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33700 Padang Rengas

A green, a green frog,

Get my ball,
Ribbit, ribbit
A green, a green frog,
Go away,
Ribbit, ribbit
A green frog, a green frog,
Youre a prince,
Ribbit, ribbit
Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit

There once was a princess. Her name was Princess Maya. She loved to play

in the palace gardens. One day, it was Princess Mayas birthday. Her father gave a

beaming golden ball.

She took the ball and went to the garden. By the well, she threw the ball. It

went (up, up, up!). Then, it went (down, down, down..)


It fell into the water.

Boo..hoo.. cried Princess Maya.

Suddenly, the princess heard a strange noise. It was a green frog!

Why do you cry? the frog asked.

My gold ball is in the well. Get my ball and I give you my crown. Said the princess.

Oh! I dont want that. I want to be your friend.

Ok! Anything. Now please get my ball.

The prince took the ball and ran away.

At dinner, there was a little knock on the door.

Knock, knock!

Whats that sound? her father asked.

Its just a frog replied the princess.

A frog? Why is he here?

Err.. I promised to be his friend

Always keep your promise, told the king.

The little green frog came into the castle. He ate with Princess Maya.

After dinner, the frog followed the princess into her bedroom. The princess

took the frog and placed him in the bathroom. But the king said,

Always keep your promise

So, Princess Maya put the frog into the her bed.

All of a sudden, poof! The frog turn into a handsome man.

Princess Maya was so surprise.

The prince informed her, that an evil witch had put spell on him. Only true friend

could break the spell.

Since that day, Princess Maya and the prince became a good friend.

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