God Is Love

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"God is love." 1 John 4:8.

INTRODUCTION. -- That is the most wonderful sentence ever written or spoken.
We owe this great truth wholly to the Bible. Not merely announced in the Bible, it
runs through the Bible. Ask me to put into one sentence what the Bible teaches and
this is the sentence, "God is love."

I. How has God Shown that He is Love?

1. By creating us and the universe. Creation was an act of love. The story of
creation in Genesis 1 is a love story.

2. By punishing sin as soon as it entered the world and ever since. God's
unsparing and, if need be, endless punishment of sin is because God is love.

3. By forgiving sin when it is repented of. Isaiah 55:7. With the first
pronouncing of doom upon Adam and Eve there is also a message of mercy.

4. By giving His Son to die in our place. This was the supreme manifestation
of God's love. 1 John 4:10; John 3:16. The measure of love is sacrifice and
God made an immeasurable sacrifice.

II. What is Our Duty?

We see, then, God is love. What is our duty in view of that great and glorious fact?
1. To accept His love. There can be no greater sin than to despise and reject
the love of God. There can be no clearer revelation of the utter badness and
wickedness of our hearts than to despise and reject the love of God.

2. We should return God's love with love. 1 John 4:19.

3. Surrender absolutely to Him.

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son: that whosoever
believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
INTRODUCTION. -- No other verse in the Bible has been used to the salvation
of so many sinners as this.

I. The Objects of God's Love.

The world. God's love is limited to no race, no class. There is not a man or woman
in the world so vile that God doesn't love them. Therefore we ought to love them

II. The Greatness of God's Love.

The measure of love is sacrifice. What sacrifice has God made for us? Gave His
only begotten Son. For some reason it was necessary that God give His Son to
suffer if you and I were to live eternally. And God gave His Son to die. No one can
fathom the agony it cost the Father.

III. The Offer of God's Love.

The offer of God's love. What is it? Eternal life. Love of man to man has prompted
great gifts, but there is no gift like this. Any one who believes gets this gift.

IV. Our Treatment of God's Love.

But what are we doing with this love of God? This too is wonderful.
1. Some deny it.
2. Some only mention the God who so loved them, etc., to take His name in
3. Some are conscious rebels against God.
4. Some trample His love under foot and despise it.
5. Many neglect His love.
6 Some accept it. Will you now?

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