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The Super Track System is ideal for lighting art gal-
leries, ch u rc hes, private homes, window displays and
showrooms. This is all possible because of the re-
markable advantages offered by the Su per Track
First, it can be laid out in almost any pattern straight
runs, squares, rectangles, T's or even *'s.
Second, Super Track is completely unobtrusive. The
four available finishes blend easily with any decor.
Third, Su perTrack is easy to install, whether recessed,
surface or pendant mounted. For long runs-or
-two circuittrack
where specialswitching is required
solves the problem.
Fourth, Super Track is designed for a wide range of
lamps, so that it can be used for just aboutany lig hting
problem you may have.
Srnq le circuit track for The raceway power sys- VIP takes the g uesswork
economy. tem. . a standard feature out of circuit loading. The
with all Stonco Super Track
Allows for additional circuits yJ'#if i33.";:??fH50
to be fed from a single out- adaptor permits insta ler to
let box. Elim inates addi- easily identity the crrcuit
tional outlets and expen- and balance the load.
sive co nd u it. Stu rdy mo u nting lugs
assu re polarization and
posrtive electncal ground-



Nowl New versatr e two- lnd ivrdual switch permits Fixtu res adjust in hori
circurt track for altern ate fixtures to be turned off .. zontal or vertica plane ..
f eed or increased watt ''coo ed off before can be attached to track at
age on a qiven run. readjustment On-off swrtch any pornt...lock mechani
also allows fixtures to be ca ]y and electrica ly in a
stored on track when not lrtfy
in use.

Smooth seamess canisters oJ ght n straght back or step down
sty es, both wilh ntegra prec sion-mil ed b ack baflle lor m n mum
Lamp brightness App cal ons vary from genera lighl ng 10 accent
and wa I wash ng ln res dentiai as wel as commercla nsta lat ons
Each !nit features pos t ve tens on adiustment contro p us on/oll
switch. A two circu tlixlures comp ete w th VIP nd cator

Cat. No. TLF.4 TLF-5 TLF-6

Wattage 30 50w R20 75 1 10W R30 150,300w R-40

] sOW PAR-38

Fin sh Wh le. B k, Whlte Bik. White, Blk

Bk&SatAum Blk & Sat Alum, Blk&SatAum,
B k & Bronze Blk & Bronze Blk & Bronze

Filter S ze N one Non e N one

B%" 5" 93/i' 53/4"

Dim 0, d, h) 14" 15"

Cat No TLF.9 TLF-10

f h


Wattage 75-r r 0W R,30 1 50.300w F 40

Flnish Wh te, B k, Wh te Blk,

Bk&SatAum Blk & Sat AlurN,
B k & Bronze Blk & Bronze

Filter S ze N one None

Dlm [,d hJ B3l" 5" 14y;' 1A%" 511" 15%"

Canopy Adapter
CANOPY [.4OUNTS f.anopy moLrnl Ls.]es red Ior any Suirer Track iixl!r-o
chanqe TLF prel x lo lLC. e TLF 4B becomes TLC 48 ior ca ropy .nount
TWO CIBCU T FIXTURES Toorderlixturesfort\i/o c tur!1 use{willr v Prn'lcatot
addsllix 2 toCal No e TLF 48 becomes l'Lt 48 2
Power-Beams use highly efflclent PAF lamps wlth their precise con
trol of beam pattern and spread. The range of lamps and wattages
availabLe meet any accent or display lighting need. TLF 7 uses the
1 50W PAF-38/3 side prong lamp for maximu m compactness. TLF 8

uses both the 150W PAR-38/2 Coo Beam lamp [removes twoJhirds
ol the radlant heat from the ight source to protect healperishable
items) and the 250W PAF 38 Quartz lodine lamp [provides a bril
liant white light of maintained lntensity throughout lts llleJ. The TLF 13,
TLF 14, TLF-15 and TLF-16 al feature rotating lamp holders for proper
beam orientation, and wil accommodate lamps ranging f rom the 25W
PAR 46 5.5V Pin Spol to the 500W QPAR-s6 Quartz lodlne. The
entire series accommodatesco orfilters, heat absorbing fllters, spread
lenses and louvers. Each unit features positve tension adjustment
control plus onloff switch. All two-circuit fixtures complete with VIP

Cat. No. TLF-7 TLF-8 TLF-13

Wattage 150W PAR 38/3 1sow PAR 38/2 200w PAR-46/3

Side Prong Cool Beam Side Prong

Finish White, Blk White, Blk White, Blk

Filter Size TLA-15_TLA-23 TLA-] 5 _TLA-23 TLA-]5_TLA 23

Dim. (1, d, h) 5/2" 5%' 11%" 7%' 5%' 13%" 5%" 63A" 11'/2"

Cat. No. TLF-l4 TLF-15 TLF-I6


l Fd---1

Wattage 3OOW PAF-56 2OOW PAR-46 25W PAR 46

sOOW QPAR-56 with dimmer 5.5V Pin Spot
3OW PAR 46
6V Pin Spoi

Finish White, Blk White, Blk White, Blk

Filter Size rLA-24-rLA-32 TLA15-TLA-23 TLA-15_TLA-23

.0,d,h) 7" 731" 12%,' 7%, 63,1' 13%" 7%' 6%" 13%'
Canopy Adapter
CANOPY MOUNTSi lf canopy mount is desired for any Super'Track fixture,
change TLF prefix lo TLC, i.e., TLF 138 becomes TLC'l3B for canopy mount.
TWO-CIRCUIT FIXTURES: To order fixtures lor iwo-circuit use (with VIP indicator),
add sutfix 2" to Cal. No., i.e., TLF-]38 becofires TLF-j3B-2.
TheTLF-I and TLF-2 1 Universa t xturesacceptall medium base R and
PAR lamps up to 300W R-40 and feature an adiustable socket that
concealstheneckof thesma lestorlarqestlamp TheoptonalTLA l3
is a llght shield that snaps on F-40 and PAR-38 lamps and can retain
avar\ely ol %'dtam. accessor es (see p 1 2). The TLF-I t has an inte'
gral I I ht sh ie d wlth retainers for accessories The TLF-I2 is a com
aact wlndow ancj disp ay lighi ng f xture. lt accepis 150W PAR 38/3
and 200W PAR 4613 side prong amps and features front lamp rota
ton for lamp beam orientatlon. All Universa and Economy fxtures
have posltive tension position control plus on/off swltches All two-
clrcuit fixtures are complete w th VIP lndlcators.

Cat. No. TLF-l TLF.21 TLF.l1

Low s de mount
sllhouette design

Wattaqes 30-50w F 20 30 50w R-20 75W-110W R-30

7s-r 10w R,30 75 110WR 30 150 300w R 40
150W-300w R 40 150W 300w R 40 75 1sOW PAR 38
75 ] 5OW PAR 3B 75 1sOW PAR 38 25OW OPAR 38
25OW QPAR 38 25OW QPAR 38

F nish Whte,Bk White, B k White, B k,

Blk & Sat Alurn, Bronze Blk&SatAum,
Blk & Bronze Blk & Bronze

F lter Size See TLA.I3, TLA ] 4 See TLA 15 -TLA-23 See TLA 24 TLA-32
r.[1,d,h] 6" 2" 11" 41t" 2" 5%" 10" 6%" 15%"

Cat. No TLF-.I2


Wattages 75- I50W PAR-38/3

Slde Prong
200w PAB-46/3
Side Prong
kl Canopy Adapter
Flnish Whlte B k

Filter Size See TLA 15 TLA-23

Dim. I l, d, h) 53/;' 63,4" 12',
CANOPY MOUNTS: ll canopy mount is des red for anv Super_Track f xture
change TLF- pref x lo TLC i e. TLF 1 B becomes TLC I B for canopv molrnt
NOTE: TLF 21 not avai ab e wrih canopy rno!nl

TWo-clBCUlT F XTURES: To order f xtures ior two circu t use (w th VIP indicaioa.
adcl sufiix 2'toCat No i.e TLF- I B becomes TLF 1B-2
Smoothly contoured TLF,22 accommodates R 30 lamps, while
TLF 23 accepts R 40 and PAR 3B lamps. The TLF-17 craze Light
uses I50W PAR 3B/3 and 200W PAR-46/3 s de prong arnps and is
comp ete w th 55o spread lens Concealed lrehind a baffle, it is ideal
lo h ghlrght stone walls dramat ze textures, fallrics, murals The
TLF l8 Wal Washer uses l50W PAR 38,/3 sde prong floods and s
comp ete w th spread lens and shove refleclor to provide smooth
floor-to ce I ng wa I wash The TLF 1B Contour L ght uses 25OW
PAR'38 quartz iodine lamp to frame apictureorobiect Fouracllust
able shullers provide prectse beam contro . TLF 20 accepls a var ety
of spherca decorative amps Adlustable sleeve conceals neck of
lamp Al unts, except TLF-20 have tenson position control plus
on/off swtch Al two circu t f ixtures are comolete w lh V P indicator

Cat No. rLF-22 TLF-23 TLF-17

t\,4icro Sphere N4 ni Sphere

Wattages 75 1 iOW F 30 15OW R4O/PAR3B 75 150W PAR-38/3

200w PAR 46/3
s de prong lamps

Finish White, Blk White, B k White, Blk

Black/Sat n A um. Black/Sat n Alum

FilterSize None None TLA-15 - TLA-23

Dim. | d hl 4%" 33/i' 11%'
, 7%" 6%" 13%', 6%" 9" 61/i'

Cat. No TLF-.18 TLF.24 TLF-20

Wattages ] 5OW PAR 3Bl3 250 e/CL 14 25W or 40W

Side Prong Flood Quartz lodine Larnp G 25 LamP
or 60w 100w
G 40 Larnp
Flnish White, Blk Whlte B k Sat Alum Blk,
White Bronze

Filter Size TLA IA 3 None No"

Dm.(l,d,h) 9" 5%" 15" 12%" 4%" 1B%" 5" 2" 51/;'

CANOPY MOUNTS: lf canopy moLrnt s desired for any Super-Track iixtL.rre.

changeTLF prefixtoTLC, e. TLF-l78 becornesTLC t7B Jorcanopy moLrnt
TWO C RCUIT F XTURES To order f xtures lor rwo-c use [w th V p ndicator].
addsutfx 2' loCat No. e,TLF lTBbecomesTLF-]782
Archilectura heavy dLrty extruded a u r.l co ors prov de a cftoice ol unobtrusive or rng Each track secton s complete wrlh
num raceway n one circu I [max capac ty accented appearance Two clrcu t lrack a needed hardware rcady to nsta Fu
20 amps ) or two-c rcuit f max capacity 40 ollers swich ng flexbrlty through sepa ne oltrack components and accessor es
amps l designs for economy and versa rale feed for each c rcuit or doub e I xture lor any system desiltn requ remeft
ti ity in comrnerc a nst tLtt onal or resl capacty on a qiven rLln Track sections
dent al llghtinq systems FoLlrarchtectura p uq loqether el m nate cosl y hand wir


1. Recessed oto iielng [4ost nconspcL]oLls 2. F !sF mountedorsLtrlacc Srnt)cstlo nlJa 3. Pendanlrnornl-od Cvcs {rsonof :ar\!,orce
ng tsr n!t:i lthl :r.ruTce c oscr r!.r 'alcd
lstra ght runs on y] Pror de:i mar rnLrrr des !ln f -dxrb ty


1. Wir ng 10 serv ce P qta .ads jlst p u!,t rn 2.[4o!ft ng ol traa]k Tra.ik scr-ows to oeL nq Al 3- Extend ng stra giil rLrns Add t ona t,a.r( s ll
ock t !lht aLrtomal ca y hard!\/are sLrpp cd py p !q!n One sr:rcw [irtx/dcS po:iive aon
lnuous (tro!nd


IFixture adapter n p acc] iF xt!re adapler Ln p acel

1- Po ar z ng slols F xlur-o I ts on y one way l.Poarzngsots FixlLrre fils only one way 4. FxtLire ock No accidenla dsenqagemenl
2. l2 ga ooQper arommon and rot conducl 2. Com mon cond Lrclor nsLr alcclwith heavy vrny 5. V s!a nd calor pop SLrTton iV Pl Se eclsanal
ors ated th hcavy v ny nd c:llcs c raLr t tn Lrsc
LnsLr v,/
34. Flxl!re connected to c rcu I A
3. GeneroLrs exlTa wfing channe slols for 6.C o ,^ o r' o o oo
optona cover 3El. Frxt!re conneoled to c rclr t B t onarl covcr
4. Fxlure ock No aacLdentE d senllagern"ni

t a..r:irrr1., .l.r r.-.'T .rrl rL 14 (\'!l{nltAltBtsl TL 42 t\,\rtr B t( AllB Rl

n,r. ,rtr | . wh le 5:i{ .. !d05 ve e.d dead en.i n. !des !e e..l drad enn
.:r .; .r r rnr tr.r7!: 2 pqla. m.r .lnq..r.rws 3p qla s molfl nq s.r-cws

! F.r.r:irane .l.,..rr I r!r.! 1L-18 l!llfAllAll BFl rL 82 tWltBl{AttERl

,r': rfia r wl le b.r.n .. Lr.l0s v.r.nd dcad end .. ldeslve end dead end
!: rrlrn.Lr llr.z! : p grl s niol rr .!i s..ews 3 p qla s mo!nl n9 s.rews

'2 I oor Slarle. .r.r .rr irr..k TL 112 rwltBl(Al(BFrl rL-122 tWl(Bl(AllBFl
ir: ,rb. . wh r. ! ,.k n. !d-.s !...d dead end n.r!.Jes !e e..l 0.d
e:lf I rm r,,.' br.frrc 2 Lr !tld ! mo!.1 .!t s.rews 3 p qla s mol nr ng s.rews

,1 Fool Slanrir P asrer l ratr ,- TLPF.4W

alalatie n wh l! o. y .. ,.1.,. 4 alh no labs .r!1el bor 2 e.ds

a l.o Sr.r1..l';rs,er TLPF 8W

;",r ;5| . $ ll.n. ! ln. r.les 6 arh n! labs oll d boi 2 onds

I Fl)ti.l..!r I' asl.rr F rrmi TLPF A1W

iv! ib ! n wr_ le .i. ! r. L:.]-as 6 irr nq latrs 2 spr nes


lAlitrr'l(B tl St i l
TLA.162 rLA-t72
i lrwliLlliBFl i^li\ryliBrtAFl
,-^-_ \-/
\\x \
I TLA.82
T BarCe, .!r C,p


TI r
I t ]
\iltLJ 4ti

,ao-, o
TLA-36 rLA-1lBll\,{/l ILA.72 TLA-|O2 ...i
TLA 37 rAI'.'nlrBl tB)tr!l lat{wt tAlt\\rtt nl
Cord Sel convert

TLA 39


TLA 11IE] IW] ILA 12IB]iW]

W-e,.ihre.i tsase W rr t, ILA 22
5 dam M.!.ls.. .ord a.ri p r.t A.laDrs
a{rl cl box Ac.epl! al a SLrn.r T.a.k I xlr re. TLA.31
Srp-.r Tra.k J tlure: To.l.e-p slan.i r(j !sr

TLA 13 L !lh1 lif a.l t)\'

TLA I05 Co or 13.,
TLr- r/ ILC rwt[. l'..ab.r r,r F rFr,i D a.r Ll'ani
!s n! PAF ilS ll ,lo Fr. r.e w th !l ler P nk TLA-15 TLA-24
:nrD. A(.epl.'lr. Tl,rw:nrn tr tr TLA 16 TLA 25 TLA ?3
IA Lray glrl B !e TLA 17 TLA-26
l,,l.r.l Lrm B r. lLA-14 lLA-27
TLA-]4 L !hl !i. -. ! ,,\
/'t \
M.d Lim Green TLA-I9 ILA-28

lLF l/lLC wh.rl Nle.J !m Anrlr!,r TLA 20 TLA-29

r]!ii Ahr.rh r. TLA 21 TLA-30

i\r'il wh -a/iB j be.ti lAt sal n a !m n!m,,iBFt.r !rc./e

Stonco Super'Track can be mounted 3 ways flush surface, recessed [using
plaster frames), or suspended from ceiling (using TLA-s2 Pendant Kits) Super
Track can be connecled in straight rowsofany length or can bejoined to form an
'Ll T,' or any other rectangular pattern [Recessed Super-Track can be
laid out n straight runs only).
SuperTrack layouts can be wlred to service at the live end of any irack
section or at any joint in lhe track run Out et boxes n slraight runs are covered
by e ther TLA-42 Feed end Canopy Kit [ai the start ol a run] or TLA 33 Split
Canopy Kit [at a joint in a straight run). Out et boxes at right angle ]oints are
covered by TLA-62 U niversal Joine. Otherwise righl angle jo nts are protected
by TLA 152, TLA 162 or TLA-172 Joiner Covers.


DISTRIBUTION CURVES To rnalnta n an even band ol ilum [201]964 7000
TO CALCULATE ILLUMINATION nat on along a surlace correct amp
The curve charts on pages 4 6 , I spac ng is required. Th s can be ex
& 10 can be used lor po nt by point pressed as a Space-Distance (S/Dl
il urnination calculations. The sketch Ratio
il u slrates a typical problern for calcu Exarnp e: The S/D rato for a 75W
lating footcandies at some point P on R30 s 1 I5 lf the.l stance to the wal
a surface lighted by a PAR or R larnp. is 3'. the amps shoud be spaced
The footcandles on the suriace at P 3 45'aoarl alonq the irack [] l5x3'l
are determ ned by the formu al

S/D ralros for vaT ous a.rps are

shown be ow

LAMP F-l M;i ^r WFL

50wR20 7
75WR30 1 r5
r 50wR40 125
] sOWPAF 38 65
200wPAR 46 L5H
{ova beaml 1zv
the candlepower s found frorn the
300wR40 I 15
lOowPAR 56 I 4t)
curve for the approprlate amp ai the
beam angle involved the distance is
tovalbeaml t 2V llN
osoowPAn 56 J 4H 1 :sv
measured from the lamp to ? and o<
aova beaml I 2v I BH
s the angle at P between the lamp o25owr4 1 o 1av
and a perpend cu ar to the surface

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