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Worldwide collection of patents grouped by invention-based families

containing bibliographic information, full text & legal status

This fact sheet lists all of the available syntax and

fields on Orbit in expert mode for:
The General Search Wizard command line
The Search History command line
Drafting scripts in your search history, saved
searches or alerts
Modifying saved search scripts or alerts

Title, Abstract, Key Info 2
Description and Claims 6
Concepts 6
Numbers and Dates 7
Classifications 11
Names 16
Citations 19
Legal Status 21
Other Indexes 25
Update Codes 27
Field Code Definitions 28
Technology Domain Terms 33

July 2015 1/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Title, Abstract, Key Content

Basic Index /BI and Key Content Super-Index /SA

Details for all the fields composing the BI and SA indexes are on the following pages.

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Basic Index + /BI /SA If no other fields are specified, the search is
Key Content Super (default) conducted by default in the following fields:
English title all stages of publication (ETIH)
French title all stages of publication (FTIH)
German title all stages of publication (GTIH)
Title in another language all stages of
publication (OTIH)
English Abstract (EAB)
French Abstract (FAB)
German Abstract (GAB)
Abstract in another language (OAB)
English Descriptors FR publications (IW)
Technical Domain (TECD)
Drug Name (French publications only (MED)
Object of the patent (OBJ)
Advantages and drawbacks of the invention
over prior art (ADB)
Independent Claims (ICLM)

Search by:
- Single terms using operators SPEECH RECOGNI+ AND
- Phrases using implied adjacency +PHONE?

Use truncation. The left truncation is also

Basic Index /BI /BI Restricts the search to the ETIH, FTIH,
(Title and Abstract) GTIH, OTIH, EAB, FAB, GAB, OAB, plus the
Key Content Super /SA /SA Restricts the search to 3 fields: OBJ,
Index ADB and ICLM.

Details for fields in the BI and SA on next pages.

July 2015 2/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Basic Index (/BI) Details (contd.)
Search by Index Search Hints Examples
Title in English: Limits to the English titles
Original, or official Please Note: English language OSTEOGENIC PROTEIN?/ETIH
translation from the Machine translations are included for
EPO or machine the following publications, and are
translation by Questel. replaced with the official English
translations when available: +LITHOGRA+/ETIH
JP, KR, RU, SE, TH and TW.

Search with single terms using

Boolean or proximity operators and/or
phrases using implied adjacency.
Truncation may be used and left-
hand truncation is available.

/ ETI Restricts the search to

English titles in the most recent
publication stage.
Limits to the French language title of
Title in French /FTIH
the first publication and primarily ROTATIF?/FTIH
available for the following patent
authorities: EP, FR, WO, CA, BE,
Search with single terms using
Boolean or proximity operators and/or
phrases using implied adjacency.
Truncation may be used and left-
hand truncation is available.
/ FTI Restricts the search to French
titles in the most recent
publication stage.
Title in German Limits to the German language title of
the first publication and primarily ELEKTRISCH+/GTIH
available for the following patent
authorities: DE, EP, AT, CH, WO, DD
Search with single terms using
Boolean or proximity operators and/or
phrases using implied adjacency.
Truncation may be used and left-
hand truncation is available.
/ GTI Restricts the search to
German titles in the most recent
publication stage.
Original Title Limits to the Original language titles
for those published in a language FOTOINICIADORES
other than English, French, or FUNCIONALIZADOS/OTIH
Especially useful for the display of

/TI: Simultaneously searches the ETIH, FTIH, GTIH and OTIH fields.
The title displayed in the TI field is from the most recent publication stage in the preferred language.

July 2015 3/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Basic Index (/BI) Details (contd.)
Search by Index Search Hints Examples

All English language abstracts are

English Abstract /EAB searched. +ISOMER? /EAB
If there is no official English abstract
available, the /EAB field will contain DNA AND VIRUS/EAB
the English abstract of an family
member if possible, or machine
translated titles from the following
authorities: WO, EP, BR, CN, DE, DK,
ES, FI, FR, JP, KR, RU, SE, TH and
TW, to be replaced by the official
version when available.
Search with single terms using
Boolean or proximity operators and/or
phrases using implied adjacency.
Truncation may be used and left-hand
truncation is available.
French abstracts are provided TRANSMISSION 3d
French Abstract /FAB primarily for WO, EP, FR, CA and BE METRIQUE/FAB
publications from 1978 on.
Search with single terms using
Boolean or proximity operators and/or
phrases using implied adjacency.
Truncation may be used and left-hand
truncation is available.
German abstracts are provided for DE UBERTRAGUNGS
German Abstract /GAB publications from 1989, EP from 1978 PRIORITAT/GAB
and WO from 1995
Search with single terms using
Boolean or proximity operators and/or
phrases using implied adjacency.
Truncation may be used and left-hand
truncation is available.
Abstracts published in other PLURALIDAD S
Other Abstract: /OAB languages such as: TRAYECTORIA/OAB
Original abstract in a - Russian (SU, RU)
language other than - Japanese (JP)
English, French and - Chinese (CN TW)
German - Korean (KR)
- Spanish (ES, MX, AR, CR, PA, PE,
- Portuguese (BR, PT)
- Italian (IT)
- Turkish (TR)
- Hungarian (HU)

Mainly available from 1984.

Especially useful for the display of

/AB: Simultaneously searches the EAB, FAB GAB and OAB fields.
The abstract displayed is one that meets the preferred language.

July 2015 4/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Basic Index (/BI) Details (contd.)
Search by Index Search Hints Examples
Drug name: /MED Search with single terms using Boolean
French CCP (extension or proximity operators and/or phrases RIVAROXABAN /MED
of a patent EP or FR) using implied adjacency
Truncation may be used.
Technical Domain /TECD Questel indexing based on class titles
or subclasses of the IPCs. 35 areas
listed on page 33. OPTICS /TECD
Search with single terms using Boolean
or proximity operators and/or phrases (MACHINE TOOL?) /TECD
using implied adjacency
Truncation may be used.
Index Terms /IT English Language Index Terms for
(or /IW) most French patent records from 1987 DISTANCE/IT
through 2009.
Single terms using Boolean or proximity ROBOT+/IW
Phrases using implied adjacency. DISTANCE MEASUREMENT/IT
Use truncation.
**Please note: Left hand truncation
is not supported.

Abstracts Super-Index
Search by Index Search Hints Examples
All Abstracts /ABS Using the Super Index ABS
searches all abstract fields (+PHENYL AND VIRAL+)/ABS
simultaneously: : EAB, FAB, GAB,
OAB and IW.

Key Content Super-Index (/SA) Details:

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Patent /OBJ Extracted from the fulltext of the NETWORK? 2D SECURITY/OBJ

Objective following English language publications:
- EP published applications: 1988 DISEASE RESISTANCE/OBJ
to date (Euro-PCTs excluded)*
- PCT published applications: Mid +ASSAY+/OBJ
Advantages of the /ADB 2001 to date* SLOW+ DOWN/ADB
Invention & - US Granted Patents: 1971 to 2000
Drawbacks of Prior Art - US Published applications: INCREAS+ 2D
03/15/2001 to date CONCENTRATION/ADB
- GB published applications from
* Can find older documents, back to COLLAPS+ S KEYBOARD?
Independent Claims: /ICLM 1980 for EP and back to 2000 for WO. /ICLM
Including Main or First
Claim Search in English using single terms "3D" DATA/ICLM
with Boolean or proximity operators and
phrases using implied adjacency. +VINYL P COATING?/ICLM
Use truncation.

July 2015 5/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Claims and Description

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Claims in:
- French Search by:
- German
- Other languages - Simple words using the operators

Description in :
- English - Phrases using implied adjacency
- Other languages
Use truncation.

Examples included in the /DESX Left truncation is available. ((OVABULMIN OR OVA) AND
Description of US Documents ENCAPSULAT+)/DESX


/CLMS simultaneously searches the ECLM,
FCLM, GCLM and OCLM fields.

All Claims and Descriptions /TX /TX simultaneously searches the ECLM, (FREELY D PIVOT+)/TX
DESX fields.

Key concepts are extracted from the full text of the patent publications using linguistic technology and reflect the semantic
content of the publications. The following publications (in English) are used to extract the concepts and also reflect the
patenting authorities for in which the field is searched:
- EP published applications: 1988 to date (Euro-PCTs excluded)*
- PCT published applications: Mid 2001 to date*;English Machine translations will also be included, with the exception of
those applications in Korean.
- US Granted Patents: 1971 to 2000
- US Published applications: 03/15/2001 to date
- GB published applications from 1979
* Can find older documents, back to 1980 for EPs and back to 2000 for WOs.
The different concepts are classified in the field by decreasing score.The larger the characters and the brighter the blue
coloring, the more important the concept.

Search by Index Search Hints Examples


(Keywords) - Single terms using Boolean or
proximity operators.
- Phrases using implied adjacency. DISEASE RESISTANCE/KEYW
Use truncation. Left-hand truncation is
available. ASSAY+/KEYW
Note: If you click on the Kwic tab following a
concept search and look at the section
marked Concepts, the figures that appear in
parentheses after each concept represent
the score of the concept and its number of
occurrences. They are not searchable.

July 2015 6/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Numbers and Dates

Publication Data

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Publication number /PN Search all the patent publication

stages using the patent/publication
number in the following formats:
- Number 1) If patent authority uses a continuous EP-982976/PN
If the number is <7 digits, infill with
hyphen(s) after the country code to NL---2025/PN
achieve the necessary number of

2) If the patent authority restarts its WO9916958/PN

number series each year:
Before 2000: CCYYNNNNN WO8909788/PN
(if number is <5 digit, fill with zeros after
the series year CCYY)
After 2000: CCYYYYNNNNN WO200016958/PN

- Country Search for publications by ISO US/PN

country code

Search by publication country and JPB2/PN

- Kind Code kind code information: EPA/PN

- Date Search by publication date: 19950625/PN


Kind Code /IKD Search in the format CCKK: EPA3/IKD

CC = country code EPB?/IKD
KK = status code

July 2015 7/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Publication Data (cont.d)

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Original PCT /PPN Search with:

Publication number Questel Standardized format: WO9838673/PPN
Before 2000: CCYYNNNNN WO200353458/PPN
The publication date without numeric 1999/PPN
Check for the presence of the field PPN=YES

Publication dates of all

members (except OPD):
- All publication dates. /PD PD=2000-02-16
- First publication date /PDF PDF<=1970-03
- Last publication date. /PDL PDL>=2006

PDA=2008-10-02 PDA<=1999-10
Application publication /PDA PDA>2007
date for each Member Search in the format: PDA=2007-06:2008-09
Granted patent date: YYYY
- Each member /PDG PDG=1998-06-02 PDG<=1998-06
- The first in the family /EPDG Use numeric operators: EPDG>1998
- The latest in the family /LPDG =, <, >, <=, >= LPDG=1998-06:2008-05

Publication Date of the /EPD EPD=2005-09-02

First Member EPD<=2005-09
(regardless of stage) EPD>=2005

Other publication dates: /OPD OPD=2006-01-12 OPD<=2006-01

- Effective Date OPD>2006
- Date of previous issue OPD=2006-01:2007-01
- Date of national stage
U.S.C. 371

Publication Stage /STG Search by term for the type of (PATENT OR GRANTED) /STG
Note: This field is not standardized. It
is recommended to use the Kind Code
(See /IKD above)
First Publication Country /EPNC Search by Country Codes FR /EPNC
for the Family (JP OR CN OR TW) /EPNC
Number of Unique /NPN Use numeric operators: NPN=1
Filings in a Family =, <, >, <=, >= NPN>=5

July 2015 8/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Application Data

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Family Filing Data /AP Search using the number in the format
- Application Number YYYY = 4-digit application year
CC = ISO country code 1999EP-0202618/AP
NNNNNNN= 7 digit application number 1989WO-US01469/AP
(fill in with zero(s) if number contains 1994US-0352062/AP
less than 7 digits)
US Application Numbers are
searched using the two digit series 1994US-08301230/AP
code in addition to the filing year. The 2013US-13974634/AP
format is:
YYYY = 4 digit year
US = country code
SC = the two digit US series code (infill
with zeros if < series code 10)**

- Country - the filing country using the two-letter EP /AP

ISO country code

- Date - application date in the format: 1999-08-12/AP

Do not use numeric operators.
Application (Filing) Date /APD Search in the format: APD=1999-08-12
YYYY-MM-DD APD=1999-06:1999-10

Earliest Application /EAPD Use numeric operators: EAPD=2011-10-03

(Filing) Date =, <, >, <=, >= EAPD>=2011

First Application Country /EAPC Search by Country Codes FR /EAPC

for the Family (JP OR CN OR TW) /EAPC
Original PCT Application /PAP Search using the number in the format:

-Provides the original YYYY= 4-digit application year without

PCT filing number for using numeric operators
member patent office 2002/PAP
documents filed via Presence of the field
Filing Details /FD Available for US Records.
Provides information such as whether
one patent is based upon another
(continuation of, CIP, division of).
Search using:
- standardized Questel format
- presence of the field
- date using the FDD subfield and FD=PRES
digital operators FDD/FD=2010
** For a list of US Series codes :

July 2015 9/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Priority Data

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Family Priority Data /PR Search using the number in the format
1986NL-0003303 /PR
- Number YYYY = 4-digit application year
CC = ISO country code 2001WO-US06520 /PR
NNNNNNN= 7 digit application number
(fill in with zero(s) if number contains
less than 7 digits)
US Priority Numbers are searched using 2007US-11962576/PR
the two digit series code in addition to the
filing year. The format is:
YYYY = 4 digit year
US = country code
SC = the two digit US series code (infill
with zeros if < series code 10)**

- the filing country using the two-letter

- Country US /PR
ISO country code

- application date in the format:

- Date
1998-08-12 /PR
1998-08 /PR
1998 /PR
Do not use numeric operators.

Priority date Search in the format:

YYYY-MM-DD PRD=1998-08-12
- All priority dates /PRD YYYY-MM PRD=1998-04 :1998-08
Note :Many records have
more than one priority Use numeric operators:
date. =, <, >, <=, >=
Note: Priority date ranging is available
for all priorities.

- Earliest Priority Date /EPRD The first priority date in the family EPRD>=1997

First Priority Country in /EPRC Search by Country Codes FR /EPRC

the Family (JP OR CN OR TW) /EPRC

Number of Priorities /NPR Use numeric operators: NPR=3

=, <, >, <=, >= NPR>1
** For a list of US Series codes :

July 2015 10/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet


International Classification Data

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

International Patent /IPC The IPC index simultaneous searches
Classification the following fields:

ICH: Codes as they have been

assigned by national offices at each
stage of publication
The index / ICH can restrict the search
to historical IPC codes.

IC: Updated Codes

The index / IC allows you to restrict the
search to updated IPC codes.

Search with one of the following

-complete index: ANNA-NNN/NN G10L-015/26 /IPC
-Group *: ANNA-NNN G10L-015 /IPC
-subclass *: ANNA G10L /IPC
-class: ANN #: use the # symbol. G10# /IPC

* These two formats are searchable

without truncation.

/ICM The index / ICM allows you to restrict H01M-008 /ICM

the search to the main code

/FMIC The index / FMIC allows you to restrict H01M-008 /FMIC

the search to the main family code
(associated with the latest family
member publication).

July 2015 11/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Cooperative Patent Classification Data

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

CPC Classification /CPC The / CPC index simultaneous

(Cooperative Patent searches the following fields:
CPCH: Codes as they were
CPC is used in place of granted by the EPO and the USPTO
ECLA and ICO since 1 at each stage of publication The
January 2013. index / CPCH can restrict the search
to historical CPC codes.

CPC: Updated Codes

Search by:

- Complete code (conversion of

ECLA and ICO codes)
G06K-019/02 /CPC
G06K-019/02/7 /CPC
ANNA-NNN/NN/NNN G06K-019/06/065 /CPC
G06K-019/077/43 /CPC

(2-3 digits after the first slash, 1-3

digits after second the slash -
Entering the second slash is G06K-019/06065 /CPC

- Complete code (converting ICO

orthogonal codes) A01D-2017/108 /CPC

H01L-2021/60292 /CPC
(2-5 digits after the slash)

- Group*: ANNA-NNN
G06K-019 /CPC
or ANNA-2NNN A01D-2017 /CPC
- Subclass *: ANNA
- Class: ANN #; # use the mask.
G10# /CPC
* These two formats are searchable
without truncation.

The index / CPCM allows you to

/CPCM restrict the search to the main code A01D-2017/108 /CPCM
The index / FCPC allows you to
A01D-2017/108 /FCPC
restrict the search to the main family
/FCPC code (associated with the latest
family member publication).

Concordance between the old ECLA and ICO codes and new CPC codes is available on the EPO website:

July 2015 12/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Former European Classification Data

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

EPO / ECLA and In /EC Search by:
Computer Only - Complete index:
Classifications ANNA-NNN/NNN C21D-001/773 /EC
Used by EPO examiners ANNA-NNN/NNAN B25G-001/06S1 /EC
until 2012 - Replaced by ANNA-NNN/NNANA G10L-015/06A3S /EC
- Group*: ANNA-NNN G10L-015 /EC
- Subclass *: ANNA G10L /EC
- Class: ANN #; # use the mask. G10# /EC

* These two formats are searchable

without truncation.

ICO is derived from ECLA and where S10L-015/18C1 /EC

the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are M08L-009/06 /EC
replaced by the letters K, L, M, N, P, R, M08L-009 /EC
S and T. Classification M08L /EC
Used for: M08# /EC
- Describe the characteristics for which
there is also a ECLA code that
classifies additional information
(mirrors codes)
- Describe the characteristics for which
there is no ECLA code (orthogonal
- Classify information according to
different criteria compared to ECLA
(additional subdivisions ECLA)

ICO - two classes were created to

cover nanotechnology (Y01) and
sustainable energy technologies (Y02).

July 2015 13/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

United States Classification Data

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Available for US documents only.
US Classification:
Search the US classification code (9 or
- Historical codes /PCLH 12 characters) in the format:
- Updated codes /PCL MMM = 3-digit class
SSS = 3 digit subclass or
DIG for "Digest"
DDD = 3 digits
AAA = 1-3 optional alphanumeric

Search by:
- Class 379 /PCL
- Subclass or Digest including mention 379093 /PCL
DIG 210DIG017 /PCL
- The full code 379093150 /PCL

For a comprehensive search, use both 379093150 /PCL/PCLH

fields simultaneously.

/PCLM The /PCLM index allows you to restrict 343754 /PCLM

the search to the main classification.

July 2015 14/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Japanese Classification Data

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

FI and F-terms Classification derived from the 6th edition
Available for 97% of JP of the IPC and used by JPO examiners for
documents Japanese documents *.
/FI The FI may be made of:
FI (File Index) - An IPC code format A01B1/16 /FI
Contains no ANNA [N] N / NN [N]
additional zeros or
dashes (unlike Questel - An IPC code followed by a symbol (1
format for IPCs) letter) Format: G10L9/20A /FI
ANNA [N] N / NN [N] A

- An IPC code followed by subdivision (3

digits) - Format: G11B11/105506 /FI

- An IPC code followed by a subdivision

and a symbol Format: G11B11/105506A /FI
G11B11/08ZNM /FI
- IPC code with a "facet" (3 letters)

All technical areas covered by FIs are

/FTM defined themes and some of these themes
F-term are divided into F-terms. 4C206 /FTM
(File Forming Term) Search by:
- Theme format NANNN 4C206CB+ /FTM
- Theme and point of view format
4C206CB23 /FTM
- Complete F-term format 4J002AC03.3 /FTM

July 2015 15/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet



Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Name of the inventor:

- At each stage of /INH The /INH index searches the name of the
publication inventor for all stages of publication.

- At the most recent /IN The index / IN restricts the search to the
publication stage inventor at the most recent publication stage.

For CN, JP, KR, RU, TH and TW publications,

the INH and IN fields an English Machine
translation is provided, it is then automatically
replaced by the official data when it becomes

Search by single terms (operators) or phrases

(implied adjacency), using truncation. (KAO YO HONG) /IN

Use the W or D operator to combine full name

(first and surname in full, because the two (KAO W (YO D HONG)) /IN
entries co-exist). (PUYPLAT D (O OR
For a comprehensive search, use both fields
simultaneously SMITH /IN/INH

Search by the name of the inventor in non-

In non-Latin original /OIN Latin original language publications for CN, JP,
language KR, TW, RU / SU and for PCT applications
published in Russian, Korean, Japanese and
Inventor Address /INAD Search by:

Country - ISO 2-letter country code using the COUNTRY/INAD=US

COUNTRY subfield.

State (US Only)* - ISO 2-letter US State code using the STATE STATE/INAD=ME
subfield. *
*Available for US documents only.

July 2015 16/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Applicant or Assignee

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Name of the applicant
or assignee:
- At each stage of /PAH The / PAH index searches the name of the
publication applicant or assignee for all stages of the

- At the most recent /PA The PA field contains the standardized (TEXAS W INSTRUMENT?) /PA
publication stage assignee name (see NPA). If this is not
available, contains the name at the most
recent publication stage.

For CN, JP, KR , RU and TW publications, an

English Machine translation is provided, it is
then automatically replaced by the official
data when it becomes available.

Search by single terms (operators) or phrases

(implied adjacency), using truncation.

For a comprehensive search, use both fields (KIMBERLY CLARK) /PA/PAH


-In non-Latin original /OPA Search by the name of the applicant in non
language Latin original language for CN, JP, KR, TW,
UK publications RU/SU and for PCT
applications published in Russian, Korean,
Japanese and Chinese
Normalized Patent /NPA This field provides the name of applicant
Assignee Name standardized by Questel. This standardization
includes corrections of typographical errors,
the removal of non-meaningful parts of the
name (INC CORP GMbH, etc.) and removing
spaces and periods in acronyms. The field
will supply, if possible, the latest name of the
Search by:
- single terms using search operators and PANASONIC/NPA
- full name using implied adjacency
US Reassignments /REAS Available for US documents only (Source
USPTO). Search by:
- Presence of field REAS=YES

- Simple Words (operators) or phrases PANASONIC /REAS

(implied adjacency) PANASONIC /REAS AND

July 2015 17/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Applicant or Assignee (continued)
Search by Index Search Hints Examples
Assignee address /PAAD Search by:
Country ISO 2-letter country code using the COUNTRY COUNTRY/PAAD=JP
State (US Only) ISO 2-letter US State code using the STATE STATE/PAAD=CO
subfield. * Available for US documents only


Postal Code Postal Code. Full postcode or truncated using POSTCODE/PAAD=67+

the POSTCODE subfield
To combine several subfields, use the SDOC POSTCODE/PAAD=68+) OR
operator. (67### OR 68###)/PAAD)

Names Super-Index

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Inventor and Assignee /NA This field allows for simultaneous searching of GUTMANN/NA
Names the Inventor and Assignee fields: IN, PA


Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Representative Name /RP Representative information for:
US since 1971,
EP since 1978,
WO since 1978
FR since 1966

Search by single terms (operators) or phrases

(implied adjacency), using truncation.

Use the D or W proximity operators to combine OBLON W SPIVAK/RP


-In non-Latin original /ORP Search by the name of the applicant in non
language Latin original language for JP, CN, KR, TH
and WO publications

Representative Country /RPAD Available for US, EP and WO documents COUNTRY/RPAD=FR

Search by country code 2 letter country code

using the COUNTRY subfield.

July 2015 18/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Citations (patent and non patent literature references) are available for the following publications:
AP - from 1984 DK - from 1956 KR - from 2000
AT - from 1983 EA - from 1996 LU - from 1999
AU - from 1978 EP - from 1978 NL - from 1965
BE - from 1988 ES - from 1993 RU - from 2005
BG - from 1999 FR - from 1969 SG - from 2001
CH - from 1982 GB - from 1983 TR - from 1987
CN - from 2010 GR - from 1988 TW - from 2006
CZ - from 1997 IT - from 2010 US - from 1947
DE - from 1943 JP - from 1972 WO - from 1978

Search by Index
Patents cited in search reports are displayed under the title "Search Report" or "Examiner
Cited Patents
citations" for all the countries listed above.*
Format is the same as the PN field:
For US, EP, WO, FR, DE, NL, BE, GR, CH, GB, TR, LU and DK publications this field
also contains Applicant citations
For EP publications this field also contains Opposition citations and Observer Citations
(art. 115).
For JP publications citations are listed in 4 categories: Opposition citations (reason for
opposition), Opposition citations (reason for decision), Examiner citations (reason for
refusal) and Citations in registration report.

*See the /CTN index, next page

Search patent citations using:
- Standardized patent number (in filled EP-248377 /CT
with hyphens if needed)
- Two letter country code
- Presence of the field
Non Patent References to literature are displayed under the title Search Report or Literature
Literature Citations Citations for all the countries listed above except BG.
Search using single words or phrases (implied adjacency), using truncation on:
- Title
- Authors
- Source
- The XP number assigned by the EPO examiners
For US, EP, WO, FR, DE, NL, BE, GR, CH, GB, TR, LU and DK, publications the field
also contains applicant literature references.

For EP publications the field also contains Opposition references and Observer
references (art. 115)

Search using single words or phrases (implied

adjacency), using truncation on:
- Title (SIGNAL 1W
- Authors MAGAZINE) /REF
- Source
- The XP number assigned by the EPO examiners
(XP 002058560 OR
XP002058560) /REF

Presence of the field REF=YES

July 2015 19/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Citations (cont.d)

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Standardized /CTN Search by keywords below using the WHO

Publication/Patent subfield:
Numbers in the CT Field - Applicant WHO/CTN=APPLICANT
-Citation Author - Third_Party
- Unknown

-Self Citation Search by Keyword Y (for yes) or N (for no) using SELF/CTN=Y
the SELF subfield. SELF/CTN=N

-Relevancy Category Relevancy Category Codes, also known as CAT/CTN=X

Codes relevance indicators, are used by the EPO in
their Search Reports. Relevancy Category
Codes are found in EP, FR and PCT search
I - Particularly relevant when taken alone
affecting the inventive action
X - Particularly relevant if taken alone
affecting novelty *
Y - Particularly relevant if combined with
another document in the same family
A - Technology background
O Unwritten disclosure
P - Intermediate document
T - Theory or principle underlying the
E - Earlier patent document, but published
on, or after, the filing date
D -Document cited in the application
L - Document cited for other reasons

* Before the creation of the code I the X code:

Particularly relevant if taken alone*

Search by relevancy codes above using the CAT CAT/CTN=X OR

subfield. CAT/CTN=Y

July 2015 20/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Legal Status

Event codes

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Action /ACT This field contains three types of information:
- a standardized explanation of the action in English (SEARCH REPORT) /ACT
- a standardized explanation of the action in the
language of the application country
- a complementary text, which may contain dates, (NON PAYMENT) OR
designated states, inventor or patent assignee, (FAILURE 1W
change of IPC codes, etc. PAY))/ACT

Data calculated by
Questel :
Search with the keywords:
Use the numeric operator =.
Search with the keywords:

Use the numeric operator =.

*Pending applications for which there is no activity for
several years are declared "Pending Application
Likely abandoned" and therefore LAPSED / DEAD

Search with the date format :

YYYY-MM-DD EED/ACT=2020-15-03
YYYY-MM EED/ACT>=2010-11
Actual or expected EED YYYY EED/ACT<=2015
expiration date Use numeric operators : =, <, >, <=, >=.

AD AD/ACT=20010-06-16
Date of event publication
Search with the date format :
Effective date of the event
Use numeric operators : =, <, >, <=, >=.

Event code*
CO Search in the format CC/NNNN CO/ACT=US/FP

CO=Country code CO/ACT=EP/PGFP

NNNN=2 to 4 character alphanumeric code

use the numeric operator =.

* The list of event codes is available on the EPO website:$File/le-codes-

July 2015 21/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Event codes (cont.d)

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Index assigned to the SI This index specifies if the event is positive or
event negative. SI/ACT=POS
-POS (positive) SI/ACT=NEG
-NEG (negative)
Use the numeric operator =.
Event groups EG To facilitate researching actions, Questel created EG/ACT=LIC
16 event codes that bring together similar actions
of different patent offices:

ADM Administrative notifications

CCL Classification amendments
COR Corrections, amendments
DCS Designated states
ENP Entry into national phase, translations
(AP, EA, EP, OA, WO)
EXM Requests for examination, review
procedures and review process, research
LIC Licensing and operating agreement EG/ACT=RAS
NENP Non-entry into national phase
NIF Not in force, disqualifications, expiration,
refusal, recalls EG/ACT=SPC
NMC Name change of applicant, assignee,
inventors; other: opponents, applicants
NOPP No opposition to registration
OPP Opposition, re-examination EG/ACT=RES OR
PIF Payment of annuities, in effect, EG/ACT=SPC
registered, issued
RAS Reassigned
RES Restitution, restoration: in effect
SPC Actions concerning complementary or
supplementary certificates of protection,
extension of protection period.

Search with a code and the numeric operator =.

Countries affected by Search with code and the numerical operator =.
the event:
These subfields are useful in combination with
-Country of filing APC other queries to restrict the search to a particular
member of a family.
-Country of publication PC PC/ACT=EP
Use the P (paragraph) operator to connect the
-Designated countries CC search criteria. CC/ACT=FR



July 2015 22/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Event codes (cont.d)
Search by Index Search Hints Examples
Dates affected by the
-Date of application APD Search with the date format : APD/ACT>=2005-12
-Date of publication PD YYYY-MM PD/ACT<=1990
-Date of application in CAPD Use numeric operators : =, <, >, <=, >=. CAPD/ACT<=1995-05
countries designated by
a WO or an EP

-Date of publication in CPD CPD/ACT=2008-07-04

the country designated
by a WO or an EP
Numbers affected by the
-The publication number
PN Search using the Questel standardized number. PN/ACT=EP1131715

-The stage of publication KD Searching using the 1 or 2 character code. KD/ACT=B1

code PC/ACT = EP P KD/ACT =
-Number of the CAP Search using the Questel standardized number. CAP/ACT=2001US-
application in countries 10629694
designated by a WO or
an EP

-The publication number CPN Search using the Questel standardized number. CPN/ACT=EP1414368
in the country
designated by a WO or
an EP

-Code of the stage of CKD Searching using the 1 or 2 character code. CC/ACT = EP P CKD/ACT
publication in the = A1
country designated by a
WO or an EP

Other subfields of the

/ACT index:
Expiry date (essentially EXD Search with the date format : EXD/ACT>=2001
GB documents YYYY-MM-DD
designated by an EP) YYYY-MM
Date of extension (for EXTD Use numeric operators : =, <, >, <=, >=. EXTD/ACT>2005
some RU, EP and US)

Date of withdrawal (EP)

Date of annuity payment
(for countries PAY PAY/ACT=2011-02
designated by an EP)
Number (1 to 20) of the
year of payment (US, YR Use numeric operators : =, <, >, <=, >=. YR/ACT=20
Number of days of
extension (US) XDAY XDAY/ACT>=300

July 2015 23/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Search by Index Search Hints Examples
Owner Original or /OWR The field is present when there have been
Current changes in ownership.
Essentially available for - single words (operators) or DELIVERY /OWR
some US, EP, BE, DE - phrases (implied adjacency)
Truncation may be used. (INT+ BUS+ MAC+)
Addresses are not included OR IBM/OWR
Inventor /INV The field is usually present when there have been
changes or corrections to an inventor's name or
Available for EP & DE address. /INV contains the surname, first name,
documents city and country code of the inventors.
Search by: ((PEREIRA W
-single words (operators) or ALEXANDRE) AND FR)
-phrases using the W operator or implied /INV

Truncation may be used.

Representative /REP The field is present when there have been
changes to the representative.
Essentially available for Search by: (ISLER 1W
EP, DE, CH documents -single words (operators) or PEDRAZZIN) /REP
-phrases (implied adjacency)

Truncation may be used.

Addresses are not included
Opponent /OPP Search opponent name by: AKZO/OPP
-single words (operators) or
Essentially available for -phrases using the W operator or implied
EP documents adjacency

Truncation may be used.

Requestor /REQ The field is present when there are: mortgages,
Available for AU, NZ licenses, cancellation of financial interests. HSBC BANK/REQ
Search requestor name by:
-single words (operators) or
-phrases using the W operator or implied
Names /NAM The Names Super Index simultaneously searches (INT+ BUS+ MAC+)
the OWR, INV, REP, OPP and REQ fields. OR IBM/NAM

July 2015 24/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Other Indexes

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

Designated states for /DS Search by ISO country code using the two AT /DS
European Patents (EP) letter format CC. (FR OR GB) /DS
and PCT applications
(WO) The EP designated states are from the
last EP publication stage.
Original language /LA Language is provided for EP and WO ENG/LA
documents and in all other cases where the
language is not the sole official language of ENGLISH/LA
the country.
Search LA using the ISO three letter
language code:
CHI Chinese CZE Czech
DAN Danish DUT Dutch
ENG English FIN Finnish
FRE French GER German
ICE Icelandic ITA Italian
JPN Japanese KOR Korean
NOR Norwegian POR Portuguese
RUS Russian SER Serbian
SLV Slovenian SPA Spanish
SWE Swedish

Notes (US, EP, WO /NO For U.S. documents /NO BANNER WITCOFF/NO
only) contains examiner names and company
representative names.
For EP and WO documents /NO contains
information on divisions, changes or
Search by simple words or phrases RAMIEREZ W
Search for the presence of the field NO=YES

Numbers /NUM For US and select JP and KR documents NDR>=20

Number of Drawings, only. Search for: NFG<=50
Claims, etc - Number of drawings (NDR) - US NCL=10:15
- Number of figures (NFG) US, JP ICL=4
- Number of claims (NCL) US, JP, KR ECL=1
- Number of independent claims (ICL) - US* ART=271
- Number of exemplary claims (ECL) US* NPS=10:50
- Art Unit (ART) US* EXTD=134
- Number of pages (NPS) US* TRM=14
- Days of extension (EXTD) US*
- Term of patent (TRM) US*

*Granted patents only

July 2015 25/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Case ID NumberUS /CID Litigation filed in the 94 US District courts,
documents from 1980 forward Use in conjunction with
MaxVal IP Litigation, available in CID=YES

Search for the presence of the field

Family Accession /FAN Producer number assigned to a record.

Number /FAN 20042802935754

Access number of the /LAN Application number identifying the legal status EP09010508API /LAN
legal status in the LGST reference in FamPat and LGST bases
base reference

July 2015 26/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Update Codes

All codes below are available for use in alerts.

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

New references to the Use the relevant update code in the
database following format:
Weekly: /UP YYYY-WW (weekly) 2014-23 /UP
Monthly: /UP4 YYYY-MM (monthly) 2014-06 /UP4
Truncation may be used
Addition of equivalents or Use the relevant update code in the
changes to publication following format:
stage YYYY-WW (weekly)
Weekly /UE YYYY-MM (monthly) 2014-23 /UE
Monthly /UE4 Truncation may be used 2014-06 /UE4

Addition of Citations /UCT 2014-23 /UCT

Addition of Human Use the relevant update code in the

produced English following format:
Abstracts 1st time YYYY-WW (weekly)
Weekly /UAB YYYY-MM (monthly) 2014-23 /UAB
Monthly /UAB4 Truncation may be used 2014-06 /UAB4
Addition of Machine or
Human produced English
Abstract 1st time 2014-23 /UMTA
Weekly /UMTA 2014-06 /UMT4
Monthly /UMT4

Addition of any* Human

abstract 1st time. 2014-23 /UABA
Weekly /UABA 2014-06 /UAA4
Monthly /UAA4
English French German
Spanish, Portuguese,
Dutch, Russian,
Japanese, Chinese
Addition of ECLA codes Use the relevant update code in the
for the 1st time, or /UEC following format:
modifications to ECLA YYYY-WW (weekly) 2014-23 /UEC
codes. Truncation may be used 2014+ /UEC
Entry of new records in Includes:
the database + Changes - New records entered into the database
to records already in the except the documents published before
database: 2006 and D0 reference documents

- Weekly Code /QW - Modified by the addition of one or more 2014-23 /QW
- Monthly Code /QM of the following six fields: ETI, EAB, PA, 2014-06 /QW
CPC, FI, FTM 2014+ /QW
**The update codes above are available for alerts.**

July 2015 27/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Update Codes (cont.d)

Search by Index Search Hints Examples

/EUP 2011+ /EUP

Week input or update Use the relevant update code in the following
events (ACT) format:
2011-47 /EUP
YYYY-WW (weekly)
Truncation may be used
YYYY+ (year)
Use the relevant update code in the following
/LUP 2011+ /LUP
Week input or update any format:
information of legal /LGUP* YYYY-WW (weekly) 2011-48 /LUP
situation Truncation may be used
Use the relevant update code in the following
/LUP4 2011-12 /LUP4
Month input or update format:
any information of legal YYYY-MM (monthly)

The update codes above refer to legal status updates.

* Only this update code is available for alerts.

July 2015 28/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

List of Fields
AB** Abstract in the preferred language
AP Application number
APD Application date
CID ID number of U.S. litigation
CPC Cooperative Patent Classification Codes - most recent publication stage
CPCH Cooperative Patent Classification Codes - at each stage of publication
CPCM Main code of the Cooperative Patent Classification
CT Cited patents
CTN Further information on the cited patents
DS Designated countries
EAB Original or Machine translated English Abstract
EAPC Earliest application country in the family
EAPD Earliest application date in the family
EC ECLA and ICO codes
EPD First publication date -all members
EPNC First country of publication in the family
EPDG First publication date in the family
EPRC First priority country in the family
EPRD Earliest priority date in the family
ETI Original Title English or Machine translated - most recent publication stage
ETIH English Title - at each stage of publication
FAB Abstract French original
FAN Access number of the family in the database
FCPC Main Cooperative Patent Classification Code - Family
FD Registration Details
FI Japanese classification FI
FMIC Main International Patent Classification Code - Family
FTI Original French title - most recent publication stage
FTIH Title French - at each stage of publication
FTM Japanese classification F-term
GAB Original German Abstract
GTI Original German title - most recent publication stage
GTIH German title - at each publication stage
IC Codes International Classification of Patents - most recent publication stage
ICH Codes International Classification of Patents - at each publication stage
ICM Main code of the International Classification of Patents
IKD Country codes and status
IN Inventor(s) name(s) - most recent publication stage

July 2015 29/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

BIBLIO (contd)
INAD Inventor(s) address(es) - Country and US State
INH Inventor(s) name(s) - at each publication stage
IT English descriptors for French publications
LA Language of document
LPDG Latest Patent Date in the family
MED Name of the drug subject to French CCP
NO Notes US, EP and WO
NPA Name of the applicant standardized
NPN Number of unique filings in the family
NPR Number of priorities in the family
NUM Number of drawings, diagrams, ... for US documents
OAB Original abstract in a language other than French, English or German
OIN Name of the inventor in non Latin original language
OPA Name of applicant non Latin original language
OPD Other publication dates
ORP Name of agent in non Latin original language
OTI Original title in another language - most recent publication stage
OTIH Original title in another language - at each publication stage
PA Applicant (s) - most recent publication stage or standardized name
PAH Name of the applicant - at each publication stage (EPO format)
PAAD Address of the applicant - US State and Country
PAP PCT filing date
PCL US classification codes - most recent publication stage
PCLH US classification codes - at each publication stage
PCLM Main code of the US classification
PD All publication dates of the family
PDA Date of publication of the application in each Member
PDF Date of first publication of each Member
PDG Publication date of the issuance of each member
PDL Last publication of each Member
PN Publication data of the family
PPN Publication data of the PCT original
PR Priority Data
PRD All priority dates of the family
QW & QM Week or month of entry and modification of the reference
REAS Reassignments US only
REF Literature references cited
RP Name of agent (for US, EP, WO and FR)
RPAD Attorney country
STG Definition of status codes publication

July 2015 30/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

BIBLIO (contd)
TECD Technology Domain
TI** Title in the preferred language
UAB & UAB4 Week and month of Human produced English Abstract - 1st time
UABA & UAA4 Week and month Addition of any* Human abstract 1st time.
UCT Week add or change citations
UE & UE4 Week and month of adding a publication stage or equivalent
UEC Week adding ECLA codes (historical)
UMTA & Week and month of adding an Machine translated English abstract
UP & UP4 Week and month update documents (new and entry to the database for the 1st time)
XAP Application Numbers Standardized Format
XCT Cited Patent Numbers Standardized Format
XPN Publication Numbers Standardized Format
XPR Priority Numbers Standardized Format
**Do not use =YES with TI or AB

Keywords and Concepts

ADB Advantages of the invention and disadvantages of prior inventions

ICLM Independent claims
KEYW Concepts
OBJ Patent objective

Description and Claims

DESC Description in English
DESX Examples contained in the description of US documents
ECLM Claims in English
FCLM Claims in French
GCLM Claims in German
OCLM Claims in languages other than English, French, or German
ODES Description in languages other than English

Legal Status

ACT Event text

AD Date of publication / communication Event
APC Deposition country concerned by the event
APD Date of deposit involved in the event
CAP Deposit number in the country designated by an EP or WO
CAPD The filing date in the country designated by an EP or WO
CC Country designated by the event

July 2015 31/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

CKD Code of the publishing step in the country designated by an EP or WO
CO Event Code
CPD Date of publication in the country designated by an EP or WO
CPN Publication number in a country designated by an EP or WO
EED Expiration date of actual or anticipated
EFFD Effective date of the event
EG Event Group
EXD Expiration date
EXTD Expansion Date
KD Kind Code of Publication
PAY Date of payment of annuities
PC Country of publication concerned by the event
PD Date of publication relevant event
PN Publication number affected by the event
SI Index assigned to the event (positive or negative)
STATE Status (alive or dead)
WTHD Date of withdrawal
XDAY Number of days of extension
YR Year number of payment
EUP Input week or update events (ACT)
INV Inventor(s)
LUP, LGUP Input week or update any information legal situation
LUP4 Input months or update any information legal situation
OPP Opponent
OWR Owner / Assignee / Applicant
REP Representative in case of change (for EP, DE, CH)
REQ Petitioner

July 2015 32/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

Technology Domain Areas

Below is the list of 35 technology areas used with the index / TECD

Analysis of Biological Materials

Audio-Visual Technology
Basic Communication Processes
Basic Materials Chemistry
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Technology
Digital Communication
Electrical Machinery, Apparatus, Energy
Engines, Pumps, Turbines
Environmental Technology
Food Chemistry
Furniture, Games
IT Methods for Management
Machine Tools
Macromolecular Chemistry, Polymers
Materials, Metallurgy
Mechanical Elements
Medical Technology
Micro-Structure and Nano-Technology
Organic Fine Chemistry
Other Consumer Goods
Other Special Machines
Surface Technology, Coating
Textile and Paper Machines
Thermal Processes and Apparatus

July 2015 33/33 FAMPAT Fact Sheet

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