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1. The opinions related to political content point of view toward online censorship.
2. and attitude towards online censorship of access regulation on the government
I. Are they supporting the governmental control on internet?
II. Will they making a complaint to legal authorities about the web page that
they think are offensive?
III. Are the web pages criticizing the politicians or political decisions related to
governments should be banned?
IV. How far the internet are playing role in helping the students to carry out
their learning process.

Research Objective

Untuk mengkaji tentang opinion people terhadap political content yang disekat
oleh government

Untuk mengkaji sekiranya wajar jika web pages yang mengkritik the politicians or
political decisions yang berkenaan dengan kerajaan should be banned.

Adakah people aware terhdap akta 1998

Problem Statement.
According to the Act, the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, states that
no provision in the Act that allow Internet censorship. Under the MSC Bill of Guarantees
Malaysia (MSC Malaysia Bill of Guarantees), the Malaysian government has vowed not
to censor the Internet. In addition, when the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) launched
by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the 1990s he was confirmed a
rule that there would be no censorship of the Internet. This is because, according to his
goal, is an attempt to exploit the full potential of multimedia without any limits. The
moments later, after Dr Mahathir Mohammad centuries of ruling were taken over by the
Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, he also gave the same
guarantee that he insisted that the government led by him would also intends to comply
fully with the regulations brought by Dr Mahathir Mohammad. Quoting from the speech
of the Prime Minister on the Regional Conference of Malaysia-Asean Bloggers in 2011,
he said: "When he (Mahathir) the Prime Minister and Malaysia are building our
Multimedia Super Corridor, Tun Mahathir) promised to the world that Malaysia will not
censor the internet.

However, three years later, the reality is different. In 2014, the Communications
and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said in an interview that the
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has blocked or shut
down at least 1,400 websites in the country. He also admitted that Internet freedom is
one of the characters in a developed country, but it must be based on legal principles.
"But media freedom should be based on the law in the country," he said. Furthermore, in
2008 also Malaysia Today website that has been blocked following the case of Raja
Petra has been indicted on charges of spreading lies in an article in Malaysia Today. His
article about "Let's Send Altantuya Murderers to Hell" and "The Real Dalang Behind The
Anwar Sodomy allegation" were arrested and application Shafee for an ex parte
injunction was drawn article. This shows the use of communication technology in our
country has specific legislation to control freedom of speech for public order.

Afterward, in August 2015, the website BERSIH 4.0 that organize by a coalition
of civil society organizations. has been blocked from the Internet when the user's
specific service media have reported could not access the website with a 404 page
views that show the site cannot be accessed. The action was taken following a warning
from the Commission, Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), which
states that a website designed to encourage the congregation urged Prime Minister
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to resign will be blocked by claims the website can disrupt
and destabilize the country. Furthermore, the SKMM also explained that BERSI H 4.0
can pose a threat to public order, security, economic prosperity and national sovereignty
and undermined the harmony plural society in Malaysia. Besides that BERSIH 4.0 also
appears to spread propaganda to incite citizens against the government for negative
purposes by distributing the information that can harm the country peace.

In addition, the website Sarawak Report, which also contains the scandal 1MDB
also restricted and regulated by Malaysia on the basis of Internet content that can affect
the stability because its content violated state laws. It is also one of the most hotly
debated issues nowadays when Sarawak Report published a report alleging financial
mismanagement involving Prime Minister Najib Razak, coupled with the debt problems
that afflict the country's investment company 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB). As a
result of these restrictions, some have argued that the action of the Malaysian
Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to restrict access to news portal
Sarawak Report has violated the freedom of expression and increase the curiosity of
internet users who want to read the content of Malaysia Sarawak Report.

Back in 2012 also, there was a large assembly called "Internet Blackout" was
held to protest the government's decision to amend the law which regulates the free
flow of information on the internet. Amendments to the Evidence Act 1950 allows the
government to monitor online postings for "seditious, defamatory and dangerous"
threats. This means since from the past the people did not support the government's
action to censor the internet that restrict their freedom to seek information as well as its
contrary the government promises to not restrict the internet freedom since Dr Mahathir

Chapter 2

1.0 Introduction

This chapter presented a literature review concerning a critical look at the existing
research that has significance on the study. Literature review is done by consulting
other researcher work in order to understand and investigate the problem of the study.
This review is important to suggest what knowledge and ideas have been established in
this study


Censorship has been described as an "Official prohibition or restriction of any

type of expression believed to threaten the political, social, or moral order. It may be
imposed by governmental authority, local or national, by a religious body, or
occasionally by a powerful private group. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition.


In Malaysia, where the government tries to maintain the illusion of an uncensored
Internet, curbs against online freedom seems have been less and lead to dissatisfaction
among user (Shawn W. 2012). When Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad launched the
Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) in the 1990s, in a move quite uncharacteristic of the
former premier, he insisted on one rule: there would be no censorship of the internet.
(Kamaruddin . 2015).The fact that the government has officially acknowledged blocking
a political website is itself significant, but it is particularly notable because the case
strikes at the heart of (allegations of) political corruption within the country (Free
Malaysia Today, 2015).

Restrictions on the use of new media on the Internet, it also aims to monitor the
activities of the people and block them get information (Elizabeth W, 2011) and the
government's had broken its promise under the guarantee MSC Malaysia Bill, which
guarantees the freedom of the Internet should be free of any form of censorship.
According to Suaram (2014), the government is using excuse to filter information to
cover up their wrongdoings and to filter information based on their political interests
rather than interests of the country. The Home Minister's plan to block unapproved
content on websites is regressive and could pave the way for potential abuse of
power, civil rights activists (Eric P, 2014).

Among the page that has been banned by the government is websites, blogs,
news portal and sharing page. For example, Sarawak Report, which gets block by the
MCMC because of the content claim, can disrupt the stability of country.
Based on the picture above, The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
Commission (MCMC) has blocked UK-based independent news website Sarawak Report in
relation to the investigation on 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), which recently came into
the limelight for alleged illegal money transfers to Prime Minister Najib Razak (Howard L,

UN Human Rights Committee in General Comment No. 34 has been emphatic

that all public figures, including those exercising the highest political authority such as
heads of state and government, are legitimately subject to criticism and political
opposition. Shutting down a website for reporting on alleged wrongdoing by public
officials is wholly disproportionate (Thomas H, 2015).
Communications and Multimedia Act 1998

According to the Article 19 organization, the government blocking of an entire

news website will rarely if ever be considered a necessary or proportionate restriction
on freedom of expression under international law. Such measures, imposed often
without adequate legal authority or due process guarantees, undermine democratic
debate and deny all people the right to seek, receive, and impart information
Country under Surveillance

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