Cheat Rise National

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Dan berikut ini daftar cheat lainnya, dan ketika sedang bermain game tekan ENTER untuk

memasukkan kode yang ditulis tebal. pilih salah satu dari cheat dibawah ini :

1. 1000 more resources: ''cheat resource all+1000''

2. War with nation: ''cheat war (nation name) ''

3. Adjust damage: "cheat damage (name or no entry)(+ or -)(number)"

4. AI state: "cheat ai (on, off or debug)"

5. Alliance with nation: "cheat ally (nation name)"

6. Change explore: "cheat explore (normal, explored, all)"

7. Defeat nation: "cheat defeat (nation name)"

8. Deploy units: "cheat deploy"

9. Drop nuke at pointer: "cheat nuke"

10. Drop Wild Bird at pointer: "cheat bird"

11. Encounter with nation: "cheat meet (nation name)"

12. Finish building or next item: "cheat finish"

13. Kill all selected objects: "cheat die"

14. Make all players human: "cheat sandbox"

15. Pack units: "cheat pack"

16. Peace with nation: "cheat peace (nation name)"

17. Put building at pointer: "cheat insert (number)(type)(who=RED)(x,y)"

18. Put unit or building at pointer: "cheat add (number)(type)(who=RED)(x,y)"

19. Put machine guns around human capitals: "cheat safe"

20. Set difficulty: "cheat diff (0-5)"

21. Show achievements: "cheat achieve"

22. Show/change commerce level for nation: "cheat commerce (number)(nation name)"

23. Show/change library tech levels for nation: "cheat library (number)(nation name)"

24. Show/change military level for nation: "cheat military (number)(nation name)"

25. Show/change nation age: "cheat age (number)(nation name)"

26. Show/change resource: "cheat resource (name)(goodtype or all)(+ or -)(number)"

27. Show/change science level for nation: "cheat science (number)(nation name)"
28. Show/change technology: ''cheat tech (name)(tech or all)(on or off)''

29. Show combat ranges: ''cheat ranges (0 or 1)''

30. Show full map: ''cheat reveal (on or off)''

31. Toggle computer control off: ''cheat human (name)''

32. Toggle computer control on: ''cheat computer (name)''

33. Toggle pause: ''cheat pause (0 or 1)''

34. Turn encounter off with nation: ''cheat unmeet (nation name)''

35. Victory for nation: ''cheat victory (nation name)''


Taunts ini sendiri bisa digunakan untuk mengejek ataupun meminta bantuan. untuk menggunakan
taunts klik ENTER kemudian cukup tuliskan angka berdasarkan daftar dibawah ini dan OK.

1 - Yes
2 - No
3 - Maybe
4 - I need food
5 - I need timber
6 - I need metal
7 - I need wealth
8 - I need oil
9 - I need knowledge
10 - Do you need resources?
11 - Little help here
12 - This noobs rushing me
13 - Build more troops
14 - Build a wonder
15 - Work on your economy
16 - Work on your air force
17 - Work on your navy
18 - Wait for my signal to attack
19 - Attack!
20 - Lets get em
21 - Guard my artillery
22 - Move troops here
23 - Grab some territory
24 - Gonna boom
25 - Gonna rush
26 - Wanna ally?
27 - Wanna make peace?
28 - Of course you know this means war
29 - Pay up or die
30 - Prepare to be crushed
31 - Who should we attack?
32 - When shall we attack?
33 - Wheres the enemy?
34 - Theyve got air power
35 - Ships ahoy!
36 - I spy a spy
37 - Rare resources for the taking
38 - The city is going down
39 - Check out the timer
40 - Lets set up shop
41 - Wanna bet?
42 - Its on
43 - Was that supposed to hurt?
44 - Have you fixed your little problem?
45 - Good luck with that
46 - Let me know how that works out for you
47 - I may be slow, but Im ahead of you
48 - Classy
49 - Play the tutorials, noob
50 - Wake me up when your done
51 - Get outta my face
52 - Leave me alone
53 - Cause you need that
54 - Is it over yet?
55 - Do your parents know youre up this late?
56 - You okay over there?
57 - And stay out!
58 - Bwa ha ha ha ha!
59 - Have fun stormin the caslte
60 - Random! Random!
61 - RanDOM! RanDOM!
62 - Let the game begin
63 - Dude, we know who youre going to take Just pick em and get on with it
64 - Which part of click in didnt you understand
65 - Whats the holdup?
66 - Ahhh
67 - Unh Unh Unh
68 - Ohhh
69 - Ughhh
70 - Uhhh!
71 - Were doomed!
72 - Wanna give up?
73 - Victory is mine!
74 - Oww! My eye!
75 - Not in the face!
76 - Coming
77 - Be right there
78 - On my way
79 - Im trying to send some help
80 - Gotcha covered
81 - Check
82 - It shall be done
83 - Let me get right on that
84 - Sweet
85 - You da man
86 - Thats what Im talking about
87 - Consider it taken care of
88 - Sounds like a plan
89 - Groovy
90 - Red
91 - Blue
92 - Purple
93 - Green
94 - Yellow
95 - Light blue
96 - White
97 - Orange
98 - Aaaaaaagh! The humanity!
99 - Let me gat that for you
100 - They keep on rising

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