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Subject: Mathematics (Year 7)

Strand: Statistics and Probability Data Representation and Interpretation

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Creative Thinking Ethical Intercultural Personal and Social Competence:
Lessons 1,2,3,4 Lessons 1,2,3,4 Lessons 1,2,3,4 Lesson 1,3,4 Behaviour Understanding Lessons 1,2,3,4

Knowledge & Concepts & Specific Specific Skills Teaching & Learning Experiences (include Focus/Key Resources and Assessments (type &
Understanding Lesson Objectives questions) weighting)
Calculate mean, 1. Categorise data as being Using ICT for Intro: Resources:
median, mode numerical or categorical. collaboration Kahoot Quiz to be completed on ACMSP170 strand as a means of testing student prior Student Devices
and range for 2. Differentiate between and learning knowledge and learning concepts. Answer any student queries. Internet Access
sets of data. discrete and continuous purposes. Body: Kahoot Quiz setup.
Interpret these numerical data. As a refresher, explain to students the how data can be collected and presented specifically Youtube Video
statistics in the 3. Invent an activity you Active listening through frequency tables, graphs (histograms, column etc) and stem and leaf plots.
context of data. can do in the classroom skills Introduce learning objectives in ACMSP171 strand through the Mean, Median and Mode Toad b65s
(ACMSP171) where you will measure or YouTube video. Inform students to actively take notes whilst viewing either in their work journals
categorise data from your or on their devices. 94aa4-580f-4567-8a57-
classmates. Hold class discussion and explain the different measures of central tendency whilst referring to e6319e5e48f9/1/
1 4. Calculate the mean, the YouTube video. Provide students with an interactive activity to grasp learning concept n.htm
mode and median and through Schoolsequella where students can see how data manipulation affects the measures of Measures of central tendency information /
range of a group of central tendency. formulas handout sheet.
numbers. Provide students with a handout summary of learning concepts mean, median, mode and range Primary Pad.
explaining what they are and how to calculate them. Assessment:
Conclusion: Formative assessment on abilities identified in
Student exit ticket to classroom is that they must write down one key learning concept from the Kahoot exercise. Further observations of
lesson in an interactive brainstorming website PrimaryPad. student abilities based on class participation
and teacher led questioning.

2 Calculate mean, 1. Generate data for Using ICT for Intro: Resources:
median, mode calculating measures of collaboration Conduct two student surveys to collect data student sibling numbers and height through Padlet Student Devices
and range for centre. and learning so that all the information can be collated and each student has access to the statistics. Whilst Internet Access
sets of data. 2. Calculate measures of purposes. performing, explain the considerations / potential of bias in the collection of data and how certain Microsoft Excel
Interpret these centre. controls can mitigate this issue. Calculators
statistics in the 3. Evaluate results and Familiarity and Body: Information / Formulas Handout.
context of data. predict trends. ability to use Produce frequency table for students to refer to. Pearson Mathematics 7 Textbook
(ACMSP171) 4. Evaluate methodology calculators. Explain to students how they can calculate the measures of central tendency with reference to
for collecting data. the handout summary provided in the previous lesson. mean-median-mode-and-range.
Demonstrate producing the mean, median and mode for the data collected on student age and Assessment:
height using two ICT methods Calculators and Excel. Formative assessment on collection of
Provide time to students to practice online questions that cater towards learner diversity. practice questions / student queries on
Conclusion: homework set as well as class participation
Outline further practice questions in Pearson 7 Mathematic textbook. and engagement. Observation of students
Subject: Mathematics (Year 7)
Strand: Statistics and Probability Data Representation and Interpretation

ability to recall steps in calculating measures

and application of formulas.
3 Describe and 1. Draw a dot plot and a Using ICT for Intro: Resources:
interpret data stem and leaf plot. collaboration Perform a recall exercise on how to calculate the mean, median and mode through Socrative. Student Devices
displays using 2. Use a stem and leaf plot and learning Similar to Kahoot, this can be used as a formative assessment. Using the results, the teacher can Internet Access
median, mean to calculate median and purposes. demonstrate that the students are looking at given statistics in terms of their knowledge and Socrative Module setup
and range. range of the data set. understanding on the measures of central tendency. This makes the learning objectives relatable Shodor
(ACMSP172) 3. Describe column/bar Through excel, to the class. Excel
graphs and histograms and record, Body: Calculators
when they would be used. manipulate Explain that in terms of the measures of central tendency, data can be represented in frequency Assessment:
4. Draw a bar graph and and graph tables, stem and leaf plots and bar graphs / histograms. Describe the purpose of graphing in Formative Assessment on engagement and
histogram. data. terms of presenting and reflecting data. Explain situations in which a stem and leaf plot is interaction in Socrative exercise. Summative
appropriate and demonstrate how students can use Shodor and interactive ICT tool that plots Assessment on Stem and Leaf Plots /
statistics into this format. Allow students to practice with the frequency data collected in previous Histograms produced. Weighting 2.5%of
lesson on height and age, and then calculate the mean, median and mode from the chart. Then, overall student grade.
identify situations in which histograms are more appropriate and demonstrate how excel can be
used a tool for charting data. Further, show students how excel functions can calculate the
measures of central tendency.
Provide students with some further statistics from ABS and reinforce the lessons learning
objectives by suggesting that they practice using these ICT tools in their own time.
4 Describe and 1. Identify instances in Using ICT for Intro: Resources:
interpret data which the measures of collaboration Using Answer Garden (ICT feedback tool), pose the question to the class In what situations in Student Devices
displays using central tendency are and learning every day life would we use these measures of central tendency?. Internet Access
median, mean applicable in every day life. purposes. Body: Answer Garden setup
and range. 2. List situations when one Discuss student ideas from Answer Garden recall. Explain to students the importance of these Padlet Module
(ACMSP172) measure of central Transfer statistics and provide the following examples that mode can be used in lottery, median is used PiktoChart
tendency is more knowledge / commonly in house pricing and mean is used commonly in sports and as a measure of Calculators
applicable than another. literacy comparison. In small groups, students are to complete an Interesting Average Scavenger Hunt, Assessment:
(ie. Median when there are components of where they will choose a sport of interest and list at least 5 averages and identify the significance Formative Assessment on recall exercise and
outliers). learning of this in the specific game. Groups to put their answers on Padlet. Students then to work on class participation. Summative Assessment
3. Construct a visual poster outcomes into creating a PiktoChart outline the key learning concepts on the two ACMSP strands. Create a on PiktoChart produced. Weighting 2.5% of
describing what the every day life. poster outlining what the measures of central tendency are, how we can calculate them and why overall student grade.
measures of central they are useful in everyday life.
tendency are, how to Conclusion:
calculate them and why PiktoChart set for homework, if not already completed in class time.
this knowledge is
applicable in every day life.

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