Matthew 7:6.: INTRODUCTION. - It Is Evident From The Text That There Are Men and Women in

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"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before
swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."
Matthew 7:6.

INTRODUCTION. -- It is evident from the text that there are men and women in
the world whose cases are hopeless. Men and women who are so wedded to sin
and swill that it is a waste of time, and worse than a waste of time, to preach God's
truth to them; you might as well cast pearls before swine, you will only be torn for
your trouble. As hogs want corn and swill, and not pearls, so these want animal
gratification and sin, not truth.
Who are the swine that it is useless and worse than useless to cast pearls of God's
precious truth before?

I. Those Who Are Not Hopeless Cases.

1. The men of no race upon earth are hopeless cases simply because they
belong to that race.
2. Great sinners are not hopeless cases. 1 Timothy 1:15.
3. Skeptics are not hopeless cases.
4. Men who are morally weak, or morally impotent, men who have no will
power. 2 Corinthians 12:9.

II. Cases that Are Hopeless.

1. First of all, the cases of men and women who have died without Jesus
Christ are hopeless. John 8;21.
2. The case of any one who has committed the unpardonable sin is hopeless.
Matthew 12:31-32.
3. The blindly conceited man. Proverbs 26:12.
4. The man who will not give up sin is a hopeless case.
5. Those who won't give up their unbelief are also hopeless cases.
6. The man whose conscience is seared by persistent resistance to the Holy

CONCLUSION. -- Some of you who have thought yourselves hopeless cases are
not, so turn to Christ and He will save you. But there are some who do not think
their cases hopeless, who indeed are not much concerned about themselves, who
are fast hurrying toward a position that is hopeless.

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