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My name is Henry, I am 26 years old, I'm studying mechanical electrical engineering. I live in urbanization
Los Sauces.

In the morning, I always get up at 6. I have breakfast at 7, then I do pending work and if I do not have them
I listen to music. I always go to the university to meet with classmates when I do not have class and
sometimes I go to visit my relatives.

In the afternoon, I always have lunch at 1 o'clock after lunch I go to the pool or play football, sometimes I
go to the beach and on the weekends I go to English classes.

In the evening, sometimes I go to classes and if I do not have classes, I stay home and study or watch
movies, on weekends I usually go out with friends and never have a fixed time to rest.


My brother's name is Neiver. He is 20 years old, and hes studying civil engineering.

In the morning, he always gets up at 7 o'clock, then he has breakfast at about 8 o'clock and almost always
goes to work at university.

In the afternoon, he always has lunch at 1. He almost always plays soccer and sometimes goes to the pool
with his friends. He never goes to the beach.

In the evening, he does his pending work listening to music, he sometimes goes to work he never has fixed
time of rest


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