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Learning Subject : Chemistry

Main Material : Hydrolysis of salt
Class / Semester : XI / 2
Target group : SETS Approach
Meeting of : 1,2,3 (3 meetings)
Execution time : 6 x 45 minutes
CC 1 : Appreciating and practicing the teachings of their religion
CC 2 : Appreciating and practicing honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring
(cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive, and demonstrate
behaviors as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with
the social environment and nature and put themselves as a reflection of a nation in
the world friendship
CC 3 : Understanding, implementing, and analyzing the knowledge of factual, conceptual,
procedural, and metacognitive by curiosity about science, technology, art, culture,
and humanities with insights into humanity, nation, state, and civilization-related
causes of phenomena and events, and applying procedural knowledge in a specific
areas of study according to their talents and interests to solve the problem
CC 4 : Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of the concrete and the abstract
realm associated with the development of learned in school independently, to act
effectively and creatively, and are able to use the method according to the rules of
1.2 Recognizing the regularity of salt hydrolysis as a manifestation of God's greatness YME
and knowledge of the regularity as the result of creative thinking human beings whose
truths are tentative.
Awaring of the greatness of God through his creation and its benefits to humans.
2.4 Demonstrating scientific behavior (having curiosity, discipline, honest, objective, open,
able to distinguish facts and opinions, resilient, meticulous, responsible, critical, creative,
innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting experiments and
discussions embodied in everyday attitude.
Being honest in using experimental data to prove the nature of the acid solution (using
the data as is and the results according to the experimental data)
Thorough in processing and analyzing data (performing proof of acid-base concept and
pH of solution in sequence and consistent to the steps and the truth of the results)
Resilient in search of a source of knowledge that supports problem solving (can solve
problems in a trace from beginning to end with the correct steps).
2.5 Demonstrating cooperative, courteous, tolerant, peace-loving and caring behavior and
efficient in utilizing natural resources.
Working in groups in solving problems
Caring for the environment
2.6 Demonstrating responsive and pro-active and wise behavior as manifestations problem-
solving skills and decision-making.
Being active in discussions to solve problems
Responding to a problem and be able to make the right decision
3.11 Analyzing the equilibrium of ions in the salt solution and calculate the pH
Determining the hydrolysed salt properties of the ionization equation
4.11a Conducting an experiment to show the acid-base properties of various saline solutions.
Determining the nature of the hydrolyzed salt through experiments.
Measuring the pH of the saline solution through experiments and calculating the pH of
the saline solution theoretically.
4.11.b Explaining the concept of salt hydrolysis in everyday life including and its association
in SETS.
Describing the relevance of SETS elements in the topic of hydrolysis and the
application of the concept of salt hydrolysis in everyday life
C. Learning Objectives
1. Affective Objectives (Attitude)
a. Having the motivation to learn and develop his knowledge.
b. Having the ability to cooperate cooperatively and responsibly.
c. Having willingness to convey ideas and give explanation of the idea that he
conveyed communicatively.
d. Having a scientific attitude such as discipline, have curiosity, honest, and meticulous.
2. Cognitive Objectives
a. Students can explain the meaning of salt hydrolysis.
b. Students can identify the nature of the hydrolyzed salt through experiments.
c. Students can analyze the formula of a salt and predict its properties based on the
components of the formulation.
d. Students can calculate the pH of a salt solution that undergoes hydrolysis.
e. Students can describe the linkage of SETS elements in the topic of salt hydrolysis.
f. Students can name at least two roles of salt hydrolysis in everyday life.
3. Psychomotor Objectives
a. Students carry out experimental procedures in a coherent and correct manner.
b. Students are skilled in using tools and materials in experiments.
c. Students are skilled in making observations.
D. Learning Materials
Salt hydrolysis material
E. Learning Approach and Method
Model : inquiry
Approach : SETS
Methods : discussion, frequently asked questions and assignments
F. Media and Learning Resources
Media : Video learning about the reaction between particles when washing with soap,
compound in fertilizer, and water purification events with alum.
Learning Resources :
Chang, Raymond.2005.Kimia Dasar Konsep-Konsep Inti Jilid 2. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Fajar pratana, Cry, Antuni W. 2009. Mari Belajar Kimia untuk siswa SMA-MA kelas XI.
Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas.
Johari , Rahmawati.2004.Kimia SMA untuk Kelas XI.Jakarta: Esis
Manfaat hidrolisis garam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
Purba, Michael. 2007. Kimia untuk SMA Kelas XI.Jakarta:Erlangga.
Sudarmo, Unggul. 2013. Kimia SMA Kelas XI Kurikulum 2013. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Zumdahl,Zumdal & DeCoste. 2007.World of Chemistry. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
G. Learning Activities
Meeting 1 (2x45 minutes)

Activities Description Time Allocation

Pre activity Teacher opens the lesson with greetings.

Teacher checks student attendance.
Teacher ask students about the readiness to study
chemistry by preparing chemistry books.
Teacher provides motivation in the form of pictures
and words of wisdom in the slide and the student is
told to mention the motivations they got from the slide
Teacher explains the purpose and benefits of learning.
Teacher asks questions to guide students in learning
topics that will be discussed and explore students' 10 minutes
initial knowledge such as:
"Do you remember about acid and base solutions?"
"What is the nature of acids and bases?"
"List some strong acids, weak acids, strong bases and
weak bases!"
"Describe the usefulness of salt hydrolysis?"
Teachers divide students into groups of 4 students.
Teacher explains the example of using salt in everyday
life such as salt contained in clothing and salt bleach
products in ZA fertilizer.
Main activity Observing
Students observed the concept of salt hydrolysis map
listed on the experiment dictation.
Teacher gives several questions regarding salt 70 minutes
hydrolysis as written on the problem (theoretical
preparation) in the dictates as well as questions from
other references.
Teacher provides exercises on determining the pH of
a salt that has hydrolysis and determines the
hydrolysis constant (Kh)
Students seek information from various sources about
the understanding of salt hydrolysis and the properties
of the salt undergoing hydrolysis.
Students ask questions relating to the nature of the salt
derived from:
- strong acid and strong base,
- strong acid and weak base,
- weak acid and strong base,
- weak acid and weak base.
Teacher asks the students how to prove the nature of
a salt you have analyzed on yesterday's meeting?
Formulating the problem
Students are given a problem listed on the experiment
Students with teacher counsel together formulate the
Formulating hypotheses
Students with supervised teachers formulate a
hypothesis of the problems presented relating to the
concept of salt hydrolysis in the environment around
Identifying variables
Students with supervised teachers determine control
variables, dependent variables and independent
variables based on formulation hypothesis that has
been proposed.
Collecting data
Students collect data from various references about
strong acid solutions, weak acids, strong bases and
weak bases.
Students collect data through literature studies in the
form of a list of salt names that will be predicted
whether acidic, alkaline or neutral.
Students formulate objectives and discuss
experimental designs investigating the properties of
hydrolyzed salts as assigned in the laboratory
practicum model in the group.
Students prepare tools and materials for experiments
for the next meeting.
Students analyze the various questions listed in the
diktat model.
Students analyze the list of names of salts and their
chemical formulas whether they are hydrolysed or not
and predict their properties (acid, base or neutral).
Students determine the graph of the relationship of pH
price changes to acid-base titrations to explain the
nature of the hydrolyzed salt
Student determines the hydrolysis (Kh) constant and
the pH of the hydrolyzed salt solution by calculation.
Students analyze a given problem and try to connect
with the salt hydrolysis properties they have learned.
Students communicate the results of the analysis from
the list of salt names they obtained from literature
Students communicate answers to the problems
(theoretical preparations) contained in the dictates and
questions from other references.
Teachers guide and provide corrections and responses
to student analysis results.
Students communicate experimental design
investigations of saline characteristics that are
hydrolyzed to the teacher. To the experimental design
investigation of the hydrolysed properties of the salt
that will be performed by the students.
Students process and try to solve the problems that
Students carefully answer the questions contained in
the Student Discussion Sheet.
Post activity Teacher reviews the student work and reflects by
asking students to reveal what they have learned.
Students with mentored teachers conclude the salt that
has been studied.
Teacher assigns the task of studying the experiment 10 minutes
material on the investigation of the properties of salt.
Teacher gives the task of reading the next material.
Teacher closes the lesson with a motivational

Meeting 2 ( 2x45 minutes)

Activities Description Time Allocation

Pre activity Teacher opens the lesson with greetings.

Teacher checks student attendance and asks student's
readiness to do practicum.
Teachers provide motivation in the form of
10 minutes
impressions of images or words of motivation.
Teacher explains the purpose and benefits of the
practicum to be performed.
Teachers ask questions to guide students in learning
topics to be covered and to explore students' initial
knowledge such as:
"Explain the notion of hydrolysis?"
"Explain the properties of salt that hydrolysis?"
Main activity Observing
Student identifies salt pH by using litmus paper,
universal indicator or pH meter
Students inquire about the practicum procedure they
will perform in the experiment.
Collect data (Experimenting)
Students conducted experiments identifying the saline
solution properties that were already available and
then grouped them by their nature (experiment 1).
70 minutes
Students do experiments to prove hypotheses and
solve problems (experiment 2).
Associating (Associating)
Students cultivate and analyze observational data
from experimental investigation of salt properties in
experiment 1.
Students analyze experiment 2 data to answer the
problem formulation and prove the hypothesis.
Students submit temporary reports / observation data
to teachers.
Post activity Teacher reviews the student work and reflects by
asking the students to express their opinions.
Students with mentored teachers conclude experiment
1 and trial 2 results.
10 minutes
Teachers provide the task of making individual
practicum reports.
Teacher closes the lesson with greetings and gives
motivational words.
Meeting 3 (2x45 minutes)

Activities Description Time Allocation

Pre activity Teacher opens the lesson with greetings.

Teacher checks student attendance.
Teacher provides motivation in the form of picture or
motivational words.
Teacher explains the purpose and benefits of learning
to be held.
Teacher explains the elements of SETS and the 10 minutes
relationship between the elements.
Teachers ask questions to guide students in learning
topics to be covered and to explore students' initial
knowledge such as:
"Mention the properties of the hydrolyzed salt!"
Main activity Observing
Students observe market labels containing salt as
assigned in laboratory dictates.
Students seek information from various sources about
salt content on a variety of market products.
Looking for information related to the concept of salt
hydrolysis with elements of SETS.
Students ask questions relating to the nature of the salt 70 minutes
contained in the product.
Collecting data
Students collect the salt list data contained in the
Students collect data from various references to the
nature of salts derived from:
- strong acid and strong base,
- strong acid and weak base,
- weak acid and strong base,
- weak acid and weak base.
Students collect data on the concept of salt hydrolysis
in the context of SETS.
Students analyze the list of names of salts and their
chemical formulas whether hydrolysed or not and
predict their properties (acid, base or neutral)
contained in various products.
Students analyze the interdependencies between
SETS elements with the concept of hydrolysis
through group discussion.
Students present the results of group discussions on
the concept of hydrolysis in the context of SETS and
their relevance to each SETS element and by using
correct grammar.
Students respond as well as inter-group questions
during presentations.
Teacher guides the presentation and corrects if the
students find the wrong concept.
Post activity Students with mentored teachers together conclude
the presentation results.
Teacher gives the task to study the material of the next
10 minutes
Teachers give appreciation to students who discuss
Teacher closes the lesson with greetings and gives
motivational words
H. Evaluation
1. Cognitive Assessment
Cognitive assessment in the form of written test / questions about salt hydrolysis and
portfolio of experimental reports.
a. Procedure: Written
b. Instruments: cognitive and rubric portfolio assessment sheet.
2. Affective Assessment
Observe student behavior directly when the lab process takes place.
a. Procedure: Direct observation
b. Instrument: Observation Sheet
3. Psychomotor assessment
Observing students' skills and skills in practicum activities.
a. Procedure: Direct observation
b. Instruments: Observation Sheet

Semarang, April 2017

Verannita Octaviani

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