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Here is a list of all the Equipment and Items.

Each Weapon has a Damage, Bonus, Hands, Monster List

Weight, and Stat.
Monster Name Damage Hits on a HP SOLO DUNGEON CRAWL
Damage is dealt to the enemy if you successfully land a blow.
Bonus subtracts from your roll, making it more likely you will hit them. Goblin 1 12 2 by
Character Sheet Hands are how many hands are needed to hold the weapon. Skeleton 2 12 3
Weight is how heavy the weapon is. Please note you cannot hold a weapon if its Weight is Eli Silver
over your strength. If an item has no 'Hand' value, it goes on your belt, except for armor. Zombie 2 13 4
The Stat is what stat you test when using this weapon in combat. Wyrm 2 14 5
Dragon 3 15 6
Weapon Stuffs
Race: HP / Weapon Type Damage Bonus Hands Weight Stat Trap Stuff
Club 1 0 1 2 Strength Trap Name Details
Dagger 1 1 1 1 Strength Pit Trap Test your Dexterity: Success, you get across. Fail, you fall down, -1 HP,
S: Kills: Sword 2 0 1 3 Strength lose 1 Item or Weapon if you have one.
Bow 2 1 2 2 Dexterity Arrow Trap Test your Dexterity: Success, you get through. Fail, you are hit. -2 HP
D: Gold: Mace 3 0 1 5 Strength Door Trap Test your Strength: Success, you bash it open. Fail, it is still locked. -1 HP
Chain Blade 3 1 2 4 Dexterity
V: Item Stuffs
Sp: Spells: Item Type Hands Notes
Torch 1 +1 Vision
Potion 0 1 use / +4 HP
Rope 0 1 use / Cross Pit Traps
Right Hand: Shield 1 HP 3
Key 0 1 use / Unlocks a Door
Platemail 0 HP 6
Left Hand: Spells from the Spellbook
Spell Name Uses Effects
Search 2 When you roll to see what is in a new area, change it to Treasure.
Fireball 2 +2 Damage while in battle / Disarm an Arrow Trap.
Belt: Smoke 1 Move through an enemy.
Vision 1 +5 Vision and +2 Dexterity for 1 turn.
Shadow 2 Confuse the enemy. Only take half rounded down of their
3 6 1 23
2 45 No paths 1
Result Die Roll Result Die Roll
Paths Chart
Platemail 6 50g 6
Key 5 25g 5
Shield 4 Weapon 4
Rope 3 Item 3
Potion 2 Spellbook 2
Torch 1 Spellbook 1
Result Die Roll Result Die Roll
Item Chart Treasure Chart
Chain Blade 6
Mace 5
Bow 4
Sword 3 Locked Door 56
Dagger 2 Pit Trap 34
Club 1 Arrow Trap 12
Result Die Roll Result Die Roll
Weapon Chart Trap Chart
Dragon Trap Wyrm Wyrm Zombie Skeleton Area 33-36
Trap Trap Wyrm Zombie Skeleton Treasure Area 29-32
Dragon Wyrm Zombie Skeleton Skeleton Treasure Area 25-28
Trap Zombie Zombie Skeleton Goblin Treasure Area 21-24
Trap Trap Zombie Skeleton Goblin Treasure Area 17-20
Dragon Zombie Zombie Skeleton Goblin Treasure Area 13-16
Trap Trap Skeleton Skeleton Treasure - Area 9 -12
Trap Trap Skeleton Goblin Treasure - Area 5 - 8
Trap Goblin Goblin Treasure Treasure - Area 2 - 4
6 5 4 3 2 1
Encounter Chart

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