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Tanner Hahn

Per. 6


Area 51 is a mystery that aliens and spacecraft are built here. There are alot
of theories surrounding the mystery of Area 51. It takes place in the Tikaboo
Valley, next to Groom Lake. The theories of Area 51 take place daily.

The first theory is that on the base they are dissecting aliens from other
planets. Some of the info on Area 51 is very likely to happen. The second theory is
in all of the hangers they have alien spacecraft. From what we have seen from the
U.S. Air Force planes, I believe that this is true, for example the b-2 stealth
bomber. The last theory is that area 51 workers are developing nuclear bombs
and power to destroy the earth 40 times around. All of the nuclear weapons
combined that they could be making would possibly do that twice so this one is
the most realistic theory.

My theory is that they could be making the nuclear weapons to destroy the
earth. My evidence on this is that there are videos on retired workers that have
lived and breathed the air of the nuclear weapons that they were making inside
the underground base. If you get close enough on Google earth you could see
craters that are still left behind from testing the nuclear bombs in 1954. In
conclusion, Area 51 is a complex yet simple Military base that is so secret that
even the president of the USA cant even get inside.

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