnis. {ed exalton of wnleace wih Gandhi's acusone and issece 00 rovioene or centuries such questns hae lade fia solutes ‘ed we should no expect answer ther defavely he. The ‘orton shuld pomp us, however. tik mare sep about ‘Sunes, te standards tha ude our tehaior and ouabain, f nyse ‘Objectvs: Upon completing these lecture, th stent soul beable do te lowing: 2 ‘a deny the fundamental questions and concerns tht shape classi! snd moder poll theory. Explain the essen ferences brween the “ai an “elt” trations in plitcal theory, and deny same ofthe ros nent Deseriethe innce of one's undentanding of han rare upon gfe vison of aod yang pce teow the ‘Compare nd contrast he views of tose theorising the purpose (fay) of teste the relationship between politics and bis, and he ‘paliicaans ian) for exrcsig pia power Compare and const the views of edig pola! heodss seeding the meaning of feedom, the souees of pina politcal auhaiy, tbe lepimay fda rence saint contd abort, and ‘he otgatons Gf any of invdol to these or oc. Disingish ning he fering ates towed he we of lnc tht tucheldby he horas examined in ti couse Compare aod cova the views of those theorist regarding te omlties for fname tarsfrmation of hunth nati. td Society, wel atthe means by which that tansormation ean Be rough abot © 198 Te eng Campy Une Pacey Recommended Readings to Accompany the Lectrest ‘The Bhagavad Git, Taplte by Barbra Milt, Basta, Sophocles. Amigone. Harper Pao. 1969. The Last Days Socrates, Tense by Hugh Tredenisk. New Yor Penguin Pato, 145. The Republic, Tranlited by FM, Coro. London: Oxford Universi Pres. Arise 1988. The Polis, Translated by Ernest Bake, Loon: Oxfort Univesity Pes Rows, eu-asqes. 1987. The Ras Poa! Writings dinate: Mace Fromm, Eich, Mares Concept of Man, New York: Use ‘red, Sigmund, 1961 Chilsatin and Its Discntonts New York: Norton, “Toren, Henry David 1960, Walden an "Cis Disobedience." New York Sie. Dostcrky, Fyodor Notes rom he Underground an the “The Grant Ieguito,i The Brothers Karanasor. Daton Goldman, Ema. Ling My Life nd My issonment in Rusia Shutan Alix Red noma Spe Al ie. 1971 Mein Kam: Boston: Hoxton Min Sey. “Mobandas Keramchand Gandhi, Basic Poll Wing Ininapls: Hack. * The books in his reading is appear inthe xr hat hey are escssedin tbe dec, Lecture One ‘The Hindu Vision of Life Scopes We begin hse ecaes by examining the Hi vision fie as exposed in wo ofthe sed tls of Hinds The Bhagavad Gita ‘the Chandogve Upanishd. Hin ideals preiures Socratic and Psonic thot nr empha on selma. uphoing of Seah ‘inn of conduct td flocs ca eaching by example. Aula ‘ocr, be Hind txts portray ison and gnrance as the source of fen and he pt of knowlege sits coectve bration rom ignorance and fea rings pecepon of the highest eth of Hinds {he meconnetenes a il bei The Hinds depart om the ‘Wecern clanical wacion, however, inthe distat of poles and he te atiough we shal sc that dstst elected inthe ings te Ther uch ean Jsgurs Rowen and Emin Goldman (Objectives: Upon completion of his acre, he studet sould beable do he ‘olowng 1. Oatine he ental nets of he Hind vision of ile, and esrb bow to what xen hey prego tent of Sorat nl Pitonie though 22 ese the four stages inthe Hinds journey of fe, und esrb he objective of that our. 3. Outi the Hinds theory of haus nar, and elt the His ‘ow othe elaontip bance nid a oct Outline 1. The Hindu ration focuses idea. [AL Inte Hind ton, one mes fst egies mastery hoop ell Sgwee in dra he qualified io exerts power over other 1 "The theory of ation holds tht her ariel stars f condi by which humans soul guide the behav. 1, "Tow dal andar o ot hve oe reliable order tobe vali, 2. Hind deatism gives context for undetndig the elem of + The idea of educaon part ofthe Hind aon, 1 nda teacher (gr) soph teach by xa 2. InPrenppostion of nda's Philouophies, Kat Potr exis ‘at te Inn eduction ea bane on he each’ ned to 6 © Te Tete Cn Unit Pere sow th stdetaan nv andto be alts cognizant of he ‘een nnermon nods 1 tthe Hida tion, ection sinned to impart ceri eal vals |A. The Hind ducal idea hae onthe conviction tht far rises ‘rom lan, which in tar i inpele by education 1. "Thro action, we become svar lean si aeons ‘hat ame fom our seme of fea and at 2 By seding ight on the object of our sey we as overcome ‘ur fea fad, by extension, ou separation fama amas eng Trough sellin, we perceive the unto ig, which isthe highest th, 1. destin should impart the lowing values in ascending onde of smponance 1. Ara te valu of wea and property. Ana comveys he ilason {hat wealth and propery ae import and hs ts he lowest ‘Kame: sees, especialy seu pease. ‘Dharma: lous dates, which impart a Sese of ihtousness. ‘Moka: spietul iteration Moss bigs eedom om sion fear and ignorance, od teeny lends percepon oF ey of ti bing bee TIL. Tenia pases ough he flowing ou el stages fie [Ae Brahmacharya sade age, encompassing he fis 25 ye of life. The brabmachany devoted sing al know and desta te sored exo indus, 1. Grikasha te hoashode sage (ages 25 55), whic involves Stabling and proving for aly od rang clen (C. Vanaprash: erally “forest hemi.” oa solar seer of th 1. “Thisnge can begin when one ee Whe an of on." ensuring the far’ s contin. The ini ben begins @ Search foreknowledge and eedom, which must iavlve Icvig al aly esponslies ehind 2 These of ngprsta unde Hn suspicion of polis, nd t conics with th Platonic nd Aislin vison of he sae {ete loa of vue Sanna: he nal ste meaning “saints. tat depends upon the ‘ul eanaprasa 1. The porn seu to seit afer having preety fall ing Thos enlightened by height knowlege, the samranin ‘moves oughout oily et eascens ures (feats) nt temas (wealth, propery ore) © Wet Tag Campy Lint Peep 7 12 The bean ofthe sna sockeye sre onion ecase te orae as eae th esr connection beweon te isbest {rt he deity of al eng and monlence (ana). Ta ‘Soencton est On he premise tai weiner on acter, ‘ve aces harm curses. 1¥. The Hina vision of thie eationsipbetwees he indivi nd society ited ona har of human are ah sh understanding of bow ‘ur (eden bold develo one's ae. ‘A. The Hind theory ofthe pari sl pall the iar Hinde social yer, 1. Taetman personaly i compe of sete (tdom or pode): aus (courage Fe) a amas (Gest oF {ppt Evry pervn posseses hve quate bat in ayn ‘portions, 2, Socal organization recs th predominance of tose quaies amon diferent clases of peopl, Brahmans he pilowopher and ‘st cast) dominate because hey possess reat wisdom ad ass Kihara ibe pial ad mary eae) excl in ‘ourage and cory. Vasa be commercial wd isa ase are characterized by ese and appetite |B, Ine origins, te Indian cate tm was aed om met ot erty (Ghogh subsequently depeertd ito an exploit system bse ‘on piilege adhere. Te uneton of edseston io marr evlop he individuals nate gualiies naira pits, Troe ‘luca, the inividal sce he soil unt or Wich oF ‘Shes best aed CC. The Hindu and Plone systems canbe compare 1.” Int eliance on education to discern the soil oe for which an ‘dividual by etre best sited, be Hindu system resembles 2 Plt nde nd atone nr iw fps, Pato Ils ht a pope can weld poe wisely and safely. ile the Hinds view pois a conamining ines tate wise ‘mt voi nce ven them fom ir pan qe fn. ‘oaiy sora vison, Recommended Reading: ‘The Bhagavad Gi. Transat by Barbara Mls Basta. 8 © ene Teating Company ne Pesetp Lecture Two ‘Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War Scope: Thuydie’dagnoss of the cams ofthe Peloponnesian War provides ‘he hinircal context for understanding Plo’ ptwopy.Thucyer ‘esis Peles “Panera Orion” in which he “Fit Cizen™ ‘wlll sme of he ery fates of Aen sole a Pit ter Dame for Athen oso Spur Aes" mishandling o power under Parl leadersip served Pato an cjet leon of wba to voi in ‘onnracng wal ordered epublc. Thurjldes: pessimistic view of ‘ote man ature ad eospes forte wise use power ies SSuply om Pat's oe optimistic sesment, wick we wil ‘taine more ley in masequnt tes. ‘Objectives: Upon completion of hie ectr, he tet shou able odo he 1. Describe Pail’ pony of Athenian democracy an his view of| lisa power speed is his "Paneal Oration" and eval the accuracy of tose portrayals in th ight of subsequent evens. 2 Describe Plt’ of Atenan democracy, swell tis ignos ofthe reasons forts deine 3. Compare an conrast te views of Thy an Pit rearing he alley, or perfec, of human are apd he aby to wield power wisely Outline The Tragedy of Athens. [AL Assan democracy was both mor and les extensive has modern ‘emocray. 1. iexceodod dem sandr of democracy by ving very alt tle ren usar in et re. The Atbenian sembly et Oe ‘rey mom member volved ory or pen) ‘eaientone an any ctzen could aes th sembly dell ‘nd propos policy 2, However, Athenian democracy was highly resiive by moert standard because it denied pola gh to womes, mies (sien alles) and slaves Dect ue was enti by some £0.00 mae lazens (ut of ul population of some 350.00). ‘Aeian pbl Iie was dominate by arse Pla was, ‘cere abou theses ofpoesonliem in Atenao polis © te Teg Comp Uses Pater ° 1B. Thnyes recounts Aen” war with Spars rom 43110 4063.6 in| Iie tory ofthe Peloponnesian War ‘Analysis of Thuy’ aso of Pers “Funeral Oration” [A Perces dominated Atenian public ie etwen 461 and 429 ‘ing Aten’ "Golden Age.” He was Aon leading general 28 the ‘now prominent pli ener daring owe 30 yea [Bevis “Panera Oration” sete forth be eas by which Athos ‘omed ist at te ost ofthe Peloponnesian War in 431 Bc 1. "Peecles exo the Athenian values of ono, courage, and eedom, tnd he caleba the power of the Athenian emp 2 Heidenies Athens’ pli system asthe cs retest achievement He poays Athenian democracy ass mode forall (Greece, since iis asd on freedom forall under la. ‘A. Pericles comrats Athens pola stem wit Sparta’ Lacking te Athenian cent pnt, Spurans re capable al of “lat-indoced courage” ects of ter stats sry emg on nila isepine He praises Atenan versity and spontaneity. ‘lies tht Plat viewed ar wees 44 Perce exo th resies of Aten’ empire, which he atribtes tobe state's unabashed exercise of power He wes Athens “alin ve” with he se. ‘5. Peres believes that women oud avoid public dates and sive sotto be spoken about by ea Pie’ proud testament Atos’ lory conta with Thuy’ ‘bse acount of ow the Pelopoesian War comaped Athens. The ona emerges most clearly in Thbyse’ecouting ofthe ci wa in Corea [As Corcya was driven bys hres betwee vl facto of pro- Atheiin and pro-Spran Frees 4 "Inte ensuing sanier, "People went every extreme ant ‘yond it” Fuhr le on, ad people were in win he precincts of reliious empl -War”Thacyees sy, i "en cacer” Both Pan and Arse nw he violence td ‘xem acssond by war ax comoiv of uma aie an he fe sci 2. -As words changed thir aaa menings civilization began 0 Seger. Character bean dco people were sep say by ther ungovernable passions. |. Thaydes contest "Tove of power, opersingtrath rod nd persona ambition, was th case ol ese es” He tee oss the problem Dat wil peacepy Pla in The Republic fin power be ded wise) 'B. Theysder’ eli and Plato's iealism compared © 90 The Thing any il ase “Theyies des nor blo tht human nar can be improve ‘rough education or any ober casi orde o prevent ieee, ‘rar and th corpo hat stl fm the exes of power 2, Tecan Plo asc hat pope aod heise can in jisce dough edn, Unie Tepes, Pla an opis wo believes inthe perfedilty of human nt. He argue in ‘The Repub ht power cn ented wisely and ht policy, ‘heer, eed aot neatly be carp Recommended Reading: eile’ “Funeral Orton” depict the lay and achievements he ener tl sapere, ht Atos ad ane by 43 Be. Rests be ‘net of kes saces. The revolution in Cory portrays Gree as Being gle oa pound eis fhe pn rnin om te Breakdown of al (rer. The ci demonstrated the els of any, whe people went 0 every ‘xeme tn beyond How could Aten and the Greck word clas so ‘dss? Toys pots tosevera cates. Ft, cil war salen ‘eats ince pope babar bebo, tang them it saa ‘xem Second dterration in language marked te dete of carer tbe words ha change th sal ang” an onder rans ‘score and atid of moderation, Above all owever, he "ove of oe, ‘Speing tog pred and rough peronal abo, was he uae ol tees" The eof power encouraged "olen faint coripted leadership onal sds, Thcyes implies in Peril’ "Fanral Orion tht ‘Nberins ha ead ow exercise power. Tha false ondence was 2 ign of Atenas ropes, or ube ‘We ae once wih he histor conet Beas oft infsence os Pst tn ‘The Republi, Pt reponde to he rosem of powers he viewed bin Uhocontxt ofthe Peloponnese Wa od te spistal corpo tht power engendered, Plat believed atthe chalngs faced by any get cur is 0 Jeu ow ous power wisely Fer Bao dca. adr fa poll system ‘mantbe ws, ano hve wise ears, tb educaond sytem mus be igh ‘Sins. Athns aed to wield poe wisely case vale system wat ‘orale. essemed courage bao nl epee tan eason or Wid, ‘The elm nas sruped by Perce sir command, er tun by 8 ‘Plsopber Only fit dueston ad the cnosequent development ofa Ioligen sn eponsieederap igh have saved th remshably ged tdeatveevanton Pericles “Funeral Oration onthe deals of Athens” (trom Thueydides, History ofthe Peloponnesian War) tal bg yspeig ot urns, sine ty ah 19 Te Thing Comp Uinta ene " ‘epi fom res nein pil many ‘oy Thy staal escrow pease Ever meso Jour ‘ibe dvr a Forte hens ey had ai ey so ‘Sltiecnpse eu whe now nd nto ad nd ‘sth iy heed tr ror he pret peer. ‘hen we cua, are fre ly, who se mst pine ‘sie ave ost eons, sso he power of or ene nave ean or Suen sh amy is pet We ‘lt ok ef sel in bh pee dn at "haven who mak log secon tet air oo a: ‘otal ming bot ewe ey wc we cued ‘poner rte uch we oof stay eed ‘revs rekon, Wh wat tds eth ls ‘eases pete we we ae or a as our ‘Sawin ne wy of ie wc a new ea Aer i ‘Sal gan po he ea bling at kind of psc oi st oo a whe Sarna Oe ‘ewe people When sa gestion o etn pia dts, ‘rege equ tefre ew hen eon of ting 0 ‘mbes nar pone 0 pl eps what ‘Son insotmenhetpo spun bre sty Serco aie in pia ocr oer ‘dsj ant peal ieee and enor nny Tieton late ihe eer Wed no gti tae wah tu ex dor sei cys mel nove wa. or eve hin te dof ck ok ich, tong iy 0 ml door peop’ ois Wee fe he ou vn or pe fase ep tel‘ ce cand ot op ene We ive our bee o ose whe we pli sions of aera we oy laws leet se mich "or pron afthe pee lovin as ‘thes anand ame ea ate mati it Wn ah oe ea in ‘Sesrbones we fad ateuy aio ctchapta ey ay and ch re sy tees Ten pe of ot ‘Shap hat a eB ings ane ewe (©1986 Cen ind set ow ita ht to sce 8 ra eso reg pea onan pode, “Ton ea pte bees organo {ut vray ese, Hae seme xara oy ‘nose movant chem pil eporatens oer) ‘even pl bien ridin ou rth pt br a Seer tevyos bron ar al courage a uy Tee ‘Site nur econ em Te Sparano er ‘tnd st tot ie ig Snare sedanger ey re Hee pot | ewe nner ey came Inch tack hd tc jb utes wd oes Shang fogs sa do ma fen a ew opponent who me ing ‘mss ere etn cnn hare ce ‘sown whch ope sean el Ye renner ‘Senge fear read fe ey He temas ‘cir arg owe back ur nite army rift vee) ‘Stare nebo yw nl seg Ths al ‘Sages hn ore of eg dpe volute SOV etal oro sabnoos eee re ae fa mh stnesnted cope We onthe pd ne Freising wm ates wich ae a ner no ‘Soya xml gon ewe ow ounces stone ws ese ‘thea wh weve in set ia, Thi soe pon wach, ‘Sak au eros tobe de There ak oer (he ing a he al stot mu ot Were wea se Sting oe poe tah a someting bons ‘Bont Atfor prey, a8 ae nt estan oat hea ‘hans noting prt meer eee Fon Bee ach ‘Sisal ima sol ts owen a bn sf tesnes we cxtency wlan on el pers, eo fare at sy atm eso een ‘Stee ata We Aten or own pone, our (Scio py osha proper ete owe 32 ‘eh rhe wn ncpasiny bees words and {nrg rd Oe wt ie ee Taig Coma Lint Peep « Ags. in ucons of gner aod eigen pes come ‘Sisco dnote pape We make easy ing on (Shona ymecig pod om he Tis mas or esi. ‘ile mere rea se we wa hep liveth gosto of ‘ho ry win si eto en ‘emo e payne bcs en igs Stosuncouly Weare igor ns Wee Goines 1 ‘ther ed ot doo outers ptt rrr we do ‘em hu urbane eng on ot ery. Taking ‘Scar ei try an cao ‘hdd woth ni icc ag rn oan fe ge sok ee ony dow oy gues ns Se ‘Sinn ges tye wreath aber Sooo oe ‘mowers four empe whch te ave Fae il ‘ronderatus ath eset ape nodes eno Wed ted fe bctmonra tt show emt of faci fl of rat Sree eran it nfl yt {Sac mem po don ns ig ‘Tite. the Rnd iy fori here mo cole eae ought of ig er oy fog nd ny ed only ‘acgo hips eaeeAo ws ese a ‘epee ch eh tot ty, eee waned oe Sle for ue mee an ors ck ou anges a wanted my orf pa or Sead toe et ‘he ign of ene Aad nowt mt inperntf ese ‘ors en pen. have sng hepa fa cy ba wat ‘ieee and ply of te ne, of epee en, sce pn ar wey td en ee of ah Oe to wer cede (©1996 Taig any iil ae ciety 2 ‘etic me wre coomonmel yO St ae ‘ranted topo nesjyng ea bo cme pu oh fa ays ‘Beep tt he mi ne seg hs pve por hh Mee ‘ebe doe ta ch ings ty hse check o's pie ‘Tan othem warark mot pos andy arp ng ‘Gate down be cman ings eveyting ce As or ‘sen ota hy tan te Saal an a pe, nd (iS thereat war fore as thy pt ot ‘ic own ees Tn he ing. hy oe oe homo ‘nd hr grou nd fer eat hn geod ave he ‘ne Soe dn eos en ig we nd Te rt oe ues mal mot of eh ‘Sime of or nes acm of glory, ate, wee sept say toms, So nds ey were, es mot fy. Ne ho ‘nn ch may pe se ed he bt mat oe a orumang he nanan Te el ou son ty {Ged ou kw sar elas 1) aon Sato ete singh enemy tack Wht would tert ou or xe ‘ey en te peas of Alene ead ou ‘tow wants Whew yostnlas har rate ce Gt ‘tte ergo wat mc hap of aden, me ho Tew th iy nen tho wer scamel fal Slow cra ‘dy he fled in an ener, ey mae op in {taatay ate ey old dcr kn {Sud pve hora bet corbin at ey cl They ae et thei het an al of han ford own sere 08 Freese po al mos pend of paces the {Splenic es des ae a where el po ‘incre e's and, ay eon he igh oc ‘Snort psc or en For anna neve the wh a Srna teeny be nerf ger {yb fon btn epi ar heey side ad (pow Io yor ty oe ie hr Make op our mine at ‘rps eens ng end atom pn on sos apes et rn eo ee ‘redhoandulomun, who ne ss hope of ie we or ‘Gemeente te copa vee nc ‘cat wrong rho. Any egal ee haaion ‘Si=Zy row ata more pit ewe sb Forse sl cmt with Bae pf be ‘suru we pet ie Ina! sl yt come hem Tay Stel ae tat hey have gown spins ned whe ae ae ny changes end chats Bat god oan end ‘eves wi oor re have ose fr sou nay Sout hie When you seat people happy you wl en be ‘Seino a wed nlc you py tos dcr fe ed ‘rch aren ene ose a Soh oon nro hg mo op nde ete pth mre cs nour aes ‘eno mores wl babel the tb ing he ‘Sep los din suring esc Fors imposie on rear dhe sain vor you bese mom old hae Cae, wel yu ‘oun spn eer of ore wich ou ane en ‘or, and encom enon yar ‘eau, when oe worn ou wih ges 98a the Pot Si, ‘SSS faery tthe te ope of co eow he Asfotbos of ou ee ho ae sn or bt ofthe da. an ‘Setar srg in nto yu Evens sve pss wel Sebastain ie rete itn oi nex options, at mon oe cao (Sey br ae macerated caged Paap hl ya won on he asf women se {nour yorsno we ew wowed teansy alt nyins te eh wl espera expe ‘al hey cameo Tine mand pe wah sh oath en uo th hen fhe eres wi eae fae Whee the va of slr ah pee he you wil od Sohbet and bane yrs ng el An wen Jhae mare rr deren ou at pat ‘The Revolution (or Civil War In Coreyra (from Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian Wan: ‘Afr dexerhing the sex of Grek politcal uae in Peres “Funeral Orson," Toye now recounts he disastrous decline of te Greek welds is chaptr on he revolute Corcya He lls ow ie Pelopootsan War {eached the tiny land of Crean 128 c- Creya Became he vic of Tg srugpeberween the wo est powers Athens and Sparta he an tres pli into ro vl fico, one siding with Athos ade oer ith Spare Thcydes viewed Corea as mirocomm of Oreck civlizaton at Sresoveraten by war The wa ok isons ow lat of pole! ‘Greases for pws, ad feerlSetrraton of character" hat mak the Jwotound spite ens of ances Gece nthe mid ofl war, In he Repub, Plt denis te esis wih the breakdown of Atbenian demecray. and he hols emery responsible forts cos ‘Whe the Crean eld at th Ate Ds as ‘posching a tees i ny ont te ‘Meson wo al ply ee Be wal ne cy Teodor lt ih ey ho ann al od nto he ‘Santos am yd pede pea wr be ng ‘Seva nest ey enn ep of eran ual shout iy fh opin herent al They [Ben condnacd vty on of em eas Secing ta as ‘pein mont te ae opp, aed a ei, ‘iesead ober terest empe ome ged ewes on ‘ers oes fend vou sheen of coming ie Bg een de at En ed i wah ty ‘tras cu ee hemes Tee Tinuraa ld on pods of pons ae che by ee ‘cos ce of money ey owed. Th a athe) ‘Bipinde Ad teal bpp chun ge ‘wotivey extent byod Thee wer ters who ied ‘iron es wee ged rom the tp or Baber 08 he Spe wey cede a ‘cure pty the woth voi wa ova ‘vl pre ney neem ner ying ge TBeenon andthe osc nya bong ne Spun Feat te wld hte brn 2 xu dn ee orale ‘mn btn of war ben exch pry col alas coun on ‘ine tegen eo potion bere natura ir anyone © 198 The ety Cony ts Pep ” shea ne ve lin hl i ‘unten and ay il appen wh hana ae Si Song io no ay ‘ro ns peace ad progres a nda ‘lope andar, rae hy went oe toe ‘hen ated wa hey not want to du waa leecher cpg ta of power af ea sine the uy as ings people's ans down te vel of Sarees ok ut icy afer hy andi placer were feos are ite knight pnd pres) ‘Sater places ce il sm exe epances vay ze ‘Sm byeeraon th met af ing power ony ‘ber aoctsn rsenge To ii ih be change fee ‘or oo ha change mening What ed whe ‘sre haps of apposed ae Sewage toc wold epee tid ns pary ete oa tthe {Strela ayes yf ange nt cen {Sy teat more arnt ge oem ‘Shear sy wud queen om a ier meat ak Say en i ok Pest legume elton Argos tae wl opis foul ales ese. joee who objeto eae 8 ‘Sipe To paces wa gn of nace, tae ‘Bilseererio eats lt ns acing one ast Froie sunt hein doar oe wes png te ny of ‘Sepa nd eng ou feo ie oppose acon ae uly paseo o's on swoon wo ‘rs nny do wrong, tlw denonc somone wo ha wo eon ig ny tong wall ral ellos wee a weaker fiom oxen orn eon whatever Ts per 8 ‘emo ejy te tenei nti vet ee wcry vertvowng xing rpms he mer ese nce conone nxt bce of nylons regi conmnin bt rau thy wore pater nme. a “yposent ne enna sch pry power i (Bhagat, ok cry pecan eat hd bo pes et tal ety wee mae hey ee ee ie by te pate {lyme ome empery sty and ema feels ‘hing ate wr nother weapon lie When ean ard enjoyed eepe tha ar al he mcr sng ee then ot open, rte of aah ah els Oo sy ita consid nd a he se ie ary wo by iisey prvaneseor sprrilipene Ain mot ep ot mee ey allay eer te seg ‘Bee Ty as oct uo wane Lone pe opering rough red an eon bin as [Eseries nb ts hal propane ich ape rae ne epic eat fr be ruses 0 ease ‘Sal ed sun permet of racy” arn poten Tovar ul ce hey were eng to i te pes ar ‘omehet Inrange {ee doed wet tessa wich cone mies, bing evengethy went ate Thee te wee deere ‘iby cane ofc ny ares he thee ‘She nndal wate pete of en ry a ht err ‘end dry an condemning het ences ah egw by aig pve net ey ee ‘ho col ede nine guna tos we real ‘Rn Arties win eld motes ey wee ‘sayy tech eeme paren er iy part in Be Sa or ney pony hey mah ee. Asari tse evans he maa ener terrain of ‘atu oughoa be Gest wel Te ge ooking a ‘ings eid so mach te mak of woe sue Wh ep ‘due qty sno ceed ext Sekt Done ‘Sdn oe esa elec. eat ed ‘tier ih spon Aerie hs ate of fla no me saben tha wok este xh ar at {fae hopeless oexpest permanent semen and tad of ‘gabe tcc! ey Sel he ener ‘oming pn lng mes emacs Arsen who Were evr ge owe pa mht Incl fons ing hey mine nace (ind hms ou anevere mts by gk te hems iy nce sigh no on wh ei ‘Sec ner cf te belt hey won a Wt ‘SEpcingn avec, and ot king ncn toby fare ‘wy oud ey py were the mec esc einethey ne oft ‘Cerny mas in Cora th ter ocd ht sap tetova eer Tere wath revenge ah et foot of wing by ene wio dint pt oe spy 2» pred niea f wil gov he eee wc ‘eons he ow who, era dere pes of bra, ses eeape om hel pve dnd ‘Soper of tlenpors he wee hg a es ite eichnen sew arid wat ch fr es Shatin mci ay {hie own ni cof, an te, ea ttendeen ston esx showed el ons enor seth eneny to anyting ape tl hat tot en fre ess ower a ey. wold ve ‘tad vengnce shove iancece nd ri above ice nd, {stu ie tee evenge on odes en ae IepoR "Romano ein he rcs feeling ne er a of ‘ey ernest oan ls mei oth pce Fact Sheet on Ancient Greece in Plato's Era (ith and Fourth Centuries 8c) Anica wa the leading Greet” during he ith ceomy 8. nd ‘Aes wast pcp ity. Aria’ aes was roughly eqal a ze Rhode hand Aten has ees ened a "demanray” and Sparta ab “ligt tr tenia demecacy wan very nite, wih politcal igs ested to alt mle iene Aes poplition (ie Zimmern pp 17-178 comitedof te cases: + Cazes conpoed of ome 160,000 men. women and cide. Among the ‘ion, nl adi les (abt 40,00) could exes oll gh + Resien bens o¢ “ould” composed of sme 9600 many nos ‘Nenitn Gres nd some Phoenicians ud ewe, Alen salt aes abou 200 aid not have pic igs, although some were elavely weal, td ecmomicaly were sm stpa pat of Anca. ‘+ Staves composed of soe 100,00 me women, nd eilren Slaves were ‘ese al poli iphe Pino an Aristotle sa slavery fat of mate ‘As Asst sted, "The lower sot of mashing are by sure slaves.” Most ‘aves were “ipod barbarians” who served dames evn 8 ‘Scns nbs, raf indy, and workshops ‘The cyst of Sparta known a Laconia onthe Feloponsesan pina tal population f 30009 0 400,00. The populations of Athens and Sparta ‘rere oughly the sae In conrasto Sparta where pois were dominated by Thea, Athos aan extardnany igh avant by ts izes in uff (The Grek ter or “yt” wasps, o poly) The Cons of Aen povided for more than 20700 mao Be on he poi papal, ther esvig pubic sina udges ew oer ‘Sil ors ember ofthe army ard nay (6000 me) “The ling instnon in Athens was the sembly. wich was composot of all tat Athenian mae No propery or Beary qulifeations wee reared. The ‘Assembly was he sl leislitie body an aol met once a month, with 2 {uoram of 600 being necessary to conduc buns. Any ciizen oul dress the Assembly and propre policy. Mont of is agenda and business, HVE. was repaed by cere Counc of Five Hundred (cle the Boul nd chosen by st) ora "inner oul!” execaive comer) of 0 men, Te supremacy of the Awebly was vigpoutymsitied. According 6 FLD. F. Kit, te ‘Avesnly“comled nt oly egiiaton and admiistatn, bat justice os tet The Atbenian court ystems Cons fu, wbich ved ose fom TO1 to 1.00 men, and were ram far poi, by amas. Te professional wis vena i scope spose. Pao was a severe cic of [Rhein decay ad complied ave al abou ak of poessonalism. © 190 Te Ting Cpa i ep 2 He contrac his Republic on he rain of rey professionals not ‘Souret: DF. Kita, The Grech: Alfa Zimera, The Greek Commonweal Sars. Pooerey. Goddesses, Whore, Wher and Slave ‘Ststn M_ Okt, Women ix Wester Polical Though, anon Pinto and ‘Ansiole MLL iy, Denocracy, Ancient and Moder, Chapters 1. Lecture Three Law and Rule in Sophocles’ Antigone Scope: Sophocles gi pay Antigone offers erty contest for Piata's Pilwphy. The lay faodacs cranky problems ta wil occur Troghout ths cts (1) whether and uner what eumsanes ‘eghiat to sist consid authori, (2) hom o weigh confiting ‘hms of scorer and india ontience, ad (3) Bow 0 ema ‘compa between pose law and ma er ivin (Objectives: Upo completion of his ee the sent sould be able to do be 1. Compare and conta he vastus undesandings of law tat are [pened or ingle in Sopcle Amgen, 2. Compare and coast tbe pes of pot re represented by Cran, Perl, and Pat's plosoperng: an rete bse types to each rotagni' vew of women Outline Sophocles 495-406.) ws ne of the eang dramatists pion Gree. [AsO is 120 plays, 96 won fis prin rama competion guest ‘one of be resent playin nary amon he Earp, ‘Accs and Aviano, 1B Sopoct’ play Antigone soe part of ogy that also ices (eins ee and Oedipus at Cooma Antigone was popale with ‘Ntvtian nen tht earned Sophoctes the igh ona of Bing sumed ene Hee is apot summary. |A. Thepliy open in the city of Thebes ie the aftermath fa ae in which Antigone’ wo biere,Plyics and Eels, have led . Creo, he despotic rue of Thebes and uncle of Plies and Boson fas dere hat Etoles be Bosred wih fii bus ect fi vat t Croom Creo has alo dered hat Antigone ‘ier baer Poles, be trwn the dogs Dena he had tacked eck in an efor 1 overtvow Ceon ‘The ply open with Ansigone speaking ober sister, en, ad sowing ta bury ts ther Payices i dence of Creon's ore, IML, Ox nays of te pola ies in Antigone focuses oo concepts of law and fear [AL Tie ides aa cxpesed by Aigo. 1. Andgone invokes the iden of vine or unui” aw 0 Sly er dfans of wha the rears te profi and gitiate ects f ron 2 Inberimeriew with Ceo, Amigoe oes oe ofthe fist lms toc duaedione of postive aw on he bai of ihe I 3 Arigne'andetanding of nw foreshadows the concep of| ‘ra aw as expend by Martin ater King fo example) 1B Cron very diferent undersadng of aw 1. Croom assent is words aw. He ages thatthe ruler mst be ‘obeyed whee bie laws ae just orm. 2. Creon jute vew by noting that he hts rovided pole ubiliy and tat tance of const ator wl bing rey and rin 4. Repestating the peopl of Thebes the Coors at fst acces (icons unerstanding of aw, When Crow's despot os lea {08S downfl however. the Chorus ees ods a” punisting ‘icon fri ub oF agape I conceals est. Sow god sese and moderato: they masta display abr oF sebe pit egos cons tan The eae. Plat cers aural or ihe nw of ight and jase which ‘ets eel standart wich conventional cma ede” aw ‘oaldconorm. 22. Round stem of ection allows plsopers to ring ‘onvendonl aw ito aco wi ui la, 1, The following ar oneetons ofa or leader. [A. Raleof Creo, he dsp 1 Cron’ en of ae tyranny it presupposes he se flaw 0 ‘nfore and egtinize the ras iva and dsp power 22. Groans concept of pola ule parle hie atte owed women, He sss tat women mist be kept under sat contol he "esther a bjs be dominated apd aed completely [Anigon incur ie wrath Bec she sa woman who refses 0 be comin. B. Rule o Pees, the iltary commander. 1. Pericles ifs fom Creon in espousing democrat leadership and ‘Meru of la, which Perle so he primary vals ‘stess. 22 Perices doe it share Cron contempt for women, but Peis ‘eretyes th rol ego wives and moter sad srs th thoy coc exec poe pone Rule of Plato, he pilose. 1 Pl argc hr pwophers wil exercise poll ale he ie! ste, Leader shold be hinkrs th son fh higher 2 Hinrevoltionary view of eaership wat accord with radia one of he le of women, Those women who ca femora equ intelligence to men sald ere equal with them serie of is Repablc ‘Recommended Reading: Sophocles Antigone. Harper tte ahg Compr Linn Pele as Lecture Four ‘Socrates and Socratic Quest Scape: Inti str, Profesor Dallon reviews te tought and eatin rtd of Sera, the founder ofthe Wester nelecsal wae, ‘That great teacher Innogrted Wes piel piles by ‘rowiegetroupoat hs e's jure) and he so sought ring t Soca explains nd justifies his i's quest in Pas Apology He ‘offer an sncomventonlunertanding of oth tha metho rather Thun possesion and wisdom as avarenes of nes own ignores In don othe Apology, Prfesso Dalion cscuses Pat's Symposn ‘Theaubjet of hs alogue—ihe meaning of lve—ie also an objet of the Socrates qust fora stnwedge The poo Sacre aches, ‘ould be the objet moony of a= knoe Bats of ove ‘Objectives: Upon completion ofthis leer the tent sould beable do he ‘atowing: 1, Describe te Socratic metho or parang knowledge of he ah 2 Compare Socrates respons ths condemaation bythe Ahan jury ith Atgoe's response te condemnation by Cre. 3. Describe Soca’ views ofthe pepo of if the origins of fear, and ‘Relimitequetons tht soa coocers human sings, a the cee hn ew cnr fe ins oi 44 Describe the ts definition of love st fh in Pat's Spo. ‘Desert Socrates view of the reliionship between knowledge and love Outtine 1. Socrates (70-399 9.) was Plato's echo andthe preeminent pilsopher ‘otc ewe |A. Socre’purpos i epg ina soy fom Psa slope Gorgias, in which Sorts asks oe ofthe mos enduring Je gett _oesons in philosophy: "What couse of fe s best” 'B._ Socrates ecomments the poopie ie (th part of ath He deserts is pilwphial ques a2 "plpinage” for tra In The Apologs, Pinto explo meaning of Sorts ques and dexrbes bow his teacher pursed atthe cont unl of his nif The ie of thishalopu fers to Soca defense of Ms ie and miso ele uy ‘thus Ania ets in 399 In efnding biel apie charges of ‘hpi ad conrping the youth of Aten, be made he lowing pins |A.-Wiador coin of “owing hat one doesnt know." One sould gh search orth in pit of ity aad wih awarene of oes own gnomes, “Truths vale toe pursed, ot an objeto he possessed witha ai onal 1. Pilsophy ies fom religion i elsiming only o purse the {eth not psies i 2 Soot defines the prt frat nan of desc rtd, Pus of teh sa eolsorsve eerie, which pao epi Plato's sof he dialog Forse 2. The Socrates sa search fra vale, fo waye © ders en of goods, bay are and ear, “the unexamined if isnot wot ing” 1. "Sours declares th hip obigaton compel i to practice Bhlowophy and exhort sek he ath, even meas bis own death, 2 Like the Hid, Soraes views th uma questions the most Spot ings ne ‘The Socratic uot seks Inowledeof oe ax wll a fra. The meas oflve ithe subjert of Pio dlogus, Phe Symposium, which eouns 2 nvr among Socrates and in ends aout love, wth each detaing love in iret tems |A. Pausini define love pimanly a pyscal oes, Lave seks ony te ‘atfcton of pyial enies |B Arsophanes eines love in omic ems as a seuch for one's ther alt 1. Homansin thc orginal state combine male and female within ‘one individu eso of Parmar hapiness in hat ia, Zeus split species in bal. 22. Love ons ac as easing forthe ter a rom which thas ben severed. Lovee he pari of he ther part hat will ‘Soles andl oar ens Soot refer both of hse efnion of love fers noe. 1. Passi’ destin pores the rman quali of ov. and ‘Aimophanes’ deiion doesnot ecognze that we ove aly what fessor pos. 22 Alla pereivd as god evi hs no ely: Wht we Darcie ns go Deore th objec ut ove © 100 Thing Coney in ein n 3 Socrates desis heer of love” benning wih physical Jove tea aceding oom lov, a culmataingi fove for the good or wha we know ar Platonic love" We elie the ‘object ut ove: we dono alin oe wit its elo wicked ‘quale, but with what we pereive a god. We wsko know apd Tove th which good. 1. Socratic and Hind philosophy canbe compared. [A Like Soortes, the Hind gras reps kam, o physi ove, at inefficient ix rpersosd by bighe levels of ove. Evils ition; we purse slowed, which we eg good in ‘onder to achieve stay C. We disp seltmasty by loving what noble nd te Recommended Reatiog: Plo, 1969, The Last Da of Serates (especialy "The Apology” Tasted ‘by Hugh Treeanck New York: Peguin. = (0199 Thing Copy int eet Lecture Five Plato: Idealism and Power, Part 1 In hae te fllowing lecture, we examine Plato's Republi, ‘Seminal ext ofthe West plowphial aon ed epi of ‘Spur frou std of oer over people. As Professor Dalton ‘spay, The Repl aes indamenta ses ee he uct and lls of hun etre, rg of ik conduct qualifications fo ‘rere poita poner, eau fr obedience oe In and ‘isons of divans andthe wt) hat ee prameisfr ‘seqace! Wester pli her Alioagh Pio cho cosnon wih he Hinds don be ‘ep rm tin epg he sate nota coe force ut an Spun tue. The sate cn prove nial etn ud ‘hthaing trough bteaton” herbs quis. The question hat ‘rete dlogu in The Republi sth mening of je nde s008 trea ight conduct” According Soo, sce consists eer in waoral elgsous wages os Polaco gue. ain the wil of the sronge ss Thresymahos contended. Intend, Socrates xpi at |sce inh he individ on the consis eat ordering ‘te wl, do prt warping the ines ay et ar ed ‘ates ing ove al Acconing Plo, contemporary Aten id ntti Scrat Fer jt. Poof pei equ of Atlan dexay ins ‘capo of the ship of te," ic realy sre by ademas ia ral tw dmagopi rew ad ele fe une navigates vie Jason goers sista pptie ihn he jst ind ‘il, othe sane te by the wh enjoy tue knowledge aber Than hse wbo ae milly paso and docsne yon. Pao ‘voi anew educational syste by which th sae can ies and ‘Slt aural aes wc atin keg of emt rand uso i commen god th joe eran rows parca ‘Objectives: Upon completion of his acre an the next th set sould be 1 2 leo do the following Compare od conta Pato and the Hin aon onthe rle of te ‘end ability to wild power ws. Compare an contrat he dfn fuse, "ight coms." ‘offered by Plemarchus, Tesyuchs laor and Sora in The Repl. 5 98 Te etn Campy Line Pentip » ‘plete Plo's pall hetaeon jasc in be ini nd esc in ‘tote 4 Deserve the the “waver frevlutonay change advocated by Pio, and explin ow they wl lp to being abo te del oc. 5. Deserbe Pat's rque of democratic government, ak ecapsed in ‘ie metphor of he "ahp of inte, "and en wt he repr tbe ‘tert qualtcaton fr wielding polteal power, {6 Explain Piao's theory ofthe sages of cognition as peseated in is smuapors othe dived lise and the eave Outtine Pato seks in The Republi deine right conduct, oth for he inva and te ci, [AL While Hindar sc the snes an gent of ine, Pao ses is ‘moral forceat an pen of ise nd a means of education, Hinds believe tht political power ile the wise ‘The Republi takes ie frm ofa loge betwen Serats ad a sexes of inert cash of whom oes eintion of ight conduct o jc, [A Polemarchus ser the watna definition fight conduct 1 He argues ta ight conduct means “ving each na i ue." Ie form of asibuve jase and tae om thee of “ane or 2, Socrates espns tht ican ener just akhough tight be ‘expedient to hrm acter penn 1. Trasymachs fer novel definton futon 1. "Herpes that might kes ight the drone party defines as "jos what sin hat pary’s eres. "asc" ings Hapa, east thse who pace 2, Soc esponds by anaogzing the rule tapi Just x ‘hepsi qua pyscan seks to Benet ot Ras bt is atents the lr gure cls Bones i abjerts. The ale, ke he physician, mt posses the nif kowiedge htt ‘roperio his raf, The tel ale hinks ofthe common ners, [C Glacon press Scrtes tn offers more convincing refitation of 1. Ghaaon ares Oat josie arses nt om amoral imperative or stealth but om expedince. Tse ss cgi inthe esi ofthe weaker for ser api the stonger Given he ‘pperty. al pople il pari their mn ef neres eile (flow or sce Clason cher beh of Gypeet suppor the (6199 me Teg amy nb i soci conc hear of jase. He challenges Socrates o defend Jisce ua pod nll, spurt Hom is praca bene 22 Inreply to bch Trsjnachus and Glcon, Soc oes is ‘ison of ese The sn, ke th individual personaly, ‘Sompoed of son, spit and dsr or apps sie consis ‘fib ph odio hse hee lemon, with reson ring IM, Socrates goes hat peopl can beled trough eduction wo gin el ‘owed her than me opin, and live according a reason. The ‘le of renon rogues tee "waver of evolaionry ange a Athens ‘A. Qualified women mus te alowed tol political power. The nce fami and private propery anions ke ing lass mus be hth in dro rehnfore adhrence to the comon inte C.Phiosophers shoul ie Plato, 1985. Te Republi, Books I-V. Trad by F. M Corner. Lando Ofer Universy Press Lecture Six Plato: Idealism and Power, Part 2 Outline ‘ilosophical determinations |A. Hs prtonal experience with Aesan democracy proved rilasion ing He saw it comuped by he gnorane of the mob and te cshoneny fs ade. He telleved tht corapon of mi nd spit ed dey tothe condemnation of his teacher, Sores. Athens displayed he oughesses and igporanc tht were ake ‘impo eal rer ot foster nse of cve doy. ‘3 Deora are governed by mere opis ater than by emule Crowle 1 Piao offers he parable of he “ship of sat” deeb the defines of emctacy andthe need for mestocae le [Ax The ship's maser presenting te demos) is physi imposing but somewtat ignorant, shor sight, and oa 'B. The masters subued by he rew (erecting the comp pois ‘ho manipulate and donate he demas) Assering that navigation ‘eques no special il he crew member seize caso fhe ship and ‘pert in iow tres. Both hy ad te mast re ie by ‘pao aber than knowledge (C. Only so navigator preset he posophe) underside ‘cite of tow oa the sip corey, buh ined byte ce He's ot coupled by power, sinc be understands hat oly knowledge of is sience can ens th he sip reaches ts exintion. The Parable each tha the sip of sat shold be ied by those who sess rel knowledge, ot mee opin IL In presenting his theory ofthe stages f cognition Pata elaborates te

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