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Dyspepsia is a common complaint. Treatments tween 23 and 41%. For many people dys-
are very effective and investigations sophisti- peptic symptoms are an acceptable part of
cated. More is spent on drugs for dyspepsia living. Why some sufferers (about 25%)
than any other treatment for a symptom seek help from doctors is not clear but
group. Rational management poses a challenge concern about symptoms seems to be as
to those responsible for purchasing, promoting important as the symptoms themselves.
and providing health care. The minority of sufferers (5% of the popu-
These guidelines have been compiled on lation) who do consult are major consum-
behalf of the British Society of Gastroen- ers of resource. In the UK in 1994 more
terology following consultation with the than 400 million pounds was spent on ul-
Primary Care Society of Gastroenterology. cer healing drug prescriptions issued by
The principal objective is to describe good general practitioners. About 4% of general
clinical practice for clinicians in primary practice consultations are for dyspepsia
and secondary care drawing on evidence and 2% of the entire population receive
where it exists and recognising the need to either an endoscopy or barium meal each
use limited resources effectively. An addi- year. Time lost from work and interference
tional aim is to identify areas where evi- with quality of life are more difficult to
dence is sparse and where further research measure but are likely to be considerable.
is necessary. Purchasers of health care Only 10% of patients attending their
should be interested in both aspects when general practitioner with dyspepsia will be
drafting contracts for service. referred for hospital consultation or inves-
tigation. Universal investigation for dys-
INTRODUCTION: pepsia is neither desirable nor affordable;
thus guidelines for management would be
What is Dyspepsia? unrealistic if they advised no selection for
Dyspepsia is a group of symptoms which
alerts doctors to consider disease of the
upper GI tract. It is not a diagnosis and
includes symptoms of upper abdominal COMMON CAUSES OF
discomfort, retrosternal pain, anorexia, DYSPEPSIA:
nausea, vomiting, bloating, fullness, early The common diagnoses made at
satiety and heartburn amongst others. A endoscopy in all age groups are:
firm clinical diagnosis can be difficult on
the basis of these symptoms as few symp- %
toms are discriminatory. Many diseases Duodenal ulcer* 1015
cause dyspepsia and these include peptic Gastric ulcer* 510
ulcers, oesophagitis, cancer of the stomach Gastric cancer* 2
or pancreas, and gallstones. In a large pro- Oesophagitis 1017
portion of cases no clear pathological Gastritis*, duodenitis* and
cause for a patients symptoms can be de- hiatus hernia 30
termined. Normal 30
*These conditions are strongly asso-
Frequency ciated with Helicobacter pylori
Dyspepsia is common. Surveys in Western infection.
societies have recorded prevalences of be-
HELICOBACTER PYLORI benefit from the procedure and exclude
This organism lives on the lining of the those who would not are worthwhile.
stomach and is associated with a number
of diseases. It is unclear whether it actu-
ally causes all the diseases but some are Rationalising the use of endoscopy.
best treated by eradicating this infection. It has been suggested that an age thresh-
old of 45 years is a practical means of lim-
Testing for Helicobacter pylori iting endoscopy. This is based on the fact
that gastric malignancy is rare below this
Helicobacter pylori infection can be diag-
age. Future guideline revisions may raise
nosed by demonstrating antibodies to the
or lower this age cut-off if epidemiological
organism in serum, by showing urease ac-
data demonstrate temporal changes. Data
tivity in the stomach using breath tests, or
from the Yorkshire Cancer Registry1 indi-
by analysis of biopsies. Serological methods
cate that less than 3% of the gastric can-
are simple, non-invasive, and widely avail-
cer registered occurs in patients under 45,
able but are not useful in demonstrating
in 1988 representing only 19 cases. Many
successful eradication. Carbon tagged
symptoms of gastric cancer are character-
breath tests, which depend upon the princi-
istic and alert clinicians to this possible
ple of urease degradation of urea to pro-
diagnosis. Indeed the vast majority of pa-
duce tagged carbon dioxide which then
tients with gastric cancer present with such
appears in exhaled breath, are of intermedi-
symptoms. Thus if endoscopy in people
ate cost but are non-invasive. Two methods
<45y were limited to those with alarm
are commonly used with either 14C (a tiny
symptoms very few cancers would be
radioactive dose, but cheap) or 13C (a sta-
missed. However, concern about gastric
ble, non-radioactive dose but more expen-
cancer is not the main reason for investi-
sive) labelled urea. The major use for these
gation of dyspepsia in young people. There
tests is to confirm successful eradication
is evidence that subsequent therapeutic
but they must be performed when patients
decisions and consulting behaviour change
are not taking proton pump inhibitors, bis-
in those investigated even when major di-
muth, nor within 4 weeks of antibiotic use.
agnoses are absent.
All other methods of identifying
A method of identifying most young pa-
Helicobacter involve endoscopy and biopsy
tients at risk of gastric neoplasia and peptic
and are therefore expensive. Simple biopsy
ulcer is by testing for evidence of
urease tests are a small additional cost to
Helicobacter infection. Using modern
that of endoscopy. Histology, or culture of
serological assays and restricting endoscopy
the organism add significantly to costs.
in patients under 45 with uncomplicated
troublesome dyspepsia to those with evi-
INVESTIGATION AND DIAGNOSIS dence of infection has been shown to iden-
The number of patients with dyspepsia at- tify most peptic ulcer disease2. The majority
tending general practitioners is believed to of young patients with gastric cancer are
exceed the availability of diagnostic proce- seropositive for Helicobacter, so these cases
dures. There are approximately 30 attend- too would be diagnosed, even in the rare
ances per 1000 in general practice absence of alarm symptoms. The major di-
amounting to about 210 consultations per agnoses that would be missed by such a
GP per annum. Endoscopy is safe but is process are oesophagitis and Barretts
not totally risk-free. Death from diagnostic oesophagus (columnar lined oesophagus).
endoscopy is reported in the range of 1 in However, these conditions are best treated
2,000 - 10,000. In out-patient practice the with therapy directed at symptom control
rate is likely to be even lower. Mechanisms because treatment directed at healing does
to identify only those patients who may not prevent complications or decrease the
recognised additional risk of oesophageal
adenocarcinoma. In many cases gastro-
oesophageal reflux does not cause erosive A. Patients with dyspepsia in
oesophagitis and a clinical diagnosis is often whom diagnostic endoscopy is
the best indication for treatment. In many appropriate.
cases gastro-oesophageal reflux is a long- 1. Any dyspeptic patient with alarm
term problem and some argue that symptoms or signs:
endoscopy should be performed before in- Unintentional weight loss,
stigating long-term acid suppressive Iron deficiency anaemia,
therapy. Further data are required in this Gastro-intestinal bleeding,
area but endoscopy decreases prescribing Dysphagia* and odynophagia,
costs, consultation rates and leads to man- Previous gastric surgery,
agement changes even in patients in whom Persistent vomiting,
no significant disease is found 3,4,5. The as- Epigastric mass,
sumption is that the procedure provides Suspicious barium meal,
reassurance to patients and doctors allow- Previous gastric ulcer, N S A I D
ing more rational prescribing. Similar ben- use,
efits have been reported following negative Epigastric pain severe enough to
Helicobacter pylori serology without hospitalise patient.
endoscopy in those in whom endoscopy
would otherwise have been performed6. We * A barium swallow should be con-
commend this practice as a means of de- sidered as the first investigation in
creasing endoscopy. H pylori serology dysphagia.
should be tested in dyspeptics under 45
whose symptoms are troublesome enough 2. Any patient over the age of 45
to be referred for endoscopy and who do with recent onset dyspepsia.
not fall into the remaining categories listed
below. Our recommendation here is based 3. Patients under the age of 45 with
on early and limited data and full consen- troublesome dyspepsia who are
sus has not been achieved. It requires the positive for Helicobacter Pylori
use and availability of an accurate on non-invasive testing.
serological assay whose sensitivity is high in
the local population. Future guidelines will
re-assess this recommendation.
B. Patients with dyspepsia in
whom endoscopy is
GUIDELINES inappropriate.
The guidelines which follow combine the
assumption of a requirement to protect 1. Patients known to have duodenal
resources, limit unecessary risk and pro- ulcer who have responded
vide high quality care. Where strong evi- symptomatically to treatment.
dence to support them is lacking
consensus has been used. 2. Patients under 45 asymptomatic
after a single episode of
Waiting times for investigation should not 3. Patients who have recently under-
exceed four weeks and ideally investiga- gone a satisfactory endoscopy for
tions should be available within two weeks. the same symptoms.
The best investigation for uncomplicated
dyspepsia is endoscopy. Double contrast DUODENAL ULCER
barium radiology may be equally accurate,
but does not allow for biopsies to be taken HP+ve duodenal ulcer:
and is thus considered second best. At 95% are associated with Helicobacter
endoscopy, biopsy urease tests should be pylori and should receive treatment di-
performed in all patients with ulcer in rected against this organism. We advise con-
whom the H pylori status is not already firmation of Helicobacter infection by
known. Further assessment to identify serology or urease testing before treatment,
NSAID and aspirin use, Crohns, but accept that the prevalence of H pylori
lymphoma and other unusual causes of ul- infection is so high that this may be consid-
ceration is necessary in such patients with- ered unecessary. We recognise that the best
out evidence of H pylori. eradication regimen is not yet known but
the present best buy regimens include:


It is acceptable to institute a single course of Omeprazole 20mg BD (or lansoprazole
treatment with an anti-secretory agent for 30mg BD), amoxycillin 500mg tds,
2-4 weeks in patients under 45 with trouble- metronidazole 400mg tds. Eradication
some symptoms but without alarm symp- rates 84 - 90%, well tolerated. (20.12*)
toms. While this first empiric course of Omeprazole 20mg bd (or lansoprazole
treatment is attempted it is recommended 30mg BD), clarithromycin 500mg bd,
that blood is sent for Helicobacter pylori tinidazole 500mg bd (or metronidazole
testing. Endoscopy is not recommended in 400mg bd). Eradication rate around 90%,
such patients without evidence of H pylori well tolerated. (37.02*)
and then should only be undertaken if the Omeprazole 20mg bd (or lansoprazole
patient continues to be symptomatic. 30mg bd), amoxycillin 1g bd and
Patients over 45 years of age with first clarithromycin 500mg bd. Eradication rate
onset dyspepsia should undergo investiga- around 90%, well tolerated. (42 approx).
tion and if this cannot be provided
promptly a 2-4 week treatment period be-
fore investigation may be acceptable. Traditional Two Week Triple Therapy:
Oxytetracycline 500mg qds, metronidazole
400mg tds, tripotassium dicitrato
TREATMENT bismuthate (bismuth chelate) 1 qds for 2
weeks. Eradication rate around 90%,
MAJOR DIAGNOSES poorly tolerated. (18.119)
We recommend treatment of Dual therapies with a proton pump in-
Helicobacter infection only for hibitor plus either amoxycillin or
duodenal and gastric ulcer in line clarithromycin or with ranitidine bismuth
with consensus recommendations citrate plus clarithromycin while licensed
from other countries7,8. Some au- for Helicobacter therapy are not more ef-
thorities suggest treatment of fective than the regimens above and are
Helicobacter pylori in all infected considerably more expensive. We do not
dyspeptics. At this time a consensus recommend them.
believes that there is insufficient evi-
dence to justify this approach while Follow-up:
accepting that future revisions could
change these recommendations Asymptomatic patients
should evidence become clearer. Repeat endoscopy is not needed. A urea
breath test (ideally 13C) should be per-

<45y >45y






formed in all patients (one month or gastric ulcers heal as quickly after
longer after the end of H pylori eradication Helicobacter eradication alone. This rec-
treatment) if symptoms persist or recur. A ommendation would change if such evi-
urea breath test is also required in any pa- dence became available. Long term
tient whose ulcer had presented with com- treatment with misoprostol should be con-
plications and who would otherwise be sidered in patients with proven ulcer who
given long-term anti-secretory treatment have to take NSAIDs.
to prevent recurrence. If the result of the
breath test is negative we recommend no HP-ve Gastric Ulcer:
further treatment. If the result is positive Standard antisecretory therapy for two
a second course of eradication therapy months. NSAIDs should be stopped if
should be prescribed. possible. Omeprazole 20mg daily is more
effective than H2 antagonist if NSAID is
Symptomatic after initial symptom continued. Long term treatment with
response misoprostol should be considered in pa-
A urea breath test is indicated . If negative tients with proven ulcer who can not stop
clinical re-evaluation is necessary and if the NSAID.
positive repeat anti-helicobacter treatment.
Follow-up of all cases of gastric ulcer:
Repeat endoscopy with biopsies is essen-
HP-ve Duodenal Ulcer: tial until complete epithelialisation. If ul-
Antisecretory therapy; cimetidine 800mg cer remains unhealed for six months then
nocte is cheapest. Gastroenterological re- surgery should be considered.
ferral is advised if ulcers are not associated
with NSAID. NSAID should be stopped if 4. OESOPHAGITIS:
possible and if symptoms persist patients H pylori infection is no more likely to be
may need gastroenterological review. Long associated with this condition than in the
term treatment with antisecretory drugs or normal population. Patients should be in-
misoprostol should be considered in pa- formed of the association with obesity and
tients who cannot stop the NSAID. heartburn. Weight loss is believed to be
effective treatment in some though evi-
2. EROSIVE DUODENITIS: dence is anecdotal. Propping up the head
In the absence of alternative evidence we of the bed has been shown to be benefi-
consider erosive duodenitis to be part of cial and patients should be given advice to
the spectrum of duodenal ulcer and advise avoid things which provoke symptoms
treatment as in this condition. amongst which bending, alcohol and fatty
foods are prominent.
Treatment should provide symptom re-
lief. 4 weeks is a reasonable starting
Helicobacter is present in about 70% and
course. Best relief is provided by proton
most of the remainder are associated with
pump inhibitors (omeprazole 20mg or
NSAIDs. Cytological smears and biopsies
lansoprazole 30mg) but many patients ob-
for histology should be taken and a urease
tain adequate symptom control from ant-
test should be performed at endoscopy.
acids, raft preparations, H2 antagonists or
prokinetic agents such as cisapride. What-
HP+ve Gastric ulcer : ever therapy is chosen an attempt should
Anti Helicobacter therapy as for duodenal always be made to titrate to the agent
ulcer followed by antisecretory therapy for which provides symptomatic relief at the
two months. The reason for this latter rec- lowest cost with least influence on
ommendation is the lack of evidence that normal physiology.
Follow-up: c) Assess if symptoms are acid related by
Repeated endoscopy is not justifiable ex- giving a short course (maximum 2
cept to check for healing of oesophageal weeks) of a proton pump inhibitor in
ulcers, dilatation of strictures or when adequate dose (omeprazole 40mg or
anaemia which is believed to be secondary lansoprazole 30mg) then titrate to
to oesophagitis fails to resolve on treatment. cheaper alternatives to complete a 4-6
The impact of endoscopic surveillance on week course if initial response good. If
the long term management and outcome of no initial response consider cisapride.
Barretts oesophagus remains to be deter- d ) Evidence to support Helicobacter
mined. Some patients may need longer eradication in this group is conflicting.
term treatment to maintain symptom relief. We do not recommend eradication
However, such prescriptions should be re- therapy outside clinical therapeutic
viewed and attempts to titrate to simpler trials.
remedies should be made regularly. e) Investigation of the biliary tree by ul-
trasound should be considered.
5. MINOR ABNORMALITIES f) Repeat investigations if serious symp-
toms develop (see table 1).
Non Erosive Duodenitis and
These conditions are often recorded fol-
Resource Requirements
lowing endoscopy but the correlation of
endoscopic finding with either symptoms, 1. General practitioners should have easy
or histological abnormality is poor. We do access to 13C Urea breath testing, and
not recommend specific therapy in these Helicobacter serology.
conditions irrespective of Helicobacter
2. Easy and rapid access to endoscopy is
pylori status. Symptomatic remedies can
a requirement for good practice and
be tried until evidence suggests alternative
endoscopy units should be able to
specific treatments. Expensive anti-secre-
provide histology, urease testing and
tory treatment cannot be justified if 13
C breath tests.
cheaper alternatives work.
Resources for the provision of this level
No macroscopic mucosal abnormality of service should be available nationwide.
[non-ulcer dyspepsia], non erosive
reflux, hiatus hernia: 3. In some laboratories the facilities
The cause of symptoms in these patients, needed for full bacteriological assess-
who account for a large proportion of ment of Helicobacter sensitivity and
those investigated, is usually unclear. It is resistance should be provided. One in
likely that there are multiple factors each major city could provide a na-
invloved including defective motility, H tionwide service.
pylori infection and depression. Treatment
is symptomatic but often ineffective. Re- CONTROVERSY: THE NEED FOR
search in this area has been hampered by FURTHER RESEARCH.
poor definitions and the multifactorial na- These guidelines attempt to promote prag-
ture of the problems. Thus the recommen- matic managements based on existing evi-
dations below are based on consensus. dence or consensus when evidence is
lacking. Many clinical practices which are
a) Stop NSAIDs if possible and consider believed to be beneficial (financially and
other drugs as provoking agents. clinically) are presently empirical and are
b ) General reassurance may be sufficient. not based on sound evidence.
These include: to: The Clinical Services and Standards Com-
mittee, British Society of Gastroenterology, 3
A. Serological screening of asymptomatic
St Andrews Place, Regents Park, London
patients in an attempt to prevent gas-
NW1 4LB.
tric cancer.
B. Treating all infected symptomatic pa-
tients irrespective of diagnosis in an
attempt to reduce prescribing and
consultation costs.
C . Selective serological screening or
1. Yorkshire Cancer Registry Report 1991. Eds
Helicobacter eradication in patients
Joslin C., Rider L., Round C.
on long-term anti-secretory agents.
2. Mendall M.A., Goggin P.M., Marrero J.M.,
Molineaux, Levy J., Badve S., et al
There is a belief that such practices will
Helicobacter Screening prior to endoscopy.
reduce costs and provide clinical benefit.
European Journal of Gastroenterology and
The frequency of significant side-effects,
Hepatology 1992; 4: 7137
and of failure-related consultation is not
3. Hungin A.P.S., Thomas P.R., Bramble M.G.,
known from general usage. If either of
Corbett W.A., Idle N., Contractor B.R.,
these is important such practices may in-
Berridge D.C., Cann G. What happens to
crease costs. Clinical benefit is yet to be
patients following open access gastroscopy?
convincingly demonstrated. We have there-
An outcome study from general practice.
fore adopted the stance of recommending
Brit J Gen Prac 1994;44:519521
practices for which convincing (albeit lim-
4. Jones R. What happens to patients with non-
ited) evidence exists while awaiting other
ulcer dyspepsia after endoscopy? Practitioner
evidence. The guidance will be updated
where appropriate as evidence accrues. In
5. Bytzer P., Hansen J.M., de Muckadell
the meantime it is impossible to be pre-
O.B.S. Empirical H2 blocker therapy or
scriptive for large areas of dyspepsia man-
prompt endoscopy in management of dys-
agement. Purchasers of healthcare research
pepsia. Lancet 1994;343:81116
need to be aware of the deficiencies in our
6. Patel P., Khulusi S., Mendall M.A.,
knowledge base and are advised to support
Lloyd R., Maxwell J.D., Northfield T.C. Pro-
research which will fill such gaps.
spective screening of dyspeptic patients by
Helicobacter Pylori serology. Lancet
AUTHORSHIP 1995;346:131518
This guideline was prepared by members 7. The Management of Dyspepsia - A Consen-
of the British Society of Gastroenterology, sus Development Confgerence Report to the
with valuable assistance from Dr R. National Advisory Committee on Core
Stevens, Primary Care Society for Gastro- Health and Disability Support Services.
enterology, and approved by Council. ISBN 0-477-017096
We plan that this guideline will be revised 8. Helicobacter Pylori in Peptic Ulcer Disease.
from time to time. Comments or suggestions NIH Consensus Statement 1994; 12:1
for use in subsequent editions should be sent 9. British National Formulary 1995; 30.


The preceding guidelines focused on the role of endoscopy and H pylori in the management
of patients with dyspepsia. The role of the double contrast barium meal (DCBM) was not
evaluated in these guidelines. The BSG does not wish the constraints placed upon the
development of the guidelines as dismissing the role of the DCBM, which still has a very
important part to play in the imaging of upper gastrointestinal disorders. DCBM and
endoscopy are complimentary in nature rather than simple alternatives.

There are several obvious situations where the DCBM will be required, such as in dysphagia,
motility disorders (particularly of the oesophagus), where endoscopy has failed and patient
preference. Although DCBM does not demonstrate early mucosal inflammation well, it
carries a high sensitivity for the diagnosis of carcinoma. It has particular strengths in the
diagnosis of minor strictures, motility disorders, extrinsic and possible intramural
abnormalities, as well as the diagnosis of malrotations, herniations and other structural
abnormalities. In most centres the DCBM brings an economical advantage even with a small
referral rate for subsequent endoscopy. In contrast to some endoscopic examinations, no
sedation is required and the patients can return directly to the work place. Although barium
radiology involves exposure to radiation, it does not carry the small, but significant morbidity
and mortality of endoscopy. As with endoscopy or indeed any other subjective test the
quality of the DCBM is very dependent upon the skill and experience of the operator.

The DCBM is therefore a reasonable alternative to endoscopy as the first line investigation of
dyspepsia, and practice should depend on local expertise and availability. The indications
would be the same as recommended for endoscopy in this document (NB : the DCBM does
not provide a facility for biopsy). DCBM is preferable in patients with a contra-indication to
endoscopy, patients with dysphagia in addition to dyspeptic symptoms, and patients in whom
structural abnormalities are suspected. Endoscopy is to be preferred in patients with previous
gastric surgery and where biopsy might be anticipated, such as for suspected malignancy and
gastric ulcers. Any mass or stricture diagnosed on DCBM would require subsequent
endoscopy for biopsy confirmation of its nature. Further research is required to define the
role of the DCBM in the outpatient population, particularly in relation to non-invasive testing
of H pylori status. At present the DCBM provides a complimentary and often appropriate
supplementary or alternative examination in the management of dyspepsia and has a
continuing role in the investigation of upper gastrointestinal disease.

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