Manila Standard 20170605 Monday

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TERROR ATTACKS IN LONDON: 7 DEAD, 48 HURT LONDONThree assailants smashed a lowing the rampage on Saturday evening.

shed a lowing the rampage on Saturday evening. the London attacks.

van into pedestrians on London Bridge be- It has now been conrmed sadly that Our hearts and prayers go out to the
fore attacking revelers in a popular nightlife seven members of the public have died, victims and the families of the very sad
hub with knives, leaving seven dead in the in addition to the three suspects, London events in London, Presidential Spokes-
third deadly terror attack in Britain since police chief Cressida Dick said. man Ernesto Abella said in a statement.
March. (Related stories on C4) An Australian and four French nation- Mays Conservatives and the main op-
Britains main political parties temporar- als were among the 48 people rushed to position Labour party suspended national
ily suspended campaigning for Thursdays hospital after the attack. campaign events for the day, joined by
general election and Prime Minister The- In Manila, Malacaang on Sunday con- other parties, although local campaigning
resa May held an emergency meeting fol- soled with the families of the victims of will continue. Next page

RAMPAGE. Police ofcers and members of the emergency services attend to a person
injured in an apparent terror attack on London Bridge in central London on June 3, 2017.
Police red shots after reports of stabbings and a van hitting pedestrians on London
Bridge on Saturday in an incident reminiscent of a terror attack in March just days ahead
of a general election. AFP VOL. XXXI NO. 111 4 SECTIONS 20 PAGES P18 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017

I could bomb Marawi

Duterte, however, says he abides by the rules
By Sandy Araneta
1,200 IS
Rodrigo Duterte
on Saturday killing
said he could end the
fighting in Marawi
City in three or more
days, but said he
lurk in PH
could have ended it in THERE are about 1,200 Is-
lamic State group operatives
24 hours were he not in the Philippines, including
bound by the Geneva foreigners of whom 40 are
Convention. from Indonesia, the Indone-
sian defense minister told an
Truth be told, were it not international security forum
because government is bound Sunday.
by rules and the values of civi- Speaking in Singapore amid
lization, I [could] end this war a bloody standoff between
in 24 hours. You know, Ill just Philippine troops and militants
bomb everything. I have 10 new ghting under the IS ag in
jets. All I have to do is to bomb Marawi city, Defense Minister
the whole place and level it to Ryamizard Ryacudu called the
the ground, Duterte said in a militants killing machines
speech during his visit to sol- and urged full-scale regional
diers wounded in action at Camp cooperation against them.
Evangelista Station Hospital in I was advised last night,
Cagayan de Oro City. 1,200 ISIS in the Philippines,
UNMASKED. Police Director Oscar D. Albayalde holds up a photograph of Resorts World gunman Jessie Javier Carlos, a father-of-three, who had But bound by international around 40 from Indonesia,
turned to be a gambling addict. Photo below shows RW employees lighting candles at a memorial honoring co-workers and guests who were killed laws, Duterte said troops did Ryacudu told the Shangri-La
after Carlos set re to the hotel-casino on June 2, 2017. AFP Next page Next page

fdlksafdsklf ds;lkfds ;fklsd
fdlksafdsklf ds;lkfds ;fklsd
RW gunman gambling addictkin
fdlksafdsklf ds;lkfds ;fklsd AN ARMED man who killed 37 of terrorism but this incident is con- being hooked to casino gambling.
fdlksafdsklf ds;lkfds ;fklsd people when he set re to a Resorts ned to the act of one man alone, This became the cause of misun-
fdlksafdsklf ds;lkfds ;fklsd World Manila casino was a father Albayalde said as he sat alongside derstanding with his wife and par-
fdlksafdsklf ds;lkfds ;fklsd
fdlksafdsklf ds;lkfds ;fklsd fdlk-
of three from Manila motivated by Carloss parents and wife at a press ents, Albayalde said.
safdsklf ds;lkfds ;fklsd fdlksafd- heavy gambling debts and not ter- conference held to announce the He was barred by Pagcor from
sklf ds;lkfds ;fklsd fdlksafdsklf rorism, police said Sunday. identity of the attacker. all casinos because of the request
ds;lkfds ;fklsd fdlksafdsklf The identication of the as- Albayalde said Carlos was aged of next of kin. This could have
ds;lkfds ;fklsd fdlksafdsklf sailant as Jessie Javier Carlos, a 43, had three children and had probably triggered him. Thats
ds;lkfds ;fklsd fdlksafdsklf Catholic, proves that claims by the been banned from all casinos in why he was so mad at casinos.
ds;lkfds ;fklsd fdlksafdsklf Islamic State group that it was re- April by the Philippine Amuse- Carlos walked into the Resorts
ds;lkfds ;fklsd fdlksafdsklf sponsible for Fridays attack were ment and Gaming Corp. following World casino and hotel complex
false, Manila police chief Oscar a request from his family because in Manila on Friday with an M4
Albayalde told reporters. of his gambling addiction. automatic rie and a bottle of
We reiterate that this is not an act He is heavily indebted due to Next page

27m back to school amid shortages

By John Paolo Bencito Senior High School program that previous years 24.9-million stu-
added two more years to its basic dents, data from the Education
MORE than 26.9-million kin- education system. department showed.
dergarten, elementary and high On the second year of the full Some two-million students
school students who will troop implementation of the K-12 pro- will enter kindergarten while the
back to school today will have gram, the enrollment in both bulk of the enrollees are in the el-
to contend with more classroom public and private schools this ementary schools at 14.4 million.
shortages and a lack of teachers incoming school year is project- Another 7.7-million students are
as the nation welcomes its rst ed to reach 26,969,816 students, enrolled in junior high school or
batch of Grade 12 pupils under its an 8.2-percent increase from the Next page

Battle for Marawi resumes CA revives

after 4-hour lull; 179 freed P2.2-b case
A FOUR-HOUR humanitarian
ceasere on Sunday allowed the
that broke out May 23 in Marawi
City. The terrorists also executed
vs Revillame
rescue of 179 residents trapped 19 civilians. By Rey E. Requejo
by the ghting between Maute Government forces have bom-
group terrorists and government barded Marawi with air strikes THE Court of Appeals has re-
troops in Marawi City, military and waged erce street-to-street vived the P2.2-billion compul-
spokesman Brig. Gen. Restituto battles with hundreds of gun- sory counter suit that television
Padilla said. men since they began a rampage giant ABS-CBN Corp. led
Padilla said two people were in- through residential areas wav- against former Wowowee host
jured, however, when ghting oc- ing the black ags of the Islamic Willie Revillame for breaching
curred during the temporary lull. State. his contract with the network
There were skirmishes that Authorities said Sunday they seven years ago.
occurred during the humanitarian had nally been able to negotiate The courts Special Seventh
pause this morning. Third party a ceasere with the militants to al- Division held that Quezon City
facilitators helped orchestrate and low those trapped to be released, Regional Trial Court Branch 76
manage the humanitarian cease- although continued ghting erred when it dismissed ABS-
re. Around 179 trapped civilians throughout the morning meant it CBNs counter-damage suit on
were rescued today, he said. was not put into place as hoped. the ground of forum shopping.
The ceasere ended at noon. There are 2,000 people who ABS-CBN is seeking damag-
Some 120 Maute terrorists and need immediate help [after] 13 es of P1.7 billion as of Novem- WELCOME BACK. Kindergarten teacher Maritess Morales writes a welcome message for her students
38 government troops and police- days without food, Zia Alonto ber 2010 plus P426,917,646 for on a blackboard in Rosauro Almario Elementary school in Tondo, Manila a day before public schools open .
men have been killed in ghting Next page Next page Norman Cruz
A2 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017 News

NBI joins probe of RW attack

From A1

Dialogue, using another name for

the IS group.
The threat of heightened ter-
rorism, including the impending By Rey E. Requejo franchises, Pimentel said follow- on national defense and security. ing the incident were the iden-
return of hundreds of Southeast ing the attack at the upscale hotel While Carlos may not have tity of the attacker and his motive:

Asian ghters who fought with IS HE Justice department on Sunday in Pasay City. used his rearm to kill people, he Whether it was a robbery or a ter-
The attacker had brought a car- did use the weapon to try to raid ror attack.
in Syria and Iraq, has been a hot- ordered the National Bureau of bine and gasoline to the casino, set the casino cashiers cage and to The PNP has already down-
button issue at the three-day Sin-
gapore summit also attended by Investigation to conduct a parallel probe re to some areas and then locked sow mayhem that took a lot of in- played the possibility that the inci-
US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. into the attack at Resorts World Manila on himself in a room, set himself on nocent lives. dent was a terror attack even after
re and then shot himself. He was Aguirre said the NBI probe was the terrorist group Islamic State of
Hundreds of Islamist gunmen
rampaged through Marawi on
Friday that left 38 people dead including the later identied as Jessie Carlos, a independent of the investigation Iraq and Syria owned up to it in its
May 23 after government forces gunman. former tax specialist at the Finance being conducted by the Philippine website.
attempted to arrest their leader, department. National Police. The police said it was a case of
Isnilon Hapilon. Rep. Johnny Pimentel on Sun- There are several questions robbery as the suspect stole some
The NBI has actually started and Amusement Corp. should day appealed for tougher gun con- that remain unanswered and the P113 million worth of VIP casino
Up to 50 gunmen are still con-
the investigation already, Justice make sure theres a counseling trol measures following the deadly NBI hopes to help in providing an- chips before setting casino tables
trolling the city center nearly two
Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II said program available to gambling ad- attack on June 2. swers, he said. on re using a bottle of gasoline,
weeks after the start of ghting
in a text message. dicts and those whose lives have In the interest of public safety, I have instructed the NBI to pointing out that he did not shoot
that has killed 177 people includ-
He made the statement even as been destroyed by gambling. we really need stronger gun con- look into all possible angles in- any of the casino guests and staff.
ing 120 militants.
Senate President Aquilino Pimen- This should be implemented trol measures, said Pimentel, a cluding terrorism. With Macon Ramos-Araneta
How can we tackle these
tel III said the Philippine Games by Pagcor and all with casino member of the House committee Among the issues raised dur- and Rio N. Araja
foreign ghters? We have to be
comprehensive, said Ryacudu, a
retired general. this war will end. All I would say the producer of shabu, those fund- After identifying Carlos as
We have to nd... complete I could... is re at will at anything moving ing terrorists, they will all be ar- RW... the attacker on Sunday, Albay-
ways but we must exercise cau- From A1 and bomb the whole place and that rested, whether politicians or not, From A1 alde repeatedly sought to dis-
tion, they are killing machines. is it. But we cannot do it, he said. Duterte said during his visit in credit IS.
Their aim is to kill other people their best to ensure no civilians And that is why we are also Cagayan de Oro City. gasoline, before setting alight a We will not allow people or
so thats why its our responsibil- would be killed. suffering great losses. But of We will charge you according- number of different rooms in the any threat group to use this situa-
ity that we have common under- Despite the ghting in Marawi course, most of them are ene- ly. We will detain you more than complex, according to police ac- tion to advance their propaganda
standing, consensus and common City, which led Duterte to declare mies, he said. six days. There will be at once an counts. or personal causes, whether for-
proceedings on how to ght these martial law in Mindanao, the Pres- In the same speech, Duterte inquest and if there is probable Thirty-seven people died in the eign or local, Albayalde said.
foreign ghters. ident said the republic was well lambasted Supt. Ma. Cristina No- cause, I would like them to be de- res, dozens more were injured He also urged the public not
Defense Undersecretary Ri- and stable. bleza, who was arrested for being tained forever, Duterte also said. in a stampede to escape, and Car- to spread false speculation about
cardo David, speaking at the same There are pockets of war ght- an agent for the Abu Sayyaf, say- Duterte did not provide names. los was found dead about ve the incident.
forum, said the 1,200 gure for ing in Mindanao and we are still ing she was a traitor and should be However, he said there are sev- hours later in a hotel room after We ask for people to stop
total IS ghters in the Philippines assessing the environment vis-- hanged in public. eral drug personalities in Marawi committing suicide by setting re spreading false speculation link-
mentioned by Indonesia was new vis the NDF [National Democrat- I will not hesitate to do it if City, where more than 200 Maute to himself, police had said. ing this act to terrorism. Again,
to him. ic Front] and NPA [New Peoples it comes to that. I will hang ev- group members are believed to be Security footage of the incident as we always maintained, this is
I really dont know, my gure Army], said Duterte. ery traitor of the government, still holed up more than a week released on Saturday showed the not an act of terrorism. Help us
is about 250-400, a lot less, he Duterte also said he would as- Duterte said. after the ISIS-inspired groups at- gunman calmly and slowly walk- build peace here in our region by
told reporters. sume full responsibility for the Martial law is still not nished. tack last May 23. ing through the casino and r- spreading only the truth, Albay-
But David said there were 40 bombings missions in Marawi, I will report to the nation what we There are a lot of them here in ing into the air most of the time, alde said.
foreign IS ghters among those saying that they were carried out did and why we did it. Marawi. Thats why the supply apparently as warning shots for Carlos, whose last known ad-
who seized parts of Marawi, eight upon his orders. The military missed its June of shabu here in Cagayan de Oro people to leave. dress was in Sta. Cruz, Manila,
of whom have been killed by gov- The enemy has no compassion, 2 deadline to take full control of does not end, Duterte said, At one point he red at secu- was separated from his wife, Jen
ernment forces. he said, shooting everyone, in- Marawi City from the Maute terror- Philippine National Police chief rity guards when they confronted Carlos, with whom he had a son
Earlier, Philippine ofcials said cluding civilians. ist group. It is also unlikely to meet Director General Ronald dela him, but missed. After they ran and two daughters.
the slain foreign ghters were But we cannot just press the its July deadline to signicantly Rosa said on Monday that the away, he calmly walked up some The gunmans wife was si-
from Malaysia, Indonesia, Ye- trigger of a machine gun and say weaken the Abu Sayyaf, which op- Maute group, drug lords and poli- stairs. lent during the press conference,
men, Saudi Arabia and Chechnya. to whom it may concern, he said. erates in the Basilan and Jolo. ticians involved in illegal drugs The video also showed him which she did not nish.
Our intelligence estimates that We have to get close to the target On Saturday, Duterte said peo- are protecting each other. breaking into a secure room Despite revelations about the
there are about 40 foreigners that and be precise with our shots. ple involved in illegal drugs and On Wednesday, Dela Rosa said where chips and money were gunman, Speaker Pantaleon Al-
fought in the Marawi incident, At the same time, Duterte said providing funds and protection the PNP will take advantage of being kept, apparently intent on varez insisted that the attack Fri-
David said. he would not hesitate to bomb tar- to the Maute group would be ar- Dutertes declaration of martial stealing what he could. day was an act of terrorism.
He added that the foreign ght- gets that cannot be taken at a huge rested soon. law in Mindanao to address the Carlos set alight many gam- The ultimate consequence of
ers used back channels in the cost to soldiers lives. In the days ahead we will ar- problem of narco-politics in Min- bling tables, which police said the attack on Resorts World is an
Sulu and Celebes Seas near the Thats why I said, in 24 hours, rest all of them. Number one is danao. was probably an attempt to create act of terrorism. Let us stick to
borders of the Philippines, Indone- a diversion so he could escape. the denition of terrorism. Any-
sia and Malaysia to enter the south- At Sundays press conference, body who, with premeditation
Division had been deployed in the creasing, hence the need to build
ern island of Mindanao and link up
with local terror groups. AFP
27m... university belt and other areas to re- more classrooms.
Carloss tearful mother said he
had been a good man who com-
harms and kills people indiscrim-
inately is a terrorist. Whether or
From A1 spond on any potential bomb threats. By June 5, some 55,680 class- mitted the violence because of not the perpetrator is a member
We are on full alert in Metro rooms or 51.59 percent of the total his gambling addiction.
grades 7 to 10, while 2.8 million of a known terrorist organiza-
Battle... are in senior high school including
Manila. We are setting up police
assistance desks and explosive ord-
107,920 classrooms would have been
completed and available for use.
We ask for forgiveness. My tion or a lone wolf acting inde-
son was a good child to us. But pendently, he is a terrorist. This
From A1 the rst batch of Grade 12 learners. nance personnel in case we receive While it is nearly done with its since he started playing at the is happening all over the world,
In other developments: bomb threats, Albayalde said. backlogs in 2014 (84.11 percent
Adiong, spokesman for the pro- casinos, thats all he did. He did read Alvarezs statement sent to
There are no security threats Education Secretary Leonor classrooms completed) and 2015
vincial crisis management com- not visit us. It was painful for us the media.
in Metro Manila as thousands of Briones said while her department (72.38 percent classrooms com-
mittee, said. not to see him, said his mother, Our authorities should not
policemen will be deployed in the was prepared to welcome stu- pleted), the Education Department
We do not know if the cease- Teodora Carlos. lull our people into complacency
key areas leading to schools across dents, there would always be dif- has only completed 15.35 percent
re has been breached, he said, Albayalde said Carlos had by dismissing the incident as a
the country to ensure the safety of culties that could not be avoided. of its 2016 targets, contributing to
adding that a sudden surge in worked in the Department of common criminal act. Neither
some 26.9-million students who Generally, we are ready but we a completion rate of 51.59 percent
ghting had hampered the rescue Finance but had been sacked should they relax just because
will be returning to school today, cant avoid that there would still from 2014 to 2016.
efforts. because he had lied on ofcial they refuse to label the incident
an ofcial said Sunday. be things that are lacking, Brio- For senior high school alone,
Scores of people made a dar- forms about unexplained assets as such.
Intel from the PNP [Philippine nes told reporters. while the department has already
ing dash for safety on Satur- and properties. Duterte ew to Manila Satur-
National Police] shows there is no This is not to deny that there will completed a total of 25,498 class-
day, including one of Marawis A 2014 government press re- day night to go to the wake of
security threat in Metro Manila and still be shortage, but we still have 10 rooms, it has yet to build some
most respected politicians who lease explaining the sacking de- some of the fatalities in the Re-
the entire National Capital Region, months coming to ll in that gap. 23,796 classrooms from the bud-
had hidden 71 Christians in his scribed Carlos as a tax specialist, sorts World Manila attack.
Ramon Pranada, operations ofcer Its very clear that there is a get allocated from 2014 to 2016.
home and led 144 people through who had been red for not de- In Veronica Funeral Homes,
of the Quezon City Police District, shortage of classrooms on a daily The department also has yet
downtown streets strewn with rot- claring properties and for taking Duterte met privately with the
told reporters in Pasig City. basis in certain places. Were still to close the gap in the classroom
ting corpses. mysterious loans far more than a bereaved families of four of the
In Metro Manila, Police Chief trying to address the classroom shortage, which is now at 41,880
The militants behind the vio- bank would lend. victims, Hing Tung Tsung, Lai
Oscar Albayalde said members backlogs and we have a situation from the previous years budget.
lence in Marawi mostly belong Authorities had repeatedly in- Wei-Chung, Lai Yu-Chieh and
of the police Explosive Ordnance that the number of learners is in- With Francisco Tuyay
to a local group called the Maute sisted on Friday and Saturday the Carmelita dela Cruz.
and the infamous Abu Sayyaf attack was not terrorism-related Around midnight, the Presi-
Instead they started kicking Overnight, she said: Our thoughts but a bizarre robbery attempt by
kidnap-for-ransom gang which
had pledged allegiance to IS and
Terror... them, punching them and took out are with those who caught up in a deranged man.
dent went to the nearby Rizal Fu-
neral Homes, also in Pasay City,
rejected ofcial peace talks. From A1 knives. It was a rampage really, these dreadful events. But IS claimed responsibility, to pay his respects to another
Sundays ceasere was initially he said, adding that he too heard a Londons Labour Mayor Sadiq with a report on its self-styled victim of the incident, Eleuterio
reached following a meeting last Security was already a major shout of: This is for Allah. Khan described the incident as Amaq news agency saying its Reyes.
week between President Rodrigo feature of the campaign, after 22 Dick declined to give any fur- deliberate and cowardly, add- ghters carried out the attack. He then proceeded to Heritage
Duterte and the Moro Islamic people were killed in the Man- ther details about the attackers, ing: There is no justication President Rodrigo Duterte has Park in Taguig to pay his respects
Liberation Front, the nations big- chester concert bombing on May but added: At the moment we whatsoever for such barbaric repeatedly warned that IS is gain- to Raoul B. Viray and Elizabeth
gest rebel organization which of- 22, claimed by the Islamic State believe there were three attackers acts. ing a greater foothold in the Phil- Gonzales.
fered to broker a halt in hostilities group. and we believe they are dead. Asked if the election would still ippines. Viray was a shipping industry
using contacts with the ghters in As they attacked revelers The attack came only minutes go ahead, he told the BBC: One Those concerns escalated ofcial. Gonzales was the wife
Marawi, Adiong told dzBB radio. around London Bridge, the at- after the end of the Champions of the things the terrorists hate is when militants ying black IS of Pampanga Rep. Aurelio Gon-
Unarmed MILF rebels had a tackers wore what looked like sui- League nal between Real Ma- democracy... Im looking forward ags rampaged through the Phil- zales Jr.
four-hour window until noon to cide vests which turned out to be drid and Juventus, in an area to voting on Thursday. ippines main Islamic city in the Duterte dispelled speculations
take civilians to safety, govern- hoaxes, police said earlier. teeming with bars where many It is the latest in a string of at- south nearly two weeks ago, trig- that the Resorts World Manila in-
ment rescue coordinator Naguib They were stabbing everyone. fans were watching the football on tacks to hit Europe, including in gering clashes that are still con- cident was a terror attack.
Sinarimbo said. They were running up and going television. Paris, Berlin and Saint Petersburg. tinuing and have left roughly 200 That is not the work of the
But an Agence France-Presse This is for Allah, a man called Britain was already on high alert France said four of its citizens people dead. ISIS. The work of the ISIS is
reporter said there was a sudden Gerard told the BBC, adding that following the attack on a concert were injured in the attack, one se- Duterte declared martial law more cruel and brutal. They
burst of gunre and an explosion he had seen the three assailants by US pop star Ariana Grande in riously, and President Emmanuel in Mindanao on May 23 in a bid would just simply kill people for
as rescue teams were entering the stabbing a girl as she cried for Manchester, northwest England. Macron said his nation was more to quash the rising IS threat, and nothing. Not even for a reason.
city. help. The national threat level was than ever at Britains side. said he was prepared to impose And that was the reason why the
A Muslim separatist rebellion Another witness called Eric told briey raised to its highest level, German Chancellor Angela military rule nationwide if terror- world today has bonded together
in Mindanao has killed more than the BBC he had seen three men and troops deployed at key public Merkel said: Today we are unit- ism spread. to ght the scourge of terrorism,
120,000 people since the 1970s. come out of a white van after hit- sites. ed across borders in horror and However, Duterte and his po- Duterte said. AFP with Sandy
The MILF has signed accords ting pedestrians and thought they May chaired an emergency cab- mourning, but also in determina- lice chiefs insisted that the casino Araneta, Rio N. Araja, Julito G.
with the government aimed at were going to help. inet meeting on Sunday morning. tion. AFP with Sandy Araneta attack was not terrorism-related. Rada and PNA
forging lasting peace, giving up
their separatist ambitions in return its compulsory counterclaims on of forum shopping, it would, in erred when it dismissed ABS- ment cannot be interpreted as a
for autonomy.
CA... the basis of forum shopping consid- effect, be antecedently resolving CBNs compulsory counterclaims bar which would [prevent] ap-
But small hardline groups, in- From A1 ering that the issue was still pending the very question raised before the for the reason of expiration of the pellant ABS-CBN from seeking
cluding the Maute and Abu Sayy- before the Supreme Court. Supreme Court, the court said. agreement. judicial recourse for violations
af, have refused to negotiate and each week that Revillame contin- The appellate court also agreed That is, whether our Former The parties certainly stipulated allegedly committed by appellee
sought to unite behind IS. ued violating his contract, P20 with the television network that it First Division correctly declared that the agreement would cease to Revillame during the life of the
The clashes in Marawi erupted million in moral damages, P20 was not barred from suing over a that appellant ABS-CBN indeed take effect on September 10, 2011. contract.
when security forces raided a million for exemplary damages breach of contract just because the engaged in forum shopping. But it is clear that appellant ABS- In 2010 Revillame led an P11-
house to arrest Abu Sayyaf leader and another P20 million in attor- agreement had ceased to take ef- Hence, in actually doing so, the CBN counter-sued appellee Re- million damage suit against his
Isnilon Hapilon, regarded as ISs neys fees and litigation expenses. fect on Sept. 10, 2011. trial court rendered moot and mor- villame for purported violations of old employer and asked the court
leader in the Philippines. He is on The appellate court agreed with The trial court is perfectly ibund exactly what was for the Su- the agreement committed during to make a judicial conrmation of
the US governments list of most- ABS-CBNs argument that the low- aware that in dismissing the coun- preme Court to decide. its effectivity, the court said. the end of his contract with ABS-
wanted terrorists. AFP and PNA er court should not have dismissed terclaims before it on the basis The CA also said the trial court The conclusion of the agree- CBN.
A4 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017
Opinion Adelle Chua, Editor

These troubled times
EVEN people died in a series of Here at home, a masked a bus terminal or a busy And isnt it the very de- security. You can make a
gunman with an assault ri- government ofce. Instead nition of emotionally dis- system more secure by put-
terror attacks across London Sat- e shot up and set re to of those unfortunate souls turbed to strap a bomb ting more passwords in
urday evening following reports gaming tables at Resorts who died at Resorts World, packed with shrapnel onto placebut putting too
World Manila before set- it could have been us. ones chest and to detonate many such checkpoints
that a van mowed down ve or six pe- ting himself ablaze Friday Clearly, from what the it among innocent civil- will make the system unus-
destrians on London Bridge. In the morning. When the smoke police have revealed, the ians? Or to enter a casino able.
nearby Borough Market shortly after- cleared, 37 casino employ- Resorts World attacker with an assault rie, set This is the same kind of
ees and guests were dead was not some fanatic re to gaming tables and balancing act that society
ward, police responded to a knife attack of suffocation. brainwashed into commit- cause panic among the confronts today. How
in an area packed with popular restau- While the authorities are ting a terrorist act, but an people there? much of our open, demo-
rants. The attacks come less than a adamant that this was not an emotionally disturbed per- Like other countries, we cratic way of life should
act of terror, it certainly has son who apparently en- must now come to grips we give up in exchange for
month after a suicide bomber set off an all the hallmarks of oneit gaged in a criminal ac- with this new form of ter- a greater senseor illu-
improvised explosive device at the exit strikes fear in our hearts and tion. But isnt this rorism in which the sowers sionof security in the
causes us to doubt our own precisely the type of un- of fear are emotionally face of these terror attacks.
of an arena where a sold-out concert safety, even in the mundane stable, lone wolf that ter- disturbed individuals We need to be cautious
had just ended in Manchester, England. activities of our daily lives. rorist groups such as the who have nothing to lose. that we do not exchange
Twenty-three people, including chil- Instead of a casino, the gun- Islamic State recruit and In computer systems, one form of terror for an-
man could just as well have use to carry out their cow- there is always a balancing other, in which the state is
dren, were killed. gone on a rampage at a mall, ardly attacks these days? act between usability and the terrorist.

for the
I READ an essay on the jeep-
ney last Wednesday in the Taipei
Times. It was an AFP special re-
port which I later read once again
in the online edition of this paper.
Our inefficient dinosaur, the
jeepney, must now be relegated
to the museum. It is dirty, ineffi-
cient, unhealthy, the AFP report
quotes DoF Secretary Carlos
The king of the road has be-
come an obsolete dinosaur.
In its ode to the jeepney, the
feature quoted a 55-year-old fa-
ther of seven calling his rather
dilapidated, smoke-belching,
rusting vehicle thus: This is like
my wife. My jeepney and I are
together every day. And wor-
ried about his fate on account of
a vehicle modernization program
of the government, Peter Dallos
says that he is angry because I
will lose my job forced to go
home to my province, become a
bystander and starve.
There is a sure element of pa-
thos here, multiplied by the thou-
sands as owners and drivers of
15-year-old jeepneys are phased
out of Metro Manilas streets, for
The essay brings to mind a
meeting of the executive commit-
tee of the DoTC under then sec-
retary Hernando B. Perez. Back

The murky world of casinos

then, all the agency heads and un-
dersecretaries of the huge depart-
ment in charge of air, land, sea
and rail transport, plus commu-
nications by posts and telegraph
(the internet and the cellphone
THERES a lot to be said sorts World Casino and Ho- Manahan. Unable to collect, lacking a quick response team was so new then, and had hardly
about people whose worlds tel. He did both, killing 37 he hammered Manahan to that could have dealt with the made inroads into the country)
have turned to the murky casino patrons and employees death. situation the moment the gun- would meet with the boss, sec-
world of casinos. While some in a deadly night of rampage. As there was outrage at the man was seen on closed circuit retary Nani, once a month to dis-
only go to casinos to pass the Most of the fatalities died from failure of intelligence by the television camera as he sat on cuss policy and problems.
time and perhaps take a chance smoke inhalation and not from authorities in the ongoing the casino backstairs. Because It was a good arrangement.
at a game of cards or a lucky gunfire, according to police There are many siege in Marawi City, there is the casinos security people Inter-agency problems could be
number at the spin of the rou- investigators. Many of the now an outcry about security were not armed, it took some ironed out fast. Moreover, DoTC
lette wheel, there are many victims locked themselves in
who have lost lapses in the Resorts World time before the gunman was policies would be threshed out in
who have lost their souls to ad- rooms to escape the gunmans their souls to carnage. Its easy to claim neutralized. In the meantime, participatory fashion.
diction to gambling. wrath, not knowing they would failure of intelligence or secu- casino patrons were stamped- On one such meeting, I had
Observe the regular high die from smoke inhalation. addiction to rity lapses despite the fact that ing for the exits as fire started the effrontery to propose that the
rollers at the baccarat or black It was a senseless act com- the concerned people were to sweep the curtains and floor department should implement a
jack table. Their alert, calculat- mitted by a deranged man who
gambling. doing their best. carpeting. phaseout of jeepneys, a program
ing demeanor turns to a dazed, lost it all, including his mind. Failure of intelligence basi- Floor carpeting is f lam- of attrition where the license to
volatile temperament when After setting fire to several cally can be traced to lack of mable because of the fabric it operate old jeepneys in Metro
Manila would no longer be re-
they start losing thousands and gaming tables on the second intelligent people who should is made of. It is treated with
newed, consigning them instead
sometimes millions of pesos floor, he then broke into the be doing this job. In the case cleaning chemicals especially to the provinces, along with a
on bets. One such person was cashiers counter to steal mil- of Marawi, it would be the since countless casino pa- freeze on the approval of new
the lone gunman who went on lions of pesos in casino chips. Department of Finance, killed local government people or trons walk over it every night. ones. In time, I said, the jeepneys
a rampage at the Resort World Apparently, he does not know himself in one of the hotel barangay officials who should Three days after the incident, could be gradually replaced by
Casino in Pasay. He had been that the chips he took wont be rooms. have noticed the influx of the police came out with the more modern buses which aside
losing thousands and perhaps of any use; they were going to Carlos rampage brings to newcomers to the community. identities of the dead. I was from being more fuel-efficient,
millions of pesos after a streak be demonitized almost imme- mind another incident in 1986 They should have reported it to looking for some familiar could load more passengers.
of bad luck. diately even if he was able to when Jaime Balabat, after the Philippine National Police names, friends I know who The secretary smiled. Ma-
He came back, armed with escape. losing hundreds of thousands or military contingent in the frequent Resorts World Casi- ganda iyan, he remarked,
sub-machine gun and a can of The gunman, finally identi- of pesos at a casino, went to city. no almost every night. To my pero politically explosive.
gasoline. He wanted to set the fied by police as Jessie Carlos, collect real estate commis- At Resorts World, the es- relief, I did not see names of Ang daming boto niyan.
world on fireliterally, Re- a former tax specialist at the sion from TV celebrity Elvira tablishment can be faulted for Turn to A5 Turn to A5

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Opinion MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017 A5

Tax reform and poor consumers

VOTING 246-9 with one ucts, such as estimated the its reliance on private-sector
abstention, the House of unleaded and open potential im- resources, taking advantage
Representatives last week leaded gaso- thoughts pact of the bill of the high liquidity in the lo-
approved on third and f i- line, diesel, orlando on inflation. cal financial market and in the
nal reading the so-called and liquefied Critics in process saving the government
TR AIN Bill, or Tax Reform petroleum gas, oxales the House of from additional debt and for-
for Acceleration and Inclu-
sion, the f irst of the Du-
terte administrations much-
can witness a
drain in their
tives have de-
resources. The TRAIN Bill cried the Duterte administra-
eign exchange risk. Experience
also teaches us that the private
sector has had better expertise
vaunted tax refor m package.
The rationale is founded on
governments vision to reduce
seeks to raise the excise taxes tions aggressive railroading
on these commodities by P3 of the TRAIN saying that the
per liter by 2018, P2 per liter oppressive taxes will run over
and therefore success in terms
of efficiently building and op-
erating infrastructure projects.
from a tragedy
poverty, achieve high middle more by 2019, and another P1 all Filipinos, and most espe- The sluggish pace of many
income status with a target of per liter by 2020. This already cially the poor. PPP ventures is not inherent THE lives and property lost in the Resorts World tragedy would
not be in vain if we recognize, and learn from, the lessons it
$4,000 per capita gross nation- casts a wide net. After all, a Bothersome is how the per- to the model, as some officials
al product in an environment bulk of the countrys public ennial problems of plugging point out; in many cases, issues One is a lesson in disaster preparedness. Many died because
of national and regional peace. utility jeeps and buses run on the leaks in tax collection and like cost overruns arose due to they were asphyxiated from the smoke caused by the burning
To achieve these goals, invest- diesel and many homes rely on spending is not being given failures of coordination and of carpets and other items by the suspected gunman. Because
ments will require additional LPG. due attention. Some studies, planning, chief of which fall on those in rooms heard numerous loud gunshots, they did not know
funds of around P1 trillion per Outside this, the proposal is for instance, have shown that the governments side. On the whether to run out to escape or hide in their rooms. No one was
year on top of the current lev- especially punitive in the case a substantial level of revenue other hand, arguments against leading anyone out even if the gunman wasnt firing at people.
els. of buyers of new vehicles, who generation are achievable ODA include the lack of ac- If the managers on duty and the staff of Resorts World had prior
While just taxation and in- will have to pay an additional through measures like in- countability stemming from an training on disaster management, they would have been able to
frastructure are certainly laud- tax of between three and 120 creasing the efficiency of the administrations six-year term check all the rooms as the chaos went on and led the way out
able and long-overdue, upon percent for vehicles that cost Bureau of Customs tax col- limit, the strings typically at- to trapped people. They would also have known that the gun-
closer scrutiny, the implemen- P600,000 up; consumers of lections, checking rampant tached to ODA funding, and man was not firing at people and therefore what needed to be
tation of TRAIN is set to undu- sugar-sweetened beverages, smuggling, and minimizing the user-pay principle, which done was to lead people to exits. This reminds me of the day the
ly burden the already difficult whose juice drinks, soft drinks, corruption. saves Filipino taxpayers who strongest earthquake hit the Philippinesthe one that destroyed
life of low-income consumers. and instant coffee mixes are set Also critical is the govern- will not use the project from Baguio, La Union and other provinces in the north. I was then a
On one hand, the proposed tax to be levied a P10-hike of ex- ments policy shift in its pre- the undue burden of subsidiz- young lawyer working in a law firm in Makati. When the trem-
package seeks to lower the rate cise taxes a liter; and renters ferred funding mode from ing it. ors started I took cover under my desk. What amazed me was
of personal tax income, allow- of houses or apartment units Public Private Partnership to Thus, the implications of the that our boss was going around the rooms checking on each of
ing workers to take home more with rental fees below P10,000, Official Development Assist- passage of the Duterte admin- us instead of taking cover himself as the quake was so intense
from their wages. To cite, some among others. ance. The implications of this istrations tax reform package things were falling from tables and it was difficult to keep ones
1.8-million minimum wage Many of these will victim- shift cannot be overstated, are many and multifarious, balance while standing. If only someone like him were in the
Resorts World when the tragedy struck.
earners will be exempted from ize the poor, contrary to the especially to the ordinary some of which go beyond taxa-
Another lesson from the tragedy is the need for better security
income tax. This extra money, avowed spirit of the tax reform taxpayers, who, on one hand, tion. But if the ultimate desti- management. What begs to be answered is how the gunman was
however, can effectively be package. In particular, the are the ultimate benefici- nations are social justice, in- able to bring into the casino hotel high-powered firearms. There
eroded by the higher prices of consumption of coffee mixes, ary of Dutertes Build Build clusive growth and sustained was obviously a lapse in the
goods and services that would powdered concentrates, and Build mantra, but will also national development, the rails system of screening incom-
predictably arise from the in- soft drinks is heavily skewed collectively finance, directly of the TRAIN Bill must be ing guests. And this lesson
crease in excise taxes of oil- toward the D and E demo- or indirectly, the envisioned built through the most sensible should cascade to all es-
based products. graphic. But even outside this, boom. route, something that inter- tablishments because there
In particular, consumers some economists say the gov- The foremost advantage of vention from our senators will is no longer any safe place
There must
of 12 mostly oil-based prod- ernment has severely under- the PPP model, of course, is hopefully ensure. on the planet against all be new protocols
sorts of disasters, whether
caused by terrorists or plain in disaster
lunatics and psychos. It has

Game Theory and Trumps crossed my mind many

times that malls, supermar- and leadership,
kets and grocery stores are

climate negotiations ticking time bombs. The security

security systems in many
such establishments are far management,
from reliable. Very often, dealing with next-
By Mohamed A. El-Erian regardless of what the US ended mediate gains in the short term. situation than they would have guards in entrances use a
up doing. In the particular case of the otherwise realistically attained small stickrather than of-kin, and media
THE run-up to the announce- In this case, unlike with in- Paris accord, for example, the had they cooperated in a cred- a metal detectorto peer
ment by President Donald ternational trade, Trump made possible short-term benefits ible fashion. If they care about routinely into handbags responsibility.
Trump on Thursday that the US good on his warning. He an- come from the notion that the environmental sustainability, and backpacks as though
was withdrawing from the Paris nounced that the US would no US can free-ride on the climate and they must, they would then their sticks have eyes and
climate agreement illustrated longer be part of the accord, stop commitments of others, while have no choice but to try and noses that can detect deadly
the inconsistent approaches be- meeting financial and other re- minimizing its own financial come together with the US in weapons and metals.
ing taken by America and other quirements, and only rejoin if contributions and retaining pursuit of a new collective so- Third, when disasters happen, the families of victims should
major countries. The longer this terms were renegotiated in his wide flexibility on how it pro- lution to a common problem not be left outside waiting for news, or worse, the bodies of the
persists, the greater the possi- nations favor. motes and uses its energy re- and a shared responsibility. confirmed dead. I saw on TV how the parents and next of kin of
those who were trapped inside Resorts World were railing and
bility that Americas pursuit of Also, in contrast to exist- sources. Over the longer term, In the interim, the potential
crying in anger, disgust and frustration outside the premises.
short-term benefits in certain ing trade arrangements where however, the absence of the US damage would not be limited to Media persons had a field day interviewing relatives of vic-
areas would come not just at the Americas major trading part- would severely undermine the the environment. Given the deep tims many hours after the incident as they were all just standing
risk of longer-term damage, but ners (Canada, China and Mexico) beneficial impact of the agree- nature of cross-border intercon- outside, in grief. In situations like this, parents and relatives of
would also undermine an overall signaled openness to negotiation ment. And since the US cannot nections and interdependencies, victims should be brought to a comfortable holding area with
global construct that has served before the US took unilateral ac- insulate itself from the effects such episodes erode the integrity a person of authority who can explain to them what is going on
it well and could still do so over tion, the rest of the worlds posi- of global climate change, it and effectiveness of the global as well as professional coaches like psychologists who can help
time. tioning on the Paris accord issue would also face an array of en- system, threatening costly frag- them through their agony. Leaving them on the streets aggra-
After earlier threats to dis- failed to be sufficiently enlight- vironmental and environment- mentation that reduces win-win vates their suffering and worsens their anger and frustration.
mantle the North American Free ened by the insights of game related threats. outcomes, undermines collec- Finally, the biggest lesson should be learned by news report-
Trade Agreement and impose theory. As a result, it was inef- This situation also puts other tive action and forces a greater ers and media practitioners, including those who write for social
punishing tariffs on China and fective in the short run and will participants in a tough position. need for self-insurance by indi- media. In the Resorts World tragedy, a social media-news outfit
Mexico, Trump alerted the other likely prove unsustainable over While other nations can col- vidual countries. immediately reported that the casino hotel was under attack by
the ISIS. This news spread like wildfire such that even the air-
194 signatories of the 2015 Paris the longer term. lude and try to go it alone, their Bloomberg
ports locked down. All flights were canceled. A ground crew of
accord that the US was thinking To best understand this in collective action is unlikely the Philippine Airlines narrated that there were talks of hiding
about withdrawing from this la- simplified game theoretics, and to be sufficient to meet the the planes as these might be targeted by the terrorists. The flight
boriously negotiated agreement. using its terms, think of the US objectives of the accord, cancellations caused needless losses to airlines and undue stress
This was met with dismay from as now having decided to play which was meant to be a and inconvenience to passengers.
several leaders of US industry, what used to be a cooperative building block rather than Worst of all, because the tragedy happened at a time when Ma-
countries, the United Nations global game in an uncooperative a destination. They would rawi city was still under siege by the Maute band of terrorists
and the Catholic Church, among manner. Given that it is the most find themselves locked which traces its links to the feared ISIS, the false media reports
others. It also led other systemi- powerful country in the world, it with the US in a pris- immediately sent a message to the rest of the world that truly, the
cally important countries to an- is a credible approach for the US oners dilemmathat is, Fr. Aquinos column will Philippines is an unsafe place to be. Thus, several countries im-
nounce a commitment to abide and one that, in certain circum- a scenario in which both resume soon. mediately sent out advisories to their citizens against traveling to
by the terms of the agreement, stances, could even deliver im- parties end up in a worse the Philippines. The media, both mainstream and internet-based,
must learn to check and double check the accuracy of their facts
before shooting out reports that can cause panic.
For the sake of those who lost their lives, this tragedy must
The murky... But the wife of a Pampanga congress-
man was among the 37 who died. We do
Gambling is a big-time, profitable
business. The country wants to compete
be studied and remembered for the lessons it brought. And such
lessons must lead to new protocols in disaster preparedness and
From A4
not know if she was a regular casino-goer with Macau and Singapore in getting its leadership, security management, dealing with victims rela-
people I know. They probably did not go or was just at the wrong place at the wrong fair share of gambling money and the tives, and media responsibility.
that night or were some of the lucky ones time. For sure, security will be tight at the foreign tourists who come, not just to
who escaped during the mad stampede other casinos in town after the Resorts gamble but also to see some of our re- Email:
for the exits. World rampage. nowned tourism spots. Visit:

Requiem... sign, was a source of national pride.

Today, in the age of Duterte, when change
tangas-Laguna-Cavite corridor would be has-
tened. The secretary was from Batangas City,
was damaged. Not the fault of
Naia GM Ed Monreal who has
and efficient mass transport that
our once poorer neighbors have.
From A4 has become policy and praxis, regardless of mismo. been doing a marvelous job de- And weep.
the political cost, the jeepney is to finally be But as things turned out, the MICT was ex- spite inherited problems, but be- Opportunities lost. Meanwhile,
Earlier on, in fact during my first job in phased-out. It will be difficult, and many will panded. Look at the traffic congestion it has cause of poor maintenance and tempus fugit. Time, as they say,
government as Postmaster-General of the then be displaced from their current livelihood. spawned. natural wear and tear, while his marches on.
Bureau of Posts, the organizers of an inter- But it must be done. I read somewhere that the major port opera- predecessor slept in blissful non- ***
national conference of dentists that was to be *** tor, ICTSI is finally looking at Cavite as a new chalance. Last week, senator Eva Estrada
held in 1986 saw me about a proposed com- Harking back to those times, I remember location for a container terminal, somewhere Of course, the entire airport Kalaw, a feisty leader, a fervent
memorative stamp which had already been ap- that it was also suggested to secretary Nani near the Sangley area. complex, from runway to four ter- nationalist, a great friend, was laid
proved by my predecessor until the Edsa revolt not to allow the expansion of the international Its a location more than 25 years late. minals, has seen better times. The to rest.
installed a new government.. container terminal in the Port of Manila. The *** faade is beautiful, and quite mod- I wish I could fly back to the
They wanted assurance from me that the use of containerized cargo was relatively new Former senator Orly Mercado once re- ern when it was first built some country to personally condole with
same would be pursued. They showed me in the country at the time. Most were still marked that the problem with us Filipinos is 40 or 50 years ago. But while our her family but I was sidelined by a
artworks of their proposed stamps, and one of loaded and unloaded break-bulk, which was we cannot seem to see beyond the tip of our neighbors envisioned terminals bad cold in Taipei. Tita Eva was a
these featured a colorful jeepney. time-consuming and inefficient. (flat) noses. and runways good for the next 50 mentor along with Tito Doy Laurel
I initially objected to the jeepney feature, The suggestion was for containerized car- Lee Kuan Yew saw how Singapore was or more years (as in Changi, Chep in the incipient stage of the fight
arguing that what was then considered an goes to be unloaded in the Port of Batangas in 1960, and envisioned how it ought to be Lap Kok, Kansai, Pudong) ours against dictatorship, when I was
icon of Philippine culture was something instead, which was then being built under a in 1980, thence 2000, and beyond. He built has remained an icon of obsoles- deputy secretary-general of the Un-
that we should not promote, because it Japanese loan facility. Subic at the time was his city-state one part of a grand vision at a cence. ido. Later, she was appointed chair-
was archaic and a step backward from the still an American naval base. time. The LRT Line from Baclaran to person of the Manila Economic and
transport viewpoint. But I relented because Traffic will be congested in the metropolis Tayo? One problem at a time, often too late Balintawak was one of the first in Cultural Office by President Joseph
apparently they had incurred expenses in as soon as container trucks use our narrow and after the problem has festered without so- Southeast Asia when Marcos built Estrada, a position I now hold.
having an artist design the proposed stamp. streets as they travel from port to warehouses lution, creating crisis and chaos. it in 1986. Look at it now, and look She will be greatly missed.
Besides, I could see that the dentists thought and factories. Besides, if Batangas port were The other day, a two-meter-long part of the at how LRT 1, 2 and MRT have Ave atque vale. Hail and fare-
the jeepney, with its colorful sari-manok de- to be utilized, the industrialization of the Ba- international (and domestic) airport runway failed to provide the kind of quick well.
A6 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017 News

Gov't agency urges seafarers Fuel tax

to hike
to be more computer-literate fare, group
By Macon Araneta is one of the reasons for launch- Filipino seafarers contributions to portation through the Marina, is By Rio N. Araja
ing the MIDP and come come the countrys economy pegged at drawing up a 10-year develop-

up with plans and programs that around P270 billion a year. ment plan for the entire maritime MAJOR transport groups on
UE to the ever-changing technology will make seafarers and workers He said they are proud to industry which includes man- Sunday proposed to the eco-
in ship management, the Philippines more competitive. be part of the initiatives to im- power training and development, nomic managers of the Du-
We want to be able to produce prove the lives of Overseas Fil- regulations, shipyard, local and terte administration the review
needs to enlist more computer-savvy of the planned imposition of
doable and sustainable programs ipino Workers and honored to overseas shipping and shing.
seafarers and port workers in the next 10 coming from all stakeholders in be once again part of this event While the Philippines is an ar- a P6 excise tax on petroleum
years, said Maritime Industry Authority the industry to be able to produce to help our seafarers. He added chipelagic country, he said it has not products under the tax reform
highly qualied seafarers. We also that SM will always be in sup- maximized its strategic location in package.
(Marina) Administrator Dr. Marcial Quirico Lawyer Vigor Mendoza II,
want to create a robust shipbuild- port of any program that helps Asia to become a major maritime
Amaro III. ing industry, a dynamic shipping uplift the quality of life of the and seafaring nation. He also said a former party-list represent-
During the launching of the 10- We are still among the leading hub and sustainable shing sector OFWs who are the countrys there are many challenges in the ative and now chairman of
year Maritime Industry Develop- providers of seafarers in the world to make the Philippines a major true modern heroes. maritime industry especially with Kilusan sa Pagbabago sa In-
ment Program in Partnership with but many countries are studying to maritime country in the world, SMs Global Pinoy program is respect to manpower development dustriya ng Transportasyon,
SM Global Pinoy, Amaro said be equally competitive if not more said Amaro. SM Caresagship project that honors of seafarers and port workers. raised concern over adverse
the computer-literate seafarers competitive and are ready to take Glenn Ang, senior vice president OFWs and their families by providing He stressed that the country effects of the additional fuel
and port workers will sharpen the our place if we fail to cope with for Operations and Program director them with exclusive perks, privileges needs to move fast in order to cope tax on top of the 12-percent
countrys competitive edge. the changing times. They are just of SM Global Pinoy said SM Prime and promos as well as seminars to with the shortage of merchant ma- value-added tax on commut-
The need for the industry to waiting for us to lose our competi- has always been ready to help sea- open opportunities for business en- rine ofcers as it currently suffers a ers.
retool must go hand in hand with tiveness, Amaro said. farers grow and improve their value deavors for their families. shortage of 16,500. The gure is ex- The cost of transportation
the measures to counter the bal- The Marina ofcial noted in the global scene to make them Meanwhile, Amaro said pected to increase to 92,000 in 2020 would go up as part of a domi-
looning shortage of seafaring of- that said this particular demand more competitive it was the rst time in several dec- and balloon to 147,000 in 2025 due no effect, he said.
cers, Amaro said. of the maritime manpower sector He said they recognizes the ades that the Department of Trans- to the ever-increasing demand. Because of the added excise
tax, the public transport sector is
left with no option but to ask for
a P10 minimum fare for the rst
four kilometers from the current
P8 minimum fare, he said.
Just to give you more sta-
tistics per the University of the
Philippines National Center for
Transport Studies, 52 percent
of the drivers in Metro Manila
take home P200 to P400 per
day. If you increase the excise
tax by P6, this means a reduced
take-home by P120 to P180
per day, Mendoza told the
Manila Standard.
Take-home pay will drop
to P80 to P220 per day, or by
45 percent to 60 percent.
The public, not only the
transport sector and its stake-
holders, would have to bear
the brunt of the P6 excise tax
if an enabling bill is passed at
the Senate and House of Rep-
resentatives, he said.
Transport modernization
could not even cushion the im-
pact of the added tax, he said.
Jeepney modernization
will not cut it [impact] as gov-
ernment cannot fund every-
thing on the rst day. The pro-
vincial drivers are worse off as
their income levels are [much]
lower. What do we say to these
drivers? he asked.
We in the transport sector
are also calling on our lawmak-
MEDICAL FACILITY. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is greeted by Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Ofce chairman Jose Jorge E. Corpuz (second from right) and general manager ers both from Congress and
Alexander F. Balutan (center) on board the BRP Davao del Sur at the Sasa Wharf in Davao City on May 31. The President led the commissioning of the vessel, during which the Senate to carefully examine and
PCSO donated medical equipment worth P 9,146,780.00 for the newly acquired Strategic Sealift Vessels Medical Treatment Facility. This will be used for their medical operations, evaluate the proposed P6 excise
surgeries, and treatments for patients during Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response situations. Malacaang photo tax on diesel and gasoline.

Ban on PBAs Mr. Excitement arrested in pot session

toxic toys By Rio N. Araja the former basketball star was
caught using shabu with two
But when the operatives en-
tered the barbershop in Brgy.
panionsMohammad Dana, 29,
and Ray Allan Cruz, 36.
ker Mr. Excitement for his slam
dunks and high-leaping moves.

approved FORMER Philippine Basketball

Association player Paul Alvarez
was arrested during a supposed
others in a hidden den.
Eleazar said policemen were
about to serve an arrest warrant
Sikatuna, they caught Alvarez
red-handed snifng shabu.
The police recovered ve sa-
The three suspects, who all
tested positive for drug use, were
charged with violations of Repub-
Since he retired in 2005, he
was involved in a string of cases
such as mauling his live-in part-

by House pot session in Quezon City on

Saturday night.
Quezon City police Chief
against Alvarez for an earlier case
of slight physical injury when he
got into a brawl in a bar on Timog
chets of shabu worth P15,000, ve
aluminum foil strips with traces of
shabu, and other drug parapherna-
lic Act No. 9165 or the Compre-
hensive Dangerous Drugs Act.
Alvarez rose to fame in the
ner in Baguio City in April and
beating up a taxi driver and a
female television reporter in Au-
A HOUSE of Representatives Supt. Guillermo Eleazar said Avenue in October last year. lia from Alvarez and his two com- PBA where he earned the moni- gust 2007.
panel has approved a consoli-

Ex-LTO chief
dated bill that seeks to regulate
the importation, manufacture,
distribution and sale of chil-
drens products containing
hazaradous chemicals.
wants online
The House Committee on
Welfare of Children, chaired registration
by Zamboanga del Sur Rep.
Divina Grace Yu, approved
the consolidated measure enti-
for cars, drivers
tled Safe and Non-Hazardous A FORMER chief of the Land Trans-
Childrens Products Act. portation Ofce has joined mounting
Pangasinan Rep. Marlyn calls for the modernization and automa-
Primicias-Agabas, one of the tion of the vehicle registration process.
bills authors, warned against Former LTO head Alberto Su-
the harmful effects of toys that ansing, who is now an ofcial of the
are laden with toxic materials. Toll Regulatory Board and a leader
The effect on children of a non-government organization es-
cannot be underrated. These pousing road safety, said government
chemicals have long-term ef- should seriously consider proposals of
fects on child development various stakeholders.
and are at times fatal. Thus, the LTO should have gone online for
proliferation of these items in its vehicle registration and drivers
the market should be regulated license renewal a long time ago, Su-
and penal sanctions should be ansing said.
imposed on the violators of the The Philippine Road Board has also
law, she said. pushed for the modernization and au-
Under the bill, the Food and tomation plan for LTO.
Drug Administration shall pre- The online car registration will sim-
pare a list of hazardous chemi- plify the procedure, thereby reducing
cals which are to be banned or red tape and expediting transactions
prohibited from being used in within the agency.
the manufacture, production, The LTO has been surrounded by al-
and preparation of childrens legations of corruption and irregulari-
products. The said list will be ties amid delays in releasing vehicle
subject to review at least every registration documents and drivers NO BOMBS HERE. Manila Police District Bomb Squad personnel inspect a couple of suspicious bags left outside the United States
two years. licenses. Embassy along Manila's Roxas Boulevard at 2:00 p.m. of Sunday by an unknown individual. Ey Acasio
Sports MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017

nears Paralympic Summit to rally
Games tomorrow
(Philsports Arena)
support for PH para athletes
10 a.m. Sta. Elena
vs Cignal (mens) THE Philippine Paralympic Committee and the tify local and international goals Filipino Para athletes in the global number of para athletes and their
Philippine Sports Association for the Differently Abled to enable Filipino para athletes to arena such as Josephine Medina, participation in local, regional and
1 p.m. Army achieve sporting excellence to ex- the para table tennis player who international competitions. Sup-
vs Air Force (mens) (PHILSPADA) will hold the first Philippine Para Sports cite and inspire the world. gave the country its second Para- port and recognition from govern-
4 p.m. Pocari Sweat vs Summit that will focus on the Parlympic movement Another goal of the convention lympics Bronze medal in the 2016 ment and private partners, have
Power Smashers (womens) in the country on June 9 at the Microtel, Technohub in is to find ways to develop para Rio Paralympic Games, sixteen also improved over the years.
6: 30 p.m. Creamline vs Quezon City. sports as a tool for changing the years after powerlifter, Adeline The summit hopes to provide
BaliPure (womens) lives of Filipinos with disabilities Dumapong-Ancheta, got the first PPC-PHILSPADA with addi-
PPC, the National Paralympic With the theme Transcend- while contributing to the develop- ever Bronze medal in the Sydney tional muscle and momentum
POCARI Sweat blew a two-set Committee of the Philippines and ing Barriers Through Sports, the ment of an inclusive society. One Paralympic Games in year 2000 as it strengthens itself to ca-
lead but proved steadier in the PHILSPADA are the organiza- one-day gathering of sports offi- hundred participants are expected and Ernie Gawilan, the legless pably enact its comprehensive
decider as it carved out a 25-23, tions spearheading the activities cials, athletes, coaches and train- to attend from various sports orga- swimming sensation discovered Mid-Term National Para Sports
25-19, 23-25, 22-25, 15-12 deci- and operational requirements of ers, sports doctors, marketing ex- nizations including national sports from Davao City, who is a consis- Development Program. The pro-
sion over the Power Smashers elite athletes with a disability (or- perts and policy makers who are associations, non-government or- tent Gold medalist in the ASEAN gram will open up more oppor-
to close in on the other finals thopedic disability, cerebral palsy, the key players in the industry will ganizations, private corporations Para Games ever since becoming tunities for para-athletes from
berth in the Premier Volleyball visual impairment and mental dis- look into the state of Paralympic and the government sector. a member of the national team. grassroots to the elite level of
League Reinforced Conference abilities). Sports in the Philippines to iden- The past decade saw the rise of There has also been an increase in competitions.
in San Juan late Saturday.
The Lady Warriors fell short
by four in power attacks against
the Power Smashers, 48-52, but Betten seals
Regent 5150
made up for the slack with solid
blocking, 15-13, while produc-
ing two aces more than their

Subic repeat
stubborn rivals, 8-6, to clinch
the victory in their side of the
best-of-three semis series.
Earlier, top seed BaliPure SUBICSam Betten clinched a three-peat
rallied past Creamline, 22-25, while Dimity Lee Duke scored a break-
25-23, 25-14, 25-21, to likewise through triumph as the Aussies asserted
move a win from advancing to their might in the rain-drenched Regent
the finals of the season-opening
5150 Triathlon yesterday.
conference of the league orga-
Taking advantage of the relatively cooler
nized by Sports Vision.
environs brought by the heavy morning
Michelle Strizak fired 20
points while Myla Pablo blasted showers, Betten stormed ahead in the swim
in 16 hits and Jeanette Panaga and never relinquished control en route to
and Desiree Dadang combined posting a milestone treble in the annual
for 27 markers as the defending Olympic-distance race produced and orga-
champions kept their win run nized by Sunrise Events, Inc. and sponsored
going following a sweep of the by Regent Foods.
quarters round to clinch the No. Betten negotiated the wet course in
3 seeding. 1:55:58 to beat compatriot Mitch Robins
Thai import Kannika Ti- by nearly five minutes. Robins (2:00:27)
pachot matched Strizaks output settled for runner-up for the second straight
but Hyapa Amporn and Jovelyn year even as American Iain Alexandrinis
Prado combined for 29 hits but (2:01:46) took the bronze in the prestigious
the Power Smashers hot rally 1.5K swim, 40K bike, 10K run race that
fizzled out in the stretch of the Three-peat champ Sam Betten (left) and Dimity-Lee Duke celebrate at the finish line after topping their respective divisions in the drew close to 1,000 participants from 27
fifth set. Regent 5150 Triathlon in Subic yesterday. countries.
It was really tough. The rains made
things really hard, especially in the bike.

Chua lauded for rise of 3 SMC teams in pro loop But the organizers made a good decision
changing the course to make it safer. It was
a good race, and to win this race three years
ITS what you might call dominance. doesnt matter where we end up as long far as movements and improvements that Boss Alfrancis is a coach, so he in a row, its such an amazing feeling, said
Teams from the giant conglomerate as we continue winning, added Victole- transpired within the three teams under knows what basketball is all about. He Betten.
San Miguel Corp. were able to finish 1, 2 ro, whose team put together a five-game the SMC stable. knows how to interact with the players. The 6-foot-4 Betten emerged out the wa-
and 3, respectively as Barangay Ginebra, winning streak heading to the playoffs. Ever since he came here, malaki ang He knows when coaches are perform- ters of Acea Beach after 19 minutes and 57
San Miguel Beer and Star ended up in a Rene Pardo, the long-time team execu- ipinagbago ng takbo ng mga teams. He ing to the task and most of all, hes on seconds, putting some distance on Robins
three-way tie for the lead at the end of the tive of the old Purefoods franchise, who started as consultant of Ginebra, then top of everything to make sure that all (21:30) and Alexandrinis (21:34). He added
elimination round of the PBA Commis- continuously serves as the teams repre- became the head coach and brought three teams would remain competitive. two minutes to his lead in the ride on the
sioners Cup. sentative to the PBA board, deflected the the team to the finals after a 0-4 start, He was able to bring the good rapport wet roads and maintained it running home
The three teams wound up with a 9-2 credit to the man who made responsible added Non, San Miguel Beers repre- among the coaches and the players and to Remy Fields track oval.
mark with the Gin Kings taking the top in bringing Victolero on board -- Alfran- sentative to the PBA board. When was able to bring in the good mix of I felt really good out there. The heat
seed and the reigning three-time cham- cis Chua. my BFF (Chua) became our sports di- players and coaches, added Abanilla, wasnt too bad so I didnt have to push quite
pion Beermen grabbing the No. 2 seat. I think credit should be given to Boss rector, he was able to set the direction team manager of San Miguel Beer, who hard (than usual), which was really advanta-
Both squads will carry a twice-to-beat Alfrancis Chua, who made things pos- within the three teams. San Miguel like Chua started out as coach. geous to me, he said.
advantage heading to the playoffs. sible in bringing Chito Victolero to be- won three straight all-Filipino, Gine- In the 42-year history of the PBA, no After podium finishes the last two edi-
The Hotshots, the team that had the come our head coach, Pardo said. He bra won a championship for the first team within one stable was able to finish tions, Duke finally hit paydirt as she rose to
inferior quotient, settled for no. 3, but was also the one who initiated the James time in eight years and Star made in the top three and share the lead at the the throne with her 2:13:32 effort.
that wont be a problem for head coach Yap-Paul Lee trade and look what is hap- significant improvement the past two end of the eliminations. Duke worked her way up from fourth in
Chito Victolero, who guided the teams pening to us now. He has been helping us conferences. SMCs dominance was clearly felt in the swim, catching up with early pacesetter
rise this season following a turbulent the past few years and look at where we Abanilla knows where Chua is com- the past 10 conferences as all teams from Laura Wood at the latter part of bike then
campaign under then head coach Jason are right now. ing from and he wasnt surprised why the stable -- San Miguel Beer, Ginebra putting the hammer down in the 10K foot-
Webb. Like Pardo, fellow executives Robert the former coach-turned executive was and Star -- have at least won a champion- race to seal the deal. Wood clocked 2:15:11
Were happy at where we are right Non and Gee Abanilla of San Miguel able to know the nitty-gritty of a basket- ship each with TNT and Rain or Shine for silver while Anna Eberhardt (2:15:48)
now. The players worked hard for this. It Beer lauded Chuas big involvement as ball organization. sneaking in by winning a title apiece. landed third.

Dragons, Cubs win

Arcilla, Iglupas share tennis honors Treat, pal fall THE Chiang Kai Shel Blue Dragons and the
San Beda-Rizal Red Cubs extended their run
JOHNNY Arcilla clipped Noel Damian, 6-2, 6-4, to nail an-
THE pair of Rohan Bopanna and of wins following lopsided triumphs in the ju-
other mens crown while Khim Iglupas rallied past Christine
nior division Thursday in the 23rd Fr. Martin
Patrimonio, 6-4, 7-6(6), to snare the womens title in the rst Pablo Cuevas capitalized on three
service breaks to ease out Fil-Ameri- Cup Summer Basketball tournament.
Albay National Open at the Lignon Hills Tennis Club in Bi-
can no. 38 Treat Huey and Denis Isto- Jason Celis struck with 23 points for the Blue
col yesterday.
Dragons as they crushed St. Patrick School,
Arcilla, 37, used his power and experience to over- min, 5-7, 7-6 (7-4), 6-4, in the second
90-70, at the San Beda-Manila gymnasium in
whelm Damian, breaking his eighth-ranked rival right in round Saturday. Mendiola.
the rst game then in the seventh. Damian, 20, held his This allowed Bopana and Cuevas The Blue Dragons, who took a 21-10 advan-
ground in the rst six games of the second but yielded the to advance to the third round in the tage in the first period, assured themselves of
marathon seventh game before the duo held serves the mens doubles of the 2017 French a semifinal slot in Group A after posting their
rest of the way. Open Tennis Tournament at the Stade seventh straight win.
Arcilla dropped just four games on his way to the nals,
Roland Garros in Paris, France. It was the Blue Dragons third straight win
crushing Fritz Verdad, 6-0, 6-0, in the semis, while Damian
Bopana and Istomin also eked out this week after they earlier overpowered San
upended No. 5 Eric Jed Olivarez, 6-1, 6-4, to earn a crack at
7 aces to their rivals 4. Beda-Alabang, 87-44, and Manila Patriotic
the crown in the P250,000 event hosted by Gov. Al Francis
In other matches, Juan Sebastian School, 111-77.
Bichara through Lignon Hills Tennis Club president Nards
Cabal moved into the third round Eduardo Velasquez fired 13 points to lead
Gonzales. Johnny Arcilla (center) and Khim Iglupas (left) hold their the Red Cubs to a 78-68 swamping of the Le-
The win, which came on the heels of his 6-4, 6-4 victory trophies as they pose with Lignon Hills tennis Club president with Robert Farah after they won
tran Squires in this cagefest supported by Ar-
over absentee PJ Tierro in the Brookside Open in Cainta Nardz Gonzales after ruling their respective divisions in the over David Marrero and Tommy mor On Sportswear.
last April, set the veteran Davis Cupper for another possi- rst Albay National Open Tennis Champions in Bicol over the Robredo, 6-7 (3-7), 7-6 (7-3), 6-4.
ble sweep of the Open titles staked in the Palawan Palawan weekend. Peter Atencio

Pawnshop-Palawan Express Padala tennis calendar.

Meralco maintains perfect record

Next up is the Olivarez Open in August then the Pintaf-
lores Open in San Carlos, Negros in November and the Dag-

6/55 00-00-00-00-00-00 P0 M+
itab Tennis Festival Open in Naga City, Cebu in December,
according to PPS-PEPP sports program development direc- MERALCO Manila maintained its perfect record in the to the Bacolod-based club, assisting on the match-
tor Bobby Mangunay. Philippines Football League with a 2-0 home victory winner.
But while Arcilla romped off with another easy win worth
P30,000, Iglupas needed to ght back from 2-3 decits be-
over the gritty Davao Aguilas last Saturday while Ceres
Negros edged Global Cebu, 1-0, in a thrilling rst Vi-
The Busmens breakthrough victory against their
biggest rivals came just three days after their AFC Cup 6/45 00-00-00-00-00-00 P0 M
4 DIGITS 0-0-0-0
fore outlasting Patrimonio in a thrilling second-set duel and sayas Clasico at Panaad Stadium in Bacolod City. Asean zonals conquest of Malaysian champions Johor
pocket the P20,000 purse. The Sparks leaned on goals from Curt Dizon and Darul Tazim.
Coming off a 1-0(ret.) win over Aileen Rogan in the James Younghusband in each half at Rizal Memorial Ceres coach Risto Vidakovic took pride in his
semis, Iglupas yielded the rst game but struck back from
a 1-3 hole by holding serve in the fth game and breaking
Stadium as they rolled to a fourth victory just before
the international break.
squads performance.
Defensively they were very strong,We insisted, 3 DIGITS 0-0-0
and we scored nally and Im very happy for the play-
2 EZ2 0-0
the Brookside Open titlist in the next to draw level. After Leftback Jeffrey Christiaens scored the only goal
both traded breaks, the Cagayan de Oro ace held serve in the in the 83rd minute at Panaad where mideld dynamo ers, said Vidakovic whose squad has four points from
ninth then broke Patrimonio again in the next to steal the set. Stephan Schrock made an instant impact in his return two matches.
Oliva completes
Riera U. Mallari, Editor
Reuel Vidal, Assistant Editor

A8 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017

Sports 7-for-7 sweep
at PH swimfest
LOS BANOSFilipino-American Nicole Oliva
capped her memorable debut in the Philswim
National Swimming Championships on Sunday,
collecting two more gold medals in completing
a perfect 7-for-7 sweep of her events at the Trace
College pool here.
Underscoring her status as a swimmer to
ON TO THE NEXT ROUND. watch in the 29th Malaysia Southeast Asian
Ukraines Elina Svitolina celebrates Games, Oliva ruled the womens 50-meter back-
after winning her tennis match stroke in 30.89 seconds before winding up her
against Polands Magda Linette campaign in handily annexing the 100-meter
at the Roland Garros 2017 French freestyle crown in 58.08 seconds.
Open in Paris. AFP A rising star in the prestigious Santa Clara
Swim Club in California, the Grade 10 St. Fran-
cis Student earlier won the 200, 400 and 800-me-
ter freestyle and 100 and 200-meter backstroke
mints in the three-day meet supported by Philip-
pine Olympic Committee and Philippine Sports
This was a good experience for me because I
was able to adjust to the local conditions, which
I think will be the same in Malaysia, said Oliva
of her experience in the meet organized by the
Philippine Swimming Inc. and backed by Are-
na, Wilcon Depot, COL Finance and Dunn Ed-
wards Paints, Philippians 4:13, Nagaraya, Veloci
and Nutritive Snack Food Corp.
Already eyed in the US as a potential Team
USA member, she thanked PSI secretary gen-
eral Lani Velasco for wooing her convincingly
in suiting up for the home country of her parents,
Mark and Cynthia.
I seriously thought about representing the
Philippines last year and Tita Lani played a
big role when she showed me the opportunity
I might have in competing her, the swimmer
said. I believe this was good decision.
Oliva bared that she would be joining the
junior swimmers who will undergo a training
camp at her club next week and was hoping
that she might get a chance to represent Philip-
pines in the world championships next month in
Budapest, Hungary as part of her SEA Games

James needs road win

OAKLANDLeBron James has won a road You have to win on the road
to be great.
tough environments. And hes
done that for many years. So
home or on the road, James
said. But I understand the
game in an NBA record 29 consecutive playoff James, who last month over- you take your hat off to him. road is very challenging, es-
series and the Cleveland superstar must stretch took Michael Jordan to become James is 3-4 in NBA Finals pecially when you get to this
the NBAs all-time playoff appearances but his teams, level.
that streak for the Cavaliers to defend their title. scoring leader, was coached the Cavaliers and Miami from Its very difficult to win on
by current Warriors acting 2011 to 2014, are 1-7 in NBA the road and Ive been fortu-
Golden State owns a home-court and Friday in Cleveland. coach Mike Brown with the Finals openers. nate to be able to do that in my
edge in the NBA Finals and opened The 32-year-old playmaker has Cavaliers, who appreciates the Thats testament to where career.
the best-of-seven championship se- won a road game in 35 of 38 play- streak and the longevity James he has kept his team together - A lot of confidence -
ries with a 113-91 home triumph, off series over his 12 NBA playoff has shown in reaching eight ca- and helped them overcome James says he is too busy
although James will have another campaigns, last failing to do so with reer NBA Finals, the last seven tough situations and still come adding to his legendary legacy
chance to win at Oakland in game Cleveland against Orlando in the in a row. out on top, Brown said. to stop and ponder it greatly.
two Sunday. 2009 Eastern Conference finals. It just speaks volumes to For his part, James said his I dont get caught up
If King James and the Cava- Hes a great player, Cavaliers who he is as a player. Hes one attitude about a playoff game in what Ive done over the
liers dont take advantage at Oracle coach Tyronn Lue said. Anytime of the greatest all time, Brown doesnt change whether he is years, James said. I get
Arena, the Warriors will stretch their you want to win a championship, said. When you have his abil- playing before supportive fans drawn in too much of what
NBA playoff win streak record to 14 you have to win on the road. And we ity, when you have his intelli- in Cleveland or crowds yelling Im doing right now in the
games and could become the first understand that. With Golden State gence and feel and all that other against him on the road. present and my only focus is
champions to run undefeated through having home court the last three stuff, youre able to lead your I approach every game the what I can to help this team Oliva
the playoffs by winning Wednesday years, we know its going to be tough. team in difficult situations and same way, no matter if Im at be better for game two. AFP

Instructor High expectations for F2 Logistics, Foton in PH Superliga

wins gold in THE champions of last year F2 Logistics
and Foton march to the battleeld with
the Cargo Movers, who ruled the PSL All- ion a new look.
Filipino last year. With more than half of their champion
coach Moro Branislav to serve as trainer.
As much as possible, coach Moro

pre-AIMAG high expectations when the Philippine Su-

perliga All-Filipino Conference erupts this
The 511 Baron will be backed by her team gone, the Tornadoes recruited Nica
La Salle teammates led by star libero Dawn Guliman, Heather Guino-o, Kyle Negrito,
wants Dindin to remain involved with the
team while shes still in the process of re-

kick-boxing Tuesday at the Filoil Flying V Center in San

The Cargo Movers will be parading the
Macandili, Desiree Cheng, Tin Tiamzon, CJ Rosario and Roselyn Doria to back Na-
Aduke Ogunsanya, Carmel
Saga and another former Games on Tuesday
tional Team star Jaja San-
tiago, Maika Ortiz, EJ Laure,
covery. Her appointment (as trainer) will
surely prepare her for her comeback next
core of reigning UAAP champion De La MVP in Kianna Dy. (FilOil Flying V Center) Ivy Perez, Jen Reyes and Foton will open its campaign against
By Peter Atencio 5 p.m. Foton vs Cherrylume
Salle University, while the Tornadoes will Veterans Aby Marano, veteran playmaker Rubie de rookie team Cherrylume in the rst game
7 p.m. Cocolife
ANGELO Chung won his first come up with a revamped roster in this pres- Cha Cruz, Kim Fajardo and vs Generika-Ayala Leon. while Cocolife tangles with Generika-Ayala
gold medal in the kickboxing tigious club tourney bankrolled by Rebi- Ara Galang will remain the They will be supported by in the second match of the opening-day dou-
event of the 2017 Pre-Asian In- sco, Belo, Asics, Mikasa, Senoh and Grand anchors on offense, while Iumi Yongco, Shang Berte ble-header, where half of the ticket sales will
door and Martial Arts Games Sport with TV5 as ofcial broadcast partner. Cherry Nunag, Fritz Gallenero and Shawna- and Glayssa Torres. be donated to the medical fund of Olympian
tournament at the Harrison Pla- With star blocker Mika Reyes now play- Lei Santos were also inserted for additional I believe this is a ghting team, said Ian Lariba.
za in Manila. ing for a different team, all eyes will be on power. Foton team manager Diane Santiago, add- The league goes full blast with its opening
The 43-year-old Chung, who UAAP Most Valuable Player Majoy Baron Unlike the Cargo Movers, the reigning ing that her sister in injured quicker Dindin ceremonies on Saturday (June 10) also at the
spent many years in the Middle as she gets a bigger role in the rotation of queen of the Grand Prix Foton will fash- Manabat was assigned by Serbian head same venue.
East as a fight instructor, topped
the 68 to 70-kg low kick class af-
ter winning by unanimous deci-
sion over Jervie Tuason.
Dinaan ko sa mga combina-
Rebisco steadfast in its PH volleyball support
tion kicks na natutunan ko sa By Peter Atencio In that final game, Vietin
yaw-yan kampilan, said Chung, wore down the Filipinas with
who will now be evaluated if he THE Rebisco PSL-Manila excellent floor defense, ekeing
will get a chance to see action Team may have lost all its game 13 digs against Rebiscos five.
in the tournament proper of the in the Asian Womens Club Vol- The Rebisco Spikers led,
AIMAG from Sept. 17 to 27 in leyball Championships in Ust, 9-4, in the first set, displaying
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Kamenogorsk in Kazakhstan. their individual skills and great
Other winners were Robin But, their main sponsor and defense.
Catalan, who won via unani- supporter isnt keen on giving But the Vietnamese soon
mous decision against Jeronil up on the newly formed nation- caught up and moved away,
Borres in the 57kg class. al club squad. breaking an 18-all standoff to
Camilo Rey Seneres and Jeric Theyre expected to remain claim the set.
Magno both settled for bronze in intact and get more exposure in Filipino superstars Jaja San-
the 57-kg full contact kickbox- more international meets. tiago had 17, while Gonzaga
ing category. Lulu de la Pena, assistant vice and Aby Marano each added 10
Jervie Tiongco trounced Adri- president-marketing communi- markers.
an Francisco in the 51-kg low cations of Rebisco Philippines De la Pena said plans for more
kick category. Finishing third made this assurance following international stints are still in
were Jayson Mark Vedana and the return of the Rebisco-PSL the pipeline for the squad.
Jun Mar Cabasag. Team to the country. Marami pang effort. There
Other winners were Ralf We are steadfast in our is a strong collective push to Members of the Rebisco PSL-Manila team are shown prior to their Asian sojourn.
Francisco (63kg low kick), An- intent and desire to grow the grow the sport and improve on
gelo Chung (68-70kg low kick), sport and help support volley- the performance of the players, Rebisco to continue its support Philippines five years ago. asked to support the national
Jeremy Bastian (75kg full con- ball in the Philippines, said de she said. for the national club team. From there, Rebisco pro- club team.
tact) and Ruben Arnaldo (67kg la Pena. Rebisco PSL Manila is It all began with Rebisco vided logos of the Fudgee Bars Malungkot nga lang na di
full contact). Rebisco-PSL ended their backed by Asics, Grand Sport president Jonathan Ng show- to the Lady Eagles uniforms. pa nananalo. Pero, marami
On the other hand, 23-year-old campaign by bowing to Vietin and Turkish Airlines. ing his support to the Ateneo Soon after, passion for help- pang effort ang kailangan dito
Richelle Piollo claimed two gold Bank, 13-25, 18-25, 15-25, to Love for the sport, accord- Lady Eagles in the University ing womens volleyball picked and that is what we will do,
medals in two wrestling disci- place 8th. ing to de la Pena, is what drives Athletic Association of the up when they were eventually she vowed.
readies Ray S. Eano, Editor
Roderick T. dela Cruz, Assistant Editor
MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017 B1

Tax reform positive
for PH credit rating
GBP buys 50% of Alsons unit
By Alena Mae S. Flores Alsons proven, long-standing and successful track Pangilinan earlier announced a big investment in
THE passage of the comprehensive tax Mindanao during Metro Pacics annual stockhold-

record in owning and operating power plants in Min-
reform program is positive for the coun- LOBAL Business Power danao, Metro Pacic and Global Business Power ers meeting but did not share further details.
trys credit rating provided there will be chairman Manuel Pangilinan said in a statement over GBP was established out of the need for ad-
no dilution in revenues, Swiss nancial Corp., an energy producer led the weekend. equate, reliable and cost-efcient power supply in
services company Credit Suisse said in a by Metro Pacic Investments He said the strategic acquisition was in line with the Visayas. Now that the regions baseload power
report over the weekend.
Corp., acquired a 50-percent stake Metro Pacics commitment to further bolster infra- requirements have been secured, we are delighted to
Latest tax reform bill [is] positive for structure investments in all parts of the Philippines. have another opportunity to be of service to emerg-
credit rating. We believe what matters in the coal holding unit of Alsons We look forward to a fruitful partnership that com- ing markets like Mindanao and help drive the nation
most from the credit rating agencies per-
spective is the revenues generated over
Consolidated Resources Inc. bines GBPs technical competencies and strengths forward through our new partners, GBP president
in the Visayas with ACRs long years of experience Jaime Azurin said.
time, and not just one years revenues,
Alsons, the publicly-listed company of the Al- in Mindanao as the islands rst independent power GBP earlier announced plans to double or more
Credit Suisse said.
It said while the revised version of the cantara Group and a long-time Mindanao investor, producer, Alsons chairman and president Tomas Al- than double its capacity to 1,500 megawatts to
bill implied that some revenues would be signed an agreement with GBP, a leading power cantara said. 2,000 MW in the next ve years from 854 MW at
back-loaded, the total tax receipts gen- producer in the Visayas. The agreement gives GBP We believe that this partnership will greatly present.
erated by 2020 would be actually quite a 50-percent stake in Alsons Thermal Energy Corp., benet power consumers particularly in light of the ING Bank N.V. acted as Alsons sole nancial ad-
similar. the holding company for Alsons baseload coal-red planned interconnection of the Mindanao and Vi- viser for the transaction while the law rm of Castillo
We estimate that with the additional power plant assets. The two parties did not disclose sayas grids which we strongly support. We are sure Laman Tan Pantaleon & San Jose served as its legal
tax reform revenues, the government the nancial details of the transaction. that this alliance with GBP and MPIC will make us adviser.
can raise spending by 1 percent of GDP The new partnership with Alsons presents a sig- a more formidable enterprise, more competitive and Macquarie Capital acted as sole nancial adviser
while still lowering overall government nicant milestone for us, through GBP, to enter the more resilient in meeting the challenges of the pres- and Puyat Jacinto & Santos Law acted as the legal
debt metrics. We see a good likelihood fast-growing and dynamic Mindanao market given ent and those that are yet to come, Alcantara said. adviser to GBP.
that Fitch will upgrade the Philippines
to BBB, from BBB- [positive], if the tax
reform bill eventually passes as it is writ-
ten, it said.
Credit Suisse warned that a signicant
dilution of revenues could be negative
for credit rating and infrastructure push.
The bill is now headed to the Senate,
where it could face more resistance, af-
ter the House passed the bill last week.
Julito G. Rada

Vegetable garden
opens in Quezon City
THE Agriculture Department opened a
community vegetable garden in Baran-
gay Bahay Toro in Quezon City to of-
cially launch the Urban Agriculture-Pag-
kain Para sa Masa program.
Agriculture ofcials joined Quezon
City Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte in open-
ing the Bahay Toro communal vegetable
garden beside the barangays covered
Agriculture Undersecretary Ranibai
Dilangalen said urban residents should
start growing their own food to ensure
they eat safe and fresh produce and save
The agency also offers assistance to
communities engaging in mushroom cul-
ture, hydroponics and aquaponics.
Urban gardening is easy. It also
doesnt require a big land area to start
with, Dilangalen said.
Belmonte cited 166 urban farmers in INNOVATION ROADMAP. Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez (third from left) and Science and Technology Secretary Fortunato de la Pea (second from right) sign the
her jurisdiction and Quezon City plans memorandum of understanding on Inclusive Innovation Roadmap in Makati City on June 1. The memorandum will establish the technical working group that will
to expand the number of urban gardens. oversee the implementation and formulation of the Inclusive Innovation Roadmap, which will eventually push forward the competitiveness of Philippine micro small
Anna Leah E. Gonzales and medium enterprises in the global value chain.

SteelAsia proposes 8-year buyout San Miguel interested in MRT 3

of National Steel in Iligan for P7.4b By Darwin G. Amojelar tate and upgrade MRT 3.
MPIC submitted a proposal
Avenue Joint Station; Quezon
Memorial Circle; University Av-
By Othel V. Campos still has a 12-percent stake in National Steel. SAN Miguel Corp., the propo- in 2011 to the Transport De- enue; Tandang Sora; Don Anto-
Cola said the local government of Iligan City, nent and builder of Metro Rail partment for P524-million in- nio; Batasan; Manggahan; Dona
STEELASIA Manufacturing Corp. proposed an the site of the complex, was asking for P4 billion Transit Line 7, said it is also vestment to rehabilitate and Carmen; Regalado; Mindanao
eight-year compensation program to acquire Na- in unpaid real estate taxes while bank loans may interested in rehabilitating, op- upgrade MRT 3. Avenue; Quirino; Sacred Heart;
tional Steel Corp. and pay P7.4 billion worth of reach P3 billion. National Steel also has P400 mil- erating and maintaining MRT MRT 3, which runs along Tala; and San Jose del Monte.
debt incurred by the steel company based in Iligan lion in unpaid electricity bills. Line 3. Edsa from North Ave. in Que- Once the MRT-7 is built, it
City. The rst step is for all parties to agree to al- If the government is will- zon City to Taft Ave. in Pasay will only take 30 minutes to
Industry group Philippine Iron and Steel Insti- low us to take over. The process is not that simple ing, we can submit. We have City, serves more than 500,000 commute end-to-end, com-
tute said these were among the important points since there are liabilities that we already agreed to expressed our interest long passengers a day, beyond its pared to the current two-hour
included in the proposal submitted by SteelAsia to shoulder and the permitting process alone will take ago, San Miguel president and rated capacity of 350,000. travel time.
the Trade Department. us one year, he said. chief operating ofcer Ramon The line has a eet of 73 The project also has a road
Were not asking for any tariff protection. What Cola said as most National Steels equipment Ang said. Czech-made air-conditioned componenta 23-kilometer
we want to do is to settle all the pertinent liabilities had been cannibalized and the plant had been idle Ang said he was willing to rail cars. stretch that will start at the
and create a modern facility that can manufacture for a long time, SteelAsia was planning to build a work with the group of busi- San Miguel is currently build- Balagtas Interchange of North
medium and large products, said Pisi president new plant with new equipment. nessmen Manuel Pangilinan, ing the P69.30 billion MRT 7 Luzon Expressway and end in
Roberto Cola, who is also the vice president of SteelAsia initially plans to put a section mill that Jaime Zobel de Ayala and Hen- project, a 23-kilometer elevated an intermodal terminal in San
SteelAsia. will easily cost P150 million and a large plate mill ry Sy for the MRT 3 upgrade. railway from North Ave., Que- Jose Del Monte, Bulacan.
Cola said there would be many parties involved or rolled steel mill. Metro Pacic Investments zon City to San Jose del Monte This will provide provincial
in the planned acquisition including creditors such Cola said SteelAsia was most interested in the Corp., a company led by Pang- City in Bulacan province. buses with an alternate route to
as local banks, an Indian group that formerly owned more than 200-hectare property that included a ilinan, said last month it would The project will have 14 sta- San Jose and will help decon-
the facility, the liquidator and the government which port with industrial zoning. submit a new offer to rehabili- tions, namely: Quezon North gest Edsa.

Meralco allocates P18b for capex

POSITIVE By Alena Mae S. Flores sion of Santolan substation (P181.9 million),
OUTLOOK. development of Eton Centris substation
Rick Santos, POWER retailer Manila Electric Co. is seek- (P461 million), development of Bridgetown
president and chief ing approval of the Energy Regulatory Com- substation (P552 million), development of
executive of real mission to implement an P18-billion capital Carmona substation (P518.7 million) and
estate service and expenditure program for scal year July 2017 development of McKinley Hills substation
workplace solutions to June 2018. (P440 million).
advisor Santos The company said the 2018 capex program Meralcos residual capex projects included
Knight Frank, said was geared towards providing reliable service distribution transformers, poles and towers
the outlook for the distribution, information technology equip-
to customers.
Philippines real
Meralco said it lined up projects to ensure ment and distribution transformers.
estate industry in
2017 remains rosy the safety, reliability and efciency of the dis- In light of the resulting benets of Meral-
after capping a rst- tribution system, while providing for the fore- cos 2018 capex program in the overall service
quarter performance casted load growth within its franchise area. to the electricity consumers, Meralco respect-
marked by sustained Meralco said its 2018 capex program was fully submits that the building block compo-
expansion across all driven by several factors such as adequate in- nent, particularly the return of capital and re-
sectors. Santos led a frastructure to meet growth in peak demand turn on capital associated herewith, should be
news brieng on the and customer connections; refurbishment proj- considered, as a deferred amount to be includ-
real estate industry ects to ensure sustained network efciency, ed in the calculation of Meralcos next reset
at Makati Shangri-la power quality and reliability; compliance to rates, from the time the capex is put in service
Hotel in Makati City. statutory and regulatory requirements and sup- an considered used and useful, it said.
Lino Santos port for the public-private partnership projects, Meralco said the Electric Power Industry
These projects include the expansion of Reform Act required distribution utilities to
Balibago substation (P183 million), expan- provide services and connections to customers.
B2 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017 Business

Stock index seen testing 8,000 level

By Jenniffer B. Austria Rising ination, prospects of higher Except for holding rms and mining and
oil prices, a less-than-projected GDP in oil, all sub-indices ended higher last week,
Higher public oat
TOCKS are expected to rst quarter, unimpressive earnings cycle, led by services which rose 4.7 percent and
changing dynamics in the global order lit up property which went up 3.7 percent.
test the 8,000-point level
this week, on increasing
optimism about the Philippine
by an unpredictable US, increasing prob-
ability of more frequent US rate tweaks as
well as the BSP [Bangko Sentral], martial
Foreign investors were net buyers by
P1.28 billion last year, as total foreign buy-
ing reached P17.1 billion while foreign
to discourage IPOs
economy. law in Mindanao are but some of the sub- selling amounted to P15.86 billion. VETERAN stockbroker Viv- I think SEC chairman
jects preoccupying investors minds, indi- Top gainers last week were Rizal Com- ian Yuchengco said the deci- Teresita Herbosa has to re-
Concerns over the negative impact of the vidually and collectively, Calaycay said. mercial Banking Corp. which jumped 12.2 sion by the Securities and Ex- view what she is doing be-
incidents in Marawi City and Resorts World change Commission to double cause worldwide, [minimum
Yet, it isnt only the Philippine market percent to P67.50, East West Banking Corp.
the minimum public ownership public oat requirement] its
Manila on the domestic economy, however, that is showing signs of a revived bull. US which rose 10 percent to P25.70 and index requirement for all listed com- only 10 percent, Yuchengco
could temper the extent of markets rise, stocks have risen to records. The bias for heavyweight PLDT Inc. which climbed 8.3 panies to 20 percent by 2020 said.
analysts said over the weekend. equities appears to be a shared preference percent to P1,744. could discourage new initial Yuchengco said the SECs trader Justino Calaycay across global investors, he said. Among the heavy losers were Pilipinas public offerings. move would result in reduced
said the Philippine Stock Exchange index, The PSEi last week advanced 1.3 percent Shell Petroleum Corp. which declined 5.3 Yuchengco, a director of the trading volume in the stock
the 30-company benchmark, remained re- to close at 7,867.49 on June 2, while the percent to P64.20, GT Capital Holdings Philippine Stock Exchange, said exchange instead of improv-
silient amid emerging risks, both at home in a chance interview companies ing the liquidity in the market.
broader all-share index climbed 1.2 percent Inc. which shed 4.8 percent to P1,189 and
and abroad, and would likely stay strong on planning to list with the stock What we need here is not
to 4,689.88, after Congress approved the DoubleDragon Properties Inc. fell 3.5 per- exchange might be turned off by liquidity. What we need is for
positive economic developments. governments rst tax reform package. cent to P48.75. the new requirement. the government to be more
capital markets friendly, not
always harassing the stock
exchange, Yuchengco said.

do said the doubling of the
minimum public ownership
requirement to 20 percent is
MAY 29-JUNE 2, 2017 MAY 22-26, 2017 MAY 29-JUNE 2, 2017 MAY 22-26, 2017
STOCKS Close Volume Value Close Volume Value STOCKS Close Volume Value Close Volume Value a big leap.
Pardo said while the tim-
FINANCIAL Phil. Realty `A 0.730 278,319,000 134,233,890.00 0.750 123,028,000 90,495,250.00
AG Finance 4.35 905,000 3,825,610.00 4.12 766,000 3,111,930.00 Phil. Tob. Flue Cur & Redry 28.50 300 8,550.00 28.90 2,500 69,880.00 ing was a debatable issue,
Asia United Bank 49.85 269,770 13,445,875.00 50 160,420 7,971,879.00 Primex Corp. 3.9 3,147,000 12,313,520.00 3.88 1,253,000 4,925,850.00 the SEC needed to consider
Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. 123.90 11,801,500 1,447,635,565 120.90 6,700,260 810,445,884 Robinsons Land `B 25.00 17,905,700 446,356,285.00 24.90 7,327,500 177,163,680.00
Bank of PI 104.90 9,099,190 959,806,424.00 105.40 8,759,940 925,477,358.00 Rockwell 1.75 3,088,000 5,332,280.00 1.75 1,514,000 2,590,570.00 the current market side of the
BDO Leasing & Fin. INc. 4.10 146,000 590,090.00 4.05 76,000 306,280.00 Shang Properties Inc. 3.28 158,000 517,150.00 3.29 1,342,000 4,397,910.00
Bright Kindle Resources 1.50 769,000 1,132,900.00 1.48 1,419,000 2,128,820.00 SM Prime Holdings 33.75 76,433,100 2,571,535,755.00 32.80 32,210,900 1,058,170,105.00 exchange.
China Bank 37.4 2,789,600 104,085,195.00 37.35 5,140,300 189,243,220.00 Sta. Lucia Land Inc. 1.02 19,042,000 19,337,160.00 1.02 33,499,000 33,302,240.00
Citystate Savings 10 1,900 18,987.00 8.99 1,100 9,846.00 Starmalls 7.2 1,100 7,860.00 7 18,100 126,330.00 The timing is always a
COL Financial 16.16 298,300 4,813,544.00 16.3 451,200 7,313,416.00 Suntrust Home Dev. Inc. 0.890 4,083,000 3,677,380.00 0.880 762,000 686,910.00 debatable issue and we could
Eastwest Bank 26.7 6,521,000 171,148,480.00 25.7 16,433,900 404,770,380.00 Vista Land & Lifescapes 5.530 46,759,300 257,187,008.00 5.410 55,421,500 300,029,180.00
Filipino Fund Inc. 7.76 50,200 389,361 7.75 1,100 8,583 are argue for either side. There
First Abacus 0.69 59,000 40,610 0.67 30,000 20,100 SERVICES
I-Remit Inc. 1.64 284,000 466,050.00 1.65 78,000 131,850.00 2GO Group 28.35 13,987,800 371,461,798.00 19.7 4,974,000 92,902,768.00 are pros and cons. But we still
Manulife Fin. Corp. 810.00 700 568,500.00 820.00 490 389,850.00 ABS-CBN 42.75 141,200 6,076,625.00 43.25 168,000 7,301,210.00
MEDCO Holdings 0.750 138,369,000 107,122,500.00 0.700 26,604,000 18,818,460.00 Acesite Hotel 2.17 16,700,000 34,801,290.00 1.59 93,000 149,640.00 have to increase the size of the
Metrobank 85 9,172,790 687,331,418.50 88.85 11,594,200 1,032,018,321.50 APC Group, Inc. 0.520 9,078,000 4,614,880.00 0.510 21,442,000 10,986,790.00 market. So it is a big leap from
Natl. Reinsurance Corp. 0.8 6,053,000 4,752,100.00 0.72 863,000 626,340.00 Apollo Global 0.050 162,600,000 7,262,500.00 0.045 151,100,000 6,806,400.00
PB Bank 15.6 224,300 3,460,772.00 15.4 659,300 10,179,404.00 Asian Terminals Inc. 11.08 40,200 448,590.00 11.96 22,400 249,946.00 10 to 20, Pardo said.
Phil Bank of Comm 25.50 18,300 465,550.00 25.00 22,000 550,890.00 Berjaya Phils. Inc. 5.8 74,700 419,394 5.61 180,000 1,028,731
Phil. National Bank 69.30 3,479,480 239,761,043.00 68.00 5,739,450 390,859,373.00 Bloomberry 9.30 97,732,100 943,706,753.00 10.20 57,073,200 561,614,571.00 The SEC issued last week
Phil. Savings Bank 89.5 720 64,069.50 89 5,070 448,861.50 Boulevard Holdings 0.0900 204,220,000 17,680,490.00 0.0890 410,200,000 36,394,730.00
Philippine trust Co. 108.3 460 51,480.00 113.9 2,240 251,733.00 Calata Corp. 2.15 33,659,000 73,664,830.00 2.1 23,082,000 47,945,220.00 the draft rules that would
PSE Inc. 239.8 4,020 961,170.00 242 5,040 1,200,680.00 Cebu Air Inc. (5J) 98.5 1,143,950 114,162,478.00 100 1,140,150 113,193,530.50 gradually increase the public
RCBC `A 65.05 2,220,450 142,860,508 62.75 4,989,490 300,332,517 Centro Esc. Univ. 9.61 2,000 19,220.00 10.08 35,000 341,192.00
Security Bank
Sun Life Financial
Discovery World
oat of all listed rms to 15
Union Bank 84.55 393,940 33,298,664.50 84.45 102,310 8,708,682.50 Easy Call Common 3.30 12,000 39,980.00 3.50 8,000 28,030.00 percent by 2018 and eventu-
Vantage Equities 1.2 509,000 609,790.00 1.16 169,000 198,070.00 FEUI 1000 690 669,900.00 970 2,500 2,426,200.00
Globe Telecom 2160 443,190 943,886,730 2096 201,400 412,009,860 ally to 20 percent by 2020.
INDUSTRIAL GMA Network Inc. 6.08 1,707,800 10,382,687.00 6.09 1,748,600 10,684,686.00 The SEC also wanted up-
Aboitiz Power Corp. 39.4 17,599,700 314,253,107,929.00 39.6 7,699,000 305,395,455.00 Golden Haven 16.30 406,700 6,559,556.00 16.20 337,600 5,475,756.00
Agrinurture Inc. 7.98 19,661,100 150,877,541.00 7.4 26,389,100 171,603,984.00 Grand Plaza Hotel 13.16 500 6,580 13.50 1,000 13,500 coming IPOs to have a pub-
Alliance Tuna Intl Inc. 0.82 3,823,000 3,192,250.00 0.84 4,763,000 3,989,010.00 Harbor Star 2.87 10,004,000 29,414,700.00 3.07 11,606,000 33,950,740.00
Alsons Cons. 1.79 37,663,000 67,337,730.00 1.67 18,699,000 30,275,030.00 I.C.T.S.I. 100.9 13,707,810 1,392,493,070.00 102 8,007,130 806,026,536.00 lic oat of 20 percent. It said
Asiabest Group 28.85 5,816,300 173,855,870.00 23.95 302,500 7,096,490.00 Imperial Res. `A 3.47 502,000 1,783,380 3.65 537,000 1,952,030
Basic Energy Corp. 0.270 83,570,000 21,994,150.00 0.270 54,160,000 14,490,300.00 IPeople Inc. `A 12.66 300 3,798.00 12.66 47,300 578,772.00 the move aimed to promote
Bogo Medelin 100 1,220 122,942.00 115 160 17,471.00 IPM Holdings 8.90 1,587,000 14,154,740.00 8.90 1,629,400 14,530,791.00 the development of the Phil-
C. Azuc De Tarlac 14.34 26,400 380,624.00 14.72 53,700 772,846.00 Island Info 0.190 50,350,000 9,474,100.00 0.181 23,870,000 4,329,910.00
Cemex Holdings 7.3 24,106,600 180,898,732.00 7.4 33,892,500 254,061,005.00 ISM Communications 1.3600 4,637,000 6,434,710.00 1.3300 3,571,000 4,786,250.00 ippine capital market and
Century Food 17.7 10,174,900 180,391,464 17.7 7,429,700 129,517,458 Jackstones 3.74 1,640,000 5,964,750.00 3.69 255,000 915,190.00
Chemphil 170 50 8,500.00 165.3 230 39,797.00 LBC Express 16.44 137,300 2,274,174.00 17.18 70,000 1,165,646.00 encourage the widest partic-
Cirtek Holdings (Chips) 23.3 1,861,000 42,919,755.00 23.3 1,458,400 33,664,035.00 Leisure & Resorts 3.95 3,788,000 15,074,820 4.08 5,241,000 21,126,560
Conc. Aggr. A 80 240 7,987,208.00 79.8 3,710 297,258.00 Lorenzo Shipping 0.99 471,000 433,600.00 0.92 126,000 116,660.00 ipation of ownership in en-
Conc. Aggr. B 85.1 100 8,609.00 Macroasia Corp. 4.46 1,916,000 8,515,610.00 4.41 3,066,000 13,279,650.00 terprises. Jenniffer B. Austria
Concepcion 74.8 7,700 572,052 73.9 2,699,050 199,729,103 Manila Broadcasting 16.00 3,400 13,017,040 16.00 4,400 70,404
Crown Asia 2.05 11,420,000 23,195,210.00 1.99 11,734,000 22,955,410.00 Manila Jockey 2.37 287,000 659,460.00 2.42 197,000 459,940.00
Da Vinci Capital 5.28 2,903,200 15,892,645.00 5.8 279,900 1,597,515.00 Melco Crown 9.67 37,749,300 370,818,891.00 9.7 58,229,300 527,274,329.00
Del Monte 11.84 44,000 510,104.00 11.54 170,600 1,963,720.00 Metro Retail 3.67 8,383,000 30,683,920.00 3.61 19,167,000 70,802,480.00

DNL Industries Inc. 12.460 49,731,000 622,762,286.00 12.720 20,404,100 260,488,502.00 NOW Corp. 2.710 11,294,000 29,905,110.00 2.580 6,187,000 15,971,410.00
Eagle Cement 15.78 118,544,800 1,863,292,134.00 Pacic Online Sys. Corp. 11.58 29,100 337,130.00 11.52 17,200 197,844.00
EEI 9.85 14,920,200 148,547,602.00 10.30 15,162,400 159,142,424.00 PAL Holdings Inc. 5.30 64,200 341,393 5.35 23,300 124,475
Emperador 6.95 9,824,900 68,304,097.00 6.85 8,130,200 56,003,163.00 Paxys Inc. 2.98 5,000 14,900.00 2.98 6,000 18,480.00
Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC) 6.06 87,565,700 529,473,392.00 6.01 34,005,400 204,191,822.00 Phil. Racing Club 8.22 2,300 18,906.00

Euro-Med Lab 1.78 30,000 52,790.00 Phil. Seven Corp. 170.00 106,440 18,070,599.00 172.00 5,060 868,760.00
First Gen Corp. 18.96 14,890,600 283,620,022.00 19.6 12,057,700 236,356,922.00 Philweb.Com Inc. 11.58 22,344,500 244,546,962.00 10.06 33,041,000 305,900,797.00
First Holdings A 71.6 1,109,770 78,540,208.50 71.35 560,890 39,764,160.50 PLDT Common 1830.00 1,937,285 3,420,745,245.00 1744.00 574,805 961,719,775.00
Ginebra San Miguel Inc. 13.50 433,700 5,802,376.00 14.40 235,900 3,167,630.00 PremiereHorizon 0.400 6,410,000 2,527,450.00 0.400 7,510,000 3,011,400.00

is fastest
Holcim Philippines Inc. 14.80 2,766,000 40,901,492.00 14.86 2,356,300 34,972,444.00 Premium Leisure 1.610 55,758,000 89,173,000.00 1.620 84,457,000 134,682,880.00
Integ. Micro-Electronics 10.52 12,174,600 124,418,521.00 9.8 14,018,700 134,966,892.00 Puregold 44.70 14,260,100 628,897,830.00 43.30 13,022,600 561,644,995.00
Ionics Inc 1.780 12,738,000 23,411,360.00 1.850 26,256,000 45,560,870.00 Robinsons RTL 87.95 5,700,170 494,239,527.50 85.00 6,800,550 569,399,111.00
Jollibee Foods Corp. 214.00 5,164,400 1,079,469,514.00 201.40 2,076,380 422,219,658.00 SBS Phil. Corp. 5.98 604,200 3,621,420.00 5.90 1,270,200 7,361,564.00
Liberty Flour 61.05 20 1,320.00 SSI Group 2.68 35,670,000 95,774,750.00 2.66 44,185,000 115,720,260.00

LMG Chemicals 4.2 1,502,000 6,413,600.00 4.37 1,570,000 7,024,040.00 STI Holdings 1.140 57,022,000 64,937,250.00 1.070 29,859,000 33,017,850.00
Mabuhay Vinyl 3.69 54,000 193,380.00 3.66 57,000 207,160.00 Travellers 3.13 38,007,000 121,624,230.00 3.51 9,966,000 35,341,610.00
Macay Holdings 25.50 17,200 419,580.00 25.65 10,800 264,410.00 Waterfront Phils. 1.010 446,050,000 399,175,060.00 0.670 29,891,000 19,508,840.00
Manila Water Co. Inc. 32.75 4,804,200 156,185,665.00 32.1 6,718,200 214,171,710.00 Wilcon Depot 6.070 202,057,400 1,173,197,145.00 5.420 44,709,400 241,327,396.00
Maxs Group 19.4 11,079,900 210,620,842.00 19.42 7,773,700 152,969,228.00
Megawide 19.4 8,024,900 154,879,930.00 19 11,397,800 221,645,018.00 MINING & OIL
MG Holdings 0.246 4,270,000 1,037,780.00 0.246 4,417,000 1,350,860.00 Abra Mining 0.0032 441,000,000 1,413,400.00 0.0033 221,000,000 708,700.00
Mla. Elect. Co `A 271.00 672,750 184,191,508.00 270.20 1,719,890 875,591,612.00 Apex `A 1.69 69,507,000 120,668,930.00 1.88 36,877,000 70,105,240.00 By Darwin G. Amojelar
Panasonic Mfg Phil. Corp. 6.20 196,200 1,228,324.00 6.20 1,121,900 7,049,324.00 Atlas Cons. `A 5.00 427,600 2,141,005.00 5.12 719,800 3,631,277.00
Pepsi-Cola Products Phil. 3.33 36,581,000 123,264,680.00 3.38 365,000 1,234,210.00 Atok-Big Wedge `A 15.50 38,600 550,590.00 13.00 21,400 359,588.00
Petron Corporation 10.68 94,530,100 1,042,695,522.00 10.76 35,277,911 505,330,452.00 Benguet Corp `A 2.2000 57,000 121,720.00 2.1000 56,000 117,340.00 SMART Communications
Phil H2O 5.21 1,362,000 6,389,370.00 3.51 30,000 105,050.00 Benguet Corp `B 2.2500 27,000 58,760.00 2.2600 4,000 8,880.00
Phinma Corporation 10.24 449,700 5,130,718.00 11.48 91,900 1,054,088.00 Century Peak Metals Hldgs 0.88 3,099,000 2,621,900.00 0.88 27,756,000 23,881,310.00 Inc. overtook rival Globe
Phinma Energy 1.97 17,376,000 35,021,910.00 2.10 3,242,000 6,791,520.00 Coal Asia 0.390 14,120,000 5,611,700.00 0.410 1,390,000 554,650.00
Phoenix Petroleum Phils. 9.60 8,676,500 85,529,917.00 10.22 54,734,500 541,704,948.00 Dizon 9.90 633,600 6,094,437.00 8.88 30,700 262,245.00 Telecom Inc. in terms of av-
Phoenix Semiconductor 2.07 7,812,000 16,021,730.00 1.94 3,022,000 5,909,440.00 Ferronickel 2.450 6,331,000 15,366,600.00 2.450 14,238,000 34,768,820.00 erage download speeds for
Pilipinas Shell 69.5 9,135,390 607,641,831.00 64.2 11,007,040 730,730,254.50 Geograce Res. Phil. Inc. 0.300 18,390,000 5,406,150.00 0.285 17,780,000 4,909,270.00
Pryce Corp. `A 6.12 2,237,300 13,693,706.00 5.98 5,862,300 34,606,966.00 Lepanto `A 0.180 24,690,000 4,614,560.00 0.191 13,090,000 2,496,120.00 both 3G and LTE nation-
RFM Corporation 4.70 985,000 4,622,380.00 4.66 660,000 3,115,280.00 Lepanto `B 0.200 2,410,000 472,190.00 0.200 3,680,000 721,400.00
Roxas and Co. 1.84 1,000 1,840.00 2.34 23,000 52,560.00 Manila Mining `A 0.010 65,400,000 721,500.00 0.011 823,200,000 9,088,400.00 wide, according to a study by
Roxas Holdings 4.72 6,501,000 27,251,480.00 3.48 918,000 3,104,750.00 Manila Mining `B 0.0100 34,000,000 374,000.00 0.0110 170,200,000 1,914,300.00 J.P.Morgan.
San Miguel Pure Foods `A 296.2 17,370 5,176,146.00 299.6 14,160 4,207,742.00 Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. 1.79 2,153,000 3,690,620.00 1.72 1,975,000 3,577,030.00
Shakeys Pizza 13.3 9,661,700 126,623,430.00 13.08 4,222,800 56,120,742.00 Nickelasia 6.2 11,170,400 69,012,978.00 6.39 10,767,800 68,559,883.00 J.P.Morgans Asia Network
SPC Power Corp. 5.21 1,565,400 7,792,459.00 4.5 188,000 846,000.00 Nihao Mineral Resources 2.18 1,670,000 3,619,030.00 2.25 706,000 1,564,880.00
Swift Foods, Inc. 0.150 8,760,000 1,326,300.00 0.150 1,730,000 254,360.00 Omico 0.4500 1,380,000 636,400.00 0.4750 327,000 158,265.00 Quality study, which cited
TKC Steel Corp. 1.39 867,000 1,186,000.00 1.41 944,000 1,315,620.00 Oriental Peninsula Res. 0.9700 852,000 834,040.00 1.0300 3,597,000 3,614,220.00 crowd-sourced data gathered
Universal Robina 159.6 14,578,310 2,353,820,644 166 6,583,260 1,099,348,265 Oriental Pet. `A 0.0100 343,400,000 3,616,600.00 0.0110 69,200,000 733,900.00
Victorias Milling 4.24 12,000 50,200.00 4.28 64,000 265,880.00 Oriental Pet. `B 0.0110 5,000,000 53,800.00 0.0110 26,000,000 286,000.00 by wireless coverage research
Vitarich Corp. 2.11 81,740,400 212,742,100.00 2.09 215,010,000 410,591,340.00 Petroenergy Res. Corp. 6.07 2,888,800 13,937,649.00 5.98 7,009,200 41,607,031.00
Vivant Corp. 30.05 3,300 102,110.00 31.50 1,700 53,260.00 Philex `A 9.00 2,877,600 25,970,104.00 9.08 3,207,600 28,711,975.00 rm OpenSignal, showed
Vulcan Indl. 1.11 8,957,000 10,396,340.00 1.06 267,000 288,040.00 PhilexPetroleum 3.19 5,249,000 16,974,150.00 3.34 20,652,000 70,603,280.00 Smart LTE service was lead-
Philodrill Corp. `A 0.0100 131,200,000 1,603,300.00 0.0130 337,200,000 4,158,000.00
HOLDING FIRMS Semirara Corp. 157.50 4,441,440 701,226,127.00 157.80 5,586,190 887,765,330.00 ing nationwide, with aver-
Abacus Cons. `A 0.380 34,990,000 13,556,050.00 0.365 10,940,000 3,995,100.00 TA Petroleum 2.61 233,000 608,510.00 2.63 178,000 472,990.00
Aboitiz Equity 75.80 13,192,180 285,669,297,316.00 75.95 9,805,040 745,819,612.50 United Paragon 0.0100 35,000,000 298,100.00 0.0086 26,000,000 225,100.00 age download speed of 11.64
Alliance Global Inc. 14.74 206,196,600 3,166,930,996.00 15.30 62,612,100 948,662,924.00 megabits per second on the
Anglo Holdings A 1.22 2,274,000 2,734,710.00 1.17 1,467,000 1,721,380.00 PREFERRED
Anscor `A 6.13 44,200 270,183.00 6.10 113,400 690,094.00 ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. 42 413,200 17,351,075.00 43.5 52,200 2,261,915.00 country level compared to
ATN Holdings A 0.350 75,500,000 27,445,550.00 0.355 69,200,000 24,122,650.00 Alco Preferred B 106 147,760 15,682,592 106 45,640 4,838,035
ATN Holdings B 0.350 10,190,000 3,766,550.00 0.355 10,760,000 3,748,500.00 Ayala Corp. Pref `B1 514 5,890 3,036,925.00 516.5 26,940 13,820,880.00 Globes 6.65 Mbps.
Ayala Corp `A 892 2,084,710 1,820,932,925 866 1,313,740 1,141,746,580 Ayala Corp. Pref B2 520 4,510 2,331,620 520 18,430 9,536,190 The May 2017 report also
BHI Holdings Inc. 1198.00 25 29,950.00 DD PREF 105 58,900 6,176,475.00 105 62,990 6,613,286.00
Cosco Capital 8.16 10,628,900 87,240,817.00 8.19 6,528,500 53,320,857.00 First Gen F 112.5 23,990 2,520,860.00 112.3 1,200 134,860.00 showed Smart was leading
DMCI Holdings 13.66 57,134,600 769,736,048.00 13.40 46,831,400 629,624,312.00 First Gen G 114.1 12,680 1,447,816.00 115 55,300 6,349,500.00
F&J Prince A 5.9 200 1,165.00 6.1 32,900 191,577.00 GLOBE PREF P 520 3,130 1,603,360.00 512 3,800 1,946,250.00 across areas in terms of LTE
Filinvest Dev. Corp. 7.74 198,600 1,514,304.00 7.74 368,600 2,858,924.00 GMA Holdings Inc. 5.83 662,800 3,870,063.00 5.8 1,506,700 8,743,809.00
Forum Pacic 0.210 7,530,000 1,590,710.00 0.198 1,110,000 218,760.00 GTCAP PREF A 1006 5,175 5,211,400.00 1008 250 252,000.00 service, with average down-
GT Capital 1202 2,109,630 2,512,763,270.00 1189 928,890 1,117,941,660.00 GTCAP PREF B 1020 2,070 2,113,325.00 1022 1,505 1,537,725.00 load speeds of 12.52 Mbps in
House of Inv. 7.50 1,248,600 9,768,767.00 7.50 792,100 5,769,895.00 Leisure and Resort 1.09 218,000 237,640 1.07 230,000 248,960
JG Summit Holdings 80.00 11,723,490 945,066,776.50 83.00 8,552,130 710,809,050.50 MWIDE PREF 109.5 8,820 952,590.00 108 4,170 450,632.00 Metro Manila, 11.96 Mbps in
Jolliville Holdings 5.1 59,000 293,360.00 4.16 2,000 8,660.00 PCOR-Preferred A 1049 975 999,865.00 1029 3,160 3,251,600.00
Keppel Holdings `B 5.1 800 4,080.00 PCOR-Preferred B 1110 25 27,675.00 1100 2,000 2,200,000.00 the Visayas and 9.44 Mbps in
Lodestar Invt. Holdg.Corp. 1.06 89,663,000 100,773,990.00 1.03 20,169,000 21,122,490.00 PF Pref 2 1012 3,165 3,207,540.00 1016 1,505 1,532,845.00 South Luzon.
Lopez Holdings Corp. 7.4 7,052,300 51,103,023.00 7.2 2,812,800 20,045,854.00 PNX PREF 3A 104.3 27,420 2,865,381.00 105 14,120 1,482,405.00
LT Group 16.06 5,511,700 88,368,706.00 16.22 10,262,700 164,825,598.00 PNX PREF 3B 108 5,000 541,658.00 110 5,200 572,184.00 Globe had average down-
Mabuhay Holdings `A 0.400 260,000 104,450.00 SMC Preferred B 77.2 19,270 1,488,758.00 77.2 53,110 4,091,298.00
Metro Pacic Inv. Corp. 6.37 166,099,400 1,053,793,013.00 6.49 99,735,200 652,701,204.00 SMC Preferred C 81.95 37,370 3,045,196.50 81.2 134,420 10,887,643.00 load speeds of 6.79 Mbps in
MJCI Investments Inc. 3.24 11,000 36,000.00 3.24 5,000 16,230.00 SMC Preferred D 76.2 71,940 5,515,148.00 76.25 121,910 9,305,274.50 Metro Manila, 6.91 Mbps in
Pacica `A 0.0600 252,700,000 14,616,460.00 0.0590 242,400,000 14,105,260.00 SMC Preferred E 78.15 47,700 3,725,499.00 78.2 104,480 8,170,336.00
Prime Media Hldg 1.050 302,000 292,810.00 SMC Preferred F 80.7 365,410 29,229,637.00 80.8 50,000 4,030,958.50 the Visayas and 6.45 Mbps in
Prime Orion 2.040 2,238,000 4,541,490.00 2.060 2,362,000 4,884,850.00 SMC Preferred G 77.45 21,450 1,660,075.00 77.2 43,010 3,356,870.00
Republic Glass A 2.49 13,000 32,410.00 SMC Preferred H 78.1 35,240 2,766,269.00 78.5 419,530 32,883,829.00 South Luzon.
San Miguel Corp `A 106.00 545,270 58,116,772.00 108.50 1,003,820 109,182,541.00 SMC Preferred I 79.2 104,450 8,260,205.00 78.5 250,100 19,646,121.00 PLDTs Smart has sig-
Seafront `A 2.74 812,000 2,238,620.00 2.84 3,097,000 9,311,650.00
SM Investments Inc. 767.50 2,279,210 1,766,549,735.00 777.00 1,234,010 962,676,570.00 WARRANTS & BONDS nicant momentum across
Solid Group Inc. 1.41 2,537,000 3,531,660.00 1.44 5,016,000 7,128,870.00 LR Warrant 2.150 1,533,000 3,331,650.00 2.260 835,000 1,874,670.00
South China Res. Inc. 0.87 10,000 8,700.00 0.89 150,000 129,900.00 all circles measured. This
Top Frontier 304.000 24,170 7,411,930.00 308.000 29,950 9,214,506.00 SME likely implies a higher like-
Unioil Res. & Hldgs 0.2900 1,890,000 541,650.00 0.2800 1,270,000 360,450.00 Makati Fin. Corp. 2.93 7,000 20,510.00
Wellex Industries 0.2300 11,640,000 2,615,990.00 0.2020 2,210,000 438,900.00 Italpinas 4 2,442,000 9,902,870.00 4.25 939,000 3,910,780.00 lihood of market share gains
Zeus Holdings 0.250 2,840,000 696,020.00 0.245 430,000 105,350.00 Philab Holdings 6.02 663,000 4,037,849.00 6.27 506,200 3,163,671.00
Xurpas 8.16 12,740,000 102,592,776.00 8.19 11,934,000 98,471,387.00 going forward, with poten-
PROPERTY tially better pricing power,
8990 HLDG 6.250 2,014,600 12,668,176.00 6.480 3,229,700 20,932,512.00 EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS
A. Brown Co., Inc. 1.20 46,521,000 56,660,870.00 1.21 37,052,000 44,897,990.00 First Metro ETF 131.5 40,980 5,372,946.00 130.5 30,260 3,927,100.00 J.P.Morgan said in the study
Anchor Land Holdings Inc. 6.80 11,600 79,645.00
Araneta Prop `A 2.290 3,961,000 9,683,560.00 2.400 2,561,000 5,966,620.00 DDOLLAR DENONIMATED SEC. which covered the months of
Arthaland Corp. 1.210 39,877,000 50,250,170.00 1.260 49,168,000 63,128,230.00 USD DMPL A1 10 2,000 20,031.00 10 30,500 315,663.20 February to April 2017.
Ayala Land `B 41.300 85,926,400 3,468,825,730.00 40.000 57,751,600 2,245,966,100.00
Belle Corp. `A 4.05 10,616,000 43,920,680.00 4.2 14,861,000 62,337,350.00 Smart also led in terms
CEB Landmasters 5.16 82,639,500 431,702,617.00
Cebu Holdings 5.3 270,100 1,428,905.00 5.3 249,200 1,316,064.00 of 3G speeds nationwide,
Cebu Prop. `B
Century Property
84,108,890.00 0.510 69,482,000 35,654,995.00
WEEKLY MOST TRADED posting 2.29 Mbps aver-
City & Land Dev. 1.14 1,492,000 1,661,940.00 1.09 165,000 179,340.00 STOCKS VOLUME STOCKS VALUE
Cityland Dev. `A 1.450 3,273,000 4,814,400.00 1.460 4,101,000 5,842,350.00
age download speeds on a
Waterfront Phils. 446,050,000 Aboitiz Power Corp. 314,253,107,929.00
Crown Equities Inc. 0.160 40,860,000 6,631,430.00 0.157 8,980,000 1,404,490.00
Abra Mining 441,000,000 Aboitiz Equity 285,669,297,316.00
country level compared to
Cyber Bay Corp. 0.520 9,291,000 4,836,600.00 0.510 18,156,000 9,553,280.00
Double Dragon 48.95 2,372,800 113,001,510.00 48.75 1,258,030 61,759,844.00 MRC Allied Ind. 395,690,000 Ayala Land `B 3,468,825,730.00 Globes 2.08 Mbps.
Empire East Land 0.680 63,978,000 43,631,920.00 0.680 15,812,000 10,764,750.00 Oriental Pet. `A 343,400,000 PLDT Common 3,420,745,245.00 Across areas, average
Ever Gotesco 0.160 2,740,000 436,020.00 0.156 4,160,000 659,340.00 Phil. Realty `A 278,319,000 Alliance Global Inc. 3,166,930,996.00
Filinvest Land,Inc. 1.65 30,914,000 51,893,150.00 1.68 29,917,000 49,440,470.00 download speeds on Smarts
Global-Estate 1.11 80,161,000 87,402,600.00 1.05 36,943,000 38,622,400.00 Megaworld 275,708,000 SM Prime Holdings 2,571,535,755.00
Interport `A 0.99 7,618,000 7,637,880.00 1.04 1,715,000 1,757,120.00 Pacica `A 252,700,000 GT Capital 2,512,763,270.00 3G service were at 3.41
Keppel Properties 4.12 27,000 111,210.00 4.12 61,000 251,020.00 Alliance Global Inc. 206,196,600 Universal Robina 2,353,820,644.00 Mbps in Metro Manila, 1.74
Megaworld 4.54 275,708,000 1,292,534,060.00 4.62 372,349,000 1,663,786,640.00
MRC Allied Ind. 0.340 395,690,000 135,672,400.00 0.360 364,450,000 136,256,900.00 Boulevard Holdings 204,220,000 Eagle Cement 1,863,292,134.00 Mbps in the Visayas and 1.82
Phil. Estates Corp. 0.4000 55,800,000 21,897,850.00 0.3350 8,980,000 3,030,150.00 Wilcon Depot 202,057,400 Ayala Corp `A 1,820,932,925.00
Mbps in South Luzon.
Business MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017

PH seeks
to boost PetroEnergy readies expansion
ties with By Alena Mae S. Flores wind project in Nabas, Aklan.
The wind plant is owned by a
The 12-MW expansion cost-
ing P1.9 billion is set for comple-
bilateral contracts with distri-
bution utilities and electric co-

joint venture between Petro- tion in the fourth quarter. Power operatives, ecozone locators or
ISTED PetroEnergy Resources Corp. plans Green, BCPG Wind Cooperatief from the geothermal project will through private retail electricity
to boost the capacity of solar, wind and U.A. and EEI Power. be sold to Phinma Energy. suppliers.

By Julito G. Rada
geothermal projects over the next two years at The wind project, which was PetroEnergy is also putting up Those are the different op-
completed in 2015, consists of a 5-MW to 10-MW solar power tions for the contracts of these
an investment cost of P6.7 billion. 18 wind turbines with a capac- project in Puerto Princesa set to three other expansion projects,
THE Philippines will seek PetroEnergy vice president planned to expand its 50-MW so- ity of 2 MW each. The 14-MW start commercial operations in he said.
to strengthen trade and Francisco Deln Jr. told reporters lar plant in Central Technopark, Nabas-2 expansion, meanwhile, the rst quarter next year. It is Deln said the company might
investments cooperation with over the weekend it was boost- Tarlac City by another 49 MW. will have four to seven wind estimated to cost P855 million. look into hydro projects but
Mexico. ing the output of its 14-megawatt The solar project, completed in turbines and is estimated to cost The three are what we may nothing was rm at the moment.
Finance Secretary Carlos Nabas wind project, the 19-MW 2016 inside an economic zone, is P1.6 billion. call planning stages because we The denite expansion plans
Dominguez III said in a state- Tarlac solar facility and the 10- owned by unit PetroGreen Corp. Deln said expansion of the are not going to deal them with- are the four projects but if for
ment over the weekend he had MW solar hybrid plant with a and EEI Power Corp. 20-MW Maibarara geothermal out a secure offtake agreement, some reason, one or two these
discussed ways to heighten co- battery option in Puerto Princesa, The proposed expansion called project in Sto. Tomas, Batangas Deln said. We are in the pro- do not pan out.... we can con-
operation on trade and invest- Palawan. Tarlac-2 solar power project is is ongoing. cess of securing and negotiating sider other projects that are not
ments between the Philippines And of course you have the set for completion by the rst The geothermal project, com- offtake agreements. included, he said.
and Mexico in a recent meet- 12-MW Maibarara 2, which is quarter next year with the project pleted in 2014, is a joint venture He said solar and wind plants PetroEnergy has an existing
ing with Mexican Ambassador already nearing completion, he cost estimated at P2.4 billion. between PetroGreen, Phinma were fully subscribed so the capacity of 100 MW and is con-
to Manila Julio Camarena Vil- said. PetroEnergy is preparing the Energy Corp. and PNOC Re- companys avenue for secur- dent of boosting it to 200 MW
laseor. Deln said the comnpany expansion of its 36-MW Nabas newables Corp. ing offtake was through private with the expansion.
The meeting focused on
Mexicos concerns on the
avoidance of double taxation,
which also includes an ex-
change of information on tax
matters between the two coun-
tries to combat evasion.
They also discussed
Mexicos proposal to do away
with the triangulation of the
exchange rate between the
Philippine peso and Mexican
peso, which means the two
currencies are traded in the
foreign exchange market
without having to go through
the US dollar conversion
Our portfolio in the Phil-
ippines is getting bigger and
bigger. This agreement (on the
avoidance of double taxation)
is very important, the Mexi-
can ambassador told Domin-
guez during their meeting.
With Ambassador Camarena
at the meeting was Coca-Cola
FEMSA president Fabricio
Ponce. Coca-Cola FEMSA is
the largest franchise bottler
of Coca-Cola products in the
world, and is also in the beer
industry through its ownership
of the second largest equity
stake in Heineken.
Camarena said aside from
Coca-Cola FEMSA, other
Mexican companies like ce-
ment and building materials
manufacturer Cemex and the
7-ELEVEN IN BICOL. Philippine Seven Corp. expands to Bohol with the opening of its very rst 7-Eleven store in the island located at the Arcom Center in Poblacion, Panglao.
Bohol is the fourth major island where 7-Eleven will open its doors. PSC started its expansion outside Luzon in 2012 in Cebu, 2013 in Bacolod, 2014 in Iloilo and 2015 in Boracay.
appliance company Mabe had It plans open seven more stores in Bohol by the end of the year, and is looking at a total of 30 outlets in the next three years. Inaugurating the Bohol store are (from left) Violeta
substantial investments in the Apolinario, PSC human resources division head; Liwayway Fernandez, operations division head; Jose Victor Paterno, president and CEO; Anecita Arcay, Arcom Center lessor); and Gil
Philippines. Abad, Visayas regional operations manager.

PH records 20% gain in internet speed SPC Power upbeat on power,

AKAMAI, a leading content deliv-
ery network services provider for
tent improvement in the Philippines
average mobile connection speed.
adoption category, the Philippines
adoption is now at 6.2 percent adop-
eyes renewable energy projects
media and software delivery, and AKAMAI also cited the Philippines tion, representing a growth rate for
cloud security solution, has come improvements in other categories. the country 72 percent on quarter LISTED SPC Power Corp. is bullish on the clared a dividend payment of P0.40 per share.
out with its State of the Internet Q1 On the above 4 Mbps broadband and 509 percent on year. prospects of the power sector and plans to Moving forward, the group will contin-
2017 Report. adoption category, the Philippines Although the Philippines has the go into renewable energy investments as a ue to focus on further improving efcien-
AKAMAI said the Philippines, adoption rate is now at 39 percent, lowest ranking among Asia Pacic platform for its expansion program. cies and leveraging existing business assets
along with Thailand and China, led the representing a growth rate for the countries/regions for this metric, as SPC Power chairman Alfredo Henares to sustain or improve protability, SPC
Asia Pacic cluster in gains with each country of 26 percent on quarter and well as some of the broadband adop- said in a statement the company remained Power chief nance ofcer Reynante Del
country enjoying a 20 percent quarter- 111 percent on year. tion metrics, rst quarter announce- upbeat on its outlook of the energy sector. Rosario said
ly boost in average connection speeds. On the above 10 Mbps broad- ments suggest it may see improve- He said the company was seeking new SPC Power owns the 55-MW Naga Land-
AKAMAI clocked the Philippines band adoption category, the Philip- ments to its infrastructure in coming opportunities in renewable energy projects, Based Gas Turbine Power Plant in Colon,
average connection speed in the rst pines adoption rate is now at 11 per- years, as President Duterte approved including hydro, geothermal and biomass Naga, Cebu.
quarter of 2017 at 5.5Mbps, up 20 cent, representing a growth rate for a plan to deploy a national broad- power plants. SPC Power, along with partner Kepco
percent quarter-on-quarter, and 57 the country of 53 percent on quarter band network at an estimated cost of The company also has not abandoned Philippine, also owns a 200-MW coal plant
percent on year. The last three quar- and 330 percent on year. $1.5 billion to $4.0 billion (P77 bil- plans to pursue coal-red power projects in Naga that was completed in 2011 to aug-
ters of of the report showed a consis- On the above 15 mbps broadband lion to P200 billion, the report said. and power barges. ment power supply in the Visayas. Visayas
SPC Power posted a consolidated income power reserves remain thin.
of P1.788 billion in 2016, or equivalent to a The plant, majority controlled by Kepco

Finding your drive by going P1.16 earnings per share from P1.51 billion
in 2015.
These resulted from the strong perfor-
Philippines, was built under a build-operate-
own agreement with the government.
The company owns the 32-MW Power
for a higher purpose mance in each of the companys core seg-
ments, power generation and distribution,
Barge 104, 77-MW Panay diesel plant and
16-MW Bohol diesel plant.
to benet. By empathizing with a SPC Power said. SPC Power is composed of a group of lo-
By Gabriel Sison lenge status quo. These personali-
The companys nancial condition im- cal businessmen led by Henares and Dennis
ties achieved great heights and de- network beyond those who may
ed societies norms not through be able to provide favors for us, proved with capital growing to P8.9 billion, or Villareal as president, Kepco Philippines and
WITH the term coming to an end, I
nancial motives but in pursuit of we are capable of achieving greater equivalent to P5.96 per share. SPC Power de- other minority investors. Alena Mae S. Flores
looked back at what was discussed,
the lessons learned, and these new uplifting others. developments.
tools will equip us to make better Search for meaning Our life is but a passing breeze in
decisions in the future. I read a book written by Viktor our vast world, happiness is eeting
After completing our service Frankl, Mans Search for Meaning. but meaning is enduring. Let us fo-
leadership, understanding potential It narrates the trials and realizations cus our greatest skills and efforts for
pitfalls in decision making based he experienced while in a Nazi the benet of others and you will be
on immediate cost and integrating concentration camp. He wrote amazed of what you can do. Dont
learning from other subjects, that success is an unintentional think that these thoughts are impos-
implementing a social business just consequence of dedicating ones sible as the power of the mind is
became closer. self for the benet of others, for a strong. After all, before it was done,
Open to possibilities higher purpose. It is wrong to place it was dreamt of.
Working with Guanella Home and money or fame as the primary goal What the mind can conceive, the
learning more about PWDs opened as it is temporary and does not body can achieve.
my mind to the possibilities of mar- provide satisfaction.
ginalized people making an impact Businesses integrating multiple The author is an MBA student at
on society. People with down syn- stakeholders like Jaipur rugs, where the Ramon V. del Rosario College
drome were able to put up different its founding principle and core com- of Business. This essay is part of a
businesses, namely restaurants, art petency was for the betterment of journal he kept in fulllment of the
gallery, clothing and many others. others, are the hardest ones to beat requirements of the course, Lasal-
The consistent value among them and are the most fullling. The im- lian Business Leadership with Cor-
was not letting disabilities crush pact of their actions ripple far beyond porate Social Responsibility and
their dreams. Their creativity, in- their nancial earnings, empowering Ethics. Visit his blog at http://gabri-
novation and belief in ones self communities and opening opportuni- GMA FOUNDATION PARTNER. GMA Network Inc.s socio-civic arm GMA Kapuso
propelled them to reach for their ties for generations to come. Foundation teams up with Ideal Vision, one of the countrys leading eye care services and
dreams. The people and environ- Pursue innovations for others The views expressed here are the products company. Ideal Vision will provide 2,100 pairs of eye glasses for GMAKFs Kapuso
ment near them also played a major Personally, I feel my drive is only authors and do not necessarily re- 20/20 Eye Project, which will be conducted in August coinciding with the Sight Saving Month.
part by providing a support system sustained by pursuing innovations ect the ofcial position of DLSU, Signing the partnership agreement on May 29 at the GMA Network Center in Quezon City are
and conditions conducive to chal- for others, where many would stand its faculty, and its administrators. GMAKF founder and Ambassador Mel Tiangco (right), GMAKF executive vice president and COO
Rikki Escudero-Catibog (center)and Ideal Vision assistant vice president for marketing Joy Go.
US jobs
Ray S. Eano, Editor
figures mixed
B4 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017
in May
EU calms ployment fell to a 16-year low
in May but monthly job cre-
ation has slowed sharply in the
nervous past three months, creating a
mixed picture of the labor mar-
industries The contrasting data could
muddy the waters ahead of a
Federal Reserve decision on
vs China interest rates later this month.
The economy added just
AS the European Union forges 138,000 net new jobs in May,
closer ties with China, the bloc well below analyst expecta-
is also moving to calm concern tions, and average job cre-
that Chinese exporters will ation for the last three months
destroy EU-based industries slowed to 121,000, after the
ranging from steel to solar. payrolls data for April and
The EU will retain the scope March were cut by a combined
to impose hefty levies against 66,000, the Labor Department
Chinese businesses that sell reported Friday.
goods below cost in Europe However, the jobless rate de-
under a planned tariff overhaul, creased by a tenth of a point to
according to Salvatore Cicu, an 4.3 percent.
Italian member of the Euro- But while that drop looks
pean Parliament. Europe is re- like good news, it also reects
vamping the way it calculates the fact that some workers left
duties on these dumped im- the labor force, with the close-
ports in response to longstand- ly-watched labor force partici-
ing Chinese demands for more pation rate falling 0.2 points to
favorable trade treatment. 62.7 percent.
We want to give a political As it has done in recent
messageespecially to Chi- months, the White House once
nathat we are open for trade, again hailed the good news in
but EU industries mustnt be the labor market.
penalized, Cicu, who is steer- White House Press Secretary
ing a draft law on the controver- Sean Spicer said the employ-
sial issue through the 28-nation ment report showed Ameri-
Parliament, said in an interview cans seeking jobs are having
at the assemblys headquarters RUSSIAN DIPLOMACY. Russian President Vladimir Putin (center) stands among Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (second from left), more success nding them
Moldovan President Igor Dodon (right) and Austrias Chancellor Christian Kern after a session of the St. Petersburg International Economic
in Strasbourg, France. We can than at any point in the last 16
Forum in Saint Petersburg on June 2, 2017. AFP
nd an effective compromise. years.
At a June 1-2 meeting in Theres a lot of positive
Brussels, Chinese and Europe- signs coming out of the job

Skepticism mounts for US

an leaders continued to chart a market, he told reporters.
path to closer trade and invest- President Donald Trump has
ment ties. The EU is seeking vowed to add 25 million new
to create stronger international jobs to the economy over a de-
bonds without reigniting a cade, but economists say this
populist wave in Europe that
rallied against globalisms
negative effects on domestic
industries and workers.
Meanwhile, the bloc is tell-
rate hikes on weak gures goal is unrealistic and the latest
data may bolster that view, es-
pecially with increasing reports
that rms are struggling to ll
open positions.
ing China that more open trade hile Janet Yellen and her Federal employment. Monthly payroll public campaign of fairly ex- The employment report came
with Europe rst requires fewer
barriers to foreign investment
in the Chinese market. After
Chinese President Xi Jinping
used the Davos forum of global
W Reserve colleagues are poised to raise
interest rates at their meeting this
month, investors increasingly doubt the central
gains are averaging 162,000
this year, a step down from the
2016 pace of 187,000. Aver-
age hourly earnings rose 2.5
percent from a year earlier, in-
plicit signals for a rate hike sim-
ilar to what occurred in March,
he said.
The Feds Beige Book on
Wednesday cited a variety of
a day after Trump announced
he was withdrawing the United
States from the 2015 Paris cli-
mate agreement in a bid to pre-
serve US jobs.
business and political elites in banks projection for additional hikes following dicating a tightening labor mar- anecdotes of worker shortages However analysts say the US
January to portray his country soft reports on US employment and ination. ket hasnt brought an accelera- and isolated pay raises across stands to gain more by partici-
as a champion of free markets, tion in wages. the central banks 12 districts. pating in the development of
EU Trade Commissioner Ceci- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. ident Robert Kaplan said if we The FOMC, last raised rates There was a manufacturer in renewable energy. One in ev-
lia Malmstrom said shes still on Friday pushed back its fore- are not at full employment, we in March and at the time pro- the Chicago region raising pay ery 50 new jobs added in the
looking for results. cast for a third rate increase this are moving closer. jected two additional increases 10 percent to attract workers. In United States in 2016 was in
We are all waiting now for year to December from Septem- Id be very surprised if they this year and three in 2018. the Atlanta district, construction the solar industry.
the remarks by the president to ber. Trading in futures contracts didnt hike in June, given all Those quarterly forecasts will work was delayed because of Jim OSullivan of High
translate into action and make shows odds of a September in- the signals that they have sent, be updated this month. an inability to ll positions. In Frequency Economics was
trade and investment more crease have dropped to just one said Jonathan Wright, an eco- The Fed has little credibil- the Cleveland area, a transpor- among those who said the
open, Malmstrom told an EU- in four, and investors are now nomics professor at Johns Hop- ity, said Ward McCarthy, chief tation rm gave drivers a raise weakness in job creation last
China business conference in pricing in less than one rate hike kins University in Baltimore. nancial economist with Jef- amounting to 7.5 percent to re- month likely was due to vol-
Brussels on June 2. in 2018 for the rst time since While he still expects two more feries LLC in New York. Inves- tain them. atility and distortions from
Disagreements over trade the eve of the US elections in interest-rate increases this year, tors expect the Fed to again Yet overall, theres no sign the seasonal adjustments applied
prevented both sides from November. the probability has increased back away from raising rates tightening labor market is lifting to the data.
drawing up as planned their Fed ofcials speaking on Fri- that the Federal Open Market at minimal provocation. That ination, which has been under Through the volatility, we
rst-ever statement on climate day expressed no disappoint- Committee will move only in is the legacy of the FOMC rate the Feds 2 percent target for believe the trend in employ-
change and clean energy at the ment with the payrolls gain of June, he said. hikes underachieving relative every month but one for the last ment growth remains more
summit, according to an EU 138,000 last month, which was The Labor Department re- to FOMC projections for so ve years. The Feds preferred than strong enough to keep
ofcial, who said the discord below economists expectations. port showed the jobless rate many years. measure of prices, excluding unemployment trending down
over commercial matters had Philadelphia Fed President Pat- fell to a 16-year low of 4.3 per- If Yellen decides to push for- food and energy, rose just 1.5 and the trend in wage gains
no impact on the unity over rick Harker called it a good cent, which is below the level ward in September, the FOMC percent in April from a year ear- upward, he said in a research
global warming. Bloomberg number, while Dallas Fed Pres- the FOMC estimates to be full may be forced to engage in a lier. Bloomberg note. AFP

Will it ever open? Berliners laugh, cry over long delayed airport
By Marie Julien opens, says Deutsche Bahn. But to avoid yet more embarrassment,
At the nearby Hotel Steigenberger, authorities have not set a new date.
BERLIN, GermanyLufthansa had its eight housekeepers and technicians Thomas Winkelmann, the boss of Air
planes ready and German Chancellor maintain empty roomseven though Berlin, has acknowledged the limits of
Angela Merkel was lined up for the the hotel is not expected to open before Berlin in terms of infrastructure.
ribbon-cutting ceremonyall was in the actual inauguration of the airport, In Aprildespite the carriers
place for the opening of Berlins state- according to its operator Deutsche Hos- namehe decided to boost the west-
of-the-art airport on June 3, 2012. pitality. ern city of Duesseldorf as a base for its
Except the airport itself. Travelers booking ights on websites long-haul ights.
Five years on, and the BER airport are already offered the choice of land- For now, BER is a running joke
remains unnished, shuttered and a by- ing at Tegel, Schoenefeld or BER among Berliners.
word for asco in a country usually bet- except that those who pick the third Some have suggested the sweeping
ter known for its engineering prowess choice nd no available ights. and deserted site as a possible nuclear
and obsession with punctuality. On Berlin roads, signs showing the waste storage site.
Construction had begun back in 2006 way to the airport are, for now, simply Others, picking up on the Internet
for the mega-project set to replace the crossed out. meme of Chuck Norris facts, say
German capitals two aging and satu- Running joke only the reputedly omnipotent US mar-
rated airportsTegel and Schoenefeld. Lufthansa spokesman Wolfgang tial arts lm hero can rescue the project
But the opening of BER, on the south- Weber recalled the day the airport was now.
ern outskirts of Berlin, was scrapped a meant to open, with one of the carriers One joke reprised former East Ger-
month before Merkel was due to inau- This le photo taken on September 11, 2012 shows passengers bridges on the Airbus jets set to be the rst on the man leader Walter Ulbrichts notori-
gurate the site in front of 10,000 guests. tarmac of the Berlin-Brandenburg International airport (BER) during a visit to the tarmac. ous denial in 1961 that the communists
The problem related to the re alarm building site in Schoenefeld near Berlin. AFP Germanys largest airline had a big were going to erect a wall around West
and smoke extraction systembut it plan to bump up the number of direct BerlinNobody intends to build an
soon emerged that this was far from the to more than 6 billion euros ($6.7 bil- own renovation. ights from Berlin to other destinations airport.
only issue. lion) to date. Other infrastructure linked to BER from eight to 45. The football club Darmstadt, after
Besides a litany of technical faults Authorities are running quirky week- has to be constantly maintained so it Tickets were sold, planes readied and its relegation following a loss to Her-
that included a roof twice the autho- ly visits to the airport for a fee, but at will be ready when the airport nally personnel hired, he said, but step by tha Berlin, sniped at its adversaries on
rized weight, there were planning er- 10 euros a head, they are doing little for opens its doors. step, we cut down this ight plan. Twitter that we landed in League 2,
rors, suppliers going bankrupt, and sus- the bottom line. To ensure that the rail tracks and sta- Today, Lufthansa and its subsidiary but you are still landing at Tegel.
picions of corruption. No ights tions built for the airport remain opera- Eurowings link Berlin to 30 destina- Even Germanys usually dour -
Finally the scandal cost Berlins for- While the airport remains shut, its tional and free of mould, an empty re- tions from Tegel airport, and the carrier nance ministry joined the fun in a vid-
mer mayor Klaus Wowereit his job. runways are occasionally being used gional train circulates on the route two has kept BER off its ights plans for eo presenting Germany as this years
Meanwhile BERs building costs by neighboring Schoenefeld airport, nights a week. coming years. G20 summit host, with an image of the
more than tripled from the 1.7 billion which was once the air hub of commu- The ghost trains will continue their We need a dateand to have that date airport and the admission we are not
euros ($1.9 billion) initially budgeted nist East Berlin and is undergoing its lonely trips until the day the terminal at least a year in advance, said Weber. perfect. AFP
Jimbo Owen Gulle, Editor
Roger M. Garcia, Assistant Editor
MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017 C1

NAIAX OPENS. San Miguel Corp. president Ramon Ang, Public Works Secretary Mark Villar, Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno, and Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade flash their fists during the inauguration of the Naia
Expressway in Pasay City on Thursday night. Norman Cruz

Erap to meet security firms Help desks

ready in
By Sandy Araneta World highlights the need to
reexamine the readiness of the
speculations about the incident,
particularly in the social media,
business establishments in the
city anytime this week. Taguig
F schools
security officers of business es- that only ignite unnecessary Also, the Mayor reminded us
OLLOWING the attack at Resorts World tablishments. We should not let tension and panic among the to keep our full alert status until
Manila in Pasay City, Manila Mayor Joseph that incident to happen again, populace. such time the tension at Resorts
Erap Estrada has ordered the Manila Estrada said. Amid fears of small-scale World has died down, kasi we
He also conveyed his deepest terrorist attacks in Metro Ma- dont know kung meron pang sim- By Joel E. Zurbano
Police District to maintain its highest defense condolence to the families of 37 nila, the mayor assured that the ilar attacksso we have to pre-
readiness condition to frustrate any security people who died in the rampage. citys 4,600-strong police force pare for similar threats, he said. THE Taguig City government
On behalf of the people of the has been in heightened alert in Coronel said he is coordinat- will deploy personnel to set
threats in the countrys capital. up Help Desk Stations in all
City of Manila, I offer my heart- the past several weeks. ing with the PNP-Supervisory
felt sympathy to the families MPD director Chief Supt. Office for Security and Investi- public schools in the city to
This as Estrada announced and similar establishments, to of the deceased. May the souls Joel Coronel confirmed he has gation Agency (Sosia) in Camp assist parents and students re-
he will be meeting with private reassess their security measures of their loved ones find eternal received instructions from Es- Crame to help in the consultative lating to the opening of class-
security agencies, particularly and capabilities in the wake of rest, said Estrada. trada to set up a meeting with meeting with the security offic- es on Monday.
those guarding big hotels, gam- the recent incident. He likewise called on the pub- various private security agencies ers and agencies operating in On June 5, we will be set-
ing areas such as casinos, malls, The incident at Resorts lic to refrain from spreading and in-house security units of Manila. ting up Help Desk stations in
all schools to assist the par-
ents and students, especially
the transferees, Local School

Mommy Sobria, 18, crowned Miss Makati 2017 Board [LSB] head Dr. Nativi-
dad Jimenez said.
The National Maintenance

enforcers EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD Nicole

Sobria won the Miss Makati 2017
crown, besting 11 other candi-
Another candidate, Ms. Heidi
Santos of Brgy. Southside, was
named Ms. Makati Tourism 2017.
Week, popularly known as
Brigada Eskwela, was also
held from May 15 to May

to issue dates in the pageants coronation

night held on Friday evening at
the Rizal Ballroom of Makati
She also won the Miss Makati So-
cial Media Award that earned her
P20,000 worth of gift packs.
20 in 23 elementary schools
and 13 secondary schools of

OVRs too Shangri-La Manila Hotel.

Makati Mayor Abby Binay led
the crowning ceremony and con-
Miss Makati 2017 took home
P150,000 as major cash prize,
an iPhone 7, overnight stay for
Brigada Eskwela show-
cased the modern way of
bayanihan among teachers,
MANILAS mommy traffic gratulated the five-foot seven inches four at Las Ventanas Tagaytay, parents, students, volunteers
enforcersmothers who work tall Sobria, who stood out among overnight stay for two at the and other members of the
as part-time traffic aideswill the candidates with her statuesque Dusit Thani Hotel, Holiday Inn community. Under the pro-
soon be authorized to appre- beauty, wit and intelligence. & Suites, and Discovery Primea, gram, different sectors helped
hend and issue traffic citation The City of Makati proudly personality development course in the repair of school build-
tickets to erring motorists, presents the new Miss Makati at John Robert Powers, various ings, and ensured cleanliness
according to Mayor Joseph who embodies the qualities of gift items and gift certificates in their premises.
Erap Estrada. an empowered woman, one who worth thousands, among others. According to Jimenez, the
Estrada said the first batch can greatly inspire other women Miss Makati Tourism won an students have already re-
of women traffic enforcers are to pursue their dreams with con- P80,000-cash prize, an iPhone 7, ceived their free uniforms
now undergoing rigid training fidence, courage and persever- personality development course from the Taguig govern-
and seminar on advance traffic ance, Mayor Abby said. at John Robert Powers, gift ment. The girls received
management to upgrade their The newly crowned Miss items and gift certificates. three blouses and two skirts,
working knowledge about the Makati 2017 will serve as an am- The Miss Makati 2017 pag- while boys got three polos
different types of traffic viola- bassador of goodwill, represent- eant, now on its 27th year, and two pairs of pants. High
tions and the traffic rules and ing the countrys financial capital was one of the highlights of school students are also set
regulations of the city. in its various pursuits and advoca- the citywide celebration of the to receive Physical Educa-
Were now upgrading their cies. These include the promotion 347th foundation day of Makati. tion uniforms.
skills and technical know-how of Makati as the premier invest- It was hosted by Ding Mercado. Students will be receiving
because probably within the ment and tourism destination in The board of judges in this years a complete set of notebooks,
year, we will be issuing them the country, and youth and women pageant was chaired by Cory Quiri- pencils and ball pens. Ad-
OVRs (Ordinance Violation empowerment. no, TV Host and beauty pageant Miss Makati 2017 Nicole Sobria (left) poses with Miss Makati Tourism ditional items will also be
Receipts) to apprehend traffic The mayor exhorted Miss titleholder; with members Cesar 2017 Heidi Santos after the coronation night of their beauty pageant on given to grade schoolers such
violators, the mayor said. Makati to carry the torch of our Campos, chairman and CEO of Friday night. as sharpeners, crayons, a pair
Estrada said the mommy citys culture, people and life- Cenel Development Corp.; Dindo of scissors, pad papers and
traffic enforcers have exceed- style to instill pride in the heart Fernando, vice president of Exter- Abby Asistio, and RJ Dela Fuente. Beatriz dela Cruz (Poblacion), health kits (for preschoolers
ed his expectations. Theyve of every Makatizen. nal Affairs, Ayala Land Inc.; Boysie Other candidates who made it Joan Cel Cuizon (Carmona), Al- up to Grade 3) containing
shown dedication to their job Sobria is from Brgy. Tejeros Villavicencio, artist and painter; and to the top 12 of this years Miss exandra Que (Guadalupe Viejo), powder, toothpaste, face tow-
and have proven to be of big and a second-year student at the beauty queen maker and fashion de- Makati search were Rachelle Hi- Jane Usison (Bangkal), Ma. Krizel el and bath soap.
help to our traffic management De La Salle University taking up signer Renee Salud. jazi (Pitogo), Francine Nicole Vil- Pido (Pembo), Alyanna Gamboa Grab bags or emergency
units, he said. Bachelor of Science in Psycholo- Entertainment numbers were lava (Carmona), Deanne Claribel (Guadalupe Viejo), and Juliecar kits will also be provided to el-
Members of this womens gy. She was born on July 3, 1998. provided by Leo Tavarro Valdez, Lejano (South Cembo), Sherrie Faith Amian (Guadalupe Nuevo). ementary students.
corps of traffic enforcers, now
numbering 240, are deployed
outside the elementary school
campuses across the city with
only one primary mission: To
Bautista: Dont let kids ride overloaded tricycles
help the schoolchildren cross
QUEZON City Mayor Herbert Bautista Dont put the life of your child in per- to prioritize the safety of the students monwealth and Katipunan Avenues.
the street and get to school or
is calling on parents to pay extra atten- il. The laws are there to safeguard public when more than two-million students DPOS constables will also be deployed
their home safely.
tion to the safety of their children by not safety. With or without law enforcers, begin to flock the streets for the open- in schools on Monday.
So far, weve been getting
letting them ride overloaded tricycles. we should follow the law to the letter as ing of classes on Monday, June 5. Officers have been deployed and
positive feedbacks concerning our
The mayor likewise reminded parents these were enacted for the welfare of the The DPOS has started deploying ad- assigned to schools as early as 5
mommy traffic enforcers. Indeed,
to follow the Motorcycle Safety for Chil- public, Bautista said. ditional traffic constables in the citys a.m., DPOS Traffic Operations Divi-
we can trust them with the safety
dren Act, which prohibits children from The mayor has ordered Quezon Citys major thoroughfares such as Quirino sion assistant head Roselier Arbolado
of our children, being mothers
riding motorcycles. Department of Public Order and Safety Highway, Aurora Boulevard, Com- said.
themselves, Estrada said.

MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017

Senate to probe crop smuggling

By Dexter A. See after the implementation of the vegetables, which are openly will report to us that no smug-
anti-smuggling of agricultural sold in Divisoria and Cebu and gler was arrested or charged,

crops law. being shipped through the Ca- Ejercito said.
A TRINIDAD, BenguetSenator Joseph Victor Ejercito said Sunday He warned BoC officials to be gayan de Oro port. These com- Something must be done to
the Senate committee on agriculture will be conducting an inquiry this realistic about their report on if pete directly with locally pro- erring BoC officials who were
month relative to the unabated smuggling of agricultural crops that there were smugglers of agricul- duced crops, which results in the actually remiss in their duties
tural crops who were apprehend- drop in their buying prices. in allowing the smooth entry of
have caused the drop in the prices of locally produced vegetables, which has ed and charged with economic Based on evidence obtained smuggled agricultural crops to
greatly affected the sabotage, pursuant to the pro- by local farmers, Chinese car- the country, which had directly
sources of livelihood of visions of the law, because the rots that were smuggled into the affected the source of livelihood
NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION ERRORS & Senate would be constrained country took four months before of our farmers.
The public is hereby notified that CORTEXPH
OMISSIONS Filipinos engaged in the to make drastic actions against they were rotten, while Chinese Allowing the free entry of
INC., a corporation organized and existing under In Classified agriculture sector. them if it will be uncovered that potatoes that were sneaked into smuggled agricultural crops to
Philippine laws, with registered address at 15/F Ads section they were remiss in the perfor- the various ports germinated flood the countrys market is
Enterprise Center Tower I 6766 Ayala Ave. Cor. must be brought mance of their duties. instead of rotting after three considered as economic sabo-
Paseo de Roxas Brgy. San Lorenzo, Makati
Ejercito revealed the com-
City, Philippines, will be DISSOLVED through
to our attention mittee chaired by Senator Cyn- Provincial officials led by months of being stocked by one tage, the lawmaker stressed, be-
shortening of corporate term in accordance the very day the thia Villar will be appraised by Gov. Crescencio Pacalso and of the trading associations, proof cause it will significantly affect
with Section 120 of the Corporation Code. advertisement is
published. We will the Bureau of Customs regard- concerned farmers associations of the unabated smuggling of ag- the source of livelihood of nearly
The corporations dissolution will take effect
upon approval by the Securities and Exchange not be responsible ing the agencys accomplish- brought to the attention of Ejer- ricultural crops in the country. 60 percent of the countrys popu-
Commission of the amendment made on the for any incorrect ment in curbing the smuggling cito during his visit here Satur- It will be unacceptable and lation, which is producing agri-
corporations Articles of Incorporation to shorten ads not reported to of agricultural crops, one year day the unabated smuggling of unforgivable if BOC officials cultural crops.
its corporate term. us immediately.
(MS-MAY 29, JUNE 5 & 12, 2017)

Republic of the Philippines Municipality of Limay Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health Province of Bataan
Bids and Awards Committee
Department of Health
Republic of the Philippines Invitation to Bid
Department of Health INVITATION TO BID
CENTRAL OFFICE BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE Municipality of Limay, Bataan invites PhilGeps registered suppliers to bid for the FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTER TABLETS
INVITATION TO BID following item: IB NO. 2017-263
Approved 1. The Department of Health (DOH), through the General Appropriations Act of 2017
1. The Department of Health (DOH), through the General Appropriations Act CY 2017 intends to apply the Sources of Contract Budget Cost of Bid
Item Item / Description Location for the Documents intends to apply the sum of Forty Five Million Philippine Pesos (PhP45,000,000.00)
sum of Forty Million Eleven Thousand Ninety Five Philippine Pesos (PhP40,011,095.00) for the Fund Duration
projects listed below. Bids received in excess of each ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening:
Contract being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for
Rental of Heavy the Procurement of Computer Tablets under IB No. 2017-263. Bids received in excess
IB No. Name of Contract ABC (PHP) Cost of Bidding Single Largest Completed
Equipment for Solid St. Francis 1, 30 1,000.00 of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.
1 Limay, Bataan GEN FUND
Documents (Php) Contract 660,000.00
Procurement of Nucleic Acid At least Twenty Five Percent Waste Management Days.
IB No. Amplification Technology- (25%) of the ABC within the System 2. The DOH now invites bids for the procurement of the above-captioned project.
10,011,095.00 25,000.00 Delivery of the Goods is required within the period specified under SECTION VI.
2017-257 Isothermal for Detection of specified period in the Section
Dengue Virus III. Bid Data Sheet Schedule of Requirements. Bidders should have completed, within two (2) years from
Rental of Transport
Hiring of an Event Organizer At least Fifty Percent (50%) of the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project, equivalent
IB No. for the Conduct of ASEAN the ABC within the specified 2 Equipments for Limay Limay, Bataan SEF 24 Mos. 6,336,000.00 10,000.00
30,000,000.00 25,000.00 to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC. The description of an eligible bidder is
2017-261 Conference on Non- period in the Section III. Bid Public Schools
Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Data Sheet contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.
TOTAL 40,011,095.00 Rental of Transport
2. The DOH now invites Bids from eligible Bidders for the procurement of the above-caption projects. Delivery 3 Equipments for Limay Bataan GEN FUND 24Mos. 13,728,000.00 15,000.00 3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a
of the Goods as specified in Section VI. Schedule of Requirements. Bidders should have completed, Municipality of Limay non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specified in the 2016 Revised Implementing
within the specified years from the date of submission and receipt of bids a contracts similar to each of the Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the
above-cited procurement projects stated in the Bidding Documents. The description of an eligible bidder is Municipality of Limay through the Bids and Awards Committee now invites bid for the
contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders. Government Procurement Reform Act.
above-mentioned Goods. Bids received in excess of the ABC and late bids shall be
3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary pass/ automatically rejected at bid opening.
fail criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or
otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act. Prospective Bidders should have completed at least one (1) similar contract equivalent organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least to at least fifty percent (50%) of the contract to be bid, within five (5) years immediately belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to citizens or organizations of a country
sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to preceding the deadline for submission and receipt of bids. the laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to Filipino citizens,
citizens or organizations of a country the laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to pursuant to RA 5183.
Filipino citizens, pursuant to RA 5183 and subject to Commonwealth Act 138. Bidders is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or
4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the COBAC Secretariat, G/F, Bldg. 6, Department of organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest of outstanding capital stock 4. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the COBAC Secretariat,
Health, San Lazaro Compound, Sta. Cruz, Manila and inspect the Bidding Documents at 8:00 AM to 5:00 belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to citizens or organizations of a country Ground Floor, Building 6, Department of Health, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal
PM, Monday to Friday.
the laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to Filipino citizens, Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents for each procurement package listed above may be acquired by pursuant to RA 5183 and subject to Commonwealth Act 138. above during 8:00 AM 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday.
interested bidders on 05 June 2017 to 27 June 2017 from the address above and upon payment of a
nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents, pursuant to the latest Guidelines issued by the GPPB Open competitive bidding procedures will be conducted using a non-discretionary
Resolution No. 04-2012, dated 24 February 2012, in the amount specified above. 5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be acquired by interested Bidders on 05
pass/fail criterion, evaluation and post-qualification procedures as specified in the June 26 June 2017 from the address above and upon payment of the applicable fee
It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184.
Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders who for the Bidding Documents, pursuant to the latest Guidelines issued by the GPPB, in
are interested to participate shall pay the applicable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the the amount of Twenty Five Thousand Philippine Pesos (PhP25,000.00)
submission of their bids. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be acquired by interested Bidders from
Bidding Documents Fee may be refunded in accordance with the aforementioned Guidelines based on the Municipality of Limay Bataan, upon accomplishing a bidders information sheet and It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine
grounds provided for under Section 41 of 2016 Revised IRR of RA 9184. payment of a non-refundable fee for the bidding documents. Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the
6. The DOH will hold a Pre-Bid Conference and the Submission and Opening of Bids at the COBAC Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the applicable fee for the Bidding
Conference Room, G/F, Building 6, Department of Health, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Schedules and venue of the procurement activities are as follows: Documents not later than the submission of their bids.
Cruz, Manila, which shall be opened to all interested parties on the schedule given below:
IB No. Name of Contract Activity (Date & Time) Activity Date and Time Venue 6. The DOH will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on 13 June 2017, 10:00 AM at the COBAC
Pre-bidding Submission and Conference Room, Ground Floor, Building 6, Department of Health, San Lazaro
Conference Opening of Bids Issuance of Bidding June 5 - 23, 2017 Conference Room, Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila, which shall be open to prospective
IB No. Procurement of Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology-Isothermal Documents 2ndFloor,Limay Municipal Building bidders.
2017-257 for Detection of Dengue Virus 13 June 2017; 27 June 2017;
June 16, 2017, Conference Room, 2nd Floor,
IB No. Hiring of an Event Organizer for the Conduct of ASEAN 10:00 A.M. 09:00 A.M. Pre-bid Conference 7. Bids must be duly received by the COBAC-B Secretariat at the address below on or
2017-261 Conference on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) 2:00 P.M. Limay Municipal Building
before 26 June 2017, 9:00 AM All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any
7. Bids must be delivered to the address stated below. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any Submission and June 28, 2017, Conference Room, 2nd of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated below: Opening of Bids 10:00 A.M. Floor,Limay Municipal Building
Amount of Bid Security
Form of Bid Security Bid opening shall be on 26 June 2017, 9:00 AM at the COBAC Conference Room,
(Not less than the required percentage of the ABC) The pre-bid conference is open to all interested parties who have or have not bought
Cash, Cashiers/managers check issued by a Ground Floor, Building 6, Department of Health, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue,
Universal or Commercial Bank. the bidding documents. Sta. Cruz, Manila. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives
Bank draft/guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit
issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank: Provided, Two percent (2%) who choose to attend at the address above. Late bids shall not be accepted.
however, that it shall be confirmed or authenticated Bids must be delivered to the specified venue/address on the date and time stated
by a Universal or Commercial Bank, if issued by a herein. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms 8. The DOH reserves the right to reject any and all bids, declare a failure of bidding, or not
foreign bank.
Surety bond callable upon demand issued by a surety and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18. award the contract at any time prior to contract award in accordance with Section 41 of RA
or insurance company duly certified by the Insurance Five percent (5%)
9184 and its IRR, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
Commission as authorized to issue such security.
Bid Securing Declaration No percentage required
Municipality of Limay reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the
bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without 9. For further information, please refer to:
Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders representatives who choose to attend at the address hereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
below. Late bids shall not be accepted.
8. The DOH reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, declare a failure of bidding, or not award For further information, please contact: COBAC B SECRETARIAT
the contract at any time prior to contract award in accordance with Section 41 of RA 9184 and its IRR, Department of Health
without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders. MS. RAQUEL LEONGSON 2nd Floor, Building 6, San Lazaro Compound,
9. For further information, please refer to: Procurement Office Sta. Cruz, Manila 1003
COBAC-C Secretariat Ground Floor Limay Municipal Building, National Road, Tel. No. 651-7800 Loc. 1625 1627;
Department of Health Brgy. Townsite, Limay, Bataan Telefax No. 711-6061
San Lazaro Compound
Sta. Cruz, Manila
Tel. 61-8060 Website:
Tel. Nos. 651-7800 local 1625 to 1627; 1650 to 52
Facsimile No.: 741-9775; 740-6830 (SGD.) MA. CAROLINA V. TAIO, CPA, MGM, CESO IV
Assistant Secretary of Health BAC CHAIRMAN COBAC B Chairperson
COBAC - C Chairperson (MS-JUNE 5, 2017)
(MS-JUNE 5, 2017)
(MS-JUNE 5, 2017)

Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Province of Bataan
Province of Bataan
The Bids and Awards Committee of the Municipality of Limay through the SEF FUND The Bids and Awards Committee of the Municipality of Limay through the GEN
Budget Year 2017 invites registered contractors to apply for eligibility to bid of the FUND Budget Year 2017 invites registered contractors to apply for eligibility to bid
of the following projects/contracts; PROCUREMENT OF CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE
following projects/contracts; CONDUCT OF A NATIONAL SURVEY ON ORAL HEALTH
Approved Approved Cost (NSOH) IN THE PHILIPPINES
Name of Project/ Sources of Cost of Name of Project/ Sources of
Location Duration Budget Location Duration Budget of Bid
Contract FUNDS Bid Docs. Contract FUNDS
Cost(ABC) Cost(ABC) Docs. REI-CS-GOP-2017-014
Construction of Covered Brgy. Duale, Reinforced Concrete
Court at Kinaragan SEF FUND 180 Days 6,731,731.37 10,000.00 Drainage System Brgy. Kitang, 1. The Department of Health (DOH), through the General Appropriations Act of 2017
Limay, Bataan
Limay, Bataan GEN FUND
Elementary School 90 Days 655,293.00 1,000.00
at Roxas St., Brgy. intends to apply the sum of Ten Million Philippine Pesos (PhP10,000,000.00)
Construction of School Kitang being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payment under the contract
Canteen at Lamao Brgy. Townsite, Fabrication, Delivery for the Procurement of Consulting Services for the Conduct of a National Survey on
Elementary School SEF FUND 180 Days 7,895,899.00 10,000.00 Oral Health (NSOH) in the Philippines. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be
Limay, Bataan and Installation of
at Limay Elementary Brgy. Towsnite, GEN FUND automatically rejected at the opening of the financial proposal.
School Work Stations at 180 Days 18,098,870.00 25,000.00
Limay, Bataan
Limay Municipal
Construction of School Building 2. The DOH now calls for the submission of eligibility documents for the Procurement
Brgy. Lamao, of Consulting Services for the Conduct of a National Survey on Oral Health (NSOH)
Canteen at Lamao SEF FUND 180 Days 8,277,427.00 10,000.00
Limay, Bataan Mechanical Works in the Philippines. Eligibility documents of interested consulting firms must be duly
Elementary School
with Electrical Brgy. received by the COBAC B Secretariat on or before June 13, 2017, 9:00 A.M. at
Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. Supply Lines at Reformista, GEN FUND 180 Days 17,500,000.00 25,000.00 COBAC Conference Room, G/F Building 6, Department of Health, San Lazaro
Limay Polytechnic Limay, Bataan Compound, Sta. Cruz, Manila. Applications for eligibility will be evaluated based on a
College(LPC) non-discretionary pass/fail criterion.
Bidders should have completed, within Ten(10) years from the date of submission and
receipt of bids, a contract similar to the project. The description of an eligible bidder is 3. Interested bidders may obtain further information from COBAC Secretariat, COBAC
Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. Conference Room, G/F, Building 6, Department of Health, San Lazaro Compound,
contained in the bidding documents, particularly, in section II, Instruction to Bidders.
Sta. Cruz, Manila and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given above
Bidders should have completed, within Ten(10) years from the date of submission during 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday.
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non- and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the project. The description of an eligible
discretionary pass/fail criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations bidder is contained in the bidding documents, particularly, in section II, Instruction 4. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be acquired by interested Bidders on June
(IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise known as the Government to Bidders. 05 to July 17, 2017 from the address above upon payment of applicable fee for the
Procurement Reform Act. Bidding Documents, pursuant to the latest Guidelines issued by the GPPB in the
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using amount of Ten Thousand Philippine Pesos (PhP10,000.00).
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine
the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Cost of Bidding Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise known as the Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the
Documents. Government Procurement Reform Act. Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the applicable fee for the Bidding
Documents not later than the submission of their bids.
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from
The venue of bidding shall be at the Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Limay Municipal the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Cost of Bidding 5. The COBAC shall draw up the short list of consulting firms from those who have
Hall, National Road, Barangay Townsite,Limay, Bataan. Schedule of Activities are Documents. submitted Expression of Interest, including the eligibility documents, and have been
as follows: determined as eligible in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act (RA) 9184,
The venue of bidding shall be at the Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Limay Municipal otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act, and its Implementing
Activity Schedule Hall, National Road, Barangay Townsite,Limay, Bataan. Schedule of Activities are Rules and Regulations (IRR). The criteria and rating system for short listing are:
Purchase of Bid Documents June 5 June 23, 2017 as follows:
Pre-bid Conference June 14, 2017, 1:00 P.M. a) Applicable Experience (60 %)
Activity Schedule b) Qualification of Personnel (35 %)
Submission of Bids June 27, 2017, 1:00 P.M. Purchase of Bid Documents June 5 - June 26, 2017 c) Current Workload (5 %)
Opening of Bids June 27, 2017, 2:00 P.M. Pre-bid Conference June 16, 2017, 1:00 P.M. 6. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-
Submission of Bids June 28, 2017, 1:00 P.M. discretionary pass/fail criterion as specified in the IRR of R.A. 9184.
All prospective bidders are encouraged to attend the pre-bid conference, however,
Opening of Bids June 28, 2017, 2:00 P.M.
only those who have purchased the bidding documents may participate in the Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, cooperatives, and
discussion at said conference. All prospective bidders are encouraged to attend the pre-bid conference, however, partnerships or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding
only those who have purchased the bidding documents may participate in the capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.
Bids will be opened on the scheduled date/time at the venue specified above in the discussion at said conference. 7. The Procuring Entity shall evaluate bids using the Quality-Cost Based Evaluation
presence of the Bidders or their representatives who choose to attend 0the bidding. Procedure (QCBE). The Procuring Entity shall indicate the weights to be allocated
Late bids shall not be accepted. Bids will be opened on the scheduled date/time at the venue specified above in the for the Technical and Financial Proposals. The criteria and rating system for the
presence of the Bidders or their representatives who choose to attend the bidding. evaluation of bids shall be provided in the Instructions to Bidders.
The Municipality of Limay reserves the right to accept the most advantageous to Late bids shall not be accepted. 8. The contract shall be completed within one (1) year.
the government or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all
bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the The Municipality of Limay reserves the right to accept the most advantageous 9. The DOH reserves the right to reject any and all bids, declare a failure of bidding, or not
affected Bidder/Bidders. to the government or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all award the contract at any time prior to contract award in accordance with Section 41 of RA
bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the 9184 and its IRR, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
For further information, please refer to: affected Bidder/Bidders.
10. For further information, please refer to:
For further information, please refer to:
Procurement Office, RAQUEL A. LEONGSON Department of Health
Ground Floor, Limay Municipal Building, National Road, Brgy. Townsite 2nd Floor, Building 6, San Lazaro Compound,
Procurement Office, Sta. Cruz, Manila 1003
Limay, Bataan Ground Floor, Limay Municipal Building, National Road, Brgy. Townsite Tel. No. 651-7800 Loc. 1625 1627;
(047)6138026 Limay, Bataan Telefax No. 711-6061
(047)6138026 Website:

BAC Chairman Assistant Secretary of Health
(MS-JUNE 5, 2017) (MS-JUNE 5, 2017)
BAC Chairman (MS-JUNE 5, 2017)


World MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017 C3

slam Trumps
Mexico wall
TIJUANAGerman and Mex-
ican artists staged a show on the
border with the United States in
protest at Washingtons plans to
build a wall, thrilling hundreds
but infuriating supporters of the
controversial plan to stop the
ow of illegal migrants.
The musicians took part
Saturday in a Tear Down this
Wall event organized by the
Dresden Sinfoniker orchestra
at a park in the Mexican city of
Tijuana at the foot of the metal-
lic fence that divides the two
The show was originally due
to take place on both sides of
the border, but US authorities
denied permission to hold the
crowd-funded event on their
side, citing security concerns.
Just before the concert began,
orchestra director Markus Rindt
shared his thoughts on the barri-
ers that separate people around
the world.
Pieces of metal are for re-
cycling and when they are on
a wall, we should instead use
them to build musical instru- MASS. Pope Francis swings a censer in front of a statue of the Virgin Mary during a Pentecost mass on June 4, 2017 at St Peters square in the Vatican. AFP
ments, not to separate people,
he told the audience.

Talks to save oceans kick off

Rindt was a young man in
1987 when Ronald Reagan
urged the then-Soviet Union to
Tear down this wall in Ber-
linthe quote that inspired his
Next to the Tijuana Light-

small island nations that have the Caribbean Sea, Indian and Pacic or depressed about any of this,
house, artists and their as- IAMIWorld leaders convene at UN most to lose. Oceans. said Jumeau during a UN press
sistants observed a minute of headquarters next week for the first How can you worry about Recent studies have shown the conference.
silence in memory of the mi-
grants who died trying to cross major bid to solve the toughest problems someone who is not in the room? troubling extent of plastic pollu- We are reaching out to all the
said Ambassador Ronny Jumeau, tion, even in the most remote parts friends of the oceans that you can
the barrier built more than two facing our oceans, from coral bleaching to plastic permanent representative to the of the world. think of to meet the challenges
decades ago. pollution, overfishing and rising seas due to United Nations for Seychelles. An uninhabited island in the that we face.
US President Donald Trump
made expanding the border wall climate change. Look at who is here, who is
sitting in the front row, and say,
south Pacic, Henderson Island,
thousands of miles from civiliza-
Previous global meetings on
problems facing the oceans have
with Mexico one of his leading Now what are we going to do tion was recently shown to be pil- taken place, but the World Wild-
campaign themes, claiming The Ocean Conference in New of crafting a broad call to action, about this? ing up more than 3,500 pieces of life Funds John Tanzer described
criminals and drug trafckers York June 5-9 attempts to rally na- and is expected to sign it. The world just marked its three plastic per day. this one as historic because the
were ooding over the southern tions big and small to make mean- We are committed to halting hottest years in modern times. Even year, more than eight mil- talks are under the auspices of the
US border. He also insisted that ingful changes to preserve what is and reversing the decline in the And the oceans have absorbed lion ton of plastic washes into the United Nations for the rst time.
Mexico would pay for the new arguably the Earths most impor- health and productivity of our about one third of the carbon di- oceans, costing at least $8 billion The reality is that oceans have
wall. tant resource, experts say. ocean, says the three-page docu- oxide released by human activi- in damage to marine ecosystems been in steep decline for at least the
Mexico has so far steadfastly US President Donald Trumps ment, which also expresses alarm ties, protecting the planet from the and killing an estimated one mil- last 50 or 60 years, Tanzer, global
refused, and Trump has yet to recent decision to withdraw from at the impact of climate change on full brunt of climate change. lion sea birds, 100,000 sea mam- oceans lead at WWF, told AFP.
secure any of the billions of the Paris climate accord is expect- the ocean. Melting glaciers and sea ice at mals and untold numbers of sh. Here we are in 2017, and it is
dollars in congressional fund- ed to be a hot topic at the talks, The call to action is expected to the poles threatens swell sea level And famous coral reefs, such impossible to talk of anywhere in
ing needed to start his agship which no high-ranking US of- be signed and released some point to the point of washing away en- as Australias Great Barrier Reef, the worlds oceans as being pris-
project. AFP cials are expected to attend. during the week-long conference, tire islands and populated coast- are suffering from hot tempera- tine, he said.
But despite Trumps decision which will bring government of- lineshome to 37 percent of the tures like never before in modern Specically, nations will talk
Thursday to end US participa- cials, ocean advocates and some planets populationin the com- times, with mass bleaching and about how to meet the 2015 UN-
Stampede in tion in the Paris deal, which drew
worldwide condemnation, experts
heads of state to New York.
The US pullout from Paris
ing decades. die-offs continuing unabated for adopted Sustainable Development
Just 20 inches (half meter) of the past two years. Goal 14, to conserve and sustain-
Turin leaves at the Pew Charitable Trust said means other nations will lead the sea level rise could displace 1.2 Small island states cannot af- ably use the oceans, seas, and ma-
1,000 injured the United States has been a part way at the UN talks, particularly million people from islands in the ford to be dismayed or feel down rine resources. AFP

TURINAt least 1,000 people

were injured, seven seriously,
after a bomb scare triggered
a stampede among Juventus
Distracted Congress
fans watching he Champions
League nal in Turin, local au-
thorities said Sunday.
presents a problem
AFP reporters witnessed the WASHINGTONDonald Trump vately expressed frustration with
chaotic scenes that ensued in a may have managed to unilater- the slow pace on Capitol Hill,
packed square 10 minutes be- ally reject a global climate pact, as well as some embarrassment
fore the end of the match on but the US president faces uphill about how an initial effort to ram
Saturday evening. battles to achieve his legislative health care changes through the
The panic seemed to have priorities, with Congress con- House of Representatives col-
been triggered by reworks be- sumed by division and distracted lapsed in March.
ing let off and one or more peo- by Russia probes and looming s- A revised Obamacare repeal
ple shouting that a bomb had cal deadlines. bill passed the House in May, and
exploded -- a notion that quick- When he addressed a gather- Senate Republicans are crafting
ly ltered through the crowd. ing Thursday in the White House their own version. But even Ma-
The incident compounded a Rose Garden, Trump used his ex- jority Leader Mitch McConnell
miserable night for supporters ecutive authority to declare that has acknowledged it will be dif-
of Juventus, who lost the Car- were getting out of the Paris cult to pass it through the Senate,
diff nal 4-1 to Real Madrid. climate accord. where Republicans have a narrow
It also underlined the impact It is less simple on Capitol Hill, 52-48 majority.
recent acts of terror are having where political novice Trump Hopefully Republican Sena-
on a jittery public across Europe has endured a rough education tors, good people all, can quickly
and the problems now faced by in Washington deal-making since get together and pass a new (re- PRAYER. A Samaritan worshiper prays on top of Mount Gerizim near the northern West Bank city of Nablus
organizers of any mass gath- taking ofce in January. peal & replace) HEALTHCARE as they celebrate the Shavuot festival at dawn on June 4, 2017. Shavuot marks the giving of the Torah at
ering of people following the In the opening months, he has bill, Trump tweeted Wednesday, Mount Sinai seven weeks after the exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt. The Samaritan religion is based on
Bataclan, Paris and Manchester learned how little control he has in a more-than-gentle nudge. four principles of faith, one God - the God of Israel, one Prophet - Moses Ben Amram, the belief in the Torah -
concert attacks. over Congress, even when its two In a sign Trump was losing the rst ve books of the Bible and one holy place - Mount Gerizim. AFP
The scare in Turin came just chambers are led by his own Re- patience, however, he urged the
minutes before another deadly
attack unfolded in London with
assailants driving a van into pe-
publican Party.
Lawmakers return to Washing-
ton on Monday under pressure to
Senate to change its longstanding
rules and switch to 51 votes to
pass health care and tax reform
Polls to test strongmans popularity
destrians on London Bridge and advance Trumps agenda, notably with simple majorities instead of PHNOM PENHMillions of But the opposition has been he has a residence and a nearby
assailants going on a stabbing bills to repeal and replace Barack the 60 votes needed to overcome Cambodians voted in local polls hammered by a crackdown in re- bodyguard unit stationed.
spree before being shot dead by Obamas health care reforms and opposition blocking tactics. on Sunday, testing the political cent months, with critics jailed He declined to speak to media
police. overhaul US tax law. But despite weeks of closed- temperature of a country rife with and the main political rival to Hun but appeared relaxed, smiling and
Most of the injured in Turin In the absence of major legisla- door meetings, Republican sena- tension between its strongman Sen eeing overseas to escape waving to voters as he passed.
were treated for cuts and bruises tive victories, and with crises roil- tors have yet to unveil a new premier and an embattled opposi- charges. Many supporters cited Hun
but seven had to be admitted to ing the White Houseincluding health bill. tion determined to end his three- I voted for a change, I want to Sens oft-repeated mantra of sta-
emergency units at local hospi- a bombshell report that Trump The effort took a crushing blow decade rule. try new leaders, Tara, a 30-year- bility as they backed his Cambo-
tals. son-in-law Jared Kushner sought last month, when a nonpartisan Prime Minister Hun Sen, one of old garment factory worker, told dian Peoples Party.
Local media reported that a secret communications link to congressional study estimated the worlds longest serving leaders, AFP after casting her vote for the I voted for his party because he
a seven-year-old boy was in a Russiathe Trump administra- the new House plan would leave has run Cambodia for 32 years. opposition Cambodian National has done many good things for the
coma with severe chest inju- tion is desperate for a rallying 23 million more Americans unin- Supporters see the 64-year-old Rescue Party (CNRP) at a polling country, 68-year-old Rath Chy
ries after being trampled in the win. sured than under current law. as a beacon of stability while de- booth in the capital. told AFP. I need peace, stability
crush. But there is a shrinking win- Still, number two Senate Re- tractors accuse him and a coterie I want the country to be more and development.
Several thousand fans had dow for success; Congress has publican John Cornyn assured of allies of huge self-enrichment, progressive, I want mutual respect The last time Cambodians went
turned up to watch the match just seven work weeks before its that an Obamacare repeal will be corruption and autocracy. for human rights, she added. to the pollsnational elections in
on a giant screen erected by the members head home in late July ready by the summer recess. Sundays vote in more than Hun Sen cast his ballot shortly 2013-the CNRP made huge gains,
local authorities in the citys Pi- for a summer recess that lasts until Well get it done by the end of 1,600 communesvillage clus- after polls opened at 7am (0000 spurred in part by a signicant ap-
azza San Carlo. AFP early September. July at the latest, he told the Chad tersis viewed as a warm-up for GMT) in Takhmao, a town on the petite for change among young
White House ofcials have pri- Hasty radio show. AFP next years national elections. outskirts of Phnom Penh where voters. AFP
Balmy night out
Cesar Barrioquinto, Editor

C4 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017

World turns to horror
LONDONJust minutes before
Saturdays terror attack in Lon-
don, pubs were crammed with rev-
elers enjoying a balmy night out
in a trendy part of the city, many
of them watching the Champions
League nal on big screens.
And then terror struck yet
jured, he told BBC radio.
London resident Dee, 26, said
she was sure it was a terror attack
as the van careered southwards
over London Bridge.
And then there was a man with
a knife, he was running, he came
down the stairs and went to a bar,
again at Londons heart as a van she told AFP.
smashed into pedestrians before After the van crashed right by
its occupants went on a stabbing Southwark Cathedral, the stabbing
rampage, bringing bloodshed to spree began, with the attackers de-
the streets of the British capital. scending into Borough Market, a
Within minutes, six people had popular area of trendy bars and eat-
been killed and three attackers eries on the south side of the bridge.
shot dead by armed police. Doz- Taxi driver Chris told LBC ra-
ens more were wounded. dio he saw men brandishing long
People enjoying their evening knives emerging from the van.
out near the River Thames told of Three men got out with long
how their night became a night- blades, 12 inches long and went
mare in seconds as they witnessed randomly... stabbing people.
the attack unfold. Witness Eric saw the trio get out
First, a white van veered wildly of the van and thought they were go-
into pedestrians crossing London ing to help those who had been hit.
Bridge, with those who managed However, they were kicking
to avoid the attack rushing to aid them, punching them, and took
those who were hit. out knives. It was a rampage.
The van deliberately swerved They then ran towards Borough
into groups of people at speed, Market with a shout of this is for
eyewitnesses said. Allah.
I saw this van going left and Alex Shellum, who was in The
right, left and right, trying to catch Mudlark pub near London Bridge
as many people as he could, said he saw a young woman stag-
Alessandro told BBC radio. ger in.
There were ve or six people She was bleeding heavily from
that we tried to help, they were the neck and from her mouth, he
young people. said.
Mark, another witness, was It appeared to myself and to
in the middle of London Bridge, my friends that her throat had
taking pictures of Tower Bridge been cut, he told the BBC.
downstream. Police held people inside bars
It was swerving from side to and restaurants for their own safety,
side. I could see it hitting people, telling them to get under the tables.
he said of the van. They were later asked to leave
It hit one person about 20 foot with their hands on their heads.
in the air. Poor girl. I just saw her Frightened people were led
bounce up in the air. away as police ofcers screamed
There must have been about at them to run. Many were in
DAY 2. This was the atmosphere during Pepsis Rock The South Festival-Day 2 in Heritage Park on June 3, 2017 in Cullman, Alabama. AFP ve or six people on the ground, tears, with friends supporting each
they must have been seriously in- other along the road. AFP

area now Outrage and solidarity over
target of
LONDONA historic part of
cowardly London attacks
London that fell into decline after
the closure of the docks, the scene ARISBritish and
of Saturdays terror attack is now world leaders on Sunday
a bustling part of London where condemned the attacks in
hipsters and City workers rub
shoulders. Central London, reacting with
The London Bridge and Bor- both outrage and solidarity.
ough Market area is also very
multi-ethnic and international, fre- Britain
quented by foreign tourists, with London Mayor Sadiq Khan said the at-
a popular backpacker hostel and tack was a deliberate and cowardly attack
student accommodation nearby. on innocent Londoners and visitors to our
An Australian and two French city enjoying their Saturday night, adding:
nationals were among the 48 people There is no justication whatsoever for such
rushed to hospital after the attack, in barbaric acts.
which three assailants smashed into Prime Minister Theresa May conrmed
pedestrians in a van before attack- that the terrible incident in London was be-
ing passers-by with knives. ing treated as a potential act of terrorism
The stabbings occurred at Bor- and said she would hold emergency ministe-
ough Market, a food market that rial talks later in the day.
dates back centuries and is housed Opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy
in an elegant 19th century structure Corbyn: Brutal and shocking incidents re-
surrounded by trendy bars and res- ported in London. My thoughts are with the
taurants lled with young revelers. victims and their families. Thank you to the
The market is next to South- emergency services.
wark Cathedral, which dates back Scottish Nationalist Party leader Nicola
to the 12th century, and at the Sturgeon: Dreadful news from London. My
southern end of London Bridge thoughts are with all those affected.
where the attackers plowed their US
van into pedestrians before going US President Donald Trump: Whatever
on a rampage. the United States can do to help out in Lon-
The modern bridge was built in don and the UK, we will be there - WE ARE
the 1970s, replacing earlier cross- WITH YOU. GOD BLESS!
ings in the same area going back to State department called the assaults cow-
the Roman era, and is the subject ardly attacks targeting innocent civilians
of the old nursery rhyme London and added: The United States stands ready
Bridge is Falling Down. to provide any assistance authorities in the
The areas cobbled streets con- United Kingdom may request.
trast with the skyscrapers crop- US pop star Ariana Grande whose concert
ping up in the area, including The in Manchester last month was the scene of
Sharda towering glass structure a deadly suicide bombing, tweeted simply:
NINTH INSTALLMENT. Actress/Producer Kat Kramer poses with her poster during Kat Kramers Films That Changed the World
which at (1,016 feet is Britains Presents ninth Installment on June 3, 2017 in Los Angeles, California. AFP Praying for London.
tallest building. European Union
Its an area that has completely European Commission chief Jean-Claude
transformed in the last 15, 20
years, Peter John, the leader of
Southwark Council, told the BBC
Trump offers help in response to attacks Juncker: Following latest London incidents
with horror. Thoughts and prayers are with
the victims and their families. Please stay
on Sunday. WASHINGTONPresident can do to help out in London extra level of safety! dicate a specic, credible terror safe.
Its such a vibrant part of our Donald Trump offered US help and the U. K., we will be there Trump has been briefed by threat in the United States. France
city that has been impacted in this Saturday to Britain in response - WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD his national security team on We are in contact with and President Emmanuel Macron: In the face
way. Its horric. to the twin attacks in London BLESS! Trump wrote earlier the London Bridge incident, his stand ready to assist our friends of this new tragedy, France is more than ever
But he added: This is an amaz- that killed six people, after a van on Twitter. spokesman Sean Spicer wrote and allies in the United King- at Britains side. My thoughts go out to the
ingly diverse borough and nothing plowed into pedestrians and as- Early on, with the situation earlier on Twitter. dom as they respond, investi- victims and their loved ones.
will change. sailants stabbed others. in London still uid, Trump The State Department con- gate and recover, it added. Canada
According to a picture taken by In a call with British Prime seized the occasion to plug his demned the cowardly attacks In New York, authorities de- Canadian President Justin Trudeau: Aw-
Italian documentary lmmaker Minister Theresa May, Trump thwarted ban on travelers from targeting innocent civilians. ployed an increased police pres- ful news from London tonight. Were moni-
and photographer Gabriele Sci- offered the full support of the six mainly Muslim countries. We understand UK police ence in heavily trafcked pedes- toring the situation.
otto, the three attackers were shot United States government in in- The Justice Department on are currently treating these as trian area. Australia
dead between the Wheatsheaf pub vestigating and bringing those Thursday went to the Supreme terrorist incidents. The United The New York Police Depart- Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull:
and a fruit and vegetable stall at responsible for these heinous Court to ask that the plan be re- States stands ready to provide ments counter-terrorism unit Prayers and resolute solidarity are today as
Borough Market. acts to justice, a White House instated immediately after it has any assistance authorities in the stressed, however, that there always with the people of Britain in the face
Minutes earlier the trio had statement read. been held up repeatedly in lower United Kingdom may request, are no specic/credible threats of the shocking terrorist attacks in London.
smashed through pedestrians in a The president also offered courts. a statement read. to #NYC. New Zealand
hired white van, stopping outside his condolences over the bru- Without mentioning the Lon- All Americans stand in soli- New York City stands with Prime Minister Bill English: New Zea-
The Barrowboy & Banker, another tal terror attacks, which police don events specically, Trump darity with the people of the the people of London. Our lands thoughts are with the victims of todays
pub on Borough High Street whose said also left at least 20 people tweeted: We need to be smart, United Kingdom. prayers are with the victims, attack, along with their families and friends.
name evokes the areas strong links wounded. Three attackers were vigilant and tough. We need the The Homeland Security De- their families and the coura- Our hearts go out to you. Too many lives are
with the City of London nancial shot dead by police. courts to give us back our rights. partment said that at this time, geous rst responders, Mayor being taken by terrorists set on inicting pain
hub across the river. AFP Whatever the United States We need the Travel Ban as an we have no information to in- Bill de Blasio said. AFP and suffering on innocent people. AFP
Isah V. Red, Editor
Bernadette Lunas, Writer

MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017 D1

Maja Blanca by Brgy. Manuyo Uno


participated in by all
18 barangays of Las Pias
City was held during the
4th Food Festival at Villar
SIPAG, Pulang Lupa Uno in
the city.
The barangays competed for the best
viand cooked in a Filipino way with na- FOOD
tive ingredients and a dessert.
Senator Cynthia Villar, director of
Talon Doss Pamplina Con Carne and Turon Surprise took home the grand prize at Las Piass 4th Food Festival
the Villar Social Institute for Poverty
Alleviation and Governance (Villar

SIPAG), said the food festival emerged
as an annual celebration where com-
munities in Las Pias get together for a
friendly competition.
The festival is also a venue for food-
ies from nearby cities and provinces

where they could sample delicacies
creatively and expertly prepared by resi-
dents, Villar said.
Barangay Talon 2 won P20,000.00
and trophy as grand winner for its Talon Doss
entryPamplina Con Carne and Turon main dish entry

Surprise. First runner up was Barangay
Manuyo 1, they took home P15,000.00
and trophy for their entryCrispy fried
Tilapia and Maja Blanca. Barangay
Pulang Lupa Uno won P10,000.00 and
trophy as 2nd runner up for their Spicy
Cheesy Tahong and Alpahor.

at 4th Las Pias

The cooking competition entries were
judged according to the following cri-
teria: 1. Overall impact and plating, 30
percent; 2. Taste, 30 percent; 3. Crea-
tivity and visual appeal, 15 percent; 4.

Food Festival
Technique used, 15 percent, and 5. Hy-
giene and sanitation, 10 percent.
Last years grand winner was Barangay
Talon 2 for its Ube Creamy Fiesta and the
Green Medley entries. First runner up
was Barangay Manuyo 2, for its entry
Nutella Nestle Cream Delight and Capt. Manuyo
Nery Season Green Salad. Barangay Unos Crispy
Talon 4 was 2nd runner up for their Man- Fried Tilapia
goes and Cream in Malunggay crepe with
Malunggay Ice Cream and Green Salad
with Apple Walnut.
During the festivities, a food exhibit
with 50 exhibitors coming from Las
Pias and other cities and provinces was
also held. Showcased were local delica-
cies and products for sampling and sell-
ing, as well as fresh or ready to eat foods,
processed foods, snacks and beverages,
and fresh garden or farm produce.
This years event partners were Unile-
ver, Knorr, Apicius Culinary and Hotel Pulang Lupa
Management School, Elba, Silver Swan Unos Alpahor
and Golden Oats. Sen. Cynthia Villar (right) awards the grand prize to Brgy. Talon 2 Pulang lupa Uno representatives receive their prize

Mediterranean menu by Chef Luis Chikiamco

IN THE most recently held Maya all the participants were able to taste
Kitchen Culinary Elite Series, Dis- and enjoy Chef Luis creations. More
covery Primeas Executive Chef than just learning new recipes, the
Luis Chikiamco brought with him participants gained valuable insights
a delicious menu inspired by Medi- from Chef Luis himself who believes
terranean restaurant Tapenade and that everyone can cook well as long
his most practical tips for gourmet as they put their hearts into it. Chef
cooking at home. Luis also puts value into programs
Aspiring cooks gathered together like the Maya Kitchen Culinary Elite
at the Maya Kitchen to learn straight Series, because of the opportunity it
from a culinary great. As the Execu- brings to aspiring cooks.
tive Chef of Discovery Primea, Chef A cookbook gives you tips and
Luis creates the finest and most techniques, but when you try it out,
sumptuous dishes. And all partici- it doesnt always come out the same
pants were excited about having the way, shared Chef Luis. Usually by
chance to take a glimpse at some of seeing the cooking done in action,
his Tapenade-inspired favorites. you understand the technique more.
Showcasing the bold flavors of The Maya Kitchen Culinary Elite
the entire Mediterranean region Series features culinary greats like
Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, Chef Luis Chikiamco to share their
and MoroccoRestaurant Tapenade original recipes, tips, techniques and
has been a definite crowd pleaser for personal stories. The Culinary Elite
its incredible range of flavors and Series is open to everyone with a pas-
dishes: from handmade pizzas to sion for cooking and who would love
lamb kebabs, from rib-eye steaks to to learn straight from a professional.
tagines, and more. For more information on this
For the Maya Kitchen Culinary and on other course offerings, log
Elite Series, Chef Luis brought a on to,
Tapenade-inspired menu, which the email contactus@themayakitchen.
participants can recreate at home. He com, or visit The Maya Kitchen
began his demonstration by show- Culinary Center every Tuesday
ing how to put together a light and to Saturday at 8F Liberty Build-
easy Melon and Mozzarella salad. ing, 835 A. Arnaiz Avenue (Pasay
This was followed by how to per- Road), Makati City. You may also
fectly cook a medium-to-medium- call 892-1185 or 892-5011 local 108
rare Ribeye Steak Tagliata and a or +63929 679 6102.
hearty Spaghetti Alla Gricia. The
last dish of the demonstration was Like and follow Maya Kitchen on
a flavorful Arroz Caldoso with as- Facebook and Instagram @TheMay-
sorted seafood. aKitchen1 and follow us on Twitter
After the cooking demonstration, Discovery Primeas executive chef Luis Chikiamco presents his Mediterranean dishes at the Maya Kitchen Culinary Elite Series @TheMayaKitchen.
D2 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017 Life



Quakers Life Hack
LOVE Sunday mornings Quakers Over-
best. At the crack of dawn, night Oats are
my mother will leave for convenient for
people who
the market, and return about are always on
an hour and a half later with the go, such as
television and
fresh meat and vegetables and events host
all other ingredients she needs Joyce Pring
who likes hers
for her well-planned menu topped with
for the week. The aroma of sliced apples.

whatever she has cooked for

breakfast would wake me up Mix equal amounts of oats and milk in a jar, and top with your favorite fruit strawberries,
blueberries, or apples for a delicious and healthy breakfast. You can also add peanut butter or
from my slumber, literally chocolate drizzle for a more decadent flavor.
dragging me by the nose from
that breakfast is the most important meal of All you need to know are three steps:
my bed to the dining table. the day is more than just that it is a scientific place the oats in the jar, soak oats in milk,
fact. Within the first 30 minutes of waking up, and add your toppers. Thats it! Pop it in the
Some Sundays, shed serve prawns it is important to start up your metabolic sys- fridge and youll have a nutritious and satiat-
cooked in garlic and butter along with sini- tem with a good meal to get the strength and ing breakfast that will get you through the
gang na tadyang ng baka. Or salmon head endurance to go about your day. busiest mornings, Young said.
in miso and crabs cooked in 7Up. Rice Eating oats then becomes the perfect and It is about finding what you like and
would always be piping hot, and whenever most convenient fix for people on a constant making it convenient for you, Young added.
possible, mom would always buy me my morning rush. Model and television host Patti
favorite dessert ripe jackfruit. A lot of people actually think that oatmeal Grandidge said with sev-
Our household of two is, in a way, dif- is hard to prepare. But its actually easy to do eral choices of fruits
ferent when it comes to breaking the fast. and is a really convenient and healthy breakfast all year round, she can
Sure, there would be the occasional corned option. Its high in fiber and is a good source of have a variety of top-
beef or hotdog or seafood cup noodles (but protein, vitamins and minerals to give you the pings every day.
with egg, crab stick and squid balls), but energy to start the day and keep you going, The concept of
most of the time, our first meal of the day said Anne Remulla-Canda, Quakers market- Overnight Oats is
is as heavy as possible. Or as Id say when ing manager for nutrition. literally a life hack.
I post photos of moms dishes on social And with Quakers new Overnight Oats, You can prepare it in
media: breakfast of champions. Filipinos now have an even more convenient under a minute. And
But not everyone has the luxury of time way to enjoy healthy mornings. with many fruits that are
to prepare breakfast every day. For peo- By preparing your breakfast the night be- in season, you are assure
ple who are always on the go, breakfast is fore, there is now no reason to skip the most of a healthy and delicious
whatever is their first meal of the day, re- important meal of the day. Come morning, breakfast, she said.
gardless of whether that meal is served at just grab you jar of Overnight Oats and have So next time you feel like skipping
8 a.m. or at 12 noon. Others would simply a quick breakfast fix at home or at your of- breakfast, grab a jar of Overnight Oats in-
drink coffee and they are good to go. fice. Whats great about it is you can custom- stead and start your morning right.
What people fail to realize is that skip- ize it to your taste, she added.
ping breakfast and starting the day hungry For actress Lauren Young, the best part about For feedback, send comments to
lead to unhealthy choices. And the adage Overnight Oats is how easy it is to prepare.


Have a Nice Day
AMIDST the trend of fancy coffee shops, Healthwell Nutraceuticals offers its
healthy ready-to-drink coffee at a low price.
Nice Day Coffee comes in a new affordable White and Cleanse, which is avail-
able at SRP P13.95 per sachet and Slim at P12.95, lower compared to its counter-
part priced at P15.90.
Enjoy the same benefits of Nice Day Coffee variants Slim, White and Cleanse
at a lower price, says Healthwell President Paulo Legaspi.
Nice Day Coffee is available at SM Supermarket, SM Hypermarket, Puregold,
and Mercury Drug Store.
Nice Day Coffee Cleanse uses coconut sugar, which is rich in potassium, magne-
sium, zinc, iron, vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B6. Compared to brown sugar, coconut sugar
has 36 times the iron, four times the magnesium, and over 10 times the amount of zinc.
Nice Day Coffee White contains glutathione, collagen and sucralose. The fa-
mous glutathione not only whitens
skin, but also detoxifies harmful
compounds so that they can be re-
moved from the body, and has an
anti-aging effect.
The unique ingredient
of Nice Day Coffee Slim, on the
other hand, is sucralose, an arti-
ficial sweetener made from sugar
but is not recognized by the body
Meatless Asian inspired dishes (from left) Piaya Halo-Halo Ice Cream Sandwich with Latik, Quorn Xiumai with Truffle and Quorn Crispy as a carbohydrate and so has zero
Parcels with Pickled Papaya Garlic Vinegar, and Sweet and Sour Quorn with Baked Eggplant and three-grain Fried Rice calories compared to sucrose or
table sugar, which contributes 16

calories per teaspoon. Sucralose
is 600 times sweeter than sucrose
but does not cause dental problems
DELICIOUS and healthier versions availability in a press event held at and is safe for use even by children,
of your favorite meals are now pos- Florabel restaurant at Estancia in pregnant and nursing women, and
sible as Quorn, the world leader in Pasig. The event also featured one people with diabetes.
meat-free food, is now available in of Quorns newest advocates Chef
leading supermarkets in the country.
Quorn, from the United Kingdom,
JP Anglo of the widely successful
Filipino restaurant Sarsa. Guests
offers a range of deliciously meat- were treated to a collaboration of the
free protein products. It enables
you to enjoy healthier versions of
two top chefs as they served various
Asian-inspired dishes such as Quorn
Yummy and healthy snacking
your favorite mealswhether you Xiu mai with Truff le, Quorn Crispy MAYORA Philippines recently launched CalCheese, a new cheese wafer bis-
go for ingredient-type products that Parcels with Pickled Papaya and cuit for the wais mom.
allow you to cook from scratch like Garlic Vinegar, Quorn Satay and Yummy and healthy, CalCheese is made from real cheddar cheese and milk,
chunks or grounds, or for ready-to- Inasal, and Sweet and Sour Quorn making it a source of calcium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and B12. These
cook options like nuggets. Its main with three-grain Fried Rice. nutrients help in a childs development by boosting their immune system,
ingredient is Mycoprotein a natu- Guests were pleasantly surprised strengthening their bones, and giving them energy all throughout the day.
rally healthy protein that is high in with how the product was able to These days, parents lead very busy lives. We juggle our work, family time,
fiber, low in saturated fat, and has replicate the taste and texture of and errands all in one day, but we make sure that our kids get the best, espe-
zero cholesterol. meat, showing its versatility in the cially when it comes to food, explained Maica Rivera, brand manager for
Available all over Europe, the US, various dishes prepared. Mayora Philippines - Biscuits. This is why Im happy to introduce CalCheese
Canada, Australia, and New Zea- Filipinos can also make healthier ver- to the wais Filipino moms because I believe it is a snack the whole family will
land, Quorn was introduced in the sions of their favorite meals as Quorn is come to enjoy and love.
Philippines last year in events that now available in leading supermarkets, CalCheese is available in su-
enticed Filipino foodiesincluding like S&R, Rustans, Shopwise, SM Su- permarkets and sari-sari stores
the staunchest meat eaterswith permarket, SM Savemore, SM Hyper- nationwide. Moms and their
savory dishes featuring meat-free market, Robinsons, Puregold, Metro kids can also watch out for the
versions of chicken nuggets and Quorn Foods CEO Kevin Brennan Gaisano, Landmark, Waltermart, Hi nationwide CalCheese School
grounds. With its spot-on taste and Top, Citimart, and Jenra. Tour where Mayora Philippines
texture that replicates that of real chicken nuggets and the real deal. will give out 1 million Cal-
meat, Quorn has convinced even My young daughter eats them, she Learn more about Quorn by visit- Cheese samples to 500 schools.
the likes of noted chef, restaura- says. I could eat five of them! ing or www.myco-
teur, and hardcore carnivore Flora- With Chef Florabel being one of and dont forget to like For more information
bel Co-Yatco who couldnt tell the its earliest and biggest advocates, Quorn Philippines on Facebook at visit
difference between Quorns crispy Quorn announced its much awaited

Now a Kapamilya,
fans celebrate Mem-
bers of

Richards TV Chicago

Chicagos greatest hits with
AFTER a one-year
hiatus from the
limelight, Richard
Gutierrez is back
with a big bang.

Kenny Cetera live at RWM

He recently
signed a movie and
television contract with ABS-CBN. Yes, the former
GMA Prime Time King is now a Kapamilya!
I guess, this is a perfect time for me to make a
career change. As everyone knows, Ive been away

the US, Kenny Ceteras Chicago Experience
from mainstream showbiz for more than a year, OU sound just like me, says Chicago front man Peter comes to Manila for a one-night only concert
which was my personal choice. But at this point, Im
back, re-energized and raring to work once again. I Cetera to younger brother Kenny as they sang a duet to perform the greatest hits of Chicago.
Performing with an organized seven-piece rock
believe the timing was perfect. Everything fell into of If You Leave Me Now onstage at the Cannery in and roll horn and rhythm band, Kenny Cetera
its proper place, he avers.
His maiden project for the Kapamilya network Las Vegas in 2012. This year, Kenny Cetera brings his own line up captures the groove and driving harmonies of
the original, superimposed by his powerful
is the highly anticipated La Luna Sangre where he
plays the role of Sandrino, the king of vampires.
of seasoned musicians to give Filipino audiences an unforgettable vocals and giving Chicago fans a good dose
It excites me to the hilt because it has always Chicago Experience live at Resorts World Manilas (RWM) Newport of their nostalgic pop rock favorites in every
been my dream to delineate the role of a vampire performance.
on screen. As an actor, its one of my choicest
Performing Arts Theater (NPAT) on June 16. Kenny Ceteras Chicago Experience live at
characters to breathe life to. After reading the script, the NPAT is presented by RWM in cooperation
the story line and the character description, I knew With his tenor voice that complements Peters Julio Iglesias, Bill Champlin, and ABBAs with Steve ONeal productions. Tickets are
right away that this is a very good comeback project baritone, Kenny has contributed so much for the Agnetha Faltskog throughout his career. now available at the RWM Box Ofce and all
for me. legendary band by providing back-up vocals to Staying true to his native Chicago roots, Kenny TicketWorld outlets.
Apart from La Luna Sangre, he is also slated to do several tracks in the bands top-selling album 17 formed his own band that proves to be the closest Citibank cardholders may also avail of the
a movie with former screen partner Angel Locsin and being a member of its ensuing tour. Besides to recreate such classic songs as Hard Habit to Watch and Dine promo to get tickets plus
for Star Cinema. recording with renowned singer, songwriter and Break, Youre the Inspiration, Colour My Php400 food vouchers honored at selected RWM
Thats right! I consider these developments producer David Foster for the album, Kenny World, Hard to Say Im Sorry, and many signature restaurants. Visit
as a blessing. I thank God for opening doors of also had the opportunity to work with such music more. or call the Tourist/Visitor Hotline at (632) 908-
opportunities for me now. As Ive said earlier, luminaries as Richard Marx, Kenny Rogers, After captivating audiences from all over 8833 for more details.
everything happened smoothly, sans any glitches.
So what I can only say is that Im happy to be here!
The handsome star was with the rival network
for a long period of time and this he will always be
thankful for.
Thats 12 fruitful years with GMA. Im grateful
WILDFLOWER once again hit a new
all-time high national TV rating on May
29 just as the ABS-CBN series started its
Wildower opens season 2 with
second season, which promises viewers a
to them for what theyve done for me throughout
my stint with them. They shaped who I am. But as
an individual, as an actor, Im happy to be where I
wilder viewing experience.
According to data from Kantar Media,
it hit 25 percent in nationwide TV ratings
all-time high national tv rating
am today. Im thankful but is also looking ahead. compared to its rival program that only
I just have to give my best once again, Richard goT 15.2 percent. The show also won
states. its timeslot in total urban and rural
******** Philippines, Mega Manila, and Metro
Now that she has ofcially started taping for the Manila
grand prime time soap La Luna Sangre, Kathryn In the said episode, viewers were
Bernardo admits her being under pressure. captivated by the intense encounter
Well, who wouldnt be? she says. For one, this between Arnaldo (RK Bagasting) and
is the rst time that Im doing a genre of this type. I Nanay Carlota (Anna Abad Santos) as
now realize that an action-fantasy is not easy to do. well as Ivys very emotional moment
Mounting the scenes is already a gargantuan task. when she found Carlotas body lifeless.
When I rst read the script, I instantly knew Wildower is one of the most watched
that there would be lots of ght scenes. Initially, I series on primetime today. When asked
didnt know what could happen. Its good that I was what paved the way for the shows
able to train Wushu for a number of days before the success, business unit head Ruel Bayani
principal photography. At least, I was given ample said, Its really the story, the great
preparations. Its a huge challenge for me thats why ensemble work of the cast headed by
Im quite nervous. Maja Salvador, and the teamwork of our
Despite this, the popular star feels excited about directors, staff, and crew.
the project. We are just as excited and challenged
Oh, yes! In fact, when I read the script, I couldnt to take this wildest journey with our
help but nish the entire rst week. I think the story audience and make it something we will
is gripping. I hope the viewers will have the same all enjoy and learn from, he added.
level of excitement. Im sure they will enjoy the Meanwhile, Salvador is very thankful
program. I can now imagine how the scenes will be for the support viewers have given the
fantastically executed! program.
Kathryn reveals that the fact Angel Locsin We would like thank our viewers for
originally portrayed her role in the story is an the love and support they have given us in
additional pressure on her part. our rst season. This second season, we
Everyone knows how highly-competent an promise to give your wilder revelations
actress she is. She did very well in Lobo before. and wilder plot twists. We hope you
For one, she can do action sequences with much continue loving and supporting us,
ease and condence---a proof of her versatility. As Salvador said in an interview.
for me, its my maiden venture in this kind of genre. Things will denitely get wilder as
But rest assured that I will exert my best efforts to be tension rises even higher. With Nay
credible in my portrayal! Carlotas death, Ivy is further motivated
In this much-anticipated vehicle, she is paired to put the Ardientes down. What will Ivy
once again with Daniel Padilla. do to give justice to Carlota?
Yes! Were excited because our roles here are There is also no stopping Diego
very different from what viewers usually see. Its (Joseph Marco) from running for
not really that mature but just according to our actual governor of Poblacion Ardiente against
age. Yes, there are still cute scenes but denitely, his brother Arnaldo.
theres depth in the motivation of our characters, Wildower airs weeknights before TV
ends Kathryn. Patrol on ABS-CBN or ABS-CBN HD "Wildower" lead star Maja
(SkyCable ch 167). Salvador

Monday, June 5, 2017

ACROSS Bonn 27 Rainbow band 50 Green gem

1 Weightlifters 53 Pastel color 28 Lintel 51 Districts
pride 55 Psyched up companion 52 The pits
4 Gourmet bird 57 How-to books 30 Route for Ben- 54 Reflection
9 You Really 61 Laura or Bruce Hur 56 Mr. Arnaz
Me 62 Blackball 32 Witty remark 58 Teen woe
12 Cartel 64 Heal over 34 Westwood sch. 59 Fill the hull
13 Powerful engine 65 It can be near or 35 Astute 60 Mex. gentlemen
14 Shades far 36 Divers milieus 63 MD airport code
16 Wild party 66 Custom 39 Stopped (2 wds.)
17 High-end 67 Comes to the 40 Plastic wrap
wristwatch conclusion 43 Totals
18 Khan 68 Ave. crossers 46 Intent
19 Fund-raiser 69 Made a heap 48 Cousins of um
21 Restrains Rover 70 Kiki or Joey 49 Stared angrily
23 Temple city
Picchu DOWN
25 Starbucks 1 Aves have them
orders 2 Warrant off.
26 Utterly 3 Plots
miserable 4 Exacting
29 Kind of bore 5 the raven
31 Sudden gust of 6 Website, for
wind short
32 Leap in a tutu 7 Fiji discoverer
33 Raucous laughs Tasman
37 Cadge 8 Light, soft wood
38 Ballpark events (2 wds.)
41 High note 9 Horrible
42 McEntire of 10 Word of duty
country 11 Snicker (hyph.)
44 Gorbys realm 12 Consumer org.
45 Wouldnt hurt 15 Talk back
20 Ipso
47 Prefix for media 22 Battery size
49 Creaks 24 Fork, maybe
50 You bet! in 26 A.D. or D.A.
Isah V. Red, Editor Senate President
Nickie Wang, Writer Koko Pimentel
(left) with Cavite Vice Gov. Jolo
MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2017


N THE last day of
the Senate session,
around 2 oclock
in the afternoon, Cavite
Vice Governor Ramon
Jolo Revilla III, son of
actor and former senator
Ramon Bong Revilla,
Jr. and grandson of former
senator and actor Ramon
Revilla, Sr. took his oath as
one of the newest members

Cavite Vice Gov

of Partido Demokratiko
Pilipino Lakas ng Bayan
(PDP Laban) before Senate
President Koko Pimentel.

PDP Laban was the political party
under which President Rodrigo Roa
Duterte ran in the last elections.
PDP Laban promotes freedom, unity,
justice, equality, social responsibility,
independence, effective mobility,
nationalism and federalism. With their

joins Presidents
left arms raised, Revilla, Department of
Agriculture Secretary Manny Piol, QC
Congressman Alfred Vargas, Marikina
City Mayor Marcelino Teodoro and
the entire City Council took their oath to
carry on the partys ideals and principles

political party
especially in serving their constituents.
Pimentel said, PDP Laban is in unity
with our Chairman, Pres. Rodrigo Roa
Duterte, in ghting crimes, corruption
and illegal drugs.
The challenge is in the hands of the
new members. As a new member of
PDP Laban, I am committed to bring
our partys programs and projects to
our province. The interest of the people
should be the rst priority. With the help this unprecedented record makes GMA
of the Caviteos, I am sure that I will Network the most internationally

KFC rst
be able to do my responsibilities to the awarded in Philippine Television, a
party and to the province, Revilla said. success primarily brought about by its
The oath taking ended with everybody News and Public Affairs programs.
shaking hands using their left hand as a This year, GMA Networks Public

Filipino Colonel
symbol of unity for the party. Affairs Department celebrates three
*** decades of public service.
It was in 1984 when the rst GMA
Public Affairs program was born with
Viewpoint, a talk show hosted by Dong
Puno. In 1987, an in-house Public IT WAS just a week ago when be KFCs First Filipino Colonel.
Affairs team was formally setup in KFC Philippines launched the Even before auditioning, I was
the network. Weekly talk shows soon rst nationwide search for KFCs already a big fan of KFC. My go-
followed with Weekend with Velez First Filipino Colonel, which to order is the Original Recipe
hosted by Jose Mari Velez, Firing threw fans into a frenzy. Three chicken paired with a side of
Line with Teddy Benigno, Issues and senior actors vying for the title rice and unlimited gravy, shared
Answers with Art Borjal, and The went face-to-face to audition for Valdez.
Probe Team with Cheche Lazaro. the role of a lifetime. Donning the Contenders, Leo Martinez and
Three decades later, GMA Public iconic Colonel Sanders white suit, Pen Medina congratulated Valdez
Affairs has grown into a department black string tie, and black frames, and offered their words of wisdom
now producing 27 (13 programs air on each actor showcased his best to the winning Filipino Colonel.
GMA and 14 on GMA News TV) of impression of the world-famous Wala ka dapat kilingan dahil
the most watched, most awarded and Kentucky Fried Chicken founder. masarap lahat ng KFC chicken,
most admired programs on Philippine The winner, as predicted by said Batangueo funnyman
television including I-Witness, Reel the majority, was none other than Martinez. Career-in mo yan kasi
Time, Front Row, Reporters Notebook,
the original cool dad of Filipino kung ako yong nanalo, ka-career-
Imbestigador, Wish Ko Lang, and
Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho among many movies, Ronaldo Valdez. in ko yan, exclaimed the award-
others. A lm and TV actor with a winning indie actor Medina.
To mark this milestone upon hitting its career spanning over 50 years, Were excited to have Ronaldo
Jessica Soho 30th year, GMA Public Affairs will air Valdez brings to the table his Valdez on board as KFCs First
a special documentary, Sa Serbisyong indubitable similarity to Colonel Filipino Colonel. I am condent
Rock N Soul Diva Aicelle Santos Totoo, Nabago ang Buhay Ko, which Harland David Sanders, the that he can fulll his duties as
is still a Kapuso when she renewed her will present a few of the life-changing culinary genius behind KFCs Colonel while adding his own
contract with GMA Network on May stories aired by GMA Public Affairs secret 11 herbs and spices recipe. Pinoy air to the iconic fried
30. programs over the past decades. Beyond just looks, as the two chicken forefather. This is just the
Aicelle has been with the Kapuso The special will revisit inspiring can pass off as twins, Valdez also start of many more good things
network for a decade and a year. She people whose lives signicantly changed shares Colonel Sanders fatherly to come for the brand and we
treats the network as her second home,. after being featured on GMA Public personality, passion for ones look forward to the same level
Una sa lahat, thank you Lord sa Affairs programs. It will also showcase craft, and penchant for great- of support from our consumers,
blessings, and siyempre sa GMA sa some of the most powerful stories that tasting chicken. said KFC Philippines General
patuloy na pagtitiwala nila sa akin. Dito the group has produced: stories that I am proud and honored to Manager Chacha Juinio.
initiated viewers to move, encouraged Senior actor Ronaldo Valdez
talaga ako nag-grow. Hindi ka naman
basta basta mag-go-grow kung yung government to act, reconnected families,
environment mo hindi ka tinuturing na and were instrumental in giving their
pamilya. So lahat, from the staff, mga subjects a new lease on life.
bosses, mga nakatrabahong artista, The special, hosted by Jessica Soho,
isang pamilya talaga, kaya yung
pagmamahalan kitang kita. And Im
staying because they trust me kaya Im
airs June 25 on GMA.
Globe LIVE wows theatre lovers with
very thankful.
The Kapuso singer/actress is also
in Afternoon Prime series Impostora
with Kris Bernal and Rafael Rosell.
four musical productions this year
She is very happy to be one of the cast GLOBE LIVE takes on four top-notch
saying the viewers will denitely enjoy theatricals this year. Filipinos will
watching the remake for its relatable see major productions starting with
storyline. Disneys Newsies premiering on July 7,
Im playing Deedee, the best followed by West Side Story on Aug. 10,
friend of Nimfa played by Kris Bernal.
Siguro makikita ng viewers si Aicelle then the classic Sound of Music on Sept.
somehow dun sa character na pino- 27.
portray ko. Mapapanood sa Impostora Globe LIVE will cap the year off with
yung story ng friendship at pagiging Menken & Ahrens A Christmas Carol
totoo sa sarili, pero andun yung may in December.
mga pangarap na gustong abutin, ano Globe customers can get access to all
ba yung kailangan mong ipagpalit para these exciting productions with the best
maabot yung mga bagay na yun, she deals and exclusive discounts!
said. For more information, go to
*** For ticket
Four George Foster Peabody
purchases, visit https://www.
Awards, 11 New York Festival Gold
Medals, three Emmy nominations Singer-actress Aicelle Santos

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