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C60 Definition

Fullerenes for Drug Delivery Capacitive micro-electro-mechanical systems

(MEMS) switches are a special type of
micromachined switches that control radio fre-
quency (RF) signal paths in microwave and
Cancer millimeter-wave circuits through mechanical
motion and contact.
Plasmonic Photothermal Therapy with Gold
Nanorods/Reduced Graphene Oxide Core/Shell
Nanocomposites Overview

Capacitive and direct current (dc)-contact

MEMS switches are among the most important
Cancer Modeling micromachined devices for high-frequency
applications due to their near-ideal RF perfor-
Models for Tumor Growth mance. Dc-contact switches function similarly to
conventional relays: micromachined beams or
plates move under the inuence of an appropri-
ately applied force (e.g., electrostatic force) to
Capacitive MEMS Switches open or close a metal-to-metal contact. While
micromachined beams or plates are also utilized
Dimitrios Peroulis in capacitive switches, these switches rely on
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, metal-to-dielectric contacts to implement their
Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, on and off states. Capacitive switches are partic-
West Lafayette, IN, USA ularly attractive for demanding high-frequency
communications, electronic warfare, and radar
systems due to their ultralow loss (<0.10.2 dB
Synonyms up to 40 GHz), high isolation (>2050 dB for
frequencies beyond 10 GHz), very high linearity
Electrostatic RF MEMS switches; (>66 dBm third-order intercept point), and near-
Micromechanical switches; RF MEMS switches zero power consumption (tens of nJ per

# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016

B. Bhushan (ed.), Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology,
DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9780-1
426 Capacitive MEMS Switches

Capacitive MEMS
Switches, Fig. 1 (a) Side- a
view and (b) top-view
schematics of a typical
shunt capacitive MEMS
switch. Both the up and
down states are shown

switching cycle and zero quiescent power for Switch Structure and Actuation
electrostatically actuated switches). When com- Mechanisms
pared to solid-state switches, capacitive switches
are relatively slow devices with speeds ranging Figure 1 shows a typical capacitive MEMS switch
in the tens to hundreds of microseconds range. [1]. This is a shunt switch conguration, and is the
This speed is primarily limited by switch inertia dominant capacitive switch conguration in the
and squeeze lm damping. Their relatively large literature today. The signal travels down the center
lateral dimensions of tens or hundreds of mm conductor, and if the switch closes, will return
allow capacitive switches to handle several along the outside conductors. It is, however, pos-
100 mW of RF power. Long-term operation, sible to design geometries for series congura-
however, can only be achieved if they are her- tions. Their characteristics, nevertheless, are very
metically sealed in order to avoid contamination- similar to the ones found in shunt switches. Con-
and humidity-induced failure. Hermetically sequently, this entry focuses primarily on shunt
sealed capacitive switches have successfully capacitive switches.
switched over 100 billion cycles at room tem- The switch in Fig. 1 consists of a movable
perature and under low RF power conditions beam or plate that is anchored to the switch sub-
(20 dBm). Despite the aforementioned RF strate. While typically the term plate may better
advantages, capacitive switches are currently characterize the geometry of Fig. 1 for typical
not available commercially and are not widely lateral switch dimensions, it is common in the
utilized in defense or communication systems. RF MEMS literature to refer to this geometry as
This is primarily due to the facts that (1) high- a xed-xed beam. Hence the term beam is
yield manufacturing processes are not widely adopted here to describe such capacitive switch
available yet and (2) their main failure modes geometries. Cantilever beams are also possible
such as dielectric charging, dc/RF gas discharge particularly for series switch congurations. The
and metal creep and the physics behind them xed-xed beam anchors are typically metallic
have not been adequately understood and and are connected to the RF line. For example,
addressed today. they can be connected to the ground planes of a
Capacitive MEMS Switches 427

coplanar waveguide line as shown in Fig. 1b. The Capacitive MEMS Switches, Table 1 Main advantages
movable beam is typically composed of a thin- and drawbacks of common actuation schemes for capaci-
tive RF MEMS switches
lm (thickness h of 0.52 mm) metal such as gold,
aluminum, nickel, or molybdenum. It is also pos- Actuation
mechanism Advantages Drawbacks
sible that the beam is comprised of multiple layers
Electrostatic Zero quiescent Need to generate
including thin-lm dielectrics such as silicon power high voltage,
nitride or silicon dioxide and metals. One or more consumption, high voltage may C
metallic pads are placed underneath the beam. In easy biasing lead to charging
the simplest case, a single metallic pad is placed circuit, fast and breakdown
transient issues
under the beam as shown in Fig. 1b. In this case, response (tens of
this pad is the center conductor of the coplanar microseconds)
waveguide line. This pad is usually covered by a Magnetostatic Low voltage, Low quiescent
thin (0.10.3 mm) dielectric layer such as silicon high contact power
nitride, silicon dioxide, or more recently amor- pressure, consumption
potentially low requires latching,
phous [2] or ultrananocrystalline [3] diamond. power with slower than
The beams length and width are determined latching electrostatic due
by the required down-state switch capacitance as mechanism to increased
explained in the following section. This results switch size
Electrothermal Low voltage, High quiescent
in length and width in the tens to hundreds of mm
high contact power
for 540 GHz capacitive switches. The thickness pressure, size consumption
of the dielectric layer also impacts the down- comparable to (mW), slow
state capacitance. While high capacitance is in electrostatic response time
schemes (tens to hundreds
general required, thicknesses lower than 0.1 mm
of milliseconds)
are hard to achieve in practice due to the need Piezoelectric Same as Difcult to
to handle high electric elds (dc and/or RF) electrostatic by achieve high-
across this dielectric. The gap (g0) between the with low voltage quality
bottom surface of the movable beam and the top piezoelectric
layer and
surface of the dielectric layer is determined by integrate it with
the need to minimize the up-state capacitance. RF circuit at low
A low up-state capacitance is necessary for low temperatures
insertion loss. Capacitive switches in the
540 GHz range typically have gaps in the
25 mm range.
The switch has two states of operation. In the switches are electrostatically actuated. They use
up state, the RF signal goes through the signal line the same actuation principle as the one originally
almost unaffected by the movable beam. The up proposed when the rst capacitive switch was
state is also called zero biased or on state. In invented and reduced to practice in 1994 [4, 5].
the down state the RF signal does not go through In this original scheme a dc actuation voltage is
the RF line because it is reected (see following applied between the movable beam and the actu-
section). The down state is also called the biased ation pad underneath it (Fig. 1). The beam is
or off state. An actuation mechanism is required attracted due to the generated electrostatic eld
to move the switch beam between these two and collapses on the switch dielectric layer.
states. Several possible actuation schemes exist, Despite the need to generate a high dc voltage
including electrostatic, electrothermal, magneto- (30100 V), which can be readily accomplished
static, and piezoelectric. Table 1 summarizes the using a dc-dc converter, electrostatic switches
main advantages and drawbacks of each actuation exhibit the most desirable electromechanical char-
scheme. The vast majority of reported capacitive acteristics, including the fastest possible response,
428 Capacitive MEMS Switches

Capacitive MEMS
Switches, Fig. 2 Lumped- Z0,a,bl Z0,a,bl Typical Values
element equivalent circuit
of the capacitive switch C X-band K-band
shown in Fig. 1. Typical
values are provided for the L
lumped components of this CUP CDOWN 0.1/6 pF 0.04/3 pF
circuit Rs
L 4 80 pH 6 50 pH

Rs 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3

Switch Impedance

Zs = Rs + jwL + , C= 1/jwC for f << f0
Zs = Rs for f = f0
1 jwL
f0 = for f >> f0
2p LC

zero quiescent power consumption, and the easi- thickness, and er is this layers dielectric constant.
est possible biasing circuits. The resulting high For typical switch geometries, the fringing-eld
elds though may lead to (gas and solid) dielectric capacitance could reach 2550 % of the parallel
charging and their associated reliability issues. plate capacitance. If improved accuracy is needed,
More detailed discussion can be found in the last a full-wave simulation is performed to estimate
section. the switch up-state capacitance. The up-state
capacitance must be sufciently small to mini-
mize the up-state insertion loss. Assuming a
RF Performance well-designed switch where the contributions
from L and Rs can be ignored in the up state, the
Figure 2 shows a simple but physically meaning- switch up-state reection coefcient can be calcu-
ful and accurate lumped-element equivalent cir- lated from
cuit of the switch shown in Fig. 1. It also includes
typical values for all the equivalent circuit com- joCUP Z 0
ponents [1]. The parameters a and b in this gure 2 joCUP Z 0
represent the attenuation constant and propaga-
tion constant of the transmission line respectively. where Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the
The up- and down-state capacitance values are the transmission line (typically 50 O). For example,
most critical ones in this equivalent circuit. The an up-state capacitance of 70 fF results in
up-state capacitance can often be accurately cal- S11 < 10 dB up to approximately 30 GHz.
culated by a typical quasi-static expression The up-state switch ohmic loss is the other critical
up-state characteristic. The total ohmic loss of the
e0 A switch can be calculated as
CUP CPP Cff td Cff
Loss 1  jS11 j2  jS21 j2
where CPP and Cff are the parallel-plate and
fringing-eld capacitances, respectively, A is the This depends on (a) the attenuation a (dB/cm)
RF area of the switch (A Ww in Fig. 1), g0 is the of the transmission line underneath the movable
initial switch height, td is the dielectric layer beam and (b) on the switch series resistance Rs.
Capacitive MEMS Switches 429

typically required in order to achieve an accept-

able isolation (>2050 dB) level at the desired
frequency. One way to achieve this is to decrease
the dielectric layer thickness. However, this
dielectric layer needs to sustain very high elec-
tric elds (50150 V/mm) across its thickness.
Given typical fabrication process limitations that C
prohibit high-temperature growth processes
for the dielectric layer (please see fabrication
section), dielectric layers thinner than
0.10.2 mm become impractical. A second way
to increase the down-state capacitance is to
increase the dielectric constant. For instance,
Capacitive MEMS Switches, Fig. 3 Simulated ohmic
barium-strontium-titanate (BST) or strontium-
loss for a typical shunt capacitive switch. The attenuation titanate-oxide (STO) lms with dielectric
a (dB/cm) depends on the transmission line characteristics constants up to 400 can be employed. Besides
additional fabrication complexities, these lms
have not been thoroughly studied in MEMS
switches and may exhibit unacceptably high
Well-designed capacitive switches can exhibit a
dielectric charging. Most switches typically
total loss of less than 0.1 dB up to 40 GHz.
employ some form of silicon dioxide or silicon
Figure 3 shows numerical values for this loss for
nitride dielectric with dielectric constant in the
typical switch characteristics.
3.97.5 range. For switches with very low induc-
The switch down-state capacitance is more
tances (L < 12 pH), the switch isolation can be
complicated to calculate because the switch
approximately calculated as
beam may not be perfectly at against the dielec-
tric layer. Even in good designs this may not
be possible due to the roughness of the layers S21
involved. A model that is often used to capture 2 joCDN Z 0
the nonideal down-state switch capacitance is [1]
A more accurate calculation reveals that the
0 1 switch inductance and series resistance also deter-
e0 A B 1 er C mine the total down-state isolation. In particular,
CDN @ td td A its inductance cancels the down-state capacitance
2 r
er at the switch resonant frequency

where r is the roughness amplitude. The down- 1

f0 p
state fringing-eld capacitance is not included in 2p LCDN
this equation because it is typically not signi-
cant (<5 % of the parallel-plate capacitance) due This frequency can be adjusted by controlling
to the small dielectric layer thickness. As shown the switch physical geometries. Switch induc-
by the equation above, the experimentally tances in the range of 1100 pH can be readily
achieved down-state capacitance can vary achieved [1]. However, higher switch inductance
greatly depending on the true contact area and typically results in a higher switch series resis-
the dielectric layer characteristics including its tance. Typical switch resistance values range in
roughness. In practice, it is difcult to avoid a the 0.12 O range. The series resistance is the
3050 % degradation of the down-state capaci- primary limiting factor of the switch isolation at
tance compared to the theoretical parallel-plate its resonant frequency. At that frequency the
value. A high down-state capacitance (25 pF) is switch isolation can be calculated as
430 Capacitive MEMS Switches

Capacitive MEMS 0
Fig. 4 Simulated and
measured down-state 5 S11 (meas) S11 (sim)
scattering parameters of a
capacitive MEMS switch
(After Ref. [6] with
permission) 10

S [dB]
S21 (sim), Lp = 2 pH


S21 (sim)
20 S21 (meas)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency [GHz]

S21  at f f 0 I
2RS Z0 Z0
k/2 m, L VC k/2
Figure 4 shows measured and simulated h
results of a typical capacitive switch [6] with
er ,td Fe g0
CDN 1:1 pF, L 87 pH, Rs 1:95 O. This gure
also shows the expected performance when the
inductance is reduced to L 2 pH.

Capacitive MEMS Switches, Fig. 5 One-dimensional

Electromechanical Considerations: electromechanical model of a capacitive RF MEMS switch
Static Behavior
can be calculated based on the specic switch
Figure 5 shows a simple but physically meaning- design. For example, for the xed-xed beam of
ful one-dimensional electromechanical model of Fig. 1 and assuming that W L=3 and that the
the switch geometry of Fig. 1. The beam is electrostatic attractive force is uniformly distrib-
modeled as a spring-mass system with a spring uted along the beam section directly above the
constant k. This spring constant depends on (a) the coplanar waveguide center conductor, the spring
beam geometry, (b) the electrostatic force distri- constant can be calculated as [1]
bution on the beam, and (c) the residual stress of
its structural lm. The residual stress s (MPa) is k k1 k2     
due to the fabrication process and depends on the h3 27 h 3
32Ew L 8s1  vw
exact deposition conditions. Typically a tensile 49 L 5
stress (s(MPa)) is needed in order to avoid buck-
ling. The spring constant can be expressed as where v is the beams Poissons ratio. For usual
beam geometries and fabrication processes with
k k1 k2 residual stress in the order of 1050 MPa, the
second term dominates the spring constant. Typi-
where k1 depends on the rst two factors and k2 cal spring constant values range from 10 to 50 N/m
depends on the residual stress. The exact values in order to provide sufciently high restoring
Capacitive MEMS Switches 431

force and avoid stiction issues. While low spring-

constant designs have been successfully demon-
strated [7], special care needs to be taken in
avoiding stiction and self-actuation due to high
RF power [8]. It is also important to mention that
the above spring constant calculations are based
on small-deection theory. A nonlinear spring C
constant may need to be derived if this condition
is not satised.
The electrostatic force Fe on the switch beam
can be calculated as

@W e 1 2 @Cg 1 e0 AV 2
Fe V 
@g 2 @g 2 g2
Capacitive MEMS Switches, Fig. 6 Simulated
where We is the stored electrostatic energy, g is the gap-voltage relationship for a capacitive MEMS switch with
switch gap between the beam and the actuation the following characteristics: L 300 mm, w 100
mm, W 120 mm, h 1 mm, g0 3 mm, (Youngs mo-
pad, and V is the applied electrostatic voltage. The dulus) = 79 GPa, s 10 MPa. These results have been o
last approximation is based on assuming a btained with the PRISM center online simulation tool in
parallel-plate capacitance approximation and by MEMShub [13]
ignoring the dielectric contribution. The static
switch gap can be calculated by taking into
@V gc 23g0
account the static equilibrium of the forces applied 0 !
on the beam @g

The voltage, therefore, required for actuating

1 e0 AV 2
k g0  g the beam, called the pull-in or pull-down voltage
2 g2
Vp, is given by
The above equation can be solved for the s
applied voltage as 8kg30
V p V gc
27e0 A
2k 2
V g g0  g
e0 A Figure 6 also shows the voltage-gap relation-
ship as obtained by a two-dimensional beam
This equation is plotted in Fig. 6 for typical model [13]. The gap plotted is between the center
switch parameters. As Fig. 6 shows, there are two of the beam and the actuation pad. This curve is
possible gaps for any given actuation voltage. slightly different because the beam is not
This is not observed in practice and is a result of deformed as a perfectly at object as assumed by
the unstable behavior of the beam. In particular, the one-dimensional model. Figure 7 shows the
for small actuation voltages, the electrostatic force actual deformed shape of the movable beam for
is increased proportionally to g12 . However, the voltages up to the pull-down voltage. Actuation
restoring force is only increased proportionally to voltages in the range of 30100 Vare typical in RF
g. Hence, there is a critical gap beyond which the MEMS switches. Notice, however, that once the
restoring force cannot hold the beam and the beam beam is actuated, the voltage required to hold the
collapses on the dielectric surface. This critical gap beam down (hold-down voltage Vh) is much lower
can be found from the previous equation by taking because the gap between the beam and the actua-
its derivative and setting it up to zero tion pad is much lower than g0. It is hard to
432 Capacitive MEMS Switches

Capacitive MEMS Switches, Fig. 7 Simulated shape of Capacitive MEMS Switches, Fig. 8 Simulated
the movable beam of a capacitive MEMS switch for dif- switching time (pull-down) of a capacitive MEMS switch
ferent bias voltages. The characteristics of the switch for different bias voltages. The characteristics of the switch
geometry are the same as in Fig. 6. These results have geometry are the same as in Fig. 6. These results have been
been obtained with the PRISM center online simulation obtained with the PRISM center online simulation tool in
tool in MEMShub [13] MEMShub [13]

analytically calculate the hold-down voltage environment of 1 atm in order to avoid excessive
because it depends on many fabrication- ringing due to an underdamped response. As a
dependent conditions such as the adhesion force result, the switch damping is dominated by
between the beam and the dielectric layer. Typical squeeze-lm damping as the gas under the beam
hold-down voltages are in the range of 515 V [1]. is displaced during the switch motion. Due to the
Consequently, the gap-voltage relationship is small gap g0, it is in general difcult to accurately
strongly hysteretic. It is also worth mentioning calculate the damping coefcient particularly in
that nonideal conditions such as an initial beam the near-contact region. This is further compli-
curvature and nonlinear bending are not included cated by the possible existence of holes in the
in this model. These effects can be captured by beam that aid its fabrication and substantially
more complicated nonlinear beam models such as improve its switching speed. While there are sev-
the ones presented in [9, 10]. eral published approximations that can yield a
reasonable approximation to the damping coef-
cient [1], accurate macro-models based primarily
Electromechanical Considerations: on rareed gas dynamics only recently started
Dynamic Behavior becoming available [11, 12]. An equivalent way
to characterize the switch damping is by its
The dynamic behavior of the capacitive MEMS mechanical quality factor dened as
switch of Fig. 1 can be approximately captured by
a one-dimensional model as described by the fol- k
lowing equation o0 b
mg00 t bgt kgt F where o0 mk is the switch mechanical fre-
quency. Typical switches show mechanical fre-
where m is the switch mass, b is the damping quencies in the 20100 kHz range and quality
coefcient, and f is the externally applied force. factors in the 0.52 range. Figures 8 (switch clo-
RF MEMS switches are typically packaged in an sure) and 9 (switch opening) illustrate dynamic
Capacitive MEMS Switches 433

responses as calculated by two-dimensional beam Vp

ts  3:67
models that accurately capture squeeze-lm V s o0
damping [13]. Notice that the displacement at
the center of the beam is plotted in these graphs. where Vs is the applied voltage. Other limiting
The switching speed can also be estimated cases can be found in [1]. In general, closing
based on the simple one-dimensional model. times in the 550 ms range can be achieved. A sim-
While it is difcult, in general, to derive an exact ilar range is typically possible for the release C
analytical solution, this model can provide reason- times.
able approximations for common cases. For The one-dimensional model can also be used to
example, for Q > 2 , the closing time can be estimate the velocity and acceleration of the
estimated by [1] switch. Switching velocity in the 110 m/s range
can be observed in the near-contact region. Due to
its small mass, the switch acceleration can exceed
106 m/s2 in the same region.

Fabrication Methods
Gap Height (m)

Capacitive switches can be fabricated with con-

ventional micromachining processes and require a
2 small number of masks. Figure 10 illustrates the
masks of a typical fabrication process.

1 p=1 atm Step (a): The rst mask denes the circuit
p=0.5 atm metal of Fig. 1 after this metal layer is depos-
ited on the substrate through evaporation,
sputtering, or electroplating. Gold, aluminum,
0 20 40 60 80 100
and copper are common metal choices.
Time (s)
A smooth metal surface is particularly impor-
Capacitive MEMS Switches, Fig. 9 Simulated tant directly underneath the switch beam in
switching time (release) of a capacitive MEMS switch for order to minimize local electric eld
different pressure levels. The characteristics of the switch
geometry are the same as in Fig. 6. These results have been
obtained with the PRISM center online simulation tool in Step (b): The second mask denes the dielec-
MEMShub [13] tric layer to cover the portion of the metal that

Capacitive MEMS a
Switches, d
Fig. 10 Simplied typical
fabrication process for a
capacitive MEMS switch

434 Capacitive MEMS Switches

will be under the beam. Unless a high melting stiction to the substrate. Stiction may occur if
temperature metal has been deposited (e.g., drying involves removing a liquid with high
tungsten), a relatively low-temperature process surface tension (e.g., water) underneath the
is required for the deposition and patterning of beam. Such a liquid will pull the beam down
the dielectric layer in order to avoid damaging as it evaporates. Special drying processes and
the circuit metal. Plasma-enhanced chemical equipment based on supercritical carbon diox-
vapor deposition (PECVD) is the most com- ide have been successfully developed [14] and
mon process for depositing silicon nitride/ followed by many MEMS researchers.
oxide lms. This is usually followed by a reac-
tive ion etching (RIE) step that helps etching The last step in the fabrication process is pack-
the unwanted dielectric layer parts. aging, which is discussed in the following section.
Step (c): The third mask is used to dene the
sacricial layer of the switch. The sacricial
layer is the layer upon which the beam will be Packaging
deposited, and this material needs to be
removed at the end of the process to release Hermetic packaging is required for capacitive RF
the beam. The beam anchor points are dened MEMS switches to avoid any contamination- or
in this step by selectively etching the sacricial humidity-induced early failure. While conven-
layer. This can be a dry- or a wet-etch step. tional hermetic packages exist, they are not well
More complicated processes may involve an suited for capacitive RF MEMS switches or cir-
additional planarization step before the next cuits. First, if switches need to be inserted in
mask. The choice of the sacricial layer mate- conventional hermetic packages, these switches
rial is critical as it controls many important will have to be diced rst since several thousands
parameters of the switch design, including the of them can be simultaneously fabricated on a
residual stress of the beam. Common material wafer. Dicing released switches is particularly
choices include photoresists, other photocon- dangerous for the switches and may considerably
ductive polymers, and polyimides. There is no reduce the process yield. Second, conventional
sufcient understanding in the open literature hermetic packages are expensive (tens of dol-
of the exact processes that are involved in lars/package) and not well-suited for cost-driven
controlling the beam layer residual stress in consumer applications. Third, they typically
the presence of a sacricial layer. Important exhibit a relatively high insertion loss, which is
parameters though include, among others, the often much higher than the switch itself (e.g., a
atomic structures of each lm and the deposi- DC-40 GHz package could exhibit 0.6 dB at
tion temperatures of each lm. 20 GHz [1]).
Step (d): The fourth mask denes the actual As a result, it is important to follow a cost-
beam layer. A variety of processes can be uti- effective on-wafer hermetic packaging scheme. In
lized including evaporation, sputtering, and this case, a wafer-scale package is rst completed
electroplating of the beam layer(s). This step and then dicing follows. A wide variety of
is also critical in determining the nal residual approaches have been developed so far to accom-
stress of the beam. plish this. These approaches can be divided into
Step (e): The beam is nally released by etch- three main categories:
ing (wet or dry) the sacricial layer and by
drying (if needed) the switch wafer. Etching Two-wafer hermetic packages completed by
of the sacricial layer can also inuence the fusion, glass-frit, thermocompression, eutectic,
beam residual stress particularly if a high- or anodic bonding. These packages are created
temperature process is necessary. If wafer dry- by bonding two wafers together using one of
ing is needed, this needs to be done carefully in the aforementioned approaches. The main
order to avoid damage to the beam or causing advantage of these techniques is that they
Capacitive MEMS Switches 435

result in excellent hermetic bonds. Their main

drawback is that they may require high tem-
peratures (3001,000  C depending on the
technique) with the exception of
low-temperature eutectic bonds
(e.g., indiumgold bonds). In addition, these
techniques tend to be relatively expensive C
since packaging cost usually accounts for
6080 % of the total cost.
Two-wafer quasi-hermetic packages com-
pleted by low-temperature polymer or solder-
bump bonding. This technique is similar to the
previous one, except that sealing is achieved
by low-temperature bonding (room tempera-
ture 150  C). A wide variety of polymers
can be used for this. While low temperatures
can be achieved, packages fabricated with such
bonding typically exhibit very low but nonzero Capacitive MEMS Switches, Fig. 11 The packaged
leak rates [1]. memtronics switch (After Ref. [15] with permission)
Hermetic packages fabricated by on-wafer
microencapsulation using micromachining
techniques [15]. These techniques do not activating them. Several companies including
require a second wafer cap. Instead, every WiSpry and Cavendish Kinetics are pursuing
switch or switching circuit is encapsulated in this particularly due to the large cell phone
a tiny package on its own wafer by a market size.
microfabricated technique. Typical tempera- The most important of the high-frequency cir-
tures in this process are in the 200250  C cuit applications (>10 GHz) are high-isolation
range. These techniques are ideally suited for switching packets, true-time delay networks and
the small size and high RF bandwidth of phase shifters, recongurable impedance tuners
MEMS devices and typically result in for ampliers and antennas, high-quality-factor
low-cost fabrication. Particular attention recongurable lters, and tunable oscillators.
needs to be paid though to ensure compatibility Many of these circuits exploit the near-ideal RF
between the switch and package fabrication performance of capacitive switches. Consequently,
processes. Figure 11 shows a switch packaged optimal performance can be usually achieved by
with this technique. employing a circuit- or sub-system-level package
instead of a device-level package. Examples of
several of these circuits can be found in [1].
Circuits and Applications

Capacitive MEMS switches may be employed in a Failure Mechanisms and Reliability

number of circuits mostly for communication,
radar, and electronic warfare systems [1]. Variable Capacitive MEMS switches suffer from high elec-
capacitors and impedance tuners for cell phones tric dc and/or RF elds through narrow gaps and
and other radios in mobile form factors constitute dielectric layers. These elds can readily reach
the most important applications in the commercial 550 V/mm in the up state and may increase
sector. MEMS variable capacitors (varactors) further during actuation. Such elds may cause
can be formed by connecting in parallel several eld emission and ionize the gas in the switch gap
capacitive MEMS switches and selectively [16]. The long-term effects of eld emission and
436 Capacitive MEMS Switches

gas discharge are not known at this point. In Shock-induced failure. High shocks
addition, when such elds are applied across a (>30,000100,000 g) may result in beam frac-
thin-lm solid dielectric, charges may get trapped ture particularly if contact is achieved. Such
in the dielectric layer leading to dielectric events are rare in most applications.
charging. A number of studies have been com-
pleted (see for example [17, 18]) focusing mostly Failures related to cycling-induced fatigue,
on charges trapped in the bulk of the crack generation, and fracture are not typically
dielectric. However, surface charging of the solid observed under normal operating conditions.
dielectric that is also inuenced by gas ionization However, they may become important at extreme
is potentially more detrimental to the switch per- temperatures particularly for movable beams
formance and is not well understood today. based on thin-lm metals. Despite the aforemen-
Charging phenomena are the leading cause of tioned failure modes, the best switches today have
failure in capacitive switches today. Long-term achieved over 100 billion cycles under typical
drift of actuation voltage, stiction, and breakdown laboratory conditions when driven by 30 kHz
can be observed as a result of these charging bipolar bias waveforms with approximately 35 V
issues. peak amplitude. These devices were hot-switched
Besides solid and gas dielectric charging, at a power level of 20 dBm at 35 GHz [21]. How-
metal creep is another potential failure mecha- ever, these cannot be considered typical results.
nism. Creep may be developed in the movable Early failures are found in several wafer samples.
beam material if a switch is subjected to a constant Additional research is required to increase the
stress. For example, if a switch is left in its down observed reliability and limit early failures that
state for a long time (typically tens to thousands of are commonly due to poor fabrication process
hours), the beam material may creep resulting in a control.
temporary or permanent change of the switch
spring constant. Several recent papers show it is
potentially an area of concern for capacitive Cross-References
MEMS switches [19, 20]. Creep at high tempera-
ture may be even a more signicant area of Basic MEMS Actuators
concern. NEMS Piezoelectric Switches
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Beam buckling due to high temperatures. This

may be caused during release process, normal
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mond RF MEMS capacitive switch. Electron. Lett.
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Hot switching failure. When a capacitive tive switches. In: Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S
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5. Goldsmith, C.L., Yao, Z., Eshelman, S., Denniston, 20. McLean, M., Brown, W.L., Vinci, R.P.: Temperature-
D.: Performance of low-loss RF MEMS capacitive dependent viscoelasticity in thin Au lms and conse-
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B.: Electromechanical considerations in developing
low-voltage RF MEMS switches. IEEE T. Microw.
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8. Peroulis, D., Pacheco, S.P., Katehi, L.P.B.: RF MEMS
Capillarity Induced Folding
switches with enhanced power-handling capabilities.
IEEE T. Microw. Theory 52(1), 5968 (2004) Capillary Origami
9. Snow, M.: Comprehensive modeling of electrostati-
cally actuated MEMS beams including uncertainty
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Lafayette (2010)
10. Younis, M.I., Abdel-Rahman, E.M., Nayfeh, A.: A - Capillary Flow
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12(5), 672680 (2003)
11. Guo, X., Alexeenko, A.: Compact model of squeeze- Micro and Nano-scale Transport Laboratory,
lm damping based on rareed ow simulations. Department of Mechanical Engineering,
J. Micromech. Microeng. 19(4), 045026 (2009) University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
12. Parkos, D., Raghunathan, N., Venkattraman, A.,
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high-g loads. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Interna- Synonyms
tional Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Sys-
tems (MEMS), Cancun, pp. 465468, Jan 2011
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16. Garg, A., Ayyaswamy, V., Kovacs, A., Alexeenko, A., The uid ow in an enclosed conduit due to
Peroulis, D.: Direct measurement of eld emission simultaneous changes in the inherent surface ener-
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17. Peng, Z., Yuan, X., Hwang, J.C.M., Forehand, D.I., Introduction
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bipolar control-voltage waveforms. IEEE T. Microw.
Theory 55(12), 29112918 (2007) energy, which is represented by possible combi-
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Wang, G., Papapolymerou, J.: Temperature study of simplest form of each element is an atom and
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19. Hsu, H.-H., Peroulis, D.: A viscoelastic-aware has a xed number of electrons, which arrange
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Jan 2010 atoms do not have sufcient number of electrons
438 Capillary Flow

in their outer shell and this makes it unstable and both the fabrication process and cost of the device.
further the element tries to become stable by Therefore, attempts are being made to develop a
searching for required electrons. The nding of ow without any external means. The uid ow
sufcient electrons at the outer shell results in the can be achieved by controlling surface chemistry,
formation of a molecule or in bulk cluster of uid properties like surface tension, or by chang-
molecules. The surface or interface formation ing the geometries. Such transport of uid is
with this cluster of molecules creates an imbal- called autonomous ow or autonomous pumping
ance in the arrangement and orientation of the which is an ideal transport mechanism for
molecules in the cluster, mainly across the inter- microuidic applications. The dominance of sur-
face. This imbalance represents the energy of face forces at microscale plays a signicant role in
system. Every system in the universe tries to deciding the pumping approach in microuidic
attain the minimum state of energy and, there- devices. Hence, nowadays surface tensiondriven
fore, in the case of liquid in the air, it has been ow in microuidic devices has widely attracted
observed that the raindrops always attain the the attention of researchers. As explained earlier,
spherical shape. Liquid molecules have capabil- the capillary action is the interplay between the
ity to orient themselves. Hence, they can form the surface energies or surface tension between the
shape of minimum energy but in the case of solid uid and solid surface in contact. Moreover, at
molecules, they try to minimize the state of microscale, due to very high surface to volume
energy by covering up the liquid if it comes in ratio, the possibility of available surface area is
contact. In this case, the solid surfaces are not in very high. One can easily pump the uid with
equilibrium with the saturated vapor, i.e., they capillarity provided the uid has lower surface
are not in a state of minimum energy. The energy than the solid surfaces. For optimum
moment at which conduit or channel with high design and function of any microuidic device
energy level surfaces comes in contact with which works on capillary ow principle, it is
lower energy level liquid interface, the solid sur- essential to predict its behavior in advance and it
face tries to envelope itself with the liquid to is therefore necessary to perform the theoretical
attain the minimum energy. In the case of the analysis of capillary ow within the
higher energy liquid in comparison with the microchannels. The prediction of the temporal
solid surfaces, the liquid interface tries to mini- variations in the ow front position along capil-
mize its surface. The prior case can be illustrated lary length is the ultimate goal of the theoretical
with the water (72 dyn/cm) in glass channel analysis. Therefore, generally the analysis is
(~200300 dyn/cm) and the mercury performed to predict the ow front position, i.e.,
(~700735 dyn/cm) with the same glass channel penetration depth for given working and operating
is an example of the latter case. conditions.
The recent developments in the microfab- Over the last century, the capillary phenome-
rication technologies allowed to fabricate features non has become a topic of interest due to its
of sizes from micro- to nanoscales. The surface to importance in several areas. First time in litera-
volume ratio of the feature increases as the scale ture, Washburn proposed a closed form solution
of the feature decreases which in turn makes sur- for the penetration depth in a channel of millime-
face forces dominant over other forces. Because ter dimension. The closed form solution is derived
of high surface forces, very high pressure is by balancing the surface tension force to viscous
required to pump the uid in microchannels. force and it is observed that the penetration depth
Hence, researchers have developed different is proportional to the square root of the time. As
nonmechanical pumping mechanism with the explained earlier, capillary phenomenon is the
help of electrokinetic and/or megnetohy- change in the surface energy process and to
drodynamic approaches. Generation and actua- encompass the concept of change in the surface
tion of electric and/or magnetic eld are an energy, one can use the thermodynamic approach
additional burden on the system which increases for analysis. The surface energy of solid is the
Capillary Flow 439

o z


Capillary Flow, Fig. 1 Schematic of the microchannel of width 2B, depth 2 W considered for theoretical modeling [6]

topic of ongoing debate. Moreover, there are sev- Main emphasis is given to the integral approach
eral effects like dynamic contact angle, inlet based on modeling due to the ease of its adapt-
effects, reservoir effects, suspension ow, etc., ability. Therefore, in the next section, the over-
which require tedious and cumbersome analysis. view of the modeling of the capillary transport is
Attempts are also being made to present analysis discussed in brief.
with microscopic energy balance approach where
different forces are accounted in terms of different
forms of energy. On the other hand, hydrody- Mathematical Modeling
namic models, based on the conventional uid
mechanics principle, are easy to implement. Figure 1 shows the microchannel of width 2B and
Such models are mainly developed by two distinct depth of 2 W is considered for the theoretical
approaches in the literature, namely, differential modeling. The momentum equation in integral
and integral approach. The moving uid-air inter- form for homogeneous, incompressible, and
face with the differential approach becomes com- Newtonian uid can be written as [3]:
putationally costly, whereas the integral approach
with moving control volume provides a simple X h W B B
form of ordinary differential equation. In such Fz rvz dxdydz
@t 0 W W B
modeling or analysis, the governing equation for
ow front transport is obtained by balancing dif- W B
ferent forces like viscous, inertial, gravity, pres-  vz rvz dxdy (1)
sure forces, etc. The velocity-dependent terms like
inertial and viscous terms of the governing equa- X
tion are determined with the velocity prole where Fz refers to all forces present during
across the channel. In the literature, the steady the development of the uid-air interface, r is the
state assumption is applied from the very entrance uid density. Generally, forces present during the
capillary transport are viscous (Fv), gravity
of the channel neglecting the entrance length  
effect. This assumption has been widely adopted Fg 4rghBW , pressure forces at the ow
till date as done by Washburn where the time and front (Fpf), and at the inlet (Fpi).
length scale used for the validation of the theoret-
ical model was big. Hence, the assumption of a X
Fz Fv Fg Fpf Fpi (2)
steady state velocity prole holds true. Whereas, |{z} |{z}
velocity dependent velovity independent
in the case of microuidic channels the length and
timescale is very small; hence, the Washburn pre-
diction does not follow the observation as dem- The Eq. 1 contains three velocity-dependent
onstrated by Saha and Mitra [1, 2]. The later part terms, namely, transient, convective, and viscous
of this entry is dedicated to emphasize the impor- force which is generally determined as velocity
tance of such microscale effects in the analysis. prole, vz, across the channel. The fully developed
440 Capillary Flow

ow assumption, i.e., Poiseuille ow assumption, Capillary Flow, Table 1 Constants of the generalized
is widely used in the literature neglecting the nondimensional governing equation for a capillary flow
in a microchannel with fully developed velocity profile [3]
transience in the velocity prole [4, 5]. The con-
sequence of such assumptions particularly at Constants Expressions
C1 p
microscales will be discussed in detail in the g

later part. C2 0.958

The steady state velocity prole can be used to C3 1
determine the velocity-dependent terms of the C4 0:295 g
C5 Bo
momentum equation. Moreover, remaining pres- 144Oh2
sure force terms are calculated with available C6 gcos ye
expressions (from the literature) for pressure
elds at respective locations. The pressure force
at the uid-air interface can be determined by nondimensional analysis with characteristic time,
well-known Young-Laplace equation with uid
t0 r12m
and characteristic length h0 2B.
surface tension (s) and equilibrium contact angle
(ye). The approximated pressure eld expression   2
d 2 h dh dh
at the entrance of the microchannel is used widely h C1 2
C 2 
C3 C4 h 
dt dt dt
to determine the pressure force at the entrance of
C5 h C6 0
the microchannel. Levin et al. [7], for the rst time
in the literature, claimed that atmospheric pressure (4)
cannot be used as entrance pressure at the inlet of The coefcients of Eq. 4 are tabulated in Table 1.
the microchannel. The pressure eld expression Two nondimensional numbers are obtained, i.e.,
for circular capillary is derived by assuming a Bond number (Bo) and Ohnesorge number (Oh).
separate hemispherical control volume as uid The constants of this equation are functions of
source other than the control volume considered different nondimensional groups like Ohnesorge
within the microchannel. Further several number (Oh), Bond number (Bo), and aspect ratio
researchers have used same expression for rectan- (g). The Ohnesorge number represents the ratio of
gular microchannels with an assumption of equiv-
viscous to surface tension force, i.e., Oh p
alent radius. In such analysis, with an equivalent 2Brs

radius assumption, the hemispherical control vol- the Bond number dictates the ratio of gravity to
ume of equivalent radius of projected area of rg2B2
surface tension force, i.e., BO s .
rectangular microchannel entrance is presented
in Eq. 3. The solution of Eq. 4 predicts the penetration
depth with capillary ow. The numerical [8] and
(  2 )
p d2 h dh 1:772m dh analytical [3] solutions of Eq. 4 are available in
po,t patm  1:11r BW 2 1:58r p
dt dt BW dt the literature.

The importance of an appropriate entrance pres- Revisiting the Assumptions

sure eld expression for rectangular microchannel for Microscale Applications
is also discussed in detail in later part of the study.
Finally, determining all terms of Eq. 1 and As mentioned earlier, the velocity-dependent
rearranging as per order of differential operator, terms of momentum equation are determined
one can obtain the dimension form of the ordinary with an assumption of a steady state. It is assumed
differential equation which governs the capillary that at the very entrance of the microchannel the
transport in the microchannels. Further, ow is fully developed. However, in reality, three
nondimensional governing equation as shown in different ow regimes can be observed in the
Eq. 4 can be obtained by performing capillary ow: entry regime, Poiseuille regime,
Capillary Flow 441

where the ow is fully developed, and the regime the transient velocity prole vz(x, t) can be
behind the uid-air interface, i.e., surface tension obtained by:
regime. The steady state assumption, i.e., para-
( !
bolic velocity prole assumption, is valid for X
1 2 n
steady state ow, whereas capillary ow is inher- vz x, t 1 cos ln xexp
Bm l3n
ently a transient phenomenon. The parabolic
velocity prole assumption is a reasonably good   1  2  dp C
 vl2n t B  x2
assumption for macroscale capillaries as shown 2m dz
by several researches [5, 7, 9]. Moreover, such (9)
assumptions are only valid in the case of a very
high viscous uid or very low Reynolds number Further, the average velocity across the channel
ow which may not be true in every case can be represented as:
[10]. Hence, it is important to consider and ana- " !#
lyze such transience in the analysis at microscale. B2 X1
96 2n  12 p2 vt dp
vz tavg 1 4 2
This can be tackled by considering the transient or 3m n1 2n  1 p 4B2 dz

developing velocity prole instead of the steady (10)

state velocity prole as explained in the following
section. Finally, the velocity prole in terms of the pene-
The transient momentum equation in the direc- tration with transient velocity is:
tion of the ow for pressure-driven ow is: ( " #
B2 X 1
vz x, t a1 1n  cos ln xexp vl2n t
@vz @ 2 vz dp 2m Bl n 3
m 2
r (5)
@t @x dz 8 9
> >
> >
x 2 <1 = dh
The velocity in Eq. 5 is a combination of steady 1 2  " #
and transient part of velocity as depicted in Eq. 6 B >
> X
1   >
> dt
> b1 exp l2n vt >>
:a1 1  ;
[11]: n1

vz x, t vz1 x vzt x, t (6)
where vz1 x is the fully developed or steady state

velocity, i.e., 4 f2 t
f  4exp 

 x 2 a1

B2 dp f2 t
vz1 x 1 (7) 4
f  6exp 
2m dz B 3

The transient part of the velocity can be obtained and f ln B.

by separation of the variable method which can be A similar approach can be followed as
given as [6]: explained in the previous section and further the
governing equation for capillary transport can be
" #
n 1 dp derived with the transient velocity prole pro-
vz t x, t 2 1 cos ln xexp vided in Eq. 11. Moreover, the difference in the
Bml3n dz

 penetration depth with both approaches, i.e., with
 vl2n t the steady state and transient velocity prole,
(8) under different operating conditions can be com-
pared. Figure 2 shows the difference in the pene-
where v is the kinematic viscosity of the uid and tration depth in such cases where the difference in
ln 2n1
. By combining Eqs. 5 and 7 the penetration depth is more at the beginning of
442 Capillary Flow

Bo = 0.0076; Oh = 0.0075
16 Bo = 0.0076; Oh = 0.05
Bo = 0.01; Oh = 0.0075
% difference in penetration depths

12 18
10 14
8 10
6 6
4 2
0 10 20 30 40 50

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Capillary Flow, Fig. 2 Transient response in the difference in the penetration depths with the fully developed (steady
state) and developing (unsteady) velocity prole under different conditions [6]

the lling process, as shown in the inset of Fig. 2. the pressure eld expression with an equivalent
This difference in the penetration depth decreases radius assumption. Levin et al. [6] developed an
as the ow progresses along the microchannel entrance pressure eld expression for circular cap-
where the ow becomes a fully developed ow. illary, assuming a hemispherical control volume
This can also be explained with the help of bound- as a separate control volume at the entrance which
ary layer theory which is the effect of uid vis- is responsible for a sink ow at the entrance of
cosity. The boundary layer thickness increases as capillary and the pressure eld. Moreover, a sim-
the viscosity of uid increases because of the ilar expression for rectangular capillaries is
retardation of ow due to increase in the viscosity, extended with an equivalent radius assumption.
whereas in the case of the uid density, the effect In such cases, the radius of circular capillary is
is opposite to viscosity. Therefore, the difference replaced by the equivalent radius of projected area
in penetration depth with the high density uid at the entrance of the channel. This is not a realis-
(Bo = 0.01) is higher than the difference with the tic representation for noncircular capillaries par-
high viscous uid. It is evident from the analysis ticularly for high aspect ratio microchannels
that the transience effect in the analysis has a where it is not appropriate to consider the hemi-
signicant impact on the lling process predic- spherical control volume for the sink ow or
tion, particularly at the beginning of the lling pressure eld at the microchannel entrance. In
process. At microscale, such difference needs to the case of such geometries, the control volume
be accounted prior to the design. needs to be considered as a combination of
As discussed earlier, the pressure force at the semicylinder and hemisphere as shown in Fig. 3.
entrance of the microchannel is determined with The detailed derivation of the pressure eld
the help of the pressure eld at the microchannel expression with this control volume can be seen
entrance. Several researchers [38] have adopted in [6] which is:
Capillary Flow 443

l inlet plane
2B Microchanne



Capillary Flow, Fig. 3 The uid volume from innite microchannel. The arrow shows the direction of the uid
reservoir considered as control volume for pressure eld ow from the reservoir into the microchannel [6]
expression analysis in the case of rectangular

4g 31  g 1 2 6 2 R1 d 2 h
p0, t patm  rB p 2 1  ln
24 2p p 10 p B dt2


1 1  g 6 4g 31  g 2  g 1  g dh 4m 1  g dh
r       2  g
p2 5 6 2p p2 dt B p dt

where R1 represents the radial distance far away therefore, the assistance to the capillary ow is
from the control volume in the reservoir, where attempted in such cases. Passive or
the sink action, i.e., entrance pressure force, dis- nonmechanical pumping approaches combined
appears. One can re-derive the governing Eq. 4, with the capillary ow serve this enhancement.
using pressure eld expression presented in the The scaling analysis suggests that the gravity
Eq. 12, and determine the effect of such a pressure force is less dominant at microscale [12], but
eld on the analysis. Figure 4 shows the compar- several researchers have demonstrated that grav-
ison of variations in the penetration depth with ity can be used as an assistance to the capillary
recently proposed pressure and with equivalent ow [1315]. Generally, the capillary ow analy-
radius eld expressions. The approximated pres- sis is performed with an assumption of innite
sure eld overpredicts the penetration depth. The reservoir. Hence, the reservoir effect and the grav-
difference in the penetration depth with the pro- itational force from the reservoir are generally
posed pressure eld is signicant, which shows neglected in the analysis. To accommodate the
that it is important to consider the proposed pres- entrance effect of nite size reservoir at the inlet
sure eld for a rectangular microchannel rather of the microchannel in the theoretical modeling,
than an approximated pressure eld. The trans- the entrance pressure eld is developed for the
port with a capillary action is the balance among arrangements shown in Fig. 5. The rectangular
surface, viscous, and other body forces which microchannel with rectangular reservoir on the
retard the ow as it progresses. Hence, the capil- top of the microchannel is considered and the
lary ow always attains a steady state which is pressure eld with the gravity and reservoir effect
generally termed as an equilibrium penetration is developed in the ow [16]. Moreover, this pres-
depth in the literature. If the length of the channel sure eld is used to obtain the governing equation
is longer than that of the equilibrium penetration for capillary ow under the inuence of gravity
depth, then ow front cannot reach the outlet and, head from the reservoir.
444 Capillary Flow

Bo = 0.0076; Oh = 0.0075 2B
2 2W 2

Penetration depth(h*)

z H
y x

2 h

Pressure field with equivalent radius Capillary
Proposed pressure filed flow front
0 10 20 30 40 50 2W1
Time(t*) 2B

Capillary Flow, Fig. 4 The comparison of variations in

the penetration depth with equivalent radius and recently
proposed pressure eld expressions. Figure 4 shows the
comparison of penetration depth for g 0:9 with the Capillary Flow, Fig. 5 Schematic of a gravity-assisted
corresponding difference in the penetration depth [6] capillary ow in a vertically oriented capillary of width 2B1
and depth 2 W1. The additional gravitational head from the
uid in a nite reservoir of size (2B2  2 W2) is assisting
the capillary ow [16]
The reservoir with three different levels of uid
in the reservoirs (H*), namely, 10, 50, and 100, is
considered for the analysis. Figure 6 shows the within the microchannel. This results in transcen-
variations in the penetration depth (h*) with dif- dence among the penetration depths with a differ-
ferent operating conditions. This analysis repre- ent gravity head. The penetration depth with the
sents the interplay between the surface tension highest gravity head (H* = 100) surpasses the
force and gravity head from the reservoir. The penetration depth with gravity head H* = 50
capillary ow takes place in the channel which and H = 10* in inset I and II two, respectively.
remains same for all three cases, whereas the level This can be attributed to as an interplay between
of the uid from the reservoir increases from case the surface tension force, i.e., the capillarity and
I to case III. Thus, for three cases, the capillary gravitational force from reservoir. In the case of
effect is the same but the gravity head is different. microuidic applications, the sizes of reservoir
At the beginning of the transport, the uid from and microchannel are comparable to each other.
the reservoir offers less inertia to the uid trans- Hence one cannot neglect the effect of the reser-
port and the capillary force dominates over the voir in such cases, particularly if it is surface
gravity from the reservoir. Therefore, at the begin- tensiondriven pumping. Further, one can assist
ning of the transport, the penetration depth with a the capillary ow with an appropriate arrange-
lower reservoir uid level (H* = 10.0) is higher ment of reservoir.
than the other two penetration depths as shown in There are always certain limitations to the
the inset I. Similarly, the penetration depth with autonomous pumping which make them inade-
the highest reservoir uid level (H* = 100.0) quate in long microchannels. Hence, it is impor-
has the lowest penetration depth as compared to tant to enhance the pumping ability by other
others. means. Further enhancement in the capillary
Moreover, as the uid progresses in the ow can be achieved by coupling the capillary
microchannel, the momentum from the reservoir ow with the electroosmotic ow which is one of
uid assists the capillary ow and the gravita- the electrokinetic pumping mechanisms. In most
tional force, due to which the uid from the res- of the cases, the inner wall of a microchannel
ervoir becomes dominant over the capillary force always has surface charges due to different
Capillary Flow 445

H* = 10.0 74
B1/W1 = 0.05; B2/W2 = 0.2;

H* = 50.0
H* = 100.0 72

90 Bo = 0.0055
Oh = 0.0084; C
Flow front penetration (h*)


60 66
12 13 14 15 16


36 56

2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 14 28 42 56 70

Capillary Flow, Fig. 6 Transient response of a ow front (II) Flow front penetration rate for H* = 100 surpasses
transport for different gravitational heads in the reservoir the penetration rate for H* = 10. (III) Flow front penetra-
with Bo = 0.0055, Oh = 0.0084, B1/W1 = 0.05 tion rate for H = 50 surpasses the penetration rate for
B2/W2 = 0.2. (I) Flow front penetration rate for H* = 10 [16]
H* = 100 surpasses the penetration rate for H* = 50.

mechanisms like ionization, dissociation of ions, number is proposed, i.e., Eo which represents the
isomorphic substitution, etc., [17]. These surface ratio between the surface tension force and electro-
charges distribute ions of the electrolytes in a osmotic force. The direction of the electroosmotic
specic pattern when brought into contact with ow can be reversed by changing the electric eld
an electrolyte which is generally termed as the direction. Hence, negative and positive Eo numbers
formation of electrical double layer (EDL). After are observed in the analysis. The negative Eo num-
applying the electric eld across the channel, the bers represent the change in the direction of the
movement of the ions takes place, which results in electric eld as compared to positive Eo numbers.
the movement of the uid due to an electric eld The pure capillary ow can be seen as Eo = 0.
[18]. The electrolyte solution is transported with The variation in the penetration depth under
the capillary action; one can further assist the cap- three different operating conditions is shown in
illary ow. An additional body force due to Fig. 7. As observed in the pure capillary case
electroosmotism is added to Eq. 2, which accom- (Eo = 0), the penetration depth attains the equi-
modates the additional effect of electroosmosis. librium penetration depth, whereas in the case
Further one can analyze the interplay between the of  Eo numbers, the equilibrium penetration
capillarity and electroosmotisms as presented in the depth increases with increment in the magnitude
recent studies [19]. Figure 7 shows the variation of  Eo numbers. This represents that in the case
in the penetration depth of the capillary ow of electroosmotic ow with  Eo number, the
under the inuence of electroosmotism. Through capillary ow is assisted by electroosmotism. In
a nondimensional analysis, a new nondimensional this analysis, the nondimensional length of the
446 Capillary Flow

Oh = 0.0070 E0 = 0.001
E0 = 0.005
Bo = 0.0075
E0 = 0.01
250 = 0.006

* = 0.07

200 L* = 300
Penetration depth (h*)

E0 = 0.001 E0 = 0.0
B = 4.0
E0 = 0.005
E0 = 0.01 E0 = 0.5
150 E0 = 0.1

Flow front penetration (h )

200 E0 = 0.05



50 50

0 50 100 150 200 250
0 200 400 600 800 1000

Capillary Flow, Fig. 7 Variation in the penetration depth shows the variation in the electric eld within the electro-
for vertically oriented channel with water as electrolyte, lyte as the ow front progresses under different applied
where B = 100 mm, W = 400 mm, L = 75 mm, voltages [19]
z = 75 mV and constant contact angle is 27 . The inset

microchannel (L*) is considered as 300 and with capillary transport can be utilized without any
Eo = 0.01 the entire lling of the additional burden in the design of the LOC device.
microchannel is observed. In the case of positive The electroosmotically assisted capillary ow
Eo numbers, it is observed that the model suggests that in a combined ow the elec-
electroosmotism acts in a opposite direction of trokinetic parameters have an important inuence
the capillary ow. Hence, it retards the ow and on the capillary ow. Such electrokinetic ow
this can be observed by the decrement in the approaches can be coupled to enhance the capil-
equilibrium penetration depth with the increment lary ow transport in the microchannel.
in the positive Eo numbers. The wetting properties of the uid decide the
For the enhancement in the capillary ow, a capability of pumping with a capillary ow.
transport with additional gravity head and electro- Therefore, it is important to know the precise
osmotic forces are considered. A generalized the- magnitude of wetting properties like contact
oretical modeling for a gravity-assisted capillary angle and surface tension of the working uid.
ow with reservoir effects and electroosmotically The microuidics has become a promising option
assisted capillary ow is reported in brief. It is for biomedical application and inclusion of bio-
observed that even though the scaling among molecules is an unavoidable part in such applica-
forces suggests that the gravitation force is negli- tions. In most cases, the biomolecules are attached
gible at microscale, the reported analysis infers with the microbeads and transported to the desired
that with a nite reservoir, an added advantage locations. It is evident from the experimental anal-
due to gravity can be a useful tool to transport the ysis that the inclusion of microbeads changes the
uid at microscale. This added force for the wetting behavior drastically [20]. Therefore, it is
Capillary Flow 447

necessary to consider the effect of microbeads in 3. Xiao, Y., Yang, F., Pitchumani, R.: A generalized ow
the uid for the analysis. This can be done by analysis of capillary ows in channels. J. Colloid Inter-
face Sci. 298, 880888 (2006)
considering the following expressions for surface 4. Washburn, E.: The dynamics of capillary ow. Phys.
tension and contact angle: density and viscosity Rev. 17, 273 (1921)
which are functions of volume fraction of 5. Chakraborty, S.: Electroosmotically driven capillary
microbeads. Such correlations of the surface ten- transport of typical non-Newtonian biouid in rectan-
sion and contact angle are provided in [20]. Such
gular microchannels. Anal. Chim. Acta 605, 175184
expressions for the variation in the contact angle 6. Waghmare, P.R., Mitra, S.K.: A comprehensive theo-
and surface tension with the volume fraction can retical model of capillary transport in rectangular
be readily used in modeling transport processes of microchannels. Microuid. Nanouid. (2011).
microbead suspensions in micro-capillaries, used 7. Levin, S., Reed, P., Watson, J.: A theory of the rate of
in the microuidic devices. rise a liquid in a capillary. In: Kerker, M. (ed.) Colloid
In passive pumping, particularly with the cap- and Interface Science, p. 403. Academic, New York
illary ow, different aspects due to microscale (1976)
8. Marwadi, A., Xiao, Y., Pitchumani, R.: Theoretical
effects like aspect ratiodependent velocity pro- analysis of capillary-driven nanoparticulate slurry
le, contact angle at four walls, uid-air interface ow during a micromold lling process. Int.
dynamics in the case of suspension ow, etc., need J. Multiph. Flow 34, 227 (2008)
to be investigated in detail. Theoretically the con- 9. Dreyer, M., Delgado, A., Rath, H.: Fluid motion in
capillary vanes under reduced gravity. Microgravity
cept of electroosmotically assisted capillary ow Sci. Technol. 4, 203 (1993)
has been presented but the experimental demon- 10. Bhattacharya, S., Gurung, D.: Derivation of governing
stration of such phenomena is also an interesting equation describing time-dependent penetration
area of research. Moreover, wetting of biomole- length in channel ows driven by non-mechanical
forces. Anal. Chim. Acta 666, 5154 (2010)
cule suspensions under transient effects instead of 11. Keh, H., Tseng, H.: Transient electrokinetic ow in
the steady state is also needed to be studied. The ne capillaries. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 242,
experimental study of the ow behind the front 450 (2001)
and at the entrance of the microchannels is also an 12. Nguyen, N., Werely, S.: Fundamentals and Applica-
tions of Microuidics. Artech House, New York
interesting study to perform. (2003)
13. Yamada, H., Yoshida, Y., Terada, N., Hagihara, T.,
Teasawa, A.: Fabrication of gravity-driven microuidic
device. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 124301 (2008)
Cross-References 14. Jong, W.R., Kuo, T.H., Ho, S.W., Chiu, H.H., Peng, S.
H.: Flows in rectangular microchannels driven by
AC Electroosmosis: Basics and Lab-on-a-Chip capillary force and gravity. Int. Commun. Heat Mass
Transf. 34, 186196 (2007)
15. Kung, C., Chui, C., Chen, C., Chang, C., Chu, C.:
Electrowetting Blood ow driven by surface tension in a
Micro/Nano Flow Characterization Techniques microchannel. Microuid. Nanouid. 6, 693 (2009)
Micropumps 16. Waghmare, P.R., Mitra, S.K.: Finite reservoir effect on
capillary ow of microbead suspension in rectangular
Surface Tension Effects of Nanostructures
microchannels. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 351(2),
Wetting Transitions 561569 (2010)
17. Hunter, R.: Zeat Potential in Colloid Science, Principle
and Applications, Principle and Applications. Aca-
References demic, London (1981)
18. Israelachvili, J.N.: Intermolecular and Surface Forces.
1. Saha, A., Mitra, S.K.: Numerical study of capillary Academic, London (1998)
ow in microchannels with alternate hydrophilic- 19. Waghmare, P.R., Mitra, S.K.: Modeling of combined
hydrophobic bottom wall. J. Fluid Eng. Trans. electroosmotic and capillary ow in microchannels.
ASME 131, 061202 (2009) Anal. Chim. Acta 663, 117126 (2010)
2. Saha, A., Mitra, S.: Effect of dynamic contact angle in a 20. Waghmare, P.R., Mitra, S.K.: Contact angle hysteresis
volume of uid (VOF) model for a microuidic capil- of microbead suspensions. Langmuir 26,
lary ow. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 339, 461480 (2009) 1708217089 (2010)
448 Capillary Origami

3D structure by using capillary forces created by a

Capillary Origami water droplet [1]. As early as 1993, Syms and
Yeatman demonstrated that 3D structures could
Supone Manakasettharn1, J. Ashley Taylor2 and be fabricated by folding surfaces using capillary
Tom N. Krupenkin2 forces produced by molten solder [2]. Later Rich-
National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC), ard R. A. Syms introduced the term surface
National Science and Technology Development tension-powered self-assembly to describe the
Agency (NSTDA), Pathum Thani, Thailand technique [3, 4]. Both of these techniques are
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The quite similar in that 3D structures can be produced
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, by folding elastic thin lms. Both use capillary
USA forces for self-assembly. In the rst example, var-
ious liquids such as water are used, while for the
second study, molten metals such as solder were
Synonyms used, which then solidied xing the 3D
Capillarity induced folding; Elasto-capillary fold-
ing; Surface tensionpowered self-assembly

Definition At the macroscale level, the inuence of capillary

forces is negligible compared to other forces such
Capillary origami is the folding of an elastic pla- as gravity, electrostatic, or magnetic. Because cap-
nar structure into a three-dimensional (3D) illary forces scale linearly with the characteristic
structure by capillary action between a liquid size of the system, at submillimeter dimensions,
droplet/bubble and a structure surface. capillary forces begin to dominate since the
majority of other forces decrease much more rap-
idly than the rst power of the length. For exam-
Why Capillary Origami? ple, a human cannot walk on water because
capillary forces produced at the water surface are
The fabrication of 3D structures is one of the much smaller than the gravitational force acting
major challenges for micro- and nano-fabrication. on a human, which scales as the cube of the
Folding of an elastic planar structure after pattern- length. On the other hand, the much smaller
ing and release is one technique to fabricate a 3D water strider can easily walk on water because
structure using self-assembly. The term origami is capillary forces are large enough to balance the
taken from the Japanese art of paper folding; gravitational force produced by the water strider.
while the actuation of the folding is accomplished For capillary origami, capillary forces need to be
by using capillary forces of a uid droplet, hence, large enough to counteract the weight of the liquid
the technique has been termed capillary origami. droplet and the structural forces of the planar layer.
The combination of the folding process with cap- In terms of energy, for capillary origami, one
illary forces has resulted in a new technique for needs to consider the interplay of three different
micro- and nano-fabrication. energies: capillary energy, bending energy, and
gravitational potential energy. For a
two-dimensional (2D) model, the capillary energy
History per unit length of the interface (2D analog of the
surface energy) is dened as Ec L0 g, where L0 is
The term capillary origami was rst introduced in the length of the interfacial surface of the uid and
2007 by Charlotte Py et al. to describe the folding g is the surface tension [5]. The bending energy
of a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) sheet into a per unit length is approximately Eb 2R LB
2 , where
Capillary Origami 449

L is the length of the structure and R is the radius 1,000

of curvature [6]. B 12Eh
1v2 is the bending rigid-
ity of the structure, where E is Youngs modulus,
h is thickness of the layer, and v is Poissons ratio. 100 No folding
If one only considers the mass of the uid, assum-

ing that it is much larger than the mass of the
structure, then the gravitational potential energy
per unit length is Eg rSgz , where r is the
density, S is the surface area, g is the constant of
No folding
gravity, and z is the height of the center of mass.
By neglecting the effect of gravity and assuming 1
0.01 0.1 1 10
complete circular folding, [7] derived simplied Lec/Lc
criteria for folding considering the interplay
between capillary and bending energies, which Capillary Origami, Fig. 1 Folding criteria plotted from
are expressed as Eq. 1 assuming complete circular folding and neglecting
the effect of gravity

p Lcrit p Lc
2p < < 2 2p (1) nanostructures by water nanodroplets [11].
Lec Lec
Figure 3 summarizes the folding by presenting a
phase-like diagram by plotting droplet radius (Rd)
where Lcrit is the critical
qlength of a structure for
versus the ribbon width (w). From the graph, four
folding to occur, Lcq rg g
is the capillary length
different areas or phases can be identied
[5], and Lec Bg is the elasto-capillary
corresponding to four different bending modes:
length [8].
nonfolding, sliding, zipping, and rolling. Figure 3
The simplied criteria for folding derived from
(left) shows the nonfolding phase where the
Eq. 1 can be plotted as shown in Fig. 1. To fold a
nanoribbon end does not fold around the
structure requires LLecc < 2 or Lc > L2ec or
p nanodroplet. The nonfolding phase is adjacent to
g> 2 indicating that the capillary length the sliding phase where the nanoribbon end folds
must be larger than half of the elasto-capillary around the nanodroplet and then slides on the
length so that the capillary effect can overcome nanoribbon surface. The right top of the gure
bending rigidity of the structure. p The other shows the zipping phase where the width of
requirement for folding is LLcrit ec
> 2p 4:44 or ribbon is several times greater than the droplet
Lcrit > 4:44Lec conrming that the length of the radius allowing the ribbon to fold around the
structure should also be long enough for a liquid droplet in the orthogonal direction. In the rolling
droplet to wet the surface to produce sufcient phase ( w 12 Rd ), the ribbon folds around the
capillary forces to fold the structure. For the 3D droplet and then continues wrapping in a scroll-
structures, the folding criteria become more com- like manner.
plex. In particular in 3D, the critical length also
depends on the shape of the initial template such
that Lcrit 7Lec for squares and Lcrit 12Lec for Applications
triangles [9]. Figure 2 shows examples of capil-
lary origami structures of a pyramid, a cube, and a Capillary origami has been used to fabricate a
quasi-sphere obtained from folding triangle-, number of 3D microstructures. Figure 4 illustrates
cross-, and ower-shaped PDMS sheets, the self-assembly of structures with various geom-
respectively [10]. etries. The initial planar templates are shown in
The concept of capillary origami has also been Fig. 4a, and the folded nal 3D microstructures
modeled at the nanoscale. Molecular dynamics are shown in Fig. 4bd. The initial planar tem-
simulations show the folding of planar graphene plates with lengths ranging from 50 to 100 mm and
450 Capillary Origami

Capillary Origami, Fig. 2 Capillary origami 3D struc- respectively, actuated with a water droplet (Reprinted with
tures of a pyramid, a cube, and a quasi-sphere obtained by permission from Ref. [10]. Copyright 2007, American
folding triangle-, cross-, and ower-shaped PDMS sheets, Institute of Physics)

Capillary Origami,
Fig. 3 The phase diagram
of a nanodroplet and
graphene nanoribbon
showing four different
folding dynamics
(Reprinted with permission
from Ref. [11])
Capillary Origami 451

Capillary Origami, Fig. 4 (a) Schematics of initial templates. (b)(d) SEM images of 3D microstructures after folding
(scale bar: 50 mm) (Reprinted with permission from Ref. [12]. Copyright 2010, American Institute of Physics)

Cr/Au +
n+ p
Etch Fold into
undercuts a sphere

l wa
Ag wire

Capillary Origami, Fig. 5 Three schematics from left to spherical-shaped silicon solar cell (Images reprinted from
right showing steps to fabricate a spherical-shaped silicon Ref. [13] with permission)
solar cell. The image at the far right shows the nal

a thickness of 1 mm were fabricated from silicon micromachining processing, the initial ower-
nitride thin lms deposited and patterned by using shaped silicon template was folded into a sphere
standard micromachining processing typically using a water droplet. Unlike conventional at
used for integrated circuit and MEMS fabrication. solar cells, this spherical solar cell enhanced
Water droplets then were deposited on the tem- light trapping and served as a passive tracking
plates to fold 3D microstructures [12]. Figure 5 optical device, absorbing light from a wide range
shows another example of microfabrication of a of incident angles [13].
quasi-spherical silicon solar cell based on capil- Besides using liquid droplets, capillary ori-
lary origami. After fabrication by conventional gami structures can be constructed by using soap
452 Capillary Origami

Capillary Origami, Fig. 6 Capillary origami 3D structures formed from triangle- and ower-shaped templates using
soap bubbles (scale bar: 2 cm) (Images reprinted from Ref. [14] with permission)

Capillary Origami, Fig. 7 The folding of an articial ower when submerged in water (Reprinted with permission from
Ref. [15]. Copyright 2009, American Institute of Physics)

bubbles as shown in Fig. 6. The weight of a soap The inside of the folded ower remains dry
bubble is much less than that of a liquid droplet protected by the air bubble [15].
especially for large droplets capable of covering Structures formed by capillary origami also
centimeter-size structures when gravitational can be actuated by using electrostatic elds to
forces become signicant. A soap bubble was reversibly fold and unfold then. For this applica-
shown to fold a centimeter-size elastic structure, tion, we need to take into account the interplay of
which cannot be accomplished using a liquid capillary, elastic, and electrostatic forces. As
droplet [14]. shown in Fig. 8, an electric eld was applied
Petals of a ower also can be folded into a between the droplet and the substrate. When the
structure similar to capillary origami when sub- voltage was increased, the electrostatic force
merged in water as shown in Fig. 7. The folding increased eventually overcoming capillary forces
of the ower in water is accomplished by resulting in unfolding of the PDMS sheet. When
the interplay of elastic, capillary, and hydro- the voltage was decreased below a certain thresh-
static forces. During submersion, hydrostatic old, the electrostatic force was no longer strong
pressure pushes against the back of petals, and enough to prevent capillary forces from again
surface tension prevents water from penetrating folding the elastic sheet [16].
through the spacing between petals resulting For ower-shaped polycrystalline silicon
in trapping an air bubble inside a ower. microstructures (called microowers), the degree
Capillary Origami 453



Ui Elastic sheet
+ +
+ C
++ + E Isolating layer
+ +
Counter electrode

0V 700 V 200 V

Capillary Origami, Fig. 8 Capillary origami controlled 700 Vand decreasing voltage from 700 V to 200 V (Images
by an electric eld. The schematic of the experimental from Ref. [16] reproduced by permission of The Royal
setup is shown at the far left, and three images to the Society of Chemistry)
right show the results of increasing voltage from 0 V to

of folding was dynamically controlled by two leaving part of the petal surface free to reect
different methods as shown in Fig. 9 [17]. The incident light. The direction of the incoming
change in the bending angle was achieved by light can then be dynamically controlled by the
changing the volume of a liquid droplet by using bending of the petal demonstrating an example of
an automated syringe pump. The petals reversibly an optouidic device.
bent and relaxed as the liquid was added and Capillary origami is a simple and inexpensive
withdrawn. The electrowetting process (Fig. 9c) method to fabricate 3D structures at the submilli-
was also used to control bending. Capillary forces meter scale. By using capillary forces, intricate
exerted by the liquid droplet on the petals can be and delicate 3D thin-lm structures can easily be
changed by changing its contact angle by apply- fabricated, which would be difcult to obtain by
ing a voltage to the conducting liquid droplet other methods. More applications exploiting the
placed on the petals. A thin dielectric layer of advantages of capillary origami itself or in com-
SiO2 was thermally grown on the conductive Si bination with electric elds can readily be
petals to fabricate the electrowetting device. Both envisioned. Ultimately one expects to see more
methods were used to reversibly actuate the petals commercial products based on this versatile
without completely wrapping around the droplet, technique.
454 Capillary Origami

a b


c Needle


1 mm

Capillary Origami, Fig. 9 (a) A microower with a petal of the microower. (d) Electrowetting actuation of a
captured microdroplet. (b) Dependence of petal angle on microower. The image shows petal position without
liquid volume (only half of a frame is shown to facilitate applied voltage, and the red dash lines indicate petal posi-
comparison). As the amount of liquid captured by a tions with the voltage applied (Reprinted with permission
microower decreases, the petal angle also decreases. (c) from Ref. [17]. Copyright 2011, American Institute of
Schematics of a process showing a droplet on the dielectric Physics)
layer surrounding the conductive polycrystalline silicon

Cross-References self-assembly of microstructures the state-of-the-

art. J. Microelectromech. Syst. 12, 387417 (2003)
5. Berthier, J.: Microdrops and Digital Microuids. Wil-
Electrowetting liam Andrew Pub, New York (2008)
Self-Assembly for Heterogeneous Integration 6. Timoshenko, S., Woinowsky-Krieger, S.: Theory of
of Microsystems Plates and Shells, 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill, New York
Surface Tension Effects of Nanostructures (1959)
7. de Langre, E., Baroud, C.N., Reverdy, P.: Energy
criteria for elasto-capillary wrapping. J. Fluids Struct.
26, 205217 (2010)
References 8. Bico, J., Roman, B., Moulin, L., Boudaoud, A.: Adhe-
sion: elastocapillary coalescence in wet hair. Nature
1. Py, C., Reverdy, P., Doppler, L., Bico, J., Roman, B., 432, 690 (2004)
Baroud, C.N.: Capillary origami: spontaneous wrap- 9. Py, C., Reverdy, P., Doppler, L., Bico, J., Roman, B.,
ping of a droplet with an elastic sheet. Phys. Rev. Lett. Baroud, C.N.: Capillarity induced folding of elastic
98, 156103 (2007) sheets. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 166, 6771 (2009)
2. Syms, R.R.A., Yeatman, E.M.: Self-assembly of 10. Py, C., Reverdy, P., Doppler, L., Bico, J., Roman, B.,
three-dimensional microstructures using rotation by Baroud, C.: Capillary origami. Phys. Fluids 19,
surface tension forces. Electron. Lett. 29, 662664 091104 (2007)
(1993) 11. Patra, N., Wang, B., Kral, P.: Nanodroplet activated
3. Syms, R.R.A.: Surface tension powered self-assembly and guided folding of graphene nanostructures. Nano
of 3-D micro-optomechanical structures. Lett. 9, 37663771 (2009)
J. Microelectromech. Syst. 8, 448455 (1999) 12. van Honschoten, J.W., Berenschot, J.W., Ondarcuhu,
4. Syms, R.R.A., Yeatman, E.M., Bright, V.M., T., Sanders, R.G.P., Sundaram, J., Elwenspoek, M.,
Whitesides, G.M.: Surface tension-powered Tas, N.R.: Elastocapillary fabrication of
Carbon MEMS 455

three-dimensional microstructures. Appl. Phys. Lett. precursor compares advantageously against sub-
97, 014103 (2010) tractive manufacturing of glass-like carbon bulk.
13. Guo, X., Li, H., Yeop Ahn, B., Duoss, E.B., Jimmy
Hsia, K., Lewis, J.A., Nuzzo, R.G.: Two- and three- To date, the most common precursor patterning
dimensional folding of thin lm single-crystalline sil- technique used in C-MEMS has been conven-
icon for photovoltaic power applications. Proc. Natl. tional photolithography, but many other tech-
Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 106, 2014920154 (2009) niques could be used. These cover a wide range:
14. Roman, J., Bico, J.: Elasto-capillarity: deforming an
elastic structure with a liquid droplet. J. Phys. from relatively inexpensive like electrospinning, C
Condens. Matter 22, 493101 (2010) stamping, molding, polymer machining, and cast-
15. Jung, S., Reis, P.M., James, J., Clanet, C., Bush, J.W. ing to next-generation lithography (NGL) tech-
M.: Capillary origami in nature. Phys. Fluids 21, niques such as nanoimprint lithography (NIL)
091110 (2009)
16. Pineirua, M., Bico, J., Roman, B.: Capillary origami and electron beam lithography. The choice of
controlled by an electric eld. Soft Matter 6, precursor patterning technique is dictated by the
44914496 (2010) quality, complexity, and nal dimensions of the
17. Manakasettharn, S., Taylor, J.A., Krupenkin, T.N.: desired carbon part. Shrinkage of the precursor
Bio-inspired articial iridophores based on capillary
origami: fabrication and device characterization. Appl. structure occurs during carbonization and must
Phys. Lett. 99, 144102 (2011) be accounted for. However, the existence of com-
mercial high-quality precursors, like the negative
photoresist SU-8, and availability of standardized
fabrication tools make the fabrication process and
Carbon MEMS the dimensional control highly reproducible.

Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte, Monsur Islam and

Rucha Natu Historical Background
Multiscale Manufacturing Laboratory,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson Carbon can be found as a number of allotropes
University, Clemson, SC, USA including diamond, lonsdaleite, buckminsterful-
lerenes, graphene, carbyne, graphite, carbon
nanofoams, diamond-like carbon, amorphous car-
Synonyms bon, and those carbons derived from the pyrolysis
of organic materials, better known as glass-like
C-MEMS; Carbon microelectromechanical carbons. Different precursors to obtain glass-like
systems carbon may be used, including phenolic resins,
polyfurfuryl alcohols, cellulose, polyvinyl chlo-
ride, and polyimides.
Definition The rst documented modern derivation of
glass-like carbon from an organic resin (phenolic
A process used to fabricate miniaturized glass-like in this case) appears to be from 1915, when
carbon structures through the carbonization of Weintraub and Miller in Massachusetts, USA,
previously shaped organic precursors. derived disks of a very bright, shiny looking
carbon with hardness equal or greater than 6 on
the Mohs mineral scale. These disks were then
Overview used for better microphones in telephone trans-
mitters. Their fabrication protocol featured slow
Carbon MEMS combines different patterning heating of a hardened resin to a temperature close
techniques with carbonization to derive miniatur- to 700  C in about 1 week, followed by ring at
ized glass-like carbon features from an organic temperatures from 800 to 1100  C in just a few
precursor. Since glass-like carbon is a brittle mate- hours. The advantage of patterning an organic
rial, the carbonization of an already patterned precursor, rather than carbon bulk, was realized
456 Carbon MEMS

since then [1]. A sustained ow of publications on Tokais glassy carbon electrodes targeting the
glass-like carbon did not begin until 1962, when electrochemistry market made glassy carbon the
Davidson, at the General Electric Co. in Kent, term of preference for the electroanalytical chemis-
England, derived glass-like carbon from cellulose try community to refer to glass-like carbon. In 1995,
[2], and Yamada and Sato, at the Tokai Electrode the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and
Manufacturing Co. in Nagoya, Japan, published Applied Chemistry) dened glass-like carbon as
preliminary characterization results of carbon the material derived by the pyrolysis of organic
derived from organic polymers [3]. They named polymers and recommended that the terms glassy
such carbon glassy carbon, a term that was later carbon and vitreous carbon, which had been
registered as a trademark. Around the same time, introduced as trademarks, should not be used as
in 1963, Lewis, Redfern, and Cowlard at the synonymous for glass-like carbon.
Plessey Company in the UK postulated the use From the microfabrication standpoint, in 1983
of glass-like carbon, named vitreous carbon by Lyons et al. at AT&T Bell Laboratories published
the authors and later registered as trademark as their work on the use of photodened novolac resist
well, as an ideal crucible material for semiconduc- patterns as precursors for carbon microstructures
tors. Later that year, Redfern and Greens disclosed [8]. The drive behind this effort was nding an
several production processes to derive this vitre- alternative to carbon lms deposited by chemical
ous carbon in a patent [4]. In 1965, the advan- vapor deposition. Miniaturized glass-like carbon
tages of glass-like carbon electrodes for 3D structures were not reported until the late
voltammetry and analytical chemistry were char- 1990s by Schueller and coworkers at Harvard Uni-
acterized by Zittel and Miller, from Oak Ridge versity. In their process, polydimethylsiloxane
National Laboratory in the USA, using glassy (PDMS) molds were fabricated using soft lithogra-
carbon from the Tokai Electrode Manufacturing phy and then used to pattern furfuryl alcohol-
Co. [5]. In 1967, Cowlard and Lewis published a modied phenolic resins and phenol-formaldehyde
detailed description of the properties of vitreous resins, which were subsequently carbonized [9]. By
carbon, the fabrication process and its potential 2000, Kostecki and colleagues were obtaining fur-
applications [6]. The decade of 1970 brought a ther results on the fabrication of planar carbon
signicant interest on the use of glassy carbon as a microelectrodes from positive photoresists to
material for different implants and biomedical study the inuence of their geometry in their elec-
instrumentation and also witnessed an explosion trochemical response [10]. Such work ignited the
of the interest on glassy carbon by the analytical use of pyrolyzed photoresist lms, or PPF, in elds
and electrochemistry communities, which still such as electrochemistry. In 2002, the derivation of
remains strong. In 1971, a structural model for carbon from negative photoresists was reported by
glass-like carbon was postulated by Jenkins and Singh et al. [11]. The obtained carbon showed
Kawamura [7]. This model is up to this date the higher electrical resistivity and vertical shrinkage
only one capable of explaining most of the exper- than the one synthesized from positive resists. In
imental results obtained with glass-like carbon. 2004, structures with aspect ratios higher than
Carbon derived from organic polymers by pyrol- 10 were reported by Wang et al. at the University
ysis in inert atmosphere has been historically known of California, Irvine (UCI) [12, 13]. These authors
by three different names: vitreous carbon, glassy coined the term Carbon MEMS. Since then,
carbon, and glass-like carbon. Although highly most of the work identied as Carbon MEMS has
referenced in implant-related publications during used SU-8 as carbon precursors and photolithogra-
the 1970s, the term vitreous carbon started to fall phy to shape 3D structures. Other precursors
in disuse by the end of that decade. Vitreous car- include resorcinolformaldehyde gels [14] and cel-
bon is now better identied with reticulated vitre- lulose. Starting in 2009, electrospinning of SU-8
ous carbon (RVC), a material introduced in the late and PAN (polyacrylonitrile) has been developed
1970s by Chemotronics International Inc. from toward obtaining carbon bers in the nanoscale
Ann Arbor, Michigan. The commercialization of [15, 16].
Carbon MEMS 457

Material Properties of Carbon MEMS Photolithography as Toolbox for Carbon

The carbon obtained in a Carbon MEMS process
resembles glass-like carbon. Although the choice The embracing of photolithography to fabricate
of precursor and patterning technique has an the precursor photoresist structure has brought
impact on the properties of the resultant carbon, signicant advantages and enabled rapid and
the following properties can serve as a starting notable developments. Photolithography refers C
reference. Although a consensus on the crystal- to patterning with light, since the chemical
line structure of glass-like carbon has not been composition of the photoresist changes upon
reached to this date, the most widely accepted being exposed to light of specic wavelengths,
model [7] is the one that considers this type of usually 365 nm for SU-8. In SU-8, light starts a
carbon as made up of tangled and wrinkled aro- cross-linking reaction in the matrix that makes
matic ribbon molecules that are randomly cross- the exposed section less soluble in a developer.
linked by carboncarbon covalent bonds. The The photolithography mask, a patterned stencil
ribbon molecules form a networked structure, that enables the selective pass of light, must
the unit of which is a stack of high strained then be designed accordingly to the desired
aromatic ribbon molecules. Such structure of nal topography: transparent areas in the
crystallites reects the features of thermosetting mask must correspond to the topography to be
resins structure which are commonly used as pre- fabricated. Traditional photolithography of a
cursors for glass-like carbons. Glass-like carbon negative-tone photoresist involves a set of
is widely considered as impermeable to gases and basic processing steps: spin coating a photore-
extremely inert, with a remarkable resistance to sist on a substrate, soft bake to evaporate the
chemical attack from strong acids and other cor- casting solvent, exposure through the mask to
rosive agents such as bromine. The material will initiate cross-linking, postexposure bake to
react with oxygen at temperatures above few nalize cross-linking, and developing to obtain
hundred degrees centigrade, making oxygen the exposed topography. Optimization of spe-
plasma a favored etching process. Glass-like car- cic steps in traditional photolithography pro-
bon has a hardness of 67 on Mohs scale, a value tocols has enabled the fabrication of a number
comparable to that of quartz. Its density ranges of structures detailed below. The use of
from 1.4 to about 1.5 g cm3, compared to electrospinning has also emerged as an alterna-
2.3 g cm3 for graphite. X-ray diffraction studies tive to spin coating to deposit nanoscaled poly-
have shown that glass-like carbon presents an mer bers on a substrate, either as bulk or as
extremely small pore size, ~50 , of a closed single bers (Fig. 1).
nature, and that has an amorphous structure The fabrication of high-aspect ratio carbon
[3138]. Glass-like carbon features a coefcient structures, like those shown in Fig. 1a, b, was
of thermal expansion of 2.23.2  106 K1 the rst milestone of Carbon MEMS technol-
which is similar to some borosilicate glasses. Its ogy. SU-8 was an ideal choice of precursor to
Youngs modulus can vary between 10 and achieve this, given its low absorbance of light
40 GPa. An indicative electrical resistivity of at wavelengths above 360 nm and the possibil-
glass-like carbon is 1  104 O m when the ity to implement very thick layers in a single
carbonization temperature is as high as spin-coating step. Multistep photolithography
900  C. The electrical resistivity drops further has been used to fabricate dense arrays of car-
as the temperature increases over this value or bon electrodes of different shapes to be used for
the dwell time at temperatures below it increase capacitors [20, 21], heaters [22], glucose sen-
[17, 18]. One of the reasons glass-like carbon is sors [23], batteries [2427], bioparticle manip-
preferred by electrochemists is the fact that it has ulation using electrokinetics [2836], and cell
a wider electrochemical stability window than scaffolding [37]. By varying the exposure setup
platinum and gold. and dose, wires and suspended plates can also
458 Carbon MEMS

Carbon MEMS, Fig. 1 (a) High-aspect ratio carbon elec- with electrospinning and later carbonized (Reprinted from
trodes on planar connecting leads. SU-8 precursor structure [16] with permission from Elsevier). (e) Wire arrays made
was fabricated using two-layer photolithography. (b) Fur- using electron beam lithography. Reprinted from [19] with
ther example of high-aspect ratio carbon structures. (c) permission from Elsevier. (f) Example of a fractal structure
Tapered carbon structures fabricated using backexposure after carbonizing a solgel polycondensation of resorcinol
during photolithography. (d) Example of SU-8 wires and formaldehyde (Reprinted from [14], with permission
suspended between carbon posts. The bers were made from Elsevier)

be manufactured. The implementation of a pho- photolithography. The brous structures were

tolithography process on a releasable substrate then carbonized to obtain highly porous carbon
or on a sacricial layer leads to free-standing structures [15].
SU-8 structures which were used as Other methods to shape the precursor exist.
micromolds after carbonization [38]. Only the For example, in 2009, carbon fractals and
carbonization of free-standing SU-8 structures microspheres were obtained by pyrolyzing a
leads to a true isometric shrinkage. Carboniza- solgel polycondensation of resorcinol with
tion of precursor structures anchored to a sub- formaldehyde [14]. The amount of surfactant
strate yields carbon structures with a slight during solgel synthesis determined the size
distortion on their base. UV backexposure of of the spheres and the eventual switch to fabri-
an SU-8 layer through a transparent substrate, cating fractal structures (Fig. 1f). Micromolding
fused silica, for example, leads to the develop- of parylene has also been used to fabricate
ment of tapered structures resembling cones high-aspect ratio carbon posts [43].
(Fig. 1). Exposure dose can be tailored to spec-
ify the taper of the angle [39]. SU-8 wires
suspended between two posts were made in Shrinkage
2006 using electron beam lithography.
After carbonization, a number of carbon wire Carbonization is the process by which solid res-
arrays were obtained (Fig. 1e) [19]. Suspended idues with a high content of carbon are obtained
carbon wires like those shown in Fig. 1d from organic materials, usually by pyrolyzing
have also been made using electrospinning in them in an inert atmosphere. The degree of
recent years [16, 4042]. Electrospinning was shrinkage and carbon yield, the ratio of the
also used to deposit a ber mat on a substrate weight of carbon to the weight of the original
which was then patterned using polymer sample, varies depending on the choice
Carbon MEMS 459

of carbon precursor, its degree of cross-linkage, Applications

and its shape. For example, SU-8 features a car-
bon yield of 3560 % [39]. The variability seems Several applications have been demonstrated
to depend on the shape of the precursor micro- or using Carbon MEMS. Some examples include
nanostructure. the development of 3D architectures for lithium-
In the case of Carbon MEMS, carbonization ion batteries [24, 25], carbon plates in PEM fuel
usually takes place in a furnace under a nitrogen, cells derived from machined polyimide [44, 45], C
vacuum of forming gas atmosphere under a post arrays which were electrochemically acti-
ow around 2000 ml/min. The carbonization vated or decorated with carbon nanotubes to
protocol features three stages: (1) a temperature achieve supercapacitors [20, 21], and the devel-
ramp from room temperature to 200300  C opment of carbon microspheres and fractal-like
at 10  C/min, followed by a 30 min dwell (this structures for sensors and batteries [14]. Other
step is to completely eliminate the solvent and sensor applications include post arrays for rapid
allow for any residual oxygen to be evacuated quantication of glucose in low concentrations
from the chamber and prevent combustion of the [23] and interdigitated arrays with very narrow
polymer as the temperature is raised further), (2) a gaps to implement redox-based detection of dopa-
temperature ramp to 9001000  C at 10  C/min mine with an amplication factor up to
with a 14 h dwell, and (3) a natural cooldown to 25 [46]. C-MEMS devices have also been used
room temperature by turning the furnace off. Car- as substratum for cell growth [47] and as carbon
bonization is a complex process with many reac- scaffolds to induce stem cell differentiation
tions taking place concurrently, including [37]. Extended arrays of carbon posts have been
dehydrogenation, condensation, hydrogen trans- integrated in ow-through microuidic devices to
fer, and isomerization. The pyrolysis process implement high-throughput cell separation and
of organic compounds can be divided into three manipulation using electric elds in a technique
major steps: (1) pre-carbonization, (2) carboniza- now known as carbon-electrode dielectrophoresis
tion, and (3) annealing. During pre-carbonization [28, 29, 48]. This technique has been used to
(T < 300  C), molecules of solvent and unreacted purify viable bacteria from an antibiotic-treated
monomer are eliminated from the polymeric pre- sample [31], to implement a sample preparation
cursor. The next step, carbonization, can be fur- step that increases the sensitivity of traditional
ther divided into two substages: (a) from 300 to PCR protocols [34], and to extract DNA from a
500  C, when heteroatoms such as oxygen and sample [32]. The combination between centrifu-
halogens are eliminated causing a rapid loss gal microuidics and carbon-electrode DEP
of mass while a network of conjugated carbon marked an important step toward a sample-to-
systems is formed and hydrogen atoms start answer diagnostic platform [30]. Particle transport
being eliminated, and (b) from 500 to 1200  C, using electric elds has also been implemented
where hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms [36], as well as high-throughput electrical lysis of
are almost completely eliminated and the aromatic different cells [33]. Other applications include the
network is forced to become interconnected. use of Carbon MEMS techniques to fabricate
At this point, permeability decreases and density, robust, inexpensive carbon shapes for the
hardness, Youngs modulus, and electrical con- micromolding of bulk metallic glasses [38, 49].
ductivity increase. The carbon content of
the structures carbonized at 900  C is expected
to exceed a mass fraction of 90 % in weight. At Future Directions of the Field
T ~ 1300  C, more than 99 % carbon can be
found. Annealing is usually carried out at temper- Although most of the Carbon MEMS work has
atures above 1200  C to allow for the gradual been done using SU-8 photoresist and photoli-
elimination of any structural defects and evolution thography, there is a strong interest on using dif-
of any further impurities. ferent precursors, including biopolymers [50].
460 Carbon MEMS

Development of techniques for shaping these pre- ratio C-MEMS structures. J. Microelectromechan.
cursors in the micro- and nanoscale will be Syst. 14, 348358 (2005)
14. Sharma, C.S., Kulkarni, M.M., Sharma, A., Madou,
needed, i.e., extrusion-based additive manufactur- M.: Synthesis of carbon xerogel particles and fractal-
ing. Electrospinning has been gaining importance like structures. Chem. Eng. Sci. 64, 15361543 (2009)
as a technique to fabricate precursor 15. Sharma, C.S., Sharma, A., Madou, M.: Multiscale
nanostructures and is expected to be developed carbon structures fabricated by direct micropatterning
of electrospun mats of SU-8 photoresist nanobers.
further. A broader use of composites is also Langmuir 26, 22182222 (2010)
expected: the patterning of SU-8-CNTs compos- 16. Sharma, C.S., Katepalli, H., Sharma, A., Madou, M.:
ites has been published [21] and preliminary work Fabrication and electrical conductivity of suspended
has also been disclosed using SU-8- silver and carbon nanober arrays. Carbon N. Y. 49, 17271732
SU-8-silica composites. The use of catalysts to 17. Park, B.Y., Taherabadi, L., Wang, C., Zoval, J.,
lower the energy required for carbonization is Madou, M.J.: Electrical properties and shrinkage of
also of high interest, as well as understanding the carbonized photoresist lms and the implications for
shrinking process. carbon microelectromechanical systems devices in
conductive media. J. Electrochem. Soc. 152,
J136J143 (2005)
18. Mardegan, A., Kamath, R., Sharma, S., Scopece, P.,
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462 Carbon Nanotube Materials

outstanding electrical and mechanical properties

Carbon Nanotube Materials of its building material, carbon nanotube NEMS
devices exhibit, in several aspects, superior per-
Computational Study of Nanomaterials: From formance currently unavailable in NEMS based
Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations to on other nanomaterials. In particular, leveraging
Mesoscopic Modeling the ultrasmall mass in motion, NEMS resonators
based on carbon nanotubes have demonstrated
extreme sensitivity to external stimuli (e.g.,
Carbon Nanotube NEMS mass, force). In addition, the atomically perfect
crystalline surface of carbon nanotube makes it a
Max Zenghui Wang unique platform for studying surface physics pro-
Department of Electrical Engineering and cesses. Together with the ultrahigh sensitivity to
Computer Science, Case School of Engineering, adsorbed mass, exotic phenomena have been
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, observed using carbon nanotube NEMS, such as
OH, USA phase transitions in the pseudo-1D system formed
by the adsorbed gas atomic layer on the surface of
an individual carbon nanotube.

CNT NEMS; CNT resonator; Nanotube adsorp- Introduction

tion sensor; Nanotube force sensor; Nanotube
mass sensor; Nanotube resonant sensor; Nanotube Since its discovery, carbon nanotube (CNT) has
resonator been extensively studied for its outstanding phys-
ical properties. Structurally, CNT can be catego-
rized into single-walled carbon nanotubes
Definition (SWCNT) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes
(MWCNT). A SWCNT is a hollow cylinder
Carbon nanotube nanoelectromechanical systems whose entire surface (except the ends) is made of
(NEMS) are devices that combine the electrical carbon atoms arranged in the graphitic hexagonal
and mechanical degrees of freedom in carbon honeycomb lattice. It can be conceptually
nanotubes, the one-dimensional (1D) form of constructed by rolling a piece of graphene
crystalline nanocarbon. It holds the record of the (a single layer of graphite) along one of the direc-
smallest NEMS made to date, with the part in tions that allow the carbon atoms to seamlessly
motion being a single molecule an individual stitch to their counterparts on the opposite edge of
carbon nanotube. The most common type of car- the graphene sheet. Typical SWCNTs have diam-
bon nanotube NEMS device is carbon nanotube eter on the order of 1 nm. A MWCNT consists of
resonator, which generally assumes the geometry multiple coaxial layers, with each layer being an
of a suspended carbon nanotube eld-effect tran- individual SWCNT. Consequently, MWCNT
sistor (FET), with source and drain electrodes generally has greater diameter and larger mass
connecting both ends of the nanotube and a third than SWCNT. Most carbon nanotube NEMS
nearby gate electrode forming a capacitor with the devices are constructed based on SWCNTs to
nanotube. The suspended segment of the nano- take advantage of their small mass and diameter.
tube can be actuated electrostatically by applying Nanoelectromechanical systems are devices that
a bias voltage (DC, AC, or both) between the have both electronic and mechanical degrees of
nanotube and the gate electrode, and the mechan- freedom, with one or more dimensions of the
ical motion of the device can in turn be detected motional part being on the scale of 100 nm or less.
electrically by monitoring the electronic transport The scaling down of the device dimensions can give
through the nanotube FET. Combining the rise to new physical phenomena and enhanced
Carbon Nanotube NEMS 463

functionalities. NEMS devices are often used for Carbon Nanotube

sensing, signal processing, and actuation at the Drain
nanoscale. Source
By having an individual carbon nanotube as the
part in motion, CNT NEMS devices leverage the
ultrasmall diameter/ultrahigh aspect ratio and
ultralow mass of nanotubes, as well as their elec- C
tronic properties (high current density, quantized
and ballistic electronic transport, etc.) and mechan- Gate
ical (high exibility, high elastic modulus, etc.)
properties. While several NEMS based on multi- Carbon Nanotube NEMS, Fig. 1 Schematic of a carbon
walled nanotubes utilize the interlayer motion to nanotube NEMS resonator/suspended-channel FET
build linear [1] and rotational [2] bearings, the great
majority of carbon nanotube NEMS devices are
resonators [320] with the resonator body made which is not in contact with the nanotube. Addi-
entirely by a nanotube, with the rst one [3] dem- tional gate electrodes along the length of the nano-
onstrated in 2004. The rest of the article thus tube can also be used, even though they generally
focuses on CNT NEMS resonators. do not provide the canonical gating effect as in the
FET structure (as the singly clamped structure
does not facilitate electronic transport measure-
Geometries/Structures ments). Compared with the doubly anchored
suspended FET structure, the singly clamped
Most carbon nanotube NEMS resonators assume beam structure presents some unique opportuni-
the geometries of a doubly clamped beam/string ties such as utilization of the eld-emission prop-
[318] and function as suspended-channel FETs erties of carbon nanotube, at the cost of forfeiting
(Fig. 1). The carbon nanotube is suspended over a the access to carbon nanotubes electronic trans-
microtrench and is mechanically anchored at both port properties and the capability of electrostati-
ends and electrically connected to the source and cally tuning the mechanical motion through
drain electrodes. In some cases, the electrodes gating, which are detailed in following sections.
themselves serve as the mechanical anchors for
the nanotube (i.e., the nanotube is directly
suspended between the two electrodes). The gate Making Carbon Nanotube NEMS
electrode is typically located underneath the nano-
tube (toward the bottom of the trench): a common There are a number of ways to fabricate doubly
conguration is to use the heavily doped Si back clamped carbon nanotube NEMS, which can be
gate that extends the entire device die; alterna- categorized into two main schemes: (i) grow/
tively, local gate at the bottom of the trench deposit carbon nanotube on the substrate rst
(through aligned deposition of metal layers) can and then fabricate the suspended structure and
also be used. Specially designed gate (e.g., side (ii) fabricate the device structure rst without car-
gate) has also been demonstrated in carbon nano- bon nanotube and then grow/transfer the nanotube
tube NEMS [4]. onto the prefabricated structure.
A less common type of carbon nanotube Typical process ow for making doubly
NEMS takes the form of a singly clamped beam clamped carbon nanotube NEMS resonator using
[19, 20]. To date, such structure has been realized scheme (i) is illustrated in Fig. 2. First, carbon
using multi-walled carbon nanotubes (with the nanotube is grown on a SiO2-covered Si wafer
thinnest being double walled). Electrically, the using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Metal
nanotube is directly connected to one electrode electrodes are then patterned on the carbon nano-
(the clamp) and faces an opposing electrode tube (either aligned to a selective nanotube or
464 Carbon Nanotube NEMS

E-Beam Dissolve resist & CPD

CVD growth


Lithography (a)


Metallization (b)
Metal Metal

Carbon Nanotube NEMS, Fig. 2 Schematic of fabricating doubly clamped carbon nanotube NEMS resonator using
scheme (i), with two major categories of resulting device geometry (a) and (b) shown

patterned randomly but in a large array) through Depending on the size and geometry of the etch
photolithography, electron-beam lithography, or window, two major categories of device geometry
contact (stencil) mask followed by electron- can result from this fabrication scheme: (a) the
beam or thermal evaporation. Non-suspended car- nanotube segment between the metal electrodes
bon nanotube FET is obtained upon completion of is partially suspended in the middle section and
the above steps. To suspend the electrically clamped to the SiO2 substrate on both sides and
contacted nanotubes, often a second layer of (b) the entire nanotube segment between the metal
aligned lithography is performed to open etch electrodes is suspended, and the electrodes them-
windows at locations where suspended segment selves, while also serving as mechanical clamps
of carbon nanotube is desired. Such etch window for the suspended nanotube, are also partially
may or may not enclose part of the electrodes (i.e., suspended. Each geometry has its own unique
the inner edges of the electrodes may or may not attributes. In the former case (a), the mechanical
be exposed in the etch window). In some cases, clamp through van der Waals interaction with the
the metal contacts themselves are used as etch SiO2 is often sufciently strong and provides
masks, and the second lithography step (for open good mechanical clamping, but the electronic
etch windows) is omitted. Once the etch window properties measured between the electrodes con-
is dened, an etch step is performed to remove the tain information from both suspended and
underlying oxide in the exposed area to suspend unsuspended segments. In the latter case (b), the
the carbon nanotube. Buffered oxide etch (BOE) entire electronic signal comes from suspended
is most commonly used, often followed by critical nanotube, but the suspended metal layer can be
point drying (CPD) to prevent the nanotube from oppy and exhibit its own resonances during mea-
collapsing and sticking to the bottom of the surement. Note that due to the nondirectional
etching-formed microtrench (due to the capillary nature of the etch processes (BOE or vapor HF),
force during the drying process), while vapor HF it is not practical to obtain devices where the
etch is a practical alternative. boundary of the etched microtrench exactly aligns
Carbon Nanotube NEMS 465

E-Beam Lift off

PMMA (dissolving)


Deposit catalyst & lift off
RIE Metallization

BOE CVD growth

Metal Metal CNT

Carbon Nanotube NEMS, Fig. 3 Schematic of fabricating doubly clamped carbon nanotube NEMS resonator using
scheme (ii)

with the edge of metal electrodes, a third geometry prevent the nanotube from sticking to the SiO2
which presumably possesses the advantages of microtrench sidewall during growth, yielding a
both geometries (a and b) mentioned above. higher suspension rate; and the nitride support
Typical fabrication process for building carbon will prevent metal from collapsing during the
nanotube NEMS using scheme (ii) is shown in high-temperature growth process while also serv-
Fig. 3. The rst part is to fabricate the device ing as a stiff clamp once the nanotube is
structure without the nanotube. It can be generally suspended between electrodes. Once the device
considered as the procedure as in scheme structure is prepared, a nal step is performed to
(i) without the nanotube growth at the beginning. deposit carbon nanotube across the microtrench
Nevertheless, due to the absence of carbon nano- (and between the electrodes), often through CVD
tube, a number of things can be done differently. growth [5, 6]. Other techniques, such as stamp
First, directional etch (such as RIE) of SiO2 can be transfer, can also be used [7].
used instead of BOE or vapor HF, which can result Both fabrication schemes have their advantages
in vertical sidewalls of the microtrench which can and limitations. In scheme (i), individual nanotubes
be aligned to the edges of the metal electrodes can be identied, even characterized (such as using
(e.g., using the metal as an etch mask). Second, electronic transport and AFM), before additional
the choice of supporting material for the carbon effort is invested to turn it into a NEMS device by
nanotube is expanded. For example, a Si3N4 can suspending the nanotube. In addition, with proper
be added on top of the SiO2 to facilitate undercut- procedures (such as CPD), the success rate for
ting of SiO2 (which can result in substantially high achieving individual suspended devices is reason-
aspect ratio structures) while providing strong ably high, while the effort in making each device is
mechanical support to the otherwise oppy substantial (as devices are fabricated on individual
metal electrodes [5]. These features are desirable bases). In contrast, in scheme (ii), the device struc-
for creating suspended carbon nanotube NEMS in tures can be prefabricated at wafer scale, but for
the following step. For example, the undercut will CVD growth, it requires an additional lithography
466 Carbon Nanotube NEMS

step to pattern the catalyst (otherwise, the randomly Actuation of Device Motion
grown nanotubes could electrically short the elec-
trodes), and the yield of the growth step (chances of To date, most nanotube NEMS resonators are
obtaining an individual suspended carbon nano- operated in vacuum (mTorr or below), with a
tube across a microtrench and bridging a pair of few measured in low pressure (a few Torr). The
electrodes) is far from unity. Nevertheless, the most common actuation scheme for carbon
large-scale processes (patterning and growth) nanotube NEMS is electrostatic actuation through
largely make up for the total device yield. While a gate electrode, which prevails in the doubly
the CVD growth may impose limitations on the clamped device structure. In this conguration,
material choice for metal electrodes (to sustain dur- the nanotube and its gate form the two electrodes
ing the high-temperature growth), the nanotube of a capacitor. When a voltage is applied across
transfer technique [7] offers a versatile alternative, the capacitor (with 0 net electric charge), an attrac-
as long as the nanotube-metal contacts are properly tive electrostatic force is generated between the
treated (such as annealing or use freshly deposited two electrodes, with its magnitude equal to
metal) to ensure good electronic performance.
Besides the abovementioned differences in 1
F CV 2 ; (1)
device structures and materials between the two 2
fabrication schemes, another important contrast is
the cleanness of the carbon nanotube. In scheme where C is a derivative of the capacitance with
(i), the nanotube undergoes a number of wet pro- respect to the distance between its two electrodes
cesses and is directly exposed to various and V is applied voltage. Accordingly, the nanotube
chemicals (resist, polymer, etchant, solvent, is attracted toward the gate when a nite gate volt-
etc.), which could lead to contaminants and age exists and is driven into oscillation when an AC
defects on the nanotube surface. However, this voltage is applied. For carbon nanotube NEMS
does not necessarily preclude the resulting carbon resonators, when the driving signal is at the fre-
nanotube NEMS device to exhibit certain desired quency of the devices natural frequency, mechan-
performances, such as ultrahigh sensitivity to ical resonance with enhanced amplitude ensues.
admass. Consequently, atomic-level mass sensing It is worth noting that in most cases, a DC voltage
has been demonstrated on carbon nanotube is applied in addition to an AC voltage (Fig. 4), and
NEMS resonators fabricated using this scheme there are two main reasons. First, Eq. 1 shows that the
[810]. In contrast, in scheme (ii), the carbon driving force is proportional to V2. If a pure
nanotube does not undergo any additional AC voltage V = V0cos(ot) is applied,
processing and thus can maintain its as-grown F / V 2 / cos2 ot 1 cos 2ot=2, which
atomically perfect surface. Therefore, devices fab- has no cos(ot) term. This suggests that the device
ricated using this scheme are used in applications will be driven at 2o instead; thus, the response will
where pristine nanotube surface is required, such be more complicated than that of a simple harmonic
as studying transport in ultraclean suspended resonator. Instead, when a DC component VDC is
nanotubes or using nanotube as a substrate for included, V = V0cos(ot) + VDC, then
investigating monolayer gas adsorption on
low-dimensional surfaces [5, 11]. F / V 2 V 0 cos ot V DC 2
Singly clamped nanotube NEMS structures are
V 2DC 2V DC V 0 cos ot (2)
often made by mounting the carbon nanotube onto
a predened structure, which often involves steps V 20 cos ot;

that are not compatible with standard

nanofabrication processes, such as attachment of which, in the case of VDC
V0 (which is often the
nanotube inside SEM/TEM. The fabrication is case), the driving force is mostly at 1o. Second,
often performed at the level of individual devices Eq. 2 shows that there will be a static term VDC2 in
and is thus highly labor intensive. the force applied. Due to the ultra-exibility of
Carbon Nanotube NEMS 467

nanotube-gate capacitance dC = Cdz, which

leads to an additional on-tube electric charge dQ,
which further leads to a modulation in the device
conductance dG. Specically, the charge variation
can be expressed as

dQ V g dC CdV g : (3) C

The rst term in Eq. 3 accounts for the motion-

V0 cos(wt) VDC induced change in capacitance. When the device is
mechanically on resonance, the motion amplitude
increases substantially from the off-resonance
background. Consequently, the rst term surges at
Carbon Nanotube NEMS, Fig. 4 Electrostatic actuation the devices resonance frequency. The second term
of doubly clamped carbon nanotube NEMS resonators represents the conventional gating effect in CNT
FET devices and is present even in non-suspended
carbon nanotube (in comparison with thicker devices. When the device is on resonance, the
devices with similar geometry, such as motion amplitude can be as large as several nm,
lithography-dened nanowires), this static force while the vacuum gap to the gate is typically 100 s
is capable of generating sufcient tension in the of nm. The change in gate capacitance (dC) is
nanotube and signicantly tuning its resonance therefore only 2  3 orders of magnitude smaller
frequency. It is not atypical for a resonance to be than the static gate capacitance of the nanotube,
tuned by more than 200 % with just a few volts of which is sometimes on the same order of magni-
DC gate voltage. tude as the dVg/Vg ratio. Consequently, the contri-
For singly clamped devices, a nearby electrode bution of both terms in Eq. 3 (VgdC and CdVg) can
(similar to the gate electrode in the doubly be on the same order of magnitude when the device
clamped case) can be used to capacitively actuate is on resonance, and the mechanical resonance is
the vibratory motion [19]. Resonant motion often manifested as a sharp feature on top of a
driven using electromagnetic wave has also been slowly varying background.
demonstrated [20]. Additionally, due to the However, such current uctuation which is at
ultrasmall mass of carbon nanotubes, it is possible the same frequency as the device motion is often
to directly visualize their completely undriven masked by the capacitive current generated by the
thermomechanical resonances in electron micro- electrostatic driving signal on the gate, which is
scopes as a position-dependent blurring of the also at the same frequency, but at a much larger
nanotube image. This has been observed for both amplitude, due to the large parasitic capacitance
singly and doubly clamped devices. from the electrodes (including the wire bonding
pads), which is typically several orders of magni-
tude larger than the nanotubes capacitance.
Readout of Device Motion To overcome this challenge, frequency down-
mixing technique is often used to extract the
Electronic readout prevails in doubly clamped motion-induced signal from the large capacitive
carbon nanotube NEMS resonators. This readout background. There are two types of mixing tech-
scheme utilizes the fact that motion-induced niques: one uses amplitude modulated
on-tube charge uctuation modulates the conduc- (AM) signal and the other one uses frequency
tance of the CNT FET and thus generates an modulation (FM).
oscillation in the amplitude of the electronic The basic operation principle of AM down-
current through the device. Specically, the mixing roots from a two-source mixing technique
device displacement dz induces a change in the [3], which is illustrated in Fig. 5. In this setup, two
468 Carbon Nanotube NEMS

Carbon Nanotube NEMS, Idw

Fig. 5 Schematic of the
two-source mixing setup for
resonant motion readout
vDcos((w +dw)t)

V0 cos(wt) V DC

Carbon Nanotube NEMS, Idw

Fig. 6 Schematic of the
one-source (AM) mixing
setup for resonant motion Vw,w +dw,w -dw


radio-frequency (RF) signals offset by a small signal from all other frequencies and detect the
frequency difference do (typically in the kHz device motion (at o) by examining the down-
range) are applied to the gate and drain of the mixed FET current at do.
CNT FET, respectively. The RF signal at fre- The AM mixing technique simplies the
quency o generates a nanotube motion at the two-source scheme by requiring only one RF
same frequency and thus the modulation of device signal source (Fig. 6). The output of the RF
conductance: dG = dG0cos(ot). The drain bias source is AM modulated at the lock-in reference
applied is at a slightly different frequency: frequency do and is applied to the drain
VDrain = VD cos((o + do)t). The modulation in electrode
the current through the nanotube FET is therefore
V D 1 A cos dotV 0 cos ot; (5)
dI V Drain  dG
dG0 V D cos o dot cos ot which has components at the frequencies o,
dG0 V D cos 2o dot cos dot=2 , o + do, and o-do. A is the modulation depth
(4) and ranges between 0 and 100 % (values close to
100 % are often used). The gate voltage only
which has a term at the difference frequency do carries a DC component in this case. The AC
and still carries the information of the device component on the drain effectively creates an
motion (through the term dG). In contrast, the alternating bias voltage between the nanotube
capacitive current, though still much larger in and the gate and drives the vibration of the nano-
amplitude, remains purely at frequency o. Using tube. When considering the motion of the nano-
a lock-in amplier referenced at the difference tube resonator, this is equivalent to applying these
frequency do, it is possible to reject the electronic three AC components at the gate. Thus, the AM
Carbon Nanotube NEMS 469

scheme is equivalent to the two-source setup, with For doubly clamped devices, the attractive
both the conductance modulation and the force resulting from the application of gate bias
drain bias having components in o, o + do, and induces tension in the nanotube and thus increases
o-do. Consequently, the mixing current has low its resonance frequency. The magnitude of the
frequency components at DC, do, and 2do. Typ- gate voltage affects the elastic regime in which
ically, the do component is being measured by the the nanotube NEMS resonator operates [3]. At
lock-in amplier. small gate bias, the exural rigidity dominates, C
In the AM readout scheme, even though and the nanotube vibrates as a bending beam. As
the capacitive current from the contacts are Vg increases, the exural rigidity is overcome by
removed through frequency down-mixing, the the electrostatic force from the gate, and the nano-
non-motional current (the second term in Eq. 3) tube operates as a hanging chain that cannot be
has a nite term at do, which presents a elongated (i.e., the chain has negligible exural
frequency-dependent background, and can rigidity but innite extensional rigidity). As the
sometimes hinder the observation of mechanical gate voltage further increases, the extensional
resonance. The FM readout scheme [12], a later- modulus becomes important, and the nanotube
developed technique, removes this non-motional behaves like an elastic string. In these different
mixing current in addition to the capacitive cur- regimes, the frequency has different dependences
rent, allowing more efcient detection of mechan- on the gate voltage.
ical resonance. Due to the large aspect ratio of carbon nano-
For singly clamped devices, direct electronic tube, it is common for the suspended segment in a
readout is unavailable as the nanotube itself does doubly clamped device to exhibit nite slack (i.e.,
not typically form a closed path in the circuit. the length of the nanotube is longer than the
One can force the open circuit to close by using distance between its two clamping points). It is
the nanotube as a eld emitter by applying a high worth noting that the amount of initial slack
voltage across the tube and an opposing cathode affects how the frequency increases with Vg in
and monitor the eld-emission current as the the different regimes, and such effect further
nanotube vibrates. Such readout scheme can be depends on individual resonant modes [3, 14].
destructive, and irreversible shortening of the Capacitive softening roots from the fact that
nanotube due to the large current has been the nanotube is vibrating in a nonuniform electric
observed [20]. Alternatively, the vibrational eld, and the nite eld gradient reduces the
amplitude can be estimated directly through restoring force toward the equilibrium position
imaging in electron microscope. While in (a negative effective spring constant). With nite
such scheme quantitative measurement remains slack, the nanotube can thus have both in-plane
very challenging, imaging offers the opportunity and out-of-plane resonant motion, which exhibit
of directly observing the mode shape of the different responses to the capacitive softening
individual resonances, similar to AFM effect [4], as the observation of such effect
measurements [13]. requires the device motion be in the direction of
the electric eld gradient.
Unlike in doubly clamped devices, tension
Frequency Tuning cannot be easily introduced in singly clamped
nanotube NEMS resonators. Thus, such device
The resonance frequency of carbon nanotube typically operates in the bending regime, and the
NEMS resonator can often be effectively tuned use of multi-walled nanotubes (with greater bend-
via adjusting the DC gate voltage. There are two ing rigidity) can help achieve higher resonance
main effects involved: electrostatic tensioning, frequencies. Further, the gate tuning effect,
which leads to an increase in resonance frequency though it exists, is much smaller than in doubly
as Vg is increased, and capacitive softening, which clamped devices in which tension can be effec-
has the opposite effect. tively introduced.
470 Carbon Nanotube NEMS

a 108 b 1015
Moser 2014
Moser 2014
Laird 2012
Huttel 2009
Steele 2009
106 10 15 1013 Eichler 2011
Huttel 2009 Hz Chaste 2011
Moser 2013 Steele 2009
Jensen 2008 Chaste 2012

fQ (Hz)
Eichler 2011 Moser 2013
Lassagne 2008
104 Laird 2012 1011

Lassagne 2008 Chiu 2008

Chaste 2011 Gouttenoire 2010
Chaste 2012
Witcamp 2006
Jensen 2008 10 12 Eichler 2013
Peng 2006
Gouttenoire 2010 Hz
Wu 2011 Chiu 2008 Sazonova 2004 Wu 2011
102 Eichler 2013
Sazonova 2004 109
Witcamp 2006
Truax 2014 Garcia-Sanchez 2007
Truax 2014
Garcia-Sanchez 2007 Peng 2006
10 9
100 107
100 102 104 2004 2009 2014
f ( MHz) Year

Carbon Nanotube NEMS, Fig. 7 Partial summary of (a) fres, Q and (b) fres  Q for carbon nanotube NEMS resonators
studied between 2004 and 2014. Dashed lines in (a) represent contours of constant fres  Q

Device Performances transduction techniques has further enabled

electronic readout of the completely undriven
For NEMS resonators, two important device thermomechanical motion of carbon nanotube
parameters are the resonance frequency fres and NEMS resonators, and by removing external
quality factor Q. While fres can be effectively turned driving and electrostatic noise from the gate
by gate voltage, within the commonly used Vg electrode, researchers have observed mechani-
range (on the order of 10 V), the fres variation is cal resonance with intrinsic Q up to 5  106
generally within one order of magnitude. In con- [18]. Figure 7a provides a partial list of fres
trast, other device parameters, such as dimension and Q for some of the nanotube resonators
and initial tension, have much larger effects on fres. demonstrated between 2004 and 2014, and
Specically, shorter devices have higher fres (e.g., Fig. 7b shows how fres  Q, one of the most
fres = 4.2GHz for an 110-nm-long nanotube reso- important gures of merit for NEMS devices,
nator [15], while fres = 4.2 MHz for a 4-mm-long evolves throughout the decade.
device made by the same group of researchers [16]),
and devices with lower tension can have very low
fres (e.g., fres = 3.7 MHz for a 1.89-mm-long nano- Applications
tube suspended over a MEMS structure which can
introduce slack/reduce tension in the nanotube in a Carbon nanotube NEMS resonators are highly
controlled way [17]). sensitive to external stimuli due to the small
The quality factor of carbon nanotube reso- mass and high exibility of carbon nanotubes
nators typically increases as temperature and are thus used in a number of sensing
decreases: Q ranges between 101  103 at applications.
room temperature, and increases to 101  106 The resonance frequency of a NEMS resonator
at cryogenic temperatures, due to reduction of is sensitive to any adsorption on its surface, which
phonon-phonon scattering and suppression of increases the mass in motion (and thus decreases
electron motion (in the Coulomb blockade fres). On the rst order (not considering the mode
regime), two mechanisms that dissipate energy shape of individual resonance modes and the
during the nanotube motion. Advancement in detailed location of adsorbed mass), the frequency
Carbon Nanotube NEMS 471

shift df due to adsorption of additional mass dm atomically perfect surface, such as phase transi-
for a resonator with mass m is tion in the adsorbed monolayer on the nanotube
surface. Historically, graphite surface has been the
dm canonical platform for studying surface adsorp-
df f : (6)
2m res tion and phase behavior in two-dimensional
adsorption systems, thanks to its simple and
Given the same frequency resolution, a smaller well-dened surface structure (the honeycomb C
resonator mass m leads to a ner adsorption mass pattern formed by carbon atoms). The surface of
resolution dm. Given the ultrasmall mass of an a single-walled carbon nanotube inherits the
individual carbon nanotube (especially single- advantages of the graphite surface and offers a
walled carbon nanotube), it is natural that CNT few additional properties unavailable in conven-
NEMS resonators are used for ultimate mass sens- tional two-dimensional (2D) graphitic surfaces:
ing. Initial works have achieved mass sensitivity rst, it is highly curved and thus imposes an
of 1021  1022g [8, 9, 19], sufcient for additional boundary condition for the adsorbed
resolving individual Argon atoms. From Eq. 6, it layer (along the circumferential direction), and
is also clear that a higher fres leads to a higher due to this strong connement, the resulting
frequency-to-mass responsivity (fres shift per adsorption system approaches the 1D limit; sec-
adsorbed mass). Consequently, years after the ini- ond, the signicant reduction of carbon atoms
tial experiments, with improvement in device fab- (compared with those on and under conventional
rication and transduction scheme, and very 2D graphitic surface) leads to decreased adsorp-
importantly, by using a carbon nanotube resonator tion potential energy and thus can shift the equi-
with a much higher resonance frequency (fres libria of phase transitions in the adsorption
2GHz, one order of magnitude higher than in system. When a phase transition takes place in
previous works), mass sensing at single proton the adsorbed atomic layer (which is accompanied
level (1024g) has been demonstrated [10]. by a sudden change in its density, as in 3D phase
In addition to mass sensing, carbon nanotube transitions), the mass of the resonator undergoes
NEMS resonators have also been used for an abrupt change, which is reected in a sudden
ultrasensitive force detection. In contrast to mass shift in resonance frequency. Experimentally,
sensing, where high fres (which means short nano- phase transitions have been observed for Ar, Kr,
tube with high tension) is desirable, to achieve and 4He, with several low-dimensional phases,
more sensitive force detection, the opposite is including commensurate phase a phase specic
preferred. This is because long nanotubes with to adsorption systems, in which the arrangement
little initial tension have ultralow spring constant, of adsorbate atoms conforms to the underlying
and thus, its frequency can be highly sensitive to substrate atoms being identied [5, 11].
external forces which modify the spring constant Besides sensing applications, carbon nanotube
of the resonator system. Using a 4-mm-long nano- NEMS resonators have also been demonstrated as
tube resonator with fres as low as 4.2 MHz, active components in RF circuits. Both singly
researchers have demonstrated force sensitivity clamped [20] and doubly clamped [12] structures
of 1020N/Hz1/2 at cryogenic temperatures [16]. have been used. In one example, researchers uti-
Compared with other NEMS structures lize the eld-emission current from a singly
fabricated using top-down techniques (such as clamped nanotube resonator to function the
lithography and etching), carbon nanotube NEMS device as the antenna, tuner, amplier,
resonator is unique in that the surface of the and demodulator in a radio. In another case,
motional part (the nanotube) can be atomically using the FM mixing technique, researchers dem-
well dened, especially for CNT NEMS fabri- onstrate digital demodulation function with a dou-
cated using the growth-on-prefabricated-structure bly clamped carbon nanotube NEMS resonator,
scheme. This offers the opportunity of exploring with data transfer rate meeting the GSM
surface phenomena on a highly curved and specications.
472 Carbon Nanotube-Metal Contact

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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are quasi-one- C

dimensional materials with remarkable mechani-
cal and electronic properties promising a wide
range of applications from eld-effect transistors
(FETs) and chemical sensors to photodetectors
and electroluminescent light emitters. In most of
these CNT-based nanodevices, metals are present
as electrodes in contact with the CNTs. Many
factors including the CNT-metal contact geome-
try, microscopic atomic details at the interface,
and the resulting electronic structure can play a
signicant role in determining the functionality
and performance of the devices. For instance, it
has been demonstrated that an individual semi-
conducting CNT can operate either as a conven-
tional FET or an unconventional Schottky barrier
transistor, depending on the properties of the
metal-CNT contact. In general, the electrical
transport characteristics of the CNT-metal sys-
tems are sensitive to the choice of metal element
as the electrode.

CNT-Metal Contact Geometry

There are two types of interface geometries of

CNT-metal contacts, i.e., end contact and side
contact [1, 2]. The end-contact geometry refers
to the cases where metals are merely in contact
with the open ends of one-dimensional CNTs, as
illustrated in Fig. 1a. This contact geometry can be
naturally achieved in the catalytic CVD growth of Carbon Nanotube-Metal Contact, Fig. 1 A schematic
CNTs, where CNTs sprout from catalytic metal illustration of (a) an end contact and (c) a side contact
particles with the CNT axis normal to the metal between a CNT and a metal (From Ref. [3], Fig. 1). (b)
surface. Figure 1b shows a sample experimental A CNT forming end contacts with Co tips (From Ref. [4],
Fig. 1). (d) A CNT forming side contacts on gold elec-
image of an end contact between a single-wall trodes (From Ref. [2], Fig. 24)
CNT and two Co tips in an in situ electron micros-
copy setup. The side-contact geometry refers to surface of a at metal substrate. In most of
the cases where metals are in contact with the CNT-based nanodevices, such as CNT FETs,
sidewall of CNTs, as illustrated in Fig. 1c. This metal strips are deposited from above to cover
contact geometry occurs when a CNT lays on the the CNTs laying on the surface as to build
474 Carbon Nanotube-Metal Contact

electrodes, fully covering sections of the CNTs, as

shown in Fig. 1d. Among these two contact geom-
etries, the side-contact geometry is more techno-
logically relevant to CNT-based nanodevices.

Bonding and Wetting Properties

of Metals on CNTs

In the end-contact geometry, metals form strong

covalent bonds with carbon atoms at the open
ends of CNTs [5]. The bonding energy can be as
high as, e.g., 7.6 eV for a single bond at a CNTCo
contact, according to density functional calcula-
tions. Due to the strong covalent nature of the
bonding, large mismatch-induced strains or high
tensile strength can be built up at the interface.
In the side-contact geometry, metals and CNTs
form much weaker bonds due to the nearly chem-
ically inert side walls of CNTs [5]. Single-wall
CNTs are built up of a cylindrically closed sheet of
graphene, in which carbon atoms arranged in a
honeycomb structure form very stable
sp2-hybridized covalent bonds with the
pz-orbitals of carbon extending normal to the
sidewalls. The interaction between metals and
CNTs in the side-contact geometry is determined
by the hybridization between the carbon
pz-orbitals and the unbonded orbitals of the
metals. Alkali and simple metals have binding
energy around 1.5 eV per atom. Some transition
metal atoms with unpaired d electrons, such as Sc,
Ti, Co, Ni, Pd, Pt, form strong bonds with a
binding energy around 2.0 eV per atom, whereas Carbon Nanotube-Metal Contact, Fig. 2 TEM images
the transition metals with fully occupied d orbitals of (a) Ti, (b) Ni, (c) Pd, (d) Au, (e) Al, and (f) Fe coatings
on carbon nanotubes
such as Cu, Au, Ag, and Zn have relatively weak
binding with a binding energy less than 1.0 eV per
atom. On the other hand, the binding energy of
metal on CNTs also depends on the radius of sputtering, and electrochemical approaches have
CNTs. In general, the larger is the radius, the achieved continuous coating of Ti and quasi-
weaker the binding energy. continuous coating of Ni and Pd on CNTs
The wettability of metals on CNTs is critical to [5, 6]. Such metallic nanowires are ideal to be
the electrical transport properties at CNT-metal used as conducting interconnects in nanodevices.
contacts. In addition, CNTs can be used as tem- Metals such as Au, Al, Fe, Pb form isolated dis-
plates to produce metallic nanowires with control- crete clusters rather than a uniform coating layer
lable radius by continuously coating the sidewalls on the surface of CNTs. Figure 2 shows sample
of CNTs with metals. Experiments using different TEM images of Ti, Ni, Pd, Au, and Fe coatings on
techniques such as electron beam evaporation, CNTs [6]. The correlation between the wettability
Carbon Nanotube-Metal Contact 475

Carbon Nanotube-Metal
Contact, Fig. 3 A
schematic illustration of the
energy levels for an ohmic
and a Schottky contact
between a metal and a EF
semiconducting CNT Ec
Ev C
metal metal

Ohmic Schottky

of these metals and their binding energies on CNT [7, 8]. In general, at traditional planar metal/
CNTs is clear, i.e., metals with relatively strong semiconductor interfaces, the Schottky barrier
binding energies with CNTs tend to form uniform height shows very weak dependence on the
coatings. metal work function due to the so-called Fermi-
level pinning effect [9]. The strong dependence of
the Schottky barrier on the metal work function in
Electronic Structures of CNT-Metal CNT-metal contacts is attributed to the reduced
Contacts dimensionality of CNTs, which entirely changes
the scaling of charge screening at the interface,
The electronic structure of CNT-metal contacts making the depletion region decay rapidly in a
has a signicant impact on the operation and direction normal to the interface and thus signi-
performance of CNT-based nanodevices [2]. Due cantly weakening the Fermi-level pinning effect
to the one-dimensional nature of CNTs and their [7]. Experimental and theoretical work has shown
special contact geometries, CNT-metal contacts that the interface Schottky barrier regions are
exhibit some unusual features when compared to much thinner in one dimension than those in
traditional planar contacts. three dimensions. In this case, charge carrier
For metallic CNTs, as in contact with metals, tunneling through the Schottky barriers becomes
ohmic contacts are normally formed at the inter- important. Because of the involvement of tunnel-
face, where no interface potential barrier exists, ing and thermionic emission in the carrier trans-
and the contact resistance is primarily deter- port at the interfaces, the dependence of the
mined by the wettability of the metal and the on-current of CNT transistors on the Schottky
local atomic bonding and orbital hybridization barrier becomes very strong. Figure 4 shows
at the interface [2]. Palladium is found to be experimental CNT-FET on-current and Schottky
optimal as electrodes to make ohmic contacts barrier height as a function of the CNT diameter
with metallic CNTs. for three different metal electrodes, Pd, Ti, and Al
Semiconducting CNTs form either ohmic con- [8]. When the metal work functions are in the
tacts or Schottky barriers at the interface with valence or conduction band of the semiconducting
metals [2]. Figure 3 schematically illustrates the CNTs, ohmic contacts will likely be formed at the
energy levels for an ohmic and a Schottky contact interface. Experimental measurements have
between a metal and a semiconducting CNT. A shown that certain metals with high work func-
distinctive feature of CNT-metal contacts from tions, such as Pd, can produce nearly ohmic con-
traditional planar metal/semiconductor interfaces tacts with semiconducting CNTs. Ohmic contacts
is that the height of the Schottky barrier formed at are more desirable in devices where contact resis-
CNT-metal contacts strongly depends on the work tance needs to be minimized. In addition to the
function of the metal for a given semiconducting metal work function, other factors, such as the
476 Carbon Nanotube-Metal Interface

Carbon Nanotube-Metal 105

Fig. 4 Experimental Pd contacts
CNT-FET on-current (left 106 Ti contacts
axis) and computed AI contacts
Schottky barrier height
10 7 0.2
(right axis) as a function of

Schottky Barrier (eV)

the CNT diameter for three
different metal electrodes,
Pd, Ti, and Al 108 0.4
Ion (A) 2
10 1 +

Ion (A)

1010 7
10 0.8

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
d (nm)
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Diameter (nm)

contact geometry and the chemical bonding at the 7. Lonard, F., Tersoff, J.: Role of fermi-level pinning in
interface also play important roles in the transport nanotube Schottky diodes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84,
46934696 (2000)
properties of CNT-metal contacts. 8. Chen, Z.H., Appenzeller, J., Knoch, J., Lin, Y.-M.,
Avouris, P.: The role of metal nanotube contact in
the performance of carbon nanotube eld-effect transis-
Cross-References tors. Nano Lett. 5, 14971502 (2005)
9. Tung, R.T.: Recent advances in Schottky barrier con-
cepts. Mater. Sci. Eng. R 35, 1138 (2001)
Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections
CMOS-CNT Integration

Carbon Nanotube-Metal Interface

Carbon Nanotube-Metal Contact
1. Banhart, F.: Interactions between metals and carbon
nanotubes: at the interface between old and new mate-
rials. Nanoscale 1, 201213 (2009)
2. Anantram, M.P., Lonard, F.: Physics of carbon nano-
tube electronic devices. Rep. Prog. Phys. 69, 507561
Carbon Nanotubes
3. Palacios, J.J., Prez-Jimnez, A.J., Louis, E.,
SanFabin, E., Vergs, J.A.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, Ecotoxicology of Carbon Nanotubes Toward
106801 (2003) Amphibian Larvae
4. Rodrguez-Manzo, J.A., et al.: Small 5, 27102715
5. Ciraci, S., Dag, S., Yildirim, T., G
ulseren, O., Senger, R.
T.: Functionalized carbon nanotubes and device applica-
tions. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16, R901R960 (2004) Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs)
6. Zhang, Y., Franklin, N.W., Chen, R.J., Dai, H.J.: Metal
coating on suspended carbon nanotubes and its impli-
cation to metal-tube interaction. Chem. Phys. Lett. 331, Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
3541 (2000) Physical Vapor Deposition
Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections 477

Todays latest processors are manufactured

Carbon Nanotubes for Chip using the 32-nm technology. To move toward the
Interconnections 22-nm node and beyond, issues such as litho-
graphic limitations, leaking currents in ultra-thin
Gilbert Daniel Nessim dielectrics (only a few monolayers thick), insuf-
Chemistry Department, Bar-Ilan Institute of cient power and thermal dissipation, and intercon-
Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials nect reliability must be resolved [1]. At the C
(BINA), Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel transistor level, the performance is negatively
affected by increased off-state currents due to
short channel effects, increased gate leakage due
Synonyms to tunneling through nanometer-thin dielectric
layers, and increased overall gate capacitance
Carbon nanotubes for interconnects in integrated due to decreasing gate pitch.
circuits; Carbon nanotubes for interconnects in Although quantum mechanical tunneling and
microprocessors leakage currents may eventually stop further scal-
ing, efcient heat removal from a chip is currently
the biggest obstacle. In this respect, the many
Definition kilometers of copper interconnects present in
todays chips are the main culprit for heat gener-
Chip interconnections electrically connect various ation. For instance, in 2004, Magen et al. [2]
devices in a microprocessor. Todays established showed that for a microprocessor fabricated with
technology for interconnects is based on copper. the 0.13-mm-node technology consisting of
However, it may be technically challenging to 77 million transistors, interconnects consumed
extend copper use to future interconnects in more than 50 % of the total dynamic power.
microprocessors with smaller lithographic dimen- Given the increased length of interconnects, their
sions due to materials properties limitations. Car- reduced cross section, and the increased current
bon nanotubes are currently investigated as a densities circulating into the interconnects of our
potential replacement for future integrated circuits latest chips, the problem has been further
(microprocessors). Although carbon nanotubes exacerbated.
are a clear winner against copper in terms of Additionally, copper interconnects are a major
materials properties, multiple fabrication chal- contributor to the total resistance-capacitance
lenges need to be overcome for carbon nanotubes (RC) delay of the chip, can fail by
to enter the semiconductor fab and replace copper electromigration, and need a liner to avoid diffu-
for chip interconnections. sion into the silicon. Bottom line, the interconnect
issue is so serious that the International Semicon-
ductor Roadmap [3] (ITRS, an expert team
Motivation assessing the semiconductor industrys future
technology requirements for the next 15 years)
Following over 40 years of successful fulllment indicates copper interconnects as a possible
of Moores law, stating that the number of transis- dealbreaker to further miniaturization for IC
tors in a chip doubles every 2 years, we have nodes beyond 22 nm.
already moved from microelectronics to Many technology options are currently under
nanoelectronics [1]. Although the end of scal- investigation to replace copper for interconnects.
ing has been predicted many times in the past, Among them, we can mention other metals
enormous technical challenges, especially quan- (mainly silicides), wireless, plasmonics, and opti-
tum mechanical issues and billion-dollar lithogra- cal interconnects. Most notably, there has been an
phy investments, are a serious threat to further intense research effort on new nanotechnology
miniaturization (Fig. 1). materials such as carbon nanotubes, which, at
478 Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections

Carbon Nanotubes for 10

Chip Interconnections,
Fig. 1 Moores Law: CPU Transistor Count 109
2x every 2 years
Transistor count has
doubled while feature size
has decreased by 0.7X 1

every 2 years
(Figure reprinted with
permission from Kuhn [1])
0.1 65 nm 105
45 nm
Feature Size 32 nm
0.7x every 2 years

0.01 103
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

the theoretical level, could solve all the above Copper diffuses into silicon, generating
technical issues suffered by copper. mid-gap states that signicantly lower the minor-
The plan of this section is to rst introduce the ity carrier lifetime and which lead to leakage in
reader to copper interconnects fabrication and diodes and bipolar transistors. Copper also dif-
limitations. Next, we will compare copper to car- fuses through SiO2 and low-k dielectrics, and
bon nanotubes (CNTs) and detail possible models therefore requires complete encapsulation in dif-
for implementation. An important paragraph will fusion barriers. Since no dry etches were known
focus on the state-of-the-art of CNT fabrication, for copper, IBMs bold innovation of polishing
prior to concluding on the outstanding issues and using chemical mechanical polishing (CMP),
outlook for future CNT-based chip after electroplating the copper, was signicantly
interconnections. at odds with the technological processes at that
time in semiconductor fabrication.
The copper dual-damascene process consists
Background on Copper Interconnects of the following steps:
and Dual-Damascene Process
Develop a pattern for wires or vias by patterned
In 1997, IBM introduced the revolutionary dual- etching of the dielectric.
damascene process to fabricate copper intercon- Deposit a barrier layer (usually Ta) to prevent
nects and to replace aluminum interconnects, the copper diffusion into silicon.
industry standard at the time. Compared to alumi- Deposit a copper seed layer.
num, copper presents two major advantages: Fill the vias with copper using
(1) 50 % lower resistivity (Cu  1.75 mm cm electrodeposition.
vs. Al  3.3 mm cm) and (2) higher current den- Remove excess copper using CMP.
sities before failure by electromigration (up to Repeat the process to lay the alternating layers
5  106 A/cm2) [4, 5]. Although, as a material, of wires and vias which will form the complete
copper was a clear winner against aluminum, fab- wiring system of the chip (Fig. 2).
rication challenges delayed its introduction. His-
torically, we may be at a similar juncture with Typical microprocessor design follows a
carbon nanotubes compared to copper as we reverse scaling metallization scheme with mul-
were with copper compared to aluminum in tiple layers of interconnects labeled as local, inter-
1997: in spite of their superior materials proper- mediate, and global interconnects, with increasing
ties, mainly fabrication issues are now preventing width. Very thin local interconnects locally con-
the introduction of nanotubes in the semiconduc- nect gates and transistors within a functional
tor industry to replace copper interconnects. block and are usually found in the lower two
Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections 479

Carbon Nanotubes for

Chip Interconnections, 6. Treach and
1. SiN
Fig. 2 Dual-damascene deposition via etch
process of copper lling an
interconnect via
Metal 1
(Figure reprinted with Contacts
permission from Jackson 7. Barrier/
et al. [21]) 2. Oxide seed

8. Copper
3. Via

4. Partial 9. Copper
via etch CMP and
SiN cap
5. Treach

metal layers. The wider and taller intermediate fabrication and massive investments; thus the
interconnects have lower resistance and provide large semiconductor companies are doing the
clock and signal within a functional block up to impossible to extend copper application to future
4 mm. Global interconnects are found at the top nodes. It is clear that only when up against an
metal layers and provide power to all functions in insurmountable technical wall will the semicon-
addition to connecting functional blocks through ductor industry switch to a new technology.
clock and signal. They are usually longer than Electrical resistance is a major issue now that
4 mm (up to half of the chip perimeter) and exhibit copper interconnect cross sections are comparable
very low resistance to minimize RC delay and to the mean free path of electrons in copper
voltage drop. Below are a typical cross section (40 nm in Cu at room temperature). Grain
of an I.C. chip and a possible implementation boundary and surface scattering are signicant
using CNTs (Figs. 3 and 4). contributors to the increased resistance, especially
now that we have reached nanoscale dimensions.
At the microstructural level, the grain boundaries
Limitations of Copper Interconnections play an important role, hence, among other fabri-
cation concerns, controlling the copper grain size
Copper interconnects have efciently scaled during electrodeposition has allowed to limit the
down to the current 32-nm-node microprocessors, grain boundary scattering impact thus far.
although this has required many technological The steep rise in interconnect resistance for
advances to allow ever-shrinking copper cross smaller IC nodes is a major source of RC delays
sections to carry increasing currents without fail- and directly affects the chip reliability by increas-
ure. However, we may be very close to smashing ing the risk of electromigration failure, a major
against a technical wall because of materials fail- issue for further downscaling. Electromigration is
ure and related fabrication issues. the transport of material caused by the gradual
Alternative materials or technologies would movement of the copper ions due to the momen-
require many changes in semiconductor tum transfer between conducting electrons and
480 Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections

Carbon Nanotubes for Passivation

Chip Interconnections,
Fig. 3 Typical cross Wire Dielectric
sections of hierarchical Etch Stop Layer
scaling in current Via
microprocessor Dielectric Capping Layer
(Figure reprinted with Copper Conductor with
permission from the Global
Barrier/Nucleation Layer
Semiconductor Industry
Association [22])


Metal 1 Pre-Metal Dielectric

Tungsten Contact Plug

Metal 1 Pitch

liner (usually Ta), to avoid copper diffusion into

silicon, further reduces the available conductive
copper cross section, thus increasing the risk of
electromigration failure, especially as the operat-
ing temperature rises.
In addition to the increased resistance and the
electromigration failure risk, many other aspects
of the dual-damascene process are becoming
potential sources of failure as the node shrinks.
Among the many integration concerns, we can
mention materials issues such as interface adhe-
sion between the different materials (copper,
low-k dielectrics, etc.), liner effectiveness, metal
voids, CMP interface defects, etc. Concurrently,
there is a long list of process-related issues such as
Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections,
the need for etch/strip/clean processes (to avoid
Fig. 4 Schematic view of possible implementation of damage to low-k dielectric materials), atomic
carbon nanotube via interconnects in lieu of copper layer deposition (ALD) processes to deposit
(Figure reprinted with permission from Awano et al. [7]) liners, copper plating and CMP techniques, etc.
A few interesting numerical estimates taken
from the 2009 projections from ITRS, [3] provide
diffusing metal atoms, which occurs for high cur- the reader with the magnitude of the technical
rent densities, which can create voids leading to challenge to extend copper interconnect technol-
open circuits. Given that downscaling leads to a ogy (Table 1).
reduction of the interconnects cross section, the As already mentioned, many alternative tech-
problem is amplied at subsequently smaller nologies are currently being investigated for
nodes. To compound the issue, the need for a replacement of copper as interconnect material
resistive diffusion barrier layer, also called a that would require signicant chip redesigns and
Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections 481

Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections,

Table 1 Selected critical parameters for copper use as
interconnects in future IC nodes (Data from the Semicon-
ductor Industry Association [22])
Year of production
(estimated) 2010 2015 2020
MPU/ASIC metal 1 pitch 45 25 14
(nm) (contacted) C
Total interconnect length 2,222 4,000 7,143 Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections,
(m/cm2) metal 1 and Fig. 5 Graphical representations of ideal graphene sheet,
5 intermediate levels, active SWCNT, MWCNT (Figure reprinted with permission from
wiring only Graham et al. [22])
Barrier/cladding thickness 3.3 1.9 1.1
(for Cu intermediate wiring)
Interconnect RC delay 1,132 3,128 9,206 properties [8]. When comparing materials proper-
[ps] for a 1-mm Cu ties, CNTs are a clear winner against copper.
intermediate wire, assumes
no scattering and an effective
Studies show that CNTs are stable for current
r of 2.2 mO-cm densities up to 109 A/cm2, two orders of magni-
tude higher than copper. CNTs can exhibit
multichannel ballistic conduction over distances
of microns. Because of their higher chemical sta-
new fabrication technologies. Some examples bility relative to copper, diffusion barriers (liners)
include optical interconnects, radio frequency are not needed for CNTs, thus allowing a larger
(RF) interconnects, plasmonics, and 3-D intercon- conductive cross section compared to copper for
nects (probably still copper). The interested reader the same technology node. Additionally, their
can nd more details on these alternative technol- mechanical tensile strength (100 times that of
ogies in the review paper from Havemann steel) and their high thermal conductivity
et al. [6] (now a little dated) or in the latest ITRS (comparable to diamond) give CNTs an edge
report on interconnects [3]. compared to copper. Finally, growing CNTs in
high aspect ratio vias could allow the design of
chips with higher interlayer spacing to reduce
The Case for Carbon Nanotube overall RC losses and to decrease chip-layer
Interconnects energy dissipation [9].
Before examining possible models of
An interesting solution, which has been the sub- CNT-based interconnect architectures, it is impor-
ject of intense research in recent years, is to tant to clearly understand CNTs electrical prop-
replace copper with carbon nanotubes. If a reliable erties, which represent the most critical material
and repeatable fabrication process consistent with limitation to resolve with respect to copper. The
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor electronic band structures of single-wall CNTs
(CMOS) technology requirements could be devel- (SWCNTs) and of graphene are very similar. For
oped, integration into existing chip architectures graphene and metallic SWCNTs, the valence band
may not require signicant process redesign and the conduction band touch at specic points in
(Fig. 5). the reciprocal space. For semiconducting
Carbon nanotubes, which can be visualized as SWCNTs, the conduction band and the valence
rolled sheets of graphene, have been widely inves- band do not touch. Semiconducting SWCNTs
tigated as a promising new material for many have been extensively studied as channels in tran-
electrical device applications [5, 7] (e.g., transis- sistor devices while metallic SWCNTs have been
tor (CNT-FET), interconnects) as they exhibit considered for applications such as IC intercon-
exceptional electrical, thermal, and mechanical nects and eld emission.
482 Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections

The resistance of a CNT contacted at both ends axis (ballistic path) than across SWCNTs because
is the sum of three resistances [5, 10]: of the large inter-CNT tunneling resistance
(2140 MO) [10]. Thus, the resistance of a bundle
RCNT RQ RL RCONTACT of SWCNTs can be viewed as a parallel circuit of
the resistances of the individual SWCNTs.
where RQ is the quantum resistance, RL is the If we have n SWCNTs, the resistance of the bun-
scattering resistance, and RCONTACT is the contact dle will be:
resistance. We will now discuss these three
resistances. RSCWNT
An ideal (defect-free) metallic SWCNT elec- RSCWNT bundle
trically contacted at both ends, in the absence of
scattering or contact resistance, exhibits a resis- The above overview related to SWCNTs. The
tance R 2RQ  13 kO as a SWCNT has two electrical properties of MWCNTs have not been
conduction channels. The quantum resistance as extensively studied because of the additional
RQ 6:5 kO is due to the mismatch between the complexities arising from their structure, as every
number of conduction channels in the nanotube shell has different electronic characteristics and
and the macroscopic metallic contacts. The chirality, in addition to interactions between the
one-dimensional connement of electrons, com- shells [11]. Geometrically, the interwall distance
bined with the requirement for energy and in a MWCNT is 0.34 nm, the same as the spacing
momentum conservation, leads to ballistic con- between graphene sheets in graphite. What still
duction over distances in the order of a micron. has to be claried is how the conductivity of a
The scattering resistance is due to impurities or MWCNT varies with the number of walls.
nanotube defects that reduce the electron mean Initially, it was thought that the conductance of
free path, and depends on the length l of the a MWCNT occurred only through the most exter-
SWCNT: nal wall, which seems to be the case at low bias
  and temperatures, where electronic transport is
1 l dominated by outer-shell conduction. However,
2RQ l0 theoretical models and experimental results indi-
cate that shell-to-shell interactions can signi-
For defect-free SWCNT lengths below a cantly lower the resistance of MWCNTs with
micron, we can neglect the scattering resistance. many walls [5, 10].
The contact resistance, which results from One view is that the conductivity of a MWCNT
connecting the SWCNT to a contact (usually with n walls is simply n times the conductivity of a
metallic), depends strongly on the material in SWCNT. Li et al. [12] experimentally measured
contact with the nanotube, and on the difference an electrical resistance of only 34.4 O for a large
between their work functions. The work functions MWCNT with outer diameter of 100 nm and inner
of multiwall CNTs (MWCNTs) and SWCNTs diameter of 50 nm (= > 74 walls). This value
have been estimated to be 4.95 and 5.10 eV, was much lower than the one that could be calcu-
respectively [10]. Palladium has been found to lated assuming all walls participated separately in
be one of the materials minimizing the contact the electrical conduction (i.e., calculated as the
resistance, better than titanium or platinum con- parallel of the resistances for each wall) showing
tacts (which exhibited nonohmic behavior when that interwall coupling contributes to additional
in contact with CNTs) [10]. channels of conductance. Naeemi et al. [13] also
For interconnect applications, most often bun- assumed intercoupling between CNT walls in
dles of SWCNTs are considered. It is important to their models to increase the channels of conduc-
note that the coupling between adjacent SWCNTs tion with increasing number of walls. However,
is negligible since, for defect-free SWCNTs, the their conductance was lower compared to
electrons would rather travel along the SWCNT that measured experimentally by Lis team.
Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections 483

RC1 RQ /2 dx RQ /2 RC2

(RQ / l0 ) = 216K /m

Rshunt = (RQ / l0 )dx

Re = (RQ / le )dx
lM .dx lk .dx
RV = (dV (x)/ I0)
Re CQ .dx
I0 = 25 A
Rshunt CE .dx

Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections, Fig. 6 Equivalent circuit model of metallic SWCNT used in HSPICE
simulations (Figure reprinted with permission from Naeemi and Meindl [14])

Bottom line: The conductivity of MWCNTs copper in reducing power dissipation, delay, and
increases with the number of walls but the exact crosstalk. For local interconnects, they quantied
relationship has not yet been exactly claried. the improvements as 50 % reduction in capaci-
tance, 48 % reduction of capacitance coupling
between adjacent lines, and 20 % reduction in
Models of CNTs as Interconnects delay. For intermediate interconnects, the
improvements were more marked, especially in
Various studies investigated replacing copper inter- terms of improved conductivities. For global
connects with bundles of CNTs (SWCNTs or interconnects, dense SWCNT bundles proved
MWCNTs) or with one large MWCNT. A rst critical to improve bandwidth density (Fig. 7).
approach consists of using densely packed Using MWCNTs, which are all electrically
SWCNTs. Modeling SWCNTs as equivalent elec- conductive as they exhibit multiple channels of
trical circuits and using SPICE simulations, Naeemi conduction (compared to only one-third metallic
et al. [14] showed that a target density of SWCNTs SWCNTs), could lower the resistivity of the bun-
of at least 3.3  1013 CNTs/cm2 was required. Cur- dle, although fewer of them can be packed in the
rently achieved maximum densities for CNTs in same space because they usually have larger
vias barely reach 1012 CNTs/cm2, which is still an diameters (but also require a lower packing den-
order of magnitude smaller than required. Further- sity compared to SWCNTs). In a different model-
more, since statistically only one-third of the ing study, Naeemi et al. [13] explored the
SWCNTs grown are metallic (the other two-third suitability of MWCNTs as replacement for copper
are semiconducting), the conduction of the bundle interconnects. They concluded that for long
will only occur in the metallic SWCNTs (Fig. 6). lengths (over 100 mm), MWCNTs have conduc-
Naeemi et al. [14] also compared SWCNT tivities many times that of copper and even of
bundles to copper as local, intermediate, and SWCNT bundles. However, for short lengths
global interconnects. They showed that, in (less than 10 mm), dense SWCNT bundles can
SWCNT bundles, resistance and kinetic induc- exhibit a conductivity that is twice that of
tance decreased linearly with the number of MWCNT bundles. Thus, for via applications,
nanotubes in the bundle, while magnetic induc- they recommended using dense bundles of
tance changed very slowly. The resistance of a SWCNTs or, alternatively, bundles of MWCNTs
bundle of SWCNTs with sufcient metallic with small diameter (i.e., with few walls) (Fig. 8).
nanotubes was smaller than the resistance of cop- Using an individual MWCNT with large diam-
per wires, while capacitance was comparable. eter could offer high conductivity due to the par-
SWCNT bundles also fared better compared to ticipation of multiple walls to signicantly
484 Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections

Carbon Nanotubes for

Chip Interconnections, le = 1.6 m
Fig. 7 Conductivity of 1.00
s copper-Bulk

Conductivity, (cm)1
densely packed SWCNT
bundles versus length for s copper@22 nm-Node
various bias voltages
(Figure reproduced with
permission from Naeemi
VAB = 0
and Meindl [14])
VAB = 0.05 V
VAB = 0.2 V
0.01 VAB = 0.5 V

0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00

SWNTBundle Length, l (m)

Carbon Nanotubes for

Chip Interconnections, Cu Wire, W = 100 nm
Fig. 8 Conductivity of Cu Wire, W = 50 nm
MWCNTs with various Cu Wire, W = 20 nm
Conductivity, (cm)1

diameters compared to Cu
wires and dense bundles of SWCN, D=1 nm
(Figure reproduced with
permission from Naeemi
and Meindl [13]) 0.10 l = l0b/a
MWCN, D = 10 nm
MWCN, D = 20 nm
MWCN, D = 50 nm
MWCN, D = 100 nm
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 10.000
Length, l (m)

increase the channels for conduction. However, as may be replaced by dense SWCNT bundles,
previously mentioned, the exact relationship while larger long-range horizontal interconnects
between the number of walls and the conductance may still use copper, dense bundles of MWCNTs,
has yet to be claried. or even metal-CNT composites.
In conclusion, the choice of nanotubes may
differ depending on the type of interconnect. For
instance, dense bundles of SWCNTs or MWCNTs Practical Implementation: Fabrication
with few walls may be more suitable for small- State of the Art and Outstanding Issues
section vertical vias, while dense bundles of larger
MWCNTs may be more appropriate for long-range Reliable and repeatable high-yield CNT fabrication
interconnects. The option of using a large MWCNT compatible with CMOS standards is the main bot-
which lls all the space available needs to be further tleneck in replacing copper in chip interconnec-
investigated. It is also plausible that hybrid systems tions. Although hundreds of research teams have
of copper/SWCNTs/MWCNTs may be the best focused their efforts on nanotube growth and thou-
solution; for instance, small-section vertical vias sands of papers detailing growth recipes have been
Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections 485

Carbon Nanotubes for

Grow-In-Place Grow-Then-Place
Chip Interconnections,
Fig. 9 Pictorials
comparing the grow-in- C2H2
place and grow-then-
place techniques
(Reproduced with
permission from Professor
Carl V. Thompson [18])


Catalyst: Ni, Co, Fe ...

published, surprisingly, very few have focused on The advantages of this method are that it places
the growth on conductive substrates at CMOS- no restrictions on the process or temperature used
compatible processing temperature [7, 10, for CNT synthesis and allows to pretreat the CNTs
15, 16]. It is still a challenge to reliably and con- (e.g., select, purify, functionalize). The major draw-
sistently synthesize CNTs on conductive layers at back is that no successful and repeatable technique
temperatures below 400450  C, the maximum to transfer the CNTs to the substrate has been
temperature allowed in CMOS fabrication to developed to date. The challenge of resolving this
avoid disrupting previous diffusion patterns. Fur- issue appears too high to make this technique a
thermore, it is still difcult to precisely control candidate for the CMOS industry. However, free-
CNT diameter and height, although chemical standing, puried, CNTs are manufactured by
vapor deposition (CVD) from thin lms of con- many companies and sold for other applications
trolled thickness [17] or from nanoparticles [16] of (e.g., CNT-polymer composites).
controlled size has shown encouraging results. Grow-in-place: this technique usually consists
To utilize carbon nanotubes in industrial appli- of preparing the sample with a catalyst present in
cations, two main approaches have been consid- the locations where the nanotubes will be synthe-
ered: grow-in-place and grow-then-place sized. For instance, a thin catalyst lm can be
[18] (Fig. 9). deposited using e-beam evaporation or sputtering;
Grow-then-place: This technique consists of alternatively, nanoparticles can be deposited on a
rst preparing nanotubes and subsequently trans- substrate. Synthesis is usually performed using
ferring them to a substrate. Arc discharge and thermal or assisted (e.g., plasma) CVD.
laser ablation are the main techniques used to This method has several advantages: (1) good
synthesize free-standing nanotubes. The control of nanotube position (CNTs will grow
nanotubes may be subsequently selected (e.g., where there are catalysts), (2) proven recipes to
separating SWCNTs or metallic SWCNTs) and obtain crystalline CNTs (at least on insulating
puried prior to use. To transfer them to another substrates), (3) proven capabilities to obtain car-
substrate, CNTs are usually functionalized in a pets of vertically aligned CNTs, (4) physical con-
way that they will attach to pre-patterned areas tact with the substrate, (5) electrical contact with
of the substrate which will attract functionalized the substrate, and (6) CVD techniques are com-
CNTs. An interesting technique for interconnect monplace in the CMOS industry.
vias is based on using electrophoresis to push The major drawbacks are that (1) the
CNTs dispersed in a liquid solution into a matrix processing temperature should be below
with pits (e.g., porous alumina matrix). 400450  C (CMOS-compatibility), thus putting
486 Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections

c CNTs

b 1 m
a Co catalyst particles
Via hole

Ta barrier SiO2
g cap
Si substrate
Spin on Glass (SOG)

e f Ta barrier
Ti contact
Planarization by CMP Cu layer

5 nm

Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections, Fig. 10 Process to synthesize CNTs into pits, SEM cross section, and
TEM showing crystalline MWCNT (Reprinted with permission from Yokoyama et al. [23])

serious limits on the synthesis method and (2) the 2 mm via at temperatures close to 400  C with the
CNTs should be directly synthesized on the sub- lowest resistance measured of 0.6O after CMP
strate of choice, usually a metallic layer to provide and annealing in a hydrogen atmosphere [5]
electrical contact. Although growing dense car- (Fig. 10).
pets of crystalline CNTs on insulating substrates Kreupl et al. [19] succeeded in growing a sin-
such as alumina or silicon oxide has been gle MWCNT into a 25-nm hole and measured a
achieved by many, CNT growth on metallic layers high resistance of 2030 kO. Given the difculty
still remains a serious challenge. Interactions of growing a single large MWCNT and the dif-
between the catalyst and the metallic substrate cult task of making a precise electrical measure-
(e.g., alloying) are the major impediments for the ment, there may be room for further improvement
successful growth of dense carpets of CNTs on if we could grow an individual, crystalline
metallic layers. (defect-free) MWCNT with the maximum number
In addition to interesting results obtained from of walls for a given external diameter, thus max-
university research, good progress on the growth imizing the number of channels of conduction.
and characterization of carbon nanotubes for Most of the effort on CNT synthesis to replace
interconnects has been achieved by industrial lab- copper interconnects has focused on vertical
oratories, initially by Inneon and now by the growth of dense carpets of CNTs, which can be
Fujitsu laboratories. In 2002, Kreupl et al. [19] achieved by a high density of active catalyst dots.
of Inneon showed that bundles of CNTs could be In contrast there have been fewer successful
grown in pits of dened geometry. reports of horizontal growth, with less spectacular
More recently, Awano et al. [7] of Fujitsu grew results. Many techniques have been used to
bundles of MWCNTs in a 160 nm via at 450  C achieve horizontal alignment among which we
and measured an electrical resistance of 34O (the can mention high gas ow rates, electric elds,
CNT density observed was 3  1011 CNTs/cm2). and epitaxial techniques to guide horizontal align-
This follows a previous result obtained earlier by ment of the nanotubes [10]. In 2010, Yan
the same team where they grew MWCNTs into a et al. [20] obtained an interesting horizontal
Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections 487

Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections, Fig. 11 Scanning electron microscope images of dense carpets of
horizontally aligned CNTs grown using CVD (Figure reproduced from Yan et al. [20])

growth of bundled CNTs with a density of (e.g., Pd) and possibly silicides are good can-
5  1010 CNTs/cm2, which is approaching what didates. For MWCNTs, it is also important to
has been achieved for vertical CNT growth ensure electrical contact with all the walls.
(although still over an order of magnitude lower 3. When using SWCNTs, synthesize only metal-
compared to the best result for vertical CNT lic SWCNTs (on average one-third of the
growth) (Fig. 11). SWCNTs grown) which are the ones partici-
Although the experimental results obtained are pating in the electrical conduction. This is
encouraging, there are still numerous challenges closely linked to the issue of chirality control,
that need to be resolved for CNTs to enter the for which no solution has been proposed to
semiconductor fab: date. Selective catalyst choice may provide an
alternative avenue to synthesize a higher frac-
1. Increase the CNT areal density by one or two tion of metallic SWCNTs.
orders of magnitude. For SWCNTs, assuming 4. Control growth direction of CNTs. This is
all of them are metallic, a packing density of especially challenging for horizontal intercon-
10131014 CNTs/cm2 is required to compete nects where the directionality and the packing
with copper in terms of resistance, while for density achieved are still lagging compared to
MWCNTs, the required packing density is vertical growth of CNTs, despite some inter-
lower and depends on the number of channels esting progress in this area [10, 20].
of conduction (i.e., number of walls). This will 5. Synthesize crystalline, defect-free CNTs to
require, among other considerations, adequate ensure maximum electrical conductivity in
catalyst and underlayer materials choice and the nanotube. This is challenging, especially
deposition, possible surface pretreatment when combined with the requirement of grow-
(e.g., plasma, reduction, and etching), maxi- ing CNTs at low temperature to achieve CMOS
mum nucleation of active catalyst dots, and compatibility.
optimizing the CNT growth process. Although 6. Synthesize CNTs at temperatures below
CNT areal density is an important issue, it may 400450  C to ensure CMOS compatibility.
not be the dealbreaker. 7. Repeatably yield the same CNT structures
2. Minimize the contact resistance between the when the same process conditions are applied.
CNTs and the substrate. To achieve maximum This is a major issue since important variations
conductivity, the choice of the appropriate in the structure and shape of the CNTs grown
underlayer is critical; specic metals have been experimentally observed.
488 Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections

Conclusions and Outlook for CNTs applications. Although the jury is still out, if pro-
as Chip Interconnections cess repeatability could be achieved, we could
hope, not only that CNTs will enter the CMOS
In the past decade, the synthesis of CNTs and the fabs and replace copper for chip interconnections,
understanding of their growth mechanisms have but also that they will lead to innovative ventures
massively improved. However, for CNTs to enter requiring lower investments to develop integrated
the CMOS fab and replace copper, signicant chal- circuits with radically new architectural designs
lenges still need to be resolved. In my opinion, the using carbon nanotubes as new building blocks.
most signicant challenge to overcome is develop-
ing a reliable and repeatable fabrication process
consistent with CMOS conditions. To achieve that Cross-References
tall order, we need to improve our understanding of
the CNT growth mechanisms. Although many sim- Carbon Nanotube-Metal Contact
ulation models and many experimentally-based Carbon Nanotubes
insights have been achieved [10], there are still Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
many questions related to CNT growth mechanisms CMOS-CNT Integration
that have not been fully answered. For instance: Nanotechnology
Physical Vapor Deposition
Which precursor gases favor CNT growth and Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes
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role of the gases in the resulting level of crys- References
tallinity of the CNTs grown? Could we pretreat
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2. Magen, N., Kolodny, A., Weiser, U.: Interconnect-
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tors is needed. Most researchers use standard 7. Awano, Y., Sato, S., Nihei, M., Sakai, T., Ohno, Y.,
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Low temperature synthesis of vertically aligned car-
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strates enabled by thermal decomposition of the Carbon Nanowalls
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Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 263101 (2007). Copyright 2007, The CarParrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD)
American Institute of Physics is an extension of the Lagrangian formalism of
490 CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics

classical molecular dynamics in which the model solving some equations of motion (EOM),
potential describing the interaction among atoms representing the physical evolution of the system
is replaced by the total energy functional of the under study. Modeling the interaction of atoms
system as provided by the Density Functional with an analytic potential V(RI), especially when
Theory (DFT). The electronic wavefunctions are chemical bonds evolve in time and they are bro-
explicitly introduced as new dynamical variables. ken or formed is a hard task not yet solved apart
The simultaneous Euler-Lagrange equations of from a very limited class of chemical species. On
motion for both sets of dynamical variables, the other hand, the electronic structure for a gen-
atomic coordinates and electronic wavefunctions, eral many-body system can be determined with a
avoid the explicit minimization of the DFT total computationally reasonable workload by means
energy at each step of the dynamics. Instead, they of the density functional theory (DFT), originally
introduce a ctitious dynamics of the proposed in the early 1960s by Kohn, Hohenberg,
wavefunctions representing an adiabatic updating and Sham [3, 4]. Its importance in the advance-
on-the-y of the electronic structure along the ment of computational quantum chemistry and
atomic dynamics. related elds was acknowledged by the Nobel
Prize in Chemistry in 1998 awarded jointly to
Walter Kohn and John A. Pople. Joining the two
Introduction elds, MD and DFT, is exactly what the
CarParrinello method is about, extending the
The main target in atomic-scale simulations is to range of both concepts [5, 6].
reproduce in a realistic way physical and chemical
events occurring in materials. Specically, the
scope of First Principles Molecular Dynamics
A Brief Overview of Density Functional
(FPMD) is to study a system of interacting nuclei
Theory: The CPMD Potential
and electrons by recreating it on a computer in a
way as close as possible to nature and by simulat-
The DFT is a formulation of the many-body quan-
ing its dynamics over a physical length of time
tum mechanics in terms of an electron density
relevant to the properties of interest. The inherent
distribution, r(x), which describes the ground
complexity of the simulated systems, from solids
state of a system composed of interacting elec-
to biological macromolecules, calls for methods
trons and point-like nuclei having positions {RI}
able to go beyond the simple calculation of the
[7]. All along the text, atomic units will be used
electronic structure of a given set of coordinates
for simplicity. In practice, single-particle
RI representing the positions of atoms. This is
wavefunctions ci(x) are used to express the
exactly the idea that started the entire eld of
many-body mathematical function r (x). The dra-
Molecular Dynamics (MD).
matic simplication, is the fact that not even the
From an historical point of view, the MD
specic analytic form of the complex function
approach was introduced by Alder and Wain-
ci(x) matters, but only its square modulus, so
wright [1] in the late 1950s to study the interac-
that the electron density reads
tions of hard spheres. Many important insights
concerning the behavior of simple liquids
N occ
emerged from their studies, but due to the limita- rx fi jci xj2 (1)
tions of the computational facilities and the i1
pioneering stage of the MD, it was only in 1964
that the rst dynamical simulation could be done. This expression is clearly a single Slater determi-
That milestone case focused on liquid Ar with the nant constructed from wavefunctions representing
interatomic interaction modeled by a truncated all the Nocc occupied orbitals. The coefcients fi
Lennard-Jones potential [2]. In a nutshell, any are the (integer) occupation numbers, and they are
MD method is an iterative numerical scheme for equal to 1 in the case in which the spin is explicitly
CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics 491

considered (spin-unrestricted) or equal to 2 if the for the exchange interaction [7], the so-called
spin is neglected and energy levels are considered local density approximation (LDA), whose name
as doubly-occupied (spin-restricted). Further- comes from the fact that a homogeneous distribu-
more, the wavefunctions ci(x) are subject to the tion of interacting electrons is assumed, in which
orthonormality constraint r(x) depends just on the local point x. Similarly, in
the LDA version of the correlation energy [7], the
explicit analytic form of the functional comes C
ci xcj xd3 x dij (2) from a parameterization of the results of quantum
Monte Carlo calculations. Due to the insufciency
of a simple LDA approximation for many real
as in any quantum mechanics approach. The
systems, nonlocal approximations, including the
Kohn-Sham (KS) DFT total energy of the system
gradient of the density, are often adopted and
in its ground state is then written as
the exchange-correlation functional becomes
Exc[r, r]. In practical applications, however,
EKS fci g Ek fci g EH r Exc r the gradient enters only with its modulus, thus
EeI r EII (3) adding only a modest computational cost. The
electrostatic interaction between electrons and
nuclei, is then
In Eq. 3, the rst three terms on the right-hand
side (Ek, EH, Exc) describe all the X
electronelectron interactions, the fourth term
ZI rx 3
EeI r  d x (6)
(EeI) refers to the electronnucleus interaction, I1
jx-RI j
and the fth one (EII) corresponds to the
nucleusnucleus interaction. More explicitly, Ek where ZI is the charge of the Ith nucleus. However,
is the Schrdinger-like kinetic energy expressed in practice, this expression as is is computation-
in terms of the single-particle wavefunctions ally expensive. In fact, two different length scales
ci(x) as come into play: a small one for the core electrons,
characterized by rapidly varying wavefunctions,
N occ
 1 2 especially in the region very close to the nucleus,
Ek fci g fi ci x  ci x d3 x and a longer one for the valence electrons that
form chemical bonds and vary more smoothly.
(4) Clearly, the rst one would dominate and add a
computational workload that would make imprac-
It must be remarked that this expression for the tical simulations of large systems. To overcome
kinetic energy does not depend on the density r(x) this problem, one can observe that core electrons
but directly on the wavefunctions. The second are generally inert and do not participate to chem-
term, EH, is the Hartree energy, i.e., the Coulomb ical bonds. This crucial observation led to the use
electrostatic interaction between two charge of pseudopotentials [6]. Namely, core electrons
distributions are eliminated and a potential describing the
corevalence interaction is built by tting to
1 rxry 3 3 the all-electron solutions of the Schrdinger
E H r d xd y (5)
2 j x  yj or Dirac equation for the single atom of the chem-
ical species considered. In a pseudopotential
The exchange interaction and the electron corre- (PP) approach, the electronnucleus interaction
lations due to many-body effects are represented is rewritten as
by the term Exc[r], whose exact analytical expres-
sion is unknown. There are good approximations EeI r d3 x V ps x  RI rx (7)
derived from the homogeneous electron gas limit
492 CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics

Finally, the fth and last term in right-hand side of calculation in which the forces acting on the
Eq. 3 is simply the Coulomb interaction between ions are required, the explicit derivatives of
two classical nuclei I and J and is written as these wavefunctions with respect to RI must be
computed, leading to non-Hellmann-Feynman
ZI ZJ force components known in the literature as
EII (8) Pulay forces [6, 8]. An alternative basis set rather
jRI  RJ j
popular in physics is represented by plane waves
where ZI and ZJ are the net valence charge in a PP
approach. The total energy EKS of the ground state
of such a system of interacting electrons and ci x ci G eiG x (12)
nuclei is obtained by minimizing the KS func- G0
tional with respect to the single-particle orbitals
ci(x), which, in practice, means solving the KS where the sum is truncated at a suitable cut-off
Schrdinger-like equations Gmax. In this case, no dependence on the atomic
coordinates and no arbitrariness in the increase in
the number of basis functions exist.
 H KS ci x ei ci x (9)
d ci
First Principles Molecular Dynamics
The Basis Set Issue
Until the early 1980s, few applications of DFT
A somehow arbitrary issue is the proper denition went beyond the static calculations of the elec-
of ci(x). The answer is the selection of a proper tronic structure. Nonetheless, nite temperature
basis set on which orbitals can be expanded. One and entropy effects are two of the dominant fea-
possible choice is a localized basis set expressing tures in matter and their role is often far from
the one-electron wavefunctions as negligible. In this respect, the FPMD has
represented a huge step forward. In this particular
M combination of DFT and MD, the interactions
c i x cki fk x; fRI g (10) among atoms, instead of being described by an
k1 analytical function V({RI}) of the atomic coordi-
nates RI, is directly computed from the DFT total
and the number of analytic functions used, M, is energy EKS, which is simultaneously a function of
also an indicator of the computational cost of the the electron wavefunctions and the atomic coor-
quantum calculation, in the obvious sense that the dinates. The BornOppenheimer (BO) approxi-
larger the basis set, the higher the computational mation [9] allows to disentangle the motions of
workload. One of the most popular basis sets is the electrons and the nuclei, and each time the
represented by Gaussian-type orbitals (GTO) nuclei RI(t) are displaced from given positions at
  time t to new positions RI(t + Dt) at a subsequent
fk x  RI fk r N k r kxx rkyy r kz z exp ak r 2 time t + Dt, an optimization of the electronic
(11) structure has to be performed. Then the forces
acting on the nuclei are estimated from the gradi-
where r = xRI. When such a basis set is used, ent of EKS with respect to the ionic position
the constants Nk, and ak are kept xed during the and the variables RI(t) are updated to RI(t + Dt)
electronic structure calculation, whereas the coef- by solving via nite differences the Newton-like
cients cki are allowed to vary until they are fully EOM
optimized [8]. It must be remarked that orbitals
expanded in a localized basis set depend on the I RI min EKS fci g, fRI g
MI R (13)
atomic positions RI. As a consequence, in any fci g
CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics 493

This iterative procedure assumes that the elec- novelty of the CPMD approach: A strategy to
tronic structure is recomputed and the full diago- update on-the-y the wavefunctions when ions
nalization of the Hamiltonian is performed at each undergo a dynamical displacement, avoiding
time step t along the discrete trajectory {RI (t)}. expensive iterative diagonalization required by the
BO approach at each time step. The
EulerLagrange EOM are as follows:
CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics C
x  d E
mc lij cj x (15)
An alternative to this scheme, which has
d ci j
represented a real breakthrough in rst principles
MI R (16)
dynamical simulations, was proposed in 1985
by R. Car and M. Parrinello [5]. The scope (and
driving force) was to overcome the two major @EKS
a qa  (17)
efforts arising in FPMD: On one hand one has to @qa
integrate the equations of motion for the nuclear
positions as in Eq. 13, which represent the long The ctitious mass m assigned to the orbitals ci(x)
timescale part to the problem. On the other is the parameter that controls the speed of the
hand, one has to propagate dynamically the updating of the wavefunctions with respect to
smooth time-evolving (ground state) electronic the nuclear positions. For this reason, it deter-
subsystem. The CarParrinello molecular dynam- mines the degree of adiabaticity of the two sub-
ics (CPMD) is able to satisfy this second require- systems, electrons and nuclei.
ment in a numerically stable way and makes an It is straightforward to give a Hamiltonian,
acceptable compromise for the time step length of instead of a Lagrangian, formulation of the
the nuclear motion. The formulation is an exten- CPMD method, via a simple Legendre transform
sion of a classical molecular dynamics Lagrangian after dening the momenta
in which the electronic degrees of freedom
(wavefunctions) are added to the system, along pi x x m c_ i x
with any other dynamical variable qa(t), i.e., ther- d c_ i
mostats, barostats, reaction coordinates, etc.
pi x m c_ i x
1X 2 d c_ x
MI R_ I m c_ i x d3 x
2 I
pi R_ I LCP MI R_ I
1X 2
 q_  EKS r, fRI g, qa
2 a a a
X   z_a a q_a (20)
 @ q_a
lij d x ci xcj x  dij (14)

so that the Hamiltonian reads
The rst term on the right-hand side of Eq. 14 is the
kinetic energy of the nuclei, the second one the X p_ I 2 X p x pi x
ctitious kinetic energy of the electrons H CP i
d3 x
2M I i
representing the update of the wavefunctions during
X z_2
the dynamics, the third one the kinetic term of any a
 EKS r, fRI g, qa
further dynamical variable used in the sense speci- a
2 a (21)
ed above, the fourth one is the DFT total energy,
and the last addendum is the orthonormality con- X  
straint for the wavefunctions. The kinetic energy for  lij ci xcj x d 3 x  dij
the electronic degrees of freedom is the main ij
494 CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics

CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics, Fig. 2 Schematic

representation of a CarParrinello trajectory (red line) with
respect to a BornOppenheimer dynamics (blue line) one a
given DFT-based potential energy surface

CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics, Fig. 1 Atomic

structure (sticks; red = O, white = H) of a water molecule
Numerical Details
and electronic wavefunction of an OHs-bond in terms of
density map (blue: |ci(x)|2 = 0, red: |ci(x)|2 = maximum). Although it is not restriction neither of DFT [13]
The two sets of dynamical variable evolve in time nor of CPMD [14], PWs are often used as a
according to the equations of motions indicated, coupled
via EKS
convenient basis set for the coding of CPMD,
since they have several good properties:
and the CPMD equations of motion (Fig. 1) will (i) Accuracy can be systematically improved in a
be given by the corresponding Hamilton EOMs. fully variational way, (ii) PWs are independent
A rigorous mathematical proof of this scheme from atomic positions (i.e., no Pulay forces [6]),
has been given by Bornemann and Schutte [10], (iii) PWs can be easily distributed in parallel
showing that the CPMD trajectory {RCP(t)} stays processing. However, it must be observed that
close to the BO one {RBO(t)} and the upper bound the fact that PWs are not localized can lead to
is proportional to the square root of the ctitious inefciencies for small clusters or surfaces placed
mass m in a large simulation cell. The equations of motion
are discretized by nite differences, via a Verlet
R t  RBO t < C p
m (22) or velocity-Verlet algorithm [15]. The ionic vari-
ables RI(t) are updated at a rate Dt, while the
where C is a positive constant (Fig. 2). electronic degrees of freedom are updated at a
The fact that the CPMD was a milestone step rate Dt/m1/2, i.e.,
forward in realistic simulations of materials at
various thermodynamics conditions can be easily ci G, t Dt G, t  Dt  G, t
seen by the number of publications in rst princi- Dt2
ples molecular dynamics (FPMD) before and after  GH CP G0 ci G0
1985. Indeed, the original CarParrinello publica- G0
tion has more than 7,000 citations in 2014 (source: Lij cj G (23)
ISI Web of Science), and, to acknowledge the j
importance of the method, the international Phys-
ics and Astronomy Classication Scheme (PACS) For most of the applications, Dt and m fall in the
introduced in 1996 a new identication number, range 35 au and 300600 au, respectively. Of
71.15.Pd, to classify CarParrinello related publi- course, the (quantum) time scale of electrons is
cations. Since then, the method has been applied dominating in this kind of approaches and simu-
to a wide variety of materials, ranging from solids, lations times are of the order of few tens or, at very
to liquids, and to biological systems [11, 12]. best, hundreds of ps. As far as the system size is
CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics 495

concerned, with N electrons and Gmax PWs, Gmax the Lagrangian formulation for the propagation of
being integer, the scaling of the various parts the wavefunctions is stable by construction, thus
composing the CPMD algorithm is O(N Gmax) providing a reliable integration. This stability fea-
for the kinetic term, O(N Gmax log Gmax) for the ture must then be preserved. Concerning the ef-
local potential and O(N2 Gmax) for both the ciency, large integration steps Dt are desirable and
nonlocal term and wavefunctions orthogonaliza- possibly a small, or better zero, deviation from the
tion procedure. BO surface should be kept all along the dynamics C
to get a high accuracy. The mathematical result of
this list of requirement resumes into a modied
ionic EOM
Second-Generation CarParrinello
Molecular Dynamics
X @ D E
MI R Lij ci j cj
The inherent high computational cost associated to @RI i, j
@ hci j dENSC X  E
the electronic structure calculations has limited the
affordable timescales for several years. Only the 2  Lij cj
@RI dhci j
most advanced high performing computer plat- j

forms recently available have allowed to increase (24)

the system size to about a thousand of atoms and
simulation times towards hundreds of picosecond. While the rst term in the right hand of the equa-
Yet, many phenomena still call for a substantial tion is clear, the rest seems a bit puzzling at a rst
boost. These are, for instance, diffusion in solids glance. Indeed, in the original formulation [16],
or, in the case of glasses generation from the melt, the selected basis set is not PW, but a localized
a less rapid cooling rate suitable to avoid numeri- basis set as in Eq. 10. Hence, the electronic
cally induced structural problems. While linear wavefunctions depend also on the atomic coordi-
scaling methods can be a viable way to access nates RI and the request of orthogonality at each
larger system sizes, they still have to face the step is released to save time, meaning that the
problem of the simulation timescale. Moreover, scalar product <ci|cj> is no longer vanishing.
the crossover point at which linear scaling Analogously, the total energy EDFT is not
methods become advantageous has remained reoptimized as in full self-consistent BO
fairly large, especially if high accuracy is needed. procedures and for this reason is indicated as
An interesting attempt at overcoming these limita- non-self-consistent energy ENSC. Wavefunctions
tions has been proposed in 2007 [16]. The basic are propagated according to an algorithm which
idea is to join the advantages of both the BO resembles the original CPMD formulation in the
approach and the CPMD; in a nutshell sense that second order EOMs are used, but a
damping term (rst-order derivative) is present
CPMD BO which reminds a sort of steepest-descent algo-
Conservation of Good Convergence rithm typical of the BO dynamics. The net result
constants of motion dependent
is the electron dynamics,
Electronic Not needed Needed
Hamiltonian Not needed Needed d2 d d ENSC
m jc i g jci i 
diagonalization dt2 i dt d hci j
Integration step Dt Small Large X
Minimum of the BO Approximate Exact Lij jci i (25)
surface j

These two approaches have nearly comple- which is then solved via a predictorcorrector
mentary features as sketched above. Following scheme. With no pretention of completeness, the
the CPMD formulation, it can be remarked that procedure can be summarized as follows. On a
496 CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics

rst instance, in a localized basis set {|q>}, the 3. Select the appropriate number of steps K to
electronic wavefunctions are expanded as keep C(tn) as close as possible to the
(electronic) ground state
4. Enforce convergence on the BO surface, cor-
jc i i Ciq jqi (26) rect this propagation CPMD-like afterwards

on the M functions composing the localized basis. Point 3 corresponds to the rst move in the
Then the NxM matrix of the expansion coefcient numerical integration procedure and it can be
is written as identied as the predictor part directly deriving
from a standard numerical integration of the
0 1
C11 : : C1M CPMD type equations of motion. Point 5, instead,
  B : : : C is the corrector needed afterwards to better con-
C Ciq B
@ :
C (27)
: : A verge the wavefunctions and to restore the
CN1 : : CNM neglected self-consistent loop. The use of not
necessarily fully converged wavefunctions at the
and the density matrix becomes P = CCT = PSP. predictor propagation stage allows for large inte-
The MxM matrix indicated as S is just given by the gration steps, thus resulting in a remarkable boost
expansion coefcient and its matrix elements in the dynamics.
have the usual form

Sqq0 Ciq Ciq (28) Cross-References
Ab Initio DFT Simulations of Nanostructures
Hence, the (DFT) total energy can be rewritten as Computer Modeling and Simulation of Materials
Etot[C,RI] which can be used in a straightforward Electronic Structure Calculations
way to write a BO dynamics First Principles Calculations
Molecular Dynamics Method
I RI minfEtot C, RI g 8CT S C 1
MR Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Interac-
(29) tions Between Biological Molecules and
under the given constraint on C which resumes in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nano-
an implicit orthogonality condition. However it biomaterials
must be kept into account that: (i) Diagonalization Surface Electronic Structure
and minimization of Etot are required in BO;
(ii) Hellman-Feynman forces are just one compo-
nent since Pulay forces due to the local basis set are References
present. Residual force components appear due to
1. Alder, B.J., Wainwright, T.E.J.: Phase transition for a
non-self-consistency (NSC) of the approach. To
hard sphere system. Chem. Phys. 27, 1208 (1957)
take into account all the points above, the basic 2. Rahman, A.: Correlation in the motion of atoms in
strategy can be summarized in four major points: liquid argon. Phys. Rev. 136, A405 (1964)
3. Hohenberg, P., Kohn, W.: Inhomogeneous electron
gas. Phys. Rev. 136, B864 (1964)
1. Propagate the electronic variables in time
4. Kohn, W., Sham, L.J.: Self-consistent equations
according to the CP original idea of updating including exchange and correlation effects. Phys.
on-the-y to avoid expensive full diagonaliza- Rev. 140, A1133 (1965)
tion operations 5. Car, R., Parrinello, M.: Unied approach for molecular
dynamics and Density-Functional theory. Phys. Rev.
2. Use a good propagation algorithm C(tn) = f(C
Lett. 55, 2471 (1985)
(tn-1), . . . ,C(tn-m)) depending on previous time 6. Marx, D., Hutter, J.: Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics:
steps m  [1,K] time steps Basic Theory and Advanced Methods. Cambridge
Cell Migration 497

University Press, New York (2009). ISBN

978-0521898638 Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition
7. Parr, R.G., Yang, W.: Density-Functional Theory of
Atoms and Molecules. Oxford University Press, New (CCVD)
York (1989). ISBN 0-19-504279
8. Hehre, W.J., Radom, L., Schleyer, P.V.R., Pople, J.A.: Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Theory. Wiley, New York

(1986). ISBN 978-0471812418
Born, M., Oppenheimer, J.R.: Zur Quantentheorie der
Molekeln. Ann. Phys. 84, 457 (1927) Catalytic Janus Particle
10. Bornemann, F.A., Sch utte, C.: A mathematical inves-
tigation of the Car-Parrinello method. Numer. Mat. 78,
359 (1998) Molecular Modeling on Articial Molecular
11. Boero, M., Tateno, M.: Quantum theoretical Motors
approaches to proteins and nucleic acids. In: Oxford
Handbook of Nanoscience and Technology, Vol. 1:
Basic Aspects, pp. 549598. Oxford University
Press, New York (2010). ISBN 978-0199533046 Cathodic Arc Deposition
12. Boero, M.: Reactive simulations for biochemical pro-
cesses. In: Atomic-Scale Modeling of Nanosystems
and Nanostructured Materials. Lecture Notes in Phys- Physical Vapor Deposition
ics, vol. 795, pp. 8198. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg
(2010). ISBN 978-3-642-04650-6
13. Oshiyama, A., Iwata, J.: Large-scale electronic-
structure calculations for nanomaterials in density func- Cavity Optomechanics
tional theory. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 302, 012030 (2011)
14. Car, R., Parrinello, M.: The unied approach to den- Nano-optomechanical Systems (NOMS)
sity functional and molecular dynamics in real space.
Solid State Commun 62, 403 (1987)
15. Pang, T.: An Introduction to Computational Physics.
Cambridge University Press, New York (2000). ISBN Cell Adhesion
16. Kuhne, T.D., Krack, M., Mohamed, F.R., Parrinello,
M.: Efcient and accurate Car-Parrinello-like Bioadhesion
approach to Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics. Precise Biopatterning with Plasma: The Plasma
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 066401 (2007) Micro-contact Patterning (PmCP) Technique

Carrier-Free Electrophoresis Cell Adhesion and Detachment

Micro Free-Flow Electrophoresis (mFFE) Biological Breadboard Platform for Studies of

Cellular Dynamics

Catalyst Cell Micro-patterning

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Precise Biopatterning with Plasma: The Plasma
Physical Vapor Deposition Micro-contact Patterning (PmCP) Technique

Catalytic Bimetallic Nanorods Cell Migration

Molecular Modeling on Articial Molecular Biological Breadboard Platform for Studies of

Motors Cellular Dynamics
498 Cell Patterning

Cell Patterning
The interaction between nanoparticles and cell
Precise Biopatterning with Plasma: The Plasma triggers a cascade of molecular events which
Micro-contact Patterning (PmCP) Technique could induce a toxicity and cell death. They are
associated with the uptake of nanoparticles, their
persistence at cellular level, and their ability to
Cellular and Molecular Toxicity of release free radicals and to induce an oxidative
Nanoparticles stress. The resulting activation of molecular path-
ways and transcription factors could lead to a
Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity pro-inammatory response or, depending on the
level of free radicals, apoptosis.

Cellular Dynamics
Biological Breadboard Platform for Studies of
The last 5 years have shown an increasing number
Cellular Dynamics
of papers on the mechanisms of nanoparticle
(NP) cytotoxicity. What are the reasons? It is
likely that the specic useful properties which
Cellular Electronic Energy Transfer appear at nanoscale can also lead to adverse
effects. This hypothesis is strongly supported by
Micro/Nano Transport in Microbial Energy
in vivo and in vitro studies to compare the toxicity
of NPs with their ne counterparts of the same
chemical composition. These results have clearly
demonstrated a higher toxicity of particles at
Cellular Imaging nanoscale than at microscale. Moreover, it
appears from experimental studies that solid
Electrical Impedance Tomography for Single- nano-sized particles could be translocated beyond
Cell Imaging the respiratory tract and could induce a systemic
response. The interstitial translocation of a same
mass of particles is higher for ultrane than ne
Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle particles after intratracheal instillation in rats
Toxicity [1]. Surface area, which is strongly increased for
NPs compared to micro-particles of same chemi-
Francelyne Marano, Fernando Rodrigues-Lima, cal composition, and surface reactivity are consid-
Jean-Marie Dupret, Armelle Baeza-Squiban and ered as the principal indicators of NP reactivity. It
Sonja Boland was shown that a toxic response could be
Unit of Functional and Adaptive Biology (BFA), observed even to apparently nontoxic substances
Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Responses when the exposure occurred in the nanometer size
to Xenobiotics, UMR CNRS 8251, Univ Paris range. All these observations have led to the
Diderot, (Sorbonne Paris Cit), Paris cedex 13, development of a new eld of toxicology,
France nanotoxicology [2]. However, the toxicological
mechanisms which sustained the biological
response are not yet clear and a matter of debates.
Synonyms The concerns about the toxicity of engineered
nanoparticles, which are increasingly used for
Cellular and molecular toxicity of nanoparticles industrial and medical applications, came also
Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity 499

from the knowledge on the toxicity of [7]. Consequently, NPs do not directly interact
non-intentional atmospheric particles. Short-term with the cell membrane but through the protein
epidemiological studies in Europe and North and/or lipids of the corona. NP-bound proteins
America have showed an association between may recognize and interact with membrane recep-
cardiorespiratory morbidity and mortality and an tors or could bind nonspecically to cellular mem-
increased concentration of atmospheric ne parti- branes. Whatever these interactions, they seem to
cles [3]. Moreover, the long-term epidemiological play a central role which could determine further C
studies have also demonstrated an association biological responses. In particular, these interac-
between exposure to atmospheric particles tions may drive the uptake of NPs by the rst
(particulate matter or PM10 and 2.5) and target cells at the level of the biological barriers
increased cancer risk [3]. In parallel, in vitro and such as immune cells (macrophages, dendritic
in vivo studies on ne and ultrane airborne par- cells, and neutrophils) or epithelial and endothe-
ticles such as diesel exhaust particles, PM2.5, lial cells. This uptake seems to be general for
gave causal explanations to these adverse health many NPs which are able to bind proteins at
effects (reviewed in Ref. [1]). They allow dening their surface, and the paradigm of Trojan horse
the molecular events induced by these particles in was developed to explain this uptake and the
lung cells. The major event is a pro-inammatory further biological responses. One of the rst
response which is characterized by the release of responses is the direct or indirect production of
various cytokines (pro-inammatory mediators), ROS which is associated with the size, the chem-
associated with the activation of transcription fac- ical composition, and the surface reactivity of the
tors and signaling pathways. This was especially NPs. This common response occurs for a large
demonstrated for diesel exhaust particles (DEP), a number of NPs even with different chemical pat-
major component of urban PM in Europe. These terns and different abilities to form agglomerates,
events are mostly induced by organic components and thus the paradigm of the central role of oxida-
of the DEP and are probably mediated by the tive stress was developed [5]. These authors
generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) dur- suggested that although not all materials have
ing the metabolism of organic compounds (for a electronic congurations or surface properties to
review, see Ref. [4]). These ndings were used as allow spontaneous ROS generation, particle inter-
a background for the researches on biological actions with cellular components are capable of
mechanisms induced by NPs considering that generating oxidative stress. Further activation of
ne and ultrane atmospheric particles have nuclear factors and specic genetic programs are
great similarities with NPs, especially diesel associated with the level of ROS production lead-
exhaust particles which are of nano size and ing to cell death by necrosis and apoptosis or
aggregate after their release in the atmosphere. adaptive responses such as pro-inammatory
It became rapidly obvious that the understand- responses, antioxidant enzyme activation, repair
ing of the cellular and molecular mechanisms processes, effects on cell cycle control, and prolif-
leading to the biological effects of NPs was essen- eration. Over the last years, numerous in vitro
tial for the development of safe materials and studies have conrmed this hypothesis leading to
accurate assays for risk assessment of engineered the development of assays using the detection of
NPs [2], and several recent reviews were focused ROS or oxidative stress for the screening of NPs.
on demonstrated or hypothetic cellular mecha- However, new data during the last year have
nisms of these responses [46]. pointed out other specic effects of NPs which
The rst event, when NPs enter in contact with are not related to oxidative stress. For example,
the human body by inhalation, oral and dermal NPs can interact with membrane receptors, induce
exposure, or intravenous application, is their inter- their aggregation, and mimic sustained physiolog-
action in the biological uids and the cellular ical responses through specic signaling pathways
microenvironment with biological molecules in the target cells. This type of mechanism may
such as proteins thus forming a protein corona contribute to the development of diseases but
500 Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity


Shape Diameter

area Interactions with Proteins

Chemical +++
composition + +
++ +
Interactions with Receptors
Coating Charge

Surface chemistry

Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity, chemistry including solubility as well as surface charge
Fig. 1 Different physicochemical characteristics of the or coatings, and interactions between particles leading to
nanomaterials involved in their biological activity: size, agglomeration and aggregation as well as with proteins
surface area, shape, bulk chemical composition, surface leading to corona or with receptors in the cell membrane

could also be of use to develop therapeutic strate- longtime exposure to heavy PM-polluted atmo-
gies whereby NPs activate or block specic spheres such as in Mexico City [1]. These ques-
receptors. tions of uptake and persistence are fundamental
for risk assessment evaluation of NPs. This may
explain the number of papers published recently
Cellular Uptake of Nanoparticles and that analyze the mechanisms of uptake, the behav-
Their Fate at Cellular Level ior, and the translocation of various NPs. So far, it
appears that the response depends on several dif-
The uptake of particles by specialized immune ferent parameters: the NP surface and its specic
cells in human is a normal process which leads chemical composition resulting from the engi-
to their removal and contributes to the integrity of neering processes; the capacity of NPs to form
the body. However, depending on the level of the aggregates (strongly bonded or fused NPs) or
uptake, this process could induce an increasing agglomerates (collection of weakly bound NPs);
release of inammatory mediators and distur- and the methods used for dispersion and experi-
bance of the normal functions of phagocytes mental preparation, which determine the ability of
such as the clearance and the destruction of path- NPs to adsorb or not specic biological com-
ogens. One of the knowledge of the last fty years pounds such as proteins, to form the corona
on the effects of a sustained exposure to airborne and to interact with biological membranes
particles, especially at occupational level, is the [7]. The amount and the structural/functional
concept of overloading. If the mechanisms of properties of the adsorbed proteins drive the inter-
clearance are not sufcient to eliminate the parti- actions of these nanomaterials with the mem-
cles and if they are persistent, the particles could branes and their uptake (Fig. 1). Recent studies
accumulate in the tissues, leading to a sustained have clearly identied a number of serum
inammation and chronic pathologies. This was proteins such as albumin, IgG, IgM, IgA,
demonstrated not only for exposure to quartz, apolipoprotein E, cytokines, or transferrin that
asbestos, coal, and mineral dusts but also for bind to carbon black, titanium dioxide, acrylamide,
Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity 501

NPs Calcium
Integrin Receptor
NPs ?


ROS Lysosomal damage
(Proteases/Cathepsin release)
Mitochondrial Damage Activation of MAPK

Activation of apoptosis Activation of transcription factors

phase II enzymes
DNA Damage (GST, NQO-1)
antioxidant enzymes

Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity, to the nucleus and modify gene expression of cytokines,
Fig. 2 A schematic representation of NP-triggered cellu- phase 2 enzymes (glutathione S transferase or GST, qui-
lar pathways through membrane receptors, ROS produc- none oxidoreductase 1 or NQO-1), and antioxidant
tion, and implication of oxidative stress in these responses. enzymes (heme oxygenase 1 or HO-1). Oxidative stress
NPs could induce activation of EGF or integrin receptors could also result in the damage of different organelles like
can lead to apoptosis, inammation, or proliferation. ROS the mitochondria, lysosomes, and nucleus resulting to apo-
produced by NPs in immediate cellular environment or ptosis. Accumulation of high intracellular calcium levels
inside the cells lead to activation of redox-dependent sig- through a direct effect on calcium channel might also act as
naling pathways like MAPK and the activation of tran- an alternative mechanism for the induction of these mech-
scription factors, e.g., AP-1, NF-kB, or Nrf2. They migrate anisms (Adapted from Marano et al. [11])

or polystyrene NPs [8]. Among the identied pro- epithelial cell proliferation which was due at
teins, several are ligands for cellular receptors and least in part to b1-integrin activation [6].
may contribute to the biological effects of NPs. As far as uptake process is concerned, it is
For example, receptor aggregation induced by likely that different cell types might have different
NPs could lead to cell signaling: coated gold uptake mechanisms, even for the same NPs.
NPs were able to bind and cross-link IgE-Fc epsi- The possible pathways of cellular uptake were
lon receptors leading to degranulation and conse- previously described by several authors (see
quent release of chemical mediators [9]. Ref. [10]). It could occur through phagocytosis,
On another hand, integrins such as a5b3 are macropinocytosis, clathrin-mediated endocytosis,
known to play a key role in cell signaling, and non-clathrin- and non-caveolae-mediated endocy-
their activation by extracellular ligands can mod- tosis, caveolae-mediated endocytosis, or diffusion
ulate biological processes such as matrix (Fig. 2). These mechanisms have been described
remodeling, angiogenesis, tissue differentiation, for different NPs and may occur for the same NP
and cell migration. These receptors were recently depending on the cell type, the medium, and
demonstrated as important membrane targets for the level of aggregation. Therefore, uptake pro-
carbon NPs, and their activation induced lung cesses are considered as very complex and not
502 Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity

easy to measure. Dawson et al. [12] have postu- NPs such as TiO2 or carbon black NPs were
lated that the uptake depends mostly on the size: also observed free in the cytoplasm of cells
NPs less than 100 nm can enter the cells and less [14]. Two explanations may be put forward. The
than 40 nm in the nucleus. It was also suggested rst one is that NPs could directly enter by diffu-
that the size of the NPs determine caveolin- versus sion through the lipid bilayer. It has been shown
clathrin-dependent uptakes [13]. However, these that cationic NPs could pass though cell mem-
oversimplied scenarios are refuted by obvious branes by generating transient holes without
discrepancies in the recent literature about the membrane disruption [15]. Another possible
optimal size, shape, and mechanisms of internal- explanation could be the release of NPs after
ization of NPs. rupture of endosomal compartment. It was
The surface charge of the NPs could be an described that cationic NPs, after binding to lipid
important factor for uptake since the negatively groups on the cell surface membrane, could be
charged surface membrane could favor the posi- endocytosed in vesicles and accumulated in the
tively charged NPs for higher internalization. lysosomal compartment. Within, they are able to
However, negatively charged NPs were also sequestrate protons which could lead to the acti-
shown to have enhanced uptake as compared to vation of proton pumps and further rupture of the
unfunctionalized NPs, perhaps by their possible ion homeostasis and lysosomal accumulation of
interactions with proteins. Endocytosis of small water. The subsequent lysosomal swelling and
NPs is energy dependent and associated with lipid membrane rupture lead to the cytoplasmic release
rafts, dynamin, and F-actin mechanisms. Phago- of NPs [16]. In proliferating cells, these cytoplas-
cytosis and macropinocytosis are mostly involved mic NPs, associated or not with microtubules,
in the endocytosis of large particles (more than could enter in the nucleus during the mitosis,
500 nm) and also in the uptake of the aggregates which could explain that nonsoluble NPs were
or agglomerates of NPs which could be promoted observed in the nucleus [14]. More rarely, NPs
by their opsonization in the biological uids. were also observed within the mitochondrial
Macropinocytosis (which is one kind of pinocy- matrix but, so far, no explanation was given to
tosis) is also an important mechanism for posi- explain this organelle localization.
tively charged NPs and TiO2 or carbon black
aggregate internalization [14].
The behavior of the NPs after their uptake is The Cellular Stress Induced by
another important question, but, surprisingly, as far Nanoparticles and Its Biological
as now, little is known about the intracellular fate of Consequences
NPs. Most of the transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) observations have shown the NPs in The last 10 years of research conducted on the
cytoplasmic vesicles limited by membranes. mechanisms of toxicity of non-intentional as well
These vesicles could further be transported in the as engineered NPs has led to the establishment of
cytoplasm through the microtubule network. The a consensus within the scientic community of
bio-persistence of nanomaterials which are resis- toxicologists to consider the central role of oxida-
tant to degradation in the endosomal compartment tive stress in cellular responses to NPs leading to
could be one of the factors of further toxicity and inammation or apoptosis [5, 17] (Fig. 2). The
accumulation. However, several metal oxide NPs concept of oxidative stress was developed for
are toxic after dissolution in the cell. Indeed, the many years to explain dysfunctions leading to
uptake of ZnO NPs into the lysosomal acidic pathologies. Oxidative stress could occur when
medium accelerates their dissolution and the reactive oxygen species (ROS) are overproduced
release of Zn2+ ions in the cytoplasm. Their excess leading to an imbalance between ROS production
could induce cytokine production and cytotoxicity and antioxidant defense capacity. Oxidative stress
and the initiation of acute inammation at the level could also occur when the organism shows a
of the target organ such as the lung. deciency in antioxidant systems and, especially,
Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity 503

in antioxidant enzymatic systems (superoxide degrade the NFkB inhibitor IkB by the activation
dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase). An of the cascades leading to its proteolysis. The
increased concentration of ROS, exceeding the activation of NFkB induces its translocation
antioxidant capacity of the cells, can lead to oxi- within the nucleus and its link to consensus
dative damage at molecular or cellular level. sequences in the promoter of numerous genes
ROS have important cellular roles either by leading to their transcription. This is also the
acting as second messengers for the activation of case for other transcriptions factors such as AP1 C
specic pathways and gene expressions or by and NrF2. The latter plays an essential role in the
causing cell death. In the hierarchical oxidative antioxidant response element (ARE)-mediated
stress model in response to NPs, Nel et al. [5] expression of phase 2 enzymes such as NQO1
propose that a minor level of oxidative stress (NADPH quinone oxidoreductase-1) and antiox-
leads to the activation of the antioxidant protec- idant enzymes such as heme oxygenase-1
tion, whereas, at a higher level, cell membrane and (HO-1). Indeed, HO-1 was found to be activated
organelle injuries could lead to cell death by apo- by CeO2 NP exposure of human bronchial cells
ptosis or necrosis, but specic signaling pathways via the p38-Nrf-2 signaling pathway. The ability
and gene expression are involved at each step. The of NPs to interact with these signaling pathways
induction of oxidative stress by several NPs is due could partially explain their cytotoxicity.
to their ability to produce ROS (e.g., TiO2) or to Recently, TiO2 and SiO2 NPs were demonstrated
lead to their production. The surface properties of in vitro and in vivo to induce the release of IL1b
NPs modulate the production of ROS, and the and IL1a, two potent mediators of innate immu-
smaller they are, the higher is their surface area nity, via the activation of the inammasome, a
and their ability to react with biological compo- large multiprotein complex containing caspase
nents and to produce ROS. However, if this cel- 1 which cleaves pro IL1-b in its active form.
lular induction appears to be general, all the NPs These results lead to consider that these NPs
are not able to produce ROS, and the cellular could induce a potent inammatory response.
increase of the latter could be an indirect effect However, the mechanisms leading to this activa-
of the uptake. tion are not yet clear.
ROS interact nonspecically with biological Another important target of ROS produced by
compounds, yet some macromolecules are more NPs is DNA. Oxidative damage of DNA could
sensitive such as the unsaturated lipids, amino generate intrachain adducts and strand breakage.
acids with a sulfhydril group (SH), and guanine The bond between the base and deoxyribose could
sites in nucleic acids. When lipid bilayer is also be attacked leading to an abasic site, and the
attacked by ROS, cascade peroxidation occurs attack on the sugar could create a single-strand
leading to the disorganization of the membranes break. The genotoxicity of NPs begins to be stud-
and of their functions (exchange, barriers, infor- ied and recent reviews pointed out the possible
mation). The most sensitive proteins contain genotoxic mechanisms.
methionine or cysteine residues, especially in However, oxidative stress appears now not
their active site, and their oxidation could lead to sufcient to explain all the biological effects of
modications of their activity and even to their NPs. The role of epidermal growth factor receptor
inactivation. (EGFR) was investigated by the group of
The adaptive cellular responses to NPs are K. Unfried with the demonstration that carbon
associated with the modulation of different black NPs induce apoptosis and proliferation via
redox-sensitive cellular pathways. Tyrosine specic signaling pathways both using EGFR
kinases and serine/threonine kinase such as [18]. Carbon black NPs could also impair
mitogen-activated protein kinases or MAP phagosome transport and cause cytoskeletal dys-
kinases were especially studied (ERK, p38, and functions with a transient increase of intracellular
JNK) in association with several transcription calcium not associated with the induction of ROS
factors such as NFkB. The free radical can since antioxidants did not suppress the response,
504 Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity

which could be due to a direct effect on ion chan- Future Directions of Research
nels that control the calcium homeostasis in the
cell [19]. Even if all the mechanisms are not The interactions between nanomaterials and their
completely demonstrated, it appears now that biological target are essential to explain their
transmembrane receptors are implicated in biological effect, and the interest of the recent
NP-induced cell signaling and could lead to spe- researches on the cellular mechanisms induced
cic biological responses to NPs. by NPs is to take into account the specicity of
the cells and their microenvironment. The rst
step is the formation of the corona in biological
Nanoparticles and Cell Death uids whose composition and afnity kinetics
strongly depend on the characteristics of NPs
NPs have also been shown to induce either apo- and, especially, their size and surface reactivity.
ptotic or necrotic cell death in a variety of in vitro This coating of proteins inuences the aggrega-
systems depending on the concentration and tion, the nal size, and, nally, the uptake of NPs
duration of exposure. This induction of cell via the interaction with the membranes, their
death mechanism by NPs might act as a basis of specic receptors, or lipid rafts. This could deter-
different pathologies, and consequently it is mine if the nanomaterial is bioavailable and if
important to understand NP-induced apoptosis NPs induce or not adverse interactions. The cen-
pathways. Cells are able to undergo apoptosis tral mechanism proposed to explain the biologi-
through two major pathways, the extrinsic path- cal response is the oxidative stress. However, this
way with the activation of death receptors and the paradigm is debated because very similar oxida-
intrinsic pathway with the central role of mito- tive stress effects observed in cellular models and
chondria, its permeabilization, and the release induced by different particles could lead in vivo
of cytochrome c leading to the activation of to different pathological effects. It is now obvi-
apoptosome. Recently, the permeabilization of ous that oxidative stress is a common and
lysosomal membrane was also shown to initiate nonspecic mechanism in toxicology and that
apoptosis with the release of catepsins and other the responses at the level of the cell depend on
hydrolases from the lysosomal lumen. The the perturbation of the redox balance with a
molecular pathways of apoptosis induction by few number of induced signaling pathways. The
carbon black and titanium dioxide NPs in different biological responses could depend on
human bronchial epithelial cells were recently the tissue specicity which could lead to different
studied. It was shown that the initial phase of diseases observed after occupational or environ-
apoptosis induction depends upon the chemical mental exposure to well-known particles or
nature of the NPs. Carbon black NPs triggered bers.
the mitochondrial pathway, with the decrease of Recent studies have also shown that NPs
mitochondrial potential, the activation of bax could develop a response without a direct con-
(a proapoptotic protein of the Bcl2 family), and tact with the cells but after an induction of
the release of cytochrome c, and the production secreted factors, which is the bystander effect.
of ROS is implicated in the downstream mito- Small molecules such as purines could be
chondrial events. TiO2 NPs induced lysosomal increased at cytoplasmic level in response to
pathway with lipid peroxidation, lysosomal NPs, transferred through the gap junctions
membrane destabilization, and cathepsin within a tissue to activate specic receptors
B release [20]. Lysosomal permeabilization has [10]. Moreover, NP-induced apoptosis was also
also been shown to be important in silica demonstrated to be propagated through hydro-
NP-induced apoptosis. These results point out gen peroxide-mediated bystander killing in an
the necessity of a careful characterization of the in vitro model of human intestinal epithelium.
molecular mechanisms involved by NPs and not These specic responses could explain the dif-
just describing at the nal outcome. ferences observed in vivo. Finally, the
Cellular Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Toxicity 505

interactions of NPs with proteins, enzymes, 10. Bhabra, G., Sood, A., Fisher, B., Cartwright, L.,
cytokines, and growth factors, outside or inside Saunders, M., Evans, W.H., Surprenant, A., Lopez-
Castejon, G., Mann, S., Davis, S.A., Hails, L.A.,
the cell, lead to modications of the functions of Ingham, E., Verkade, P., Lane, J., Heesom, K.,
these proteins with a possible indirect patholog- Newson, R., Case, C.P.: Nanoparticles can cause
ical effect. DNA damage across a cellular barrier. Nat.
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market and under development makes these stud-
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Squiban, A., Boland, S.: Nanoparticles: molecular tar-
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of these specic interactions. 12. Dawson, K.A., Salvati, A., Lynch, I.: Nanotoxicology:
nanoparticles reconstruct lipids. Nat. Nanotechnol. 4,
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Quantum Dot Toxicity M.A., Fleury-Feith, J., Moisan, F., Pairon, J.C.,
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506 Cellular Toxicity

Cellular Toxicity Charge Transport in Self-Assembled

Nanoparticle Cytotoxicity
Jeong Young Park
Graduate School of EEWS (WCU), Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(KAIST), Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Nonlinear and Parametric NEMS Resonators Synonyms

Charge transfer on self-assembled monolayer


Characterizations of Zinc Oxide

Nanowires for Nanoelectronic Definition
Charge transport in self-assembled monolayers
Fundamental Properties of Zinc Oxide (SAMs) is the transport of an electron or a hole
Nanowires through an organized molecule layer which is
bound to a substrate.

Charge Transfer
Charge Transport Through Organic Molecules
Theory of Nonadiabatic Electron Dynamics in Signicant studies on charge transport properties
Nanomaterials through organic molecules have been carried out
in the general area of molecule-based and
molecule-controlled electronic devices, often
termed molecular electronics [1, 2]. Self-
assembled monolayers (SAMs) are composed of
Charge Transfer on Self-Assembled an organized layer of amphiphilic molecules in
Monolayer Molecules which one end of the molecule, the head
group, shows a special afnity for a substrate
Charge Transport in Self-Assembled [3]. SAMs also consist of a tail with a functional
Monolayers group at the terminal end, as seen in Fig. 1.
Charge transport of organic molecules is usu-
ally limited by hopping processes and is therefore
dominated by surface ordering. Self-assembled
monolayers are a good model system of molecular
Charge Transport in Carbon-Based electronics due to the ordered surface structure.
Nanoscaled Materials In order to measure charge transport in a self-
assembled monolayer, the substrate surface
Electronic Transport in Carbon Nanomaterials should be metallic. For example, a gold surface
Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers 507

group R R R R
Metal electrode
Head group

Substrate Substrate

Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers, Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers,

Fig. 1 Schematic of a self-assembled monolayer (SAMs) Fig. 2 Scheme of charge transport mechanisms through
showing the head group that is bound to the substrate. SAMs self-assembled monolayers. The dominant charge transport
consist of a tail with a functional group at the terminal mechanism in a molecular junction involves through-
bond (TB) tunneling, and through space (TS) as illus-
trated in the left and right transport channel, respectively
exhibits strong bonds with alkanethiol through
SH bonds. The other electrode should also be
metallic for charge transport through the self- (TB) tunneling, where the current follows the
assembled monolayer. The measurement scheme bond overlaps along the molecules (as illustrated
of charge transport through a self-assembled in the left transport channel of Fig. 2). Another
monolayer that represents a conductor-molecule- contribution involves the charge transport from
conductor junction is shown in Fig. 2. electrode to electrode, in which the molecule
plays the role of a dielectric medium that is called
Charge Transport Mechanism through space (TS), as illustrated in the right
For insulating molecules, such as alkane chains, transport channel of Fig. 2. The last contribution
electron transport occurs via tunneling mecha- of charge transport pathway involves a chain-to-
nisms. When such molecules are placed between chain coupling as illustrated in the middle of Fig. 2.
electrodes, the junction resistance changes expo- As the molecular chains tilt, the decrease of the
nentially: R = R0 exp(bs), with electrode separation electron tunneling distance leads to a lateral hop
s, where R0 is the contact resistance and b a decay between the neighboring molecular chains.
parameter. In most experiments, the separation s is
the length of the alkane chain. However, length is Two Pathway Models
not the only important parameter. Conformation If electron transport was determined purely by
and molecular orientation relative to the electrodes tunneling through the alkane chains, one would
are also important. Other factors need to be consid- expect the value of b to equal zero, since the
ered as well, including energy positions of the tunneling distance is the same for all tilt angles.
highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular The nonzero value of b indicates the existence of
orbitals (HOMO, LUMO), electrode work func- either intermolecular charge transfer or variations
tion, and nature of the bonding to the electrodes. in the S-Au bonding as a function of tilt that affect
Charge transport mechanisms through self- the conductivity in an exponential way with angle.
assembled monolayers consist mainly of three pro- Slowinski et al. [4] proposed a two-pathway
cesses [4]. The dominant charge transport mecha- conductance model involving through-bond
nism in a molecular junction is through-bond tunneling, and the chain-to-chain coupling.
508 Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers


w1 w1 w1 w1 w2 w3
Substrate Substrate

Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers, chain while maintaining the same number of carbon atoms
Fig. 3 Scheme of the measurement of the junction resis- (right part), which will yield the resistance (1) per unit
tance for two different situations: (1) decreasing of the length of molecule or (2) tilting angle of the molecules,
alkane chain (left part), and (2) the tilting of the alkane respectively

Assuming no effects due to changes in S-Au different chain lengths when the separation
bonding, the rst pathway is independent of tilt, between electrodes decreases as a function of the
while the second depends on the tilt angle. The alkane chain length (the left image of Fig. 3). The
tunneling current, thus, is given by decay constant, b, upon tilting of molecules can
be measured using deformation with an AFM tip
I t I 0 expbTB d and simultaneous measurement of current (the
I 0 ns expbTB d  dCC tan Y right image of Fig. 3). This methodology will be
expbTS dCC described in the next section.

where It is the current at a specic tilt angle Y, d is

the length of the molecule, ns is a statistical factor Basic Methodology
accounting for the number of pathways containing
a single lateral hop as compared to those containing Preparation of Self-Assembled Monolayer
only through-bond hops, d is the diameter of the The organic molecular lms on various types of
molecule chains, bTB and bTS are respectively substrates (conducting, semiconducting, or insu-
through-bond and through-space decay constants. lating substrates) have been prepared using tech-
For example, in case of C16 alkanethiol molecule niques such as the Langmuir-Blodgett technique,
chains, dCC = 4.3 , d = 24 , and ns = 16, i.e., the dipping the substrates into solution with mole-
number of carbon atoms in the molecule. cules, drop casting, or spin-coating [8].
As one example, details on the preparation of
Decay Constant upon Shortening and Tilting an alkanethiol SAM will be described below.
of Molecules Gold substrates (200300 nm of gold coating
The junction resistance is dependent on electrode over 14 nm of chromium layer n glass) are pre-
spacing for two different situations: (1) shortening pared by butane ame annealing in air after
of the alkane chain [5] and maintaining the same cleaning in acetone, chloroform, methanol, and a
width (w) between chains and (2) tilting of the piranha solution (1:3; H2O2:H2SO4). The
alkane chain but changing w [6, 7]. These mea- resulting surface consisted of large grains with
surements will yield the resistance per unit length at terraces of (111) orientation (sizes up to
of molecule or tilting angle of the molecules, 400 nm) separated by monatomic steps. Flatness
respectively. The conductance decay constant b and cleanness were tested by the quality of the
has already been measured using SAMs with lattice-resolved images of the gold substrate.
Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers 509

Two types of hexadecanethiol (C16) self-

assembled monolayer can be formed on Au
(111): complete monolayers of the molecules
probe AFM
and islands of molecules covering only a fraction
of the substrate. In the rst case, the lm was
produced by immersing the substrate in 1 mM
ethanolic solution of C16 for about 24 h, followed C
by rinsing with absolute ethanol and drying in a
stream of nitrogen to remove weakly bound mol-
ecules. Incomplete monolayers in the form of
islands were prepared by immersing the substrate
in a 5 mM ethanolic solution of C16 for approxi-
mately 60 s, followed by rinsing. Samples
consisting of islands facilitate the determination A
of the thickness of the molecular lm relative to
the surrounding exposed gold substrate. The
molecular order of the islands improves with stor-
age time at ambient conditions. S S S S S S

Techniques to Measure Charge Transport Substrate

in Self-Assembled Monolayers
The current through a thiol SAM on a hanging Hg Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers,
drop electrode can be measured in an electro- Fig. 4 Scheme of conductance measurements of SAM
with a conductive-probe atomic force microscopy
chemical solution. The current was measured as (CP-AFM) system
a function of the monolayer thickness that can be
tuned by two methods: by changing the number of
carbons in the alkane chain and therefore its Conductance measurements were performed
length; or, expansion of the Hg drop such that with a conductive-probe atomic force microscopy
the monolayer surface coverage was reduced and (CP-AFM) system. The use of AFM with
the molecules increased their tilt angle with conducting tips provides the ability to vary the
respect to the surface. Slowinski load on the nanocontact and also opens the way
et al. determined the decay constants for exploring electron transfer as a function of
bTB = 0.91/ and bTS =1.31/ by both a t to molecular deformation. A junction is fabricated
their experimental data and by independent ab by placing a conducting AFM tip in contact with
initio calculations. Mercury drop expansion a metal-supported molecular lm, such as a self-
experiments by Slowinsky et al. have shown a assembled monolayer (SAM) on Au, as shown in
dependence of the current through the alkanethiol Fig. 4. The normal force feedback circuit of the
monolayers on surface concentration, prompting AFM controls the mechanical load on the
the authors to suggest the existence of additional nanocontact while the currentvoltage (IV) char-
pathways for charge transfer, like chain-to-chain acteristics are recorded. The possibility to control
tunneling. the load on the contact is an unusual characteristic
Scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning of this kind of junction and provides the opportu-
tunneling spectroscopy have been used to reveal nity to establish a correlation between the mechan-
the atomic scale surface structure and charge ical deformation and electronic properties of
transport properties of SAM layers [9, 10]. STM organic molecules. The normal force exerted by
has been used to reveal various phases of surface the cantilever was kept constant during AFM imag-
structure and atomic scale defects, which could ing, while the current between tip and sample was
play a crucial role in the electrical transport. recorded. It is crucial to carry out the experiment in
510 Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers

Charge Transport in Self-

Assembled Monolayers,
Fig. 5 AFM images
(200  200 nm) of
topography, and current
images obtained
simultaneously for a full
monolayer of C16 on Au
(111) surface. Lattice-
resolved images of the lm
(inset in the left gure)
reveal a lattice image of
SAM (size: 2  2 nm)

the low load regime so that there is no damage to C16 on an Au (111) surface. The topographic
the surface. This can be conrmed by inspection of image reveals the commonly found structure of
the images with ngstrom depth sensitivity as well the gold lm substrate, composed of triangular-
as by the reproducibility of the current and adhe- shaped terraces separated by atomic steps. Lattice-
sion measurements. If the measured conductance resolved images of the lm (inset in the left gure)
did not change at constant load and did not show reveal a (3  3)-R30 periodicity of the mole-
time-dependent behavior in the elastic regime, the cules relative to the gold substrate. Qi
tip experiences minimal changes during subse- et al. measured currentvoltage (IV) characteris-
quent contact measurements. tics on the C16 alkanethiol sample for loads vary-
ing between 20 and 120 nN, and found that the
current changes in a stepwise manner and the
Key Research Findings plateaus are associated with the discrete tilt angle
of the molecules. A stepwise response of the SAM
The molecular tilt induced by the pressure applied lm to pressure has been observed previously in
by the tip is one major factor that leads to other properties such as lm height and friction of
increased lm conductivity. By measuring the alkanesilanes on mica and alkanethiols on gold.
current between the conductive AFM tip and In order to measure the thickness of the self-
SAM as a function of the height of the molecules, assembled monolayer upon molecular deforma-
the decay parameter (b) can be obtained tion, the SAM islands that partially cover the
[11]. Wold et al. studied the junction resistance substrate can be used. The heights of the islands
as a function of load using AFM. The resistance can be obtained from topographical AFM images,
was found to decrease with increasing load within while charge transport properties of alkanesilane
two distinct power law scaling regimes [12]. Song SAMs on silicon surface are measured using AFM
et al. examined the dependence of the tunneling with a conducting tip. In this manner, the load
current through Au-alkanethiol-Au junctions on applied to the tip-sample contact can be varied
the tip-loading force [13]. It is found that the while simultaneously measuring electric conduc-
two-pathway model proposed by Slowinsky tance. Figure 6 shows the topographic and current
et al. can reasonably t with the results, leading images, respectively, that were acquired simulta-
the authors to conclude that the tilt conguration neously on hexadecylsilane islands on a silicon
of alkanethiol SAMs enhances the intermolecular surface. The image size is 500  500 nm. The
charge transfer. hexadecylsilane islands are 100200 nm in diam-
Figure 5 shows topography and current images eter and have a height of 1.6 nm at the applied load
obtained simultaneously for a full monolayer of of 0 nN (or effective total load of 20 nN). It is also
Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers 511

Charge Transport in Self-

Assembled Monolayers,
Fig. 6 AFM images
(500  500 nm) of
topographic, and current
images, respectively, that
were acquired
simultaneously on
hexadecylsilane SAM
islands on silicon surface

Charge Transport in Self- 2

Assembled Monolayers, Tilting
Fig. 7 Semilog plot of 3
current density (nA/nm2) as
ln [J (nA/nm2)]

a function of the height of 4

the hexadecylsilane SAM d2
islands on a silicon surface. 5
A decay constant (b) = 0.52
0.04 1 was found for 6 Linear fit
the current passing through
(b = 0.52 1)
the lm as a function of 7
tip-substrate separation Two pathway model

10 15 20
Height of C16 island ()

clear that the current measured on the alkanesilane tunneling microscope and simultaneous sensing
island is much smaller than that measured on the of forces. By measuring the current as a function
silicon surface. of applied load, a tunneling decay constant
These changes were shown to correspond to b = 0.53 ( 0.02) 1 was obtained [14].
the molecules adopting specic values of tilt angle In the case of hexadecylsilane molecules, the
relative to the surface, and explained as the result local conductance of hexadecylsilane SAM
of methylene groups interlocking with neighbor- islands on a silicon surface was measured with
ing alkane chains. In the case of complete mono- conductive-probe AFM. A semilog plot of current
layers of alkanethiol SAM, the junction resistance density (nA/nm2) was obtained as a function of
(R) was measured as a function of the applied load the height of the hexadecylsilane SAM islands on
[6]. These data were converted to current versus a silicon surface, as shown in Fig. 7. A decay
electrode separation by assigning each step in the constant (b) = 0.52 0.04 1 was found for
current to a specic molecular tilt angle, following the current passing through the lm as a function
the sequence established in previous experiments. of tip-substrate separation [7]. Figure 7 shows the
It was found that ln(R) increases approximately best t of the two-pathway model with the exper-
linearly with tip-surface separation, with an aver- imental current measurement as a function of the
age slope b = 0.57 ( 0.03) 1. Similar mea- heights of molecule islands by using the tting
surement of the decay parameter upon the parameters of bTB and bTS that are 0.9 and
molecular tilts was carried out with a scanning 1.1 1, respectively. The good t indicates that
512 Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Monolayers

the two-path tunneling model is a valid model to a key element in identifying and studying micro-
describe this observation. structures (e.g., molecular tilt, lattice ordering,
While saturated hydrocarbon chains mainly defects, vacancies, grain boundaries) in organic
interact with each other via weak van der Waals lms and their effects on electronic properties.
forces, much stronger intermolecular p-p interac- Other advanced surface characterization tech-
tions can be present in organic lms comprised of niques, such as SAM with nano-electrodes, in
conjugated/hybrid molecules. This inuences combination with conductive-probe atomic force
charge transport signicantly [5, 15]. In a conduc- microscopy, and spectroscopic techniques such as
tance AFM study of two SAM systems, Fang ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS)
et al. revealed the role of p-p stacking on charge and inverse photoemission spectroscopy (IPES),
transport and nanotribological properties of SAM could be promising venues to explore the correla-
consisting of aromatic molecules [16]. The two tion between microstructures and electronic prop-
model molecules chosen in this study are erties of organic lms.
(4-mercaptophenyl) anthrylacetylene (MPAA)
and (4-mercaptophenyl)-phenylacetylene
(MPPA). In MPPA, the end group is a single
benzene ring, while in MPAA it is changed to a Cross-References
three fused benzene ring structure. This structural
difference induces different degrees of lattice Atomic Force Microscopy
ordering in these two molecular SAM systems. Conduction Mechanisms in Organic
Lattice resolution is readily achieved in the Semiconductors
MPAA SAM, but it is not possible for the MPPA ElectrodeOrganic Interface Physics
SAM under the same imaging conditions, indicat- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
ing the MPAA is lacking long-range order. Self-Assembly
However, it is important to note that even without
long-range order, the stronger intermolecular p-p References
stacking in the MPAA SAM greatly facilitates
charge transport, resulting in approximately one 1. Aviram, A., Ratner, M.A.: Molecular Electronics: Sci-
order of magnitude higher conductivity than in the ence and Technology. New York Academy of Sci-
ences, New York (1998)
MPPA SAM. 2. Reed, M.A., Zhou, C., Muller, C.J., Burgin, T.P., Tour,
J.M.: Conductance of a molecular junction. Science
278, 252254 (1997)
Future Directions for Research 3. Ulman, A.: An Introduction to Ultrathin Organic Films
from Langmuir-Blodgett to Self-Assembly. Aca-
demic, Boston (1991)
In this contribution, the basic concept of and 4. Slowinski, K., Chamberlain, R.V., Miller, C.J., Majda,
recent progress on charge transport studies of M.: Through-bond and chain-to-chain coupling. Two
organic SAM lms formed by saturated hydrocar- pathways in electron tunneling through liquid
alkanethiol monolayers on mercury electrodes.
bon molecules and conjugated molecules has been J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119, 1191011919 (1997)
outlined. Several techniques, including AFM, 5. Salomon, A., et al.: Comparison of electronic transport
STM, and hanging Hg drop electrode, are used measurements on organic molecules. Adv. Mater. 15,
to elucidate the charge transport properties of 18811890 (2003). doi:10.1002/adma.200306091
6. Qi, Y.B., et al.: Mechanical and charge transport prop-
SAM layers. A number of molecular scale factors erties of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers on a
such as packing density, lattice ordering, molecu- Au(111) surface: the role of molecular tilt. Langmuir
lar deformation, grain boundaries, annealing 24, 22192223 (2008). doi:10.1021/la703147q
induced morphological evolution, and phase sep- 7. Park, J.Y., Qi, Y.B., Ashby, P.D., Hendriksen, B.L.M.,
Salmeron, M.: Electrical transport and mechanical
aration play important roles in determining charge properties of alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers
transport through SAM lms. High resolution on silicon surfaces probed by atomic force micros-
offered by scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is copy. J. Chem. Phys. 130, 114705 (2009)
Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling 513

8. Barrena, E., Ocal, C., Salmeron, M.: Molecular pack-

ing changes of alkanethiols monolayers on Au(111) Chemical Dry Etching
under applied pressure. J. Chem. Phys. 113,
24132418 (2000)
9. Bumm, L.A., Arnold, J.J., Dunbar, T.D., Allara, D.L., Dry Etching Processes
Weiss, P.S.: Electron transfer through organic mole-
cules. J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 81228127 (1999)
10. Xu, B.Q., Tao, N.J.J.: Measurement of single-
molecule resistance by repeated formation of molecu-
lar junctions. Science 301, 12211223 (2003)
11. Wang, W.Y., Lee, T., Reed, M.A.: Electron tunnelling Chemical Milling and Photochemical
in self-assembled monolayers. Rep. Prog. Phys. 68, Milling
523544 (2005)
12. Wold, D.J., Haag, R., Rampi, M.A., Frisbie, C.D.:
Distance dependence of electron tunneling through Seajin Oh and Marc Madou
self-assembled monolayers measured by conducting Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
probe atomic force microscopy: unsaturated versus Engineering and Biomedical Engineering,
saturated molecular junctions. J. Phys. Chem. B 106,
28132816 (2002). doi:10.1021/jp013476t
University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA,
13. Song, H., Lee, H., Lee, T.: Intermolecular chain-to- USA
chain tunneling in metal-alkanethiol-metal junctions.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 3806 (2007)
14. Park, J.Y., Qi, Y.B., Ratera, I., Salmeron, M.:
Noncontact to contact tunneling microscopy in self-
assembled monolayers of alkylthiols on gold. J. Chem.
Phys. 128, 234701 (2008). doi:10.1063/1.2938085 Chemical blankening; Photoetching; Photofab-
15. Yamamoto, S.I., Ogawa, K.: The electrical conduction rication; Photomilling
of conjugated molecular CAMs studied by a conduc-
tive atomic force microscopy. Surf. Sci. 600,
42944300 (2006)
16. Fang, L., Park, J.Y., Ma, H., Jen, A.K.Y., Salmeron, Definition
M.: Atomic force microscopy study of the mechanical
and electrical properties of monolayer lms of mole-
cules with aromatic end groups. Langmuir 23,
Photochemical milling (PCM), also known as
1152211525 (2007) photochemical machining, is the process of fabri-
cating high precision metal workpieces using pho-
tographically produced masks and etchants to
corrosively remove unwanted parts. This process
is called wet etching in MEMS fabrication tech-
niques and can be also applied to nonmetal mate-
rials. Wet etching, when combined with
Nanostructure Field Effect Transistor
nanolithography, is a useful process to fabricate
detailed nanostructures by extremely controlled
removal (Fig. 1).

Chemical Beam Epitaxial (CBE) Overview

Physical Vapor Deposition Photochemical machining (PCM) produces three-

dimensional features by wet chemical etching
(Fig. 2). PCM yields burr-free and stress-free
metal products and allows for the machining of a
Chemical Blankening wide range of materials which would not be suit-
able for traditional metal working techniques.
Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling PCM is also known as photoetching,
514 Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling

the material and sideways under the edge of the

resist layer and the ratio of the depth to the
undercut is termed the etch factor (Fig. 3). In
MEMS device fabrication, the undercut plays a
key role in fabricating free-standing microstruc-
ture patterns (e.g., beams and cantilevers) that
Maskant are necessary where microstructures have to be
exible, thermally isolated, small mass, double-
sided contacts with gases or liquid surroundings.
Heating In most cases, the free-standing material is
Chemical deposited as a lm on a substrate surface, termed
reagent a sacricial material. The etchant, possessing a
Cooling lateral etching component, must be sufciently
selective not to attach the free-standing material.
Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling, Further, novel nanolithography techniques
Fig. 1 (a) Schematic illustration of photochemical milling enable to create submicrometer-scaled features.

photomilling, photofabrication, or chemical Basic Methodology

blankening [1]. There is a special type of photo-
chemical milling that uses light for initiating or Photolithography
accelerating the wet etching process in metal or An image of the prole of the at feature is
semiconductor materials. generated by computer-aided design (CAD)
The combination of photoresists and wet etch- and electronically transferred onto a photo-
ing enables the fabrication of very detailed struc- graphic lm to produce a phototool, a photolith-
tures with complex geometry or large arrays of ographic mask as known in MEMS. The
variable etching proles in thin (<2 mm) at photoresist is exposed through the phototool
metal sheets. Photoresists are made of synthetic from ultraviolet source. There are two types
polymers having consistent properties. Liquid of photoresist negative and positive. UV lights
photoresist coats a thin lm by dipping or spin soften the positive lm, and the exposed area
casting which enables the production of detailed is released in the developing solution. The neg-
patterns, but often creates pinholes in the thin ative photoresist lm has reversed pattern devel-
layer. Thick dry photoresist lms applied by hot oping characteristics. Wet resist is applied to a
lamination have advantages of process simplicity metal sheet by a dipping process while spin
and reliability although the materials are coating is commonly used in micromachining
expensive. (Fig. 4).
The process of wet etching is based on the
redox chemistry of etchant reduction and metal Wet Etching
oxidation, which results in the formation of solu- In wet chemical etching, the components of the
ble metal-containing ions that diffuse away from solid are changed into soluble chemical compo-
the reaction metal surface. Many metals com- nents which are transported by diffusion or con-
monly used in manufacturing industry are etched vection away from the surface into the bulk of
readily in aqueous solutions comprising etchant the solution. The solvent molecules form a shell
(e.g., ferric chloride). Metal oxides and virtually around the dissolved solid particles that are
all materials can be etched with a proper selection mobile in the liquid phase. The specic interac-
of etchant regardless of different etching rates. tions of the components of the liquid with the
Wet etching in the PCM process is isotropic solid determine the reaction rate, which is attrib-
where the etchant attacks both downward into uted to a greater etching selectivity of the solid
Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling 515


1. Artwork, drawing or CAD data Metal selection

Chemicaly clean surface
Photographic Metal
processing preparation
Exposure to UV

Developed image 4. Phototool Cleaned metal
Sensitised metal
2. 5.
Coated with photo-resist Etchant spray processing

Photoresist stencil on metal


Removal of metal Etched metal

Photo-resist removed 6.

Finished product

Characteristic double cusped edge

Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling, transfer. 4. Develop and create photomask image. 5.
Fig. 2 PCM process in metal sheet etching. 1. Chemically Spray metal with etchant or dip it in hot acidic solution to
clean the metal surface. 2. Coat both sides of the plate with etch all material other than part covered with photoresist. 6.
photoresist that adheres to the metal when exposed to UV Rinse the plate to ensure photoresist and etchant removal
light. 3. Expose plate and phototool to ensure image Ref. [2]



Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling, Fig. 3 Schematic illustration of etch detail through line openings in
the patterned photoresist (blue). Etch factor = Depth of etch (D)/Undercut [ (B  A)] Ref. [2]

than dry etching methods. Water is used as the A secondary chemical redox process takes
solvent in most wet etching processes [3]. place to transfer the liberated electrons to an
oxidizing agent OM in the solution.
1. In a metal or a semiconductor, the dissolution
of metal or semiconductor is accompanied by OM ne OMn cathodic partial process
an electron transfer and obeys the laws of elec-
trochemistry. The oxidation reaction of metal
or semiconductor M releases metal ions into The anodic and cathodic partial processes
solution and produce electrons. results in etching metal.

M Mn ne anodic partial process Min solid OMin solution Mn OMn

516 Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling

Chemical Milling and Mercury

Photochemical Milling, Lamp
Fig. 4 Positive and Ultraviolet
negative photoresist Ref.[2] Light





Negative Positive

The etch rate corresponds to the number of Acidic anions, such as chloride and uo-
metal ions produced at the solid surface per ride, or neutral molecules react as ligands, a
time unit, which is proportional to the typical example of which is the etching of SiO2
interchanged anodic partial current I over the in HF-containing etchants.
surface A, I/A. Metals and semiconductors
often dissolve as complexes (e.g., [MYx]+) SiO2 6HF H2 SiF6 H2 O
where smaller molecules or ions (ligands) form
a chemically bound primary shell around the
central atom. The etch rate can be changed by Salt-like lm is also dissolved by complexing
agents. For example, copper chloride is
varying the concentration of reactants, tempera-
ture, viscosity, and convection of the solution. etchable in neutral KCl solutions.
2. In dielectric materials, acidbase reactions take
place if the material to be etched reacts with CuCl 2Cl CuCl3 2
hydrogen or hydroxyl ions. The cations are
solvated by water as a strong polar solvent
and they can diffuse rapidly into the bulk of Key Research Findings
the solution. Etching processes are applicable for Nanotechnology
with oxides and hydroxides of metals and
semiconductors at low pH-values, Edge Lithography
Undercutting by isotropic wet etching is applied
Mx Oy 2yH xM2y=x yH2 O to transfer the edges of a photoresist pattern into a
MOHx xH Mx xH2 O feature of the nal pattern, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
The process generates 50 nm scale trenches by
M = metal or semiconductor (e.g., Cu, Si) controlled undercutting. Currently, patterning fea-
Similarly, at very high pH-values some tures <100 nm are possible by advanced lithog-
metals and semiconductors form stable water raphy techniques deep ultraviolet, electron beam
dissolvable complexes that are easily solvated writing, extreme ultraviolet, and x-ray
by water. photolithography but are prohibitively
Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling 517

Metal Layer




500 nm

Metal Deposition
Metal layer

Cr/Si interface

~75 nm 100 nm
50200 nm

Test optically

Chemical Milling and Photochemical Milling, areas, and lift-off generates ~50 200 nm gaps in the thin
Fig. 5 (Left) Schematic illustration of the process gener- lm at the edges of the photoresist pattern. The pattern is
ating nanometer-scale lines by controlled undercutting. then used as an optical lter. (Right) SEM image of a cross
A pattern is produced in the photoresist by photolithogra- section of linear trenches at the edges of a 100 nm line
phy or soft lithography. An isotropic etch is applied to the transferred into a Si <100 > substrate. The trenches are
substrate beneath the photoresist. Shallow undercutting of 250 nm deep Ref. [4]
the base layer, followed by evaporation into the exposed

expensive. In contrast, edge lithography is a con- preferentially for patterning semiconductors

venient, inexpensive technique for patterning fea- deposited on a nonconducting substrate (e.g.,
tures with nanometer-scale dimensions. GaN on sapphire) [5].

Wet Etching for Maskless Patterning

In the photochemical etching process, light expo- Future Directions for Research
sure can increase the charge carrier density in near
surface areas which enhances the anodical as well Wet chemical etching is a simple, inexpensive, and
as the cathodical partial processes in wet etching. well-understood process. The process plays a key
For example, defect electrons in the lower band role in the eld of MEMS and nanotechnology.
left by light exposure support the release of cat- Continuous effort is being made to provide control-
ions and at the same time the released electrons in lability, repeatability, and, most importantly, detail
the conduction band are readily accepted by an in fabricating microstructures. New etchant com-
oxidizing agent in the solution. In the same pro- positions have been developed to apply wet chem-
cess, the intensive exposure with a focused beam ical etching to the materials constituting new
enables direct pattern generation without a litho- devices. A representative example is selective
graphic mask. This method is specied removal of metal nitride lms on sapphire for a
518 Chemical Modification

new version of a light-emitting diode. At the same

time, great efforts have been made to develop new Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
lithography techniques for nanoscale patterns such
as proximal probe lithography, very thin to mono- Yoke Khin Yap and Dongyan Zhang
layer lithography, and soft lithography. PCM Department of Physics, Michigan Technological
equipped with the emerging lithography techniques University, Houghton, MI, USA
can cause the paradigm shift in the creation of
nanoscaled features [6].

Cross-References Aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition

(AACVD); Atmospheric pressure chemical
Dry Etching Processes vapor deposition (APCVD); Atomic layer chem-
DUV Photolithography and Materials ical vapor deposition (ALCVD); Atomic layer
Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) deposition (ALD); Atomic layer epitaxial (ALE);
EUV Lithography Boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs); Carbon
Nanoimprint Lithography nanotubes (CNTs); Carbon nanowalls; Catalyst;
Nanotechnology Catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD);
Stereolithography Chemical vapor deposition (CVD); Cold-wall
thermal chemical vapor deposition; Dissociated
adsorption; Double-walled carbon nanotubes
(DWCNTs); Graphene; High-pressure carbon
1. Abate, K.: Photochemical etching of metals. Met. Fin- monoxide (HiPCO); Hot lament chemical
ish. 100(6A), 448451 (2002) vapor deposition (HFCVD); Hot-wall thermal
2. Allen, D.M.: Photochemical machining: from chemical vapor deposition; Inductively coupled-
manufacturings best kept secret to a $6 billion rapid plasma chemical vapor deposition (ICP-CVD);
manufacturing process. CIRP J. Manuf. Syst. 53,
559572 (2005) Low-pressure chemical vapor deposition
3. Khler, J.M.: Wet chemical etching method. In: Etching (LPCVD); Metalorganic chemical vapor deposi-
in Microsystem Technology. Wiley, Weinheim (1999) tion (MOCVD); Multiwalled carbon nanotubes
4. Love, J.C., Paul, K.E., Whitesides, G.M.: Fabrication of (MWCNTs); Nanobelts; Nanocombs;
nanometer-scale features by controlled isotropic wet
chemical etching. Adv. Mater. 13(8), 604607 (2001) Nanoparticles; Nanotubes; Nanowires; Plasma-
5. Bardwell, J.A., Webb, J.B., Tang, H., Fraser, J., Moisa, enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD);
S.: Ultraviolet photoenhanced wet etching of GaN in Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs);
K2S2O8 solution. J. Appl. Phys. 89(7), 41424149 Thermal chemical vapor deposition; Ultrahigh
6. Madou, M.: Fundamentals of Microfabrication, vacuum chemical vapor deposition (UHVCVD);
2nd edn. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2002) Vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes

Chemical Modification
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is referred to
Nanostructures for Surface Functionalization deposition process of thin lms and
and Surface Properties nanostructures through chemical reactions of
vapor-phase precursors. Since CVD can be
conducted using high purity precursors, it likely
Chemical Solution Deposition leads to thin lm and nanostructures with high
purity. The use of vapor-phase precursors also
SolGel Method enables better control on the composition and
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) 519

doping of thin lms and nanostructures. For subclassication of PECVD depending on the
example, Si thin lms can be deposited by decom- type of AC potential used for plasma generation.
position of silane gas (SiH4) by plasma or heat as For example, RF-PECVD and MW-PECVD
follows: SiH4 (g) ! Si (s) + 2H2 (g). Doping of employed radio frequency (RF, typically at
Si lms with boron will lead to p-type Si lms and 13.56 MHz) and microwave (MW, 2.45 GHz)
can be achieved by the addition of B2H6 gas. potential to dissociate gases and produce the
needed chemical reactions. Some PECVD are C
classied by the conguration of plasma gener-
Classification ation. For instance, inductively coupled-plasma
CVD (ICP-CVD) is actually RF-PECVD that
Classification by Operating Pressures uses an induction coil as the RF electrode out-
Chemical reactions involved in a CVD technique side the vacuum chamber and is sometimes
can be initiated by many ways leading to the called remote plasma CVD [1]. On the other
classication of various types of CVD hand, two RF plasmas can be used in a CVD
approaches. For example, CVD can be classied system. For example, a dual RF-PECVD
according to the operating pressures as follows: approach was demonstrated for the growth of
vertically aligned carbon nanofoils/nanowalls
Atmospheric pressure CVD (APCVD) is and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [2, 3].
referred to CVD processes that are conducted Thermal CVD is referred to CVD processes
at atmospheric pressure. The advantage of that employed heat to initiate the needed chem-
APCVD is a simple experimental setup with- ical reactions. The most common thermal CVD
out the need of a vacuum system. The potential technique employed external furnace to control
drawback will be the undesired contamination. the growth temperatures of the entire reaction
Low-pressure CVD (LPCVD) is referred to zone (e.g., vacuum quarts/glass chambers).
CVD processes at pressures below and close This is sometimes called hot-wall thermal
to atmospheric pressure. One of the purposes CVD. The advantages of this approach are
of reducing the operation pressure is to avoid including the potential of large-scale synthesis.
undesired reactions between precursors. In contract, there are several approaches to
LPCVD can also improve lm uniformity. achieve the so-called cold-wall thermal CVD.
Ultrahigh vacuum CVD (UHVCVD) is For example, hot laments (HF) are used to
referred to LPCVD processes at a very low heat up the temperatures of the adjacent sub-
pressure, typically below ~108 torr. strates while the needed chemical reactions are
ignited with higher temperatures on the la-
There are CVD processes that operate at high ments. This approach is called hot lament
pressures. See details in section Classication by CVD (HFCVD). Other heating approaches
Excitation Techniques. can also be used including IR lamps, laser
beams, and passing current ows through a
Classification by Excitation Techniques suspended Si chip [4].
In addition, CVD can be classied by the excita-
tion techniques that initiate the chemical reac- Classification by the Precursor Type
tions. For example: and Feeding Procedure
CVD can also be classied by the type of pre-
Plasma-enhanced CVD (PECVD) is referred to cursors or the procedures where precursors are
CVD processes that employed plasmas to initi- introduced into the reaction chamber. Some of
ate the needed chemical reactions. In general, the examples are described as follows:
PECVD could reduce the growth temperatures
as the chemical reactions in PECVD are not Aerosol-assisted CVD (AACVD) involves the
ignited by heat. There are many use of carrier gases (usually inert gases such as
520 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

Ar, He, etc.) to transfer vapors of liquid-phase a Tube furnace

precursor into the reaction chamber in the form Quartz Vacuum chamber
of aerosol. This approach enables the use of
liquid precursors for the CVD process. The Vapors/gas Substrates
most well-known AACVD is metalorganic
CVD (MOCVD) where metal organic solids
are dissolved in organic solvents. For example,
b Tube furnace
trimethylgallium [TMGa, Ga(CH3)3] is often
used as the source of Ga to form GaN when it Quartz Vacuum chamber

reacts with ammonia (NH3) at high tempera- Quartz test tube

tures. Thus AACVD can be viewed as a sub- Vapors/gas

classication of thermal CVD.

Atomic layer CVD (ALCVD) is better known as Precursor powders Substrates
atomic layer deposition (ALD) or atomic layer
epitaxial (ALE) [5]. ALD allows conformal Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), Fig. 1 (a) Typical
deposition of monolayer of binary (or ternary) setup for CCVD. (b) Modied double-tube conguration
compounds by introducing the two (or three)
reacting precursors in a pulsed mode one after
another. For example, monolayers of zinc sul-
de (ZnS) can be deposited by rst exposing CVD approach with the use of catalyst that
the growth surface with ZnCl2. Once chemi- induces the formation of nanomaterials.
sorption of ZnCl2 is completed, the reaction A typical experimental layout for CCVD is
chamber will be purged with an inert gas. shown in Fig. 1. As shown, the CCVD system
Thereafter, hydrogen sulde (H2S) will be consists of a tube furnace and a quartz tube cham-
introduced to the chamber so that the following ber where chemical reactions are taking place.
reaction will take place on the growth surface:
ZnCl2 (g) + H2S (g) ! ZnS (s) + HCl (g). Synthesis of Vertically Aligned Carbon
Since the chemical process is self-limiting, Nanotubes by CCVD
only one monolayer (or less) of ZnS will be A typical experimental setup of CCVD for the
formed in each cycle. The advantage of ALD is synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is shown
conformal coating on the full surface of the in Fig. 1a. In this case, the substrates (usually
sample and the precision of lm thickness con- oxidized Si) are rst deposited with catalyst
trol. The major drawback is the extreme low lms such as Fe, Ni, or Co by electron beam
deposition rate. ALD is usually conducted at evaporation, sputtering, pulsed laser deposition,
low temperatures (200400  C) and may be etc. [68]. Then, these samples were then
viewed as a subclassication of thermal CVD. annealed at 600  C in Ar, N2, or H2 for about
However, plasma and metal organic precursors 30 min. During the annealing process, these cata-
are sometimes used in ALD. lyst lms will be converted into nanoparticles that
will serve as the growth sites for CNTs. After the
annealing, the growth temperatures
Examples of CVD Approaches (~600800  C) and growth ambient (usually Ar,
for Nanotechnology H2, or their mixtures) will be set prior to the
introduction of hydrocarbon source gas
Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition (CCVD) (methane, CH4; ethylene C2H4, acetylene,
Catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) is C2H2). These hydrocarbon gases will be
the simplest and most popular technique for the decomposed on the surface of the catalyst
synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene, nanoparticles through the chemical process of
and nanowires (NWs). CCVD is simply a thermal dissociative adsorption [6].
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) 521

Chemical Vapor Carbon Hydrogen

Deposition (CVD),
Fig. 2 (a) Sequences of
dissociative adsorption of a B1
C2H2 on Fe surface (see text Fe
for detailed description).
The (b) decomposed carbon Fe Fe Fe
atoms (c) diffused into the
subsurface of the solid-core
Fe nanoparticle until (d) B2
supersaturation and then (e) e
segregate as nanotubes b c d

For example, dissociated adsorption of C2H2 is catalytic nanoparticles will be higher than the
summarized in Fig. 2 [6]. Figure 2a shows the growth temperatures. Since the melting of
adsorption of a C2H2 molecule (step A) on the nanoparticles starts from their surfaces, it is pos-
surface of the Fe nanoparticle. This will lead to sible that the near surface region of the particles is
either the breaking of CH bond (step B1) to form melted. This will form the gas-liquid interface
C2H and H fragments or the breaking of C=C between carbon and Fe solid-core nanoparticles.
bond (step B2) to form two CH fragments. The Due to the high diffusion, rate of carbon in Fe
catalytic function of the Fe nanoparticle is to melts; a Fe-C alloy will start to form. When these
reduce the energy required for decomposition by nanoparticles become supersaturated with carbon
a charge transfer from hydrocarbon molecules to (Fig. 2d) to a value critical for growth at the solid-
Fe. According to a rst principle calculation, the liquid interface, the excess carbon will segregate
dissociation energy of the rst hydrogen atom as carbon nanotubes (Fig. 2e). A tip-growth mode
from an isolated C2H2 (step A to B1) in vacuum is illustrated in this gure where the nanoparticles
can be reduced from 5.58 to 0.96 eV. On the other remained at the tips of CNTs. A base-growth
hand, the energy barrier between A and B2 is mode is also possible where the nanoparticles
1.25 eV. The CH bond breaking (step B1) is remained at the bases of CNTs. Thus, the diame-
followed by CC bond breaking (step C) with a ters of CNTs depend to certain extent on the
potential barrier of 1.02 eV, whereas C=C bond diameters of the nanoparticles. By controlling
breaking (step B2) is followed by CH the thickness of the catalyst lms and other
bond breaking (step C) with an energy barrier of parameters, CCVD enables the growth of verti-
0.61 eV. Both modes (A to B1 to C or A to B2 to C) cally aligned (VA) single-, double-, and multi-
are possible and give one CH fragment, one C, walled CNTs [8].
and one H. The decomposition of C2H2 is completed In fact, one of the most impressive achieve-
after the breaking of the last CH bond (step D) with ments in the growth of vertically aligned single-
the need of a potential energy of 0.61 eV. walled CNTs (VA-SWCNTs) is the so-called
The decomposed carbon atoms (Fig. 2b) will super growth [9]. This water-assisted approach
then diffuse into the subsurface of the Fe nano- was based on CCVD with the addition of
particle (Fig. 1c). At typical growth temperature 20500 ppm of water vapors. These water vapors
(650800  C), these nanoparticles are not melted were introduced into the growth chamber by
even after considering the eutectic point of Fe-C owing carrier gas (Ar, or He with 40 % H2)
phase. Since dissociative adsorption is an exother- through a water bubbler. Ethylene was used as
mic process, the near surface temperatures of the the carbon source along with various catalysts
522 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

Chemical Vapor
Deposition (CVD),
Fig. 3 Nucleation of
graphene on Ni (111)
surface (Reprinted with
permission from J. Gao
et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc.
C 133, 5009 (2011).
Copyright (2011) American
Chemical Society)

[Fe (1 nm), Al (10 nm)/Fe (1 nm), Al2O3 (10 nm)/ to 0.8 nm at 10 atm. This approach is now known
Fe (1 nm), to Al2O3 (10 nm)/Co (1 nm)]. as high-pressure carbon monoxide (HiPCO) tech-
VA-SWCNTs with the length of several mm and nique, one of the major techniques for large-scale
diameter of 13 nm were reported. This approach synthesis of SWCNTs with small diameters.
also enabled the growth of double- and multi- Finally, alcohol was also used as the carbon
walled CNTs [10] (Fig. 3). source for the synthesis of SWCNTs by CCVD
The abovementioned CCVD approaches are [14]. In this case, ethanol vapors (5 torr) were
achievable at relatively low temperatures and supplied to the reaction chamber that contained
lead to VA-SWCNTs. Historically SWCNTs Fe/Co catalyst supported with zeolite at
were grown by CCVD at higher temperatures in 700800  C.
a powder form. In 1996, Dai et al. demonstrated
the growth of SWCNTs at 1200  C by using Synthesis of Graphene by CCVD
carbon monoxide (CO) as the carbon source gas CCVD is also applicable for the synthesis of
and supported MoOx powder as the catalyst [11]. two-dimensional (2D) materials. For example,
In this case, powder form of SWCNTs was grown the growth of graphene by CCVD has been dem-
on the catalyst that was loaded on a quartz boat. onstrated using Ni [15, 16] and Cu plates [17].
Later, the growth temperature was being able to Theory suggests that the decomposition of
reduce to 1000  C by using CH4 as the source gas, hydrocarbon gases on Ni or Cu are similar to
resulting in the growth of randomly distributed the dissociative adsorption discussed for the
SWCNTs on powders of supported metal-oxide growth of CNTs discussed earlier with differ-
catalysts [12]. The diameters of these SWCNTs ences on the atomic conguration [18]. The
are 16 nm. In addition, CCVD could also major differences are (1) carbon atoms dissolve
be modied into a high-pressure mode for into the bulk / sub-surface of the Ni plate and led
large-scale synthesis of SWCNTs [13]. In this to the formation of few layered graphene (FLG);
approach, liquid iron pentacarbonyl, Fe(CO)5, (2) contrarily, the growth process is limited on
was used as the catalyst and was introduced into the surface in the Cu case and result in the for-
the CVD chamber by CO gas. At operational mation of mono layered graphene (MLG) [17].
pressures of 110 atm and temperatures of Theory also suggests that the growth of graphene
8001200  C, Fe(CO)5 will thermally be on Cu surface by methane (CH4) gas could hap-
decomposed into iron clusters in gas phase and pened with hydrocarbon radical instead of free
react with CO gas to produce SWCNTs. The yield carbon atoms [18].
of SWCNTs was found to increase with tempera- The nucleation of 2D materials such as
ture and pressure. The average diameter of graphene is also different from that in 1D CNTs.
SWCNTs was decreased from ~1.0 nm at 1 atm for the case of CNTs, nucleation is conned on
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) 523

the surface and subsurface regions of the zero BNNTs. The partially reduced MgOy and FeOz
dimensional metal particles. The nucleation of are the possible catalysts for the formation of
graphene involves a lot more surface diffusion BNNTs [23]. It is noted that the synthesis of
processes [19]. As shown in Fig. 3, the process BNNTs by these chemical processes usually
involves the transformation of 1D carbon chain requires temperatures above 1350  C. The key
to 2d sp2 carbon clusters/networks. Further- success for the low-temperature growth discussed
more, it was suggested that graphene nucleation here is due to the so-called growth vapor trap- C
near a step edge is more preference to that on a ping approach obtained by placing the bare sub-
terrace. strates directly on the ceramic boat. These
substrates trapped the growth vapors from the
Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructures by CCVD precursors and enhanced the nucleation rate of
On the other hand, CCVD can be modied into a BNNTs at low temperatures. In recent experi-
double-tube conguration as shown in Fig. 1b. ments, Fe, Ni, or MgO lms were coated on the
This approach will enable the use of solid substrates used as the catalysts [24, 25]. Such an
precursors to generate the needed growth vapors. approach leads to patterned growth of BNNTs.
For example, various ZnO nanostructures can be The possible chemical reactions are
grown by such a setup by using ZnO and graphite
powders as the precursors [20, 21]. As shown, B2 O2 g MgO s 2NH3 g ! 2BN s, BNNTs
these powders were loaded on a ceramic combus- MgOs 2H2 Og H2 g, or
tion boat which is contained at the end of a closed-
end quartz tube. The substrates can be placed a B2 O2 g Ni s or Fe s 2NH3 g
distance away from the boat. The following reac- ! 2BN s, BNNTs Ni s or Fe s
tions will occur at 1100  C when oxygen gas (O2) 2H2 O g H2 g
is introduced:
Acknowledgments Yoke Khin Yap acknowledges the
support from the National Science Foundation (Award
ZnO s C s ! Zn g CO g number DMR-1261910).

2Zn g O2 g ! 2ZnO s
Based on this approach, various ZnO
nanostructures can be grown with and without Atomic Layer Deposition
the use of catalyst (gold lms, Au), including Carbon Nanotube-Metal Contact
nanotubes [20], nanowires, nanobelts, nanocombs Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections
[21], and nanosquids [22]. Carbon-Nanotubes
Focused-Ion-Beam Chemical-Vapor-Deposi-
Synthesis of Boron Nitride Nanotubes by tion (FIB-CVD)
CCVD Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes
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was also used for the growth of boron nitride
nanotubes (BNNTs) [2325]. In this case, boron, References
magnesium oxide, and iron oxide were used as the
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Ultraprecision Surfaces and Structures with
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walled carbon nanotube forests from engineered iron
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20. Mensah, S.L., et al.: Formation of single crystalline
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Phys. Lett. 90, 113108 (2007) Chitosan Nanoparticles
Chitosan Nanoparticles 525

chitosan particularly attractive for clinical and

Chitosan Nanoparticles biological applications as a highly biocompatible
material with low toxicity and immunogenicity.
Burcu Aslan1, Hee Dong Han2,4, Gabriel Lopez- Several techniques have been designed to
Berestein1,3,4,5 and Anil K. Sood2,3,4,5 assemble chitosan nanoparticles (CH-NPs) as a
Department of Experimental Therapeutics, drug delivery system including emulsions,
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University of ionotropic gelation, micelles, and spray drying. C
Texas, Houston, TX, USA A variety of therapeutic agents can be loaded
Gynecologic Oncology, M.D. Anderson Cancer into CH-NPs with high efciency, which can
Center, The University of Texas, Houston, TX, then be injected intravenously, intraperitoneally,
USA or intrathecally.
Cancer Biology, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
The University of Texas, Houston, TX, USA Chemical Modification of Chitosan
Center for RNA Interference and Noncoding The abundant amine and hydroxyl groups present
RNA, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The in chitosan offer a unique opportunity to attach
University of Texas, Houston, TX, USA targeting ligands or imaging agents. Numerous
The Department of Nanomedicine and derivatives of chitosan have been designed and
Bioengineering, UTHealth, Houston, TX, USA tailored to improve the physicochemical and
adhesive properties of nanoparticles such as
size, shape, charge, density, and solubility.
Synonyms Quaternized chitosan, N,N,N-trimethyl chitosan,
thiolated chitosan, carboxyalkyl chitosan, sugar-
Chitosan; Drug delivery system; Nanoparticles bearing chitosan, bile acid-modied chitosan, and
cyclodextrin-linked chitosan are among the mod-
ications frequently utilized in chitosan-based
Definition drug delivery systems. Each modication offers
unique properties and characteristics. For
Chitosan nanoparticles are biodegradable, instance, trimethyl chitosan is soluble over
nontoxic carriers for nucleotides and drugs with a wide pH range and enhances the condensation
the potential for broad applications in human capacity of plasmid DNA at neutral pH due
disease. to xed positive charges on its backbone.
Thiolation of chitosan provides free sulphydryl
groups on its side chains and forms disulde
Overview bonds with cysteine-rich subdomains of muco-
glycoproteins on cell membranes and increases
Characteristics of Chitosan cellular uptake. In addition, both modications
Chitosan is a natural cationic polysaccharide com- have been used as nonviral carrier systems to
posed of randomly distributed N-acetyl- combine the advantages of trimethyl chitosan
D-glucosamine and b-(1,4)-linked D-glucosamine. and thiolated chitosan while minimizing their
Chitosan can be chemically synthesized via alka- shortcomings [3].
line deacetylation from chitin, which is the prin- Hydrophobic moieties can also be attached to
cipal component of the protective cuticles of chitosan to facilitate the incorporation of insolu-
crustaceans [1]. Chitosan is biodegradable ble drugs, i.e., hydrophobic glycol chitosan
in vivo by enzymes such as lysozyme, which is nanoparticles. Chemical conjugation of hydro-
endogenous and nontoxic [2]. In addition, biodeg- phobic 5b-cholanic acid to the hydrophilic glycol
radation of chitosan is highly associated with the chitosan backbone allows for the incorporation
degree of deacetylation. These properties render of the water-insoluble drug camptothecin [4].
526 Chitosan Nanoparticles

Key Research Findings condition. A paclitaxel-chitosan conjugate that

can be cleaved at physiological conditions was
Preparation of Chitosan Nanoparticles developed for oral delivery of paclitaxel.
The amino groups of chitosan backbone can inter- N-succinyl-chitosan-mitomycin conjugates dem-
act with anionic molecules such as onstrated high antitumor efcacy against a variety
tripolyphosphate (TPP). The ionic cross-linking of murine tumor models of leukemia, melanoma,
of chitosan is advantageous since the method is and primary and metastatic liver tumors.
easy and mostly performed under mild conditions
without using organic solvents. Ionotropic gela- Gene Delivery
tion of chitosan using TPP for the incorporation of Recently, plasmid DNA, siRNA, and
low molecular drugs, proteins, DNA/siRNA have oligonucleotide-loaded CH-NPs have been used
been demonstrated [5]. CH-NPs are rapidly for targeted gene silencing. Positively charged
formed through ionic interactions between the chitosan can easily form polyelectrolyte com-
negatively charged phosphates of TPP and posi- plexes with negatively charged nucleotides
tively charged amino groups of chitosan. based on electrostatic interaction, incorporation,
or adsorption, as illustrated in Fig. 1 [7]. The
Drug Delivery positive charge on the surface of CH-NPs is
Ringsdorf rst reported the concept of desirable to prevent aggregation due to electro-
polymerdrug conjugates for delivering small static repulsion and increase binding efciency
molecule drugs [6]. The concept of polymerdrug with the negatively charged cell membrane
conjugates allows chemical conjugation of a drug by enhancing electrostatic interactions. How-
using a biodegradable spacer. The spacer is usu- ever, other cellular uptake mechanisms such as
ally stable in the bloodstream, but cleaved at the clathrin-mediated endocytosis, caveolae-
target site by hydrolysis or enzymatic degrada- mediated endocytosis, and macropinocytosis
tion. Based on this concept, several polymerdrug may also be involved [8]. Moreover, the cong-
conjugates have been developed such as glycol uration of chitosan is modied under acidic pH
chitosan conjugated with doxorubicin, which by triggering the opening of tight junctions.
forms self-assembled nanoparticles in an aqueous Acidic pH results in an increase in the number

Chitosan Nanoparticles,
Fig. 1 Preparation of
DNA/siRNA nanoparticles
based on different
mechanisms [7]
Chitosan and its derivatives DNA/siRNA

Electrostatic interaction Encapsulation Adsorption

Chitosan Nanoparticles 527

c 7

Cy5.5 siRNA/CH

Unlabeled siRNA/CH

Untreated control













Chitosan Nanoparticles, Fig. 2 (a) Fluorescent siRNA (right). Photographs taken every 1 mm were stacked and
distribution in tumor tissue. Hematoxylin and eosin, orig- examined from the lateral view. Nuclei were labeled with
inal magnication 2003 (left); tumor tissues were stained Sytox green and uorescent siRNA (red) was seen
with anti-CD31 (green) antibody to detect endothelial cells throughout the section. At all time points, punctated emis-
(right). The scale bar represents 50 mm. (b) Fluorescent sions of the siRNA were noted in the perinuclear regions of
siRNA distribution in tumor tissue. Sections (8 mm thick) individual cells, and siRNA was seen in >80 % of elds
were stained with Sytox green and examined with confocal examined. (c) Shows uorescence intensity overlaid on
microscopy (scale bar represents 20 mm) (left); lateral view white light images of different mouse organs and tumor

of protonated amines on the chitosan leading to a CH-NPs allowed for a higher localization of
further disruption on membrane organization. It siRNA in tumor tissues compared to other organs
has also been reported that chitosan can swirl (Fig. 2) [9].
across the membrane lipid bilayer and facilitate Electrostatic interactions between protonated
the cellular uptake of the polyplex due to increase amines of chitosan and negative charge of DNA
in mole fraction of chitosan, leading to reduction or siRNA leads to spontaneous formation of
in the polymeric chains which results in highly compact encapsulation of either DNA or
decreased molecular weight [7]. In addition, Lu siRNA into CH-NPs [10]. Gel electrophoresis has
et al. have recently reported the biodistribution of been used to assess hydrogen bonding and hydro-
intravenously administered siRNA-CH-NPs in phobic interactions between chitosan and DNA
tumor-bearing mice. They demonstrated that [11]. However, a major limitation of siRNA
528 Chitosan Nanoparticles

delivery is its rapid degradation in plasma and proteins such as transferrin or folate receptors
cytoplasm. It has been reported that stable (known to be increased on a wide range of cancer
chitosan/siRNA complexes can protect siRNA cells). These targeting ligands enable
degradation in circulation of CH-NPs in blood- nanoparticles to bind on to cell-surface receptors
stream to overcome extracellular and intracellular and penetrate cells by receptor-mediated
barriers. On the other hand, disassembly is also endocytosis.
needed to allow release of siRNA. This empha- Target selective ligand-labeled CH-NPs can
sizes the importance of an appropriate balance enhance receptor-mediated endocytosis. Various
between protection and release of siRNA for bio- receptors on the tumor cell surface have been
logical functionality [12]. established as a target-binding site to achieve
Positively charged CH-NPs can bind to nega- selective delivery. The overexpression of trans-
tively charged cell surfaces with high afnity. ferrin and folate in certain tumors has been
CH-NPs are known to overcome endosomal exploited to deliver CH-NPs conjugated with
escape via its proton sponge effect. Once these these receptors ligands [14, 15]. Another exam-
nanoparticles penetrate into an acidifying lyso- ple is the anb3 integrin, which is overexpressed
somal compartment, the unsaturated amino in a wide range of tumors, and is largely absent in
groups of chitosan distrain protons that are deliv- normal tissues. Han et al. [16] have recently
ered by proton pumps (vATPase) which is called reported that the administration of RGD
the proton sponge mechanism. Subsequent peptide-labeled CH-NPs led to increased tumor
lysosomal swelling and rupture leads to endo- delivery of siRNA-CH-NP and enhanced
lysosomal escape of nanoparticles [13]. antitumor activity in ovarian carcinoma models
(Figs. 3 and 4).
Targeted Delivery
An ideal delivery system should lead to enhanced Chitosan-Based Environmental-Responsive
concentrations of therapeutic payloads at disease Particles
sites, and minimize potential non-desirable Physiological alterations such as pH, temperature,
off-target effects, and ultimately raise the thera- ionic strength, and metabolites in the microenvi-
peutic index. Differences between tumor and nor- ronment of tumor have gained increased interest
mal tissue microenvironment and architecture, in terms of targeted therapy. Potential differences
such as vascularization, overexpressed receptors, in these parameters between tumor and normal
pH, temperature, ionic strength, and metabolites, tissue can be used for enhanced targeting.
can be exploited for selective targeting. A novel, pH responsive NIPAAm/CH-NPs
Targeted delivery systems have been designed containing camptothecin and paclitaxel was suc-
to increase and/or facilitate uptake into target cessfully used to enhance tumor uptake and
cells, and to protect therapeutic payloads. Recent antitumor activity [17]. On the other hand,
work comparing non-targeted and targeted thermosensitive CH-g-poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)
nanoparticles have shown that the primary role composite has been developed by an ionic cross-
of the targeting ligands is to enhance selective linking method and incorporated with 5-FU
binding efciency to receptor in cell surface and (5-uorouracil). This study showed that 40 % of
cellular uptake into target cells, and to minimize drug is released from the particles when the tem-
accumulation in normal tissues. The addition of perature is above a lower critical solution temper-
targeting ligands that provide specic ligand- ature of 38  C while only 5 % of drug is released
receptor binding on nanoparticle-cell surface below 38  C, which conrms the drug release
interactions can play a vital role in the ultimate mechanism of this polymeric carrier system is
location of nanoparticles. For example, based on temperature. These nanoparticles were
nanoparticles decorated with specic moieties more toxic to cancer cells while devoid of toxicity
such as peptides, proteins, or antibodies can be to normal cells, leading to enhance antitumor
targeted to cancer cells via cell-surface receptor efcacy [18].
Chitosan Nanoparticles 529

A2780ip2 SKOV3ip1


Binding efficiency (%)




C rol
-C P


R CH l

t ro






Chitosan Nanoparticles, Fig. 3 Binding of Alexa555 siRNA/RGD-CH-NPs and Alexa555 siRNA-CH-NP in
SKOV3ip1 or A2780ip2 cells by uorescence microscopy

Chitosan Nanoparticles, A2780ip2 SKOV3ip1

Fig. 4 Binding of siRNA/
SKOV3ip1 or A2780ip2
cells by transmission
electron microscopy against

ovarian cancer cells in vitro


Chitosan-Based Magnetic Nanoparticles nanoparticles when injected intravenously can be

Chitosan-based magnetic nanoparticles have been induced when the tissue or organ is subjected to an
developed for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging external high-gradient magnetic eld [19]. Drugs,
via passive and tissue-specic targeting. The DNA plasmids, or bioactive molecules are
low-oxidizing ferromagnetic materials are the released into target tissues and effectively taken
most commonly used compounds for nanoparticle up by tumor cells after accumulation of these
formulations and provide a stable magnetic carriers. On the other hand, magnetic
response. The accumulation of magnetic nanoparticles such as iron oxide nanoparticles
530 Chitosan Nanoparticles

(Fe3O4) are applied to oscillating magnetic elds, electrostatic interactions. Therefore, CH-NPs
which results in the generation of heat and holds may be used for broad applications in human
potential for rapid heating of tumor tissue. disease. Moreover, chitosan allow modications
When magnetic nanoparticles are administered that will exploit the inherent physicochemical
systemically, they are rapidly coated with plasma properties by conjugation of selective ligands.
proteins. These particles are taken up by the retic- The highly desirable specic targeting of drugs
uloendothelial system, leading to decreased circu- has been elusive to date; however, CH-NPs can
lation time. Magnetic nanoparticles coated with bring us closer to this goal.
hydrophilic materials such as chitosan could pro-
vide longer circulation time. In addition, chitosan- Acknowledgments Portions of this work were supported
coated magnetic nanoparticles, which are used in by the NIH (CA 110793, 109298, P50 CA083639, P50
CA098258, CA128797, RC2GM092599, U54
magnetic resonance imaging, can also be
CA151668), the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, Inc.
functionalized and used as theranostic carriers (Program Project Development Grant), the DOD
due to amino and hydroxyl groups of chitosan. (OC073399, W81XWH-10-1-0158, BC085265), the
Zarrow Foundation, the Marcus Foundation, the Kim
Application of Chitosan Nanoparticles Medlin Fund, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, the
Estate of C. G. Johnson, Jr., the RGK Foundation, and the
for SiRNA Delivery Betty Anne Asche Murray Distinguished Professorship.
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14. Mao, H.Q., Roy, K., Troung-Le, V.L., Janes, K.A.,
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ChitosanDNA nanoparticles as gene carriers: synthe-
sis, characterization and transfection efciency.
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15. Fernandes, J.C., Wang, H., Jreyssaty, C., Benderdour, C-MEMS
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Dai, K., Shi, Q.: Bone-protective effects of nonviral
gene therapy with FolateChitosan DNA nanoparticle Carbon MEMS
containing Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene in
rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis. Mol. Ther. 16(7),
12431251 (2008)
16. Han, H.D., Mangala, L.S., Lee, J.W., Shahzad, M.M.
K., Kim, H.S., Shen, D., Nam, E.J., Mora, E.M., CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-
Stone, R.L., Lu, C., Lee, S.J., Roh, J.W., Nick, A.M.,
Lopez-Berestein, G., Sood, A.K.: Targeted gene
silencing using RGD-Labeled chitosan nanoparticles.
Clin. Cancer Res. 16(15), 39103922 (2010) CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies
532 CMOS MEMS Biosensors

diagnostics due to their low cost, high sensitivity,

CMOS MEMS Biosensors specicity, speed, and portability. Miniaturization
of an electrical biosensor can be achieved through
Michael S.-C. Lu microfabrication widely known as the MEMS
Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of technology; in addition, the sensing circuits can be
Electronics Engineering, and Institute of embedded on the same chip through integrated-
NanoEngineering and MicroSystems, National circuit (IC) processes, among which the CMOS
Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Republic of China technology is the most popular choice for
implementing various analog and digital circuits.
A fully integrated CMOS MEMS biosensor array
Synonyms is capable of providing real-time high-throughput
detection of multiple samples. CMOS biosensors
Integrated biosensors can be implemented based on the electrochemical,
impedimetric, ion-sensitive, magnetic, optical, and
micromechanical approaches, which require differ-
Definition ent MEMS processes to construct the sensing inter-
faces. Some of the methods require labeling and
CMOS MEMS biosensors are miniaturized bio- some are label-free for bio-signal transduction.
sensors fabricated on CMOS (complementary More details are provided in the following sections.
metal-oxide semiconductor) chips by the MEMS
(microelectromechanical systems) technology.
Sensing Principles and Key Research
Electrochemical Biosensors
A biosensor is a device designed to detect a bio- Electrochemical biosensors have been the subject
chemical molecule such as a particular of basic as well as applied research for many
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence or partic- years. In 1970, Dr. Leland C. Clark demonstrated
ular protein. Many biosensors are afnity-based, that glucose could be measured in whole blood
meaning that they use an immobilized capture with the presence of the glucose oxidase enzyme.
probe that selectively binds to the target molecule Commercial glucose sensors based on electro-
being sensed. Most biosensors require a label chemical detection have been developed since
attached to the target, and the amount of detected then. Electrochemical biosensors typically
label is assumed to correspond to the number of depend on the presence of a suitable enzyme in
bound targets. Labels can be uorophores, mag- the biorecognition layer to catalyze reaction of
netic beads, gold nanoparticles, enzymes, or any- electroactive substances. Afnity-based electro-
thing else allowing convenient binding and chemical sensors use enzymes as labels that bind
detection; however, labeling a biomolecule can to antibodies, antigens, or oligonucleotides with a
change the associated binding properties, espe- specic sequence.
cially for protein targets. Electrochemical biosensors can employ poten-
An electrical biosensor is capable of detecting a tiometric, amperometric, and impedimetric sens-
binding event by producing an electrical current ing principles to convert the chemical information
and/or a voltage. Conventional optical detection into a measurable electrical signal. In potentio-
methods require external instruments that are metric devices, ion selective electrodes (ISE) are
expensive and not amenable to miniaturization. commonly used to transduce a biorecognition
Electrical bioassays hold great promise for numer- event into a potential signal between the working
ous decentralized clinical applications ranging from and the reference electrodes whose value,
emergency-room screening to point-of-care depending on the concentration of the analyte,
CMOS MEMS Biosensors 533

generator electrode counter

DNA substrate

Igen DNA
Vgen C

Icol red


potentiostat collector electrode electrode

CMOS MEMS Biosensors, Fig. 1 Schematic of the CMOS interdigitated microelectrode for electrochemical DNA
detection. On the right: schematic illustration of the redox-cycling process (Schienle et al. # 2004 IEEE)

can be predicted by the Nernst equation. The Interdigitated microelectrodes have been
current owing through the electrode is equal to adopted in many electrochemical biosensors for
or near zero. quantitative analysis. The width and spacing of
Amperometric biosensors operate by applying microelectrodes are reduced by microfabrication.
a constant potential and monitoring the current The main advantage is the enhanced redox current
associated with the reduction or oxidation of an due to fast redox recycling, as the chemical prod-
electroactive species. The sensors can work in ucts produced at one side of the electrodes are
three- or four-electrode congurations. The for- readily collected at the other side of adjacent
mer case consists of a reference, a working, and a electrodes and regenerated to the original states.
counter electrode. The four-electrode setup has an The relationship between the produced redox cur-
additional working electrode such that oxidation rent and the analyte concentration has been
and reduction take place at anode and cathode derived by Aoki et al. [1].
simultaneously. Working electrodes are normally Electrochemical DNA hybridization biosen-
made of noble metals which are critical to the sors rely on the conversion of the DNA base-pair
operation of a sensor. Since these metals are not recognition event into an electrical signal.
CMOS compatible, the electrodes must be formed Schienle et al. [2] reported a CMOS electrochem-
after fabrication of CMOS circuits. Silver/silver ical DNA sensor array with each sensing element
chloride (Ag/AgCl) is commonly used as the ref- consisting of interdigitated gold electrodes sepa-
erence electrode in many electrochemical biosen- rated by 1 mm. As depicted in Fig. 1, probe mol-
sors. Since not all particles oxidized at the anode ecules were immobilized on the gold surface
reach the cathode, a potentiostat, whose input and through thiol coupling and the target molecules
output are connected to a reference and to a coun- were tagged by an enzyme label (alkaline phos-
ter electrode, respectively, is required to provide phatase). A chemical substrate (para-aminophenyl
the difference current to the electrolyte and regu- phosphate) was applied to the chip after hybridi-
late the potential of the electrolyte to a constant zation. The enzyme label on the matched DNA
value. strands cleaved the phosphate group and
534 CMOS MEMS Biosensors

generated an electroactive compound (para- polarization capacitor. The interface capacitance

aminophenol), which was subsequently oxidized possesses a frequency dependency and is com-
and reduced as the indicator of successful DNA monly represented by the Gouy-Chapman-Stern
hybridization. Levine et al. [3] also reported a model as the series combination of the double-
CMOS electrochemical DNA sensor array which layer capacitance (Helmholtz capacitance) and the
was operated based on conventional cyclic diffuse layer capacitance (Gouy-Chapman
voltammetry (CV). During the measurement the capacitance).
electrode potential was scanned up and down in In addition to the frequency-domain measuring
order to produce the redox reactions associated method, interface impedance changes can be mea-
with the ferrocene labels attached to DNA strands. sured by the potentiostatic step method where
In addition to DNA detection, CMOS electro- small potential steps are applied to the working
chemical sensors have been realized to allow electrode and the transient current responses, as
high-throughput detection of dopamine and cate- determined by the time constant of the interface
cholamine release from adrenal chromafn cells resistance and capacitance, are measured accord-
[4], since the release of neurotransmitters from ingly. Lee et al. [6] reported a fully integrated
secretory vesicles of biological cells is closely CMOS impedimetric sensor array for label-free
related to the function of a nervous system. detection of DNA hybridization. The changes in
the reactive capacitance and the charge-transfer
Impedimetric Biosensors resistance on the gold sensing electrodes were
Changes in the electrical properties of a sensing extracted by applying a triangular voltage wave-
interface (e.g., capacitance, resistance) can occur form and monitoring the produced currents. As
when a target biomolecule interacts with a probe- illustrated in Fig. 2, the current owing through
functionalized surface. A conventional the capacitor is associated with the slope of the
impedimetric biosensor measures the electrical applied triangular wave, while the current owing
impedance of an electrode-solution interface in through the resistor is in proportion to the magni-
a.c. steady state with constant d.c. bias conditions. tude of the triangular wave. The reported detec-
This approach, known as electrochemical imped- tion limit was 10 nanomolar (nM).
ance spectroscopy (EIS), is accomplished by It is important to distinguish the differences
imposing a small sinusoidal voltage over a range between faradaic and non-faradaic biosensors for
of frequencies and measuring the resulting current. impedance detection. In electrochemical termi-
The currentvoltage ratio gives the impedance, nology, a faradaic process involves charge trans-
which consists of both energy dissipation fer across an interface, while a transient current
(resistor) and energy storage (capacitor) elements. can ow without charge transfer in a non-faradaic
Results obtained by EIS are often graphically process by charging a capacitor. The faradaic EIS
represented by a Bode plot or a Nyquist plot. EIS requires the addition of a redox species which is
reveals information about the reaction mechanism alternately oxidized and reduced by the transfer of
of an electrochemical process since different reac- charges to and from the metal electrode. In con-
tion steps can dominate at certain frequencies. trast, no additional reagent is required for
Impedimetric biosensors can detect a variety of non-faradaic impedance spectroscopy. The asso-
target analytes by simply varying the probe used. ciated impedance change is predominantly capac-
Changes in the impedance can be correlated to itive with the charge transfer resistance being
DNA hybridization, antigenantibody reaction, or omitted.
be used to detect biological cells. Miniaturized CMOS capacitive sensors have
The interface impedance is commonly been developed for numerous biosensing applica-
represented by an equivalent circuit model for tions. As the sensor size is small, monolithic inte-
analysis. E. Warburg [5] rst proposed that the gration provides the benet of enhancing the
interface impedance can be represented by a signal-to-noise ratio by reducing the parasitic
polarization resistance in series with a capacitance observed at the sensing node, which
CMOS MEMS Biosensors 535

CMOS MEMS Biosensors, silicon PBS PH7.4

Fig. 2 Schematic of the substrate (Phosphate Buffer saline)
impedance extraction peak
method (Adopted by Lee i in
et al. # 2010 Elsevier) V in
V in
iR iC
i in

Low Frequency




would otherwise negatively impact the detection gold nanoparticles produced a conductivity
limit during direct capacitance measurement. change between adjacent metal electrodes, which
Stagni et al. [7] reported an 8  16 CMOS DNA were made of gold metal in order to withstand the
sensor array where the bindings of complemen- chemical in the clean processing. The detected
tary DNA strands on gold microelectrodes signal can be further enhanced by additional silver
reduced the dielectric constant of the electrode- deposition. Silicon dioxide was used as the under-
analyte impedance and the associated change was lying material under the gap for immobilization of
used to modify the charging and discharging tran- the DNA probes. Detection limit of the target
sients of the detection circuit. Capacitive sensitiv- DNA concentration was 1 picomolar (pM).
ity can be enhanced by use of interdigitated
microelectrodes with the minimum gap dened Ion-Sensitive Field Effect Transistors (ISFET)
by the adopted CMOS process. Lu et al. [8] ISFETs were rst developed in the early 1970s
reported very sensitive detection of the neuro- and have been utilized in various biosensing
transmitter dopamine in the sub-femtomolar applications which depend on the type of receptor
(fM) range. CMOS capacitive sensors have also used for analyte recognition or how a signal is
been used for monitoring cellular activity since generated. Immunologically modied FETs
the morphological and physiological states of bio- and DNA-modied FETs detect the change of sur-
logical cells have correlations with their electrical face charges by monitoring the associated
properties [9]. currentvoltage relationship. Cell-based FETs
The impedance change of a biosensing event detect the potential changes produced by biological
can be made purely resistive with additional cells due to the ow of ions across the cell mem-
chemical modications. Li et al. [10] reported a branes upon stimulations. For applications where it
DNA array detection method in which the binding is required to build an ISFET array to provide
of immobilized DNA probes functionalized with detection of multiple samples at different locations,
536 CMOS MEMS Biosensors

a b Liquid
Dielectric thin film
Source Drain
Source Drain gate ions
n+ n+ n+ n+
silicon silicon

CMOS MEMS Biosensors, Fig. 3 (a) Schematic of the oating-gate ISFET structure. (b) Schematic of the open-gate
ISFET structure

monolithic integration is then preferred in order to solution pH value, wsol is the surface dipole poten-
reduce wiring complexity and noise interference. tial of the solvent, fsi is the work function of
CMOS ISFET sensors can be built by using a silicon, q is the electron charge, Cox is the gate
oating-gate or an open-gate structure as depicted oxide capacitance per unit area, Qox and Qss are
in Fig. 3. The oating-gate structure is easier to the charges in the oxide and at the oxide-silicon
fabricate as it requires minimal post-processing interface, QB is the depletion charges in silicon
after completion of a conventional CMOS pro- and fF is the difference between the Fermi poten-
cess. Silicon dioxide or silicon nitride in the tial of the substrate and intrinsic silicon.
CMOS passivation thin lms can be used as the Kim et al. [11] reported the use of p-type
material for surface functionalization. The pro- ISFET fabricated in a standard CMOS process
duced signal due to charges on sensor surface is for detection of DNA immobilization and hybrid-
capacitively coupled to the oating gate through a ization. Gold was deposited by post-processing as
relatively thick dielectric layer which reduces the the gate material for immobilizing DNA due to its
signal-coupling efciency. The gate in an open- chemical afnity with thiols. The channel current
gate ISFET is removed and replaced by the aque- increased during hybridization due to the negative
ous solution whose potential is commonly set via charges present in the phosphate groups of DNA
a reference electrode. The exposed gate oxide is strands. Li et al. [12] presented a post-CMOS
used for surface functionalization. Since the gate fabrication method to make open-gate ISFETs
oxide thickness is only tens of angstroms in a and demonstrated ultrasensitive dopamine detec-
conventional sub-mm CMOS process, sensitivity tion in the fM range.
is thus signicantly enhanced as compared to a
oating-gate ISFET.
Magnetic Biosensors
Accumulated charges on the ISFET surface
Some of the magnetic biosensors require the use
modulate the threshold voltage of a MOS transis- of magnetic beads as labels attached to the sam-
tor, leading to a channel current change under
ples in order to induce a measurable electrical
xed voltage biases of the drain, source, and
signal when specic binding on sensor surface
gate terminals. The threshold voltage of an open-
occurs. Magnetic beads are made of small ferro-
gate ISFET is expressed as:
magnetic or ferrimagnetic nanoparticles that
exhibit a unique quality referred to as superpara-
fsi Qox Qss QB
V th Eref  C wsol   magnetism in the presence of an externally
q Cox applied magnetic eld. This phenomenon, as dis-
2fF covered by Louis Nel (Nobel Physics Prize win-
ner in 1970), has been used in numerous
where Eref is the reference electrode potential, C is applications such as magnetic data storage and
a chemical input parameter as a function of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
CMOS MEMS Biosensors 537

Several methods can be used to electronically shift due to a single micron-size magnetic bead is
detect the existence of magnetic beads, such as the typically a few parts per million (ppm) of the reso-
GMR (giant magnetoresistance) effect discovered nant frequency, the sensing oscillator needs to have
by the 2007 Nobel Physics Prize winners Albert small phase noises at small offset frequencies to
Fert and Peter Grunberg. The effect appears in achieve a stable frequency behavior.
thin lm structures composed of alternating ferro- A miniaturized CMOS NMR (nuclear mag-
magnetic and nonmagnetic layers. A signicant netic resonance) system has been reported by C
change in the electrical resistance is observed Sun et al. [16] for applications in biomolecular
depending on whether the magnetization of adja- sensing. NMR was rst discovered by Isidor Rabi
cent ferromagnetic layers is in a parallel alignment who was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944.
(the low-resistance state) due to the applied mag- Magnetic nuclei, like 1H and 31P, could absorb
netic eld or an anti-parallel alignment (the high- radio frequency (RF) energy when placed in a
resistance state) in the absence of the magnetic magnetic eld of a strength specic to the identity
eld. of the nuclei. The nucleus is described as being in
Han et al. [13] reported a CMOS DNA sensor resonance when the absorption occurs. Different
array that adopted the spin valve structure to atomic nuclei within a molecule exhibit different
observe the GMR effect. Magnetic thin lms of resonant frequencies for the same magnetic eld
nanometers in thickness were deposited and pat- strength. Essential chemical and structural infor-
terned after the conventional CMOS process. The mation about a molecule can thus be studied by
biotinylated analyte DNA was captured by comple- observing such magnetic resonant frequencies.
mentary probes immobilized on the sensor surface. The reported CMOS NMR system consists of a
Then streptavidin-coated magnetic labels were magnet (static magnetic eld), an RF coil surround-
added and produced specic binding to the hybrid- ing a sample, and an RF transceiver linked to the
ized DNA. The stray magnetic eld of the magnetic coil as shown in Fig. 4. The RF magnetic eld
labels was detected as a resistance change in the produced through the coil at the right frequency
sensor. In general, signal modulation is required in oo can excite nuclei spins within the sample. Once
the sensing scheme in order to separate the true the RF excitation is stopped and the receiver is
bio-signals from the false ones caused by drifts or connected to the coil, the detected NMR signal
ionic solution interference. Other than the GMR displays an exponential relaxation in the precession
principle, detection of magnetic beads can be of the net magnetic moment. Both the resonant
achieved based on the Hall effect of a CMOS frequency and the relaxations characteristic time
sensor. As discovered by Edwin Hall in 1879, the are specic for the sample to be studied.
effect produces an electric eld perpendicular to the
magnetic induction vector and the original current Optical Biosensors
direction. Detection of a single magnetic bead has Optical detection methods such as luminometry
been demonstrated [14]. and uorometry can be utilized to make CMOS-
To eliminate the needs of externally applied based biosensors. Luminometric methods, such as
magnetic elds and post-CMOS fabrication for a luciferase-based assays, involve the detection and
magnetoresistive biosensor, Wang et al. [15] quantication of light emission as a result of a
presented an inductive approach that can detect chemical reaction. Luciferase is a generic term
existence of a single magnetic bead on a CMOS for the class of oxidative enzymes used in biolu-
chip. The sensing scheme used a highly stable minescence. Such methods have been used to
integrated oscillator with an on-chip LC resonator. detect pathogens and proteins, perform gene
An a.c. electrical current through the on-chip induc- expression and regulation studies, and sequence
tor produced a magnetic eld that polarized the DNA. Fluorometric methods require an excitation
magnetic particles present in its vicinity, leading source to stimulate photoemission of the
to an increased effective inductance and therefore uorescent-tagged species and optical lters to
a reduced oscillation frequency. As the frequency separate the generated photoemission from the
538 CMOS MEMS Biosensors

B0 Tx Tx t


NMR signal

B0 Tx T2

Rx Rx t


CMOS MEMS Biosensors, Fig. 4 Operation of the CMOS NMR system (Sun et al. # 2009 IEEE)

high background interference. Luminometry is from the external excitation source, eliminating
more amenable to miniaturization and integration the need for additional optical lters. Direct
than the uorometric methods since no lters or immobilization of DNA capture strands on the
excitation sources are required. CMOS chip allows placement of optical detectors
Eltoukhy et al. [17] reported a CMOS photo- in close vicinity to the uorescent labels, leading
detector array which was directly integrated with a to improved collection efciency and providing
ber-optic faceplate with immobilized lumines- imaging resolution limited by pixel dimensions
cent reporters/probes for DNA synthesis by rather than diffraction optics.
pyrosequencing. Pyrosequencing is a sequenc- In addition to the aforementioned approaches,
ing by synthesis technique which involves taking a method based on detection of the incident light
a single strand of the DNA to be sequenced and intensity using a normal light source has been
then synthesizing its complementary strand enzy- developed [19]. The technique uses gold
matically. Synthesis of the complementary strand nanoparticles with silver enhancement to induce
is achieved with one base pair at a time by mon- opacity on top of CMOS photodetectors when
itoring the activity of the DNA synthesizing specic bindings occur. It does not require an
enzyme with another chemiluminescent enzyme. external optical scanner and a specic light source
The challenge of such a detection system is to as needed in the uorescence-based method.
achieve high sensitivity despite the presence of
relatively high dark currents. The reported sensor Micromechanical Cantilevers
array was able to detect emission rates below 106 Microcantilever-based biosensors have attracted
lux over a long integration time (30 s). considerable attention as a means of label-free
Huang et al. [18] reported a CMOS microarray detection of biomolecules. Intermolecular forces
chip that leveraged low-cost integration of solid- arising from adsorption of small molecules are
state circuits for uorescence-based diagnostics. known to induce surface stress. The specic bind-
The featured time-gated uorescence detection ing between ligands and receptors on the surface
was able to signicantly reduce interferences of a microcantilever beam thus produces physical
CMOS MEMS Biosensors 539

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CMOS MEMS Fabrication billion US dollars in 2010 [1].
Technologies Continuous miniaturization, expanded func-
tionalities, lower cost, and improved performance
Hongwei Qu1 and Huikai Xie2 are the ultimate goals of MEMS. The nature of
Department of Electrical and Computer MEMS strongly suggests direct integration of
Engineering, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, mechanical structures with electronics whose fab-
USA rication is dominated by CMOS technologies. In
Department of Electrical and Computer the last couple of decades, great efforts have been
Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, made in the integration of MEMS structures with
FL, USA ICs on a single CMOS substrate. The pioneering
work for CMOS-MEMS transducers was done by
H. Baltes and his coworkers at the Swiss Federal
Synonyms Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) [2]. They
employed both wet bulk silicon micromachining
CMOS (complementary metal-oxide- and surface micromachining techniques in the
semiconductor); CMOS-MEMS; Integration; fabrication of integrated CMOS-MEMS devices.
MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) With the great advances in IC and MEMS
CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies 541

technologies, the current focus of CMOS-MEMS to release the pre-dened MEMS structures. Due
integration technology is on the modication and to the involvement of photolithography process
standardization of CMOS technology to accom- needed for patterning the MEMS in the recess, the
modate MEMS technology. One of the best- thickness of the MEMS structures is constrained
known commercial CMOS-MEMS devices is the by the lithographical limit.
digital micromirror device (DMD) manufactured Other methods for the formation of MEMS
by Texas Instruments. Recently, some CMOS structures in pre-CMOS technologies, including C
foundries, such as TSMC, X-Fab and Global wafer bonding and thinning for epitaxial and SOI
Foundries, have begun to offer CMOS-MEMS wafers in which MEMS are prefabricated, have
services for research and product developments. also been reported in the fabrication of a variety of
This entry summarizes a variety of CMOS- MEMS devices.
MEMS technologies and devices that have been
developed. Particular materials needed in associ-
ated CMOS-MEMS will also be introduced. Typ- Inter-CMOS
ical MEMS devices, including inertial sensors,
resonators, and actuators, are exemplied in fea- In early 1990s, Analog Devices, Inc (ADI) spe-
turing the respective technologies. cically developed a MEMS technology based on
its BiCMOS process. This iMEMS technology,
originally dedicated to manufacturing CMOS-
Classification of CMOS-MEMS MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes, is an
Technologies intermediate-CMOS-MEMS, or Inter-CMOS-
MEMS technology in which the CMOS process
MEMS can be integrated with CMOS electronics steps are mixed with additional polysilicon thin-
in many different ways. One common way to lm deposition and micromachining steps to form
categorize CMOS-MEMS technologies is from the sensor structures [5]. Innions pressure sen-
the perspective of manufacturing processes. sors are also fabricated using this kind of Inter-
Based on the process sequence, CMOS-MEMS CMOS-MEMS technology. To reduce the residual
technologies can be classied into three catego- stress in structural polysilicon, high temperature
ries: Pre-CMOS, Intra-CMOS, and Post-CMOS annealing is normally required in the Inter-
[3]. Due to its popularity and accessibility, post- CMOS-MEMS, which could pose a potential
CMOS will be described in more detail in this risk to CMOS interconnect and active layers.
entry. Thus, the thermal budget should be carefully
designed. Moreover, it is almost impractical to
perform intermediate CMOS and MEMS
Pre-CMOS processed in separate foundries due to possible
contaminations in the wafer transfer and pro-
It is widely accepted that pre-CMOS technologies cesses. Therefore, a dedicated foundry used for
are represented by the modular integration process both CMOS and MEMS is necessary for Inter-
originally developed at Sandia National Labora- CMOS-MEMS technology, which may not take
tories. As suggested by the name, in pre-CMOS full advantages of mainstream technologies in
technology, MEMS structures are pre-dened and either area.
embedded in a recess in silicon wafer; and the
recess is then lled with oxide or other dielectrics.
The wafer is then planarized prior to the following Limitations of Pre- and Inter-CMOS-
process steps for CMOS electronics [4]. In this MEMS
MEMS rst process, although MEMS struc-
tures are pre-dened, a wet etch after the comple- Since surface micromachining and polysilicon
tion of the standard CMOS processes is required are typically used, most of the Pre- and
542 CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies

Inter-CMOS-MEMS technologies suffer from the of state-of-the-art in MEMS. Some design rules
limitations of thin-lm structural materials. may need to be changed to accommodate MEMS
(1) Structural curling and cost associated with structure design in the CMOS design stage.
stress compensation: Due to the residual stress in Meanwhile, post-CMOS microfabrication
the deposited thin lms in the device, polysilicon should be carefully designed, particularly con-
structures often exhibit curling after release, sidering the thermal budget, so as not to affect
resulting in reduced sensitivity, lower mechanical the on-chip CMOS electronics.
robustness, and increased temperature depen- According to how MEMS structures are
dence. Although stress compensation can be real- formed, post-CMOS-MEMS technologies fall
ized via multiple controlled process steps, the into two categories: additive and subtractive. In
associated cost is quite high. (2) Small size additive post-CMOS-MEMS, structural materials
and/or mass: The curling of thin-lm structures are deposited on a CMOS substrate. In subtractive
in turn limits the size of the overall microstructure. post-CMOS-MEMS, MEMS structures are cre-
The mass is further reduced due to the small ated by selectively etching CMOS layers. Appar-
thickness of thin-lm polysilicon. For inertial sen- ently, additive post-CMOS-MEMS methods
sors, the smaller the structure mass, the lower require more stringent material compatibility
performance of the device. (3) Parasitics: In a with the CMOS technologies used. Thus, they
surface micromachined polysilicon accelerome- are less utilized than subtractive post-CMOS-
ter, depending on polysilicon wiring path, the MEMS. The following introduction will focus
parasitic impedance may considerably lower the more on subtractive post-CMOS-MEMS.
static and dynamic performance of the device.
(4) Cost and suboptimal processes of the dedi- Additive MEMS Structures on CMOS Substrate
cated foundry needed: The dedicated foundry In additive post-CMOS-MEMS, metals, dielec-
combining CMOS and MEMS fabrications trics, or polymers are deposited and patterned
needed for pre- and inter-CMOS-MEMS is nor- to form MEMS structures normally on top of
mally expensive and suboptimal for either fabri- the CMOS layers. Some commercial MEMS
cation. It is against the modern trends in which products are fabricated using additive post-
exible accessibility of optimal and cost-effective CMOS-MEMS approaches. In this category,
processes are preferable. the best-known product is probably the digital
mirror device (DMD), the core of the digital
light processing (DLP) technology developed
Post-CMOS by Texas Instruments. In a DMD, tilting mirror
plates and their driving electrodes are fabricated
Post-CMOS-MEMS refer to the CMOS-MEMS directly on top of CMOS circuits. Three
processes in which all MEMS process steps are sputtered aluminum layers are used to form
performed after the completion of the CMOS the top mirror plate and the two parallel-plate
fabrication. The advantages of post-CMOS- electrodes for electrostatic actuation, respec-
MEMS over Pre- and Inter-CMOS-MEMS tively. The driving electrodes are addressed
include process exibility and accessibility and via CMOS memory cell. To release the mirror
low cost. In contrast to both Pre-CMOS-MEMS plate and top electrodes in the post-CMOS-
and Inter-CMOS-MEMS, for Post-CMOS- MEMS fabrication of the mirrors, deep-UV
MEMS technology, the fabrications of CMOS hardened photoresist is used as the sacricial
circuitry and MEMS structures are performed layer.
independently. The exibility of foundry access In some circumstances where CMOS protec-
makes it possible to take advantages of both tion is well designed, electroplating can also be
advanced CMOS technologies and optimal used to grow microstructures on top of CMOS
MEMS fabrication. This is particularly electronics. Other structural and sacricial mate-
attractive to research community in exploration rials, such as polycrystalline SiGe and Ge, have
CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies 543

CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies, Table 1 Representative thin-film deposition additive post-CMOS-MEMS
Authors and Structural Sacricial Interconnect
references Institute material material material Year
Hornbeck [7] Texas Al Photoresist Al 1989 (invented in
instruments 1987)
Yun et al. [8] UC-Berkeley Polysilicon SiO2 W/TiN 1992
Franke et al. [9] UC-Berkeley Poly-SiGe Ge or SiO2 Al 1999
Sedky, Van Hoof IMEC Poly-SiGe Ge Al 1998
et al. [10]

been used to create CMOS-MEMS as well [6]. Subtractive CMOS-MEMS by Wet Etching
Additive post-CMOS-MEMS processes, along The rst generation of CMOS-MEMS sensors
with their respective materials, are summarized was fabricated using a post-CMOS subtractive
in the following table (Table 1). process in which silicon substrate was completely
In addition to the approaches of forming or partially removed using a wet etching method,
MEMS structures on top of the CMOS substrate leaving behind thin-lm or bulk MEMS structures
by thin-lm deposition, wafer bonding provides [2]. For thermal sensors in which beams or mem-
another method to directly integrate MEMS struc- branes consisting of dielectric layers, the substrate
tures on CMOS substrate [11]. For instance, a silicon is normally etched away completely to
prefabricated polysilicon capacitive acceleration obtain thermally isolated structures. The silicon
sensor wafer is bonded to a CMOS wafer with dioxide membrane can act as an intrinsic etch stop
read-out electronics. In a wafer-bonded layer in backside silicon anisotropic wet etch
piezoresistive accelerometer, the micromachined using KOH, ethylene diamine-pyrocatechol
bulk silicon proof mass was sandwiched by a (EDP), or Tetramethylammonium hydroxide
bottom glass cap and a top CMOS chip on (TMAH). A high-Q RF MEMS lter with an
which the conditioning circuit was integrated. inter-metal dielectric layer as structural material
SOI-CMOS-MEMS has also been attempted for was reported by IBM. A medical tactile sensor
monolithic integration of electronics with bulk array was also reported in which the aluminum
MEMS structures. With 3-dimensional packaging sacricial layer was etched from the backside of
enabled by technological breakthroughs such as the wafer after the CMOS substrate was etched
through-silicon vias (TSVs), this integration through [12].
method promises to be further developed in The silicon substrate can also be included in
manufacturing complex microsystems. MEMS the MEMS structures using a wet etch process.
suppliers, including STMicroelectronics and The rst method is to perform a time-controlled
InvenSense, have adopted wafer-to-wafer or backside etch with a well-calibrated etching rate.
chip-to-wafer bonding CMOS-MEMS A uniform single crystal silicon membrane with a
integration. desired thickness can be created. This method has
been widely used in industry for fabrication of
Subtractive Post-CMOS-MEMS large volume products such as integrated pressure
In these devices, MEMS structures are formed sensors. In cases where the silicon membrane
from built-in CMOS thin-lm stacks including thickness is not critical, even mechanical
metals and SiO2, or from the silicon substrate. processing such as grinding can be used to create
These materials are patterned and removed par- the backside cavity.
tially by wet or dry etching to release the MEMS The second method involves the utilization of
structures. This section describes the thin-lm and an automatic etch stop technique to create silicon
bulk CMOS-MEMS formed by such subtractive membranes or MEMS structures. In this case, an
processes. anisotropic etch stops at the electrochemically
544 CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies

CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies, Table 2 CMOS-MEMS devices enabled by subtractive process wet etching
Authors and
references Institutions Year Device Device structure Etching method
Wise U. of Michigan 1979 Pressure Silicon diaphragm Backside EDP etching
et al. [16] sensor
Wise U. of Michigan 1985 Neuron CMOS thin lms and Si EDP etching, p++ etching
et al. [14] probe substrate stop
Yoon and U. of Michigan 1990 Mass ow CMOS thin lms Backside, SiO2 etching stop
Wise [17] sensor
Baltes ETH Zurich 1996 Thermal CMOS thin lms Front side etching
et al. [2] capacitor
Haberli ETH Zurich 1996 Pressure CMOS thin lms Front side etching of
et al. [18] sensor aluminum as sacricial layer
Schneider ETH Zurich 1997 Thermal CMOS thin lms and PN junction electrochemical
et al. [19] sensor suspended substrate etch stop
Akiyama U. of Neuchatel, 2000 AFM CMOS thin lms and N-well electrochemical etch
et al. [20] ETH Zurich probe silicon substrate stop
Schaufelbuhl ETH Zurich 2001 Infrared CMOS thin lms Backside KOH
et al. [21] imager
Verd U. of Barcelona 2006 RF MEMS CMOS thin lms Front side SiO2 etching
et al. [22]

biased p-n junction formed between the n-well post-CMOS micromachining. Bibliographies of
and p-type substrate in CMOS [13]. Although these efforts can be found in the above citations
the electrochemical electrode design and imple- in this section.
mentation are complicated, this process can be
specically used in the fabrication of highly sen- Subtractive Post-CMOS-MEMS by Dry Etching
sitive pressure/force and thermal sensors. Dry etching processes have quickly become pop-
The anisotropic etch stop can also occur at highly ular in microfabrication for both MEMS research
doped p regions in the substrate. This method has and industry. Particularly, the deep reactive ion
been used in fabrication of many suspended etching (DRIE) technology, or Bosch process,
structures including neural probes [14]. Note that has revolutionized subtractive post-CMOS
the p++ doping process may not be available in a microfabrication [23]. This section describes
standard CMOS process. In the case where only a thin-lm and bulk CMOS-MEMS devices fabri-
small portion of the silicon substrate needs to be cated using dry etching processes.
removed to reduce the circuit-substrate coupling, Most dry etching processes are based on
a wet silicon etch can be performed from the front plasma processes, such as reactive ion etch (RIE)
side. In wet silicon etching, either silicon nitride and DRIE, while etchants in the vapor phase can
or additional polymers or both can be used to also be used for dry etching. For example, vapor
protect the front CMOS and pads. XeF2 provides good isotropic etching of silicon,
Polymers sensitive to analytes can be coated on which has been used for releasing CMOS thin-
nished CMOS-MEMS structures for chemical lm MEMS structures [24]. The combination of
and biological sensing. For example, the rst RIE and DRIE, performed from the front or back
CMOS-MEMS electronic nose was demonstrated side, or both sides, has been used to fabricate a
by forming polymer-coated CMOS thin-lm can- large variety of CMOS-MEMS devices.
tilevers on a CMOS chip [15]. Depending on the structural materials and etching
Table 2 summarizes some representative methods employed, subtractive post-CMOS can
devices that were fabricated using wet be divided into two types: thin-lm processes and
etching when this technology was dominant in bulk processes.
CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies 545

CMOS MEMS Fabrication CMOS region MEMS region

Technologies, a c
Fig. 1 CMU post-CMOS SiO2
fabrication process for
MEMS structures made of
CMOS thin lms
Si substrate
Metal 4 d MEMS structures
Metal 3
Metal 2
Metal 1

Thin-Film Post-CMOS-MEMS Dry Pro- However, a major issue is the large vertical curling
cesses In thin-lm processes, structural materials and lateral buckling of suspended MEMS struc-
are composed of CMOS thin lms. Figure 1 tures, which is caused by the residual stress in the
depicts the process ow of a thin-lm post- stacked thin-lm CMOS layers. Although struc-
CMOS-MEMS process, which was originally tural curling can be tolerated for some small
developed at Carnegie Mellon University [25]. A devices such as RF MEMS, for devices such as
sequenced process consisting of an isotropic SiO2 inertial sensors that need relatively large size, the
etching, a silicon DRIE and an isotropic Si RIE impact of structural curling can be severe.
releases the MEMS structure. In these process
steps, the top metal layer acts as a mask to form Bulk CMOS-MEMS Dry Process In order to
the MEMS structures and to protect the CMOS overcome the structural curling and to increase
circuitry, as seen in Fig. 1a, b. Anisotropic and the mass, atness, and robustness of MEMS struc-
isotropic silicon etching complete the process tures, single crystal silicon (SCS) may be included
ow, as seen in Fig. 1c, d. Various inertial sensors underneath the CMOS thin-lm stacks. The SCS
have been fabricated using this thin-lm technol- silicon structures are formed directly from the
ogy. In all these inertial sensors, mechanical silicon substrate using DRIE. Figure 2 illustrates
springs and proof masses are formed by the the process ow [26]. The process starts with the
multiple-layer CMOS stacks consisting of SiO2 backside silicon DRIE to dene the MEMS struc-
and metals. The sensing capacitance is formed ture thickness by leaving a 10100 mm-thick SCS
from sidewall capacitance between comb ngers. membrane (Fig. 2a). Next, the same anisotropic
The multiple CMOS metal layers inside the comb SiO2 etch as in the thin-lm process is performed
ngers and other mechanical structures allow very on the front side of wafer (chip) to expose the SCS
exible electrical wiring, facilitating different to be removed (Fig. 2b). The following step dif-
sensing schemes including vertical comb-drive fers from the thin-lm process in that an aniso-
sensing. Akustica, Inc. has commercialized digital tropic DRIE, instead of isotropic etch, nalizes
microphones using a modied version of this pro- the structure release by etching through the
cess. Other sensors have also been demonstrated remaining SCS diaphragm, as shown in Fig. 2c.
using similar thin-lm technology, such as humid- With the SCS underneath the CMOS interconnect
ity sensors and chemical sensors. layers included, large and at MEMS microstruc-
All these thin-lm post-CMOS dry etching tures can be obtained. If necessary, an optional
processes have excellent CMOS compatibility time-controlled isotropic silicon etch can be
and accessibility as well as design exibility. added. This step will undercut the SCS
546 CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies

a CMOS MEMS Metal 4

b Metal 3
Metal 2
Metal 1
SCS membrane

c d


CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies, Fig. 2 DRIE bulk CMOS-MEMS process ow

underneath the designed narrow CMOS stacks to many devices where SCS structures are desired
create thin-lm structures (Fig. 2d). This step is to improve both mechanical and electrical per-
particularly useful for fabricating capacitive iner- formance of the devices. However, for some
tial sensors. It can be used to form the electrical devices, very ne structures are formed in step
isolation structures between sensing ngers and (c) in Fig. 2; so the damage caused by the step
silicon substrate. (d) to these ne structures may be severe. This is
The DRIE CMOS-MEMS technology has particularly true for the fabrication of capacitive
shown great advantages in the fabrication of rela- inertial sensors where narrow-gap sensing comb
tively large MEMS devices such as micromirrors. ngers are needed. For instance, in performing
Large at mirror can be obtained by including the isotropic silicon undercut to form the narrow
portion of silicon substrate underneath the alumi- CMOS beams for electrical isolation, the SCS in
num mirror surface. A CMOS-MEMS gyroscope the comb ngers is also undercut. The sensing
with a low noise oor of 0.02 /s/sqrtHZ has also gap increases due to the undesired undercut
been demonstrated using this technology [27]. greatly reduce sensitivity and signal-to-noise
By attaching SCS underneath the CMOS ratio (SNR). If the undercut occurs in mechanical
stack comb ngers, the sensing capacitance can structures such as suspension springs, the char-
be considerably increased for larger signal-to- acteristics of the device will also be affected.
noise ratio (SNR). Although CMOS thin lms Another issue is related to the thermal effect in
are still used in some microstructures for electri- the plasma etch for the SCS undercut. Upon
cal isolation, the length of the thin-lm portion is completion of the silicon undercut, the greatly
minimal to reduce the temperature effect. Com- reduced thermal conductance from the isolated
pared to the thin-lm dry CMOS-MEMS pro- structure to the substrate can cause a temperature
cess, a backside silicon DRIE step is added. rise on the released structures. Slight over-etch is
This requires an additional backside lithography often necessary to accommodate process varia-
step to dene the region for MEMS structures. tions, but this will generate a large temperature
The maximum thickness of the MEMS structures rise on the suspended structures which in turn
is limited by the aspect ratio that the silicon DRIE dramatically increases the SCS etching rate,
can achieve. resulting in uncontrollable and damaging
results [28].
An Improved Bulk CMOS-MEMS A modied dry bulk CMOS-MEMS process
Process The bulk CMOS-MEMS process has been demonstrated to effectively address
depicted in Fig. 2 is useful in fabrication of the issues caused by the undesired SCS
CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies 547

CMOS MEMS Fabrication a d

Technologies, Fig. 3 The
modied bulk CMOS-
MEMS process for separate Silicon diaphragm
etching of CMOS beams
and SCS microstructures.
Backside photoresist
Photoresist for external thermal path
coating effectively reduces
temperature in the device b e C
release, reducing
deleterious non-uniform

c f

undercut [28]. In the rened process illustrated in combination of different microfabrication tech-
Fig. 3, the etching of the CMOS connection nologies. By combing silicon anisotropic wet
beams is performed separately from the etching etch with DRIE, some sophisticated surface and
of the microstructures where SCS is needed. The bulk MEMS structures such as bridges and
top metal layer is specically used to dene the cantilever arrays can be created. A multi-sensor
connection beams. After their formation, the top system was demonstrated using a combined
metal layer is removed using a plasma or a wet etch process [30]. In the accelerometers reported
etch. Then other microstructures are exposed in [31], isotropic wet etching is used to
after a SiO2 etch. The direct etch-through of the remove metal layers in CMOS thin stacks to
remaining silicon on the microstructures will create parallel-plate-like vertical capacitors for
complete the release process. To reduce the ther- gap-closing sensing. A silicon RIE follows to
mal effect described above, a thick photoresist release the MEMS devices and break the cou-
layer is patterned on the backside of the cavity. In pling between the sensing thin lms and the
the release step, the applied photoresist provides substrate. Sensitivities are largely increased
a thermal path that reduces the temperature rise with the gap-closing sensing compared to
on the etched-through structures. The removal of comb-nger sensing.
the photoresist using O2 plasma etching com-
pletes the entire microfabrication process.
Owing to the monolithic integration and large Summary
proof mass enabled by the inclusion of SCS,
bulk CMOS-MEMS inertial sensors have dem- CMOS-MEMS technologies have been placed in
onstrated better performance than their thin-lm pre-CMOS, intra-CMOS, and post-CMOS cate-
counterparts [29]. The photoresist coating can gories. Both pre-CMOS and intra-CMOS have
also be replaced by sputtering a layer of metal issues such as dedicated foundries with
such as aluminum. suboptimal and less cost-effective processes. So
it is normally impractical for academic research
Combined Wet/Dry Processes community to access these dedicated facilities.
In addition to the integration methods described Post-CMOS provides excellent CMOS compati-
above, efforts have been continuously made to bility, foundry accessibility, and design exibility,
integrate CMOS with MEMS using the and the cost is also relatively low. While the
548 CMOS MEMS Fabrication Technologies

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96, San Diego, pp. 1318 (1996) tions with great success. As CMOS circuits pos-
26. Xie, H., Erdmann, L., Zhu, X., Gabriel, K.J., Fedder, G. sess powerful interfacing, signal amplication,
K.: Post-CMOS processing for high-aspect-ratio inte-
conditioning, and processing capabilities, it is
grated silicon microstructures. J. Microelectromech.
Syst. 11, 93101 (2002) also highly desired to integrate CNTs with
27. Xie, H., Fedder, G.K.: Fabrication, characterization, CMOS. CNTs may be either used as part of
and analysis of a DRIE CMOS-MEMS gyroscope. CMOS electronics or as sensing elements to
IEEE Sens. J. 3, 622631 (2003)
form functioning nano-electromechanical sys-
28. Qu, H., Xie, H.: Process development for CMOS-
MEMS sensors with robust electrically isolated bulk tems (NEMS). Figure 1 shows a nanotube
silicon microstructures. J. Microelectromech. Syst. 16, random-access memory (NRAM) which uses
11521161 (2007) CNT ribbons as switches [1].
29. Qu, H., Fang, D., Xie, H.: A monolithic CMOS-
Many sensors based on CMOS-CNT hybrid
MEMS 3-axis accelerometer with a low-noise,
low-power dual-chopper amplier. IEEE Sens. J. 8, systems have also been demonstrated, including
15111518 (2008) mechanical, thermal, and chemical sensors
30. Hagleitner, C., Lange, D., Hierlemann, A., Brand, O., [3, 4]. The integration of CMOS circuits with
Baltes, H.: CMOS single-chip gas detection system
CNT sensors can increase signal-to-noise ratio
comprising capacitive, calorimetric and mass-
sensitive microsensors. IEEE J. Solid-St. Circc 37, and dynamic range, lower power consumption,
18671878 (2002) and provide various controls and automations.
31. Tsai, M.H., Sun, C.M., Liu, Y.C., Wang, C.W., Fang, Other efforts have been made to use multiwall
W.L.: Design and application of a metal wet-etching
carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) as CMOS inter-
post-process for the improvement of CMOS-MEMS
capacitive sensors. J. Micromech. Microeng. 19, connect for high frequency applications [5], or
105017 (2009) to apply CNT-based nano-electromechanical
550 CMOS-CNT Integration

a b

+ +

CMOS-CNT Integration, Fig. 1 The structure of NRAM at (a) on and (b) off states [2]

switches for leakage reduction in CMOS logic and grown CNTs can be controlled via catalyst size
memory circuits [6]. and catalyst patterning, and the orientation can be
However, monolithic integration of CMOS guided by an external electric eld. Suitable cata-
and CNTs is still very challenging. Most CMOS- lysts that have been reported include Fe, Co, Mo,
CNT systems have been realized either by a and Ni [10]. Compared to the arc-discharge and
two-chip solution or low-throughput CNT manip- laser ablation methods, CVD uses much lower
ulations. In this entry, CMOS-CNT integration growth temperature, but it is still too high for
approaches are reviewed, with a particular focus direct CNT growth on CMOS substrates.
on a localized heating CNT synthesis method that In addition, during or after CNT growth, elec-
can grow CNTs on foundry CMOS. trical contacts need to be formed for functional
CNT-based devices. It is reported that Mo pro-
vides good ohmic contacts with nanotubes and
CNT Synthesis shows excellent conductivity after growth, with
resistance ranging from 20 kO to 1 MO per tube
There are three main methods for carbon nanotube [11]. Several other metals, such as palladium,
synthesis: arc-discharge [7], laser ablation [8], and gold, titanium, tantalum, and tungsten, have also
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [9]. The rst been investigated as possible electrode materials.
two methods involve evaporation of solid-state
carbon precursors and condensation of carbon
atoms to form nanotubes, where high annealing CMOS-CNT Integration
temperature, typically over 1000  C, is required to
remove defects and thus produce high-quality To integrate CNT on CMOS, there are several
nanotubes. However, they tend to produce a mix- factors that must be taken into account: tempera-
ture of nanotubes and other by-products such as ture budget, material compatibility, CNT type,
catalytic metals, so the nanotubes must be selec- CNT quality, and contamination. Depending on
tively separated from the by-products. This when CNTs are made, CMOS-CNT integration
requires post-growth purication and technology can be categorized as follows:
In contrast, the CVD method employs a hydro- Pre-CMOS: CMOS processes will be
carbon gas as the carbon source and involves performed after CNTs are synthesized in place
heating metal catalysts in a tube furnace to syn- Intra-CMOS: CNT growth steps are inserted
thesize nanotubes. Nanotubes can grow either on into CMOS fabrication steps
the top (tip growth) or from the bottom (base Post-CMOS: CNTs are introduced after all
growth). The diameters and locations of the CMOS processes have been done
CMOS-CNT Integration 551

For pre-CMOS, CNTs must go through stan- Fig. 2. The synthesized products are actually
dard CMOS process steps. This is very difcult to defect-rich carbon nanobers rather than
realize. There are temperature constraints, mate- MWNTs or SWNTs.
rial compatibility, and contamination issues.
There is no report about pre-CMOS CNT integra- Intra-CMOS (Localized Heating)
tion yet. For intra-CMOS, CNTs will be intro- Localized heating: To accommodate both the
duced at a later stage in the CMOS fabrication high temperature requirement (8001000  C) for C
sequence, so it is easier to protect CNTs than in the high-quality SWNT synthesis and the temperature
pre-CMOS case. But temperature and contamina- limitation of CMOS processing (<450  C), CNT
tion issues still must be considered. Post-CMOS, synthesis based on localized heating has drawn
on the hand, completely eliminates CMOS con- great interest recently. Englander et al. demon-
tamination issues. It has potential to achieve mass strated, for the rst time, the localized synthesis of
production and low cost, but the temperature silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes based on
remains a limiting factor. resistive heating [15]. The fabrication processes are
shown in Fig. 3. Operated inside a room temperature
Intra-CMOS CNT Integration chamber, the suspended micro-electromechanical
system (MEMS) structures serve as resistive
Intra-CMOS (High Temperature CNTs) heaters to provide high temperature at predened
Thermal CVD has been used to grow CNTs regions for optimal nanotube growth, leaving the
directly on CMOS substrate. For example, Tseng rest of the chip area at low temperature. Using the
et al. demonstrated, for the rst time, a process localized heating concept, direct integration of
that monolithically integrates SWNTs with nanotubes at specic areas can be potentially
n-channel metal oxide semiconductor (NMOS) achieved in a CMOS compatible manner, and
FET in a CVD furnace at 875  C [12]. However, there is no need for additional assembly steps.
the high synthesis temperature (typically However, the devices typically have large sizes
8001000  C for SWNT growth) may damage and their fabrication processes are not fully com-
the aluminum metallization layers and change patible with the standard foundry CMOS processes.
the characteristics of the on-chip transistors as Although this concept has solved the temperature
well. Ghavanini et al. assessed the deterioration incompatibility problem between CNT synthesis
level of CMOS transistors with certain CNT CVD and CMOS circuit protection, the fabrication pro-
synthesis conditions applied, and they reported cesses of microheater structures still have to be well
that one PMOS transistor lost its functions after designed to t into standard CMOS foundry pro-
the thermal CVD treatment (610  C, 22 min) cesses and the resistor materials must be selected to
[13]. As a result, the integrated circuits in Tsengs meet the CMOS compatibility criteria.
thermal CVD CNT synthesis can only consist of Using the localized heating technique
NMOS and use n+ polysilicon and molybdenum described above, on-chip growth using CMOS
as interconnects, which make it incompatible with micro-hotplates was demonstrated by Haque
foundry CMOS processes. et al. [16]. As shown in Fig. 4, tungsten was
used for both the micro-hotplates (as the heating
Intra-CMOS (Low Temperature CNTs) source) and interdigitated electrodes for
Some other attempts have been made to develop nanotubes contacts. MWNTs have been success-
low temperature growth using various CVD fully synthesized on the membrane, and simulta-
methods. Hofmann et al. reported vertically neously connected to CMOS circuits through
aligned carbon nanotubes grown at temperature tungsten metallization. Although tungsten can
as low as 120  C by plasma-enhanced chemical survive the high temperature growth process,
vapor deposition (PECVD) [14]. However, the and has high connectivity and conductivity,
decrease in growth temperature jeopardizes both Franklin et al. reported that no SWMTs were
the quality and yield of the CNTs, as shown in found to grow from catalyst particles on the
552 CMOS-CNT Integration

CMOS-CNT Integration, Fig. 2 SEM images of vertically aligned CNFs grown by PECVD deposition at (a) 500  C, (b)
270  C, and (c) 120  C (scale bars: (a) and (b) 1 mm and (c) 500 nm) [14]

tungsten electrodes, presumably due to the high nanotubes into a predetermined location under the
catalytic activity of tungsten toward hydrocarbons guide of scanning electron microscope (SEM)
[11]. Further, although the monolithic integration imaging [17]. Although this nanorobotic manipu-
has been achieved, the utilization of tungsten, a lation realized precise control over both the type
refractory metal, as interconnect metal is limited and location of CNTs, its low throughput makes
in foundry CMOS, especially for mixed-signal large scale assembly prohibitive.
CMOS processes. Moreover, this approach Other post-growth CNT assembly methods
requires a backside bulk micromachining process include surface functionalization [18], liquid-
and is limited to SOI CMOS substrates. crystalline processing [19], dielectrophoresis
(DEP) [20], and large scale transfer of aligned
Post-CMOS CNT Integration nanotubes grown on quartz [21]. A 1 GHz
CMOS circuit with CNT interconnects has been
Post-CMOS (CNT Transfer and Assembly) demonstrated using a DEP-assisted assembly
To overcome the temperature limitation, one pos- technique [5]. The fabrication process ow and
sible solution is to grow nanotubes at high tem- the assembled MWNT interconnect are shown in
perature rst and then transfer them to the desired Fig. 5. The DEP process provides the capability of
locations on CMOS substrates at low temperature. precisely positioning the nanotubes in a
However, handling, maneuvering, and integrating noncontact manner, which minimizes the parasitic
these nanostructures with CMOS chips/wafers to capacitances and allows the circuits to operate at
form a complete system are very challenging. In more than 1 GHz. However, to immobilize the
the early stage, an atomic force microscope DEP-trapped CNTs in place and to improve
(AFM) tip was used to manipulate and position the electrical contact between CNTs and the
CMOS-CNT Integration 553

a b

Substrate Etched Silicon

c d

Oxide Etch Catalyst

e f
V C2H4
+ or

Vacuum MFC
Vacuum Chamber @
Pump Room Temperature

Vacuum Feedthrough

CMOS-CNT Integration, Fig. 3 Fabrication process and localized heating concept [15]

a b
Heat Buried Silicon Hotplate Area
Spreading Area Silicon Dioxide
Layer Dioxide

Tungsten Silicomheat
P+ N P+ N+ P N+
Heater spreading
Substrate 150 m CMOS
CMOS Control Area
Hotplate Area Circuits

CMOS-CNT Integration, Fig. 4 (a) Schematic of the electrodes on top of the membranes, heater radius = 75 mm,
cross-sectional layout of the chip. (b) Optical image of membrane radius = 280 mm [16]
the device top view showing the tungsten interdigitated

electrodes, metal clamps must be selectively Post-CMOS (Localized Heating)

deposited at both ends of the CNTs (Fig. 5a, Monolithic CMOS-CNT integration is desirable
step 3). The process complexity and low yield to fully utilize the potentials of nanotubes for
(8 %, due to the MWNT DEP assembly limita- emerging nanotechnology applications, but the
tion) are still the major concerns. approaches introduced above still cannot
554 CMOS-CNT Integration

24 Vpp@ 500 kHz

dielectrophoresis metal clamp
1 electrode (Au) 2 CNT 3 (Au)

0.25 m CMOS

6 via (n) 5 via hole 4

Al wire

b Ti Au CNT

5 m

via CMOS topmost

hole metal (Al)

CMOS-CNT Integration, Fig. 5 (a) Process ow to integrate MWNT interconnects on CMOS substrate. (b) SEM image
of one MWNT interconnect (wire and via) [5]

meet all the requirements and realize complete etching mask in the following post-CMOS
compatibility with CMOS processes. To solve microfabrication process for creating the micro-
the problem, a simple and scalable monolithic cavities. Finally, the polysilicon microheaters are
CMOS-CNT integration technique using a novel exposed and suspended in a micro-cavity on a
maskless post-CMOS surface micromachining CMOS substrate. The circuits are covered under
processing has been proposed. This approach is the metallization and passivation layers, as illus-
fully compatible with commercial foundry CMOS trated in Fig. 6b. Unlike the traditional thermal
processes and has no specic requirements on the CVD synthesis in which the whole chamber is
type of metallization layers and substrates. heated to above 800  C, the CVD chamber is
As illustrated in Fig. 6, the basic idea of the kept at room temperature all the time, with only
monolithic integration approach is to use maskless the microheaters activated to provide the local
post-CMOS MEMS processing to form micro- high temperature for CNT growth (Fig. 6a, the
cavities for thermal isolation and use the gate red part represents the hot microheater).
polysilicon to form resistors for localized heating The top view of a microheater design is shown in
as well as the nanotube-to-CMOS interconnect. Fig. 6c. There are two polysilicon bridges: one as
The microheaters, made of the gate polysilicon, the microheater for generating high temperature to
are deposited and patterned along with the gates of initiate CNT growth and the other for CNT landing.
the transistors in the standard CMOS foundry With the cold wall grounded, an E-eld perpendic-
processes. One of the top metal layers (i.e., the ular to the surface of the two bridges will be induced
metal-3 layer as shown in Fig. 6b) is also patterned during CNT growth. Activated by localized heating,
during the CMOS fabrication. It is used as an the nanotubes will start to grow from the hotspot
CMOS-CNT Integration 555

CMOS-CNT Integration, Fig. 6 (a) The 3D schematic sectional view of the device. (c) The schematic 3D
showing the concept of the CMOS-integrated CNTs. The microheater showing the local synthesis from the hotspot
CVD chamber is kept at room temperature all the time. The and self-assembly on the cold landing wall under the local
red part represents the hot microheater that has been acti- electric eld
vated for high temperature nanotube synthesis. (b) Cross-

(i.e., the center of the microheater) and will eventu- Figure 8 shows one device with successful
ally reach the secondary cold bridge under the guide CNT growth, where individual suspended carbon
of the local E-eld. Since both the microheater nanotubes were grown from the 3  3 mm
bridge and the landing bridge are made of the gate microheater shown in Fig. 7e and landed on the
polysilicon layer and have been interconnected with near polysilicon tip. The overall resistance of the
the metal layers in CMOS foundry process, the CNTs is measured between the microheater and
as-grown CNTs can be electrically connected to the cold polysilicon wall at room temperature. The
the CMOS circuitry on the same chip without any typical resistances of in situ synthesized CNTs
post-growth clamping or connection steps. range from 5 to15 MO. The resistance variation
This technology has been veried at the chip from device to device is mainly due to the varia-
level. The CMOS chips were fabricated in the tion of the CNT quantity grown on each
AMI 0.5 mm 3-metal CMOS process. Optical microheater. Junction effects of Schottky contacts
microscope images of a CMOS chip before and were observed for self-assembled polysilicon/
after MEMs fabrication are shown in Fig. 7a, b. CNTs/polysilicon heterojunctions.
The total chip area is 1.5  1.5 mm2, including After successful synthesis of carbon
test circuits and 13 embedded microheaters. nanotubes, the inuence of the localized heating
SEMs of two microheaters are shown in Fig. 7d, e, on nearby CMOS circuits was evaluated. Simple
with resistances of 97 and 117 O, respectively. circuits, such as inverters, were tested and proved
At about 2.5 V, red glowing was observed for working properly. There was no change to the
the design in Fig. 7e. This voltage was also used rising and falling time after the CNT growth.
for the CNT growth. The dc electrical characteristics of individual
556 CMOS-CNT Integration

CMOS-CNT Integration, Fig. 7 (a) The CMOS chip although visible, is protected under silicon dioxide layer.
photograph (1.5  1.5 mm2) after foundry process; (b) Only the microheater and secondary cold wall within the
The CMOS chip photograph after post-CMOS process micro-cavity are exposed to synthesis gases. Polysilicon
(before nal DRIE step); (c) Close-up optical image of heater and metal wire are connected by via. (d) and (e)
one microheater and nearby circuit. CMOS circuit area, Closed-up SEM images of two microheaters

CMOS-CNT Integration, Fig. 8 Localized synthesis of carbon nanotubes grown from the 3  3 mm microheater,
suspended across the trench and landed on the secondary polysilicon tip

transistors had no considerable change after CNT Among these techniques, localized heating is
growth, demonstrating the CMOS compatibility very promising. Truly monolithic CNT-CMOS
of this integration approach. integration has been demonstrated on foundry
CMOS substrate by employing MEMS and local-
ized heating. This post-CMOS microfabrication is
Summary maskless, and the CNT growth does not affect the
characteristics of the transistors on the same chip.
CMOS-CNT integration has been demonstrated
by using both intra- and post- CMOS processes.
Several methods have been developed to over- Cross-References
come the temperature conict between CNT
growth and CMOS, including using high temper- Carbon Nanotube-Metal Contact
ature refractory metals for interconnect, low Carbon Nanotubes
temperature CVD, transferring/assembling Carbon Nanotubes for Chip Interconnections
CNTs prepared off site, and localized heating. Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes
CMOS-MEMS Resonators 557

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243, 4954 (1995)
9. Cassell, A.M., Raymakers, J.A., Kong, J., Dai, H.: CMOS-MEMS
Large scale CVD synthesis of single-walled carbon
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10. Meyyappan, M.: Carbon Nanotubes: Science and
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11. Franklin, N.R., Wang, Q., Tombler, T.W., Javey, A.,
Shim, M., Dai, H.: Integration of suspended carbon
nanotube arrays into electronic devices and electrome-
chanical systems. Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 913915 CMOS-MEMS Resonators
12. Tseng, Y.-C., Xuan, P., Javey, A., Malloy, R., Wang,
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ity assessment of CVD growth of carbon nanobers on
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sis of silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes on Micromechanical resonators fabricated using
microbridges. Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 47974799 (2003) CMOS-MEMS technologies
558 CMOS-MEMS Resonators

Definition transduced CMOS-MEMS resonator technology,

i.e., the mainstream transduction in CMOS-
Based upon a strict denition, a CMOS-MEMS MEMS, is introduced.
resonator is fabricated using a CMOS foundry
orientated process to realize MEMS/IC integra- Resonator Structure
tion for resonator applications, such as oscillators Based on various maskless post-CMOS release
and lters. The integrated CMOS-MEMS fabri- processes (i.e., no additional lithography step is
cation platform is a key technology to reduce the required), the CMOS-MEMS resonator structures
form factor, enhance the performance, increase can be categorized into (a) mere-metal, (b) metal-
the functionality, and facilitate circuit integration rich composite, (c) and oxide-rich composite con-
for portable sensing devices and Internet of gurations, as shown in Fig. 2. The implemented
Things (IoTs). The integrated CMOS-MEMS cir- processes resulting in structures in Fig. 2 will be
cuits greatly reduce the parasitic stray capaci- discussed in the next section. With these struc-
tances at the MEMS-circuit interface so that tures, the CMOS-MEMS resonators exhibit dif-
it not only improves the system responses at ferent performance in terms of quality factor (Q)
high frequencies but also reduces the power and thermal stability (i.e., temperature coefcient
consumption of the electronic circuits. This plat- of frequency, TCf).
form benets the future portable/wearable elec-
tronic products for smaller size and longer Resonance Frequency
standby time. To determine the resonance frequency of the
CMOS-MEMS composite beam resonators indi-
cated in Fig. 2b and c, the Euler-Bernoulli
Principle of Operation approach can be used to attain a rst-order
approximation of the resonance frequency (fnom)
CMOS-MEMS resonators are mainly formed by using a formula given by
the CMOS back-end-of-line (BEOL) materials,
including interlayer dielectrics (ILD), e.g., SiO2, 1 km
and conductive metals, e.g., AlCu or Cu [1]. The f nom
2p mre
target of this technology is to facilitate MEMS/IC s
monolithic integration without the need of addi- 1 E I 1
b Lr 2 P i i 2 (1)
tionally complex processes, such as heteroge- 2p 1 ri Ai Lr
neous integration using wafer bonding or 3D
IC. Figure 1 presents two congurations of where km and mre are the mechanical stiffness and
CMOS technology where the BEOL is effective mass, respectively, of the beam resona-
highlighted. As can be seen, the BEOL materials tor, Lr is the length of the beam, b1 represents the
will be used as MEMS structures of resonators, frequency parameter of a fundamental mode of
while the transistor circuits are naturally inte- the beam, i represents the corresponding CMOS
grated with the resonators, thus leading to a structural materials (e.g., metal and SiO2), and Ei,
much smaller form factor and less parasitics as ri, Ai, and Ii are the Youngs modulus, density,
compared to the current technologies (e.g., cross-sectional area, and moment of inertia of
two-chip or heterogeneous integration solution). each structural layer, respectively. If the mere-
Since the capacitive transducers inherently exist, metal resonator is designed, Eq. 1 can be greatly
they are used as the major driving and sensing simplied by using only one uniform structural
mechanism for CMOS-MEMS resonators [14] material. Precise resonance frequencies can be
although the piezoresistive readout [5] can also simulated by the nite-element analysis once
be implemented once the polysilicon material more complicated or accurate structures of the
(cf. Fig. 1) serves as the piezoresistors for motion CMOS-MEMS resonators are considered, as
detection. In this entry, only the pure capacitively shown in Fig. 3.
CMOS-MEMS Resonators 559

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 1 CMOS congurations. (a) 0.35 mm 2-poly-4-metal (2P4M) CMOS technology node.
(b) 0.18 mm 1-poly-6-metal (1P6M) CMOS technology node

a b c
Mere Metal: Metal-rich Composite: Oxide-rich Composite:

Metal Oxide
Metal Oxide


CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 2 Typical structures of composite resonator where metal layers enclose oxide.
CMOS-MEMS resonators in their perspective and cross- (c) Oxide-rich composite resonator where oxide layers
sectional views. (a) Mere-metal resonator. (b) Metal-rich enclose metal

Transduction and Overall Transfer Function coefcients, i and o. The overall admittance
After the resonance frequency is set through Eq. 1 transfer function Y = im/vi of the CMOS-MEMS
based on the geometrical dimensions and material resonator can be expressed by
properties of a given resonator, one has to deter-
mine the capacitive transduction efciency to      
i m s Fe x_ im
obtain the most important parameter, the motional Y s  
vi s vi Fe x_
impedance Rm, and overall transmission of the
CMOS-MEMS resonator. A block diagram  i  H s   o (2)
shown in Fig. 4 can be used to facilitate the
understanding of the CMOS-MEMS resonator where vi and im represent the small-signal input
which is modeled in an electrical domain by driving voltage and output motional current of the
linking the mechanical transfer function H(s) resonator, Fe is the electrostatic force generated by
with the input/output electromechanical coupling vi to drive the resonator into resonance, and x_
560 CMOS-MEMS Resonators

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 3 Finite-element simulated modal frequencies and corresponding mode shapes of
CMOS-MEMS resonators. (a) Tuning fork. (b) Free-free beam. (c) Flexural mode plate



Driving Sensing im
Electrode Electrode


Input Transducer Resonator Output Transducer

Fe Fe x im
vi hi = H(s) hi = im
vi x

Square Plate Disk Beam / Bar Ring Tuning Fork

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 4 Conceptual schematic and block-diagram representation of a generalized capacitive
MEMS resonator

represents the velocity of the resonator due to mechanical velocity x_ into the electrical cur-
vibration. This is why i and o are treated as the rent im. The mechanical transfer function H(s) in
electromechanical coupling coefcients where i Fig. 4 represents a general high-Q biquad
converts the electrical signal vi into the response (cf. inset of Fig. 4) of the vibrating
mechanical force Fe while i transforms the resonators, some of which are illustrated at the
CMOS-MEMS Resonators 561

Sensing Electrode VS
Fig. 5 Equivalent lumped
mechanical model for a cre km d2(t) Fe2(t)
capacitive MEMS resonator o
Resonator equivalent mass, mre
d1(t) Fe1(t) x(t)
Driving Electrode

i iin(t)

bottom. Each type of resonators in Fig. 4 can be @C1

Fe  V P  V D vi
modeled by a simple mass-spring-damper system, @x
as shown in Fig. 5, where the capacitive trans- e o A1 Fe
ducer gaps and voltage differences between the V P  V D 2 vi and i 
d1 vi
electrodes and the resonator are assumed to be
different to preserve generality.  V P  V D (5)
To derive the equivalent mechanical transfer @x
function, H(s), the equation of motion for the
second-order mechanical system is used, given by im V P  V S x_
eo A 2 im
mre x cre x_ km x Fe (3) V P  V S 2 x_ and o 
d2 x_

where x is the position of the mass away from its @C2

 V P  V S (6)
equilibrium position, mre is the equivalent mass, @x
cre is the equivalent damping, km is the equivalent
where eo is the air permittivity; C1 and C2 are
linear spring constant of the resonator, and Fe is
capacitors of the drive/sense ports, respectively;
the external driving force, respectively. Each ele-
A1 and A2 are capacitive transducer areas of the
ment in Eq. 3 is assumed to be linear.
drive/sense ports, respectively; and d1 and d2 are
The force-to-velocity transfer function H(s)
the capacitive transducer gaps of the drive/sense
can then be derived as
ports, respectively.
To simply describe the modeling procedure,
x_ sXs 1=mre Fig. 6 shows the CMOS-MEMS resonator, such
H s : (4)
Fe Fe s cre km as a free-free beam resonator, rst modeled in
s2 s
mre mre mechanical domain as a mass-spring-damper
(MKC) system. Then the MKC system is further
In Fig. 5, VD, VS, and VP are the DC bias voltages transformed into a real RLC equivalent circuit in
applied into the input electrode, output electrode, electrical domain through the electromechanical
and resonator structure, respectively. Based on the analogy. Based on Eqs. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, an
derivation of the capacitive transducers, the rst- equivalent series RLC model of an electromechan-
order electrostatic force and the output motional ical resonator shown in Fig. 6 can be obtained
current of the resonator are given by with the motional elements expressed as
562 CMOS-MEMS Resonators

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 6 Equivalent lumped electrical model for a capacitive MEMS resonator

mre   o cre given composite beam by an algebraic manipula-

Lm , Cm i , Rm :
i  o km i  o tion of Eq. 9 and given by [6]
mmetal mtungsten
f nom 2 f 2
f tungsten 2
For most capacitively transduced mr metal mr
micromechanical resonators, their larger-than- moxide
f 2
conventional impedance (i.e., motional imped- mr oxide
ance Rm) is the main issue for system integration.
Assuming the gap size do and overlap area A of the where mmetal, mtungsten, and moxide are the portion
input and output transducers are symmetric, the of mass of the composite beam for metal, tung-
motional impedance Rm in Eq. 7 can be further sten, and oxide constituents, respectively, and
simplied as fmetal, ftungsten, and foxide are the mechanical reso-
nance frequencies of beams for metal, tungsten,
p 4 and oxide constituents, respectively. As a result,
cre km mre do
Rm 2 (8) the linear temperature coefcient of frequency
e Qe2o A2 V 2P
(TCf) of the composite free-free beam resonator
can be derived by taking the derivative of Eq. 9
where e = i = o, do = d1 = d2, A = A1 = A2,
with respect to temperature and then simplied as
and Q is the quality factor of the resonator.
It is evident that to reduce Rm of a capacitive
TCf 1, metal A TCf 1, tungsten B TCf 1, oxide
resonator, the stiffness, mass, gap size, and TCf 1
overlap area must be carefully designed under a
VP-constrained condition (high bias VP is not
desirable). Several design approaches can be mtungsten f tungsten
E I tungsten
where A mmetal f 2 metal
Emetal I metal and
adopted to reduce Rm, including (i) the gap size
oxide f oxide
Eoxide I oxide
do should be as small as possible, (ii) the trans- Bm
m f 2
Emetal Imetal and where TCf1,metal,
metal metal
ducer overlap area A should be as large as possi- TCf1,tungsten, and TCf1,oxide are the linear TCfs of
ble, and (iii) the Q factor of the resonator should metal, tungsten, and oxide, respectively; Emetal,
be as high as possible. Etungsten, and Eoxide are Youngs moduli of metal,
tungsten, and oxide, respectively; and Imetal,
Thermal Stability Itungsten, and Ioxide are the moments of inertia of
The nominal mechanical resonance frequency of metal, tungsten, and oxide, respectively. In addi-
the composite beam resonator (cf. Fig. 2b) com- tion, the linear TCf of each material in Eq. 10 can
posed of three structural materials, including be expressed as [6]
metal (i.e., aluminum alloy), tungsten, and
oxide, can be expressed as a combination of the TCE1, mat a1, mat
TCf 1, mat (11)
resonance frequency of each portion for a 2
CMOS-MEMS Resonators 563

where TCE1, mat and a1, mat are the linear TCE and with very high selectivity to metal layers, vias
the coefcient of thermal expansion (CTE), (i.e., tungsten), and contacts (i.e., tungsten) is
respectively, of each structural material. In utilized to release the resonator structures as
Eq. 11, TCE1, mat is the major parameter to induce depicted in Fig. 7b without the help of critical
the resonance frequency drift as temperature point dryers while the transistor circuits are still
changes (i.e., TCf1, mat), indicating the structural protected by the passivation layer. Figure 7c
oxide with positive TCE is effective for passive indicates that CMOS-MEMS resonators fabri- C
temperature compensation of CMOS-MEMS res- cated using this platform specically possess
onators. To approach the ultimate goal of zero several unique features including (i) complex
TCf, thermal stability of the CMOS-MEMS com- structural materials which can be made of
posite resonators can be further improved by metal-oxide composite, metal composite, and
manipulating the ratio A and ratio B in Eq. 10, mere-metal structures; (ii) various mechanical
respectively. As an extreme case when both A and boundary conditions for resonators, such as
B are close to zero, it represents that TCf of such a xed, pinned-pinned boundary, and free-free
resonator is exactly the same with that of metal- boundary designs; (iii) multidimensional dis-
type resonators, while structures with A of zero placements of resonators capable of in-plane
and innite B belong to oxide-type resonators and out-of-plane motions with respect to the
exhibiting positive TCf. substrate surface; (iv) standard CMOS vias
(VIA) and contacts (CO) acting as tiny supports
of resonators to effectively isolate the vibrating
Methods of Fabrication energy from resonators to their anchors; (v) well-
dened anchors without undercut issue which is
Several CMOS-MEMS resonator platforms often seen in conventional CMOS-MEMS
[14] co-fabricating mechanical resonators and [711] or SOI process [12]; and (vi) better
their amplier circuits for MEMS/IC integration transducer efciency attained by utilizing
have been developed in the past decades. These via-connected walls to form a at sidewall elec-
platforms can be mainly categorized into two trodes, all of which offer a variety of exible
different release methods oxide removal and options suited for sensor and RF applications.
metal removal maskless post-CMOS processes, Figure 8 presents the fabricated resonators,
implemented in both 0.35 mm 2-poly-4-metal such as beam and comb-drive resonators. Note
(2P4M) and 0.18 mm 1-poly-6-metal (1P6M) that the minimal electrode-to-resonator gap spac-
CMOS technologies. In the following contents, ing is limited by the feature size of the 0.35 mm
their pros and cons will be discussed. CMOS technology node such that the motional
impedance of the fabricated resonators is in sev-
Oxide Removal Release Process in a 0.35 mm eral MOs due to their low electromechanical
CMOS coupling coefcient.
To fabricate resonators using the platform illus-
trated in Fig. 7, chips are manufactured utilizing Oxide Removal Release Process in a 0.18 mm
a standard 0.35 mm 2-poly-4-metal CMOS ser- CMOS
vice from the Taiwan Semiconductor To address the issue of high motional impedance
Manufacturing Company (TSMC) with a cross- in the previous platform, one can transfer this
sectional view shown in Fig. 7a, including two oxide removal process of section Oxide
polysilicon layers underneath four metal layers Removal Release Process in a 0.35 mm CMOS
[1]. CMOS circuit areas are masked by the pas- into a 0.18 mm CMOS as indicated in Fig. 9a
sivation layer mostly comprised of silicon nitride [2]. The cross-sectional view of CMOS 0.18 mm
while the MEMS regions (i.e., openings) expose BEOL and SEM of the fabricated resonator
sacricial oxide to the release etchant. are shown in Fig. 9b, c, respectively. The
A commercial SiO2 etchant, silox vapox III, electrode-to-resonator gap spacing is reduced
564 CMOS-MEMS Resonators

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 7 Fabrication process prepared by the CMOS foundry. (b) Device is released by a
ow for a CMOS-MEMS resonator in a 0.35 mm 2P4M buffer HF solution. (c) Various congurations of CMOS-
technology under the oxide removal post process. (a) Chip MEMS resonators are realized in the platform

through the minimal feature size of the 0.18 mm impedance as compared to the 0.35 mm CMOS-
CMOS (1.8X smaller than the 0.35 mm CMOS), MEMS resonators. The use of the 0.18 mm 1P6M
while the transducer area can be increased by platform implies the advanced technology nodes
the six-metal stacking (four-metal stacking in would lower the motional impedance, reduce the
the 0.35 mm CMOS). The combined merit of the DC bias voltage, and attain higher resonance
gap and area leads to much lower motional frequencies.
CMOS-MEMS Resonators 565

Resonators, Fig. 8 SEM
photos of the fabricated
resonators using the oxide
removal release process in a
0.35 mm CMOS technology

Metal Removal Release Process in a 0.35 mm bonding. Figure 10b presents a resonator SEM
CMOS photo and its cross-sectional view, showing the
Although the oxide removal process only requires metal layers are embedded inside the main SiO2
one maskless wet etching step, the metal-rich structure. Q of the oxide-rich resonator is greater
feature of the aforementioned resonators places a than 6,000, which is 6X higher than the metal-rich
bottleneck on quality factor Q since the structural counterparts in sections Oxide Removal Release
metal (AlCu) is often treated as a lossy acoustic Process in a 0.35 mm CMOS and Oxide
material. Q of metal-rich resonators is often lower Removal Release Process in a 0.18 mm CMOS.
than 2,000, which is not sufcient for practical
oscillator and lter implementations [3]. To Metal Removal Release Process in a 0.18 mm
address the low-Q issue in the oxide removal CMOS
process, a metal removal post process has been The release approach in section Metal Removal
developed as an alternative to form low-loss Release Process in a 0.35 mm CMOS has also
oxide-rich resonator structures to enable high Q. been transferred into a 0.18 mm CMOS node as
As indicated in Fig. 10a, the device is rst shown in Fig. 11 to gain the smaller feature size of
prepared by the CMOS foundry using a standard the advanced CMOS for low motional impedance
0.35 mm 2P4M CMOS process. Then the etching Rm [4]. To fabricate the resonators, the chips are
solution containing H2SO4 and H2O2 is utilized to manufactured using a standard TSMC 0.18 mm
remove metal layers. This maskless etching tech- 1P6M CMOS foundry process. Then a metal wet
nique provides excellent selectivity between the etchant, comprising H2SO4 and H2O2, is utilized
metal and dielectric layers; therefore, the issues to remove the sacricial metals, hence providing
from time-based etching in sections Oxide lateral air-gap spacing do of 0.38 mm. Finally, the
Removal Release Process in a 0.35 mm CMOS RIE is utilized to open bond pads for later wire
and Oxide Removal Release Process in a bonding. As can be seen in the cross-sectional
0.18 mm CMOS can be greatly alleviated. view of the resonator in Fig. 11b, the resonator
Finally, reactive ion etching (RIE) is used to structure consists of more than 97 % SiO2. As
remove the passivation layer for the later wire shown in Fig. 11c, such oxide-rich resonators
566 CMOS-MEMS Resonators

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 9 CMOS-MEMS reso- 0.18 mm BEOL. (c) Free-free beam resonator realized in
nator in a 0.18 mm 1P6M CMOS-MEMS platform. (a) a 0.18 mm CMOS-MEMS platform
Technology transformation. (b) Cross-sectional view of

possess Q more than 10,000, which is comparable designs implemented in the 0.35 mm 2P4M and
to commercial single-crystal silicon (SCS) or 0.18 mm 1P6M platforms, showing the advanced
polysilicon-based resonators. Even tested in air, technology node (0.18 mm) would signicantly
Q of the resonators is still greater than 6,000, an lower the motional impedance Rm due to its
evidence of less squeeze lm damping effect and smaller gap spacing (1.8X) and larger transduc-
suitable for resonant sensor applications. tion area (1.6X) as compared to the 0.35 mm
2P4M technology.
In addition to the use of the advanced technol-
Main Research Accomplishment ogy node, a mechanically coupled array design
[13] offers an efcient approach to reduce the
Motional Impedance Rm Reduction motional impedance Rm which is inversely pro-
The motional impedance governed by Eq. 8 is portional to the number of the constituent resona-
strongly dependent on the electrode-to-resonator tors in an array device. The more resonators
gap spacing do. Figure 12 presents the perfor- mechanically coupled as an array, the smaller the
mance comparison of similar free-free beam motional impedance. Since the coupled array
CMOS-MEMS Resonators 567

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 10 CMOS-MEMS resonator using the metal removal post process in a 0.35 mm 2P4M
CMOS-MEMS platform

a Tiny Electrode c 70
Support 75 Q =10,920
Qair :6,780
Transmission [dB]

RIE Mask 85
SiO2 Condition
Resonator 95 fo = 47.9MHz
Electrode f =2,625Hz
10m 100 0
VP1= 70V
Passivation 105 VP2 = 70V 2
b P = 2dBm 2 0 2
47.92 47.94 47.96 47.98 48
M4 SiO2 Res. VIA3 Frequency [MHz]


CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 11 (a) SEM, (b) cross-sectional conguration, and (c) frequency responses of a
CMOS-MEMS resonator fabricated in a 0.18 mm 1P6M technology under the metal removal post process
568 CMOS-MEMS Resonators

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 12 Measured frequency characteristics of free-free beam resonators using the (a)
0.35 mm 2P4M and (b) 0.18 mm 1P6M CMOS-MEMS platforms

Fig. 13 Comparison of a
single resonator and a nine-
resonator array under the
same DC bias and input

becomes a multi-degree-of-freedom mechanical have 10.1X and 3.7X smaller motional imped-
system, a high-velocity coupling scheme is used ances, respectively, as compared to a single reso-
to accentuate the desired mode shape and reject nator. In addition, the resonator array benets
the spurious modes. As shown in Fig. 13, the from the large transduction area to effectively
proposed nine-resonator and ve-resonator arrays reduce the required DC bias voltage while
[13] have been experimentally characterized to maintaining reasonable motional impedance.
CMOS-MEMS Resonators 569



OxideRich CCB OxideRich IIBar

b OxideRich Lame
MetalRich FFB
10,000 C

MetalRich FFB
OxideRich TF

MetalRich CCB
2010 2011 2012 2013

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 14 Progress on quality factor of the CMOS-MEMS resonators developed in our group

Quality Factor Q Improvement oxide-rich structural material, and bulk-mode

As compared to the single-crystal or polysilicon- operation, thus greatly beneting the future oscil-
based MEMS resonators, Q of the CMOS- lator and lter performance.
MEMS resonators becomes a main issue to be
used in timing reference and spectral processing Power Handling Po Enhancement
applications. Due to the lossy nature of the metal Upon high-input power levels, capacitive
materials in the CMOS back-end-of-line resonators often suffer the Dufng nonlinearity
(BEOL), CMOS-MEMS metal-rich composite which resulted from both capacitive and mechan-
resonators often suffer Q value limited to 1,000. ical nonlinearities, hence degrading output
Several approaches are proposed to resolve this power and phase noise performance of oscillators
bottleneck, including (i) adopting proper implemented using those resonators. The mech-
mechanical boundary condition and implement anically coupled array design [13] described in
nodal support design (i.e., support at the motion- section Motional Impedance Rm Reduction not
less locations of the resonator to avoid acoustic only reduces their motional impedance Rm but
loss), such as the use of a free-free beam resona- greatly enhances the power handling capability
tor with nodal supports instead of a clamped- Po since the effective stiffness of the N-resonator
clamped beam version; (ii) utilizing high-Q array ideally is N times higher than that of
structural material in BEOL, such as SiO2-rich a single resonator, thus contributing N times
composite structure in Fig. 10, to attain high Q; larger power handling ability. Figure 15 presents
and (iii) taking advantage of high-Q bulk mode the frequency characteristics of single resonator
instead of low-Q exural mode, as illustrated in and nine-resonator array designs under the
Fig. 11. Figure 14 nally presents the progress on same input power and motional impedance,
quality factor of our developed CMOS-MEMS where the former falls into the nonlinear regime,
resonators in the past 5 years. As can be seen, while the latter still preserves the linear vibration
Q greater than 10,000 has been realized by with a symmetrical frequency response and
the combination of the nodal support design, high Q.
570 CMOS-MEMS Resonators

Fig. 15 Comparison of the 70 Rm = 200k W
single resonator and nine- PNA = +5 dBm Single
resonator array under the 75 Resonator

Transmission [dB]
same motional impedance
and input power 80


95 Array


0.99 0.995 1 1.005 1.01
Normalized Frequency [MHz/MHz]

Temperature Compensation structures in CMOS-MEMS resonators brings an

The CMOS-MEMS resonators mostly composed easy and effective temperature compensation
of metals are sensitive to temperature variation scheme [14].
due to the very negative temperature coefcients
of Youngs modulus (TCEs) of their constituent
metal materials. To improve the thermal stability Examples of Application
of those CMOS-MEMS resonators, the silicon
dioxide (SiO2) of the CMOS BEOL possessing Oscillator Implementation
positive TCE offers a simple and effective temper- After addressing the major bottlenecks and their
ature compensation scheme where metal-oxide corresponding solutions to enhance the overall
composite structures can be utilized to build res- performance of the CMOS-MEMS resonators,
onators capable of improving their thermal stabil- the oscillator implementation is of great impor-
ity [1]. For example, the oxide constituent ratio of tance for timing, frequency synthesizing, and
the CMOS-MEMS resonators can be adjusted as sensing applications. As depicted in Fig. 17a, a
indicated in Fig. 2 where the mere-metal, metal- micromechanical resonator and its sustaining
rich, and oxide-rich structures would lead to very amplier can form a closed loop to enable oscil-
negative, slightly negative, and very positive tem- lation once the Barkhausen criteria (i.e., loop gain
perature coefcients of frequency (TCfs). Fig- >1 and loop phase = 0 ) are satised. Using a
ure 16 presents the comparison of fractional physical implementation shown in Fig. 17b as an
frequency change versus temperature measure- example, a single-chip CMOS-MEMS oscillator
ments for mere-metal, metal-rich composite, and has been successfully demonstrated in vacuum
oxide-rich composite beam resonators, indicating with the measured frequency-domain output spec-
the near-zero TCf is plausible once the ratio trum and time-domain waveform shown in
between SiO2 and metal is optimized, such as Fig. 18a, b, respectively. The measured phase
manipulation of A and B in Eq. 10 to enable TCf noise performance in Fig. 18c is comparable to
 0. Thus, the use of SiO2 as part of the composite the silicon-based oscillators. Even in air (i.e., with
CMOS-MEMS Resonators 571

Adjustment of SiO2Ratio LAME
81ppm/k Oxide: 97%

0 OxideRich

63 ppm/k Oxide: 78.3% C

f/f0 [ppm]

10000 FF beam

59.7 ppm/k Oxide: 38%

FF beam
97.8 ppm/k Oxide: 48%

25000 Mere metal

290 300 310 320 330 340 350 FF beam
Temperature [K]
358 ppm/k Oxide: 0%

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 16 Temperature coefcients of frequency can be adjusted by the constituent ratio of
SiO2 in CMOS-MEMS resonators

Resonators, Fig. 17 (a)
Top-level schematic and (b)
optical view of the
monolithic CMOS-MEMS
572 CMOS-MEMS Resonators

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 18 (a) Frequency-domain response, (b) time-domain waveform, and (c) phase noise
performance of the CMOS-MEMS oscillator

large squeeze lm damping), the oscillator is still CMOS-MEMS resonators can serve as the funda-
functional, indicating great potential to be used mental units for a band-pass lter. Since the reso-
in gas, chemical, and mass sensing applications nance frequency of the CMOS-MEMS resonators
based on the frequency-shift mechanism. The is limited, it is best to be used in sensor front end
abovementioned approaches to improve quality with much lower operation frequencies. Fig-
factor and power handling of the CMOS-MEMS ure 19a illustrates the concept of a fourth-order
resonators would eventually benet the close-to- band-pass lter realized by two mechanical reso-
carrier and far-from-carrier phase noise nators, each of which is modeled by a mass-
performance, respectively, of the implemented spring-damper system, coupled by a mechanical
oscillators. In addition, the reduction of the spring system to form a desired passband of the
motional impedance described in the previous lter. The center frequency of the lter is deter-
section would also lead to the overall phase noise mined by the resonance frequency of the constit-
reduction for the CMOS-MEMS integrated uent resonators, while the bandwidth is mainly set
oscillators. by the spring constant of the mechanical coupler.
To simplify the lter design, the constituent reso-
Filter Implementation nators should be identical and the coupling ele-
Another signicant building block for frequency ment is designed in its quarter-wavelength
control and wireless communication is the fre- conguration, allowing the center frequency of
quency selection element. The developed the lter to be set at the resonance frequency of
CMOS-MEMS Resonators 573

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 19 (a) Equivalent mechanical circuit model, (b) perspective-view schematic, and (c)
simulated lter modes of a mechanically coupled CMOS-MEMS band-pass lter

the resonators (fo) while the frequencies (f1 and f2) out-of-phase lter modes shown in Fig. 19c form
of the two lter modes possess equal distance (i.e., a passband of the lter. The fabrication process is
separation) to the lter center frequency (fo). Fig- similar to that of the CMOS-MEMS resonators in
ure 19b presents the physical implementation of a the previous section using the metal removal
CMOS-MEMS lter comprising two CMOS- release process in a 0.35 mm CMOS technology
MEMS resonator arrays mechanically coupled [3], and the SEM view of the fabricated lter is
through a quarter-wavelength mechanical link to shown in Fig. 20a. After lter termination, a at
enable a narrow-bandwidth band-pass lter passband and real insertion loss can be obtained as
for channel selection [15]. The in-phase and shown in Fig. 20b.
574 CMOS-MEMS Resonators

CMOS-MEMS Resonators, Fig. 20 (a) SEM view and (b) un-terminated and terminated frequency responses of a
mechanically coupled CMOS-MEMS lter

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CMOS-MEMS square-frame resonators with on-chip
electronics and electrothermal narrow gap mechanism.
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resonator. IEEE Electron. Lett. 41(24), 13271328
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CMOS-MEMS platform for micromechanical resona- 10. Verd, J., Uranga, A., Teva, J., Lopez, J.L., Torres, F.,
tors monolithically integrated with circuits. Esteve, J., Abadal, G., Perez-Murano, F., Barniol, N.:
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A fully-differential CMOS-MEMS DETF oxide reso- 12. Pourkamali, S., Hao, Z., Ayazi, F.: VHF single crystal
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CNT Handling and Integration 575

In the recent two decades, nanorobotic manipu-

CNT assembly lation was developing rapidly. Nanorobotic manip-
ulation was applied to atomic force microscope,
CNT Handling and Integration scanning electron microscope, transmission elec-
tron microscope towards to nanomanufacture
nanoassembly and nanofabrication.
The AFM consists of a cantilever with a sharp C
CNT Biosensor tip (probe) at its end that is used to scan the
specimen surface. The cantilever is typically sili-
Nanostructure Field Effect Transistor con or silicon nitride with a tip radius of curvature
Biosensors on the order of nanometers. When the tip is
brought into proximity of a sample surface, forces
between the tip and the sample lead to a deection
of the cantilever according to Hookes law.
CNT Handling and Integration Depending on the situation, forces that are mea-
sured in AFM include mechanical contact force,
Zhan Yang van der Waals forces, capillary forces, chemical
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Advanced Robotics bonding, electrostatic forces, magnetic forces (see
Technologies and Collaborative Innovation magnetic force microscope, MFM), Casimir
Center of Suzhou, Nano Science and Technology, forces, solvation forces, etc. Along with the
Soochow University, 215021, Suzhou, China force, additional quantities may simultaneously
be measured through the use of specialized types
of probes (see scanning thermal microscopy, scan-
Synonyms ning Joule expansion microscopy, photothermal
microspectroscopy, etc.). Typically, the deection
CNT assembly; Nano Manipulation; is measured using a laser spot reected from the
Nanorobotics top surface of the cantilever into an array of pho-
todiodes. Other methods that are used include
optical interferometry, capacitive sensing, or
Definition piezoresistive AFM cantilevers. These cantilevers
are fabricated with piezoresistive elements that act
Manipulation matter at nanoscale is one of the as a strain gauge. Using a Wheatstone bridge,
main purposes of nanotechnology. In with the strain in the AFM cantilever due to deection
publication of the pioneering work, Engines of can be measured, but this method is not as sensi-
Creation in 1986, atom-by-atom assembly tive as laser deection or interferometry. Prof. N.
became less a dream and more a search for a Xis team developed a real-time, force feedback
practical technology to implement it. Researchers nanomanipulation system.
were getting more adept at using Atomic Force Scanning electron microscope is a real-time
and Scanning Tunneling Microscopes (STMs), nanoscale observation equipment. With the
culminating with the now famous writing of the benet of big specimen chamber, a complex
IBM logo in 1989 with 35 xenon atoms. The team, nanomanipulation system with multiple-DOFs
led by Andreas Heinrich of IBM Research- could be constructed. Recently, the environ-
Almaden (California), has successfully stored mental scanning electron microscope (ESEM)
one magnetic bit of data with just 12 atoms of with nanorobotic manipulation was employed
iron and a full byte of data in 96 atoms. This to characterize the biological property of
represents a storage density that is at least 100 cells.
times denser than the largest hard drive platters Prof. Fukudas team is a leader of nanorobotic
or ash memory chips in 2012. manipulation in FESEM from the beginning of
576 CNT Handling and Integration

this century. The carbon nanotube was picked-up, forces, which consisted mainly of van der Waals
assembled, measured, and fabricated by multiple [2] forces, between a single multiwalled carbon
DOFs nanomanipulator. nanotube tip and a gold surface were evaluated
Dr. M. Rizuan and Dr. Y. Shen constructed a under a scanning electron microscope by means
nanomanipulation system in order to character- of nanorobotic manipulation. The inuence of
ize the biological property of cells with low electron beam irradiation was also investigated.
pressure and different humidity. Two types of It was found that electron beam irradiation can
experiments have been conducted, i.e., mechan- increase the interaction forces by producing con-
ical properties of individual yeast cells and tamination at the contact area. The van der Waals
forces on cell-substrate area. Different kinds forces were calculated theoretically, and the the-
of spring constants (0.02 N/m, 0.09 N/m, and oretical values were close to the experimental
0.7 N/m) and tips shapes (sharp, at, and nee- values. In the following, the measurement of
dle-like) of the cantilevers have been used dur- van der Waals force between a CNT tip and a
ing the experiments. From the analysis, the gold surface is introduced rst, and then a
compressed forces needed to penetrate the cell method of manipulating CNTs in 3D is
wall of the yeast cells using sharp and at tips presented.
(0.02 N/m for both) which are in the range of
87278 nN and 57207 nN, respectively. Measurement of van der Waals Force Between
Locality mechanical measurement has been a CNT Tip and Gold Surface
performed using needle-like tip (0.09 N/m) on At the nanoscale, van der Waals force is one of the
single-cell and mother-daughter cells where the predominant surface forces that also include
elastic properties of the cells are in the range of the electrostatic force, the Casimir force, etc. The
1.323.95 MPa. measurement of nanoscale surface forces can help
Nanorobotic manipulation is a rapid develop- characterize the properties of nanomaterials and
ing technology on nanofabrication and also be useful for the assembly of nanostructures
nanoassembly. It is powerful with nanomaterial and nanodevices. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as
measurement and manipulation. With the control typical nanomaterials have been used for atomic
theory, the automation is employed to the force microscope (AFM) probes, nanotweezers,
nanorobotic manipulation system. A high efcacy nanoposition sensors, and three-dimensional
nanorobotic manipulation center will be applied nanostructures. The interaction between a CNT
to nanomaterial, nanosensor, and biological and a substrate, including the van der Waals
samples. forces, is important for the assembly of these
mechatronic applications. The deformation of a
CNT placed on a substrate by surface van der
Introduction Waals forces will signicantly modify the ideal-
ized geometry of the free nanotube. The interac-
This entry is focused on the study of CNT inter- tion has been investigated by AFM and
action with environment and the application of molecular-mechanics simulations. The joint inter-
CNT for pH and temperature sensing. action forces with two CNT tips by chemical
bonds were also investigated. Cumings and Zettl
calculated the attractive van der Waals forces
CNT Handling between the inner and outer layer. They demon-
strated a lowfrictional nanoscale linear bearing
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [1] have been widely realized from multiwalled carbon nanotubes
used as nanobuilding blocks to assemble (MWNTs). Zheng et al. showed through theoret-
nanostructures and nanodevices. Therefore, the ical calculations that the extruded core of a
interaction between a CNT and an environment MWNT oscillating on the outer shell caused the
is important. In the present study, the interaction excess van der Waals interaction energy and
CNT Handling and Integration 577

found that the oscillation frequency can be signif- electron beaminduced deposition (EBID) as
icantly higher than 1 GHz [3]. The effects of shown in Fig. 1b. The deposition is caused by
surface forces in a three-terminal nanorelay were the dissociation of molecules adsorbed to a sur-
investigated by Jonsson et al. [4]. They showed face by high-energy electrons. In the present
that van der Waals forces have a signicant impact experiments, tungsten hexacarbonyl was used as
on the characteristics of the relay. For the calcula- precursor by lling into a glass tube and introduc-
tion or analysis of van der Waals forces, a param- ing it into the vicinity of the sample. The magni- C
eter called the Hamaker constant is an important ed image of the narrow substrate with MWNT is
value. shown in Fig. 1c. It was etched to a width of
In previous studies, the Hamaker constant 350 nm by a focused ion beam (FIB) process.
between a CNT and a surface was obtained by The MWNT probe should be prepared with no
approximate calculation [5] or by original exper- impurities and straight with short length, because
iments [6]. Akita et al. obtained the Hamaker the bending phenomenon occurs easily and makes
constant of 60  1020 J for the sidewall of a it difcult to measure the vertical interaction
CNT adhered on a silicon material surface [6]. For forces. Some methods such as electron
a CNT and a gold surface, Walkeajrvi et al. just beaminduced fabrication assisted with oxygen
used a typical value of 10  1020 J for their gas or current-induced fabrication can be used to
calculation. For two CNTs, a previous report adjust the CNT length. Here, the current-induced
used the value of graphite to replace it. The van fabrication process was used. One end of the CNT
der Waals forces between a CNT tip and a gold was touched at the tip of the AFM cantilever as
surface are not clearly understood experimentally shown in Fig. 1d. The part of the CNT near the
and need to be investigated. In particular, the cantilever tip evaporated by joule heating when
interaction force is considered to be changed by the electric current applied was 720 mA. The
irradiation of the electron beam during the obser- length of the MWNT probe was adjusted by
vation in an electron microscope, because electron using the same process as shown in Fig. 1d, e by
beam irradiation produces contamination on the the rst process. Figure 1f, g show the second
observation area. process. Finally, the MWNT probe is fabricated
From an engineering viewpoint, it is important as shown in Fig. 1h.
to control the interaction forces between CNT In the present work, the interaction force
probes and metallic surfaces for nanodevice fab- measurement between the CNT probe and the
rication and assembly. This entry reports on the gold surface of an AFM cantilever was
measurement of the van der Waals forces between performed experimentally. The AFM cantilever
a CNT tip and a gold surface under a scanning was coated by a gold layer with thickness of
electron microscope (SEM) based on nanorobotic 40 nm. The interaction forces were measured
manipulation. The inuence of electron beam irra- from the deection of the AFM cantilever. The
diation was also investigated. The van der Waals CNT probe and AFM cantilever were
forces were calculated theoretically and compared connected to the ground to avoid the occur-
with the experimental values. rence of electrostatic forces. The SEM was
For the measurement of the interaction forces kept at low magnication (less than 10,000
between the CNT tip and the surface of a gold times) during the operation to avoid contami-
substrate, a single MWNT probe was rst pre- nation. Other type forces caused by chemical
pared as shown in Fig. 1. The MWNT, typically bonding can be negligible, because the CNT
2050 nm in diameter, was synthesized by the probe and the surface were kept clean under
standard arc-discharge method. Figure 1a shows vacuum conditions. Therefore, the interaction
a single MWNT with diameter of 30 nm that was force between the CNT tip and the surface of
picked up from the CNT bundle by a nanorobotic the AFM cantilever is considered to consist
manipulator under a SEM (JEOL, JSM-6500 F). mainly of van der Waals forces. In the experi-
The MWNT was xed at the narrow substrate with ment, the AFM cantilever tip was moved to the
578 CNT Handling and Integration

CNT Handling and Integration, Fig. 1 A multiwalled carbon nanotube was placed on an etched substrate. The length
of the CNT was adjusted by the current-induced fabrication process

CNT tip by a nanorobotic manipulator, until released from the AFM cantilever surface, the
they touched each other (Fig. 2a). Then the AFM cantilever was stopped in a certain dis-
CNT probe was moved in the inverted direction tance. The AFM cantilever was released where
until release of the adhesion by van der Waals the attraction is less than the tension caused by
forces. The position of the AFM cantilever was the deformation of the cantilever. The deec-
controlled in step motions, each step of moving tion of the AFM cantilever was 370 nm in the
was about 2 nm. When the CNT probe was present experiment (Fig. 2b). From this, the
CNT Handling and Integration 579

CNT Handling and Integration, Fig. 2 The tip of a nanomanipulator. The interaction force between the carbon
single CNT was adhered to an AFM cantilever surface. nanotube tip and the surface can be obtained from the
After that, the AFM cantilever was pulled back by a deection of cantilever

CNT Handling 90
and Integration,
Fig. 3 The relationship 80
between the interaction
force and electron beam
Interaction force (nN)

irradiation time 60
0 20 40 60 80 100
Electron beam irradiation time (s)

interaction forces from the deection of the after irradiation for different times. After the
AFM cantilever were calculated according to above experiment to measure the van der
F dd , where d is the deection and is the Waals interaction forces, the contact area,
elastic constant of the AFM cantilever, is where the CNT tip was adhered on the gold
0.02 N/m (Olympus Corp., OMCL-TR400). surface, was magnied to 30,000 times. The
Therefore, the interaction force between the acceleration voltage of the SEM was 15 kV
CNT tip and the gold surface was calculated and the beam current was 30 pA. The irradia-
as 7.4 nN. The interaction force measurement tion periods were set at 30, 60, and 90 s. The
was also performed under electron beam irradi- interaction forces were obtained as 13.4,
ation to affect the inuence of interaction 40, and 80 nN, respectively, as shown in
forces. The interaction forces were measured Fig. 3. The results show that electron beam
580 CNT Handling and Integration

CNT Handling 70
and Integration,
Fig. 4 Three teams 60

vander Waals force (nN)

experiment results with
error bar of van der Waals 50




0 10 20 30 40 50
CNT diameter (nm)

irradiation can increase the interaction forces Then the van der Waals forces are obtained by
between the CNT tip and the surface. The taking the derivative of the pair potential with
increment of interaction force is almost propor- respect to the distance,
tional to the electron beam irradiation time
period. r2 A
The increase of interaction force induced by F W0 (2)
electron beam irradiation is considered to
result from the contamination produced at the To calculate F, the Hamarker constant ACNTAu
contact area. In the experiment, the precursors between the CNT and the gold surface interacting
come from the vacuum pump oils in the sam- across vacuum is needed. The unknown ACNTAu
ple chamber; hence the contamination should can be obtained approximately by using the com-
be mainly amorphous carbon. This suggests bining relation as the nonretarded Hamaker con-
that electron beam irradiation can be used to stant for carbon nanotube and gold surface [3],
control the interaction forces in the which is given by
nanonewton range for the assembly of CNT
nanobuilding blocks. ACNTAu ACNT AAu ; (3)
We assume that the interaction between CNT
tip and the surface is nonretarded and additive. where AAu and ACNT are 5.47  1019J [2] and
The interaction energy can be described by 0.284  1019J [5] from previous report, respec-
Lennard-Joness pair potential as the following tively. Thus, the ACNTAu is obtained as 1.246 
equation 1019J from Eq. 3.
If the CNT is considered as a column, the van
der Waals forces between the CNT tip and the
r 2 p2 Cr1 r2 r2 A
W 2
(1) gold surface are calculated as 77, 197, and
12D 12D2
308 nN at the CNT diameters 20, 32, and 40 nm
as shown in Fig. 4. It is simply assumed that the
where r is the radius of CNT, and C is the coef- minimum distance D is about 0.3 nm, and the r is
cient in the atom-atom pair potential. r1 and r2 are used as the radius of the CNT in Fig. 5 The
the numbers of atoms per unit volume in the two calculated result is so much larger than the value
materials, and D the distance between the CNT tip of experimental result. Therefore, this mode
and the surface, as shown in Fig. 5. A is the which considers the CNT as a column cannot
Hamaker constant. precisely get the van der Waals forces.
CNT Handling and Integration 581

CNT Handling
and Integration,
Fig. 5 Schematic drawing
of a CNT adhered to a
surface with a tiny
separation D. The CNT is 2r
in diameter with open cap
and closed cap C

We suggest that the model of CNT can be less than that calculated with the column model.
considered as a multilayered cylinder as shown Each layered cross-sectional area is described by
in Fig. 6. The cross-sectional area of the CNT is following equations,

A1 p0:34 t=22  p0:34  t=22

A2 p0:34 t=2 0:342  p0:34  t=2 0:342

AN p0:34 t=2 0:34N  1 2  p0:34  t=2 0:34N  1 2

And the total cross-sectional area is, about 29, 47, and 59 at the CNT diameters at
20, 32, and 40 nm. Finally, the van der Waals
X h
nN1 forces were obtained theoretically as 15.9, 41.3,
A p0:34 t=2 0:34n2 and 64.8 nN at the CNT diameters at 20, 32, and
n0 i (5)
40 nm from the Eq. 2. This result is very close to
p0:34  t=2 0:34n2 the experimental data. It demonstrates that the
cylinder model is good or accurate enough for
Here, t is 0.07 nm, the diameter of carbon molec- calculation of van der Waals force between
ular. Then the total area is calculated as 148 nm2. CNTs and the surface. For more precise calcula-
The distance between two layers is 0.34 nm that tion, the CNT should be considered as a unit of
has clearly observed by a TEM [7]. N is the carbon atoms. In that case, the sum of the forces
number of layers. The relationship between the between all individual atoms and the substrate
number of layers and the radius of CNT can be needs to be calculated. Therefore, the shapes of
approximated by 0:34N  r in our case. We CNT tip should be also taken into more careful
obtained that the layers number of the CNT is consideration. Those are our future works.
582 CNT Handling and Integration

CNT Handling
and Integration,
Fig. 6 Schematic drawing
of a CNT described by
multilayered cylinder
model. The distance
between layers of CNT is
0.34 nm. The t is the
diameter of carbon
molecule with 0.07 nm

In summary, a single MWNT was actually structures and devices. The basic step for this is
prepared with the nanorobotic manipulation, elec- to pick up a single tube from nanotube soot
tron beaminduced deposition, and current- (Fig. 7a). This has been shown rst by using
induced fabrication. The interaction forces dielectrophoresis through nanorobotic manipula-
between the MWNT tip and the gold surface tions (Fig. 7b). The interaction between a tube
were investigated and measured with an AFM and the atomic at surface of AFM cantilever tip
cantilever, which were mainly consisted of van has been shown to be strong enough for picking
der Waals forces. The method proposed is easy to up a tube onto the tip (Fig. 7c). By using electron
operate and have a large measurement range. It beaminduced deposition (EBID), it is possible
can be used for evaluation of connection strength to pick up a nanotube onto a probe (Fig. 7d). For
during assembling of nanodevices. We also found handling a tube, weak connection between the
that the electron beam irradiation can increase the tube and the probe is desired. Bending and buck-
interaction forces. The increase of interaction ling a CNT as shown in Fig. 7e, f are important
force induced by electron beam irradiation might for the in-situ property characterizations of a
be produced by the contamination. We suggest nanotube, which is a simple way to get the
that the electron beam irradiation should be used Youngs modulus of a nanotube without damag-
to adjust the interaction forces in nanonewton ing the tube if performed in elastic range and
scale during the assembly of CNT. hence can be used for the selection of a tube
For calculating the van der Waals forces, the with desired properties. Plastic bending or buck-
CNT was described by a multilayered cylinder ling can generate intramolecular kink junctions
model. The result of the experiment is very close of CNTs. Combined bending and buckling with
to theoretical calculation. That model can be used to shape xing with EBID can be used for the shape
estimate the nanometer order van der Waals forces. modications of a nanotube. Stretching a nano-
tube between two probes or a probe and a sub-
3D CNT Handling strate has brought out several interesting results.
Manipulations of CNTs in 3D space are very The rst demonstration of 3D nanomanipulations
important techniques for assembling them into of nanotubes took this one as an example to show
CNT Handling and Integration 583

a b c d
Probe Probe Probe Probe


Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate

Original State Picking up by dielectrophoresis Picking up by vdW forces Picking up by EBID

e f g h
Probe Probe Probe Probe

Substrate Substrate

Bending Substrate Substrate

Stretching/Breaking Connecting/Bonding

CNT Handling and Integration, Fig. 7 3D manipula- same manipulation by contacting a tube with the probe
tions of CNTs. Basic technique for such manipulations is to surface or xing (e.g., with EBID) a tube to the tip. Vertical
pick up an individual tube from CNT soot (a) or oriented manipulations of nanotubes also include bending (e), buck-
array. (b) shows a free-standing nanotube is picked up by ling (f), stretching/breaking (g), and connecting/bonding
dielectrophoresis generated by nonuniform electric eld (h). This family is open for new strategies
between the probe and substrate, (c) and (d) show the

the breaking mechanism of a MWNT and the CNT Integration

tensile strength of CNTs. By breaking a MWNT
in a controlled manner, some interesting A CNT integration method by mechanical engi-
nanodevices have been fabricated. This neering is nanorobotic manipulation [810] which
technique destructive fabrication has been has advantages such as real-time controllability,
presented to get sharpened and layered structures nanometer lever positioning resolution, and three-
of nanotubes and to improve the length control of dimensional fabrications. The automation
a nanotube. Bearing motion has also been nanofabrication has a potential for auto nanostruc-
observed in an incompletely broken MWNT. The ture assembly fabrication and measurement.
reverse process, namely the connection of broken Nanomanipulation allows for the detection and
tubes, has been demonstrated recently, and the manipulation of tiny entities such as single mole-
mechanism is revealed as rebonding of unclosed cules, nanotubes, cells, viruses, proteins, and
dangling bonds at the ends of a broken tube. DNA molecules.
Based on this interesting phenomenon, mecha-
nochemical nanorobotic manipulations have Fabrication of a pH Sensor Nanoprobe
been presented. with Tungsten Oxide and Platinum Nanowires
3D nanorobotic manipulations have opened a Based on Nanorobotic Manipulation
new route for the assembly of nanotubes into A novel solid-state pH sensor nanoprobe based
nanodevices. on a tungsten oxide nanowire work electrode
In the following, we will focus on our recent and a platinum nanowire counter electrode is
advances in this eld. reported. A cantilever is used for the electrodes
584 CNT Handling and Integration

of the device and etched by a focused ion beam Traditionally, the measuring methods for pH
(FIB). Two multiple-walled carbon nanotubes values fall roughly into four categories: indicator
(MWCNTs) are assembled to the separated reagents, pH test strips, metal electrode methods
electrodes of the cantilever. A tungsten probe (hydrogen electrode, quinhydrone electrode, and
is etched by an FIB to 300 nm in diameter and antimony electrode method), and glass electrode
25.4 mm in length. Then the probe is coated by methods. In recent decades, new techniques of pH
parylene and the tip cut to expose the tungsten. detection have been developed such as optical-
A tungsten nanowire is used for the work elec- ber-based pH sensors [11], mass-sensitive pH
trode, and a platinum nanowire is used for the sensors [12], metal oxide pH sensors [13],
counter electrode. The nanowires are fabricated conducting polymer pH sensors [14],
via the eld emission method from carbon nanoconstructed cantilever-based pH sensors
nanotube tips by introducing hexacarbonyl- [15], ISFET-based pH sensors [16], and
tungsten (W(CO)6) and trimethylcyclopentadie- pH-image sensors [17].
nylplatinum (CpPtMe3), respectively, inside a To detect the pH distribution for cytoplasm
eld emission electron microscope. The and understand the relation between pH and
nanoprobe pH sensor is tested in acidic enzymes and protein in detail within a single
(pH 4.0, pH 6.1, and pH 6.a9) and alkaline cell, which has a scale of several to several
(pH 8.0) buffer solutions and different tens of micrometers, many nanoscale pH sensors
responses are found. The sensitivity of the pH have been developed. Zhang et al. reported a
sensor nanoprobe was measured as solid-state pH sensor based on WO3-modied
35.04 mv/pH. vertically aligned MWCNTs, which use a
Chemical detection of single cells and their WO3-CNT array for the pH detection electrode.
local environment has attracted much interest This sensor has sensitivity close to 40 mV/pH
recently. The pH value is a promising parameter [18]. Fenster et al. reported a single tungsten
to describe the living condition of single cell. nanowire pH- sensitive electrode, which has a
For examples in animal cells, pH controls the sensitivity of 61.1 mV/pH [19]. The previous
activity of key enzymes, protein synthesis, DNA two pH sensors contain nanoscale tungsten pH
and RNA synthesis, cell cycle, and ion conduc- sensitive electrodes and macroscale stranded
tance by membranes. The extracellular uid pH hydrogen electrodes which are impossible to
is usually 7:35  7:45, and in vascular smooth apply to a single cell. We have designed double
muscle cell (VSMC) the pH value is usually nanometal electrodes which can avoid the size
7:0  7:2 . In some pathological conditions, problem in cell pH detection (Fig. 8). We aimed
such as hypoxia, acidosis, or alkalosis, pH can to fabricate the pH sensor by using electrodes by
be uctuated between 6.5 and 8.1, of VSMC pH which sensing of the proton concentration
corresponding generate phase when large uctu- becomes possible if either the electrochemical
ations. And the oxygen changes primer pH to equilibrium involves protons in the reaction or
vascular effects of very complex, it may be by if a separation of the electrolyte is achieved by a
changes in intracellular Ca ion release and proton-specic ionophore. The probe was fabri-
re-uptake, the activity of calcium channels on cated by the platinum and tungsten oxide
the plasma membrane or to adjust the sensitivity nanowire electrodes grown via eld emission
of the calcium ions in the contraction protein technique. Because of the scale of the
vasoconstriction state. The pH sensors towards nanowires, nanoscale resolution positioning and
biological cell require a resolution of 1 pH. The manipulation was required. To this end a
measurement of the pH value of a single cell is nanorobotic manipulation system was employed.
usually performed by visualizing the color Figure 8 shows the concept of the proposed
change of indicators, chemical probes, H sen- device. In this research, a platinum and tungsten
sitive microelectrodes, and nuclear magnetic res- dual nanowire electrode pH sensor has been
onance (NMR) spectrometry. fabricated. A nanoprobe pH sensor evaluation
CNT Handling and Integration 585

The fabrication procedure is shown in Fig. 9.

Voltage A PZT cantilever was used as the substrate. The
cantilever is etched by an FIB for separated elec-
trodes (a). An FESEM was introduced for real-
time observation and two units of manipulators
inside the specimen chamber of FESEM were
used to fabricate the device. An AFM cantilever C
was assembled to the manipulator to pick up
CNTs from the carbon bulk. The CNTs were cut
to 1.7 mm length by current, and fabricated to PZT
electrodes cantilever (b). A tungsten probe was used for the
anode in eld emission. The probe was etched by
an FIB and then coated with parylene. The FIB
was then used to cut the tip of the probe to expose
the conductive material to concentrate the electro
eld. The etched tungsten probe was positioned to
the counter of the CNTs. For eld emission of
CNTs, the emission characteristics should be mea-
sured before growth. The trimethylcyclopentadie-
CNTs nylplatinum precursor was inserted into the
specimen chamber of the FESEM and a constant
Pt W/WO3 current applied to CNT 1 and etched tungsten
nanowire nanowire probe to grow the platinum nanowire (c). Using
the precursor hexacarbonyl tungsten and applying
CNT Handling and Integration, Fig. 8 Concept draws a constant current to the etched tungsten probe the
of nanowire probe pH sensor
CNT 2 resulted in the growth of the tungsten
nanowire (d).
system has been constructed, and the pH A tungsten nanoprobe (MicroManipulator Inc,
response of this sensor has been tested in acidic MODEL 7B) was used as the anode for nanowire
buffer solution (pH = 4, 6.1, 6.9) and alkaline growth via eld emission. To decrease the
buffer solution (pH = 8). branching of the nanowire, the applied eld
During the eld emission nanowire growth, an needs to be concentrated. The cathode for the
MWCNT is employed for the cathode and a tung- eld emission is an MWCNT which is tens of
sten probe for the anode. Unit 1 and unit 4 were micrometeres in diameter. The tip radius of the
used to assemble the MWCNT emitters and set the tungsten probe is nearly 1 mm as shown in Fig. 10a
tungsten probes as the anode. and needs to be reduced. The FIB technique is
The tungsten probe is etched by an FIB and used to etch the tungsten tip to a 300 nm thick
then coated with parylene. Then the tip of the plane which is shown in Fig. 10b. The probe is
tungsten probe is opened using the FIB. The tung- then turned clockwise through 90 , and the plane
sten was set to manipulator 4 for anode. The etched to form a probe 300  300 nm in cross
carbon nanotubes were picked up by an AFM section (Fig. 10c). A parylene coating unit
cantilever. An AFM cantilever (Olympus, (Dix-coating, DACX-Lab) was employed to coat
OMCL-TR400PB-1) is set on the manipulator as a 300400 nm thickness of the polymer
the end-effector to pick up the MWCNT from the (Fig. 10d). The tip of the probe was etched by an
carbon bulk of MWCNTs which were synthesized FIB to remove the polymer as shown in Fig. 10e.
by the arc-discharge method. The MWCNT is set A dynamic force microscope (DFM) cantilever
up as the emitter (cathode) which has a low eld (KEYENCE OP-75041 DFM/SS) was used for
emission voltage. the substrate CNTs. The cantilever comprises
586 CNT Handling and Integration

CNT Handling
and Integration,
Fig. 9 Concept draws of
nanowire probe pH sensor Cantilever CNTs Cantilever

a FIB etching of the cantilever b CNTs assembl y

Pt nanowire
W probe
(Anode) Cantilever


c Platinum nanowire growth

Pt nanowire
W probe
(Anode) Cathodes
W nanowire


d Tungsten nanowire growth

three layers. The bottom layer and the upper layer specimen chamber was about 5  103 Pa. A con-
are insulators and the middle layer is alumina. We stant eld emission current 1 mm was applied for
cut the edge of the cantilever and then separated 300 s with the gap at 0.62 mm. The gap of CNT
the cantilever with FIB etching. The gap of the 1 and the etched tungsten probe is set using the
electrodes is 700 nm. Figure 11a, b, respectively, nanorobotic manipulator (a). The platinum
shows the cantilever before and after etching. nanowire is 209 nm in length (b). Figure 13c, d
The CNTs were picked up from the carbon bulk shows the tungsten nanowire growth on the tip of
by the AFM cantilever controlled by the CNT 2. The tungsten nanowire grew from the
nanorobotic manipulator. As shown in Fig. 12, the MWCNT emitter by intruding W(CO)6
CNTs were assembled to electrodes of the PZT (ALDRICH, 97 %) precursor. The pressure of the
cantilever individually. The CNT 1 is 1.75 mm in FESEM specimen chamber was again about 5 
length by 20 nm in diameter, and the CNT 2 is 103 Pa. A constant eld emission current of
1.78 mm in length by 31 nm in diameter as shown in 500 nA was applied for 60 s at a gap of 0.70 mm.
Fig. 13a. Figure 13a, b shows the platinum The gap of CNT 2 and etched tungsten probe is set
nanowire growth on the tip of CNT 1. The platinum by the nanorobotic manipulator (c). The platinum
nanowire was grown from the MWCNT emitter by nanowire is 907 nm in length (d).
using the CpPtMe3 (STREM CHEMICALS purity We constructed a pH sensor evaluation system
99 %) precursor. The pressure of the FESEM as shown in Fig. 14. The buffer solutions were
CNT Handling and Integration 587

CNT Handling and Integration, Fig. 10 Fabrication of (d) etched tungsten needle coved with a parylene layer. (e)
anode by FIB etching. (a) a tungsten probe tip (b) FIB FIB etching the tip of the needle in order to cut the parylene
etching to a plate (c) turned 90 and FIB etched to a needle. layer at the tip area

CNT Handling and Integration, Fig. 11 Fabrication of the cantilever for output electrodes by FIB

introduced into the ow system. Next, a constructed using a pA meter and a large resis-
nanoprobe pH sensor was inserted to detect the tance was employed to measure the electro poten-
electropotential together with a reference pH sen- tial. The characteristics were evaluated as the
sor for pH detection. A voltmeter which was electro potential and pH values. Because of liquid
588 CNT Handling and Integration

CNT Handling
and Integration,
Fig. 12 Fabrication of the
cantilever for output
electrodes by FIB

surface tension, the nanoprobe pH sensor has a Two CNTs were picked up from CNT bulks and
risk of bending and being damaged. However, assembled to FIB etched separated electrodes of a
several buffer solutions are required for testing cantilever. The double CNTs device was tested
which increases the risk of damage to the with the buffer solution ow system using solu-
nanoprobe pH sensor. It was necessary to provide tions with pH values of 4, 6.4, and 8. The
a solution to this problem, and for this purpose we electromotive force of the CNTs was a constant
used continuous ow measurements. A container value of 0.018 mV.
with an inlet and outlet was fabricated. Initially, The term pH value was coined
 to describe the
buffer solutions of pH = 4 were owed into the solution pressure pH lg cH=mol dm3 , in
container and then the pH sensor nanoprobe was 1909 by Sren P. L. Srensen pondus Hydrogenii
inserted into the solution. A reference pH sensor or potentia Hydrogenii, of hydrogen ions in aque-
was placed close to the pH sensor nanoprobe in ous solutions. International Union of Pure and
the container to monitor the real-time pH value. Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) denes the quantity
The electromotive force of the tungsten oxide and pH in terms of the molality basis activity aH of
platinum nanowires was measured using a volt- hydrogen ions in solution:
meter. For the second step, a buffer solution of

pH 6:9 was owed into the container, mixing mH gm H
pH lgaH lg (6)
with the previously introduced solution. The pH m0
value changed to 6.1 as measured by the refer-
ence pH sensor. The electromotive force of the Where aH is the activity of hydrogen ion H
nanowires was measured. We continued to ow (hydrogen 1+) in aqueous solution, mH ,
in the buffer solution of pH value 6.9 until the pH gm H is the activity coefcient of H (molality
value of the container changed to 6.9. The basis) at molality mH , and m0 1 mol=kg is
electromotive force of nanowires was measure the standard molality.
in this solution. A buffer solution of pH value of The nanoprobe pH sensor was evaluated using
9 was used to ow into the container, and when acidic and alkaline buffer solutions with pH 4 and
the pH value changed to 8, we again measured the 9 respectively, based on the solution ow system
electromotive force of the nanowires. for a series of ve times. The results reveal that the
In order to prove that the nanoprobe pH sensor nanoprobe pH sensor can detect the pH for buffer
could be used to detect hydrogen ions based on solutions of acid (pH 4. 01, pH 6.1, and pH 6.9)
the tungsten and tungsten oxide nanowire and the and alkali (pH 8) (Fig. 15). Sensor 1 was used to
platinum nanowire and to discover the pH test the buffer solutions at pH 4 and pH 9 to
response of the CNTs, we fabricated double conrm that the sensor has a pH response in acidic
CNT electrodes and tested their pH response. and alkaline media. The open circuit potentials
CNT Handling and Integration 589

CNT Handling and Integration, Fig. 13 (a, b) show for the work and the counter electrode. (e) shows the
typical growth of the platinum nanowire and (c, d) show assembled pH probe sensor
the tungsten nanowire by eld emission which was used

(OCP) were 89.1 0.5 and 110.0 0.2 mV, the sensitivity of the nanowire pH sensor was
respectively. The results of sensor 1 show that the 35.04 mV pH1. The error of the sensor is
pH sensor has different electromotive forces 0.1 mV level. The resolution of open circuit
under acidic and alkaline conditions. Sensor potentials are 0.01 mV and signicant gure
2 was used to test the pH sensitivity of the tung- should be 0.1 mV. The experimental pH accuracy
sten oxide and platinum nanowire pH sensor. The is 0.8 pH.
OCP values in buffer solutions of pH 4.0, 6.1, 6.9, The performance of pH sensors is usually
and 8.0 were 81.9 0.3, 21.3 0.1, 11.5 0.5, characterized by measuring the OCP of the elec-
and 67.9 0.7 mV, respectively. By calculation, trodes in solutions with various pH values.
590 CNT Handling and Integration

CNT Handling
and Integration, Resistance
Measurement 1016 Voltage (mV)
Fig. 14 Block diagram for System pH E/V E= C - m pH
the nano pH sensor Calibration
evaluation pA meter C is constant



Buffer solution Reference pH Waste solution
Nano pH sensor
Input sensor
Solution for detecting

(1) (2) 100

150 81.9 0.3
89 0.5
50 21.3 0.1
E (mV)

E (mV)

11.5 0.5
0 0
0 5 10 0 5 10
pH 110 0.2 pH
-100 -50
67.9 0.7
-100 E=35.042pH 229.4

CNT Handling and Integration, Fig. 15 pH sensors evaluation in the buffer solutions

A single-phase interaction electrode may simi- Where E is the measured potential, E0 is the stan-
larly be envisaged, though no example of a pH dard potential which is zero, R is the gas constant
electrode involving oxygen-decit phases has (8.314 J K1 mol1), T is the absolute temperature
been provided [18, 19]. By omitting hydration, (K), z is the signed ionic charge (mol), and F is the
the surface mechanism can be expressed as Faraday constant (96487.3415 C mol1). At room
follows: temperature T 298 K, during the reaction the
aWO approximate to 1 [20], the slope m should be
WO3 2nH 2ne , WO3n nH 2 O (7)

According to the Nernst equation for the equi- m 2:303 R T=F 0:0591V=pH
librium case, the electrode potential can be stated: 59:1mV=pH (9)

R T aWO3n At the counter electrode, the platinum nanowire

E E0  1n
z F aWO3 a2n H
surface reaction can be described as follow [20]:
R T a WO R T 1
E0  1n 3n
 1n 2H 2 O , O2 4H 4e
z F aWO3 F aH (8) (10)
2:303 R T
E0  pH Here, platinum plays a role as catalyst, so
E mpH
the performance of this pH sensor is
CNT Handling and Integration 591

59.1 mV/pH. The sensitivity of the pH sensor CNT Probe Thermal Sensor Based
nanoprobe which we fabricated was on Nanorobotic Manipulation
35.04 mV/pH. The reason that this sensitivity This part reports a thermal sensor assembled by
had a bias with respect to that from the Nernst two multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
equation is due to the fact that the tungsten inside a eld emission scanning electron micro-
nanowire is not of a constant thickness. And scope (FESEM) which constructed a probe tip in
the method of tungsten growth is eld emission. order to detect the local environment of single C
The growth tungsten plays a role as eld emis- cell. An atomic force microscope (AFM) cantile-
sion tip which is high temperature up to ver was used for substrate which is composed by
1000 K. The high temperature leads to the Si3N4 and double side was covered by gold layer.
decrease of sensitive of tungsten/tungsten triox- Two MWCNTs were assembled to both side of
ide nanowire hydrogen ion sensitive. The tung- AFM cantilever individually by employing a
sten nanowire grown via eld emission has a nanorobotic manipulation. A second AFM canti-
polycrystalline structure and the lattice direction lever was used as an end-effector to manipulate
was random. Various tungsten oxides covered the MWCNTs to touch each other, and used elec-
the surface of the tungsten nanowire. The thick- tron beam induced deposition (EBID) to bonding
ness of the tungsten trioxide is not constant, the two MWCNTs. The MWCNTs probe thermal
which leads to the observed bias in the value of sensor was evaluated inside a thermostated con-
the sensitivity. tainer at 2560  C. The experimental results show
We aim to detect the pH value and pH distri- the positive characteristics of the temperature
bution inside a cell. Common cell has a size of coefcient of resistance (TCR).
550 mm. We design an electrochemistry pH Nanomechanical and nanoelectromechanical
sensor with a potential to inject to the cell and devices have been widely investigated in recent
measure the pH distribution. The issue is how to years. The precise and controllable
make an integrated probe type pH sensor. The nanofabrication methods are important to develop
previous research had designed the pH sensor the novel type of nanodevices. One-dimensional
with a sensitive nanowire work electrode, how- nanostructure such as nanowires and nanotubes
ever the counter electrode is several centimeter in are basic building blocks for NEMS. Since carbon
diameter. It is impossible to insert into a cell and nanotubes (CNT) have been discovered many
measure the pH distribution inside the cell. This applications have been developed such as mass
is the size problem. Here, we integrated the sensor, nanoradio, and nanomotor. Nanowire is a
nanowork electrode and counter electrode into a solid one-dimensional nanostructure which
single device with a gap 1  2mm in between. includes metallic nanowires, semi conductive
The proposed pH sensor has to insert cell and nanowires, and nonmetal nanowires which have
detection the pH. applications as nanoneedles, nanohotwire transis-
The advantages of the pH sensor are as fol- tor, and nanogenerator. One challenge is to assem-
lows. First, the design of this pH sensor is an ble and apply a nanosensor to detect the local
integrated probe type sensor; to the authors environment of single cell. The single cell is the
knowledge this is the rst design of a nanoscale basic element of life and it is the converging point
integrated probe type pH sensor. Second, in the of meter, energy and information. Because of the
fabrication the nanowires were used for work size of the cell, nanodevice is needed for measure-
electrode and counter electrode and fabricated on ment and manipulation. A thermometer is a device
one probe. This sensor has a potential to detect pH that measures temperature or temperature gradient
value inside the cell. Second, the sensitivity of pH using a variety of different principles of mechan-
sensor is near to the theory calculation. And with ical, thermojunctive, thermoresistive, and radia-
the calibration and calculation the resolution of tive (infrared and optical pyrometers). To use as a
this pH sensor is 0.8 pH. sensor, the extremely small size of the CNT can
592 CNT Handling and Integration

CNT Handling
and Integration,
Fig. 16 Concept drawing
of the MWCNTs probe
thermal sensor

provide accurate measurement at nanoscale size A nanowire probe is designed by temperature

and reduces the possibility of disturbing the local coefcient of resistance (TCR) method. The elec-
environment. In addition, the small size sensor trical resistance of a conductor is dependent upon
implies very low power consumption. To use as collisional processes within the wire; the resistance
a temperature sensor, CNT can have the smallest could be expected to increase with temperature
time constant and provides the extremely rapid since there will be more collisions. An intuitive
time response with the measured objects approach to temperature dependence leads one to
temperature. expect a fractional change in resistance which is
C. K. M. Fung. et al. reported a CNT-based proportional to the temperature change:
thermal sensor. With two Au electrodes, the bun-
dled CNTs were assembled in between on the DR
aDT (11)
substrate. C. Y. Kuo fabricated lateral R0
growth of CNTs between two electrodes thermal
sensor. The CNTs grow on the substrate between Here DR is the resistance change. R0 is the initial
electrodes. F. Arai, et al. reported a single CNT resistance at 0 K. a is the temperature coefcient
thermal sensor with a CNT assembled on four of resistance. DT is the temperature change.
electrodes. The former sensors have advantages Based on temperature coefcient of resistance,
of smaller size, lower energy cost, and suitable to we designed a probe type thermal sensor by CNT.
measure the specimens within 2D surface. Due to The basic design is the resistance of CNT change
the restriction of the architecture design, these since temperature change. An AFM cantilever
sensors can only measure the specimens with the was used for substrate which is constructed by
size larger than 1 mm scale. Si3N4 and coated by Au layer both sides. CNTs
We proposed a thermal sensor assembled by were assembled to the surface of AFM cantilever.
two multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) Then use another cantilever to force the CNTs to
inside a eld emission scanning electron micro- touch each other.
scope (FESEM). The advantage of the MWCNTs An AFM cantilever (Olympus, OMCL-
probe sensor is to detect the local environment of TR400PB-1) is used as an end-effector to pick
single cell with high accuracy as shown in Fig. 16. up the MWCNT. An AFM cantilever is
The basic idea is to detect temperatures by the constructed by Si3N4 and coated by Au layer on
thermal coefcient of resistance. The biological two sides. We use AFM cantilever as robot hand
cells are commonly alive and cultured at temper- for MWCNT pick up and assembly. The MWCNT
ature for 3537  C. When the temperature goes up probe is fabricated from its bulks which are syn-
to 43  C most cells will be exterminated. We aim thesized by arc-discharge method.
to evaluate the thermal sensor in the range of First, the AFM cantilever was manipulated to
3060  C. pick up a CNT from CNT bulk, which was
CNT Handling and Integration 593

CNT Handling
and Integration,
Fig. 17 Assembly of
MWCNTs probe thermal
sensor. (a). Pick up CNT by
AFM cantilever. (b) Pick up
another CNT by the other
surface of AFM cantilever.
(c). The MWCNTs were
manipulated to contact each
other and then bonding with
electron beam induced
deposition (EBID)

synthesized by arc-charge method. The top sur- over. And we assembled CNT 2 to the back sur-
face of cantilever was used to pick up CNT 1. The face of the Au surface as shown in Fig. 17b. Third
cantilever was moved to below the CNT and went step, we used another cantilever to manipulate
up in order to use Au surface to touch and bonding CNT 1 in order to touch CNT 2. Then, an EBID
the CNT with van der Waals force. Electron beam was deposited on the CNTs contact point to
induced deposition points were used to reinforce improve the bonding as shown in Fig. 17c. In
the bonding of CNT 1 and Au substrate as shown total four MWCNTs probe thermal sensors were
in Fig. 17a. Second step, we turned the cantilever fabricated. The MWCNTs were synthesized by
594 CNT Handling and Integration

Before annealing After annealing


Current (A)
Current (A) 2.0E-05
5.0E-06 1.0E-05

0.0E+00 0.0E+00
-0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
-5.0E-06 -1.0E-05
Voltage (V) Voltage (V)
-1.0E-05 -2.0E-05
25oC -3.0E-05 25oC
5h 10-4 Pa 5h 10-4 Pa

CNT Handling and Integration, Fig. 18 Annealing of CNT

CNT Handling
and Integration,
Fig. 19 Schematic of
evaluation of thermal sensor


Oven Chamber

arc-charge method. Defects of MWCNTs are 50  C, 55  C and 60  C was set-up. The tested
issues of mechanical and electrical applications. resistance was 3980 O, 3990 O, 4000 O, 4010 O,
Annealing is a method to solve this problem. We and 4030 O with standard error 1.0 O, 1.9 O, 1.3 O
applied sweep voltage 11 V to anneal the CNT. 11.1 O, and 1.0 O.
The Fig. 18 shows the anneal I-V curve. Figure 19 The result of CNT annealing was shown in the
shows the schematic of thermal sensor evaluation. Fig. 20. The I-V curve had been returned to linear.
A probe thermal sensor was placed to the holder The defects of CNTs were repaired. The mecha-
which is colored yellow. The two sides of AFM nism can be described like this, the CNT were
cantilever were connected to positive and nega- cover some of amorphous carbon. When sweep
tive electrodes individually. The probe sensor was current is applied to the CNT the remote joule
set into an oven and tested for I-V curve from heating [21] investigated to the amorphous car-
30  C to 60  C for every ve degrees. bons and rebuilt the defects of bonding at CNTs.
The oven was set to 30  C and maintained at When the charge carriers ow pass the CNT, the
this temperature for 2 h. Then we tested the I-V vibration of lattices of CNT will absorb the charge
response of the MWCNT probe thermal sensor. carrier energy and create a phonon.
The resistance was 3960 O with the standard error The experimental results show that tempera-
of 1.5 O. For next step, the oven temperature was ture coefcient of resistance of CNT was linear in
increased from 5 C to 35  C in 1 h and maintained Fig. 20. The relationship is temper = resistance
2 h. The resistance was 3970 O with the standard 3891.8/2.2. And the standard error was at 10 O
error of 7.4 O. The test points at 40  C, 45  C, level. The metallic MWCNT usually has a
CNT Handling and Integration 595

CNT Handling
and Integration,
Fig. 20 Evaluation result

resistance of several k O. Here the increase in kO

RCNT 33  6mm  1:98kO (14)
temperature was set to 5  C because of the mm
ovens limitations. According to the Eqs. 5 and
6, the temperature coefcient of resistance is cal- 4:4kOmm
Rc1 Rc2 1:76 kO (15)
culated as 0.05 %. 2:5mm
The total resistance thermal sensor
Rtotal RCNT Rc1 Rc2 Rc3 (12)
Rc3  210 O  390O (16)
Where, Rtotal is the total resistance of nanothermal
sensor. Rc1 is contact resistance of CNT 1 and Au The calculation results of CNT resistance meet the
substrate. Rc2 is the contact resistance of CNT reference data and the theoretical calculation. The
2 and Au substrate. Rc3 is the contact resistance MWCNT can be considered as a graphene cylin-
of two CNTs. And the resistance of CNT can be der. The single crystal graphite shows the linear
calculated by the following equation. thermal response when the temperature is higher
than 200 K. The evaluation result of nanothermal
RCNT rNT   2 (13) sensor is linear.
p d2 In summary, this section presented the CNT
integration and applications and fabrication of a
Where, RCNT is the resistance of CNT. rNT is the functional pH sensor with a double metallic
resistivity of the CNT. L is the length of the CNT. nanowire. A cantilever was used for the electrodes
d is the diameter of the CNT. In this experiment, of the device and etched by an FIB. Two CNTs
CNT 1 is approximately 3 mm in length and 37 nm were assembled to the separated electrodes of the
in diameter. The CNT 2 is approximately 3 mm in cantilever. A tungsten probe was etched by an FIB
length and 42 nm in diameter. The rNT is to 300 nm in diameter and 25.4 mm in length.
3:8  105 Ocm [22]. By the calculation the Then the probe was coated by parylene and the
RCNT 1:8 kO. tip cut to expose the tungsten. A tungsten
Chun Lan et al. discussed the metal carbon nanowire with 907 nm length and a platinum
contact resistance and resistance of CNT. The nanowire with 209 nm length grew from the tip
MWCNT resistivity is 0.33 kO/mm and specic of the CNTs via eld emission by introducing
contact rsistance of CNT and Au surface is 4.4 hexacarbonyltungsten and trimethylcyclopenta-
kOmm. dienylplatinum, respectively, inside a eld

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Coarse-Grained and Hybrid Simulations of Nanostructures 597

computer hardware, and therefore their use is

CNT-FET limited by the available computer power. State-
of-art simulations can nowadays reach the size
Nanostructure Field Effect Transistor of few millions of atoms, but if standard high-
Biosensors performance computers are used, the system size
usually does not exceed few hundred thousand
particles. Indeed, during a molecular simulation, C
the number of interatomic interactions that must
Coarse-Grained and Hybrid be computed every iteration is proportional to
Simulations of Nanostructures N2, where N is the total number of system parti-
cles [1]. This heavy use of the CPUs limits not
Richard Gowers and Paola Carbone only the size of molecular models but also the
School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical timescale the system can be simulated for.
Science, The University of Manchester, One way to circumvent this problem is to
Manchester, UK reduce the number of interacting particles
(N) in the systems, simplifying the models and
modifying the original interacting parameters to
Synonyms include in an implicit way the neglecting details.
The simplest example of such coarse graining is
Mesoscopic simulations; Multiscale simulations the development of united-atom (UA) force
elds [2] where the hydrogen atoms and the
aliphatic carbon to which they are covalently
Definition bonded are modeled as a single entity. The
assumption underlying the development of such
In computational chemistry coarse-grained force elds is that the physics of the model is
(CG) models are dened as molecular models not affected by neglecting the explicit interac-
where some details (i.e., degrees of freedom) of tions involving the aliphatic hydrogen atoms.
the original chemical structure have been A similar decision on how many and which
removed. The resulting models are a coarser atomistic details can be neglected in a molecular
description of the chemical systems compared model (procedure known as mapping scheme) is
with the original ones and can then be used to the key decision that must be carefully made
perform either molecular dynamics or Monte every time a new coarse-grained model is devel-
Carlo simulations [1]. The reduction of the oped if some of the system chemical and physi-
models degrees of freedom enables the simula- cal features have to be maintained. It has been
tion of systems whose size is comparable with that indeed shown that mapping schemes which
of the experimental ones and the timescale retain different features of the original molecule
spanned by these simulations can reach perform differently depending on the property
microseconds. analyzed [3].
The model simplication done in the UA force
elds can therefore be carried on at much larger
Overview scale: large group of atoms can be lumped up in
single super-atoms (or beads) and even entire
Computer modeling is a powerful technique to colloidal particles can be modeled as single rigid
gain molecular level details of chemical systems bodies.
under different physical conditions and enables A very broad distinction can be made between
to relate macroscopic observations with changes those CG models aiming at preserving some
in the chemical and physical state of the system. chemical details of the original system and those
However, all modeling techniques rely on which instead preserve only the shape of large
598 Coarse-Grained and Hybrid Simulations of Nanostructures

molecular aggregates. The former can reproduce system. The CG potential is usually modeled
with a certain degree of accuracy the system using a Mie (generalized Lennard-Jones) function
enthalpy, while the latter reproduce the only entro-
ns n s m o
pic effects, and it is typically employed in model- V r C e  (2)
ing colloidal systems [36]. r r

where n and m are the exponents controlling the

Procedures softness of the potential, s is the particle diameter,
e is the potential well depth, and C is chosen in
Since different features of the atomistic model can such a way that the minimum of the potential
be used as target properties, several procedures to corresponds to e.
develop the effective interactions between the The key parameters to control and iteratively
beads have been proposed. Some of the most optimize are e and s. In some procedure the expo-
popular methods used in materials science are nents n and m can also be varied. The target
briey introduced below. properties for the CG model include partition
coefcients [9], density, and interfacial tension
[10]. Another more systematic approach to obtain
Structural Based Model
the sought force eld parameters involves the
The target property to reproduce is the structure of
solution of a molecular-based equation of state
the atomistic model. The CG non-bonded part of
(EoS) which takes advantage of the fact that for
the force eld is therefore rened until it repro-
some molecular uids the SAFT EoS can be
duces structural correlation functions such as the
solved [11].
radial distribution function (RDF) of the atomistic
system. The quality of the agreement is quantied
using a merit function of the form Force Matching
In this type of method [12, 13] the CG interactions
X 2 are again parameterized using the underlying
w2 ytarget  yCG (1) atomistic interactions, but in this case the differ-
ence to be minimized is that between the atomistic
where ytarget and yCG are the correlation functions and CG forces and the minimization is solved
calculated from the atomistic and CG model, using a variational approach
respectively. The sum is over all coordinates and
simulations. The minimization of w is a nonlinear 1 DXN  2 E
w2 F target  F CG (3)
inverse problem for which no analytical expres- 3N I1

sion is available and where linearization is unsuc-

cessful. An iterative procedure is therefore run where the angular brackets denote average over
and the CG force eld parameters are conse- the trajectory, Ftarget is the net force on the atom-
quently adjusted. Two iterative procedures are istic site I, FCG is the force on the same CG site,
usually employed: one uses Monte Carlo simula- and N is the number of sites (beads) in the CG
tions [7] and the other one molecular dynamics model. Within this type of CG model a one-to-one
[8]. In both cases, the new CG model is built upon correspondence between the atomistic and CG
the atomistic one and the existence of a one-to-one resolution is again established, and reintroduction
correspondence between the two models enables of atoms in the mesoscopic model is possible.
an easy interchange between the two model
resolutions [3]. Excess Entropy Model
In this case the function which needs to be mini-
Thermodynamic Models mized is the relative entropy (Srel) which is
The aim of these types of models is to reproduce dened as the difference between the distributions
some thermodynamic properties of the atomistic of congurations generated by the atomistic (Pat)
Coarse-Grained and Hybrid Simulations of Nanostructures 599

and CG (PCG) models. Using the Gaussian random number y, which replicates the
KullbackLeibler divergence formalist, one can thermal and vibrational energy of the system.
dene Srel as Because all of these forces, including the ran-
dom force, are applied between pairs of particles,

Pat momentum is conserved throughout the system.
Srel U Pat dR (4)
PCG U DPD simulations are tuned to replicate hydrody-
namic properties by adjusting the strength of each C
where U is the CG potential and the average is of these three forces. DPD has been used to model
evaluated over the CG congurational space, but problems which are otherwise out of reach using
weighted according to the atomistic probability particle-based methods, including modeling self-
distribution, Pat. Srel provides a variational frame- assembly and phase diagram of complex uids.
work for determining the approximate CG poten-
tial (U) that reproduces target atomistic Mean Field Theory
distributions [14, 15]. A radically different approach to coarse graining is
that which simplies the molecular systems at such
Dissipative Particle Dynamics level that its discrete nature (the fact that is made by
The techniques presented above despite simplify- individual atoms) is replaced by a continuum mean
ing the molecular model still retain a quite high eld. In this context the molecular system is
degree of chemical specicity. If however much modeled using a grid of points on which an effec-
larger systems must be simulated, a mesoscopic tive eld, representing the averaged interaction
approach such as dissipative particle dynamics caused by the presence of all the system particles
(DPD) can be employed. Such method can sample within a cutoff distance, which is identied with the
large conformational space in relatively short time, mesh of the grid, acts. In its basic form, to obtain the
and therefore systems of the order of hundreds of eld (Heff), the free energy of the system is mini-
nanometers can be simulated [16, 17]. In this mized with respect to the distribution of all possible
method, each bead represents a much larger amount congurations of the system, P. Since both P and
of material than the previously discussed methods, Heff are not known, an iterative process is used until
such as an entire molecule or a few molecules of self- consistency is reached [18]:
solvent. Because each DPD particle represents such 
large portion of the chemical system, the standard W
analytical functions used to model the particle- kB T
PX   (6)
particle non-bonded interactions (Eq. 2) cannot be W
used. Therefore, in DPD the forces are expressed as N
kB T
the sum of three contributions
Fij FCij r ij FD W (7)
ij vij Fij y
(5) @P

where FCij represents a conservative repulsive where kB and T are the Boltzmann constant and the
force between particles and it is notably weaker temperature, respectively, W is the intermolecular
than the standard short distance forces (Eq. 2) potential, and the summation is run over all the
allowing particles to pass through each other (the N possible states of the system.
so-called soft potential). Such weak short-range
interaction is a necessary consequence of the
much larger mapping scheme used in this model- Applications in Materials Science
ing technique. FD ij is a dispersive force between
particles which is a function of their relative The procedure briey presented above can be
velocity and represents the effect of uid viscos- used in a variety of contexts in both materials
ity. Finally, FRij is a random force, a function of a science and biology. All have been indeed used
600 Coarse-Grained and Hybrid Simulations of Nanostructures

to model synthetic and biopolymers, complex and dynamic heterogeneity which is due to an increas-
simple liquids, surfactants, and mixtures of them ing number of slow ions, while the amount of fast
[36]. Below, three examples of such applications ions stays almost constant with temperature [24].
in materials science are presented.
Calculating Interphase Thickness of Polymer
Predicting Self-Assembly Properties for Films on Solid Surfaces
Amphiphilic Copolymers When in contact with a solid surface, polymers
Amphiphilic copolymers are polymer chain exhibit complex behavior and understanding and
formed by more than one type of monomer each characterizing this behavior is important in the
with a different polarity. When dissolved in sol- design and development of nanostructures. Such
vents, they self-assemble in a variety of morphol- systems are difcult to model as interactions at
ogies which are function of the relative chemical both small and long length scales need to be
afnity of the solvent and monomers and the included.
chain microstructure (the monomer sequence A common approach to studying these systems
within the chain). Such self-assembled therefore is to propagate information from the
nanometric structure can then be used in a variety smaller length scales into the larger-scale models,
of applications from drug and gene delivery and such an approach has been used for modeling
agents to emulsion stabilizers [19]. The a priori polystyrene in contact with a gold surface
prediction of their phase diagram is very difcult [25]. Using data from atomistic-scale simulations
to achieve, and modeling can help in avoiding the of small amounts of the nanostructure, a coarser
synthesis of many different materials. Using an model was constructed (see Fig. 1). This model
atomistic model for such simulations is however had reduced the number of particles in the poly-
not possible; therefore CG models have become a mer by means of coarse graining and also modeled
popular choice. Mainly using DPD [20] and ther- the gold surface implicitly. This meant that each
modynamics model [21], it has been recently pos- particle in the polymer interacted with the surface
sible to follow at the self-assembly process and through a single function of normal distance
build entire phase diagrams for such systems [20]. instead of being a sum of interactions with many
particles in the surface. This mesoscale model
Predicting the Long-Time Dynamics of Ionic enabled the simulations of much larger volumes
Liquids and led to the identication of an interphase thick-
Ionic liquids (ILs) are high molecular weight ion ness in which the polymer presents structural
pairs formed by organic cations and bulky coun- properties different than those in bulk.
terions. They are liquid at room temperature and
below so that they can be exploited in a consider-
able number of extraction and other chemical Future Directions
processes. Knowing the dynamics of ILs at low
temperature can therefore improve the design of Coarse-graining techniques have become power-
the ideal solvent for a specic extraction process; ful and well-established tools to access large
however such experiments are very difcult to length and timescales. The use of such techniques
carry out since the ILs viscosity increases very however is not without any drawbacks. In certain
rapidly lowering the temperature [22]. CG model- cases the degrees of freedom coarse-grained away
ing can help in gaining such data as the dynamics in the mesoscale models represent crucial details
of the model is sped up compared with the exper- without which the behavior of the models no
imental one by a factor which depends on the CG longer faithfully recreate the phenomena that are
scheme used. Using CG models it has been pos- to be studied. This is, for example, the case in
sible to show that certain type of ILs with long molecular systems where short-range directional
aliphatic chains can self-assemble [23] and that at non-bonded interactions such as hydrogen bonds
low temperatures they present an increased are present [3].
Coarse-Grained and Hybrid Simulations of Nanostructures 601

Coarse-Grained and
Hybrid Simulations of
Fig. 1 An example of the
reduction in detail possible
when using coarse graining.

To circumvent this limitation typical of tradi- from the model coarser parts. If the CG model is
tional coarse-graining techniques, the possibility derived from the atomistic one, as it is in the case
of mixing both coarser and ner levels of detail in of structural based or force matching models, the
a single simulation in so-called hybrid-scale sim- CG mapping scheme is built on the chain atomic
ulations has been recently explored. These two structure and each bead center of mass corre-
levels of detail are present simultaneously in the sponds either to a specic atom or to the center
model allowing specic parts of the system to be of mass of all the atoms lumped up in it. Thus, it is
modeled at a higher level of detail while allowing easy to identify in the atomistic resolved part of
other parts to use a computationally cheaper the model the positions of the virtual beads and
model [26]. use them as pinning position to collect any mixed
Two main approaches can be identied for interactions. The VS can therefore be seen as
such hybrid-scale simulations. Indeed one can coarse-grained representation of a group of
mix either CG and atomistic force elds or atoms, placed at their center of mass, which facil-
particle-based (CG or atomistic) and eld models. itate their interaction with coarse-grained beads.
Both approaches are briey explained below. When a coarse-grained particle interacts with the
atoms of a certain group, it is with the virtual site
Hybrid Atomistic/Coarse-Grained Models representation of that group. To ensure that all
In models where atoms and CG beads are simul- particles can interact with each other, all atoms
taneously present, in order to calculate the inter- must be mapped to such a virtual site.
actions between pairs of atoms or beads, Once all such pairwise interactions have been
preexisting standard force elds can be used evaluated, the net force on each virtual site is trans-
[27]. However, interactions between atoms and ferred onto the constituent atoms. This is done on a
beads, the so-called cross terms, must also be mass-weighted basis, so that heavier atoms get a
evaluated. These cross term interactions could be larger share of the force from the virtual site. This
parameterized using one of the previously process ensures that Newtons third law is obeyed
described coarse-graining methods; however this and, when used in molecular dynamics simulations,
is an undesirable option because it would greatly that linear momentum is conserved:
aggravate the work required to derive the model
and increase the number of parameters within the matom
Fatom Fvs : (8)
model. Instead, a commonly used solution is the mvs
use of virtual sites which are geometrical points
identied in the ner (atomistic) resolved regions where F refers to the net force and m the mass of
of the model which collect the interactions coming the particle. Using this method, non-bonded
602 Coarse-Grained and Hybrid Simulations of Nanostructures

interactions no longer cross between the differ- coarse-grained molecules. As simulations of

ent resolutions and the coarse-grained force such systems progress, the molecules are free to
eld can be used to describe and parameterize move between these two regions of different
these interactions. This means that once an atom- resolution, and a method to allow the transition
istic and coarse-grained force eld is chosen, it is between the two model resolutions is therefore
also possible to start creating hybrid-scale required. To handle such transition, a buffer
models. region (known as healing region) between the
Using virtual sites, models which mix both two levels of detail is used which allows the
atoms and coarse-grained beads can be molecules to gradually change from one level
constructed. In these models selected chemical of detail to another. In this healing region, the
motifs are kept at a ne level of detail, while all models switch from using one force eld to
other sections are coarse-grained. The choice of the other as a function of their position within
where to leave ne levels of detail is left to intu- the healing region
ition, typically dipoles, including hydrogen bond-
ing sites, or areas where steric factors are of great V lV AA 1  lV CG (10)
importance are kept at ne resolution. This
approach allows a detailed description of some where l refers to a switching function between
parts of the model to be combined with a less the two force elds. Great care must be taken to
computationally intensive description of other ensure that there is no discontinuity in the force
parts of the model [27, 28]. The Hamiltonian for acting on the particles, as this would create
the simulation system can be dened as mass transfer between different regions of the
simulation box. Transitioning from the coarse
H K atoms K CG V bonds V nbcgcg region into the ne detail region is particularly
difcult as it involves reintroducing the degrees
V nbaaaa V nbvscg (9) of freedom that have previously been discarded.

where K refers to the contribution from kinetic Hybrid Particle Field Models
energy and V refers to potential energy between As the computational cost of both molecular
particles. dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation methods
scales as O(N2), increasingly larger simulations
Adaptive Resolution Models become too demanding to produce results in a
If what needs to be modeled at high resolution is timely manner. An alternative to this particle-
a particular recurring chemical motif in the based approach is hybrid models where the parti-
molecular system, then the model resolution cles surrounding a specic atoms or CG bead is
can be static, which means that during the con- replaced by a continuum eld and the interparticle
struction of the model, one decides which chem- non-bonded interactions are calculated with
ical moieties are modeled with the different respect to that external eld. This method scales
resolutions and this model choice is kept for the as O(N), making the simulation of extremely large
entire simulation. However, in some cases it is systems possible.
more suited to dene a geometrical region within This approach is becoming popular in model-
the simulation box which is modeled with a dif- ing polymer blends or solutions where the poly-
ferent resolution. In this case, the total number of mer chains self-assemble creating specic
degrees of freedom of the model will change over morphologies. A commonly used eld method
the time depending on how many chemical spe- for simulating such polymer nanostructures is
cies enter or leave that region (or regions) the single-chain mean eld theory (SCMF)
[29]. Usually systems are constructed to have a [30]. In this, single polymer chains or large mol-
region of interest containing molecules modeled ecules are separated and each determines its
at atomic details, surrounded by a region of non-bonded interaction with respect to an external
Coarse-Grained and Hybrid Simulations of Nanostructures 603

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Compliant Mechanisms 605

Definition and LIGA. For example, consider the folded

beam suspension shown in Fig. 1. This device
Compliant mechanisms gain their motion from is often used as a suspension element in MEMS
the deection of elastic members. systems. It offers a simple approach for
constrained linear motion, and also integrates
a return spring function. The device can
Main Text achieve large deections with reasonable C
off-axis stiffness. The compliant mechanism
Compliant mechanisms offer an opportunity to makes it possible to do these functions with a
achieve complex motions within the limitations single layer of material.
of micro- and nano-fabrication. Because compli- No assembly required. Compliant mechanisms that
ant mechanisms gain their motion from the gain all of their motion from the deection of
constrained bending of exible parts, they can exible components are fully compliant mech-
achieve complex motion from simple topologies. anisms, where devices that combine both tra-
Traditional mechanisms use rigid parts connected ditional and compliant elements are called
at articulating joints (such as hinges, axles, or partially compliant mechanisms. Fully com-
bearings), which usually requires assembly of pliant mechanism can usually be fabricated
components and results in friction at the without assembly of different components.
connecting surfaces [13]. Because traditional Small footprint. Some compliant mechanisms can
bearings are not practical and lubrication is prob- also be designed to have a small footprint on
lematic, friction and wear present major the substrate on which they are built. Various
difculties. strategies can be used to decrease the size of a
Nature provides an example of how to effec- mechanism. Figure 2 shows a thermal actuator
tively address problems with motion at small that uses multiple layers to achieve a small
scales. Most moving components in nature are footprint.
exible instead of stiff, and the motion comes Friction-free motion. Because compliant mecha-
from bending the exible parts instead of rigid nisms gain their motion from deection of ex-
parts connected with hinges (for example, con- ible members rather than from traditional
sider hearts, elephant trunks, and bee wings). articulating joints, it is possible to reduce or
The smaller the specimen, the more likely it is to eliminate the friction associated with rubbing
use the deection of exible components to obtain surfaces. This results in reduced wear and elim-
its motion. And so it is with man-made systems as inates the need for lubrication, as described next.
well, the smaller the device, the greater the advan- Wear-free motion. Wear can be particularly prob-
tages for using compliance [1]. lematic at small scales, and the elimination of
friction can result in the elimination of wear at
the connecting surfaces of joints. For devices
Advantages of Compliant Mechanisms that are intended to undergo many cycles of
motion, eliminating friction can dramatically
Some of the advantages of compliant mechanisms increase the life of the system.
at the micro- and nanoscales include the No need for lubrication. Another consequence of
following: eliminating friction is that lubricants are not
needed for the motion. This is particularly
Can be made from one layer of material. Compli- important at small scales where lubrication
ant mechanisms can be fabricated from a single can be problematic.
layer. This makes them compatible with High precision. Flexures have long been used in
many common microelectromechanical sys- high precision instruments because of the
tem (MEMS) fabrication methods, such as sur- repeatability of their motion. Some reasons
face micromachining, bulk micromachining, for compliant mechanisms precision are the
606 Compliant Mechanisms

Compliant Mechanisms, F
Fig. 1 A folded-beam
suspension is an example of Compliant
a widely used compliant Anchor
mechanism in
systems (MEMS)
applications Suspended
proof mass

Flexible cantilever

Sample surface

Compliant Mechanisms, Fig. 3 The cantilever of an

atomic force microscope (AFM) is an example of compli-
ance employed in high-precision instruments

Compliant Mechanisms, Fig. 2 This scanning electron

micrograph shows a thermal actuator that uses multiple
Challenges of Compliant Mechanisms
layers of compliant elements to achieve large amplication
with a small footprint Compliant mechanisms have many advantages,
but they also have some signicant challenges.
A few of these are discussed below [1].
backlash-free motion inherent in compliant Limited rotation. One clear drawback of com-
mechanisms and the wear-free and friction- pliant mechanisms is the general inability to
free motion described above. The cantilever undergo continuous rotation. Also, if a fully com-
associated with an atomic force microscope pliant mechanism is constructed from a single
(Fig. 3) is an example application. layer of material, then special care has to be
Integrated functions. Like similar systems in taken to ensure that moving segments of the com-
nature, compliant mechanisms have the ability pliant mechanism do not collide with other seg-
to integrate multiple functions into few com- ments of the same mechanism.
ponents. For example, compliant mechanisms Dependence on material properties. The per-
often provide both the motion function and a formance of compliant mechanisms is highly
return-spring function. Thermal actuators are dependent on the material properties, which are
another example of integration of functions, as not always well known.
described later. Nonlinear motions. The deections experi-
High reliability. The combination of highly enced by compliant mechanisms often extend
constrained motion of compliant mechanisms, beyond the range of linearized beam equations.
the relative purity of materials used in micro/ This can make their analysis and design more
nanofabrication, and wear-free motion result in complicated.
high reliability of compliant mechanisms at the Fatigue analysis. Because most compliant
micro/nanoscale. mechanisms undergo repeated loading, it is
Compliant Mechanisms 607

important to consider the fatigue life of the device. Mirror

Interestingly, because of the types of materials
used and their purity, many MEMS compliant
mechanisms will either fail on their rst loading
cycle or will have innite fatigue life. Because of
the low inertia of MEMS devices, it is often easy
to quickly test a MEMS device to many millions C
Mirror support post
of cycles. Factors such as stress concentrations, Landing tips
the operating temperature, and other environment
Torsion hinge
conditions can affect the fatigue life.
Difcult design. Integration of functions into
fewer components, nonlinear displacements, Address
dependence on material properties, the need to electrode
avoid self-collisions during motion, and design-
ing for appropriate fatigue life, all combine to
make the design of compliant mechanisms
nontrivial and often difcult. Electrode
Hinge support post
support post

Metal 3 address pads

Example Applications of Compliant

Examples of MEMS compliant mechanisms are Landing

shown here to further illustrate their properties sites
and to demonstrate a few applications.
Digital Micromirrors. One of the most visible Bias/reset
commercially available microelectromechanical
systems is Texas Instruments Digital
Micromirror Device (DMD), which is used in Compliant Mechanisms, Fig. 4 Texas Instruments
applications such as portable projectors. The Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) uses compliant tor-
sion hinges to facilitate mirror motion (Illustration courtesy
DMD is a rectangular array of moving
of Texas Instruments)
micromirrors that is combined with a light source,
optics, and electronics to project high-quality
color images. Figure 4 shows the architecture of compliance to obtain motion while avoiding rub-
a single DMD pixel. A 16-mm-square aluminum bing parts that cause friction and wear. The hinges
mirror is rigidly attached to a platform (the can be deected thousands of times per second
yoke). Flexible torsion hinges are used to con- and innite fatigue life is essential.
nect the yoke to rigid posts. An applied voltage Piezoresistive pressure sensors. A sensor is a
creates an electrostatic force that causes the mirror device that responds to a physical input (such as
to rotate about the torsion hinges. When tilted in motion, radiation, heat, pressure, magnetic eld),
the on position, the mirror directs light from the and transmits a resulting signal that is usually used
light source to the projection optics and the pixel for detection, measurement, or control. Advan-
appears bright. When the mirror is tilted in the off tages of MEMS sensors are their size and their
position, the light is directed away from the pro- ability to be more closely integrated with their
jection optics and the pixel appears dark. The associated electronics. Piezoresistive sensing
micromirrors can be combined in an array on a methods are among the most commonly
chip, and each micromirror is associated with the employed sensing methods in MEMS.
pixel of a projected image. The torsion hinges use Piezoresistance is the change in resistivity caused
608 Compliant Mechanisms

Pressure Stationary fingers

Compliant diaphragm
Anchor to

Etched cavity Flexible

spring legs

Backside port mass

Compliant Mechanisms, Fig. 5 The strain on a compli-

ant diaphragm of a piezoresistive pressure sensors results
in a detectable change in resistance, which is correlated
with the pressure

by mechanical stresses applied to a material. Bulk

micromachined pressure sensors have been com- Compliant Mechanisms, Fig. 6 This accelerometer
makes use of compliant legs that deect under inertial
mercially available since the 1970s. A typical loads. The deection results in a detectable change in
design is illustrated in Fig. 5. A cavity is etched capacitance and is correlated with the corresponding
to create a compliant diaphragm that deects acceleration
under pressure. Piezoresistive elements on the
diaphragm change resistance as the pressure
increases; this change in resistance is measured sides of a center shuttle. The leg ends not
and is correlated with the corresponding pressure. connected to the shuttle are anchored to bond
Capacitive acceleration sensors. Accelerome- pads on the substrate and are fabricated at a slight
ters are another example of commercially success- angle to bias motion in the desired direction. As
ful MEMS sensors. Applications include voltage is applied across the bond pads, electric
automotive airbag safety systems, mobile current ows through the thin legs. The legs have
electronics, hard drive protection, gaming, and a small cross-sectional area and thus have a high
others. Figure 6 illustrates an example of a electrical resistance, which causes the legs to heat
surface micromachined capacitive accelerometer. up as the current passes through them. The shuttle
Acceleration causes a displacement of the inertial moves forward to accommodate the resulting ther-
mass connected to the compliant suspension, and mal expansion. Advantages of this device include
the capacitance change between the comb ngers its ability to obtain high deections and large
is detected. forces, as well as its ability to provide a wide
Thermal actuators. A change in temperature range of output forces by changing the number
causes an object to undergo a change in length, of legs in the design.
where the change is proportional to the materials
coefcient of thermal expansion [4]. This length
change is usually too small to be useful in most Analysis and Design of Compliant
actuation purposes. Therefore, compliant mecha- Mechanisms
nisms can be used to amplify the displacement of
thermal actuators. Figure 7 illustrates an example Multiple approaches are available for the analysis
of using compliant mechanisms to amplify ther- and design of compliant mechanisms. Three of the
mal expansion in microactuators. Figure 8 shows most developed approaches are described below.
a scanning electron micrograph of a thermome- Finite element analysis. Finite element methods
chanical in-plane microactuator (TIM) illustrated are the most powerful and general methods
in Fig. 7. It consists of thin legs connecting both available to analyze compliant mechanisms.
Compliant Mechanisms 609

Compliant Mechanisms, Contact pad

Fig. 7 A schematic of a
thermomechanical in-plane
microactuor (TIM) that uses
compliant expansion legs to
amplify the motion caused
by thermal expansion
+ Exaggerated C
leg deflection

of motion

Expansion legs

Commercial software is currently available that

has the capability of analyzing the large, nonlinear
deections often associated with compliant mech-
anisms. The general nature of the method makes it
applicable for a wide range of geometries, mate-
rials, and applications. Increasingly powerful
computational hardware has made it possible to
analyze even very complex compliant mecha-
nisms. It is also possible to use nite element
methods in the design of compliant mechanisms,
particularly once a preliminary design has been
determined. But in the early phases of design,
other methods (or hybrid methods) are often pre-
ferred so that many design iterations can be
quickly analyzed.
Pseudo-rigid-body model. The pseudo-rigid-
body model is used to model compliant mechanisms
as traditional rigid-body mechanisms, which opens
up the possibility of using the design and analysis
Compliant Mechanisms, Fig. 8 A scanning electron methods developed for rigid-body mechanisms in
micrograph of a thermal actuator illustrated in Fig. 7 the design of compliant mechanisms [1]. With the
610 Compliant Mechanisms


body model


Compliant Mechanisms, Fig. 9 The pseudo-rigid-body springs (this device is a building block of other devices,
model of the compliant parallel-guiding mechanism con- such as the folded-beam suspension)
sists of appropriately located pin joints and torsional

pseudo-rigid-body model approach, exible parts very little prior knowledge about the resulting
are modeled as rigid links connected at appropriately compliant mechanism is needed, and any biases
placed pins, with springs to represent the compliant of the designer are eliminated [6]. Topology opti-
mechanisms resistance to motion. Extensive mization is often integrated with nite element
work has been done to develop pseudo-rigid-body methods to consider many possible ways of dis-
models for a wide range of geometries and loading tributing material with the design domain. This
conditions. Consider a simple example. The has the potential to nd designs that would not
micromechanism shown in Fig. 9 has a rigid shuttle otherwise be discovered by other methods. In-
that is guided by two exible legs. (Note that the nite possible topologies are possible and nite
folded-beam suspension in Fig. 1 has four of these element methods can be employed to evaluate
devices connected in series and parallel.) The the different possibilities. The resolution of the
pseudo-rigid-body model of the mechanism models design domain mesh can be a limiting factor, but
the exible legs as rigid links connected at pin joints once a desirable topology is identied, it can be
with torsional springs. Using appropriately located further rened using other approaches.
joints and appropriately sized springs, this model is
very accurate well into the nonlinear range. For
example, if the exible legs are single-walled carbon Conclusion
nanotubes, comparisons to molecular simulations
have shown the pseudo-rigid-body model to provide Compliant mechanisms provide signicant bene-
accurate results [5]. The advantages of the pseudo- ts for micro- and nano-motion applications.
rigid-body model are realized during the early They can be compatible with many fabrication
phases of design where many design iterations can methods, do not require assembly, have friction-
be quickly evaluated, traditional mechanism design free and wear-free motion, provide high precision
approaches can be employed, and motions can be and high reliability, and they can integrate multi-
easily visualized. ple functions into fewer components. The major
Topology optimization. Suppose that all that is challenges associated with compliant mechanisms
known about a design is the desired performance come from the difculty associated with their
and design domain. Topology optimization shows design, limited rotation, and the need to ensure
promise for designing compliant mechanisms adequate fatigue life. It is likely that compliant
under such conditions. The advantage is that mechanisms will see increasing use in micro- and
Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery 611

nano-mechanical systems as more people under-

stand their advantages and have tools available for Computational Chemistry for Drug
their development. Discovery

Giulia Palermo1,2 and Marco De Vivo1

Cross-References Department of Drug Discovery and
Development - CompuNet, Istituto Italiano di C
AFM Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy
Basic MEMS Actuators 2
Laboratory of Computational Chemistry and
Biomimetics Biochemistry, Institute of Chemical Sciences and
Finite Element Methods for Computational Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de
Nano-optics Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Insect Flight and Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs)
MEMS on Flexible Substrates
Nanogrippers Synonyms
Thermal Actuators Drug design; Molecular modeling

1. Howell, L.L.: Compliant Mechanisms. Wiley, New
York (2001) Computational chemistry uses physics-based
2. Lobontiu, N.: Compliant Mechanisms: Design of Flex- algorithms and computers to simulate chemical
ure Hinges. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2003) events and calculate chemical properties of
3. Smith, S.T.: Flexures: Elements of Elastic Mechanisms.
Taylor & Francis, London (2000) atoms and molecules. In drug design and discov-
4. Howell, L.L., McLain, T.W., Baker, M.S., Lott, C.D.: ery, diverse computational chemistry approaches
Techniques in the design of thermomechanical are used to calculate and predict events, such as
microactuators. In: Leondes, C.T. (ed.) MEMS/NEMS the drug binding to its target and the chemical
Handbook, Techniques and Applications, pp. 187200.
Springer, New York (2006) properties for designing potential new drugs.
5. Howell, L.L., DiBiasio, C.M., Cullinan, M.A., Panas,
R., Culpepper, M.L.: A pseudo-rigid-body model for
large deections of xed-clamped carbon nanotubes. Overview
J. Mech. Robot. 2, 034501 (2010)
6. Frecker, M.I., Ananthasuresh, G.K., Nishiwaki, S.,
Kikuchi, N., Kota, S.: Topological synthesis of compli- Computational methods are nowadays routinely
ant mechanisms using multi-criteria optimization. used to accelerate the long and costly drug discovery
J. Mech. Des. 119, 238245 (1997) process. Typically, once the drug discovery target is
selected, drug discovery activities are divided into
those for (1) the hit identication phase, in which the
aim is the identication of chemical compounds
Compliant Systems with a promising activity toward the target; (2) the
lead generation phase, in which hit compounds are
Compliant Mechanisms improved in potency against the target; and, nally,
(3) the lead optimization phase, in which lead com-
pounds are optimized, generating drug-like mole-
cules ultimately able to exert their benecial
Composite Materials pharmacological effect in patients (Fig. 1). Compu-
tations can help in all these drug discovery activities,
Theory of Optical Metamaterials from drug target identication, commonly a receptor
612 Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery

Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery, and lead optimization. Different computational
Fig. 1 Drug discovery pipeline, typically formed by approaches can be applied to each phase of the drug dis-
three phases, namely, hit identication, hit to lead, covery pipeline

or an enzyme, to the design and optimization of a Several theoretical methods that were once pro-
new drug-like compound. While computational hibitive for effective drug discovery are now
methods for target identication rely mainly on increasingly used for hit identication and lead
computational sciences such as bioinformatics and generation. Recently, for example, CPU-intensive
computational genomics, different computational and GPU-based free energy perturbation (FEP)
approaches are used once the target has been iden- calculations have been applied to accurately esti-
tied and the search for small molecule inhibitors mate the binding free energy of closely related
has commenced, starting from the hit identication chemical analogs, generating very promising
phase, moving toward the lead generation and opti- results for lead generation and optimization
mization phases (Fig. 1). At that point, routinely [2]. Also, classical molecular dynamics (MD) is
applied computational chemistry approaches currently proposed as a practical computational
include methods for structure-based drug design tool for studying the energetics and kinetics of a
(SBDD), when structural data of the target protein ligand binding to a target protein. This is relevant
are available, and ligand-based drug design for lead optimization, representing a new frontier
(LBDD), when structural information of the target in computationally driven drug discovery.
is missing or not fully reliable. Overall, these Recently, in fact, compounds have been evaluated
methods facilitate the identication of promising not only for their ability to bind tightly to the
chemical scaffolds that interfere favorably with the target but also for their capacity to remain bound
targets function, producing a positive pharmacolog- to the target for a long time (i.e., considering kon
ical effect. Experimental biochemical and pharma- and koff of binding), increasing the chances of
cological data on the new compounds, such as their efcacy in vivo. Finally, in the last decade, quan-
in vitro inhibitory potency and in vivo efcacy, can tum mechanics (QM) has become ever more
be used to check the computational predictions accessible for performing SBDD for lead genera-
while also forming the basis upon which better tion and optimization. For example, QM and
models can be constructed, leading to the design of hybrid QM/MM methods are increasingly used
superior compounds [1]. to study the interaction of covalent inhibitors
The impact of computational chemistry on with a drug discovery target.
drug discovery has been intensied in the last It is challenging to tailor a perfect t between a
few decades by the rapid development of new compound and its target in order to generate
faster architectures and better algorithms potent inhibitory effects (i.e., high afnity), which
for time-affordable high-level computations. is the goal during the lead generation phase.
Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery 613

However, there are several other challenges dur- target protein structure, which is usually provided
ing the lead optimization phase. A potent inhibitor by high-resolution X-ray crystallography or NMR
is not a drug. There are other physicochemical data. Through a detailed analysis of the interaction
variables that dictate the pharmacokinetics between the target structure and the (new) ligands,
(PK) of each compound, affecting their drug- SBDD approaches allow informed decisions to be
likeness and, ultimately, their efcacy and safety made in designing more potent (i.e., with high
in vivo. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, afnity for the target) and selective compounds. C
excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) are key param- Therefore, these methods are mostly used for hit
eters that need to be optimized to generate a drug identication and during the hit-to-lead phase
candidate with good chances of success in clinical (Fig. 1). A wide range of computational chemistry
trials. ADMET prediction at early stages of the approaches can be applied to SBDD, including
drug discovery process is key to preventing, or at force eld-based methods such as molecular
least limiting, later failures in costly clinical trials. docking calculations, classical MD- or Monte
In this respect, computational methods for Carlo (MC)-based simulations, and more sophis-
chemometrics and quantitative structureactivity ticated QM-based methods [1, 6]. Ultimately, the
relationship (QSAR) approaches play a prominent new rationally designed compounds must be
role in creating predictive models for selecting experimentally evaluated to verify whether they
and prioritizing compounds, typically during the are potent inhibitors. The experimental test of
lead optimization phase. each compound demonstrates the interdisciplin-
Thus, each computational chemistry method ary nature of effective drug discovery. It is also
can impact and accelerate a given phase of the essential for establishing and evaluating the pre-
drug discovery process, from docking and MD for dictive power of computational approaches in
hit identication and lead generation to QSAR for identifying and generating promising drug
ADMET optimization (see Fig. 1). Detailed meth- candidates.
odological descriptions of each method can be
found in many excellent review articles and
books that focus on the theoretical background Force Field-Based Approaches for SBDD
of computational chemistry [35]. This essay
aims instead to comprehensively outline the appli- Computational approaches based on molecular
cability of the computational chemistry methods mechanics (MM) allow the energy and several
and approaches used nowadays to accelerate drug properties of molecular systems to be computed
design and discovery, with particular emphasis on [3]. The basic functional form of a force eld
SBDD. The point is to show how each computa- describes the potential energy of the system,
tional approach suits better a certain phase of the which is determined as the sum of different con-
drug discovery pipeline, from SBDD for the hit tributions that are parameterized to reproduce
identication and lead generation phases to experimental or ab initio data. The interactions
QSAR methods for lead optimization, where are divided into bonded interactions and
drug-like properties are tuned to generate a prom- nonbonded interactions. The typical force eld
ising drug candidate. The everyday use of once- equation (Chart 1) contains the terms for the
prohibitive computational methods, such as bonded (highlighted in red) and nonbonded
MD- and QM-based methods for SBDD, will (highlighted in blue) interactions. In detail, the
also be highlighted. bonded terms describe the chemical bonds
between two neighboring atoms, bond angles
between three atoms, and dihedral angles
Computational Methods for SBDD between four atoms. Improper dihedralangle
terms can be additionally applied to maintain
Computational approaches to structure-based planar or tetrahedral conformations. The func-
drug design (SBDD) rely on knowledge of the tional form of the bond and angle terms is
614 Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery

KR(R Req)2 + Vn
Chemistry for Drug V= Kq (q q eq)2 + 2
[1 + cos(nf g )]
Discovery, bonds angles dihedrals
Chart 1 Typical force eld Aij B qq
bonded interactions
equation + ij6 + i j
non-bonded interactions i<j R12
ij Rij eR ij

Lennard-Jones term Coulomb term

(van der Waals interactions) (electrostatic interactions)
Aij Bij qiqj
VudW = + Vel =
ij Rij6 eRij
i<j i<j

quadratic, while the dihedral term uses a trigono- Virtual Screening and Molecular Docking for
metric function. In the typical force eld equa- Drug Discovery
tion, R is the distance between two atoms i and Virtual screening (VS) and molecular docking are
j that are bound together via a covalent bond, y is broadly applied approaches in computational
the bond angle, Req and yeq refer to equilibrium SBDD [1]. The ultimate goal of these methods is
bond lengths and angles, and KR and Ky are the to identify compounds that dock well inside a
vibrational constants. Vn is the torsional barrier targeted pocket (Fig. 2). These computational
corresponding to the nth barrier of a given tor- approaches are thus mostly used to identify prom-
sional angle with phase g. The last term of the ising hits and generate new leads. A compound
typical force eld equation refers to the able to t into a target pocket would likely inter-
nonbonded interactions, which are composed of fere with the target function, representing a prom-
a Lennard-Jones term for the van der Waals inter- ising chemical scaffold for the design of a new
actions and a Coulomb term for the electrostatic drug. GLIDE, GOLD, AUTODOCK, DOCK, and
interactions between atoms i and j. ICM-Dock are some of the more popular docking
Force elds like AMBER, OPLS, GROMOS, software. They are all used to increase the chances
and CHARMM are extensively used to study of identifying novel bioactive molecules from
standard biomolecular systems such as protein, among the many small molecules that can be
DNA, and RNA. Corrections and extensions are (virtually) screened. Starting from large com-
recurrently developed and reported for treatment pound collections, which can contain millions of
of carbohydrates, lipids, ions, and other mole- different small molecules, VS protocols lter
cules of relevant biological interest, including those collections and reduce them into smaller
drugs. Particularly relevant for drug design are sets of active compounds with promising
the generalized AMBER force eld (GAFF) and predicted activity against the target (Fig. 3). Usu-
CHARMM general force eld (CgFF), which ally, a library of hundreds of thousands or millions
provide suitable parameters for computations of of virtual compounds is screened against a
drug-like organic molecules. The main advan- selected target. Then, a more sophisticated
tage of using force eld-based approaches is docking protocol, for example, a protocol that
their relatively low computational cost com- includes some receptor exibility, can be used to
pared to QM-based methods. For this reason, rescore the best few thousand scored compounds.
force eld-based methods are by far the most It is usually advisable to visually inspect the
applied in computational drug discovery. These highly scored compounds, looking at each pose.
include molecular docking and virtual screening This step reduces the risk of false-positive results,
of millions of novel compounds to identify often induced by highly scored compounds that
new inhibitors, as well as de novo design and bind by adopting unlikely conformations or bind
classical molecular dynamics simulations (see far from the pocket region of interest. After visual
below). inspection, a few compounds are selected for
Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery 615

Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery, Parkinsons diseases and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Fig. 2 (a) Scheme of the ligand binding of a small mole- CDK5 is depicted with ribbons. The protein active site is
cule to the target proteins. (b) Binding of the tight-tting represented in molecular surface, while a series of small
ligand #1 [(R)-roscovitine] to the cyclin-dependent kinase- ligand analogs with different chemical features ligands
5 (CDK5) [23]. Other ligands (#2 to #4) are also shown. #14 are shown in space-lling representation. Different
CDK5 is an attractive pharmacological target for drug colors highlight the different characteristics of the four
discovery. CDK5 deregulation is implicated in many neu- ligands
rodegenerative processes such as Alzheimers and

in vitro testing. VS is thus typically used for hit nal pose. To identify the possible binding poses,
identication during drug discovery, where the a conformational sampling of the ligand in the
goal is to identify new chemical scaffolds with target active site is performed for each docking
promising, i.e., weak, inhibitory activity against run. Each ligand pose is generated by exhaustive
the target. Hits are then used as a starting point to conformational searches performed by systematic
develop leads, i.e., more potent inhibitors (Fig. 1). or deterministic searches of rotatable bonds or by
Usually, hit compounds are experimentally iden- mapping the target/ligand geometric complemen-
tied as inhibitors characterized by IC50 (i.e., the tarities. More sophisticated search methods
concentration of inhibitor required to block 50 % employ stochastic searches such as MC sampling
of the target activity) around 10100 or higher procedures or evolutionary algorithms. Then,
microM activity, while lead compounds have IC50 each nal pose is scored, according to the chosen
in the low nanoM range. scoring function, and in VS, compounds are
To predict and evaluate ligandtarget interac- ranked according to their relative nal energy
tions, molecular docking must correctly pose the score. Thus, a good docking pose is characterized
ligand into the catalytic site and associate an by a favorable score, which should reect and
energy score with each pose. There are two main match experimental data, if available. The scoring
steps during each docking calculation: the posing step is thus as crucial as the posing step, where the
of the ligand into the pocket and the scoring of the ligand is accommodated into the binding site.
616 Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery

Chemistry for Drug
Discovery, Fig. 3 A
typical virtual screening
protocol starts with a large
compound collection,
which is virtually screened
against a given target. Then,
the most promising ligands
are tested in vitro, leading to
the identication of hit
compounds (characterized
by a concentration for 50 %
target inhibition (IC50) of
10010 mM). Ultimately,
hit compounds will be
transformed into lead
molecules, which are more
potent inhibitors that will be
also tested in vivo for
efcacy and safety

Although posing and scoring are often considered function has its own peculiarities and drawbacks.
as independent problems, they are actually Care is therefore required in their selection and
interconnected. This becomes clear when we con- initial benchmarking, before embarking in a VS
sider that the primary criterion for the conforma- campaign. At times, multiple scoring functions
tional selection of the bound ligand is its energy are used to generate a consensus score, as the
score, which is used to rank and select ligand average or linear combination of single scoring
poses among all the possible binding modes. function.
Nowadays, there are several functions for scoring The challenges in achieving a correct score in
ligands, from force eld-based scoring functions VS and docking calculations include a proper
to knowledge-based potentials. Each scoring treatment of electrostatics, as well as an exact
Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery 617


O fragment O O H O H
H-bond H O O O
H binding

Starting seed Fragment #1 Fragment #2 Fragment #3

Addition and evaluation of fragments

Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery, drug-like compound. Selected interaction centers are
Fig. 4 The de novo design of ligands is performed by shown in green (hydrophobic residues), blue (H-bond
building each compound within the active site. On the acceptors), and magenta (H-bond donors). A starting frag-
basis of an X-ray structure of the target protein, compounds ment core (seed) is then grown into a bigger compound that
are built within the binding cavity, using a number of can favorably interact with the target
fragments that can be joined together to create a new

evaluation of the desolvation energy of the ligand building them directly inside the binding site of
and binding pockets, and the explicit inclusion of the target macromolecule, piece by piece. As with
entropic effects upon ligand binding. Recently, docking and VS, the nal goal is to explore chem-
there has been intense investigation of the role of ical diversity and identify hit compounds that can
buried waters in the proteins pockets, which t well into the cavity of interest and likely inter-
could act as a bridge for better ligand binding. fere with the target function. De novo design pro-
A further challenge is that these methods consider grams include BOMB, BUILDER, GenStar,
a quasi-static complementarity between the ligand CONCERT, and several others, each with slightly
and its target. The restriction of target exibility different features and specications [8]. The
allows a limited induced t upon binding but can design process builds the new ligand directly
potentially cause the miss of an important fraction within the binding pocket from an initial seed
of good hits/inhibitors during VS. To overcome that can be as small as a hydrogen atom (Fig. 4).
this, recent docking algorithms and protocols Then, ligand-growing and ligand-linking
allow multiple conformations of a few active-site approaches are mainly used to transform one, or
residues that can be affected upon ligand binding, more, small fragments into a single drug-like
while other approaches try to solve the same issue compound with good predicted afnity for the
via MD simulations or MC search [7]. Although target. With the ligand-growing method, func-
rigid docking calculations are still preferred for tional groups are added to chemical handles of
VS of large compound libraries, exible docking the core fragment, which is placed into the active
protocols are increasingly used nowadays, show- site. Functional groups are usually available from
ing better predictivity than more static an exhaustive list containing all sorts of aromatic
approaches. and nonaromatic rings, aliphatic chains of varying
length, etc. The user can therefore cherry pick the
Computational De Novo Design of Drug-Like most interesting functional groups from the list
Molecules and add those to the chemical handles of the
Computational de novo drug design means core, generating new compounds. In contrast,
designing novel compounds from scratch, ligand-linking methods use functional groups to
618 Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery

connect two or more fragments found or placed in such as proteins and nucleic acids. Also, in clas-
the pocket, forming a single drug-like compound. sical MD simulations of biological systems,
In both procedures, the ligand construction is car- there can be an explicit description of the water
ried out by adding typical drug fragments that, environment, with realistic molecular systems
once linked to the starting chemical core, are that can easily be constituted by a few hundred
evaluated by considering several favorable con- thousand atoms or more. In this respect, widely
formers, usually followed by a geometry optimi- applied force elds for water molecules in
zation of the newly formed compound within the biomolecular systems are the TIPnP models
target structure. Then, the obtained target/ligand (Fig. 5).
complexes are scored in the same way and with In drug design, classical MD simulations are
the same limitations as scoring functions for VS mainly used to accurately calculate the binding
and molecular docking. free energy of the ligand to its target, explicitly
The main advantage of de novo approaches, taking into account the exibility of the system,
compared to docking and VS, is the possibility of temperature, and entropic effects. MD is, how-
exploring a virtually innite search space and ever, much more computationally expensive
expanding chemical diversity. Drug-like mole- than VS and docking. Therefore, MD is mostly
cules have been estimated to be in the order of recommended for, and so far applied to, lead
106010100. In this extremely large chemical optimization, where a promising compound is
space, the de novo design method allows the improved through small chemical modications.
user to focus on chemical structures of interest, MD simulations can suggest favorable chemical
expanding on what is found in commercial librar- modications through a detailed, although com-
ies and converging on promising scaffolds that putationally demanding, understanding of the
can be optimized ad hoc. The main risk is combi- ligandtarget interactions. MD simulations of
natorial explosion, due to the many combinations realistic models of pharmaceutically relevant tar-
of functional groups and new compounds that gets include the fatty acid amide hydrolase
could be constructed. In addition, the chemical (FAAH) embedded into an explicit membrane
space is limited by the synthesizability of the environment [9, 10], the muscarinic acetylcho-
newly designed compounds, which might easily line receptors (mAChRs) and other GPCRs
become too complex to be made in the lab. To model systems bound to drugs, voltage-gated
overcome this, synthesizability constraints are ion channels, and protein kinases, among others
often included in protocols for de novo computa- [11]. These types of studies elucidate the dynam-
tional design. Close collaboration between com- ical behavior of the ligand/target complex,
putational and synthetic chemists is also highlighting key interactions that are likely
recommended. Ultimately, de novo molecular responsible for drug binding and, ultimately,
design methods help the hit identication phase drug efcacy. In addition, the ability to simulate
by widening the chemical horizon for novel chem- drug binding and unbinding events permits
ical scaffolds [2]. researchers to evaluate the residence time of the
ligand into the binding pocket, which directly
Molecular Dynamics for SBDD relates to the kon and koff of binding. The correct
Classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations balance of these parameters is quite important in
compute the time evolution of a system by assuring a stable binding, which is at the basis of
applying Newtonian mechanics [3]. The method drug efcacy. Finally, the use of short MD runs
relies on force elds, which have been appropri- as a post-processing and rescoring tool for
ately parameterized to describe biomolecular docking results has been shown to improve the
systems, such as the AMBER, OPLS-AA, and original docking score [7]. In this case, the
GROMOS force elds (see section above). docking binding pose relaxes, after introducing
These classical force elds provide a good full exibility into the system through MD, gen-
description of the energetics of macromolecules erating an optimized ligand/target complex that
Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery 619

Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery, can provide information on the time evolution of certain
Fig. 5 (a) Typical MD model system, which shows a selected system properties e.g., the root mean square
protein in explicit solvent. In this example, CDK5 is in deviation (RMSD) expressed in of the overall protein
complex with (R)-roscovitine, embedded in explicit water and its active site, compared to the initial X-ray structure
molecules [23]. (b) Scheme of MD simulation steps, which

leads to more accurate energy scores. Indeed, investigation. These methods include umbrella
MD has lately been proposed, and preliminarily sampling, steered MD, accelerated MD, thermo-
used, as a tool for screening medium-sized com- dynamic integration, metadynamics, and others.
pound libraries (a few hundred or so com- They are often used in computational biophysics
pounds), with a protocol for dynamic docking to study a ligands binding/unbinding mecha-
that is expected to replace static VS in the near nism and other rare events [3]. A conventional
future [11]. method for the characterization of chemical
Many biochemical events, such as diffusion events in computational biophysics is thermody-
events in the cell, can happen at long timescales namics integration used to sample rare events by
spanning from micro- or milliseconds to seconds dening a path between the initial and nal state.
or even much longer. Those events are usually Then, thermodynamic parameters characterizing
termed rare events. Often, these rare events the system are changed gradually so that, at each
require the overcoming of energetics barriers, stage, the system is in constrained equilib-
which (in the case of ligand binding) are related rium. More simply, in the case of ligand bind-
to large protein conformational changes or ing, a suitable reaction coordinate can be chosen
ligand diffusion. That is, the biological phenom- to discriminate between the bound and unbound
enon of ligand binding often consists of simulat- states. Then, forces acting on this coordinate are
ing a rare event. These simulations, and the monitored. The integration of the averaged
accurate calculation of the associated free forces along the binding path provides a good
energy, require enhanced sampling methods, estimate of the free energy of the binding pro-
which can efciently explore the free energy cess. This method has been widely applied to
landscape of the rare biochemical event under numerous issues in biochemistry and biophysics,
620 Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery

Chemistry for Drug
Fig. 6 Schematic
representation of a
thermodynamic cycle for
the evaluation of the relative
free binding energies of
ligand #1 and ligand #2 to
CDK5 [23]

including enzymatic chemical reactions [1215], can be simulated and examined, providing useful
because it offers a rigorous evaluation of the free information on the dynamics and energetics of
energy of the investigated process. With thermody- binding [16].
namic integration, one is essentially limited to com- The free energy perturbation (FEP) method is a
pute the free energy landscape of one or two nal example of free energy calculation methods
collective variables. In a more complex case, a that have successfully impacted SBDD. FEP cal-
more advanced method, e.g., metadynamics, is culations have demonstrated predictive power in
needed. Metadynamics allows the free energy land- calculating relative free binding energies of close
scape to be mapped by adding an external potential analogs of active chemical scaffolds [2]. In this
to the simulation, overcoming energetics barriers, case, perturbations of each compound, which
and returning a thorough description of the involve force eld parameters, convert the initial
explored free energy space. To restrict the virtually ligand #1 into ligand #2, through a thermody-
immense searchable conguration space, which is namic cycle (Fig. 6). The binding free
dictated by the degrees of freedom of the model energy difference between the ligands #1 and #2
systems, one must specify a restricted number of is calculated as DDGbind DG#1  DG#2
collective variables (i.e., the coordinates of interest) DGF  DGC , where DGF and DGC are the ener-
that properly describe the chemical event under gies associated with the unbound ligands in solu-
study. In this way, for example, the path of the tion and with the target/ligand complexes,
ligand, from the solvent to the target active site, respectively. This allows the energetics of binding
Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery 621

for the ligand #1 and #2 to be calculated, taking of molecules. QM methods can be mainly clas-
into full account the cost of the ligands hydration. sied as ab initio and density functional theory
FEP theory has been broadly used for computa- (DFT) methods. Ab initio QM methods aim to
tional drug design purposes in combination with a solve the Schrdinger equation, dealing with the
Monte Carlo (MC) conformational search [17]. In wave function of the system. A variety of ab
this approach, a stochastic algorithm is used to initio schemes have been proposed, from the
randomly change the ligand within the targets simplest HartreeFock (HF) theory to the more C
active site. These random changes can also sophisticated MllerPlesset (MP) perturbation
involve translational or rotational degrees of free- theory that includes correlation effects and
dom of the ligand and of the residue side chains of applies a perturbation to the HF solution. In
the target. Whether a step is accepted or rejected is DFT, the central idea, proposed by the theorem
decided based on the Metropolis criterion, which of Hohenberg and Kohn in 1964, is that the
generally accepts steps that lower the overall ground-state energy of a system of interacting
energy and occasionally accepts steps that electrons is a unique functional of its electron
increase energy. This prevents the system from density. Nowadays, calculations at the DFT level
getting stuck in local energy minima, allowing of theory are the method of choice for studying
hopping over the energy barriers. As a drawback, the electronic structure of realistic biochemical
an MC search lacks information about the time- model systems, due to a rather balanced equilib-
scale of the binding process. rium between accuracy and computational
All these methods and approaches can provide affordability. DFT-based approaches in drug
detailed mechanistic insights for discriminating design are used to look at system properties
between a few selected compounds that have suc- that strongly depend on electronic structure,
cessfully passed previous screening tests. Impor- such as electrostatic potential maps used to char-
tantly, the continual development of more acterize the binding site of the target or QM
powerful processors and algorithms is allowing calculations to dene the most probable proton-
systems of increasing size and complexity to be ation state of key residues located in the binding
studied. Protein folding, drug binding, membrane site. QM-derived scoring functions for better
transport, and large conformational changes of afnity evaluations in docking calculations is
proteins can nowadays be observed by performing another eld of application of QM for drug
long-timescale simulations, up to tens of micro- design. QM is also crucial for developing MM
seconds, and more. For example, access to longer force elds to describe nonstandard residues,
timescales has encouraged the study of binding such as drug-like molecules [18].
kinetics. Calculations of the association and dis- The most common SBDD use of QM is the
sociation constants for the target/ligand study of the catalytic and inhibitory mechanisms
complex i.e., Kon and Koff, respectively of pharmaceutically relevant enzymes. An
provide important information on the (ir)revers- atomic-level understanding of the inhibitory
ibility of the drug binding process, helping in the mechanism and its energetics can provide impor-
lead optimization phase. Overall, state-of-the-art tant information for improving existing drugs and
MD simulations are nowadays a powerful designing new and more potent inhibitors. Indeed,
SBDD tool. QM-based investigation of enzymatic reaction
mechanisms are linked to drug discovery through
the design of inhibitors that resemble the structure
Quantum Mechanics for SBDD and physicochemical properties of the enzymatic
transition state (TS). This is because QM methods
Quantum mechanics (QM) methods are the most allow the study of bond-forming/breaking reac-
advanced and computationally demanding meth- tions, which characterize enzymatic catalysis and
odologies, which are used to characterize the covalent inhibition. During new bond-forming
structure, dynamics, reactivity, and energetics events, polarization and charge transfer effects
622 Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery

part of the system in which the reaction takes

place (the protein active site and the ligand) to
be treated at the QM level, while the rest of the
system is described with a classical MM force
eld. Since its rst appearance in 1976, the
QM/MM approach has become increasingly pop-
ular in studying enzymatic reaction mechanisms
[20]. It has been of paramount importance in
modern computational chemistry for allowing
the multiscale modeling of complex chemical sys-
tems. The scientic impact of the QM/MM
approach was acknowledged with the 2013
Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
For studying biological systems, the QM/MM
scheme has been successfully coupled to ab initio
MD methods, such as CarParrinello and
BornOppenheimer MD. In this way, model sys-
tems of a few hundred atoms (i.e., the protein
active site and the ligand) are simulated at their
actual temperature, thus including entropic
Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery, effects, during picosecond timescale trajectories.
Fig. 7 QM/MM approach. A small part of the enzyme is Of several different schemes for rst-principles-
treated at the QM level, while the remaining part of the
system, i.e., water and protein, is treated at the MM level of based dynamics, the CarParrinello method has
theory been widely used to study numerous pharmaceu-
tically relevant targets, including phosphatases,
hydrolases, and lactamases [6, 10]. Ab initio MD
between the ligand and the active-site residues can permits an atomic-level understanding of cata-
be captured fully only via an explicit description lytic and inhibitory mechanisms in biological
of the electronic structure. Thus, QM-based meth- systems, providing results that can be directly
odologies allow the catalytic and inhibitory mech- compared with experiments. The practical
anisms to be deciphered in great detail. This impact of these high-level computations seems
information can ultimately facilitate and guide more applicable to the lead optimization phase,
the design of better inhibitors, such as potent TS while a much broader applicability of QM-based
analogs [18]. methods is foreseen in SBDD over the next
Nevertheless, the applicability of most QM decade [18, 20].
methods is limited to studying relatively small
molecular systems in the gas phase, while biolog-
ical systems in a realistic solution environment Ligand-Based Drug Design Approaches
usually comprise thousands of atoms (20,000
to 100,000 atoms c.a.). This picture becomes Ligand-based drug design (LBDD) approaches
even more complicated when dealing with mem- are applied when the three-dimensional structure
brane proteins, where the lipid bilayer can exert a of the target is unknown or when it is not fully
role for drug binding. In this case, the model reliable (i.e., homology models of the target are
system can consist of 250,000 atoms or more, based on poor sequence identity) [1]. In this case,
making the use of QM prohibitive [15, 19]. To the experimental activity data of active com-
overcome this, QM methods are usually paired pounds are generally used to construct
with classical MM approaches in the hybrid pharmacophore models. These models include
QM/MM scheme (Fig. 7). This allows the crucial an ensemble of steric and electronic features
Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery 623

Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery, (hydrophobic residues), blue (H-bond acceptors), and
Fig. 8 An example of a pharmacophore model of (R)- magenta (H-bond donors). The regions of the ligand that
roscovitine, which tightly binds CDK5 [23]. Crucial match those types of interaction are indicated with the
interacting residues of CDK5 are shown in green same color

(usually indicated as descriptors) that are likely of active molecules can be used to extract mathe-
to be those mainly responsible for activity matical models for early prediction of activity or,
(Fig. 8). Typical descriptors are physicochemical more often, metabolic properties that could gen-
features such as molecular weight, geometry, erate toxicity problems. Conventional 3D QSAR
surface accessible area, aromaticity index, elec- models consider the ensemble of conformations,
tronegativity, polarizability, and solvation prop- orientations, tautomers, stereoisomers, and pro-
erties. In general, a proper set of descriptors tonation states of the initial ligand set. More exotic
should cover a broad chemical diversity space. multidimensional 4D or 5D QSAR models have
In this way, the more relevant descriptors for also been developed, which take into account all
building predictive pharmacophores are likely energy contributions of ligand binding, including
to be recognized. These are then used to help solvation energy and conformational entropy.
identify new active compounds, for example, in Usually, linear regression and principal compo-
a virtual library of drug-like molecules. The same nent analysis can be combined for a partial least
principles are valid for molecular similarity square analysis that directly relates the reduced set
methods, where similitudes in geometrical of descriptors to the biological activity. However,
or physicochemical properties among active a nonlinear relation is often present between the
compounds are used to identify new active com- biological activity and the descriptors used.
pounds from among the many that can Therefore, nonlinear regression models using
be virtually screened. A similarity coefcient, machine-learning algorithms have recently been
such as the Tanimoto or Euclidean coefcients, introduced in QSAR. Of these, articial neural
is then used to identify whether a set of new networks algorithms are used to discover the rela-
compounds is likely to interact with a given tionship between descriptors and biological activ-
target [5]. ity via an iterative process [21].
Geometrical and electronic descriptors are Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excre-
used to build a quantitative structureactivity rela- tion, and toxicity (ADMET) are the key parame-
tionship (QSAR), which results in a mathematical ters that can be optimized with QSAR approaches
model able to predict the biological activity of to get a drug candidate with a proper drug-like
new compounds [5]. For example, activity data pharmacokinetic (PK) prole. ADMET and PK
624 Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery

properties are critical to the success of any drug Conclusions and Perspective
discovery program. A poor drug-like PK prole
can result in the rapid metabolism and elimination This essay describes some key aspects of the most
of the compound from the body. A drug-like com- effective computational chemistry methods for
pound should be characterized by certain physi- accelerating drug discovery, showing how differ-
cochemical properties, which are loosely ent challenges can be tackled with these methods.
recapitulated in Lipinskis rule of ve. This says Each computational method is suited to a particu-
that an optimal orally bioavailable drug should lar drug discovery phase (see Fig. 1). Indeed, over
have a molecular weight less than 500, less than the last two decades, it has become increasingly
5 H-bond donor sites, and less than 10 H-bond evident that computational methods can acceler-
acceptor sites, while the log of the octanol/water ate the identication, design, and optimization of
partition coefcient (logP), a measure of hydro- small molecules as promising drug candidates.
phobicity, should be below 5. Despite its practical SBDD approaches suit better the hit identication
utility for quickly evaluating drug-likeness, it is and lead generation phase, where new active small
nowadays clear that this rule can only estimate the molecules are designed, identied, and transformed
compounds probable success by highlighting into potent inhibitors. QSAR methods are usually
potentially problematic aspects of its physico- better for lead optimization, where drug-like prop-
chemical and structural prole [22]. In fact, erties are tuned to increase efcacy and lower attri-
many approved drugs, such as large macrolide tion in drug development. In addition to
antibiotics (MW  1000), differ in one or more conventional methods (such as virtual screening
descriptors from Lipinskis rule. Other important and QSAR), methods that were once prohibitive
features can heavily affect the PK prole. For for effective drug design, such as molecular
ideal absorption and distribution, an aqueous sol- dynamics simulations and quantum-mechanics-
ubility above 106 M is advised (logS > 6). based methods, are nowadays frequently used in
Transport properties, such as membrane perme- all phases of the drug discovery pipeline, broaden-
ability and brain/blood partitioning (log BB), for ing drug discoverys computational arsenal. In fact,
allowing bloodbrain barrier penetration must the advent of faster algorithms and better computer
also be taken into account in certain drug discov- hardware will allow more extensive use of molec-
ery projects. Additionally, interactions with ular dynamics and rst-principles-based simula-
inux/efux transporter proteins or metabolic tions. We therefore envisage that computational
enzymes can greatly affect the nal therapeutic chemistry methods will have an even greater
effect and should be considered in the early phases impact on drug discovery in the future years.
of a drug discovery program. That is, for a given
molecular structure, properties such as solubility,
membrane permeability, partition coefcients,
bloodbrain barrier penetration, plasma protein
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626 Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering

same phenomenon in a conduit whose smallest Side View

dimension is less than 100 nm. L
Microchannels and nanochannels have large
surface-to-volume ratio, so that surface proper- Flow
y,v h
ties become enormously important. In fully
developed channel ow, the pressure drop x,u
Dp  h13 , where h is the small dimension, and so L>>h
the pressure drop is prohibitively large for a z,w
End View
nanoscale channel. Thus a solvent uid such as
water, proteins and other biomolecules, and other W
colloidal particles are most often transported
electrokinetically. This means that the art of
designing micro- and nanodevices requires a sig- z,w
nicant amount of knowledge of uid ow and W >>h
mass transfer (biouids are usually
Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Phys-
multicomponent mixtures) and often heat trans- ical and Natural Sciences and Engineering,
fer, electrostatics, electrokinetics, electrochemis- Fig. 1 Geometry of a typical channel. In applications
try, and molecular biology. Details of the h  W, L, where W is the width of the channel and L is
character of these elds of study can be found the length in the primary ow direction. u, v, and w are the
uid velocities in the x, y, and z directions
in the book by the author [1].
The study of micro-/nanouidics requires
knowledge of all of the abovementioned elds
and so has a unifying effect. Moreover, system of (L, h, W) with the primary direction of
nanouidics opens the door to the discovery of uid motion being in the x direction. Then the
the structure and conformation of biomaterials surface-to-volume ratio is given
such as proteins and polysaccharides through
molecular simulation.  
In dealing with devices with small-scale fea- S 1 1 1
2 6m1 (1)
tures, microscale and below, there are three activ- V L h W
ities that normally comprise the design process;
these are the following:
for a channel having all three dimensions L = h =
W = 1m. On the other hand, for a channel having
Modeling: computational and theoretical
dimensions (10 mm, 102 mm, 10 mm),
Experimental methods
Modeling is often done prior to the fabrication  2  108 m1 (2)
process as a guide as to what can be done.
Experimental methods are usually used to assess
the performance of a device, among other purposes. This means that surface properties become very
important at the microscale and nanoscale and
surfaces are routinely engineered to achieve a
Surface-to-Volume Ratio desired objective. In most devices the nanoscale
features interface directly with microscale fea-
Consider a channel of rectangular cross section tures. A typical channel geometry is depicted in
having dimensions in the (x, y, z) coordinate Fig. 1.
Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering 627

Fluid Mechanics The Electric Field

Micro- and nanouidics generally involve An electric eld is set up around any charged body
the ow of electrically conducting uids, electro- and is dened as the force per charge on a surface.
lyte solutions, that are assumed to be incompress- Electrical charges are either positive or negative,
ible, having a constant density. Generally, the and like charges repel and opposite charges
ows are internal, bounded on each side by attract. For two bodies of charge q and q0 , the C
walls, and are assumed to be fully developed. electric eld is dened by
In this case, referring to Fig. 1, the governing
equation for the velocity u in a channel is given by
F q N
E (6)
q0 4pe r 2 C
@ u @p
m  Bx (3)
@y2 @x
and is directed outward from the body of
charge q and toward the body having a charge
where p is the pressure and Bx is a body force. The q0 if q > 0, and the electric eld is in the opposite
no-slip condition is applied at each wall: u = 0 at direction if q < 0. In general, the electric eld is a
y = 0, h. vector. This formula is called Coulombs Law, and
e is called the electrical permittivity. The electri-
cal permittivity is a transport property like the
Mass Transfer viscosity and thermal conductivity of a uid.
The electric eld due to a at wall having a
The molar ux of species A for a dilute electrically surface charge density s in Coulomb on one side is
conducting mixture is directed normal to the surface and has magnitude

! ! !
N A DAB CA mA zA cA E cA V (4) s
E (7)
Here DAB is the diffusion coefcient, R is the
universal gas constant, T is the temperature, A wire is characterized as having a line charge
zAmA is called the ionic mobility with density, and if charges are distributed over a vol-
ume, a volume charge density is dened and
mA FD RT , zA is the valence,
F 96500 Coul
mole is
! called re in Coulomb
m3 .
Faradays constant, and E is the electric eld.
The electrical potential is dened as the work
Equation 4 is called the Nernst-Planck equation,
done in moving a unit of charge, and
and the electric eld term in the ux equation is
called electrical migration. The boundary con-
dition of interest here is that the solid walls in b
! !
Fig. 1 are impermeable to species A, or N Ay 0 f E d s (8)
at y = 0, h. !

In the absence of a velocity eld V and in one

dimension, Eq. 4 can be integrated to give The units of the electric potential are
C 1 Volt 1 V: This formula is similar to the
cA cA0 ezAf (5) formula for mechanical work given by
b !
and this is termed the Boltzmann distribution for !
W F ds (9)
the concentration of species A. a
628 Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering

In differential form the electrical potential is given Stern

by plane

E f (10) +
For a single charge Gausss Law is given by +

+ +
+ +
! !

e E dA q (11) +

S + +

For a volume that contains a continuous distribu- +

++ +
tion of charge, re, summing over all the charges ++ + +
using the denition of the integral, Gausss Law

+ Y
becomes +
+ +
+ +
+ +
! !
e E dA re dV (12) + +

S V +

+ + Diffuse
Using Eq. 12 and the differential form of the + layer

+ +

denition of the electrical potential, it follows that ++
surface of
r shear
f e
Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Phys-
ical and Natural Sciences and Engineering,
This is a Poisson equation for the potential given Fig. 2 The electric double layer (EDL) consists of a
the volume charge density. The combination of layer of counterions pinned to the wall, the Stern layer,
Eqs. 4 and 13 is called the Poisson-Nernst-Planck and a diffuse layer of mobile ions outside that layer. The
system of equations. wall is shown as being negatively charged and the z poten-
tial is dened as the electrical potential at the Stern plane

allows uid to ow in channels that make up the
Electrochemistry may be broadly dened as the porous part of the membrane. Those channels are
study of the electrical properties of chemical and often like those channels depicted in Fig. 1.
biological material [2]. In particular much of elec- Because the surface-to-volume ratio is so large
trochemistry pertinent to micro- and nanouidics in a nanoscale channel, the properties of the sur-
involves the study of the behavior of ionic solu- face are extremely important. Fluid can be moved
tions and the electrical double layer (EDL). Elec- by an electric eld if the surfaces of a channel are
trochemistry of electrodes is important to charged. If the surface is negatively charged, a
understand the operation of a battery. surplus of positive ions will arrange themselves
An ionic or electrolyte solution is a mixture of near the wall. This is shown in Fig. 2. It is because
ions, or charged species immersed in a solvent, of this excess charge that allows uid to be
often water. It is the charged nature of ionic solu- transported by an externally applied electric eld.
tions that allows the uid to move under the action The nominal length scale associated with the
of an electric eld, provided by electrodes placed EDL is the Debye length dened by
upstream and downstream of a channel in a p
nanopore membrane. The term membrane is e RT
l (14)
used to mean a thin sheet of porous material that FI 1=2
Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering 629

a b

g g


y y

Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Phys- mean value which occurs for low surface charge densities.
ical and Natural Sciences and Engineering, Fig. 3 (a) (b) Gouy-Chapman model [3, 4] of the EDL allows many
Debye-Huckel [5] picture of the electric double layer. Here more counterions than coions to collect near the charged
g denotes the cation mole fraction and f denotes the anion surface and is valid at higher surface charge densities.
mole fraction. The Debye-H uckel model assumes the cat- From [1]
ion and anion wall mole fractions are symmetric about a

where F is Faradays constant, e is the electrical dimensions. Many of the applications of

permittivity of the medium, I is the ionic strength, nanouidics such as rapid molecular analysis,
I z2 c , ci is the concentrations of the elec-
i i i
drug delivery, and biochemical sensing have a
trolyte constituents at some reference location, biological entity as an integral part of their oper-
R is the universal gas constant, zi is the valence ation. Moreover, using nanouidic tools, DNA
of species i, and T is the temperature. sequencing is now possible. The book by Alberts
The ion distribution within the EDL can be [6] is a useful tool for learning molecular biology.
described by using the number density, concen- Nucleic acids are polymers consisting
tration, or mole fraction. Engineers usually prefer of nucleotides. Those based on a sugar called ribose
the dimensionless mole fraction, whereas chem- are called ribonucleic acids (RNA), and those based
ists usually use concentration or number density. on deoxyribose are called deoxyribonucleic acids
There are two views of the ion distribution (DNA). RNA is single stranded, while DNA is
within the electrical double layer that are gener- usually double stranded although single-stranded
ally thought to be valid and have been veried by DNA (ss-DNA) does exist. Nucleotides contain
numerical solutions of the governing equations ve-carbon sugars attached to one or more phos-
(see the section on electrokinetic phenomena phate groups (a phosphorus central atom
below). The Gouy-Chapman [3, 4] model of the surrounded by four oxygens) and a base which
electric double layer allows counterions to collect can be either adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine
near the surface in much greater numbers than (G), or thymine (T). Two nucleotides connected
coions. This model as numerical solutions suggest by a hydrogen bond are called a base pair (bp).
[1] occurs at higher surface charge densities. The Protein synthesis begins at a gene on a particular
Debye-H uckel picture assumes that coions and strand of a DNA molecule in a cell [6].
counterions collect near the surface in roughly There are seven basic types of proteins classi-
equal amounts, above and below a mean value. ed according to their function, although different
These pictures are depicted in Fig. 3. authors use different terms to describe each class;
see, for example, Alberts [6], panel 5-1. Enzymes
are catalysts in biological reactions within the cell.
Molecular Biology For example, the immune system responds to
foreign bacteria and viruses by producing anti-
The nanoscale is the scale of biology since many bodies that destroy or bind to the antigen, the
proteins and other biomolecules have nanoscale foreign agent. The antigen is the catalyst, or
630 Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering

Computational Micro-/
Nanofluidics: Unifier of
Physical and Natural
Sciences and
Fig. 4 Ribbon view of the
protein albumin depicting
its folding pattern, the
secondary structure of a
protein. From the
European Bioinformatics
Institute, public domain

reaction enhancer, for inducing the immune may take the shape of a wedge, looking like a
response: the production of the antibodies. Pro- piece of pie. With the explosive growth of com-
teins are responsible for many of the essential puter capability, conformations of biomolecules
functions of the body, including moving material are actually being computed using molecular sim-
into and out of cells, regulating metabolism, man- ulation tools like molecular dynamics and Monte
aging temperature and pH, and muscle operation, Carlo schemes.
among other functions. Ion channels are natural conical nanopores
Proteins are large and complex molecules, whose walls are made of proteins that play a crucial
polymers made up of a total of 20 amino acids role in the transport of biouids to and from cells.
and held together by peptide bonds. The 20 amino The basic units of all living organisms are cells. In
acids have side chains that can be basic, acidic, order to keep the cells functioning properly, there
polar, or nonpolar. Because they are so large, they needs to be a continuous ux of ions in and out of
cannot be described easily in a single chemical the cell and the cell components. The cell and many
formula or picture. Thus molecular biologists of its components are surrounded by a plasma
depict proteins and other macromolecules in dis- membrane which provides selective transfer of
tinct levels of structure. The primary structure is ions. The membrane is made up of a double layer
the amino acid sequence, the order in which the of lipid molecules (lipid bilayer) in which proteins
20 amino acids appear. The secondary structure are embedded. Ion channels are of two categories:
depicts the folding properties of a protein as carrier and pore. The carrier protein channel is
depicted in Fig. 4. Proteins are further described based on the binding of the transport ion to a larger
by more complex folding of the secondary struc- macromolecule, which brings it through the chan-
ture (tertiary structure) and a quaternary structure nel. A pore ion channel is a narrow, water-lled
if the protein has more than one backbone. tunnel, permeable to the few ions and molecules
Proteins are usually negatively charged, and small enough to t through the tunnel
thus nanopore membranes for rapid molecular (approximately 10 A in diameter).
analysis can be used to separate different types
of proteins and other biomolecules based on dif-
ferent values of size and charge. Biomolecules are Electrokinetic Phenomena
what is termed soft material in that they are porous
and deform under stress. Indeed, recent measure- As the scale of the channels in a nanopore mem-
ments of the conformation of albumin show that it brane becomes smaller, pressure, the normal
Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering 631

means for driving uids through pipes and chan- really total derivatives, lh and b cI where
nels at macroscale (Fig. 1), becomes very difcult c is the total concentration including the solvent
[1] since the pressure drop required scales as h3 and I is the ionic strength. Here Xi is the mole
where h is the (nanoscale) channel height. Since in fraction, but if the electrolyte concentrations
X are
many applications the uids used are electrically scaled on the ionic strength, I zc ,
i i i
conducting, electric elds can be used to effec- b = 1. It is seen from Eq. 15 that the combina-
tively pump uid. Moreover electrically charged tion of the electrodes that create an electric eld C
particles can move relative to the bulk uid and the excess charge in the electrical double
motion, and thus species of particles can be layers produces the electrical force that balances
separated. the viscous force causing the electrolyte to
These electrokinetic phenomena are generally move, and this is depicted in Fig. 5.
grouped into four classes [1]: The uid velocity satises the no-slip condi-
tion at the wall, and the electric potential sat-
1. Electroosmosis (electroosmotic ow): the bulk ises f(0) = f(1) = 0. Then both the equations
motion of a uid caused by an electric eld and the boundary conditions are identical and
2. Electrophoresis: the motion of a charged parti- on a dimensionless basis u(y) = f(y). In reality,
cle in an otherwise motionless uid or the the potential does not vanish at the wall, but if a
motion of a charged particle relative to a bulk Dirichlet boundary condition holds and the
motion potential satises f = z at y = 0,1 and thus
3. Streaming potential or streaming current: the u = f  z, where z is the dimensionless
potential induced by a pressure gradient at zero z-potential at the wall. Results for the potential
current ow of an electrolyte mixture and velocity and the concentrations scaled on
4. Sedimentation potential: the electric eld the ionic strength are presented in Fig. 6
induced when charged particles move relative [1]. Note that for <<1, the uid velocity
to a liquid under a gravitational or centrifugal is constant away from the walls of the channel,
or other force eld unlike the Poiseuille ow of pressure-driven
By far the two most important of these phe-
nomena are electroosmosis and electrophoresis,
and for the purposes of the theme of this entry,
electroosmosis is discussed exclusively. Dimensional Analysis
The dimensionless form of the streamwise
momentum equation in the fully developed ow The equivalence of the dimensionless velocity
region in the absence of a pressure gradient is and the dimensionless potential is important
because the measurements of the velocity are
@2u X equivalent to the measurements of the electric
2 b zi X i (15) potential. Moreover, it is noted that a Debye
@y 2
length of l = 1 nm in a h = 100 nm channel
gives the same value of = 0.01 as a
and the Poisson equation for the potential in l = 100 nm Debye length in a h = 10 mm channel
dimensionless form is so that microscale measurements can be validated
by nanoscale computations and, conversely, nano-
@2f X scale computations can be validated by
2 b zi X i (16)
@y2 i miscoscale experiments. Note that this similarity
analysis does not apply for unsteady ow since
where the partial derivatives in this there is no time derivative in the potential
one-dimensional fully developed analysis are equation.
632 Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering

Computational Micro-/ Anode Cathode

Nanofluidics: Unifier of
Physical and Natural
Sciences and
Electric Double Layer
Engineering, Fig. 5 The
combination of electrodes
in the regions upstream and
downstream of a charged
channel or membrane, + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ +
+ + + +
usually uid reservoirs, + + + + + + +
causes electroosmotic ow
+ +

+ + +
+ +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + ++ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ +

Electric Double Layer

a 1.6 b
4.5 =0.01
1.4 =0.05
Rescaled Mole Fractions Xi/Xi0

4 =0.1
1.2 =0.5
Potential and Velocity

1 3

0.8 2.5

0.6 2

0.4 =0.01
=0.05 1
0.2 =0.1
=0.5 0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
y y

Computational Micro-/Nanofluidics: Unifier of Phys- potential on both walls is z 40mV . In (b) the mole
ical and Natural Sciences and Engineering, Fig. 6 (a) fractions are rescaled based on the upstream reservoir mole
Potential, velocity, and rescaled mole fractions for a 1:1 fractions as XX0i . The cations are plotted in black lines and the
electrolyte for various values of . Here the dimensional
anions are plotted in gray lines. From [1]

Closure important. Indeed, the pressure drop across a

rectangular channel in a nanopore membrane,
Physics of uids at the nanoscale is dominated Dp  h13 , is prohibitively large for the efcient
by the large surface-to-volume ratio inherent operation of a nanouidic device if h = O(nm).
at this length scale, and thus the surfaces of a Thus uid, charged biomaterials such as pro-
channel or membrane become extremely teins, and colloidal particles are most often
Computational Study of Nanomaterials 633

transported electrokinetically at the nanoscale.

The art of designing micro- and nanouidic Computational Study of
devices therefore requires a signicant amount Nanomaterials: From Large-Scale
of knowledge of uid ow, mass transfer Atomistic Simulations to Mesoscopic
and sometimes heat transfer, electrostatics, Modeling
electrokinetics, electrochemistry, and molecular
biology. Leonid V. Zhigilei1, Alexey N. Volkov2 and C
The common thread is micro-/nanouidics, Avinash M. Dongare3
which plays the role of unifying and integrating Department of Materials Science and
these elds. In particular, nanouidics opens the Engineering, University of Virginia,
door to reveal the structure and behavior of ows Charlottesville, VA, USA
around nanoparticles and the conformation of pro- Department of Mechanical Engineering,
teins and other biomolecules using molecular University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
simulations. Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, and Institute of Materials Science,
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA
Applications of Nanouidics
Electrokinetic Fluid Flow in Nanostructures
Carbon nanotube materials; Computer modeling
Nanochannels for Nanouidics: Fabrication
and simulation of materials; Dislocation dynam-
ics; Mesoscopic modeling; Molecular dynamics
Rapid Electrokinetic Patterning and Its
method; Multiscale modeling; Nanocrystalline
materials; Nanobrous materials and composites

1. Conlisk, A.T.: Essentials of Micro- and Nanouidics
with Application to the Biological and Chemical Sci-
ences. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
Nanomaterials (or nanostructured materials,
(2013) nanocomposites) are materials with characteristic
2. Bockris, J.O.M., Reddy, A.K.N.: Modern Electrochem- size of structural elements on the order or less than
istry. Ionics, vol. 1, 2nd edn. Plenum Press, New York several hundreds of nanometers at least in one
3. Gouy, G.: About the electric charge on the surface of an
dimension. Examples of nanomaterials include
electrolyte. J. Phys. A 9, 457468 (1910) nanocrystalline materials, nanober, nanotube,
4. Chapman, D.L.: A contribution to the theory of and nanoparticle-reinforced nanocomposites, as
electrocapillarity. Phil. Mag. 25, 475481 (1913) well as multilayered systems with submicron
5. Debye, P., Huckel, E.: The interionic attraction theory
of deviations from ideal behavior in solution. Z. Phys.
thickness of the layers.
24, 185 (1923) Atomistic modeling is based on atoms as ele-
6. Alberts, B., Bray, D., Hopkin, K., Johnson, A., Lewis, mentary units in the models, thus providing the
J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., Walter, P.: Essential Cell atomic-level resolution in the computational stud-
Biology. Garland Publishing, New York (1998)
ies of material structure and properties. The main
classical atomistic methods in materials research
are (1) molecular dynamics technique that yields
atomic movies of the dynamic material behav-
Computational Studies ior through the integration of the equations of
motion of atoms and molecules, (2) Metropolis
Surface Modeling of Ceramic Biomaterials Monte Carlo method that enables evaluation of
634 Computational Study of Nanomaterials

the equilibrium properties through the ensemble Computer modeling is playing a prominent
averaging over a sequence of random atomic con- role in the development of the theoretical under-
gurations generated according to the desired standing of the connections between the atomic-
statistical-mechanics distribution, and (3) kinetic level structure and the effective (macroscopic)
Monte Carlo method that provides a computation- properties of nanomaterials. Atomistic modeling
ally efcient way to study systems where the has been at the forefront of computational inves-
structural evolution is dened by a nite number tigation of nanomaterials and has revealed a
of thermally activated elementary processes. wealth of information on structure and properties
Mesoscopic modeling is a relatively new area of individual structural elements (various
of computational materials science that considers nanolayers, nanoparticles, nanobers, nanowires,
material behavior at time and length scales inter- and nanotubes) as well as the characteristics of the
mediate between the atomistic and continuum interfacial regions and modication of the mate-
levels. Mesoscopic models are system/phenome- rial properties at the nanoscale. Due to the limita-
non specic and adopt coarse-grained representa- tions on the time and length scales, inherent to
tions of the material structure, with elementary atomistic models, it is often difcult to perform
units in the models designed to provide a compu- simulations for systems that include a number of
tationally efcient representation of individual structural elements that is sufciently large to
crystal defects or other elements of micro/nano- provide a reliable description of the macroscopic
structure. Examples of the mesoscopic models are properties of the nanostructured materials. An
coarse-grained models for molecular systems, dis- emerging key component of the computer model-
crete dislocation dynamics model for crystal plas- ing of nanomaterials is, therefore, the develop-
ticity, mesoscopic models for nanobrous ment of novel mesoscopic simulation techniques
materials, cellular automata, and kinetic Monte capable of describing the collective behavior of
Carlo Potts models for simulation of microstruc- large groups of the elements of the nanostructures
tural evolution in polycrystalline materials. and providing the missing link between the atom-
istic and continuum (macroscopic) descriptions.
The capabilities and limitations of the atomistic
Computer Modeling of Nanomaterials and mesoscopic computational models used in
investigations of the behavior and properties of
Rapid advances in synthesis of nanostructured nanomaterials are briey discussed and illustrated
materials combined with reports of their enhanced by examples of recent applications below.
or unique properties have created, over the last
decades, a new active area of materials research.
Due to the nanoscopic size of the structural ele- Atomistic Modeling
ments in nanomaterials, the interfacial regions,
which represent an insignicant volume fraction In atomistic models [1, 2], the individual atoms
in traditional materials with coarse microstruc- are considered as elementary units, thus providing
tures, start to play the dominant role in dening the atomic-level resolution in the description of
the physical and mechanical properties of nano- the material behavior and properties. In classical
structured materials. This implies that the behav- atomistic models, the electrons are not present
ior of nanomaterials cannot be understood and 
explicitly but are introduced through the
! ! !
predicted by simply applying scaling arguments interatomic potential, U r1 , r2 , . . . , rN , that
from the structureproperty relationships devel- describes the dependence of the potential energy
oped for conventional polycrystalline, of a system of N atoms on the positions ri of the
multiphase, and composite materials. New atoms. It is assumed that the electrons adjust to
models and constitutive relations, therefore, are changes in atomic positions much faster than the
needed for an adequate description of the behavior atomic nuclei move (Born-Oppenheimer approx-
and properties of nanomaterials. imation) and the potential energy of a system of
Computational Study of Nanomaterials 635

interacting atoms is uniquely dened by the and/or compositional changes in a nanostruc-

atomic positions. ture are dened by a relatively small number of
The interatomic potentials are commonly thermally activated elementary processes, e.g.,
described by analytic functions designed and when surface diffusion is responsible for the
parameterized by tting to available experimental evolution of shapes of small crystallites [4] or
data (e.g., equilibrium geometry of stable phases, growth of two-dimensional fractal-dendritic
density, cohesive energy, elastic moduli, vibra- islands [5]. C
tional frequencies, characteristics of the phase 3. Molecular dynamics method provides the
transitions, etc.). The interatomic potentials can complete information on the time evolution of
also be evaluated through direct quantum a system of interacting atoms through the
mechanicsbased electronic structure calculations numerical integration of the equations of
in so-called rst-principle (ab initio) simulation motion for all atoms in the system. This
techniques. The ab initio simulations, however, method is widely used in computational inves-
are computationally expensive and are largely tigations of nanomaterials and is discussed in
limited to relatively small systems consisting of more detail below.
tens to thousands of atoms. The availability of
reliable and easy-to-compute interatomic poten-
tial functions is one of the main conditions for the Molecular Dynamics Technique
expansion of the area of applicability of atomistic Molecular dynamics (MD) is a computer simula-
techniques to realistic quantitative analysis of the tion technique that allows one to follow the evo-
behavior and properties of nanostructured lution of a system of N particles (atoms in the
materials. case of atomistic modeling) in time by solving
The three atomistic computational techniques classical equations of motion for all particles in
commonly used in materials research are the system,

1. Metropolis Monte Carlo method the equilib- d 2 ri !
mi Fi , i 1, 2, . . . , N (1)
rium properties of a system are obtained via dt2
ensemble averaging over a sequence of ran- !
dom atomic congurations, sampled with where mi and !ri are the mass and position of a
probability distribution characteristic for a particle i and Fi is the force acting on this particle
given statistical mechanics ensemble. This is due to the interaction with other particles in
accomplished by setting up a random walk the system. The force acting on the ith particle
through the congurational space with spe- at a given time is dened by the gradient
of the interparticle interaction potential
cially designed choice of probabilities of 
! ! !
going from one state to another. In the area of U r1 , r2 , . . . , rN that, in general, is a function
nanomaterials, the application of the method is of the positions of all the particles:
largely limited to investigations of the equilib-
rium shapes of individual elements of nano- ! ! 
! ! !
structure (e.g., nanoparticles) and surface F i  i U r1 , r2 , . . . , rN (2)
structure/composition (e.g., surface recon-
struction and compositional segregation [3]). Once the initial conditions (initial positions and
2. Kinetic Monte Carlo method the evolution of velocities of all particles in the system) and the
a nanostructure can be obtained by performing interaction potential are dened, the equations of
atomic rearrangements governed by predened motion, Eq. 1, can be solved numerically. The
transition rates between the states, with time result of the solution is the trajectories (positions
increments formulated so that they relate to the and velocities) of all the particles as a function of
! !
microscopic kinetics of the system. Kinetic time, ri t, vi t, which is the only direct output
Monte Carlo is effective when the structural of a MD simulation. From the trajectories of all
636 Computational Study of Nanomaterials

10 m continuum

1 m
2 3

m mo
es d
100 nm

os els
10 nm atomistic MD

1 nm
ab initio

fs ps ns s

Computational Study of Nanomaterials: From corresponds to the use of quantum mechanicsbased elec-
Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations to Mesoscopic tronic structure calculations to design interatomic poten-
Modeling, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the time- tials for classical MD simulations or to verify/correct the
and length-scale domains of st-principle (ab initio) elec- predictions of the classical atomistic simulations; the green
tronic structure calculations, classical atomistic MD, and arrow #2 corresponds to the direct use of the predictions of
continuum modeling of materials. The domain of contin- large-scale atomistic simulations of nanostructured mate-
uum modeling can be different for different materials and rials for the design of continuum-level constitutive rela-
corresponds to the time and length scales at which the tions describing the material behavior and properties; and
effect of the micro/nanostructure can be averaged over to the two blue arrows #3 show a two-step path from atom-
yield the effective material properties. The arrows show istic to continuum material description through an inter-
the connections between the computational methods used mediate mesoscopic modeling
in multiscale modeling of materials: The red arrow #1

particles in the system, however, one can easily The predictive power of the MD method, how-
calculate (sometimes by sampling the ensemble ever, comes at a price of a high computational cost
of initial conditions) the spatial and time evolu- of the simulations, leading to severe limitations on
tion of structural and thermodynamic parameters time and length scales accessible for MD simula-
of the system. For example, a detailed atomic- tions, as shown schematically in Fig. 1. Although
level analysis of the development of the the record length-scale MD simulations have been
defect structures or phase transformations can demonstrated for systems containing more than
be performed and related to changes in tempera- 1012 atoms (corresponds to cubic samples on the
ture and pressure in the system (see examples order of 10 mm in size) with the use of hundreds of
below). thousands of processors on one of the worlds
The main strength of the MD method is that largest supercomputers [6], most of the systems
only details of the interatomic interactions need to studied in large-scale MD simulations do not
be specied and no assumptions are made about exceed hundreds of nanometers even in simulations
the character of the processes under study. This is performed with computationally efcient parallel
an important advantage that makes MD to be algorithms (shown by a green area extending the
capable of discovering new physical phenomena scales accessible for MD simulations in Fig. 1).
or processes in the course of computer experi- Similarly, although the record long time scales of
ments. Moreover, unlike in real experiments, the up to hundreds of microseconds have been reported
analysis of fast nonequilibrium processes in MD for simulations of protein folding performed
simulations can be performed with unlimited through distributed computing [7], the duration of
atomic-level resolution, providing complete infor- most of the simulations in the area of materials
mation on the phenomena of interest. research does not exceed tens of nanoseconds.
Computational Study of Nanomaterials 637

Molecular Dynamics Simulations of nanocrystalline materials addressing the mechan-

Nanomaterials ical [8, 9] and thermal transport [10] properties as
Both the advantages and limitations of the MD well as the kinetics and mechanisms of phase
method, briey discussed above, have important transformations [11, 12] have been reported,
implications for simulations of nanomaterials. with several examples illustrated in Fig. 2. In the
The transition to the nanoscale size of the struc- rst example, Fig. 2a, atomic-level analysis of the
tural features can drastically change the material dislocation activity and grain-boundary processes C
response to the external thermal, mechanical, or occurring during mechanical deformation of an
electromagnetic stimuli, making it necessary to aluminum nanocrystalline system consisting of
develop new structure-property relationships columnar grains is performed and the important
based on new mechanisms operating at the nano- role of mechanical twinning in the deformation
scale. The MD method is in a unique position to behavior of the nanocrystalline material revealed
provide a complete microscopic description of the [8]. In the second example, Fig. 2b, the processes
atomic dynamics under various conditions with- of void nucleation, growth, and coalescence in the
out making any a priori assumptions on the mech- ductile failure of nanocrystalline copper subjected
anisms and processes dening the material to an impact loading are investigated, providing
behavior and properties. important pieces of information necessary for the
On the other hand, the limitations on the time and development of a predictive analytical model of
length scales accessible to MD simulations make it the dynamic failure of nanocrystalline materials
difcult to directly predict the macroscopic material [9]. The third example, Fig. 2c, illustrates the
properties that are essentially the result of a homog- effect of nanocrystalline structure on the mecha-
enization of the processes occurring at the scale of nisms and kinetics of short-pulse laser melting of
the elements of the nanostructure. Most of the MD thin gold lms. It is shown that the initiation of
simulations have been aimed at investigation of the melting at grain boundaries can steer the melting
behavior of individual structural elements process along the path where the melting con-
(nanobers, nanoparticles, interfacial regions in tinues below the equilibrium melting temperature
multiphase systems, grain boundaries, etc.). The and the crystalline regions shrink and disappear
results of these simulations, while important for the under conditions of substantial undercooling [12].
mechanistic understanding of the elementary pro- The brute-force approach to the atomistic
cesses at the nanoscale, are often insufcient for modeling of nanocrystalline materials (increase
making a direct connection to the macroscopic in the number of atoms in the system) has its limits
behavior and properties of nanomaterials. in addressing the complex collective processes
With the fast growth of the available comput- that involve many grains and may occur at a
ing resources, however, there have been an micrometer length scale and above. Further pro-
increasing number of reports on MD simulations gress in this area may come through the develop-
of systems that include multiple elements of ment of concurrent multiscale approaches based
nanostructures. A notable class of nanomaterials on the use of different resolutions in the descrip-
actively investigated in MD simulations is nano- tion of the intragranular and grain boundary
crystalline materials a new generation of regions in a well-integrated computational
advanced polycrystalline materials with model. An example of a multiscale approach is
sub-micron size of the grains. With a number of provided in Ref. [13], where scale-dependent con-
atoms on the order of several hundred thousands stitutive equations are designed for a generalized
and more, it is possible to simulate a system nite element method (FEM) so that the atomistic
consisting of tens of nanograins and to investigate MD equations of motion are reproduced in the
the effective properties of the material (i.e., to regions where the FEM mesh is rened down to
make a direct link between the atomistic and con- atomic level. This and other multiscale
tinuum descriptions, as shown schematically by approaches can help to focus computational
the green arrow #2 in Fig. 1). MD simulations of efforts on the important regions of the system
638 Computational Study of Nanomaterials

7.9 ps 98.6 ps 173.5 ps

0 ps 40 ps

0 ps 20 ps 50 ps 150 ps

Computational Study of Nanomaterials: From sample (atoms that have local fcc, hcp, and disordered
Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations to Mesoscopic structure are shown by yellow, red, and green/blue colors,
Modeling, Fig. 2 Snapshots from atomistic MD simula- respectively) [9]; and (c) laser melting of a nanocrystalline
tions of nanocrystalline materials: (a) mechanical defor- Au lm irradiated with a 200 fs laser pulse at a uence
mation of nanocrystalline Al (only atoms in the twin close to the melting threshold (atoms that have local fcc
boundaries left behind by partial dislocations and atoms surroundings are colored blue, atoms in the liquid regions
in disordered regions are shown by red and blue colors, are red and green, in the snapshots for 50 and 150 ps the
respectively) [8]; (b) spallation of nanocrystalline Cu due liquid regions are blanked to expose the remaining crystal-
to the reection of a shock wave from a surface of the line regions) [12]

where the critical atomic-scale processes take that the plastic deformation and thermal dissipa-
place. The practical applications of the multiscale tion could be adequately described without
methodology so far, however, have been largely switching to fully atomistic modeling.
limited to investigations of individual elements of
material microstructure (crack tips, interfaces, and
dislocation reactions), with the regions Mesoscopic Modeling
represented with coarse-grained resolution serv-
ing the purpose of adaptive boundary conditions. A principal challenge in computer modeling of
The perspective of the concurrent multiscale nanomaterials is presented by the gap between
modeling of nanocrystalline materials remains the atomistic description of individual structural
unclear due to the close coupling between the elements and the macroscopic properties dened
intragranular and grain boundary processes. To by the collective behavior of large groups of the
enable the multiscale modeling of dynamic pro- structural elements. Apart from a small number of
cesses in nanocrystalline materials, the design of exceptions (e.g., simulations of nanocrystalline
advanced computational descriptions of the materials briey discussed above), the direct anal-
coarse-grained parts of the model is needed so ysis of the effective properties of nanostructured
Computational Study of Nanomaterials 639

materials is still out of reach for atomistic simula- used, the mesoscopic modeling is still in the
tions. Moreover, it is often difcult to translate the early development stage. The central problem of
large amounts of data typically generated in atom- the mesoscopic modeling is the design of the
istic simulations into key physical parameters that mesoscopic force eld or, in general, the equa-
dene the macroscopic material behavior. This tions of motion that describe the dynamics of the
difculty can be approached through the develop- collective degrees of freedom in the mesoscopic
ment of mesoscopic computational models capa- system. In principle, the equations for the collec- C
ble of representing the material behavior at time tive degrees of freedom can be derived from the
and length scales intermediate between the atom- equations of motion of atoms and formulated as
istic and continuum levels (prex meso comes the so-called generalized Langevin equation by
from the Greek word mesoB, which means middle applying the Mori-Zwanzig projection operators
or intermediate). [14, 15]. While formally exact, this equation is
The mesoscopic models provide a stepping difcult to apply to real systems, since a number
stone for bridging the gap between the atomistic of parameters of this equation should be evaluated
and continuum descriptions of the material struc- by considering the so-called projection dynamics
ture, as schematically shown by the blue arrows that is different from the real microscopic dynam-
#3 in Fig. 1. Mesoscopic models are typically ics of the corresponding atomistic system
designed and parameterized based on the results [16]. Moreover, the generalized Langevin equa-
of atomistic simulations or experimental measure- tion is a stochastic integrodifferential equation
ments that provide information on the internal with memory effects, which is difcult to apply
properties and interactions between the character- to large-scale mesoscopic simulations. Therefore,
istic structural elements in the material of interest. apart from polymer systems, where the Mori-
The mesoscopic simulations can be performed for Zwanzig formalism is shown to be a practical
systems that include multiple elements of micro/ tool for constructing mesoscopic computational
nanostructure, thus enabling a reliable homogeni- models [1618], the mesoscopic force elds for
zation of the structural features to yield the effec- various nanomaterials are usually designed based
tive macroscopic material properties. The general on semiempirical approaches. There is no univer-
strategy in the development of a coarse-grained sal mesoscopic technique or methodology in the
mesoscopic description of the material dynamics development of such semiempirical force elds,
and properties includes the following steps. and the current state of the art in mesoscopic
simulations is characterized by the development
1. Identifying the collective degrees of freedom of system-/phenomenon-specic mesoscopic
relevant for the phenomenon under study (the models.
focus on different properties of the same mate- The mesoscopic models used in materials
rial may affect the choice of the structural modeling can be roughly divided into two general
elements of the model); categories: (1) the models based on lumping
2. Designing, based on the results of atomic-level together groups of atoms into larger dynamic
simulations and/or experimental data, a set of units or particles and (2) the models that represent
rules (or a mesoscopic force eld) that governs the material microstructure and its evolution due
the dynamics of the collective degrees of to thermodynamic driving forces or mechanical
freedom; loading at the level of individual crystal defects.
3. Adding a set of rules describing the changes in The basic ideas underlying these two general clas-
the properties of the dynamic elements in ses of mesoscopic models are briey discussed
response to the local mechanical stresses and below.
thermodynamic conditions. The models where groups of atoms are com-
bined into coarse-grained computational particles
While the atomistic and continuum simulation are practical for materials with well-dened struc-
techniques are well established and extensively tural hierarchy (that allows for a natural choice of
640 Computational Study of Nanomaterials

the coarse-grained particles) and a relatively weak crystal defects (grain boundaries and disloca-
coupling between the internal atomic motions tions), their interactions with each other, and the
inside the coarse-grained particles and the collec- collective evolution of the totality of crystal
tive motions of the particles. In contrast to atomic- defects responsible for the changes in the
level models, the atomic structure of the structural microstructure.
elements represented by the coarse-grained parti- Two examples of mesoscopic models (one
cles is not explicitly represented in this type of for each of the two types of the models
mesoscopic models. On the other hand, in contrast discussed above) and their relevance to the
to continuum models, the coarse-grained particles investigation of nanomaterials are considered in
allow one to explicitly reproduce the nanostruc- more detail next.
ture of the material. Notable examples of
mesoscopic models of this type are coarse-grained Discrete Dislocation Dynamics
models for molecular systems including polymers The purpose of the discrete dislocation dynamics
[1921] and mesoscopic models for carbon (DD) is to describe the plastic deformation in
nanotubes and nanobrous materials crystalline materials, which is largely dened
[2226]. The individual molecules (or mers in by the motions, interactions, and multiplication
polymer molecules) and nanotube/nanober seg- of dislocations. Dislocations are linear crystal
ments are chosen as the dynamic units in these defects that generate long-range elastic strain
models. The collective dynamic degrees of free- elds in the surrounding elastic solid. The elastic
dom that correspond to the motion of the strain eld is accounting for 90 % of the
mesoparticles are explicitly accounted for in dislocation energy and is responsible for the
mesoscopic models, while the internal degrees of interactions of dislocations among themselves
freedom are either neglected or described by a and with other crystal defects. The collective
small number of internal state variables. The behavior of dislocations in the course of plastic
description of the internal states of the deformation is dened by these long-range inter-
mesoparticles and the energy exchange between actions as well as by a large number of local
the dynamic degrees of freedom and the internal reactions (annihilation, formation of glissile
state variables becomes important for simulations junctions or sessile dislocation segments such
of nonequilibrium phenomena that involve fast as Lomer or Hirth locks) occurring when the
energy deposition from an external source, heat anelastic core regions of the dislocation lines
transfer, or dissipation of mechanical energy. come into contact with each other. The basic
Another group of mesoscopic models is aimed idea of the DD model is to solve the dynamics
at a computationally efcient description of the of the dislocation lines in elastic continuum and
evolution of the defect structures in crystalline to include information about the local reactions.
materials. The mesoscopic models from this The elementary unit in the discrete dislocation
group include the discrete dislocation dynamics dynamics method is, therefore, a segment of a
model for simulation of crystal plasticity [2729] dislocation.
and a broad class of methods designed for simu- The continuous dislocation lines are
lation of grain growth, recrystallization, and discretized into segments, and the total force act-
associated microstructural evolution (e.g., phase ing on each segment in the dislocation slip plane is
eld models, cellular automata, and kinetic Monte calculated. The total force includes the contribu-
Carlo Potts models) [27, 28, 30]. Despite the tions from the external force, the internal force
apparent diversity of the physical principles and due to the interaction with other dislocations and
computational algorithms adopted in different crystal defects that generate elastic elds, the self
models listed above, the common characteristic force that can be represented by a line tension
of these models is the focus on a realistic descrip- force for small curvature of the dislocation, the
tion of the behavior and properties of individual Peierls force that acts like a friction resisting the
Computational Study of Nanomaterials 641

dislocation motion, and the image force related development of novel hybrid computational
to the stress relaxation in the vicinity of external or methods combining the DD technique with
internal surfaces. Once the total forces and the other mesoscopic methods is likely to be
associated resolved shear stresses, t*, acting on required for realistic modeling of plastic defor-
the dislocation segments are calculated, the seg- mation in this class of materials.
ments can be displaced in a nite difference time
integration algorithm applied to the equations Mesoscopic Model for Nanofibrous Materials C
connecting the dislocation velocity, v, and the The design of new nanobrous materials and
resolved shear stress, e.g., [28] composites is an area of materials research that
is currently experiencing a rapid growth. The
t DU interest in this class of materials is fueled by a
vA exp  ; (3)
t0 kT broad range of potential applications, ranging
from fabrication of exible/stretchable electronic
when the displacement of a dislocation segment is and acoustic devices to the design of advanced
controlled by thermally activated events nanocomposite materials with improved mechan-
(DU is the activation energy for dislocation ical properties and thermal stability. The behavior
motion, m is the stress exponent, and t0 is the and properties of nanobrous materials are
stress normalization constant) or dened by the collective dynamics of the
nanobers and, in the case of nanocomposites,
v t b=B; (4) their interactions with the matrix. Depending on
the structure of the material and the phenomenon
that corresponds to the Newtonian motion equa- of interest, the number of nanobers that has to be
tion accounting for the atomic and electron drag included in the simulation in order to ensure a
force during the dislocation free ight between reliable prediction of the effective macroscopic
the obstacles (B is the effective drag coefcient properties can range from several hundreds to
and b is the magnitude of the Burgers vector of the millions. The direct atomic-level simulation of
dislocation). systems consisting of large groups of nanobers
Most of the applications of the DD model (the path shown by the green arrow #2 in Fig. 1)
have been aimed at the investigation of the is beyond the capabilities of modern computing
plastic deformation and hardening of single facilities. Thus, an alternative two-step path from
crystals (increase in dislocation density as a atomistic investigation of individual structural
result of multiplication of dislocations present elements and interfacial properties to the contin-
in the initial system). The extension of the DD uum material description through an intermediate
modeling to nanomaterials is a challenging task mesoscopic modeling (blue arrows #3 in Fig. 1)
as it requires an enhancement of the technique appears to be the most viable approach to model-
with a realistic description of the interactions ing of nanobrous materials. An example of a
between the dislocations and grain boundaries mesoscopic computational model recently
and/or interfaces as well as an incorporation of designed and parameterized for carbon nanotube
other mechanisms of plasticity (e.g., grain (CNT)-based materials is briey discussed below.
boundary sliding and twinning in nanocrystal- The mesoscopic model for brous materials
line materials). There have only been several and organic matrix nanocomposites adopts a
initial studies reporting the results of DD simu- coarse-grained description of the nanocomposite
lations of nanoscale metallic multilayered com- constituents (nanobers and matrix molecules),
posites, e.g., [31]. Due to the complexity of the as schematically illustrated in Fig. 3. The indi-
plastic deformation mechanisms and the impor- vidual CNTs are represented as chains of stretch-
tance of anelastic short-range interactions able cylindrical segments [22], and the organic
among the crystal defects in nanomaterials, the matrix is modeled by a combination of the
642 Computational Study of Nanomaterials

a b

Computational Study of Nanomaterials: From CNT-based nanocomposite material (a) and a

Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations to Mesoscopic corresponding molecular-level view of a part of the system
Modeling, Fig. 3 Schematic representation of the basic where a network of CNT bundles (blue color) is embedded
components of the dynamic mesoscopic model of a into an organic matrix (green and red color) (b)

conventional bead-and-spring model com- the results of atomistic simulations [22] and
monly used in polymer modeling [19, 20] and accounts for the transition to the anharmonic
the breathing sphere model developed for sim- regime of stretching (nonlinear stressstrain
ulation of simple molecular solids [21] and poly- dependence), fracture of nanotubes under ten-
mer solutions [32]. sion, and bending buckling [33]. The intertube
The degrees of freedom, for which equations of interaction term UTT is calculated based on the
motion are solved in dynamic simulations or tubular potential method that allows for a com-
Metropolis Monte Carlo moves are performed in putationally efcient and accurate representation
simulations aimed at nding the equilibrium of van der Waals interactions between CNT seg-
structures, are the positions of nodes dening the ments of arbitrary lengths and orientation [23].
segments, the positions of the molecular units, and The general procedure used in the formulation of
the radii of the spherical particles in the breathing the tubular potential is not limited to CNTs or
sphere molecules. The potential energy of the graphitic structures. The tubular potential
system can be written as (and the mesoscopic model in general) can be
parameterized for a diverse range of systems
U U T int UTT UMM U Mint consisting of various types of nano- and micro-
U MT (5) tubular elements, such as nanotubes, nanorodes,
and microbers.
where UT(int) is the potential that describes the Simulations performed with the mesoscopic
internal strain energy associated with stretching model demonstrate that the model is capable of
and bending of individual CNTs, UTT is the simulating the dynamic behavior of systems
energy of intertube interactions, UMM is the consisting of thousands of CNTs on a timescale
energy of chemical and nonbonding interactions extending up to tens of nanoseconds. In particular,
in the molecular matrix, UM(int) is the internal simulations performed for systems composed of
breathing potential for the matrix units, and randomly distributed and oriented CNTs predict
UMT is the energy of matrixCNT interaction spontaneous self-assembly of CNTs into continu-
that can include both nonbonding van der Waals ous networks of bundles with partial hexagonal
interactions and chemical bonding. The internal ordering of CNTs in the bundles, Fig. 4ac [23,
CNT potential UT(int) is parameterized based on 33]. The bending buckling of CNTs (e.g., see
Computational Study of Nanomaterials 643

0ns 100nm 0.5ns 1ns 3ns

b c d

Computational Study of Nanomaterials: From CNT network (CNT segments colored according to the
Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations to Mesoscopic local radii of curvature and the red color marks the seg-
Modeling, Fig. 4 Snapshots from mesoscopic simula- ments adjacent to buckling kinks) [33]; (c) a cross section
tions of systems consisting of (10,10) single-walled carbon of a typical bundle showing a hexagonal arrangement of
nanotubes: (a) spontaneous self-organization of CNTs into CNTs in the bundle [23]; (d) snapshot from a simulation of
a continuous network of CNT bundles (CNT segments are a high-velocity impact of a spherical projectile on a free-
colored according to the local intertube interaction energy) standing thin CNT lm [34]
[23]; (b) an enlarged view of a structural element of the

Fig. 4b) is found to be an important factor respon- calculation of electrical and thermal transport
sible for the stability of the network structures properties of complex nanobrous materials
formed by defect-free CNTs [33]. The structures [35, 36].
produced in the simulations are similar to the
structures of CNT lms and buckypaper observed
in experiments. Note that an atomic-level simula- Future Research Directions
tion of a system similar to the one shown in the left
panel of Fig. 4 would require 2.5  109 atoms, The examples of application of the atomistic and
making such simulation unfeasible. mesoscopic computational techniques, briey
Beyond the structural analysis of CNT mate- discussed above, demonstrate the ability of com-
rials, the development of the mesoscopic model puter modeling to provide insights into the com-
opens up opportunities for investigation of a broad plex processes that dene the behavior and
range of important phenomena. In particular, the properties of nanostructured materials. The fast
dynamic nature of the model makes it possible to advancement of experimental methods capable
perform simulations of the processes occurring of probing nanostructured materials with high
under conditions of fast mechanical loading spatial and temporal resolution is an important
(blast/impact resistance, response to the shock factor that allows for verication of computational
loading, etc.), as illustrated by a snapshot from a predictions and stimulates the improvement of the
simulation of a high-velocity impact of a spherical computational models. With further innovative
projectile on a free-standing thin CNT lm shown development of computational methodology and
in Fig. 4d [34]. With a proper parameterization, the steady growth of the available computing
the mesoscopic model can also be adopted for resources, one can expect that both atomistic and
644 Computational Study of Nanomaterials

mesoscopic modeling will continue to play an description of complex processes occurring in

increasingly important role in nanomaterials nanomaterials, the description of the elementary
research. units of the mesoscopic models should become
In the area of atomistic simulations, the more exible and sophisticated. In particular, an
development of new improved interatomic adequate description of the energy dissipation in
potentials (often with the help of ab initio elec- nanomaterials can only be achieved if the energy
tronic structure calculations, red arrow #1 in exchange between the atomic degrees of free-
Fig. 1) makes material-specic computational dom, excluded in the mesoscopic models, and
predictions more accurate and enables simula- the coarse-grained dynamic degrees of freedom
tions of complex multicomponent and is accounted for [34]. A realistic representation of
multiphase systems. Further progress can be the dependence of the properties of the
expected in two directions that are already mesoscopic units of the models on local thermo-
actively pursued: (1) large-scale MD simulations dynamic conditions can also be critical in model-
of the fast dynamic phenomena in nanocrystal- ing of a broad range of phenomena.
line materials (high strain rate mechanical defor- In general, the optimum strategy in investiga-
mation, shock loading, impact resistance, tion of nanomaterials is to use a well-integrated
response to fast heating, etc.) and (2) detailed multiscale computational approach combining the
investigation of the atomic structure and proper- ab initio and atomistic analysis of the constituents
ties of individual structural elements in various of nanostructure with mesoscopic modeling of the
nanomaterials (grain boundaries and interfaces, collective dynamics and kinetics of the structural
nanotubes, nanowires, and nanoparticles of var- evolution of the material and leading to the
ious shapes). The information obtained in large- improved theoretical understanding of the factors
scale atomistic simulations of nanocrystalline controlling the effective material properties. It is
materials can be used to formulate theoretical the improved understanding of the connections
models translating the atomic-level picture of between the processes occurring at different time
material behavior to the constitutive relations and length scales that is likely to be the key factor
describing the dependence of the mechanical dening the pace of progress in the area of com-
and thermal properties of these materials on the putational design of new nanocomposite
grain size distribution and characteristics of materials.
nanotexture (green arrow #2 in Fig. 1).
The results of the detailed analysis of the
structural elements of the nanocomposite mate-
rials can be used in the design and parameteriza- Cross-References
tion of mesoscopic models, where the elementary
units treated in the models correspond to building Ab Initio DFT Simulations of Nanostructures
blocks of the nanostructure (elements of grain Active Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites
boundaries, segments of dislocations, etc.) or Carbon-Nanotubes
groups of atoms that have some distinct proper- Finite Element Methods for Computational
ties (belong to a molecule, a mer unit of a poly- Nano-optics
mer chain, a nanotube, a nanoparticle in Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline
nanocomposite material, etc.). The design of Metals
novel system-specic mesoscopic models capa- Modeling Thermal Properties of Carbon Nano-
ble of bridging the gap between the atomistic structure Composites
modeling of structural elements of nanostruc- Molecular Modeling
tured materials and the continuum models Nanomechanical Properties of Nanostructures
(blue arrows #3 in Fig. 1) is likely to become an Plasticity Theory at Small Scales
important trend in the computational investiga- Reactive Empirical Bond-Order Potentials
tion of nanomaterials. To achieve a realistic Self-Assembly of Nanostructures
Computational Study of Nanomaterials 645

References 20. Colbourn, E.A. (ed.): Computer Simulation of Poly-

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646 Computational Systems Bioinformatics for RNAi

up while clinical trials of RNAi-based therapeu-

Computational Systems tics on various diseases raised the expectation on a
Bioinformatics for RNAi trend of soon-to-come super drugs. Unfortu-
nately, by late 2009 nearly all the rst trend clin-
Zheng Yin, Yubo Fan and Stephen TC Wong ical trials have been terminated, meanwhile,
Center for Bioengineering and Informatics, researchers are struggling to effectively quantify
Department of Systems Medicine and the high-content information obtained from
Bioengineering, The Methodist Hospital RNAi-based screening experiments.
Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medical Although facing obstacles, it is still believed
College, Houston, TX, USA that the combination of nanotechnology and sys-
tems biology would restore and amplify the glory
of RNAi on both research and therapeutic areas.
Synonyms This entry will summarize the challenges facing
RNAi-based therapeutics especially the dif-
Automatic data analysis workow for RNAi; Sys- culty of delivery and some possible solution
tems level data mining for RNAi through chemoinformatics in nanometer scale;
also difculties facing RNAi-based high-content
screening will be reviewed with suggestions on
Definition possible solutions.

Computational systems bioinformatics for RNAi

screening and therapeutics is dened as complete RNAi-Based Therapeutics: How-to
computational workow applicable to the hypoth- and What-to Deliver
esis generation from large-scale data from image-
based RNAi screenings as well as the improve- Currently, various RNAi-based therapeutics are
ment of RNAi-based therapeutics; the workow being tested in clinical trials but before the appli-
includes automatic image analysis compatible to cation becomes clinical, several problems have
large-scale cell image data, together with unbiased rst to be solved. One of the critical challenges is
statistical analysis and gene function annotation. how to specically and effectively deliver the
objects into the targeted cells. Serious side-
effects in patients could be caused by off-target
Introduction effects or immune response as reported in litera-
tures [2, 3].
RNA interference (RNAi) denes the phenome- Apparently, the therapeutic goal is to achieve
non of small RNA molecules binding to its com- RNAi therapy, that is, systemically administered
plementary sequence in certain messenger RNA, nucleic acids must survive in circulation long
recruiting a specic protein complex to dissect the enough to reach their target tissue, enter the
whole mRNA and thus silencing the expression of desired cells, escape their endosome or delivery
the corresponding gene. It is a highly conserved packaging, and nally become incorporated into
system within living cells to quantitatively control the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) a
the activity of genes. In 1998, Fire et al. rst clar- towering task, and surprisingly, researchers have
ied the causality of this phenomenon and named advanced a number of plausible solutions in
it as RNAi [1], and the following decade saw recent years, including the use of specialized
RNAi evolving into a powerful tool for gene nanoparticle lled with an RNAi-based cancer
function study. In 2006, Fire and Mello were therapy to target human cancer cells and silence
awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; the target gene. However, what making the task
and by 2007, scientic papers using high- even more difcult for therapeutics is: everything
throughput screening based on RNAi kept piling now happens in vivo.
Computational Systems Bioinformatics for RNAi 647

Chemoinformatics Solutions function annotation [11] have been developed.

All these methods are integrated into an auto-
Libraries have been built based on natural prod- mated data analysis pipeline, G-CellIQ
ucts and combinatorial chemistry with millions of (Genomic Cellular Image Quantitator), to support
compounds to date. The compound library is used genome-wide RNAi HCS.
to screen and locate small molecules to bind a A lot of decisions need to be made en route to a
particular protein, RNA or DNA. Virtual screen- genome-scale RNAi screens, including the selec- C
ing utilizing molecule fragments even can design tions of appropriate animal models, reagents for
unknown compounds with reasonable binding igniting RNAi, screening formats, and type of
afnity to desired targets. However, these large- readouts (see [12] for a review). The focus here
scale screening compounds tend to bind multiple is arrayed high-content RNAi screening, a sys-
targets (off-target effects) even after optimizations tematic screen with reagents spotted in 384- or
[4]. Also, it is virtually impossible to derive a solid 96-well plates and where each gene or gene group
algorithm or theory to screen and locate all bind- is knocked down individually. The readout of
ings and inhibitions and their combinations every HCS is obtained through microscopy, which cap-
protein currently know. The lack of genome-scale tures multiple phenotypic features simultaneously
coverage is a clear disadvantage of a compound [13]. Compared with other screening approaches,
based assay. Along with the lack of specicity RNAi HCS can offer broader insight into cellular
comes the challenge of on-target potency. Even physiology and provide informative and continu-
after a target has been identied the drug-like ous phenotypic data generated by RNAi. How-
compounds have to be further engineered to ever, the automated processing and analysis of the
increase efciency and decrease off-target magnitude of image data presents great challenges
activities. to applying such ndings at the genome level.
To a large extent, chemoinformatic
approaches, where the target of a compound can Image Processing: Cell Segmentation
be predicted by in silico alignment, modeling and Quantification
algorithms, and virtual screening, provide a more The scale of datasets has always been a huge
efcient way to screen compounds to the desired obstacle. For example, in [6], approximately
targets. A successful application has been 17000 overlapping cells were segmented semi-
reported for the inhibition of SARS protease manually across 10 months from an HCS
[5]. The chemoinformatics approach excels at targeting around 200 genes or gene combinations.
optimization around a small number of well However, such low-dimensional screens are not
dened targets, while RNAi approaches can genome-wide, as they can only cover 12 % of the
more readily identify unknown pathways and phe- genome. For automatic data analysis, the follow-
notypes with no prior knowledge of the target. ing work needs to be accomplished.

1. Preprocessing: where empty images, incom-

Data Analysis for RNAi HCS: Challenge plete cells, and other artifacts are identied
from Millions of Cells and discarded
2. Cell segmentation: where dense or overlapping
Large volumes of datasets generated from RNAi cells are segmented accurately
HCS of RNAi prohibits manual or even semi- 3. Feature extraction: where informative features
manual analysis; thus, automated data analysis is are extracted to quantify cell morphology
desperately needed [6, 7]. In the context of
genome-wide RNAi HCS using cultured cells Cell segmentation is the cornerstone for the
from Drosophila, a series of automated methods whole data analysis workow. While existing
on cell image processing [8], online phenotype image analysis methods can handle the processing
discovery [9, 10], cell classication, and gene of standard images, they are limited in their scope
648 Computational Systems Bioinformatics for RNAi

and capability to handle genome-wide RNAi HCS Statistical Analysis and Gene Function
analysis. Thresholding methods basically set a Annotation
cutoff on the intensity of pixels and classify RNAi HCS inherits various statistical questions
them into background and foreground (cell), and from traditional high-throughput screening, and
they may fail due to uneven background and illu- the properties of image readouts raise specic
mination levels. Rule-based correction on over- challenges.
and under-segmentation starts from relatively
simple segmentation methods (like watershed), 1. Summarizing gene function scores from quan-
and use a series of heuristic rules, like distance tied morphological change
between neighborhood nuclei and properties of 2. Data triage and normalization based on readout
putative cell boundaries, such methods suffer from positive and negative control wells
from difculties in devising rules to merge the 3. Repeatability test and consolidation of scores
cell cytoplasm. from biological replicates
4. Cluster analysis, visualization, and biological
Phenotype Identification, Validation, interpretation of results
and Classification
Given the quantied features describing cell mor- A comprehensive review [15] summarizes dif-
phology, the following work is essential to address ferent dataset generated by RNAi screens and
the biological function of morphological proles. traditional small molecule screens. It also reviews
statistical analysis methods applicable to most of
1. Dene biologically meaningful phenotypes to problems outlined above. Quantitative morpho-
compose cell populations based on single cell logical signatures (QMS) [6] represent the efforts
morphology. on interpreting RNAi HCS datasets: use the sim-
2. Model existing phenotypes and identify novel ilarity score to a panel of existing phenotypes to
phenotypes online to continuously generate explore the broad phenotypic space. However,
new data. problems remain open when the discriminative
3. Assign cellular phenotypes into different ability of such scores is confounded by multiple
sub-phenotypes to address morphological phenotypes following a single RNAi treatment, so
changes caused by RNAi treatment. repeatability tests can become more complicated
[6]. The use of publicly available databases on
Statistical tests, articial neural networks [6], drugs and disease-related biological processes to
Support Vector Machine-Recursive Feature Elim- interpret RNAi HCS datasets also remains
ination (SVM-RFE) [14], genetic algorithms, and unresolved.
various other methods have been used to select or
extract informative subsets of features and model
certain phenotypes. However, phenotypes are G-CellIQ: An Integrated Automated Data
usually dened a priori from pilot datasets. Analysis Tool for RNAi High-Content
Human intervention is currently necessary for Screening
image-based datasets of genetic or chemical per-
turbations where the dynamic range of cellular Computational Architecture of G-CellIQ
phenotypes cannot be predicted before data col- G-CellIQ (Genomic CELLular Imaging
lection. Failing to accurately measure phenotypic Quantitator) is developed to process large vol-
variations will cause concomitant classication umes of digital images generated from large-
errors and mislead functional analysis; and it is scale HCS studies. The workow for G-CellIQ
impossible to perform manual analysis during the can be simplied as three modules handling
screening process where millions of images are three databases. Images generated from HCS
acquired. Thus, the ability of these screens to are stored in a Raw image database; the Image
identify new phenotypes is greatly limited [9]. processing/cell morphology quantication
Computational Systems Bioinformatics for RNAi 649

module segments each image into single cells and was smaller than a given threshold, the
creates a quantied cell database; the Phenotype corresponding cell segments are merged.
modeling and cell classication module compares Feature extraction The detailed shape and
each cells morphology to a panel of reference boundary information of nuclei and cell bodies is
phenotypes (which can be dened both manually obtained through the proposed segmentation
and automatically) and generates a morphology method. To capture the geometric and appearance
score; the annotation of gene function module properties, 211 morphology features belonging to C
then summarize single cell scores into scores for ve categories were extracted following [11].
cell populations, images and wells, and the con-
solidated scores for involved genes form a single Online Phenotype Discovery, Phenotype
gene function prole database. Modeling, and Cell Classification
Expert opinion is implemented to identify a panel
Image Processing and Cell Morphology of reference phenotypes while candidate groups
Quantification of informative features are selected to describe
A segmentation method consisting of nuclear seg- typical phenotypes. SVM-RFE and GA-SVM
mentation, cell body segmentation, and over- method are used to select the feature sets with
segmentation correction [8] is used in the best performance for cross validation.
G-CELLIQ. Each cell body is described by A series of SVM classiers are trained to differ-
211 morphological features; automatic image entiate the reference phenotypes from all others,
quality control is applied to lter images where and a continuous value rather than binary class
the signal from certain channels is extremely dark label is used as the output of SVM to indicate each
or bright or cells are located at the edge of an cells morphological similarity to typical
image. phenotypes.
Nuclear segmentation cell nuclei are rst sep- A novel method is designed to do online phe-
arated from background using a binarization notype discovery [9, 10]; it is based on online
method which implements an adaptive phenotype modeling and iterative phenotype
thresholding [8]. To segment clustered nuclei, merging. For the modeling part, each existing
the nuclei shape and intensity information are phenotype is modeled through a Gaussian Mix-
integrated into a combined image and processed ture Model (GMM), and each model is continu-
with Gaussian lter and the nuclei centers are ously updated according to information of newly
detected as local maxima in the gradient vector incorporated cells with a minimum classication
eld (GVF); after that, nuclei are segmented using error (MCE) method. For the merging part, the
the marker-controlled seeded-watershed method. newly generated cell population is iteratively
Cell body segmentation Preliminary cell body combined with each existing phenotype, one at a
segmentation is done using an adaptive time. Then an improved gap statistics method is
thresholding algorithm. Due to the large size of used to identify the number of possible pheno-
HCS dataset, seeded-watershed method is used to types in the combination. Through cluster analy-
segment the touching cell bodies. Results from sis, some of the cells in the new populations are
nuclei segmentation are used as the seed assigned into the same cluster as samples from
information [16]. existing phenotypes, and those cells are merged
Over-segmentation correction is necessary by existing phenotypes to help update the pheno-
when there are multiple nuclei existing within type models. On the other hand, some cells are
cells. For cell segments smaller than a given size never merged and remain as candidate novel phe-
threshold, its neighboring cell segments sharing notype for validation by statistical tests [9, 10].
the longest common boundary are determined and
the intensity variation in a rectangular region Annotation of Gene Function
across the common boundary of touching cell After assigning each cell a score vector
segments are calculated. If the intensity variation corresponding to its similarity to reference
650 Computational Systems Bioinformatics for RNAi

phenotypes, all cells in control condition are this well are removed to reveal the phenotypic
pooled to model a baseline for cell morphology. change relating to RNAi treatment.
All morphology scores are normalized to the Roles of Rho family small GTPases in devel-
Z-score relative to this control baseline. The opment and cancer. Three automated and quanti-
scores for the qualied cells are then averaged to tative genome-wide screens for dsRNAs that
form scores for each well. In order to select repeat- induce the loss of the Rho-induced cytoskeletal
able wells from those undergoing the same structures (lamellipodia, lopodia, and stress
dsRNA treatment, a series of repeatability tests bers) are performed to identify putative Rho
are applied to scores for different well. The protein effectors. Candidate effectors identied
weighted average of the scores is then calculated in such image-based screens are readily validated
for the repeatable wells and generated scores for in the context of the whole organism using the
each treatment condition (TC). Similar procedure large number of mutant y lines coupled with the
consolidates the score from biological replicate vast arrays of in vivo techniques available to y
TCs to form a score vector for each gene. Hierar- biologists [18].
chical clustering is implemented group genes with Following image segmentation, feature extrac-
similar function scores into the same pheno- tion, classication of single cells, and scoring of
cluster. individual wells, an image descriptor is assigned
to each gene. Hierarchical clustering can then be
used to cluster the image descriptor and identify
RNAi HCS Applying G-CellIQ groups of genes when targeted by RNAi result in
quantitatively similar morphologies. Previous
Since more than 75 % of human disease genes studies reported in [6] demonstrated that cluster-
have Drosophila orthologs, the pursuit of genes ing results identies groups of functionally related
involved in normal y morphogenesis and migra- genes that operate in similar signaling pathways.
tion is expected to reveal mechanisms conserved These groups of genes are termed as Pheno-
in humans [17]. An example of using G-CellIQ in clusters [19]. To validate the hypothesis genera-
the context of RNAi HCS using cultured Dro- tion ability of G-CELLIQ, 32 dsRNAs/wells are
sophila cell lines is presented next. randomly selected from a dataset where individual
Regulatory of cell shape change. A genome- kinases and phosphatases were inhibited by
scale RNAi screening is carried out for regulators RNAi. Each dsRNA/well was assigned an image
of Drosophila cell shape. Drosophila Kc187 cell descriptor, and hierarchical clustering was used to
lines are utilized in the screen and wild-type group genes/wells. dsRNAs in this analysis clus-
cells have hemocyte-like properties. Using tered into two broad groups. One group of 19 con-
dsRNA to target and inhibit the activity of spe- ditions included 10/10 control conditions, as well
cic genes/proteins, the role of individual genes as dsRNAs targeting the Insulin receptor (InR).
in regulating morphology can be systematically
Strikingly, the other large cluster of 13 conditions
included 3/3 dsRNAs previously identied in a
Work in [9, 10] relies on part of the genome
genome-wide screen for regulators of MAPK/
dataset to target the group of kinase-phosphatases
ERK activation downstream of the EGF/EGFR
in order to develop and validate online phenotype
activity [20]. These results demonstrate that auto-
discovery methods. A panel of ve existing phe-
mated high-throughput imaging can discriminate
notypes is set by expert labeling and online phe-
distinct morphologies and be used to model func-
notype discovery. In order to address the level of
tional relationships between signaling molecules.
penetrance in this dataset, the phenotypic scores
for single cells are sorted according to similarity to
wild-type cells, and if a certain well has signi- Cross-References
cantly less (at least one standard-deviation) wild-
type cells than control wells, wild-type cells from RNAi in Biomedicine and Drug Delivery
Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic Interfaces 651

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9. Yin, Z., et al.: Using iterative cluster merging with
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discovery in the context of high-throughput RNAi
screens. BMC Bioinform. 9(1), 264 (2008)
10. Yin, Z., et al.: Online phenotype discovery based on
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11. Wang, J., et al.: Cellular phenotype recognition for Concentration Polarization at Micro-/
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14. Loo, L., Wu, L., Altshuler, S.: Image based multivar-
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652 Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic Interfaces

Definition e0 er RT
lD Xm 1=2 (1)
F2 i1 z2i c0
Concentration polarization (CP) is a complex phe-
nomenon observed at the interfaces of micro/
nanouidic devices due to the formation of sig- where F is Faradays constant, zi is the valence of
nicant concentration gradients in the electrolyte ionic species i, c0 is the bulk concentration of the
solution resulting in accumulation and depletion electrolyte solution, e0 is the permittivity of free
of ions near the interfaces. space, er is the relative permittivity of the medium,
This chapter provides an overview of the m is the total number of ionic species, R is the
underlying theory and physics that is predomi- universal gas constant, and T is the absolute
nantly observed on the integration of microuidic temperature.
channels with nanouidic devices. Nonlinear The thickness of the EDL plays a signicant
electrokinetic transport and concentration polari- role in the transport of miniaturized devices. In
zation phenomenon are discussed in detail along microuidic channels, the uid transport is often
with recent advancements in utilizing this phe- controlled by electric elds, as it eliminates the
nomenon for designing novel devices. use of external mechanical devices [1]. The elec-
tric eld aids better control when compared to
using pressure-driven techniques. Furthermore,
Electrical Double Layer (EDL) the electric elds overcome the high pressures
and Electroosmotic Flow needed to transport the uid at such length scales
as the pressure follows a powerlaw relation with
A solid in contact with an aqueous solution respect to the height (h) of the channel. The elec-
acquires a surface charge (ss) due to the dissoci- tric eld acts on the charged counterions present at
ation of ionizable groups on the solid walls. the interface of solution and stationary charged
The xed surface charge on the solid surface wall (i.e., at the EDL regions), resulting in the
in contact with the liquid develops a region of motion of the uid which is referred as electroos-
counterions (ions with charges opposite to the motic ow (EOF) [1]. As the EDL thickness in
solid surface) in the liquid to maintain the 
these channels is much smaller compared to their
electroneutrality at the solidliquid interface. height lhD
1 , the uid ow has a plug-like
This screening region is denoted as the electrical ow characteristic. However, recent advance-
double layer (EDL) or Debye length (DL). For ments in the fabrication technology [2] have moti-
instance, in the case of silica channel with KCl vated researchers around the globe to investigate
electrolyte solution, the dissociation of silanol the transport phenomenon in channel sizes of the
groups would make the channel negatively order of few hundreds of nanometers. Transport in
charged and affect the distribution of K coun- these devices is referred to as nanouidics. The
terions in the solution. The layer where the ions electrical double layer in these devices spans
get strongly attracted toward the channel surface much of the diameter or channel height leading
due to the electrostatic force is called the inner to many interesting transport phenomena com-
layer with a typical thickness of one ion diameter. pared to its microscopic counterpart. The electro-
The outer Helmholtz plane separating the liquid osmotic velocity no longer follows a plug-like
and the diffusive layer constitute the liquid side ow characteristic but follows a Poiseuille-like
part of the EDL. The ionic species in the diffusive (parabolic) characteristic as the electrokinetic
layer are inuenced by the local electrostatic body force is not just conned to a thin layer
potential, and the species distribution at equilib- adjacent to the channel surface. Along with the
rium can be described by the Boltzmann equa- aforementioned difference, the micro and
tion. The thickness of the diffusive layer spans nanouidic systems also exhibit a different ion
between 1 and 100 nm. The EDL thickness (lD) transport characteristic which is discussed below.
is given by [1]: In nanouidic systems, as the EDL thickness
Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic Interfaces 653

becomes comparable to the channel height expensive. Though many linearized approxima-

 1 , there is a predominant transport of the tions were proposed to this model to study the
electrokinetic transport [2], the governing equa-
counterions inside the channel, thus enabling the tions of the complete nonlinear space charge
channel to be ion-selective [1]. These features are model is discussed in this chapter.
not observed in the microuidic channels, as the In electrokinetic ows, the total ux is contrib-
counter-ionic space charge is conned to a very uted by three terms: a diffusive component C
thin layer adjacent to the surface and the region resulting from the concentration gradient, an elec-
away from the surface is essentially quasi- trophoretic component arising due to the potential
electroneutral (i.e., both co-ions and counterions gradient, and a convective component originating
are present away from the surface). Along with the from the uid ow. The total ux of each species
EDL, the surface charge also plays a prominent in the solution is given by
role in controlling the transport inside the
nanouidic systems [2]. Similar ion-selective
phenomenon was also observed in the G i Di ci  Oi zi Fci f ci u (2)
intraparticle and intraskeleton mesopores of par-
ticulate and in membrane science [3]. where G i is the ux vector, Di is the diffusion
Owing to the differences in the electrokinetic coefcient, Oi is the ionic mobility, ci is the
transport phenomena between the micro- and concentration of the ith species, u is the velocity
nanouidic devices, the integration of these two vector of the uid ow, and f is the electrical
devices paves way to complex physics. The potential. Note that the ionic mobility is related
models and the underlying theory developed to to the diffusion coefcient by Einsteins rela-
understand the electrokinetic transport in such tion, Oi RT
[5]. The electrical potential distri-
systems are elaborated in section Electrokinetic bution is calculated by solving the Poisson
Theory for Micro/Nanochannels. A detailed dis- equation,
cussion on the concentration polarization phe-
nomenon and its applications are presented in re
 r f  (3)
section Concentration Polarization. Finally, a 0
brief summary is presented in section Summary.
where re is the net space charge density of the ions
dened as
Electrokinetic Theory for Micro/ !
Nanochannels X
re F zi c i (4)
A complete set of equations for modeling
the electrokinetic transport and to account for
The mass transfer of each buffer species is given
the EDL effects in micro/nanouidic channels
by the NernstPlanck equation,
are presented. To understand the electrokinetic
transport, space charge model developed
by Gross et al. [4] is used extensively in the @ci
 Gi (5)
literature. The model solves the classical @t
PoissonNernstPlanck (PNP) equations, which
describe the electrochemical transport and the Equations 3, 5, and 2 are the classical
incompressible NavierStokes along with PoissonNernstPlanck (PNP) equations, which
the continuity equations are solved to describe describe the electrochemical transport. The
the movement of the uid ow. These coupled incompressible NavierStokes and the continuity
systems of equations are more intensive, mathe- equations are considered to describe the move-
matically complicated, and computationally ment of the uid ow through the channel, i.e.,
654 Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic Interfaces

Enrichment region Depletion region

Receiver Nanochannel Source

Cathode Anode
() (+)

Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic ux of cations and the dotted arrows indicate the ux of
Interfaces, Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of anions. At the nanochannelanodic junction, both the
ion-enrichment and ion-depletion effect in cation-selective anions and cations are depleted, while there is an enhance-
micro/nanouidic channel. The solid arrows indicate the ment of both the ions at the cathodenanochannel junction

@u leading to the breakdown of limiting current and
r u u p m2 ure E (6)
@t resulting in the overlimiting conductance regimes
in the ion exchange membranes. Such complex
u 5 0 (7) phenomenon could not be postulated using the
classical equilibrium model of EDL [6]. All the
where u is the velocity vector, p is the pressure, r underlying CP physics observed near the inter-
and m are the density and the viscosity of the uid, faces of micro/nanochannels are summarized in
respectively, and E f is the electric eld. the following subsections.
reE is the electrostatic body force acting on the
uid due to the space charge density and the Enrichment/Depletion Effects
applied electric eld. Elaborate details on other In micro/nanouidic devices, Pu et al. [8] rst
simplied models are discussed in the review experimentally observed the CP effects near the
article of Schoch et al. [2]. interfaces and provided a simple model to explain
the accumulation and depletion physics which is
summarized below. For a negatively charged
Concentration Polarization nanochannel, the EDL would be positively
charged. For an overlapped EDL, as discussed in
Concentration polarization (CP) is a complex phe- section Electrical Double Layer (EDL) and Elec-
nomenon observed at the interface regions of troosmotic Flow, the nanochannel becomes
micro/nanouidic devices due to the formation ion-selective, resulting in higher cation concentra-
of signicant concentration gradients in the elec- tion than anions. Thus, the ux of cations is higher
trolyte solution near the interfaces causing accu- compared to the anions in the nanochannel. With
mulation of ions on the cathodic side and the application of positive potential at the source
depletion of ions on the anodic side for a nega- microchannel or reservoir (see Fig. 1), the cations
tively charged nanochannel surface. This phe- move from the source (anode) reservoir to the
nomenon was also observed in the eld of receiving (cathode) reservoir end, while the
colloid science and in membrane science which anions move in the opposite direction through
was extensively studied for over 40 years, and the the nanochannel. At the cathodic side, the anion
early works of CP phenomenon is comprehen- ux from the ends of reservoir to the nanochannel
sively reviewed by Rubinstein et al. [6]. The junction is higher compared to the anion ux from
pioneering works from Rubinstein and his the junctions to the nanochannel as the anions are
coworkers had revealed electrokinetic instabilities repelled by the negatively charged nanochannel.
[7] in the concentration polarization regions This difference in uxes causes an accumulation
Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic Interfaces 655

of anions at the cathodenanochannel junction. Furthermore, the induced space charges also
The cation ux from the nanochannel to the cath- result in the generation of vortices at the depletion
ode junction is greater than from the cathode interface along with inducing large pressure and
junction to the reservoir as the cations have to voltage gradients at this junction. Jin et al. [9] also
balance the anions present at this junction. This reported similar physics from their extensive
results in an accumulation of cations as well at the numerical study. In the case of a at ion exchange
nanochannelcathode junction. At the anodic membrane, Rubinstein et al. [7] derived a 2D C
side, the anion ux from the nanochannel to the nonequilibrium electroosmotic slip (us) for an
anode junction cannot balance the anion ux from applied voltage (V) using the linear stability anal-
the anodenanochannel junction to the reservoirs ysis to impose strong vortex eld near the
due to the limited anions passing through the membrane:
nanochannel. This results in a depletion of anions
at this junction. The cation ux from the reservoir @2c
to the anodenanochannel junction is less than the 1 @x@y
us  V 2 (8)
cation ux entering the nanochannel as the cations 8 @c
are attracted by the positively charged @y
nanochannel. This in turn leads to the depletion
of cations at this junction. To summarize, for a where x and y are the axes parallel and perpendic-
negatively charged nanochannel, both the cations ular to the ion-exchange membrane, respectively.
and anions accumulate at the cathodic interface Experiments performed by Kim et al. [10] also
and are depleted at the anodic interface. The phe- reveal the nonequilibrium EOF near the micro/
nomenon is reversed for a positively charged nanouidic junctions. The application of electric
nanochannel surface. A schematic diagram eld on the surface of particles also results in such
highlighting the accumulation and the depletion induced space charges which spread over a larger
physics for a negatively charged nanochannel is region than the primary EDL resulting in highly
displayed in Fig. 1. chaotic ow patterns. A recent review by Hltzel
and Tallarek [3] provide a detailed discussion on
Nonlinear Electroosmosis the polarization effects around membranes,
As discussed in the previous section, the integra- packed beds, and glass monoliths. Recent
tion of micro/nanouidic devices leads to the advancements by Rubinstein and Zaltzman [11],
accumulation and depletion of ions near the inter- however, revealed that the extended space charge
faces. Several numerical and experimental studies region was not a part of the EDL, but develop
were carried out to gain a better understanding of from the counterion concentration minimum zone
the physics at these interfaces. The studies with the co-ions expelled under the action of the
revealed complex and interesting physics at the electric eld. They further claim that the space
depletion interface compared to the enrichment charges would be present in the system even with-
side. Rubinstein et al. [6] theoretically predicted out equilibrium EDL. Their analysis included the
the presence of space charges at the depletion study of the space charge dynamics in concentra-
region under large electric elds. The presence tion polarization regions using 1D and three-layer
of the induced space charges near the depletion models of EDL. From the understanding of these
interface results in a nonequilibrium electrical extended space charge layers, another important
double layer outside the nanochannel. The phenomenon, namely, the nonlinear current char-
induced space charges under the action of the acteristics in micro/nanochannels is addressed
external electric eld lead to nonlinear electroos- below.
mosis or otherwise known as electroosmosis of
the second kind. The electroosmotic ow of the Nonlinear CurrentVoltage Characteristics
second kind was found to be directly proportional There has been growing interest in the develop-
to the square of the applied electric eld. ment of micro/nanouidic devices as ionic lters
656 Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic Interfaces

a Cation-selective nanochannel b Overlimiting region


Current density
Cs Limiting region
Co Co

Ex Ohmic region
Anodic DBL Cathodic DBL Voltage

c Cation-selective nanochannel


Co A Co

Anodic DBL SCR Cathodic DBL

Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic the decrease in the ionic strengths (cs) and at higher electric
Interfaces, Fig. 2 (a) Schematic distribution of ionic elds, (b) displays the nonlinear currentvoltage charac-
concentration in equilibrium concentration polarization teristics for an ion-selective micro/nanochannel, and (c)
under axial electric eld (Ex). The local electroneutrality shows the nonequilibrium concentration distribution due
is maintained at both enrichment (cathodic interface) and to the induced space charge region (SCR) (shown as dotted
depletion (anodic interface) diffusion boundary layers lines (B)) in the depleted region under very large electric
(DBL). The concentration gradients become steeper with elds

and nanouidic batteries to control both ionic understanding the currentvoltage characteris-
and molecular transport in aqueous solutions tics. Figure 2a shows that the concentration gra-
[2]. As discussed before, when the diameter/ dients (CP regions) near the interfaces become
height of a charged channel scales comparable steeper with the decrease in the ionic strength (cs)
to the EDL, there is a predominant transport of and at higher electric elds (Ex). At low electric
the counterions inside the channel. Thus, the elds, the current increases linearly with the
transport of electrical current inside the applied voltage following the Ohms law
nanochannel is primarily due to the counterions. (region I in Fig. 2b).
This feature enables the micro/nanochannel to be However, at higher electric elds, the ion con-
used as an ion exchange membrane. However, centration in the depleted CP zone (i.e., near the
understanding the passage of ionic currents anodic interface region) reaches toward zero and
through such ion-selective solids is the most fun- the classical Levich analysis [5] predicts a
damental physical problem that has stimulated diffusion-limited current saturation according to
extensive research in this eld for over a decade. which a saturation of current density occurs at a
Furthermore, the concentration polarization constant level described as the limiting-current
physics near the interfaces play a pivotal role in density (region II in Fig. 2b).
Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic Interfaces 657

The ionic current can be calculated considering Later, Rubinstein et al. [7] postulated that some
the Ficks rst law: mechanism of mixing should be present that
destroys the DBL as lower d leads to higher
dc currents (from Eq. 11). Maletzk et al. [12] coated
I nFAD (9)
dx the surface of cation-exchange membranes with a
gel which does not allow mixing. From these
where n is the number of electrons transferred per experiments, they observed a saturation of cur- C
molecule, D is the diffusion coefcient, and A is rent with no enhancements in the current, thereby
the electrode surface area. The concentration gra- conrming the earlier postulation of Rubinstein.
dient is generally approximated by a linear varia- Further, the uid ow in the overlimiting regime
tion (5), revealed strong uctuations indicating convec-
tion close to the surface. This convection was
c 0  c x 0 rst attributed to the gravitational buoyant forces
I nFAD (10)
d due to the concentration and temperature gradi-
ents. However, later theories have argued that
where c0 is the bulk electrolyte solution and d is the convection was not due to the gravitational
the diffusion boundary layer (DBL) thickness at instability in CP zones. Dukhin et al. [13]
the solidliquid interface and cx 0 represents suggested the mechanism for mixing to be
the concentration at the anodic (depletion) electroconvection. The type of electroconvection
solidliquid interface. d typically ranges between present in the overlimiting regime was revealed
10 and 400 mm in ion exchange membranes [6], as the electroosmotic ow of the second kind. As
while it depends on the microchannel length in the discussed in the previous section, the induced
case of micro/nanochannels [10]. space charges in the depletion zone (see Fig. 2c)
From Eq. 10 it is clear that the current I reaches under the action of the electric eld results in the
a maximum value when the concentration at EOF of second kind and this convective instabil-
cx 0 0 , resulting in a limiting/saturation ity tends to destroy the DBL leading to
current as predicted by the classical Levich theory. overlimiting currents as shown in Fig. 2b. Exper-
iments by Kim et al. [10] also revealed the
nFADc0 nonlinear currents due to the nonequilibrium
I lim (11)
d EOF in the ion-selective micro/nanochannels.
Similar physics was also observed in the perm-
However, experimental studies in micro/ selective membranes and ion-selective particles
nanouidic devices (also in membrane science) [3]. In spite of all these postulations, the physics
revealed ionic currents larger than the limiting behind the extended space charge layer still
value and this regime was termed as the remains largely unclear and there are a lot of
overlimiting current regime (region III in potential research opportunities to fully under-
Fig. 2b). Further, the limiting current region is stand this complex physics.
termed as the limiting resistance region
(in micro/nanouidic devices) due to the large Propagation of Concentration Polarization
but nite limiting differential resistance as the In this section, the conditions and the scenarios
current does not saturate to a limiting value but which can lead to the propagation of CP in micro/
has a slope which is smaller than the ohmic nanouidic devices are highlighted. Zangle
region. The nonlinear current characteristics in et al. [14] highlighted the phenomena of concen-
micro/nanochannels are a subject of intensive tration polarization propagation using a simplied
discussions in the literature [3]. Earlier studies model of charged species transport and validated
indicated that water dissociation effects leading the same by conducting experiments and by com-
to the generation of H and OH  ions were paring with other experimental results. The CP
responsible for such overlimiting currents. phenomenon was found to be governed by a
658 Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic Interfaces

type of Dukhin number, relating the bulk and the potential also plays a pivotal role in the concen-
surface conductance. The inverse Dukhin number, tration polarization generation and propagation
for a symmetric electrolyte was specied as: apart from the inverse Dukhin number. The
shortcoming of the model was also highlighted
Gbulk Fhzc0 by Zangle et al. in their work. Thus, still a clear
Gs s and complete understanding of the CP regimes is
yet to be reached and continuous efforts are being
where Gbulk is the bulk conductance, Gs is the made to understand the physics at the micro/
surface conductance, c0 is the concentration out- nanouidic junctions to design advanced and
side the EDL, and s is the wall surface charge novel devices.
density. Zangle et al. postulated that CP depends
on Dukhin number and not on the  h ratio
 of channel
height to the Debye length lD . Using their
In this section, various applications that have been
simplied model, they showed that both the
developed utilizing the concentration polarization
enhancement and the depletion regimes at the
phenomenon are addressed. The applications
interfaces of micro/nanouidic channels propa-
range from preconcentrating biomolecules to
gate as shock waves under the following
uid pumping and mixing and also in water desa-
lination. A brief discussion of the aforementioned
  applications is presented below.
co, r hn < max u2 , 2u2  1 (13)

u z u2 z2 Fhn co, r Preconcentration

where co, r hn 1 1 2u 1s
is an inverse Wang et al. [15] used the depletion region
Dukhin number describing the ratio of bulk to observed at the micro/nanojunction to
surface conductance as mentioned before. preconcentrate proteins. The energy barrier cre-
u2 z2 n2  is the mobility of the co-ion nondimen-
u z F
ated at the depletion region (due to the large
sionalized by the electroosmotic mobility. co,r is voltage drop induced at this junction) prevents
the reservoir electrolyte concentration, hn is the the entry of charged molecules into the
nanochannel height, u1 and u2 are the mobilities, nanochannel. This results in an increase in the
and z1 and z2 are the valences of the positive and concentration of the molecules near the deple-
negative ionic species, respectively. zn is the tion region. In their experiments, Wang
nanochannel zeta potential,  is the permittivity et al. used two anodic microchannels which
and  is the viscosity. Elaborate details of the were independently controlled so that the direc-
model can be referred in [14]. From this model, tion of EOF can be aligned perpendicular to the
they proposed a thumb rule to avoid propagation axis of the nanopore. An increase of about
of CP and it was found that co, r hn
1 . This 106108 fold in the concentration of the protein
condition for CP propagation was compared was reported in their study. Over the past couple
with 56 sets of experimental literature values and of years, similar preconcentration devices utiliz-
was found to give a sufcient rst-hand prediction ing the CP effects were experimentally fabri-
with regard to the concentration polarization cated [3, 14]. Wang et al. [16] also presented
propagation. an experimental approach to improve the bind-
Though the model considers the effects of ing kinetics and the immunoassay detection
surface charge and the electrolyte concentration, sensitivity using concentration polarization in
the nite Pe effects which also play a critical role micro/nanouidic devices. The antigens were
in the concentration polarization were not con- preconcentrated at the depletion region due to
sidered. Further, the experiments of Kim the strong electric eld gradients resulting in the
et al. [10] and the numerical studies performed enhancement in the binding rates with the anti-
by Jin et al. [9] also revealed that the applied body beads.
Concentration Polarization at Micro-/Nanofluidic Interfaces 659

Seawater Desalination phenomenon of concentration polarization

The phenomenon of concentration polarization (CP) leading to the enrichment and depletion of
witnessed in ion-selective membranes was suc- ions near the micronano junctions and the con-
cessfully implemented to address the freshwater cepts of induced space charges and nonlinear
shortage issue by providing energy-efcient electrokinetic transport were briey discussed in
solution to water desalination. A microuidic this chapter. Further, the various controversies
device was fabricated which provides 99 % salt surrounding the physical mechanism for C
rejection at 50 % recovery rate at a power con- nonlinear current characteristics have been
sumption of less than 3.5 Wh/L [17]. The CP highlighted. The criteria for concentration polari-
depletion layer acts as a barrier for any charged zation propagation and the various applications
species and these species were diverted away that have been developed utilizing the concentra-
from the desalted water using suitable pressure tion polarization phenomenon were discussed.
and voltage elds. Their design also ensured salt Though, a lot of extensive work has been carried
ions and other debris to be driven away from the out to understand the CP physics, a clear and
membrane thereby preventing any membrane complete understanding of the CP regimes and
fouling which is often observed in other desali- the induced space charge dynamics is yet to be
nation techniques. reached and efforts need to be directed in this area
to understand the physics at the micro/nanouidic
Mixing, Pumping, and Other Applications junctions to design novel devices.
As discussed earlier, the induced space charges
observed at the depletion region of micro/
nanochannel along with the large electric eld
gradients at this region result in strong vortices. Cross-References
Kim et al. [18] enhanced the mixing efciency
of microuidic devices using the vortices cre- Computational Micro-/Nanouidics: Unier of
ated at this interface. Further, as the electroos- Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering
motic ow of the second kind observed at Electrokinetic Fluid Flow in Nanostructures
the depletion region is directly proportional to Integration of Nanostructures within
the square of the applied electric eld, Kim Microuidic Devices
et al. [19] was able to pump uids using the Surface-Modied Microuidics and
nonequilibrium EOF and observed a vefold Nanouidics
increase in the volumetric ow rates compared
to similar devices utilizing equilibrium EOF. References
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2. Schoch, R.B., Han, J., Renaud, P.: Transport phenom-
led to an asymmetric space charge polarization ena in nanouidics. Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 839883
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present at the interfaces of micro/nanouidic 6. Rubinstein, I.: Electrodiffusion of Ions. SIAM, Phila-
devices were discussed. The complex delphia (1990)
660 Conductance Injection

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the second kind and instability in concentration polar- Conduction Mechanisms in Organic
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Methods Appl. Sci. 11, 263300 (2001) Semiconductors
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and iondepletion effect of nanochannel structures. Weicong Li and Harry Kwok
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N.R.: Induced electrokinetic transport in Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria,
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10. Kim, S.J., Wang, Y.-C., Lee, J.H., Jang, H., Han, J.:
Concentration polarization and nonlinear electroki-
netic ow near a nanouidic channel. Phys. Rev. Definition
Lett. 99, 044501 (2007)
11. Rubinstein, I., Zaltzman, B.: Dynamics of extended Conduction mechanisms in organic semiconduc-
space charge in concentration polarization. Phys. Rev. tors refer to the means by which electronic
E. 81, 061502 (2010)
12. Maletzki, F., Rsler, H.-W., Staude, E.: Ion transfer charges move through organic semiconductors
across electrodialysis membranes in the overlimiting under external stress particularly under the inu-
current range: stationary voltage current characteris- ence of an electrical eld.
tics and current noise power spectra under different
conditions of free convection. J. Membr. Sci. 71,
105116 (1992)
13. Dukhin, S.S.: Electrokinetic phenomena of the second Overview
kind and their applications. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci.
35, 173196 (1991) In order to understand the conduction mecha-
14. Zangle, T.A., Mani, A., Santiago, J.G.: Theory and
experiments of concentration polarization and ion nisms in organic semiconductors, it is necessary
focusing at microchannel and nanochannel interfaces. to rst introduce the concept of band theory,
Chem. Soc. Rev. 39, 10141035 (2010) which is well established in solid-state physics.
15. Wang, Y.-C., Stevens, A.L., Han, J.: Millionfold Solids in general are made of atoms, each of
preconcentration of proteins and peptides by
nanouidic lter. Anal. Chem. 77, 42934299 (2005) which is composed of a positively charged
16. Wang, Y.C., Han, J.: Pre-binding dynamic range and nucleus surrounded by negatively charged elec-
sensitivity enhancement for immuno-sensors using trons. In quantum mechanical terms, these elec-
nanouidic preconcentrator. Lab Chip 8, 392394 trons effectively reside in discrete energy states
17. Kim, S.J., Ko, S.H., Kang, K.H., Han, J.: Direct sea- in orbits. When a large number of atoms (of order
water desalination by ion concentration polarization. 1020 or more) are brought together to form a
Nat. Nanotechnol. 5, 297301 (2010) solid, the discrete energy states are so close
18. Kim, D., Raj, A., Zhu, L., Masel, R.I., Shannon, M.A.: together that energy bands begin to form. At the
Non-equilibrium electrokinetic micro/nano uidic
mixer. Lab Chip 8, 625628 (2008) same time, there will be gaps between the energy
19. Kim, S.J., Li, L.D., Han, J.: Amplied electrokinetic bands which are known as the band gaps.
response by concentration polarization near Because of the presence of these energy gaps,
nanouidic channel. Langmuir 25, 77597765 (2009) there will be some energy bands that are almost
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tion, gating voltage and interchannel communication fully occupied (known as the valence bands) and
of nanoslot arrays due to asymmetric entrance space energy bands that are almost unoccupied (known
charge polarization. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 154502 as the conduction bands). Based on the band
(2009) theory, solids are typically divided into the fol-
lowing three categories: metals, semiconductors,
and insulators. In metals, there is an overlap
between the energy bands so that the energy
Conductance Injection bands are partly lled by electrons at any temper-
ature (even T = 0 K), while both the semicon-
Dynamic Clamp ductors and the insulators have fully lled
Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors 661

Conduction Mechanisms
Conduction Conduction Conduction
in Organic
band band band

Electron energy
Fig. 1 Band structures of
metal, semiconductor, and
Band gap
insulator Fermi level

Valence Valence
band band

Metal Semiconductor Insulator

valence bands and empty conduction bands at the valence band to the conduction band in semi-
T = 0 K. To further study the distribution of elec- conductors at nite temperature, leading to mea-
trons occupying the energy states in solids, it is also surable conductivity. This is not found in the
necessary to introduce the concept of Fermi level insulators due to the larger band gaps even at
into the band theory, which represents the maxi- room temperature, which lead to negligible prob-
mum energy of states that electrons can occupy at ability of electrons occupying energy states in the
T = 0 K. Accordingly, all the allowed energy states conduction band, according to Eq. 1. The charac-
below the Fermi level are occupied by electrons, teristic semiconductor band structure has allowed
and all the energy states above it are empty. When it to play an important role as the materials of
temperature is above 0 K, the probability that choice in the prosperous electronic industry in
electrons occupy the state with energy E under the last few decades.
thermodynamic equilibrium condition is given by While inorganic semiconductors such as sili-
Fermi-Dirac distribution function: con dominated the electronic industry in the twen-
tieth century, tremendous effort has been spent in
1 the research and development of organic electron-
f E (1)
1 expE  EF =kT ics in last decade due to the fact that organic semi-
conductors are usually easier and cheaper to form.
where EF is the Fermi level, k is the Boltzmann Soluble organic materials, such as conjugated
constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin. As polymers, can be deposited in liquid phase (e.g.,
mentioned earlier, in semiconductor and insulator, by printing and spin coating) onto large substrate
the valence band is fully occupied by electrons, and areas at low processing temperature (below
the conduction band is empty at T = 0 K. Therefore, 100  C). Due to this advantage, organic electron-
one can infer that the Fermi level lies in the ics are particularly attractive in the making of
bandgap, between the valance and conduction displays, sensors, light sources, photovoltaic
bands. On the other hand, in metal, due to the panels, radio-frequency identication detectors
fact that the energy bands are partly lled by (RFID), and in devices used in optical communi-
electrons at any temperature, the Fermi level lies cations. As a consequence, research on the charge
within the energy bands. The band structures of conduction mechanisms in organic semiconduc-
metal, semiconductor, and insulator, and the posi- tors and devices is of signicant importance.
tion of Fermi level in them are shown in Fig. 1. In general, conduction mechanisms primarily
The distinction between the semiconductors and describe how electronic charges (referred to as
the insulators appears when temperature rises carriers) move inside the solids under the inu-
above 0 K. Because the band gap between con- ence of an external electrical eld. The process
duction and valence bands in semiconductors is produces a current. At the macroscopic level, the
much narrower than that found in insulators, a fair current density J in solids produced by external
amount of electrons can be thermally excited from electrical eld is given by
662 Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors

J env enmF (2) Energy states

where e is elementary charge of a single carrier,
n the charge density, and v is the drift velocity. LUMO
Furthermore, v can be expressed as the product
of the charge mobility m and the electrical eld F.
As can be seen in Eq. 2, a large current requires
the presence of a substantial number of mobile Fermi
charge carriers (electrons or holes). In organic
semiconductors, mobile carriers are known to be
produced from the distributed p-bonds, which
are covalent chemical bonds resulting from the HOMO
overlap of atomic orbitals. Thus, the limited
current ow in many organic semiconductors
are related to their irregular molecular structures
which can result in low charge mobility in com- Electron Hole
parison to values found in silicon and other inor-
ganic semiconductors. In addition, the more Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors,
Fig. 2 Density of (energy) states in an organic
established conduction mechanisms based on semiconductor
band theory normally found in inorganic crystal-
line semiconductors are absent in the organic
semiconductors. As mentioned earlier, band the-
ory states that carriers could only exist and move As expected, in most organic semiconductors
in either the conduction bands or the valence both the carrier density n and the charge mobility
bands because there are permitted energy states m are low and the value of the latter often depends
where carriers can reside and their movement on the strength of the electrical eld F in contrast to
between the energy states will produce a current. what is observed in inorganic semiconductors. In
The use of energy band diagrams (see Fig. 1) some organic semiconductors, the molecular struc-
to explain charge transport in organic semicon- tures can be highly disordered and different con-
ductors however is not possible. This is because duction mechanisms are found to predominate
of the presence of high densities of defects and depending on the associated manufacturing
trap states. Instead, charge transport in organic process.
semiconductors is directly explained in terms of
the energy (orbital) states which are termed
either the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital Basic Methodology
(LUMO) or the highest occupied molecular
orbital (HOMO). As such, LUMO and HOMO Many useful techniques have been proposed to
levels are not genuine energy bands and they are study the conduction mechanisms in organic
used merely to serve as references to demarcate semiconductors including time-of-ight (TOF)
ground state energy and the next activated experiment, space charge limited current (SCLC)
state energy [1]. The distribution of these energy measurement, and eld-effect measurements
states known as the density of states (DOS) using organic eld-effect transistors (OFETs).
is usually considered to be Gaussian centered These techniques, combined with the dependence
at the LUMO and HOMO (see Fig. 2). The on temperature, provide important information on
width of the Gaussian energy states depends on mobility, trap concentration which are useful to
both the regularity of the molecular structure and assess the conduction mechanisms. Brief intro-
the impurities present in the organic ductions to several different techniques com-
semiconductor. monly used are given here.
Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors 663

Conduction Mechanisms V
in Organic +
Fig. 3 A schematic of the
time-of-ight (TOF)
experiment setup Oscilloscope
semiconductor C

Transparent Metal
metal contact contact

Time-of-Flight (TOF) Experiment

As implied by its name, time-of-ight (TOF) +
experiment is the method of measuring the time
it takes for one or a few carrier to travel a distance
through the solid. When TOF experiment is used
to study the conduction mechanisms in organic
semiconductors (see Fig. 3), two metal electrodes
(forming the contact) are deposited on the two
ends of the organic semiconductor (one of the Organic
two is usually transparent). Initially, a few carriers semiconductor
are generated at one end near the transparent metal
electrode using a short laser pulse with energy
greater than the energy difference between
HOMO and LUMO levels of organic semiconduc-
tor. The photo-generated carriers are then drifted Metal Metal
toward the opposite end by an external electrical
eld generating a current pulse. By measuring the L
time delay of the current pulse, the velocity and
the mobility of the charge carriers through the Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors,
Fig. 4 A simplied schematic of the setup used for space
organic semiconductors can be computed. charge limited current (SCLC) measurement

Space Charge Limited Current (SCLC)

Due to the low mobility of carriers in organic semi- where y is a parameter dependent on the traps
conductors, the measured IV characteristics usually present in the semiconductors, e0 the free space
deviate from Ohms law (i.e., the linear relationship permittivity, er the relative dielectric constant, m
between current and voltage). This is illustrated in drift mobility of injected charge carrier, A the
Fig. 4. In this case, if efcient charge injection from cross section area of semiconductor, and L the
the metal electrode is achieved by choosing a suit- distance between metal contacts. By measuring
able metal, the IV characteristics will follow the the IV characteristics at different temperatures,
space charge limited current equation as given by one can determine the mobility and the trap den-
sity of traps. Thus, SCLC measurement is a very
9 V2 useful technique reecting the conduction mech-
I ye0 er mA 3 (3)
8 L anisms in organic semiconductors.
664 Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors

Conduction Mechanisms a b
Gate Source Drain
in Organic
Semiconductors, Gate dielectric Organic semiconductor
Fig. 5 Two device Organic semiconductor
congurations for the Source Drain Gate dielectric
OFETs: (a) top-gate, (b) Substrate Gate

Measurement Based on the Organic to look for the potential relationship between reg-
Field-Effect Transistor (OFET) ularity of molecular structure and conduction
Field-effect transistor (FET) is an electronic performance.
device widely used in active circuits. It consists
of a semiconductor with a conducting channel, an
isolated gate controlling charge ow in the chan- Key Research Findings
nel, a gate dielectric between the semiconductor
and the gate, as well as source and drain regions Band-Like Transport
forming the output terminals. Organic eld-effect For highly puried and ordered organic molecular
transistor (OFET) is a eld-effect transistor crystals, it is possible that band-like charge
formed on an organic semiconductor. The device transport similar to that of the inorganic semicon-
conguration can have a top-gate or a bottom-gate ductors may occur. The main feature found in
as shown in Fig. 5. band-like charge transport is the fact that the tem-
The basic operation principle of the OFETs is perature dependence of the charge mobility has
very simple. When a bias voltage is applied the following form:
between gate and source electrodes, carriers are
injected from the source into the organic semicon- mT / T n , with n 1, 2, 3 . . . (4)
ductor forming an extremely thin accumulation
layer (2  3 nm) at the interface between organic In practice, n is usually positive which leads to
semiconductor and the dielectric. The carriers increasing charge mobility when temperature
conduct a current across the source and the drain decreases. In general, because the electrons are
regions, and the current depends on the gate volt- usually weakly delocalized even in the highly
age as well as the charge mobility which is also ordered organic crystals, the band widths of the
dependent on the gate voltage and the drain-to- HOMO and the LUMO are small compared to
source voltage. The operation of the OFETs energy bands found in the inorganic semiconduc-
therefore relies on carrier accumulation in the tors. As a result, room temperature charge mobil-
eld-effect structure in contrast to the case of the ities observed in organic semiconductor crystals
inorganic FETs which rely on either charge deple- can only reach values in the range 120 cm2/Vs
tion or inversion. Therefore, OFETs are efcient [2]. Band-like charge transport has been observed
tools to investigate the interfacial conduction in small-molecules and in single-crystal organic
mechanisms, while TOF and SCLC measure- semiconductors (such as rubrene) formed by
ments are mainly used to study the bulk conduc- vapor deposition process. As a matter of fact, in
tion mechanisms in the organic semiconductors. the majority of organic semiconductors, traps and
For example, IV characteristics of OFETs are defects are formed during deposition which tends
usually analyzed to determine parameters such to destroy band-like properties.
as the charge mobility and the threshold voltage
both of which are closed related to the density of Polaron Transport
traps at the interface. In addition, spectroscopic A polaron is a quasiparticle composed of a charge
techniques are sometimes used to probe the mor- carrier and its induced polarization eld. In many
phology of the organic semiconductor interface, organic materials, due to the low charge
Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors 665

mobilities, carriers tend to polarize their surround- Localized

ing lattice. As a result, polarization elds are Energy states
formed around the carriers, which can no longer
be considered as naked. Instead, the carriers will
be localized in potential minima created by the
so-called molecular deformations [1]. In other
words, a charge is trapped by the deformation it C
induces. Such an entity is known as a polaron.
Polarons can move between molecules similar to
the carriers except that they also carry the defor-
mations along. In many disordered molecular Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors,
organic semiconductors, deformations associated Fig. 6 Hopping transport in organic semiconductors
with the trapped charges can be considerable and
conduction mechanisms characterizing polaron
transport are under intensive research by many Multiple Trap and Release (MTR) Transport
research groups across the world. Charge transport in OFETs is affected by defects
and impurities which exist in the intrinsic part of the
Variable Range Hopping (VRH) Transport organic semiconductors per se and can also be
For most organic semiconductors such as poly- linked to an inferior semiconductor/dielectric inter-
mers and oligomers, their molecular structures are face. As a result, the performance of OFETs is
highly disordered and have considerable densities sample-dependent, which is one of the major dif-
of defects and traps. The energy band diagrams culties in characterizing the properties of OFETs.
are no longer suitable to describe the densities of As mentioned earlier, VRH transport is more suit-
states as these energy states are now localized. able to account for charge transport in highly dis-
Furthermore, band-like charge transport can no ordered organic semiconductors and, in contrast,
longer explain the observed low charge mobilities another well-established and widely accepted
and the fact that their values increase with tem- charge transport model known as the multiple
perature (as opposed to what is observed in band- trap and release (MTR) model is frequently
like charge transport). One of the widely accepted applied to the relatively well-ordered organic semi-
theories, known as the variable range hopping conductors, such as small molecules and molecular
(VRH) transport, is proved to give a reasonable crystals. The basic principle of MTR model
explanation by describing charge transport in includes two important components: (1) a transport
terms of hopping of the charge carriers between band containing delocalized energy states whereby
localized states as shown in Fig. 6. carriers can move freely and (2) the presence of a
Hopping can be used to explain the lower high density of localized energy states located in
mobility found in disordered organic semiconduc- the vicinity of the edge of transport band acting as
tors and instead of the power law dependence on traps. During charge transport, carriers move freely
temperature as in band-like charge transport, the in the transport band with a high probability of
temperature dependence in VRH charge transport being trapped at the localized energy states and
exhibits temperature-dependent activation as well then subsequently thermally released into transport
as dependence on the applied electric eld as band again. The basic illustration of MTR transport
given by [3] process is shown in Fig. 7.
 p The effective mobility (meff) in the MTR model
mF, T / expDE=kT  exp b F=kT (5) is actually smaller than the real mobility (m0) in
the transport band in the absence of localized
where m is mobility, F is the electrical eld, T is energy states and is given by [4]
the temperature, DE is the activation energy, and b
is a parameter related to disorder. meff m0 aexpEt =kT (6)
666 Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors

Conduction Mechanisms Transport band

in Organic
Fig. 7 Multiple trap and
release transport (MTR)
Charge carriers
energy states

where a is the ratio of the effective density of Cathode

energy states at the edge of the transport band to
the density of traps in the localized energy states,
and Et is the energetic distance between the edge transport layer
of the transport band and the localized energy
states. If the localized energy states are energeti- Electroluminescent
cally dispersive, a and Et must be recalculated layer
according to the trap distribution.
In the study of OFETs, the MTR model is Hole
widely used to account for charge transport due transport layer
to the fact that it offers a reasonable explanation
on the gate voltage dependent mobility usually
observed in OFETs. As mentioned above, unlike
inorganic semiconductors, organic semiconduc- Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors,
tors usually have Gaussian density of states Fig. 8 Schematic of a typical organic light-emitting diode
(DOS). When a bias is applied to the gate of an (OLED)
OFET, the Fermi level at the dielectric-
semiconductor interface will be shifted toward
the transport band so that a fair amount of local- Devices
ized energy states near the edge of the transport
band will be lled when the Fermi level is located Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED)
closer to the transport band. As a result, the mobil- Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is an elec-
ity of the carriers in the MTR model is actually troluminescent diode composed of organic mate-
improved because of the reduced density of rials serving as the electroluminescent layer and
traps leading to a reduced value of Et. Therefore, charge transport layer. The typical OLED struc-
the gate-voltage dependent effective mobility ture is shown in Fig. 8. During operation of an
of the carriers in the MTR transport model is OLED, a bias voltage is applied between anode
given by [5] and cathode. Holes (electrons) are injected from
the anode (cathode) into the electroluminescent

T 0 layer through the hole (electron) transport layer.
N c Ci V G  V T T 1
meff m0 (7) Because electrons and holes exist simultaneously
N t0 qN t0 in the same layer, there is a high probability that
they recombine with each other due to electro-
where m0 is the mobility of the carriers in the static forces, leading to radiative emission. There-
transport band, Nc the effective density of states fore, efcient charge injection from both cathode
at the edge of the transport band, Nt0 the total and anode is requisite for the efcient operation of
density of traps, Ci the capacitance of the insulator the OLED and current conduction is dominated
per unit area, and T0 is a characteristic temperature by space charge limited current as introduced
related to the distribution of the DOS. earlier.
Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy 667

a b Electron
Light emission Hole injecting
Electron injecting
Light emission electrode electrode
injecting Hole injecting
electrode electrode hole-type organic
semiconductor electron-type
Gate dielectric Gate dielectric organic C
Gate Gate

Conduction Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductors, Fig. 9 Schematic illustrations of organic light-emitting eld-
effect transistors (OLEFETs) with light emission in: (a) the single-layer conguration and (b) the multilayer conguration

Organic Light-Emitting Field-Effect Transistor References

Organic light-emitting eld-effect transistor 1. Kwok, H.L., Wu, Y.L., Sun, T.P.: Charge transport
and optical effects in disordered organic semi-
(OLEFET) is a novel organic device combining
conductors. In: Noginov, M.A., Dewar, G., McCall,
the function of current conduction of an OFET M.W., Zheludev, N.I. (eds.) Tutorials in Complex
with electroluminescence in an OLED. The oper- Photonic Media, pp. 576577. SPIE Press, Belling-
ation of the OLEFET is actually the same as that ham (2009)
2. Podzorov, V., Menard, E., Borissov, A., Kiryukhin, V.,
of the OFET. However, if proper materials are
Rogers, J.A., Gershenson, M.E.: Intrinsic charge trans-
chosen as the source and the drain to give efcient port on the surface of organic semiconductors. Phys.
charge injection and under favorable voltage bias Rev. Lett. 93, 086602 (2004)
condition, electrons and holes can be injected and 3. Br
utting, W.: Physics of Organic Semiconductors.
Wiley, Weinheim (2005)
transported separately in the OFET channel(s).
4. Horowitz, G.: Organic eld-effect transistors. Adv.
This type of charge transport is known as Mater. 10, 365377 (1998)
ambipolar charge transport, which is unique and 5. Bao, Z., Locklin, J.: Organic Field-Effect Transistors.
only found in an organic eld-effect transistor. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2007)
Furthermore, in ambipolar charge transport if the
electrons and holes are allowed to recombine
radiatively in an emitter layer to give out light,
this type of OFET with electroluminescence func-
tionality is usually called OLEFET. Various Conductivity of Metal Nanowires
device structures have been proposed to realize Studied by Infrared Plasmon-
ambipolar charge transport and light emission in Polariton Spectroscopy
OLEFETs, and, in most cases, the proposed struc-
tures fall into two main categories as far as the J. Vogt1, C. Huck1, F. Neubrech2 and A. Pucci1
charge layers are concerned. These are the single- Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg
layer OLEFET and multilayer OLEFET as shown University, Heidelberg, Germany
in Fig. 9. 4th Physics Institute, University of Stuttgart,
Stuttgart, Germany


ElectrodeOrganic Interface Physics Synonyms

Flexible Electronics
Optical and Electronic Properties Electrical conductivity; Localized plasmon
Surface Electronic Structure polaritons in the infrared; Nanoantennas
668 Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy

Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy, Fig. 1 AFM picture of
a typical gold nanowire prepared by EBL on CaF2. The measured average height of the wire is ca. 60 nm

Definition For plasmonic resonances of nanostructures,

increased resistivity leads to higher damping and
Metal nanorods of a few micron length and a thus to less-efcient performance of antennas,
much smaller diameter feature strong plasmonic sensors, and other devices. Vice versa, informa-
resonances in the infrared region and therefore act tion on resistivity or conductivity, respectively, is
rather similar to radio antennas, but the spectral included in the plasmonic resonance spectrum.
shape of such resonances is related to the conduc-
tivity of the nanoantenna material. In the scientic
literature, analytic approaches exist which explain Infrared Conductivity of Metals
the relationship between the electronic conductiv-
ity and the resonance spectrum that is due to Below the onset of interband transitions, the infra-
plasmon polaritons as mixed excitations from red (IR) optical properties of metals are deter-
free electrons and photons. mined by the collective oscillations of
free-charge carriers called plasmons. The circular
frequency (o)-dependent Drude dielectric
Introduction function

Metal nanowires are produced, for example, by

electron-beam lithography (EBL), electrochemi- eo e1  (1)
cal, and wet chemical methods [1]. Usually they oo iot
are inspected by scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) or atomic force microscopy (AFM) in is a good description of that behavior [4]. Effects
order to get geometric information; see Fig. 1. from interband transitions on the background
But, neither SEM nor AFM can deliver conduc- polarizability are included in e1. This background
tivity information of a nanoobject. Electrical mea- permittivity can have values clearly above
surements are not simple because of the necessary 1, which becomes important in the near infrared
contacts and thus contact resistance comes into where the negative real part of the Drude term
play. Nevertheless, because of the importance of reaches the same order of magnitude. For gold
the ohmic losses in electronics, many studies and silver, e1 becomes frequency dependent and
already investigated the change of resistivity complex in the visible, but for other metals like
with the size and the crystalline quality of inter- iron, chromium, and platinum, such behavior
connect structures [2]. The results demonstrate starts already in the mid-infrared, and the applica-
that the two main contributions to the resistivity tion of the models in this article is then restricted
increase with shrinking height and width of metal to the far IR below about 1000 cm1 (in wave
interconnects which are surface scattering and numbers). The Drude parameters op and ot
grain-boundary scattering. The Matthiessen rule describe the plasma frequency and the relaxation
according to which the several contributions add rate of the free charge carriers, respectively.
up to the total resistivity [3] was proven to be a Frequency-independent parameters (see Table 1)
valid approximation in most cases. are in reasonable accord with the IR optical
Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy 669

Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared increases directly proportional to the inverse
Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy, Table 1 Drude wire diameter (with a proportionality factor
parameters for selected metals at room temperature from
the data collection by Ordal et al. [5]. The parameters are depending on surface roughness and surface
given as wave numbers = o/(2pc) in cm1 units. They chemistry), e.g., [2] and references therein, and,
were derived from fits to far and mid-IR spectra of poly- according to Matthiessens rule, [3] has to be
crystalline bulk material (e1 was set equal to one) added to the defect scattering rate otd. Therefore,
ot op the total electronic relaxation rate (inverse life- C
Gold 215 72,800 time) is
Silver 145 72,700
Aluminum 660 119,000 ot ote t, o otp t ots otd (3)

with ote and otp as the electronelectron and the

behavior of such metals where only s and electronphonon scattering rate, respectively [24].
p electrons contribute to the conductivity, for Above temperatures t of about 10 K, the
example, aluminum, silver, and gold (but not temperature-dependent term in electronelectron
iron). With op much higher than IR frequencies scattering is small compared to electronphonon
and ot << op, the Drude dielectric function has a scattering [3, 4]. The frequency-dependent term in
strong negative real part in the IR. For ot spec- electronelectron scattering is also negligible for
trally located in the mid-IR (typical situation metals with conduction carried by s and
occurring for iron or defect-rich noble metals), p electrons only [5, 6], like, for example, Au in
the skin depth in absorbing region is the infrared where the dielectric function follows
r the simple Drude model with a constant ot. The
c 2ot temperature dependence of ot is almost due to the
d ; (2)
op o temperature-dependent number of phonons. With
the Debye temperature yD, the Debye model for
but it is d  c=op for ot << o in the reecting phonons leads to the BlochGruneisen relation [7]
region (c is the vacuum velocity of light). Typical for the scattering rate
values for skin depths of metals in the mid-IR are
of the order of a few 10 nm and thus of the same  5 yD=t
order of magnitude as the diameters of typical t z5
otp / dz (4)
plasmonic structures used in sensing applications. yD ez  11  ez
Any increase in resistivity may lead to a strong
increase in the skin depth and thus signicantly for a free electron gas in the dc limit. This relation
increases the ratio between absorption and predicts ot / t/yD for t >> yD, ot  otd + ots for
reection [4]. t << yD, and a transition region with ot / (t/yD)5
In the dc limit, the Drude parameters (Bloch relation [3]), respectively. In the infrared,
the dc resistivity rdc ot = ev o2p [3]; ev is the this relation is no more valid since additionally to
vacuum permittivity. Slight deviations from the the electron and phonon, also a photon with
IR optical parameters may occur due to an anisot- energy o is involved, and the scattering rate
ropy of scattering [4] and the energy dependence
of many body effects [6]. 2 3
 5 yD=t 4
1 62 t z 7
otp 4 4 dz5 (5)
t0 5 yD ez  1
Electron Scattering 0

From a variety of studies, it is known that, as derived by Holstein is considered as a better

theoretically predicted, the contribution ots of approximation [8]. The rate 1/t0 depends on the
electronic surface scattering to resistivity kind of metal and could be approximated by
670 Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy

Holsteins bulk dc-scattering rate at sufciently electromagnetic radiation to a conned volume of

low temperature [4]. sub-wavelength scale. For example, metallic
nanorods (nanoantennas) with mm-sized lengths
L show plasmonic resonances in the IR spectral
Granular Metal range. Related to the not-negligible skin depth d,
the simple l/2-dipole behavior known from RF
Beyond the percolation threshold, the IR optical antennas, where the relationship between L and
properties of conductive but granular metal lms the resonant wavelength lres is given by 2 L =
can be described by a Drude-type dielectric func- lres, is not valid for nanoantennas at optical
tion e* with an effective plasma frequency op,eff. (including IR) frequencies [1]. The modied rela-
The analytic approach to the effective dielectric tion for cylindrical rods
function eeff of inhomogeneous media that origi-
nally was developed by Bruggeman [9], 2 L leff n2 lres =lp n1 (7)
e  eeff
F (for the radius R <<L) where lp denotes the
e D  1eeff
plasma wavelength of the antennas material bet-
ehost  eeff
1  F ter describes the optical antenna behavior in the
ehost D  1eeff case ot << ores and makes clear that
0; (6) lres  1=op [11]. Thus granularity effects the
resonance position; see the lowered effective
with the spatial lling factor F, dimension D, and a plasma frequency above. The coefcients n1 and
host medium with ehost can be used to estimate the n2 depend on R and on the dielectric properties e1
effective Drude parameters. For a metal-island and es, the dielectric constant of the nonabsorbing
lm D = 2 and in vacuum, without adsorbates or surrounding medium at the resonance frequency:
cover layers, ehost = 1. With 1/e  0 which is a
valid approximation below a certain frequency, it e1 141:04es
n1  R 2p 13:74  0:12 4 ,
follows eeff 2F  1e: Furthermore, with eeff/ es
F = e*, a relation that accounts for equal n2 
0:12 e1 141:04es :
absorption in both the models, the result is es
o2p, eff 2  1=Fo2p : For D = 3 the (8)
same approximation leads to o2p, eff The metal was described as a free-electron gas
op 3F  1=2F: For D = 2, the lowering of
according to the Drude model with negligible
the squared-effective plasma frequency is more relaxation rate ot compared to photon frequencies
pronounced than for the D = 3 case. So, far-eld o. Such conditions are fullled for perfect, crystal-
spectra are especially sensitive to a morphology line gold (clearly also silver and copper) nanorods
consisting of one layer of grains, which is mostly in the mid-IR, but not in case of strong defect
relevant for metal nanostructures [10]. The grainy scattering when d becomes frequency dependent.
structure of the wire in Fig. 1 could be clearly Plasmonic extinction in the IR (e.g., as measured
recognized. Upon annealing the morphology can in normal transmittance geometry, see Fig. 2, with
be changed towards larger grains. polarization along the long-nanowire axis and the
nanowire on a substrate that without nanowire is
used for the reference spectrum [1]) contains an
Infrared Plasmonic Resonances important contribution from absorption. This con-
tribution becomes smaller (compared to scattering)
Very similar to radio frequency (RF) antennas, res- for larger R (or larger height h and width w) of the
onantly excited plasmonic nanostructures act as antenna. As a rough approximation, these effects
optical antennas that concentrate energy of can be described within the radiation-corrected
Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy 671

differ in their asymmetric frequency-dependent

spectral shape; notice the different exponents of o
in the two numerators. TL = Vrns op2/(6pc3) is the
Larmor-time parameter (with the vacuum velocity
c of light) depending on the volume V (where the
electrons are excited in the particle), the refractive
index ns of the surrounding medium, and the local- C
eld ratio r [14]. For a spheroid in the quasistatic
approximation, r = es/[es+F(e1-es)] with F as the
depolarization factor [15]. For a sphere, for exam-
ple, r = 3es/(e1 + 2es) for an innitely long needle
r = 1 which is a reasonable approximation also for
nanowires. For a plasmonic dipole of an innites-
imally small volume, TL becomes also innitesi-
mally small and the damping of the oscillator gets
equal to the electronic scattering rate ot. However,
related to the scattering of light in case of larger
Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared objects with nite V, the radiation damping rate
Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy, Fig. 2 Scheme of
the IR transmittance measurement at normal incidence of
orad = o2TL has to be included in the denominators
light. For studies of individual wires, the focal plane should of both the quasistatic expressions sabs and ssca.
be as small as possible but should include the full wire. The Typical values of orad at o = ores for IR
reference measurement has to be performed on the identi- nanoantennas from gold (with h and w similar to
cal bare substrate with the same IR optics. The polarization 50 nm, ns  1) are of the order of the relaxation rate
of the IR light is important
and thus are not negligible.
In experiments, resonances may appear much
quasistatic approximation that allows rst-order broader compared to the expectation based on the
estimates of resonances also for particles substan- damping rates if the symmetry of the cylindrical
tially larger than 1 % of wavelength if the incident shape is broken due to production errors. Then,
light is uniform across the object, i.e., for IR anten- for example, the even-order resonances (at 2 ores,
nas at normal incidence of light up to few 10 nm in usually not dipole active [1]) can be excited also
diameter [12, 13]. In this approximation, for the by normal incidence of light. Further (Gaussian)
fundamental resonance and ot << o, the scatter- broadening appears due to random parameter var-
ing cross section iations in a nanowire ensemble. In ensembles with
interwire distances of the order of the resonance
Vr wavelength and below, nanowire interaction is an
ssca o2p
ns c important issue in [16] not presented here.
o4 T L
 h 2 i
o2res  o2 o 2 o t o 2 T L 2 Infrared Spectroscopy of Metallic
(9) Nanowires

and the absorption cross section With IR microspectroscopy (intense light sources
are preferred), the far-eld extinction related to a
Vr nanowires plasmonic resonances can be detected
sabs o2p
ns c well if a small aperture with the wire in its center is
o2 ot used [1, 16]. The IR spectra benet from a care-
 h 2 i fully measured reference spectrum from the bare
o2res  o2 o2 ot o2 T L 2
(identical) substrate. The extinction cross section
(10) sex = sabs + ssca of a single nanoparticle
672 Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy

Conductivity of Metal Nanowires Studied by Infrared wire. The transmittance is normalized to the IR spectrum of
Plasmon-Polariton Spectroscopy, Fig. 3 Individual the ZnS substrate without any wire. The geometrical
nanowires extinction (normalized to the geometrical parameters (length L and width w) of the electron-beam
shadow) measured at room temperature in normal trans- lithographically produced gold nanostripes are given in the
mittance for an electric eld parallel to the long axis of the gure. The stripes height was about 60 nm

(see examples in Fig. 3) on a thick transparent Electron Beam Lithography (EBL)

substrate (with refractive index nsubstrate) can be Local Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR)
estimated from the relative transmittance spec- Nanoparticulate Materials and Core/Shell
trum Trel (o) at normal incidence of light via the Structures Derived from Wet Chemistry
relation sext = A0 (1  Trel) (nsubstrate + 1)/2 Methods
where A0 is the focal area (with one particle in the Plasmonics
center) [1, 16]. If the preconditions mentioned Spectromicroscopy
above are fullled, a t based on the Eqs. 8 and
9 can deliver the parameters ot and ores (and thus
lres that via Eqs. 7 and 8 can be compared to the
value expected from the ideal plasma frequency).

1. Pucci, A., Neubrech, F., Aizpurua, J., Cornelius, T., de

Conclusion la Chapelle, M.L.: Electromagnetic nanowire reso-
nances for eld-enhanced spectroscopy. In: Wang, Z.
(ed.) One-Dimensional Nanostructures, pp. 175216.
Bringing together well-established knowledge on Springer, New York (2008)
metal optical properties, metallic resistivity, and 2. Steinhgl, W., Schindler, G., Steinlesberger, G.,
optical antennas, the strong relationship between Engelhardt, M.: Size-dependent resistivity of metallic
wires in the mesoscopic range. Phys. Rev. B 66,
electrical conductivity parameters and the funda-
075414 (2002)
mental plasmonic resonance of nanowires in the 3. Ashcroft, N.W., Mermin, N.D.: Solid State Physics.
infrared is claried. Sounders College Publishing, Orlando (1976)
4. Abeles, F.: Optical properties of metals. In: Abeles,
F. (ed.) Optical Properties of Solids, pp. 93162. North
Cross-References Holland, Amsterdam (1972)
5. Ordal, M.A., Bell, R.J., Alexander Jr., R.W., Long, L.
L., Querry, M.R.: Optical properties of fourteen metals
AFM in the infrared and far infrared: Al, Co, Cu, Au, Fe, Pb,
Gold Nanorods Mo, Ni, Pd, Pt, Ag, Ti, V, and W. Appl. Optics 24,
Effective Media 44934499 (1985)
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 673

6. Young, C.-Y.: The frequency and temperature depen- the excited focal volume onto a point detector
dence of the optical effective mass of conduction elec- using reected, transmitted, emitted, or scattered
trons in simple metals. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 30,
27652769 (1969) light. In contrast to conventional microscopes,
7. Ziman, J.M.: Principles of the Theory of Solids. Cam- this scheme permits strong rejection of out-of-
bridge University Press, Cambridge (1979) focus light and optical sectioning of the sample.
8. McKay, J.A., Rayne, J.A.: Temperature dependence of In order to obtain an image, the focal volume must
the infrared absorptivity of the noble metals. Phys.
Rev. B 13, 673685 (1976) be scanned relative to the sample. Scanning can be C
9. Bittar, A.: The Bruggeman Effective Medium Theory performed in the lateral as well as in the axial
Applied to the Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous directions, and three-dimensional images of the
Materials. Physics and Engineering Laboratory, sample can be generated in this way.
Lower Hutt (1984)
10. Zhang, X., Stroud, D.: Optical and electrical properties
of thin lms. Phys. Rev. B 52, 21312137 (1995)
11. Novotny, L.: Effective wavelength scaling for optical Operating Principle
antennas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 266802 (2007)
12. Sarid, D., Challener, W.A.: Modern Introduction to
Surface Plasmons. Cambridge University Press, Cam- Figure 1 illustrates the working principle of a
bridge (2010) uorescence confocal microscope. A point light
13. Kats, M.A., Yu, N., Genevet, P., Gaburro, Z., Capasso, source, here the end of an optical ber carrying the
F.: Effect of radiation damping on the spectral excitation light, is imaged onto the sample by the
response of plasmonic components. Opt. Express 19,
2174821753 (2011) objective lens via a beam splitter. Emitted light
14. Doyle, W.T.: Electrodynamic response of metal from the focal spot is imaged through the beam
spheres. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2, 10311034 (1985) splitter onto a pinhole via an auxiliary lens. The
15. Pelton, M., Bryant, G.: Introduction to Metal- light is registered by the detector, because it
Nanoparticle Plasmonics. Wiley, Hoboken (2013)
16. Weber, D., Pucci, A.: Antenna interaction in the infra- passes through the pinhole (left-hand side of
red. In: de la Chapelle, M.L., Pucci, A. (eds.) Fig. 1). Fluorescence from a uorophore at an
Nanoantenna: Plasmon -Enhanced Spectroscopies for out-of-focus position in the excitation cone, on
Biotechnological Applications, pp. 175194. Pan the other hand, arrives at the screen defocused.
Stanford Publishing, Singapore (2013)
Therefore, only a small fraction of it passes
through the pinhole and reaches the detector.
The effect is understated by the schematic gure
and actually much stronger in a real microscope
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy because of the short focal length of the objective
lens. The optical sectioning capability is the core
Reinhold Wannemacher of confocal microscopy and allows to render the
Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies, IMDEA object three-dimensionally under different angles
Nanociencia, Madrid, Spain by appropriate software once a stack of images at
different depths has been acquired. In addition,
the lateral resolution is slightly improved in con-
Synonyms focal microscopy, compared to conventional
microscopy, when the pinhole is small. On the
Confocal scanning optical microscopy (CSOM); other hand, an image can be acquired in this way
Laser scanning confocal microscopy only by serial scanning of the sample or of the
excitation beam (for technical improvements in
this respect see section Confocal Microscopy
Definition Involving Modied Illumination).
Because a CLSM operates with light, it may be
A confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) used to image many different physical quantities.
images a point light source used for excitation These may be simply reected or transmitted
onto the sample via the objective lens and images intensity (brighteld confocal microscopy) or the
674 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Fig. 1 Principle of confocal laser scanning microscopy, demonstrating the
strong rejection of out-of-focus light

intensity of uorescence excited in the sample lensless versions have been demonstrated. Lens-
(uorescence confocal microscopy). Other based instruments with external reference beam
options include polarization and phase of reected are commercially available.
or transmitted light, as well as the intensity, wave-
length, lifetime, time correlation, or recovery after
photobleaching of uorescence from the sample Basic Theory of the Confocal Microscope
or intensity, wavelength, and polarization of
inelastically (Raman) scattered light. Moreover, The spatial resolution of modern high-quality con-
a nonlinear response of the sample to the optical ventional as well as confocal microscopes is limited
excitation near the laser focus, based, for example, by diffraction. This means that within the design
on multiphoton excitation, second harmonic gen- spectral range of the objective lens aberrations,
eration, or stimulated scattering processes may be such as spherical aberration, astigmatism, coma,
used for confocal microscopy. Some of these eld curvature, distortion, and chromatic aberra-
options will be discussed in section Variants of tion, have a signicantly smaller impact on the
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. resolution of the microscope than diffraction. An
Optical sectioning and three-dimensional important exception to this statement arises from
image acquisition being the essential feature of aberrations due to refraction, when sample regions
confocal optical microscopy, it is worth mention- well inside refracting samples have to be imaged.
ing here that an alternative (diffraction-limited) Most modern microscope objectives are now
brighteld optical microscopy technique with innity corrected, that means they are corrected
similar capability is digital holographic micros- for forming an image at innity. A tube lens is in
copy, although this technique is far less widely this case required to form a real image at nite
known and used. Here, the object is reconstructed distance. The limitations by diffraction are, how-
from an intensity camera image and no scanning is ever, in any case dominated by the objective lens
necessary. Moreover, a phase image is obtained in and not by the tube lens. This is due to the depen-
addition to an amplitude image. Signicant dence of the diffraction limit on the opening angle
improvements in object reconstruction algorithms of the rays contributing to the image, which is
have been made in recent years, and lens-based much smaller for the tube lens than for the
versions with external reference beam as well as objective lens.
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 675

Point Spread Function of the Confocal modes PSFill(x, y, z)  PSFdet (x, y, z), and both
Microscope functions are then identical to the one given in
The three-dimensional intensity distribution in the Eq. 2. This results in
image space corresponding to a single-point
object, demagnied by the magnication of the
PSFCF x, y, z jhx, y, zj4 : (4)
optical system, is called the (intensity) point
spread function (PSF) of the lens. The PSF of a C
confocal microscope with an innitesimally small Experimentally, this function would be observed
pinhole is given by [1, 2]: when a point object is scanned through the focus
of the instrument in both cases. It should be kept
PSFCF x, y, z PSFill x, y, z PSFdet x, y, z in mind here that the paraxial approximation is
contrary to the actual typical situation in optical
microscopy. The paraxial approximation, never-
Here, PSFCF, PSFill, and PSFdet represent the point theless, works surprisingly well even for
spread functions for the confocal imaging and the N.A.  0.5 (y0 = 30 in the case of a dry lens,
illumination and detection paths, respectively. see below) and gives reasonable estimates of
Neglecting the contribution from the tube lens, the diffraction limit even for higher numerical
as well as aberrations of the objective lens, the aperture objective lenses. Deciencies of the sca-
latter two functions are simply the point spread lar approximation will be discussed in section
functions of a simple lens, which, in the paraxial Deciencies of the Scalar and Paraxial Approx-
and scalar approximation, can be calculated by imation: Effects of the Vector Character of
means of the Huygens-Fresnel principle as [3] Light.
Figure 2 displays the three-dimensional inten-
sity point spread function of a conventional
PSFx, y, z jhx, y, zj2 (2) (a) and a confocal (b) microscope calculated
according to Eqs. 1 and 3. The numerical aperture
with of the objective lens is N.A. = 0.5. z is the coor-
dinate along the axis of the lens and r the coordi-
 C0 eiks C

nate perpendicular to the optical axis, measured in

h r dA  eikq r dO: (3) wavelengths. The drastic reduction in side lobes
l s l
A O for a confocal microscope is immediately evident.
 This also leads to drastic reduction in laser speckle

Here, h r represents the scalar complex ampli- in the case of coherent illumination.
tude of the eld in the image space at a position

r x, y, z relative to the location of the geomet- Single-Point Resolution in the Focal Plane
ric focus; l is the wavelength, k 2p=l: s is the In the focal plane (z = 0), the PSF of the conven-

distance between the point P at position r in tional microscope, as calculated from Eq. 3, coin-

the image space and a point Q at position f q in cides with the well-known Airy pattern

the pupil A of the lens of focal length f: q is a unit
vector in the direction of Q: O is the solid angle 2J 1 v 2
PSF (5)
subtended by the aperture of the lens as seen from v
the origin at the geometric focus, and C and C0 are
constants. Equation 3 assumes homogeneous illu- with
mination of the lens. Inhomogeneous illumination
can be taken into account by multiplying the inte- v kr n sin y0 kr N:A: (5a)
grand with a corresponding pupil function
(compare section Apodization). For a confocal Here, r is the distance from the axis; y0 is the angle
microscope operating in reection or transmission of a marginal ray passing through the aperture
676 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

Confocal Laser Scanning 1 1

Fig. 2 Intensity point 1
spread function of a 0.5 0.5
conventional (a) and a
confocal (b) microscope in 0.8
the scalar and paraxial 0 0
20 20 0.7
approximations. The
numerical aperture of the 15 15 0.6
objective lens is
N.A. = 0.5. z is the 10 10 0.5
coordinate along the axis of
5 5 0.4
the lens and r is the lateral
dimension, both measured z 0 z 0 0.3
in wavelengths
5 5 0.2
10 10 0.1
15 15

20 5 20 5
5 0 5 0
r r

toward the geometric focus, relative to the optical Single-Point Resolution on the Axis: Depth
axis; and n is the refractive index in the image Response
space. From this expression, the lateral full width Similarly, the PSF of the conventional microscope
at half maximum (FWHM) of the PSF of the on the optical axis is calculated from Eq. 3 as
conventional microscope
sin u=4
PSFu (6)
0:51l u=4
FWHM (5b)
is easily calculated. Equation 3 yields
u nkz sin2 y0 : (6a)
2J1 v It turns out that the denition
PSFCF (5c)

u 4kz sin2 y0 =2 2nkz1  cos y0 (6b)

for the PSF of the confocal microscope in reec-
tion mode, and therefore
which is equivalent to Eq. 6a in the paraxial
0:37l approximation is more appropriate at higher
FWHMCF : (5d) numerical apertures. The corresponding FWHM
of the depth response is therefore
Equations 5b and 5d demonstrate the enhance-
ment in lateral (single-point) resolution for a con- 0:89l
FWHM (6c)
focal microscope relative to a conventional one, in n1  cos y0
the case when the pinhole is closed completely. As
an example, for l = 488 nm, N.A.=0.9, for the conventional microscope. Correspond-
FWHM = 277 nm, and FWHMCF = 201 nm. ingly, for the confocal microscope
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 677

sin u=4 FWHMCF
PSFCF u (6d) n1  cos y0

and which, in paraxial approximation y0 < < 1 for a

dry lens, becomes
n1  cos y0
: (6e) 0:89l C
FWHMCF : (9)
For the parameters used in the example above,
l = 488 nm, N.A. = 0.9, FWHM = 770 nm, Equation 7 also implies symmetric side lobes for
and FWHMCF = 554 nm. The FWHM of the negative and positive defocus. As an example, for
a dry lens of N.A. = 0.8 and an operating wave-
point spread functions on the optical axis of the
microscope is therefore about three times larger length of 488 nm, Eq. 8 yields FWHM = 537 nm.
than the lateral FWHM for the conventional as In a conventional microscope, on the other hand,
the signal received by a large area detector would
well the confocal microscope, although the pre-
cise value depends on the numerical aperture and be independent of the position of the mirror.
although the scalar theory used here is not appli- The simple theory presented so far predicts a
symmetric V(z) function. Whereas the width of the
cable at large numerical aperture (see section
Deciencies of the Scalar and Paraxial Approx- main peak of the V(z) is typically very close to
imation: Effects of the Vector Character of measurements performed with real lenses, the
aberrations present in any real objective lens typ-
ically lead to deviations as far as the side maxima
are concerned and in particular to asymmetry in
V(z) for positive and negative defocus. This may
A clearer demonstration of the different optical
be used for quantitative characterization of, for
sectioning capabilities of the conventional and
example, the amount of spherical aberration pre-
confocal microscopes is obtained with planar
sent in the optical system. Interferometric versions
objects instead of point objects. The depth
of confocal microscopy, however, have been more
response of a confocal microscope operating in
traditionally used for this purpose.
reection is often characterized by axially scan-
ning a mirror through the focus position and reg-
Two-Point Resolution: Rayleigh and Sparrow
istering the light intensity behind the pinhole
during the scan. The corresponding amplitude
The single-point resolution of the confocal micro-
function is called V(z), an expression coined orig-
scope, as given by the PSF discussed above, is in
inally for the acoustic microscope, which is also a
most cases not the relevant quantity to judge the
confocal instrument and to which the same scalar
resolution of the instrument, because what is
theory is applicable. Because the image of the
really desired is the capability to resolve certain
illuminating innitesimal pinhole is moving by a
details of a microscopic object consisting of var-
distance of 2z when the mirror moves by a dis-
ious parts. It is therefore important to quantify the
tance z, the intensity detected behind the pinhole
two-point resolution of the instrument, which
is derived from Eq. 6b, by replacing u by 2u:
means the capability to resolve two-point objects
  close to each other. There is some arbitrariness in
I z jV zj2  sinu=2  this denition, because it depends on the subjec-
  : (7) tive judgment, under which conditions two-point
 sin nkz1 cos y0 2
 nkz1 cos y0  objects are resolved in an image. Only the lateral
two-point resolution will be discussed here.
This equation predicts a central maximum of The Rayleigh criterion denes two-point
width sources as resolved, if the image of the second
678 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

point lies at the rst zero of the image of the rst this eld distribution has to be multiplied by the
one or at a larger distance. This leads to a lateral reectance R of the sample, and this weighted eld
resolution distribution is then imaged onto the pinhole
implying convolution with the combined ampli-
0:61l tude point spread function of the objective and
dR (10)
N:A: pinhole relay lenses. Assuming imaging of the
object onto the pinhole by the same objective
for the conventional microscope and lens that is used for excitation and neglecting
contributions to the point spread function from
0:56l the pinhole relay lens in the second imaging step,
d R, CF (11) the intensity behind the innitesimally small pin-
hole can therefore be written as the convolution
for the confocal microscope, just 8 % less than for
the conventional microscope. In the case of coher-  
I  hx,y, zRx,y, zhx,  y,  zdxdydz :
ent sources, dR depends on the phase difference of
the sources: whereas two out-of-phase coherent (13)
sources can be clearly resolved, because there will
be a zero of intensity halfway between the images Here, h(x,y,z) is the amplitude PSF of the objective
of the two sources, the sources cannot be resolved, lens (compare Eq. 3). For the case of an even PSF,
if they are in phase with each other, because the Eq. 13 is equivalent to
maximum will lie in the middle between the
images of the two individual sources. I  h2  R (14)
There is another criterion for the two-point
resolution, which is more generally applicable, that means the signal is given by the absolute
because it does not refer to a zero of the response
 amplitude PSF
square of the convolution of the
function. The Sparrow criterion states that two
of the confocal microscope, h2 r , with the local
sources are considered to be resolved, when the amplitude reectivity of the sample.
intensity halfway between the two images is the In the case of a conventional microscope, on
same as the one at the individual image locations. the other hand, the illumination is approximately
For incoherent illumination, this results in incoherent and therefore

dS (12) I jhj2  jRj2 : (15)

for both the conventional and confocal In reality, for the conventional microscope, imag-
microscopes. ing is partially coherent, because the emission
from each emitting point on the illumination
Coherence in Brightfield and Fluorescence source is imaged, due to diffraction at the con-
Microscopy denser aperture, into a nite spatial region, which
The imaging of extended objects differs signi- is occupied by a coherent eld due to that point
cantly for the conventional and confocal micro- emitter, and the regions in the image space
scopes, respectively. For a CLSM operating in corresponding to neighboring, incoherently emit-
brighteld (reection or transmission) mode, the ting points on the source partially overlap on the
imaging is spatially coherent, because the illumi- sample. This is true for critical illumination,
nation generates a spatially coherent eld distri- where the spatial region would be given by the
bution in the focus of the objective lens, as given PSF of the condenser, as well as for Khler illu-
by the complex amplitude point spread function of mination, where the spatial region is the whole
the objective lens. For a CLSM in reection mode, illuminated region of the sample.
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 679

Fluorescence Confocal Microscopy value for the pinhole size, if optimum lateral
Fluorescence imaging is incoherent. Assuming resolution and reasonable signal are desired. As
that the uorescence intensity is proportional to an example, in the case of a 100/0.8 N.A.
the excitation intensity, the signal obtained in a objective lens and l = 514 nm, a critical diame-
confocal microscope with an innitesimally small ter of the pinhole of 10.2 mm is calculated
pinhole is from Eq. 17. The depth discrimination, as mea-
sured by moving a mirror through focus, on the C

I jhlj jhblj 2
f (16) other hand, is less affected and is essentially
unaltered if
where it has again been assumed that, as in stan-
vp 2:5 (18)
dard commercial confocal microscopes, the same
objective lens is used for excitation and uores-
It is obvious from these equations that the pinhole
cence imaging, respectively. Here, f represents
size must be adapted when the objective lens is
the distribution of uorescent centers in the sam-
ple, l the excitation wavelength, bl the uores-
cence wavelength, and b the ratio of both
wavelengths, the Stokes ratio. In the case of Apodization
several different types of emitters, f would have Equation 3 assumed rectangular apodization,
to be weighted according to the spectral contri- that is, homogeneous illumination of the lens
bution of each emitter to the detected signal, pupil and neglects reection losses at the lens.
which depends on the lters employed in detec- For a given objective lens, rectangular
tion for rejection of the excitation and also on the apodization yields the smallest FWHM of the
wavelength-dependent sensitivity of the detector. focus in the focal plane, at the expense of larger
For a point emitter placed at the focus, the con- side maxima, compared to pupil functions fall-
volution with a d function just yields the rst two ing off toward the edge of the objective lens. It
terms on the right-hand side of Eq. 16. For a can be achieved only approximately with Gauss-
conventional microscope, on the other hand, ian laser beams and is then equivalent to loss of a
because the whole sample is illuminated, the large fraction of the power of the excitation
single-point resolution is only determined by beam. Gaussian apodization, on the other hand,
the intensity PSF of the objective lens at the increases the FWHM, but reduces the side
uorescence wavelength, and the excitation maxima.
wavelength is irrelevant.
Effects of Finite Pinhole Size
As described by Eq. 16, the image acquisition
A nite size of the pinhole is obviously required in
process in confocal uorescence microscopy can
order to obtain a measurable signal. This will
be modeled as a convolution of the spatially
reduce the lateral resolution as well as the optical
dependent uorescence of the sample with a
sectioning capability. It can be shown [2] that for a
point spread function (PSF) of the imaging sys-
single-point object, the lateral resolution is almost
tem. This is true also for conventional
unaffected by the size of the pinhole, if
non-confocal uorescence microscopy. In addi-
tion, random noise is superimposed on the
2pr p image. Deconvolution with the PSF would natu-
vP sin a 0:5 (17)
lM rally seem the appropriate way to determine the
true uorescence distribution in both cases.
where rP is the radius of the pinhole and M the Applied to confocal images, the resolution
magnication of the lens. The maximum value may be improved. In the case of conventional
allowed by Eq. 17 therefore sets a reasonable microscopy, optical sectioning and removal of
680 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

out-of-focus blur may be achieved by post- Deficiencies of the Scalar and Paraxial
processing instead of employing hardware in the Approximation: Effects of the Vector
optical setup. Character of Light
In general, the 3D PSF, necessary for this pro- In view of many more recent developments in
cedure, can be obtained experimentally or analyt- confocal microscopy, it appears useful to shortly
ically. In the experimental methods, images of one discuss deviations from the simple scalar theory.
or more point-like objects are collected. The prob- These deviations become increasingly important
lem with this technique lies in the poor signal-to- with increasing numerical aperture of the objective
noise ratio obtainable with very small objects and lens. In the case of linear polarization of the exci-
the fact that the PSF may vary depending on the tation beam, cylindrical symmetry is lost. The eld
sample. In analytical calculations of the PSF, aber- in the focal plane and exactly on axis is then polar-
rations of the optical system are often partially ized in the direction of the excitation, but, away
taken into account, whereas, on the other hand, from the axis, it is elliptically polarized with a
the scalar approximation is most often used and longitudinal component pointing in the direction
the effects of the vector character of light of the optical axis. The intensity PSF becomes
(compare section Deciencies of the Scalar and elongated and approximately elliptical, with the
Paraxial Approximation: Effects of the Vector major axis of the ellipse in the direction of the
Character of Light) are neglected. excitation. Both effects increase with increasing
Many 3D deconvolution methods are currently numerical aperture. In the case of linearly polarized
employed and some are available in commercial excitation, the two-point resolution of an ordinary
and noncommercial software packages [4]. The optical microscope equipped with a well-corrected
simplest class are neighboring methods, in which high numerical aperture objective lens (as well as
out-of-focus blur is removed by subtraction of that of a similar confocal microscope) therefore
neighboring (ltered) images within a stack. depends on the orientation of the line connecting
This method does not sufciently remove noise. the two points relative to the incoming polarization
In contrast to that, linear methods apply (as well as on the orientation of the dipolar point
deconvolution to the whole stack of images at reectors or absorbers/emitters). Figure 3 shows
once. Examples are inverse ltering, Wiener l- the PSF for numerical aperture N.A. = 0.95 and
tering, the linear least squares, and the Tikhonov the absolute squares of all electric eld components
ltering techniques. The last three methods do not in the focal plane. In the scalar approximation, the
restore high-frequency object components lines of constant intensity would, of course, be
beyond the bandwidth of the PSF, and inverse circles, which is clearly not the case in the gure
ltering suffers from noise amplication. All appearing in the lower-right corner of Fig. 3. More-
methods are very sensitive to error in the over, the maxima of the longitudinal eld occur on
PSF. Therefore, constrained iterative nonlinear both wings of the main maximum, along the direc-
algorithms are often employed, in which, starting tion of the incoming polarization (x direction), and
from a guess for the true object, an error is mini- the maximum absolute square of Ez is approxi-
mized under certain constraints (positiveness of mately 20 % of that of Ex.
the image, nite support of the sample, etc.). In The vector diffraction problem was rst solved
cases of strong noise in the image, statistical by Richards and Wolf [5]. A somewhat more
iterative methods (like the maximum likelihood physical treatment employs expansion of the eld
method) are favored. A computational alternative in the image space into vector multipoles centered
are blind deconvolution methods, in which the at the focus [6]. This latter approach is also of
PSF of the optical system and the true object interest for matching the focal eld distribution to
are simultaneously determined in a converging the elds of a dipole via the amplitude distribution
iteration. These methods are, however, computa- and the polarization in the pupil plane. In this way,
tionally demanding and sensitive to noise, and the coupling of the eld to single atoms or mole-
solutions may be nonunique. cules can be signicantly enhanced, which is of
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 681

Confocal Laser Scanning 2 2

Microscopy, Fig. 3 PSF |Ey|2 |Ez|2
of a well-corrected
microscope objective of a
high numerical aperture 1
lens (N.A. = 0.95) for the
0 0

case of linear polarization of 0.9
the incoming beam,
calculated using the Debye- 0.8 C
Wolf integral. A constant
pupil function has been 0.7
assumed here and, 2 2
correspondingly, reection 2 0 2 2 0 2 0.6
x x
losses in the lens have been 0.5
neglected. z is the 2 2
coordinate along the axis of |Ex|2 |Etot|2 0.4
the lens and x, y are the
lateral coordinates, all 0.3
measured in wavelengths.
The incoming polarization 0.2
0 0

is along the x axis

2 2
2 0 2 2 0 2
x x

interest, for example, for quantum optical applica- confocal microscopes employ lateral scanning of
tions. The vectorial approach is in general also the laser beam and sample scanning in the verti-
required to treat focusing of other distributions of cal direction. Beam scanning is typically
intensity, phase, and polarization in the pupil plane achieved using mirrors mounted on galvanome-
of the lens. Examples relevant for applications ter motors, which allow to vary the angle at
include radially polarized excitation, producing a which the beam passes the rear focal plane of
longitudinally polarized focus, azimuthally polar- the objective lens. An example for a telecentric
ized excitation, which leads to a doughnut-shaped 4f system that allows to vary this angle without
intensity distribution in the focal plane, or combi- displacing the beam in the rear focal plane is
nations of these distributions with scalar vortices, shown in Fig. 4.
that means helical phase fronts. A longitudinal Recently, resonant galvanometer-based beam
focus is essential for tip-enhanced Raman micros- scanning systems have become commercially
copy (TERS, compare section Confocal Raman available, which employ torsion spring-based
Microscopy, Scanning Near-Field Optical sinusoidal oscillations of the scan mirror with
Microscopy), which combines a near-eld tech- frequencies in the kilohertz range with open-
nique with confocal imaging. Other distributions loop operation for the fast scan axis. This permits
are relevant for optical tweezers. frame rates on the order of 30 frames per second
and in this way allows to study fast processes,
such as diffusion in biological cells or to
Instrumental Details avoid blurring of the image due to movement of
organs in in vivo studies. Alternative fast-
Scanning Techniques scanning confocal microscopes are discussed in
Whereas scanning the sample is an option, par- section Variants of Confocal Laser Scanning
ticularly in laboratory setups, many commercial Microscopy.
682 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

extraordinary wave in the crystal, respectively,

or vice versa and are therefore polarized perpen-
dicular to each other. This allows convenient
rejection of the incident light by a polarizer.
f Because of momentum conservation, the differ-
ence in the optical wave vectors of both beams
L1 must be equal to the acoustic wave vector. This
means that the wavelength of the diffracted beam
is controlled by the ultrasonic frequency. In a
collinear AOTF, both optical beams and the
acoustic wave propagate in the same direction,
independent of the optical wavelength.
The optical output of the AOTF is typically fed
into an optical ber, which delivers the beam to
the input optics of the confocal scan head of the
microscope. In brighteld reection confocal
microscopy, the beam splitter which directs the
f excitation light toward the objective lens
(compare Fig. 1) induces a considerable loss for
RFP the excitation as well as for the detected light. This
loss is minimized by a 50/50 beam splitter. In
OL ber-based confocal microscopes, instead of
beam splitters, 2  2 ber couplers are typically
employed. An improved version would make use
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, of optical circulators, but these are presently not
Fig. 4 Telecentric lens system minimizing beam walk
off. f focal length of lenses L1 and L2, G: scan mirror widely available for wavelengths in the visible
mounted on galvanometer scanner, RFP rear focal plane range. In uorescence confocal microscopy, the
of objective lens OL detected wavelength differs from the excitation
wavelength and therefore dichroic dielectric
beam splitters are used which are highly reecting
Excitation Sources and Beam Delivery (transmitting) at the excitation (detection) wave-
Ion lasers, HeNe lasers, diode-pumped solid-state length and minimize losses in this way.
lasers, and diode lasers have all been used as
continuous wave light sources in confocal laser Detection
scanning microscopy. Argon ion lasers provide a Standard detectors in confocal laser scanning
choice of several excitation wavelengths and are microscopes are photomultipliers, which are in
therefore still popular in spite of their low ef- many cases operated in the analogue mode,
ciency. In order to combine several laser beams, which means by measuring the anode current
dichroic beam splitters are employed. In many and integrating over the pixel dwell time. Photon
cases, a software-controlled acousto-optic tunable counting, on the other hand, is typically employed
lter (AOTF) selects the excitation wavelength in uorescence correlation and uorescence life-
(s) of choice from this combined beam. time microscopy (compare section Variants of
The AOTF is based on the diffraction of light Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy), where
from ultrasonic waves generated in a birefringent usually avalanche photodiodes with high quan-
crystal by an ultrasonic transducer. Incident and tum efciency and fast response times replace
diffracted waves propagate as ordinary and photomultipliers as detectors. Confocal
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 683

including confocal laser scanning microscopy,

started in the year 1994 when the green uores-
cent protein (GFP, see Fig. 5) from the jellysh
Aequorea victoria was genetically expressed in
bacteria making them uorescent at room temper-
ature. In the same way, it is now generally possible
to label proteins of interest in biological cells with C
uorescent proteins by genetic manipulation,
which can be achieved, for example, by injection
of a virus vector. The number of uorescent pro-
teins used in the eld has exploded by now and
they are widely used in optical microscopy
because of their considerably reduced phototoxic-
ity, brightness, and photostability [7]. Genetically
modied uorescent proteins from Aequorea vic-
toria now cover the spectral range from the deep
blue to yellow and others derived from Anthozoa
species (corals and anemones), as well as other
sources, span the entire visible spectrum. The
tertiary structure and size of these uorescent pro-
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Fig. 5 Tertiary teins are very similar to those derived from
structure of the green uorescent protein [8]. The uores-
cent chromophore, composed of three amino acids is
Aequorea victoria, although the amino acid
located in the center of the beta-barrel protein cage, length sequences are quite different. Red-emitting spe-
about 4 nm, which prevents quenching of the uorescence cies with correspondingly longer excitation wave-
by water lengths are of particular interest because of
reduced autouorescence, deeper penetration,
microscopes which allow to spectrally disperse and better resistance toward high excitation den-
the light passing the confocal aperture often sity of biological tissue in this spectral region.
employ a charge-coupled camera (CCD) attached Research is ongoing to improve brightness and
to a spectrograph to register the spectra. photostability, reduce oligomerization and pH
Back-illuminated Peltier or liquid nitrogen cooled sensitivity, improve the appropriateness for fusion
CCDs provide high quantum efciency (above tagging, and reduce the time required for matura-
90 % over a wide spectral range) and low back- tion of the protein in living organisms.
ground noise, which is important for single mol-
ecule detection or when working with less
photostable uorescent probes. Variants of Confocal Laser Scanning
Fluorescent Probes
Many samples are autouorescent and therefore Confocal Microscopy Involving Modified
allow uorescent imaging without having to intro- Illumination
duce additional uorescent probes. In biological
samples, however, autouorescence is typically Slit-Scanning Confocal Microscopes
weak, and therefore the sample frequently had to Scanning a line focus, generated, for example, by
be stained with appropriate dyes. The latter, how- a cylindrical lens, over the sample and imaging
ever, are often highly phototoxic in living cells. this line focus onto a slit aperture parallel to the
An important development in light microscopy, image of the line focus still provides the optical
684 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

sectioning capability of the confocal microscope, microscopy, leaves the pinhole array stationary
because the slit rejects out-of-focus light. At the and sweeps the image of this array over the sam-
same time, the frame rate is signicantly ple. By switching between different pinhole
increased, because scanning is necessary only in arrays, the pinhole size can be varied.
one direction. A spatially sensitive detector must The light efciency of Nipkow disk-based con-
be used to resolve light passing through different focal microscopes may be signicantly improved
positions along the exit slit. This may be achieved by adding a microlens array, mounted on a second
by imaging the exit slit onto a one-dimensional disk, which is spinning on the same axis as
detector array, read out synchronously with the the Nipkow disk and placed on top of the latter.
scan, or by scanning an image of the exit slit, Each microlens focuses incoming light onto one
synchronously with the scan, across a of the pinholes of the Nipkow disk. A dichroic
two-dimensional detector, such as a CCD camera, beam splitter between both disks may be used to
forming a confocal image in this way. Disadvan- direct the detected uorescence onto a camera.
tages over the single-point scanning technique Another option is to use slit-shaped apertures on
include reduced lateral resolution in the direction the Nipkow disk, which results in the same advan-
of the line focus, enhanced out-of-focus back- tages and disadvantages as already described in
ground, and, in the case of coherent illumination, section Slit-Scanning Confocal Microscopes.
increased laser speckle. For a review of applications of spinning disk
microscopes in life science, see reference [9].
Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopes
Instead of scanning a single-point focus across the Chromatic Brightfield Confocal Microscopy
sample, multiple focal spots may be simulta- A chromatic confocal microscope operating in
neously generated and imaged each onto a confo- reection deliberately introduces chromatic aber-
cal aperture. A white light version of such a rations into the imaging system. Scanning in the
confocal microscope based on a spinning Nipkow vertical direction is then replaced by simultaneous
disk was introduced by Petran and Hadravsky detection of different spectral components which
already in the 1960s and later improved by Xiao, encode the depth information, because the depth
Corle, and Kino. The disk contains pinholes of the focus depends on the wavelength.
arranged in a spiral pattern, which are slightly A complete stack of images can be acquired in
displaced such that the whole sample is illumi- this way in a single two-dimensional mechanical
nated after the disk has rotated by a certain angle. scan of the sample or of the excitation beam.
In more recent versions, light from each focal spot Broadband excitation may be provided by a
on the sample passes the same pinhole in the disk white light lamp or by a femtosecond laser-
that was used for excitation. A two-dimensional generated supercontinuum.
detector, such as the eye of the observer or a CCD
camera, is used to register a confocal image while Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)
the disk is spinning. Nipkow disk-based confocal The SIM technique does not employ any pinhole
microscopes are now commercially available and can be used with white light, but is related to
from several manufacturers and provide fast con- confocal microscopy in its optical sectioning
focal imaging, but at the cost of reduced exibil- capability [10]. Optical sectioning is achieved by
ity, because the pinhole size cannot be varied and acquiring a sequence of images of the sample with
because the beams cannot be steered at will, as it is structured illumination. The simplest case of
necessary, for example, in some experiments structured illumination is thereby produced by
involving photobleaching. Moreover, cross-talk placing a grid of fully transparent and fully
between the different focal spots may occur. opaque stripes of equal width (one half the period
Another version of confocal microscopy with L of the grid) into the illumination path and
multiple focal spots, swept eld confocal projecting this grid onto the sample. Only sample
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 685

structures that are in focus will lead to signicant comparatively simple instrument. A similar
variations of the image when the grid is displaced approach of subtracting the conventional
along the direction of periodicity, because only in image is based on a DMD, instead of a spinning
focus the image of the grid within the sample is disk, and was termed programmable array
sharp. After acquiring three images with the grid microscope.
displaced by 0, L/3, and 2 L/3, the optical section Versions of structured illumination microscopy
can be calculated (in the simplest version of the providing a moderate degree of super-resolution C
SIM algorithm) as the root mean square of the are based on Moir patterns produced by
three differences between the three images. More projecting a high spatial frequency grid onto the
sophisticated deconvolution algorithms are avail- sample (high-resolution SIM, HR-SIM). The
able and many other structures for illumination Moir pattern arises, because the observed signal
can be used. Movement of a grid illumination is the product of the spatial distribution of the
pattern across the sample may be replaced by the excitation with the concentration of the
generation of arbitrary patterns by digital mirror uorophore and therefore contains spatial fre-
devices (DMD) based on microelectromechanical quencies equal to differences between sample
systems (MEMS) or on spatial light intensity spatial frequencies and the one of the grid. The
modulators (SLM), based on liquid crystals. grid pattern must not only be shifted, but also be
Whereas optical sectioning can be achieved rotated, in order to be able to calculate the image.
more easily in this way than in a standard confocal The method is able to increase the resolution by a
system with a single-point focus, there are also factor of two beyond the diffraction limit.
some problems related to this approach. SIM
works badly in strongly scattering samples, Confocal Microscopy Beyond Brightfield and
because small differences on a large background Standard Fluorescence
have to be determined. This is related to a signif-
icant loss in bit resolution and, hence, dynamic Confocal Raman Microscopy
range in the nal image. Moreover, the optical In the Raman spectroscopy mode, the inelastically
sectioning capability of SIM is slightly worse scattered light from the sample is detected, where
than for the standard single focus confocal the frequency shift toward lower (Stokes signal)
microscope. or higher photon energy (anti-Stokes signal) coin-
Another version of SIM employs either a grid cides with an internal vibration of the sample.
pattern or random aperture arrays on a spinning Raman scattering is typically very weak, and
disk, which both allow a large throughput of the strong rejection of elastically scattered laser light
light from the illumination source of the order of is necessary. Historically, triple monochromators
50 %. Because of cross-talk between the light were often used for this purpose and still yield the
transmitted through neighboring apertures, the highest spectral resolution, but in recent years
image acquired through the disk will contain a dielectric long-pass lters with ultra-sharp trans-
part that is not in focus. This part has to be mission edges and high rejection factors have
subtracted from the image. A corresponding con- become available. This simplies the instruments
ventional image, to be subtracted from the partly signicantly, increases light efciency, and in
confocal image, may be acquired by tilting the combination with slit-scanning techniques (see
disk slightly, reecting a second light source section Slit-Scanning Confocal Microscopes)
from the rear side of the disk toward the micro- allows rapid multispectral confocal Raman imag-
scope objective and registering the corresponding ing with acquisition times per pixel in the milli-
image using a second camera. This second range.
procedure allows rapid optical sectioning and, Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
hence, in vivo imaging of biological samples (CARS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)
with very good signal-to-noise ratio with a microscopies are nonlinear variants of Raman
686 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

microscopy based on stimulated Raman scatter- course, to strong additional enhancement of the
ing. Both techniques require two short-pulse excitation probability.
lasers operating at different frequencies n1 and Multiphoton microscopy has several important
n2. The overlapping beams are focused by the advantages over optical microscopy employing
microscope objective into the sample. When linear excitation. First, it is inherently confocal,
the difference in the optical frequencies is tuned in the sense that out-of-focus contributions to the
to the frequency of a characteristic vibrational detected signal are very small and therefore a
frequency nv of the sample (n1  n2 = nn), it confocal pinhole is not required (or the existing
will excite this vibration and at the same time pinhole can be opened fully without losing the
generate anti-Stokes Raman scattered light at a optical sectioning capability). This is advanta-
frequency 2n1 n2 = n1 + nn (CARS) or weakly geous, in particular for strongly scattering sam-
deplete the pump and enhance the Stokes beams ples, because it yields a higher detection
(SRS). Stimulated Raman scattering can be sev- efciency. Second, the photon energy used for
eral orders of magnitude stronger than spontane- excitation is only one half (for two-photon exci-
ous Raman scattering and therefore allows rapid tation) or one third (for three-photon excitation) of
label-free imaging of a particular molecule in the that used in the linear case, and the excitation
sample. At least one of the two lasers necessary wavelength therefore typically lies in the near
for CARS or SRS has to be tunable. This require- infrared or even further in the infrared. Because
ment maybe fullled, for example, by a Ti:sap- the scattering in biological tissue and other inho-
phire laser or an optical parametric oscillator. mogeneous materials with inhomogeneities on a
Video rate in vivo SRS microscopy has been scale of the wavelength or below decreases
recently demonstrated and offers a number of strongly with the wavelength (proportional to
advantages over CARS microscopy. l4 for very small inhomogeneities), the penetra-
Another variant of confocal Raman micros- tion depth is considerably larger for multiphoton
copy, tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) excitation compared to single-photon excitation
employs optical near elds of a sharp tip in order of the same uorophore. This means that three-
to increase the spatial resolution in Raman scat- dimensional imaging deep into tissue becomes
tering over the diffraction limit. Confocal excita- possible. Third, photo-induced damage to the
tion and detection thereby reduce elastically sample and the uorophore is reduced, also
scattered background in this setup. because of the lower photon energy.
Instead of making use of multiple photon exci-
Multiphoton Microscopy tation of a uorescent chromophore, it is also
Fluorescence excitation may in general be based possible in some samples to detect light due to
on a linear process, in which a single photon second harmonic generation (SHG) and to use that
excites the emitter into the excited state at energy for label-free imaging. Other label-free and, in
E1 from which it uoresces, or on nonlinear pro- addition, chemically specic, variants of
cesses, in which the emitter simultaneously multiphoton microscopy are CARS microscopy
absorbs n photons of energy E1/n. Nonlinear pro- and SRS microscopy, as described in section
cesses are usually much less likely to occur than Confocal Raman Microscopy.
linear ones, with the probability strongly decreas-
ing with the number of photons. Therefore, pulsed Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM)
lasers are used for excitation, in which the optical The lifetime of a uorophore may vary depending
power is concentrated in short pulses of widths in on local pH, oxygen, or ion concentrations, or on
the femtosecond to picosecond range and the intermolecular interactions, for example, uores-
intensity during the pulse is very high. In addition, cence resonance energy transfer (FRET, see sec-
focusing the beam to a submicron spot leads, of tion Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 687

(FRET)). On the other hand, within some limits, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
it does not respond to the intensity of the excita- FRET [11] is a resonant non-radiative energy
tion light, the uorophore concentration, or transfer from a donor to an acceptor uorophore
photobleaching. The uorescence lifetime is due to the dipolar interaction. As the dipolar inter-
therefore a useful physical quantity that can be action energy is proportional to the third power of
used for imaging and quantitative analysis of local the donor-acceptor distance R and because the
pH, ion concentrations, or intermolecular interac- probability for FRET to occur involves the square C
tions. Fluorescence lifetimes are typically in the of an off-diagonal matrix element of the dipolar
range of a few picoseconds, when dominated by interaction, it falls off as R6 and depends on the
non-radiative processes, to several tens of nano- relative orientation between the molecules and the
seconds, when limited by the radiative transition spectral overlap between the emission spectrum of
rate. In some cases it is useful to employ the donor and the absorption spectrum of the
uorophores with very long lifetimes, in particu- acceptor. The probability is highest for parallel
lar when strong autouorescence is present. orientation of the donor and acceptor transition
Performing a lifetime measurement at each posi- dipoles. Because of the steep fall, off FRET can
tion of the excitation laser focus within the sample only occur if R is sufciently small, that means, if
and representing the corresponding values as a the donor and the acceptor are sufciently close to
gray scale or color value from a lookup table each other. Because the critical distance is only
yield a confocal lifetime image. At the same 110 nm, typically 46 nm, in all practical cases,
time, a standard uorescence intensity image can the FRET mechanism provides a molecular ruler
be obtained. for measuring the donor-acceptor distance and in
A common method of measuring uorescence this way provides an indirect mechanism for
lifetime is time-correlated single-photon counting studying structure on the nanometer scale, which
(TCSPC). Here, a correlator, triggered by the short cannot directly be resolved by diffraction-limited
pulse of the exciting laser measures arrival times optical microscopy (superresolution microscopy,
of uorescence photons, typically detected by an compare section Super-Resolution, might, how-
avalanche photodiode with a short response time, ever, in the future partly supersede FRET studies).
and generates a histogram of delays. Fitting an This is of particular interest for protein-protein
exponential function to the histogram yields the and intra-protein interactions. For this purpose,
uorescence lifetime as the decay time of the the proteins of interest have to be labeled by
exponential. Complications may arise when the uorophores with overlapping emission and
decays are actually non-exponential. In the case of absorption spectra. In many cases uorescent pro-
relatively long lifetimes in the nanosecond range, teins (compare section Fluorescent Probes) are
instead of TCSPC, a gated image intensier may used for this purpose. A sensitive measure for
be used to measure the number of photons falling FRET, which can be used for imaging, is the
into a time window dened by the gate. Both ratio of intensities of the donor and acceptor uo-
techniques operate in the time domain. When the rescence peaks.
lifetime is comparatively long, it is also possible A problem with FRET confocal microscopy is
to modulate the laser pulses in the MHz range and that the signal-to-noise ratio is often very poor.
detect the phase shift of the corresponding modu- Therefore, in many cases only the occurrence or
lation in detected uorescence intensity, which absence of FRET is detected. The signal-to-noise
depends in a simple way on the uorescence life- ratio may be improved by measuring the donor
time. TCSPC, however, is the most exible way lifetime, instead of the acceptor/donor uores-
of measurement, because it is not restricted to long cence intensity ratio. This imaging option is usu-
lifetimes and allows to analyze non-exponential ally known as FLIM-FRET (uorescence lifetime
decays as well. imaging-uorescence resonance energy transfer).
688 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching measure object topography or refractive index

(FRAP) variations with interferometric precision. Interfer-
This microscopy technique, most often performed ometric confocal microscopes have the advantage
in a confocal setup, bleaches the uorescence of a over conventional interferometric microscopes
certain sample region, often an intracellular that the shape of the wave front of the reference
organelle, and registers the recovery of uores- beam and are irrelevant because only phase and
cence due to diffusion of the uorescently labeled amplitude at the pinhole is important. This means
molecules. It may therefore be used to investigate that the requirement for matching optics, other-
the mobility of the target molecule within the wise necessary in interferometric microscopy, is
surrounding structures. strongly relaxed.
Often two beam splitters and two detectors,
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) each with its own pinhole, are employed in the
In contrast to the previous techniques, FCS is detection beam path of interferometric confocal
usually used not as an imaging technique, but microscopes based on Michelson interferometers.
with a xed position of the confocal volume This allows to separate the conventional confocal
within the sample. The laser (usually a continuous signal and the pure interference signal as the sum
wave laser) thereby excites uorescent particles and difference of the outputs of the two detectors.
within this volume, and particle movement in and This is based on the fact that two beams at the
out of the volume produces uorescence intensity inputs of a symmetric lossless beam splitter are
uctuations. The autocorrelation function of these combined with a +p/2, p/2 phase shift relative
uctuations provides information about the con- to each other at the two outputs of the beam
centration, diffusion coefcient, and the mass of splitter, respectively. A non-interferometric vari-
the particles. The diffusion coefcient depends on ant of phase-sensitive confocal microscopy, dif-
the viscosity of the medium via the Einstein- ferential phase-contrast confocal microscopy, is
Smoluchowski relation. It may also depend on obtained by omitting the mirror generating the
interactions of the particles with a microstructured reference beam in the Michelson interferometer
environment. and obscuring one half of each of the relay lenses
A variant of FCS is uorescence cross- in a complimentary manner [2].
correlation spectroscopy, in which the uores- The sensitivity of interferometric confocal
cence intensity uctuations of two uorophores, microscopes may be enhanced by using a spec-
labeling two different molecules, are measured trally shifted reference beam (heterodyne interfer-
simultaneously in two different channels. If the ometric confocal microscopy). Topographic
two molecules are bound in a dimer, the uctua- resolution of about 0.01 nm using such a hetero-
tions will be highly correlated. Otherwise, no dyne interferometric confocal microscope has
cross correlation is expected. The degree of cross been reported. In addition, the optical sectioning
correlation then is a measure of how many of the capability of the confocal microscope and the
two different species of molecules are bound to corresponding dependence of the signal on
each other. defocus can be used to avoid phase unwrapping
Confocal Microscopy Sensitive to Phase Another variant of interferometric confocal
Interferometric versions of confocal laser scan- microscopy is called 4p microscopy. Here, two
ning microscopy have been reported relatively opposing objective lenses are used for excitation
early in the literature and were based on Mach- and/or detection. This increases the available
Zehnder or Michelson interferometers, for numerical aperture and therefore enhances the
measurements in transmission or reection, resolution, in particular, in the axial direction. In
respectively [1]. In this way, it is possible to addition, because of the coherent excitation, the
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 689

technique is inherently interferometric due to the way of deconvolution (compare section

interference of the two counterpropagating exci- Deconvolution). This does not, however, allow
tation beams in the focal region. This generates a to achieve resolution enhancements of an order of
standing wave interference pattern which modu- magnitude, as urgently desired in many cases.
lates the main lobe of the focus in the axial direc- One route to satisfy this demand employs
tion and in this way allows to improve the axial non-propagating near elds. These near elds
resolution by a factor of about 4.5. The side lobes, carry all optical information on length scales C
due to interference, within the confocal main below the Abbe limit. The fact that these near
lobe may be effectively suppressed in the case elds are lost in far-eld optical imaging can be
of two-photon excitation. This suppression is due viewed as the reason for the limited resolution of
to the nonlinearity of the excitation process and standard (including confocal) optical micro-
can be additionally enhanced, if the sample uo- scopes. Near-eld related techniques (compare
rescence is also detected through both objective Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy)
lenses in an interferometric setup. Because the will not be discussed here (as an exception, com-
position of maxima of the PSF for excitation and pare TERS, section Confocal Raman Micros-
detection depends on the phase of both beams copy), although some of them may be
used for excitation and detection, precise control combined with confocal imaging, for example,
of the phase of both beams is required. solid immersion lens microscopy (SIL) or total
It should be mentioned here that a internal reection microscopy (TIRF). Other
non-interferometric technique for phase measure- routes, however, have opened the way to
ment in optical microscopy is based on the far-eld optical nanoscopy in recent years. They
so-called transport-of-intensity equation which are based on prior knowledge about the sample
can be derived from the paraxial time-dependent (PALM/STORM) or on optical nonlinearity
wave equation and relates the intensity and phase (STED, SSIM) [12]. STED uses a specially
of a paraxial monochromatic wave to its longitu- designed optical excitation and is a scanning
dinal intensity derivative. The technique requires, microscopy technique. PALM/STORM is
however, the measurement of very small changes non-confocal, because parallel detection using a
of intensity as a function of small defocus and CCD camera is used. These techniques have
therefore requires high bit resolution and long reached lateral resolution in the range of 20 nm,
integration times. and ongoing research attempts to further push the
resolution toward the molecular level (15 nm).
Commercial instruments based on these tech-
Superresolution niques are increasingly becoming available
[13]. The techniques will be shortly described,
Historically, the Abbe diffraction limit had been because of their potential as far-eld microscopy
an insurmountable barrier in optical microscopy techniques to partly supersede standard confocal
for many years. Many structures of interest, on the uorescence laser scanning microscopy.
other hand, are signicantly smaller than this limit
and, particularly in biology, there has been a Superresolution by Prior Knowledge
strong desire to signicantly improve the resolu- (Profilometry, PALM/STORM)
tion. In recent years, the diffraction limit has been In cases where it is known that one and only one
broken in numerous ways, and this is based on sharp interface between two homogeneous mate-
some of the most exciting modern advancements rials or one and only one point emitter or reector
in optics, which is still, although very old, a rap- in the focus is present, the position of the interface
idly developing area of physics. The conceptually in the z direction or the three-dimensional position
simplest way to achieve sub-Abbe resolution is by of the point emitter/reector can be determined
690 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

with a precision that is far beyond the Abbe limit brightness of the uorophores in the on state,
and is limited only by the total amount of photons as well as on the achievable contrast between on
detected. and off states. Fluorescent proteins as well as
The simplest such technique consists in prol- uorescent dyes are currently in use [14].
ing a surface using a standard non-interferometric PALM has hitherto mostly been used in total
CLSM. By adjusting the z position to the wing of internal reection conguration and is then
the V(z) function, very slight changes in the topog- restricted to essentially two-dimensional imaging.
raphy of the sample surface can be measured, if Lateral resolution down to 20 nm has been
the material and, hence, the reectivity do not achieved. A three-dimensional STORM tech-
vary. Sub-nanometer depth resolution has been nique has achieved an image resolution of
achieved in this way, averaged over the 2030 nm in the lateral dimensions and
diffraction-limited lateral size of the confocal 5060 nm in the axial dimension in an illuminated
spot. As discussed in section Confocal Micros- sample volume of a few micrometers in thickness.
copy Sensitive to Phase, the technique may be An interferometric variant of PALM employing
combined with interferometry to increase the self-interference of uorescent photons has
depth resolution to about 0.01 nm. improved the axial resolution to <20 nm for opti-
In a principally similar way, photoactivated cally thin samples.
localization microscopy (PALM) and stochastic It may nally be worth noting that, whereas
optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) photoswitching is considered by some authors as
determine the position of single-point emitters a kind of optical nonlinearity, an optically
with nanometric precision. Because it must be nonlinear response is not essential to the breaking
avoided to have more than one molecule in the of the diffraction limit in the far eld in the case of
focal volume and such a sparse distribution of single molecule-based techniques. For example,
uorescent emitters would not allow sub-diffraction imaging due to binding and
sub-diffraction-limited resolution, it is necessary detachment of diffusing probes has been demon-
to separate the contributions from many individ- strated, which obviously does not involve any
ual molecules in some way. Temporal separation optical nonlinearity. Moreover, photoswitching
is key to current single molecule-based and temporal selection of molecules in general
superresolution techniques. Other options, such represent conceptually only one, although cur-
as spectral separation, or more sophisticated rently the standard and most successful option
schemes have also been discussed, however. to ensure that only one molecule is detected
Current techniques use photoactivable mole- within the PSF of the objective lens. It may
cules, which can be statistically turned on by therefore be said that in this case the breaking
another light source. Irreversible or reversible of the diffraction barrier is based on the knowl-
processes may be employed to turn off an acti- edge, however obtained, to have only one mole-
vated subset. Determination of the positions of the cule within the PSF and on the facts that the
activated molecules and multiple repetition then center-of-mass position of a diffraction-limited
results in a software-generated image with spot can be determined to a much higher preci-
nanometric resolution. Typically, thousands of sion than given by the size of this spot and that
images must be acquired and, correspondingly, this position corresponds to the position of the
imaging is slow, with a trade-off between spatial uorescent molecule.
and temporal resolution. Effective frame rates of
reconstructed images of about 1/(3 min) at a Superresolution Due to Nonlinearity
Nyquist-limited resolution of about 50 nm have (SSIM, STED)
been demonstrated for frames of 50  50 pixels. Some examples of confocal imaging methods
The obtainable resolution depends on the employing optical nonlinearity have already
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 691

been discussed in sections Confocal Raman Cross-References

Microscopy(CARS, SRS), and Multiphoton
Microscopy. By reducing the size of the PSF Optical Techniques for Nanostructure
for photons of the same wavelength, optical Characterization
nonlinearity is in principle able to enhance Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy
the resolution. In multiphoton microscopy,
however, because long wavelength photons C
are used for excitation of uorophores, the reso- References
lution is actually worse than that of its linear
counterpart. 1. Corle, R.C., Kino, G.S.: Confocal Scanning Optical
Microscopy and Related Imaging Systems. Academic,
Saturated structured illumination micros-
San Diego (1996)
copy, SSIM, on the other hand, provides reso- 2. Wilson, T.: Confocal Microscopy. Academic, London
lution enhancement without fundamental limit. (1990)
This nonlinear variant of SIM (compare sec- 3. Born, M., Wolf, E.: Principles of Optics, 6th edn.
Pergamon, Oxford (1980)
tion Structured Illumination Microscopy
4. Sarder, P., Nehorai, A.: Deconvolution methods for
(SIM)) employs a nonlinear dependence of 3-D uorescence microscopy images. IEEE Signal
the uorescence intensity on the excitation Proc. Mag. 23, 3245 (2006)
density, which is possible, for example, by 5. Richards, B., Wolf, E.: Electromagnetic diffraction in
optical systems. II. Structure of the image eld in an
saturation of the excited state. In this case,
aplanatic system. Proc. Roy. Soc. A 253, 358379
the effective illumination generally contains (1959)
higher spatial frequency components leading 6. Sheppard, C.J.R., Trk, P.: Efcient calculation
to increased resolution. Optical resolution of electromagnetic diffraction in optical systems
using a multipole expansion. J. Mod. Opt. 44,
beyond 50 nm has been reported using this
803818 (1997)
technique. 7. Chudakov, D.M., Matz, M.V., Lukyanov, S.,
Stimulated emission depletion microscopy Lukyanov, K.A.: Fluorescent proteins and their appli-
(STED) selectively de-excites uorescing mol- cations in imaging living cells and tissues. Physiol.
Rev. 90, 11031163 (2010)
ecules within the PSF of the confocal micro-
8. Ormo, M., Cubitt, A.B.., Kallio, K., Gross, L.A.,
scope by stimulated emission, using a second Tsien, R.Y., Remington, S.J.: Crystal structure of the
laser. This laser beam passes a spiral phase Aequorea victoria green uorescent protein. Science
mask, which generates a zero of intensity in 273, 13921395 (1996). Image from the RCSB PDB
( of PDB ID 1EMA (
the center of the beam cross section. Stimu-
lated emission and corresponding deexcitation 9. Grf, R., Rietdorf, J., Zimmermann, T.: Live cell spin-
of uorophores then occur everywhere within ning disk microscopy. Adv. Biochem. Eng.
the PSF, except close to the axis of the beam, Biotechnol. 95, 5775 (2005)
10. Langhorst, M.F., Schaffer, J., Goetze, B.: Structure
and the size of the region, from which uo-
brings clarity: structured illumination microscopy in
rescence that can be collected depends on the cell biology. Biotechnol. J. 4, 858865 (2009)
intensity of the deexciting laser. Lateral reso- 11. Piston, D.W., Kremers, G.J.: Fluorescent protein
lution of about 20 nm has been reported FRET: the good, the bad and the ugly. Trends
Biochem. Sci. 32, 407414 (2007)
using this setup. If STED is combined with
12. Hell, S.W.: Far-eld optical nanoscopy. Science 316,
a 4Pi setup, uorescing spherical focal 11531158 (2007)
volumes of 4045 nm diameter can be 13. Chi, K.R.: Ever-increasing resolution. Nature 462,
generated. STED is currently able to operate 675678 (2009)
14. Heilemann, M., Dedecker, P., Hofkens, J.,
considerably faster than PALM. Video-rate
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STED microscopy with about 60 nm lateral subdiffraction-resolution uorescence imaging and
resolution has been reported with a frame rate molecular quantication. Laser Photon. Rev. 3,
of 28 frames/s. 180202 (2009)
692 Confocal Scanning Optical Microscopy (CSOM)

Confocal Scanning Optical Cooling of Electronic Components

Microscopy (CSOM)
Microchannel Flows as Heat Sinks
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

Core/Shell Nanostructures
Conformal Electronics
Nanoparticulate Materials and Core/Shell
Flexible Electronics
Structures Derived from Wet Chemistry Methods

Contact Angle
Coupled Mode Theory
Surface Engineering, Tailored Wettability, and
Applications Harnessing Disorder at the Nanoscale

Contour-Mode Resonators
Laterally Vibrating Piezoelectric Resonators
Nonlinear and Parametric NEMS Resonators

Coupling Clamp
Use of Nanotechnology in Pregnancy
Dynamic Clamp

Contrast Enhancement
Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical
Applications CarParrinello Molecular Dynamics
Cylindrical Gold Nanoparticles 693

Creep Cuticle

Nanomechanical Properties of Nanostructures Arthropod Strain Sensors

Cylindrical Gold Nanoparticles
Nanocrystalline Functional Materials in Bulk
Form with Grain Size Below 50 nm Gold Nanorods

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