Koppen Classification Graph

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KppenGeiger climate classication system


A: Tropical climates
Located between the 2 ITCZ or close to them. Does B. Dry climates: Annual evaporation is greater than precipitations.
not need to be directly under. The smallest is the gap To determine whether a location has an arid climate, the precipitation
between the two ITCZ the wettest the climate. threshold must rst be determined. If the annual precipitations are:
Wettest to driest: Af, Am, Aw
First letter: Climate Type Second letter: precipitation pattern Never permanently in the rain shadow of mountains. Greater than R, it is humid
Third letter: Temperature Never with permanent oshore winds. Smaller than R but greater than R/2, it is semi-arid (steppe)
Rarely found outside the tropics (Exeption: Central Smaller than R/2, it is arid (desert)
A. Tropical climates: Located between the tropics
W. Desert climate a. Hot summer Monthly average temperatures always > 18 C (f) If rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year: R=2 x T + 140
All 12 months of the year have average temperatures > 18 C
Annual precipitations < R/2 Average temperature of the hottest month > 22 C Small annual temperature variation (s) If rainfall occurs mainly in the cold season: R=2 x T
Small annual temperature variation
Applies to : B Average temperature of the 4 hottest month > 10 C (w) If rainfall occurs mainly in the hot season: R=2 x T + 280
Applies to : C,D T= annual temperature
B. Dry climates: Annual evaporation is greater than precipitations.
To determine whether a location has an arid climate, the precipitation S. Steppe climate
threshold must rst be determined. If the annual precipitations are: Annual precipitations < R but greater than R/2 b. Temperate summer
Applies to : B Average temperature of the hottest month < 22 C Af: Tropical rainforest
Greater than R, it is humid Average temperature of the 4 hottest month > 10 C Located near the equator
Applies to : C,D Latitudes: 0 to 10 BWh: Hot desert (subtropical desert) BWk: Cold desert
Smaller than R but greater than R/2, it is semi-arid (steppe) w. Dry winter
Smaller than R/2, it is arid (desert) with A : precipitations of the driest month Precipitations: wet all year long
Yearly temperature range: Small Between the tropics, otherwise it is too cold. Usually aectd by the subtropical ridge in the summer.
< 60 mm and < [100 (Average annual precipitations)/25] c. Mild summer
Average monthly temperatures: 18 C to 35 C Is usually aected by the subtropical ridge. In winter, they are unsually under the polar front but are not
(f) If rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year: R=2 x T + 140 With C and D : precipitations of the driest winter month Average temperature of the hottest month < 22 C
Are usually in the rain shadow of mountains, aected because they are in the rain shadow of mountains,
(s) If rainfall occurs mainly in the cold season: R=2 x T < 1/10 of the wettest month No more than 3 months with average temperature > 10 C
aected by inland winds or all of these combined. aected by inland winds or all of these combined.
(w) If rainfall occurs mainly in the hot season: R=2 x T + 280 Applies to : A,C,D Average temperature of the coldest month > -38 C
T= annual temperature Applies to : C,D
Located close to BSh, BWk Usually far from the sea at higher altitudes than BWh
s. Dry summer Located near: BWh, BSk
Latitudes: around 30
C. Temperate climates Precipitations of the driest summer month d. Cold winter Latitudes: 30 to 50
Precipitations: always dry
-Average temperature of the coldest month: 0 C to 18 C < 40 mm and < 1/3 of the wettest winter month Average temperature of the coldest month < -38 C Precipitations: always dry
Annual average temperature > 18 C
-Average temperature of the hottest month > 10 C Combined with D : driest summer month No more than 3 months with average temperature > 10 C Annual average temperature < 18 C
Am: Tropical monsoon Hottest month temperature: 22 to 35C
-Summer and winter season are well dened < 30 mm and < 1/3 of the wettest winter month Applies to : D Hottest month temperature:: 10 to 28C
Located at the edge of Af and Aw Coldest month temperature: 10 to 28C
Applies to : A,C,D Coldest month temperature: -25 to 10 C
Latitudes: 5 to 15
D. Continental climates Summer = wet
h. Hot and dry
Average temperature of the coldest month < 0 C f. Humid climate Winter= dry (usually)
Annual average temperature > 18 C
Average temperature of the hottest month > 10 C Precipitations are the same all year long Yearly temperature range: Small
Applies to : B BSk: Cold semi-arid (cold steppe)
Summer and winter season are well dened With A : precipitations of the driest month > 60 mm Average monthly temperature: 18 C to 35 C
Applies to: A,C,D BSh: hot semi-arid (hot steppe)
k. Cold and dry Low altitude: Aected by the polar front in winter and the
E. Polar climates
Annual average temperature < 18 C Between the tropics: Usually aected by the ITZC subtropical ridge in winter but the exeptions are many.
Average temperature of the hottest month < 10 C
m. Monsoon climate: Applies to : B High altitude: Summer is usually the wet season.
Summer is almost inexistent in the wet season, not all year long. More or less
Precipitations of the driest month In the rain shadows of mountains or receive dry inland air
exactly under it in the wet season.
< 60 mm and > [100 (Average annual precipitations)/25] during the dry season.
The driest month occurs near the winter solstice Aw/As: Tropical savannah Located near Aw, BWh, Cwa, Csa
Applies to : A Located at the margins of the tropical zone next to Am Located far from oceans, close to BWk
Latitudes: 0 to 30
Usually near : BSh, Cw Summer: wet (Usually) Usually located at higher elevations than BSh
Less rainy than Am or has a longer dry season Winter: dry Latitudes: 30 to 50
T. Tundra climate
Latitudes: 5 to 15 Annual average temperature > 18 C Summer: dry (usually the dry season)
Average temperature of the hottest month: 0 C to 10 C
Summer = wet Hottest month temperature: 22 to 35C Winter: wet
Applies to : E
Winter= dry (usually) Coldest month temperature: 10 to 22C Annual average temperature < 18 C
Yearly temperature range: Small Hottest month temperature:10 to 28C
F. Ice cover Average monthly temperature: 18 C to 35 C Coldest month temperature: -10 to 10C
Average temperature of the hottest month < 0 C
Applies to : E

Cs: Mediterranean climates Ds: Continental mediterranean climates

Cf: Oceanic climates Dw: Manchurian climates
Tends to be located on the western side of continents Cw: Humid subtropical climates Tend to be located on the western side of continents Df: humid continental climates
C. Temperate climates Tend to be near the coast D. Continental climates Located on the eastern side of continents
Located between the steppes and Ca, Cb or Da Located close to the tropics Tend to be located at higher altitudes, Summer and winter = wet
Average temperature of the coldest month: 0 C to 18 C Always under low pressure Average temperature of the coldest month < 0 C Summer wet, winter dry
Must be close to the coast Summer: ITCZ, wet Summer dry, winter wet Summer and winter = Polar front
Average temperature of the hottest month: > 10 C Cfa: always under the polar front Average temperature of the hottest month > 10 C Summer = Polar front
Latitudes: 30 to 45 Winter: Subtropical high, dry Summer = subtropical high, or rain shadow Some cold climates have low evaporation
Summer and winter season are well dened or an alternance polar front/ ITCZ Summer and winter season are well dened Winter = Polar cell
Summer: subtropical high, dry Yearly precipitations are higher than steppes Winter = polar front and can stay humid under the Polar cell
Cfb, Cfc : Always under the polar front Moslty found on large landmasses
Winter: polar front, wet Not very common

Meaning of the letters Csa: Hot-summer Mediterranean

Cwa: Humid subtropical
Cfa: Humid subtropical Da: Dsa: Hot continental Mediterranean
Dwa: Hot Manchurian
Tends to be located on the western side of continents Most common on eastern coasts Located poleward of Ca Located on the eastern side of continents Dfa: Hot humid continental
Ca: Often located poleward of Aw or close to BSh/Cfa Located at higher elevations than (Csa) or near BS
Close to a large body of water Located close to the tropics, mostly outside Located between latitudes 35 and 50 Located poleward of (Cwa) Located poleward of Cfa
Hottest month temperature: 10 to 35C Latitudes: 20 to 30 Latitudes: 35 to 50
Latitudes: 30 to 45 Usually close to Aw or Cwa Hottest month temperature: 10 to 28C Latitudes: 35 to 50 Latitudes: 35 to 50
Coldest month temperature: 0 to 18C Summers = wet Summers = dry
Summer: dry Latitudes: 20 to 35 Coldest month temperature: -10 to 0 C Summers = wet Summer and winter : wet
Winters= dry Winters= wet
Winter: wet Summer and winter : wet Winters= dry Hottest month temperature: 10 to 28C
No maximum temperature in summer Hottest month temperature: 10 to 35C Hottest month temperature: 10 to 28C
Hottest month temperature: 10 to 35C Hottest month temperature: 10 to 35C No minumum temperature for winter Hottest month temperature: 10 to 28C Coldest month temperature: -10 to 10C
Coldest month temperature: 0 to 18C Coldest month temperature: -10 to 10C
Coldest month temperature: 0 to 18C Coldest month temperature: 0 to 18C No maximum temperature for summer Coldest month temperature: -10 to 10C

Csb: Warm-summer Mediterranean (least common)

Cwb: subtropical highland Dsb: Warm Continental Mediterranean Dwb: Warm Manchurian
Tends to be located on the western side of Dfb: Warm humid continental
Cfb: Oceanic Db: Located on the eastern side of continents
continents Located close to Aw or Cwa at higher altitudes Located at higher elevations than (Dsa) or near BS Located poleward of Dfa
Located poleward of Cs, or poleward of Cfa/Cwa Located poleward of Da Located poleward of (Dwa)
Cb: Close to a large body of water Latitudes: 20 to 30 Latitudes: 35 to 50 Much more common than Dfa
Latitudes: 35 to 55 Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C Latitudes: 40 to 55
Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C Latitudes: 30 to 45 Summers = wet Summers = dry Latitudes: 40 to 60
Summer and winter : wet Coldest month temperature: -25 to 0 C Summers = wet
Coldest month temperature: 0 to 18C Summer: dry Winters= dry Winters= wet Summer and winter : wet
Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C Winters= dry
Winter: wet Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C
Coldest month temperature: 0 to 18C No minumum temperature in winter Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C
Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C Coldest month temperature: 0 to 18C Coldest month temperature: -25 to 0C Coldest month temperature: -25 to 0C
Coldest month temperature: -25 to 0C
Coldest month temperature: 0 to 18C

Dwc: Subarctic Manchurian

Cwc: Temperate highland (not common) Dsc: Subarctic Mediterranean Located on the eastern side of continents
Cfc: subpolar oceanic (not common) Dfc: Subarctic Humid
Located at higher altitude than Cwb Located at higher elevations/latitudes than (Dsb) Located poleward of (Dwb) and/or at higher
Cc: Not common Located poleward of Cfb Dc: Located poleward of Dfb
Latitudes: 20 to 30 Latitudes: 50 to 65 altitude
Located poleward of Cb Latitudes: 45 to 65 Located poleward of Db Latitudes: 50 to 70
Summers = wet Summers = dry Latitudes: 45 to 60
Hottest month temperature:: 10 to 18C Summer and winter : wet Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C Summer and winter : wet
Winters= dry Winters= wet Summers = wet
Coldest month temperature: 0 to 10C Hottest month temperature: 10 to 18C Coldest month temperature: -38 to 0 C Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C
Hottest month temperature: 10 to 18C Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C Winters= dry
Coldest month temperature: 0 to 10C Coldest month temperature: -38 to 0C
Coldest month temperature: 0 to 10C Coldest month temperature: -38 to 0C Hottest month temperature: 10 to 22C
Coldest month temperature: -38 to 0C

ET: tundra
Requires a large septentrional landmass Dsd: Extreme subarctic Dwd: Extreme subarctic
Located between Dd and EF or at high altitude Dfd: Extreme subarctic
EF: Ice cap Usually poleward of Dc Latitudes: 60 to 75 Latitudes: 60 to 75
Monthly temperatures always under 10C Latitudes: 60 to 75
Latitudes: 60 to 90 Located between latitudes 60 to 75 Summers = dry Summers = wet
Have at least one month over 0C Summer and winter : wet
Located near the poles or at very high altitudes Hottest month temperature: 10 to 18C Winters= wet Winters= dry
E: Polar climates Usually close to the coasts Hottest month temperature: 0 to 18C
Precipitations: Does not matter Coldest month temperature: -50 to -38 C Hottest month temperature: 0 to 18C Hottest month temperature: 0 to 18C
Latitudes: 55 to 90 Coldest month temperature: -50 to -10 C
Hottest month temperature: -38 to 0 C Coldest month temperature: -50 to -10 C Coldest month temperature: -50 to -10
Precipitations: Does not matter
Coldest month temperature: -90 to -25 C No minimum temperature for winter
Hottest month temperature: 0 to 10C
Coldest month temperature: -38 to 0 C

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