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NAME: Olivia Micale______________________________________ DATE:5/25/17____________________

To assist the recommender in representing you as accurately as possible in the letter, please read and respond
to the statements and questions below. The care and thought you give in addressing these prompts may
reiterate what the recommender already knows about you or may help them discover something previously
unobserved. In any event, take nothing for granted.

1. Explain the qualities that you feel you possess which might easily go unnoticed by others.
I feel as if my leadership skills go unnoticed by many. The perception of leadership that a lot
of people have in mind is someone who takes charges, talks over everyone, and initiates all the ideas
for a project. However, it is not hard for many leaders to go unnoticed. I feel as if sometimes I go
unnoticed in group scenarios, just because I do not have the loudest voice. I still have good ideas to
contribute, good communication skills, and I am hardworking and dedicated.
2. Complete the following statement as clearly and directly as you can: I am especially proud of the
following achievement.
I am especially proud of my GPA. Grades have always been a top priority to me, and the fact that I
have a 3.8 makes me feel very proud and accomplished. I always try to take challenging courses, and there
have been many times that I have spent hours before or after school seeking help from my teachers,
staying up all night working on a project, or completing difficult extra credit assignments. I think my GPA
really reflects how much effort I have put into my schoolwork to get all As and Bs and I think it is one of
my greatest achievements from my high school career.
3. Mention any factors that have come up during your high school career which you feel have put you at
a disadvantage.
One factor that I think put me at a disadvantage is the elections for Student Counsel. My
sophomore year I ran for class representative, and unfortunately lost. I feel as if this closed a lot of
opportunities to get involved in the school, the community, and display my leadership skills. During
charity week, all I wanted was to get involved and help in ways that ordinary students could not, but
because I was not on StuCo, my opportunities to help were limited.
4. Do you feel your present grades are a fair representation of your academic ability? If not, discuss.
I feel as if my present grades are a fair representation of my academic ability because I have
worked very hard in all my classes to receive the grades I have gotten. I have taken classes that are
very challenging for me and I believe my grades display how much effort I put into studying. The
classes that I struggled in are evident on my transcript because I did not get as high of a grade as other
5. What goals have you set for yourself and what are you presently doing to achieve them?
The goal that I currently have for myself is to get a 1400 on my SAT. To achieve this goal, I am
studying every day for a couple hours. I am using books and online resources to help me prepare as
best as I can, and also working specifically on areas that I am struggling in.
6. What activities have you pursued and to what extend? Mention any offices you have held and awards
won. Tell what you gained from this experience.
I have participated in sports and clubs throughout my 3 years of high school. I did cheer for
sideline and competitive season my freshmen and sophomore year. My freshmen year, I won the
Unsung Hero Award during competitive season, due to the extra work I put in behind the scenes. My
junior year, I decided I wanted to try something new, so I joined the golf team and made varsity. I have
also done many clubs throughout high school, like Spanish Club for freshmen and sophomore year
when I was taking Spanish. I have also been a part of Project Lead, and I was honored to be accepted
into the National Honors Society my junior year.
7. In what community activities have you participated?
One thing I did for the community was volunteer in multiple places. I have volunteered at
Cranbrook Science Museum helping promote recycling among young children, a local Petco helping
dogs and cats get adopted, pass out flyers at the Troy Public Library, participated in neighborhood can
drives, prepared bibs for 5K, and many other things. I have also helped contribute to the community
through my school in many way, whether it be National Honors Society, Project Lead, or Charity Week,
where we pick a local charity to support and donate money too. This year, we raised $155,416.35 for
The Jenna Kast Believe in Miracle Foundation, which goes to kids who are suffering from a severe
8. Explain your personal contribution to the high school community.
My personal contribution to the high school community has been to provide a friend for anyone
who needs one. I was not in any organizations like Student Counsel, where I was able to contribute by
getting convertibles for the Homecoming parade, or responsibilities like that, so I believe I have impacted
Athens more by being someone who people can come to for a confidante, a companion, etc. In my classes,
I also attempt to make conversations with everyone, and not just gravitate towards the people I feel
comfortable with, like my close friends. I feel as if living in a school with caring, genuine people is more
important than the amount of school spirit we have.
9. What are your hobbies?
My hobbies including reading, playing sports, spending time with my family and friends, traveling,
and photography. I have always enjoyed reading, and I do it as frequently as I can. I have also loved being
active and engaging in team activities, so I always have been a part of a sports team, whether it was
soccer, golf, cheer, ice skating, or soft ball. I also love to hang out with my family and friends, because I feel
that spending time with the people you love is important. I love to travel and explore new places.
Experiencing a new culture with every new place I go is very unique. Recently, I have started to enjoy
photography, when I got a camera for Christmas. I enjoy taking pictures of nature or my friends and
embracing the creative aspect of it.
10. Describe any independent study or special programs/projects in which you have engaged (science,
drama, music serious extra work in a subject.)
Senior year, I have chosen to take an extra math and science class. For math, I am taking AP
Computer Science Principles, and for science, I am taking Anatomy. Those two topics really interest me
and I am excited to dedicate extra work to those subjects.
11. Describe any work experience you have had - paid or unpaid. Describe your responsibilities, dates of
employment, average hours per week, etc.
I have babysat my two young cousins in the past. They are 1 and 6 years old, and my responsibilities
included feeding them, changing diapers, putting them down for naps/bedtime, and entertaining them. My
dates of employment were between the years of 2011-present. I usually only babysit on the weekends. My
average hours per week is around 7, and I usually go unpaid.
12. Describe your summer experiences and what you gained from them:
a. After freshman year: I focused on volunteering after my freshmen year, and I learned that you
get a lot of satisfaction from helping others. It is easy to take advantage of the small things in
life, like grabbing a snack whenever you get hungry, or having access to a computer/mobile
device at any moment in the day, but a lot of people do not have these privileges. Volunteering
for organizations has taught to that I should appreciate things in my daily life that are
considered a luxury.
b. After sophomore year: I did a lot of traveling this summer, and I realized that traveling is one of
my passions and hobbies that I would like to pursue in the future. There is so much you can
learn from traveling; new cultures, new experiences, new history, all while having a great time
with your family/friends. I feel as if traveling helps define people.
c. After junior year:

13. Who are two Athens teachers to whom your counselor might go for further reference?
One teacher I would go to for further reference would be Mr. Schoonover, because I have had
as not only a teacher, but also as a coach. Since he has gotten to know me as a student and an athlete,
I feel as if he knows me well enough to provide future reference. I would also go to Mrs. Webb, I had
her as a freshman for honors English, and I plan on having her again next year for AP Research. We
have kept in touch, so I think she will be able to provide reference on how I have grown as a student at
Athens High School.
14. Where will you apply/have you applied to college?
I will apply to the University of Michigan, Michigan State, Grand Valley State University,
Oakland University, Wayne State, Central Michigan University, and Western Michigan University.
15. What is your intended major?
I am still undecided.
16. How did you become interested in this major?
I do not know what I want to do yet, and I frequently change my mind, so that is why Im still
undecided. I have become interested in various majors by hearing of jobs that people have that interest
me, and then I find out what major I would need for that specific job.
17. What are your intended career plans?
I do not know yet, considering I do not know my future major yet. I would like a job where I work with
people, and where I can walk around and do new things every day. I know for sure I do not want to work in
a desk or an office environment. I intend to work full-time.
18. Rate yourself on the following assessment:

Unable to
Superior Good Average Poor
Course Selection X
Academic Preparation X
Academic Motivation X
Creativity X
Reaction to Setbacks
Leadership X
Sense of Humor X
Emotional Maturity X
Self-Discipline X
Self-Confidence X
Character X
Extracurricular X
Overall Assessment X

19. List activities (grades 9-12) from Athens and other organizations. Include part-time employment.

Activity 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade
Freshmen Sideline Cheerleading X
JV Competitive Cheerleading X X
JV Sideline Cheerleading X
Varsity Golf X
National Honors Society X
Project Lead X
Spanish Club X X

20. List awards (grades 9-12) from Athens and other organizations.

Activity 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade
Magna Cum Laude X X X
Honor Roll X X X
Scholar Athlete Award X X X
Unsung Hero (JV Competitive Cheerleading) X
Member of the Omega Chapter of the National X
Honors Society

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