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Minutes for May 11, 2017

Roll Call: Present: Sue Weeder, Marilyn Kathol, Ed and Sandy Moser, Dave and Mary Lux,
Kathleen OBrien, Ree Riley, Nancy Rice, Pat and Jerry Schmit, Kristy Steffen and Chaplain Fr.
Ross Burkhalter.

Following Mass, Dave Lux lead us in a prayer before our meal.

Sue Weeder, President-elect opened the meeting and we began with new business.

New Business: The Institute for Priestly Formation is looking for women to be Spiritual
Mothers for seminarians attending the IPF during the summer. There is an opportunity for the
Spiritual Mothers and seminarians during the summer and both the seminarians and Spiritual
Mothers are surrounded by Gods grace in this situation. If interested, call (402)280-3901 or
sign up on the website www.spiritual . Sue also asked if the Club should make a
donation to the IPF since it is such an important part of formation for our priests. Mary Lux
made a motion that we donate $100 to the IPF. The motion was seconded by Dave Lux and the
motion passed.

The Region IX Serra Convention is October 20-22 at the Marriott Regency in Omaha. Early
Registration is recommended. Sue has a flyer about this.

Induction of our Officers will happen at our meeting August 10th. District Governor Bob
Campny will be here for this and he will also give us a recap of the Spring Leadership Planning
meeting held in April. This will be our program for the evening.

Catholic speaker Tim Staples will be in Norfolk on July 20 for a presentation at St. Marys
Church at 7pm. This is sponsored by Spirit Catholic Radio.

Sue contacted the Archdiocesan Vocations office and they indicated that the only time that
the Seminarians would be available for a picnic in Norfolk is on Tuesday, July 18th. Sue will tell
them that we are interested in hosting a get together for them that evening. Mary L. will
check on availability of the K of C Hall. If it isnt available, she will check on the Parish
Center or the rectory.

Marilyn told us that the Norfolk K of C are sponsoring a bus to Ordination of our new Priests on
Saturday, June 4th. The cost will be $25 a person and Marilyn Kathol will take reservations at
the Parish Office (402)371-2621. Father Dan Andrews would like to see young men attend

Mary Lux said that she received a letter from Sacred Heart Parish (Norfolk) asking if the Serra
Club would like to host Donut Sunday this year. Pat Schmit received the same letter as the
contact for the 31 Club. Mary and Pat will see if the Norfolk members of the 2 groups can host
together, possibly in September.

Sue presented a slate of officers for the next year: President-Sue Weeder; Treasurer-Kathleen
OBrien; Secretary-Linda Kerkman; Vice President of Vocations-Mel Spader; Vice President of
Communications-Sandy Moser; Vice President of Programs-Dave Lux; Membership committee-
all members of the club. Mary Lux made a motion that the slate of officers be approved.
Dave Lux seconded the motion and the slate was accepted.
There was discussion about the Serra altar server awards. It was suggested that we might
send notes of congratulations to those in our parishes receiving the awards. Also, it has been
suggested that awards may be given in each Deanery and that maybe our club could take over
some of the organization of the awards rather than the Omaha Serrans.

Old Business:

The minutes of our last meeting were approved as read.

Treasurers report: Old Balance $7,400.49

Expenses $175 (downpayment on the Navigator Bus for ordination)

Final Balance $7,225.49

Summary of the finances involving the bus to ordination of permanent Deacons: Total cost was
$770 and we received $755 from those who rode the bus.

Vocations report: VP for Vocations was absent but we discussed that ordination of
Transitional Deacons will be on Friday, May 26th at 7pm at the Cathedral and Mosers son,
Patrick, will be one of those ordained that evening.

Membership: We are hoping that Nancy Schaecher and Bea Rudloff who came to our last
meeting, will join the club.

Programs: At the Spring Leadership and Planning Conference (SLPC) it was suggested that
there be a theme for the year and that our programs relate to that theme. The Weeders will
have the program in June.

Ree will ask if one of the sisters at Immaculata Monastery would have a program on Fatima for
us in June or October. They are having a program on Fatima this Saturday, May 13th, to
commemorate the 100th anniversary of the appearance of the Blessed Mother there.

Marilyn told us that we have 3 students from Norfolk who will participate in LEAD this summer
before the Steubenville conference. This is a program which helps teens grow closer to Christ
and equips them for servant leadership and evangelization. The students from Norfolk are
Marissa Heimes, Megan Means and Aaron Miller. Marilyn suggested that they may have things
to share for a program, maybe in September.

Another suggestion for a program was to invite Eric Dendinger and/or Steph Weidner to lead
us in inspirational music.

Sue W. told us that Linda Kerkman wanted to let us know that she has received $310 for sale
of chasubles, habits and Mass kits and to remind us that dues are now due, too.

Chaplains comments: Fr. Ross told us about an episode of Bonanza that he watched recently
which showed the story of a religious novitiate and her Mother Superior who were the victims
of a robbery. The novitiate and Mother Superior disagreed about whether or not they should
help the robber after he was shot. Afterwards, the Mother Superior told Hoss that she didnt
think the novitiate would become a sister because she didnt have respect for the obedience
that was demanded of her. This reminded Fr. Ross of the feelings of the priests who are being
reassigned the different parishes at this time. All will go as the Archbishop asks them to but
some will go more willingly than others. Pray for them!

Jerry Schmit made a motion for adjournment and Ed Moser seconded that motion. The motion
passed and the meeting was closed with the Serran prayer for vocations.
Food schedule:

June-Nancy Rice and Ree Riley

July-Seminarians cookout

August- Pat and Jerry Schmit

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