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IBM Global Business Services

IBM Institute for Business Value

Strategy and Change

Value 2.0
Eight new rules for
creating and capturing
value from innovative
IBM Institute for Business Value
IBM Global Business Services, through the IBM Institute for Business Value,
develops fact-based strategic insights for senior executives around critical public
and private sector issues. This executive brief is based on an in-depth study by
the Institutes research team. It is part of an ongoing commitment by IBM Global
Business Services to provide analysis and viewpoints that help companies realize
business value. You may contact the authors or send an e-mail to
for more information.
Value 2.0
Eight new rules for creating and capturing value from innovative technologies
By Matt Porta, Brian House, Lisa Buckley and Amy Blitz

We are at the beginning of an era of true transformational change. The

full power of the Internet, globalization and innovative new technologies
are coming together, and in doing so, are changing the rules of
business, culture and society. The purpose of this paper is to help
executives understand the new ways in which emerging technologies
and principles are enabling value creation through what we call the new
rules of Value 2.0.
Introduction publicly available information to assess these
The enabling technologies behind Value 2.0 140 companies, we first identified eight new
are the emerging technologies of Web 2.0, rules of Value 2.0. We then polled over 500
social computing, service oriented architec- business experts from among technology
ture, 3D Internet and virtual worlds. The focus analysts, IBM business leaders and the
of this paper is not on the new technologies venture capital community to gather their
per se, but on how businesses are using them insights on how these emerging technologies
to improve performance and enable new will evolve and which aspects of Value 2.0 hold
means of value creation: what we are calling the most significant opportunities for large
here Value 2.0. enterprises.

In particular, we wanted to discover if the The value dilemma

new rules of value creation were applicable Our research shows that while we are living in
to large enterprises. To answer this question, an era of vast opportunity for innovation and
we examined over 100 start-ups and 40 large growth, executives are deeply worried about
enterprises to see how they were leveraging their organizations abilities to capitalize on this
emerging technologies to create value. Using transformation and thrive.

 Value 2.0
Why are executives uneasy about entering month and is one of the top 40 most visited
such a rich era of innovation? They are worried sites in the world all with only 24 employees.
that their current organizations and business Meanwhile, Apple (iTunes) has revolutionized
models will not be able to adapt. A staggering the way consumers buy music and companies
two-thirds of the CEOs interviewed in the like it are also disrupting their industry value
IBM 2006 Global CEO study stated that they chains with innovative business models.
needed to make fundamental changes to their
businesses within the next two years.
1 Few enterprises are escaping the impact of
this vast cultural and economic force. Those
Executives know the rules are changing. A who ignore it do so at their peril. Those who
company like Craigslist can create and run understand and act on this new insight will be
a site that serves 5 billion page views per positioned to capture real value.

Value 2.0
Eight new rules for creating and capturing value from innovative technologies

The new rules of Value 2.0 Of the start-ups and large enterprises we
As a harbinger of this disruptive change in examined, innovative large enterprises tended
business, billions of dollars have flowed in to experiment with multiple new rules of Value
recent years into start-ups that are focused 2.0, while technology start-ups tended to focus
on emerging technologies. These companies on one to two new rules (see Figure 2).
have leveraged emerging technologies to
change the way companies and customers FIGURE 2.
interact, and have developed new business Number of new rules exhibited by start-ups and
models to support these changes. We asked, large enterprises.
Among these start-ups, do any of their busi-
40 Large enterprises
ness models or approaches to value creation
apply to large enterprises? 35

Percentage of companies
The answer is a definite yes. Our research
on technology start-ups, and early adopter
large enterprises led to the identification of the
new rules of Value 2.0, which we then refined
based on insights from technology analysts, 10

IBM business leaders and the venture capital 5

community. These rules illustrate unique ways 0
2 3 1 4 5
in which emerging technologies are enabling
Number of new rules
new value creation in the enterprise and fall Source: IBM Institute for Business Value.
into three broad categories (see Figure 1). Note: Companies may exhibit more than one new rule; no company
exhibited more than five new rules.

New rules of Value 2.0.
New rules of
Value 2.0

Capitalizing on new markets Getting closer to your Creating new

and business models markets and customers capabilities

Grab and monetize the Long Tail Embed flexibility in business

Embrace your customers
of demand models and information systems

Get ready Your customers Trust the network It really does Foster rapid, collaborative
value digital content know more than you innovation in the enterprise

Jump in Virtual worlds are real Use social networks to create

business solutions

 Value 2.0
Our study of the 140 companies in our Capitalizing on new markets and business
sample showed that large enterprises models
focused primarily on Value 2.0 in the context The first three new rules focus on expanding
of customer intimacy, solutions and social into new markets and creating new business
networking. Start-ups, on the other hand, models. In essence, they hold the potential
leaned more toward exploiting long tail to capitalize on emerging market opportuni-
economics and meeting underserved market ties, develop new revenue streams and grow
segments. Both groups, however, had a signifi- market share. Now is the time for enterprises
cant focus on value created by harnessing to enter these markets, adjust their business
network intelligence (see Figure 3). These model as necessary, and secure first mover
results were echoed by the responses to a advantage.
separate poll of IBM business and technology
leaders. RULE #1: Grab and monetize the long tail
of demand
For many enterprises, the Pareto principle (or
Percentage of start-ups and large enterprises 80/20 rule) is a fundamental business prin-
exhibiting particular new rules. ciple. Enterprises tend to focus on the roughly
20 percent of their customers or product mix
Long Tail
that generates 80 percent of their revenue or
Digital content profit. Enterprises have known for a long time
that a very broad product selection is not cost
Virtual worlds
effective shelf space and inventory costs
Trust the network are too high. Therefore, marketing efforts are
Embrace your customers geared toward the critical 20 percent of their
demand, versus other segments. This cycle
Social network solutions
is, of course, self-reinforcing. If you only offer
Business flexibility limited products and services, people will only
Large enterprises
Collaborative innovation buy those. Value 2.0 challenges the 80/20 rule.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 As Chris Anderson discussed in The Long

Percent Tail, new technologies have lowered both
Source: IBM Institute for Business Value. the cost of accessing customers, as well
Note: Sum of percentages is greater than 100% as companies may
as the cost of offering a much wider selec-
exhibit more than one new rule. 3
tion of goods and services. Grabbing and
monetizing the long tail of demand beyond
the core 20 percent applies both to startups
and large enterprises. For startups, a focus
on the long tail of demand in their industries
has already proven effective. Threadless, for
example, enables its customers to design

 IBM Global Business Services

The first three new their own personalized T-shirts which are lished business models and is opening up
produced, marketed and sold in very small entirely new markets. Forward-thinking enter-
rules are about 4
batches. Another startup,, prises can take advantage of this by adjusting
capitalizing on
offers over 100 different retail gourmet salts their business models and business design.
emerging market at comparable prices much more than However, this is not easy. In our research,
opportunities and the typical dozen or so salts from the best only 23 percent of the large enterprises and
business models to gourmet stores. 17 percent of the startups were attempting to
develop new revenue create value based on this new rule.
Amazon demonstrates that large enterprises
streams and grow can generate real value using this kind of The music industry is a poster child of this
market share. approach. For example, Amazon has been trend. Much has been written on how new
able to lower its search costs by leveraging technologies are breaking down the traditional
social recommendation engines, as well bi-directional, pay-for-use industry business
as community marketing effects. The value model. While this has been viewed as a threat
created is substantial nearly 57 percent of by music industry incumbents, overall music
Amazons book sales are titles that are not consumption is actually growing. People are
stocked in a typical brick and mortar store. listening everywhere in gyms, planes, parks,
shopping malls. Additionally, music is being
This genie will not go back into the bottle the accessed across all types of devices, from
enabling technologies behind Amazons mp3 players to phones to laptops. Consumers
success are available to all enterprises, and are finding value in the ubiquity and liquidity
indeed, are starting to change customer of their digital music, and therein lies the busi-
expectations and purchase behaviors across ness opportunityeven as industry value is
industries. Customers are increasingly uninter- being visibly (and often painfully) redistributed
ested in settling for a less than ideal product, to companies able to reconfigure their busi-
service or solution. Enterprises that understand ness elements and business models.
and act on this change stand more likely to
reap the rewards of Value 2.0. Figure 3 shows New business models are emerging. For
that while less than one-third of large enter- example, Prince gave away his Planet Earth
prises studied were experimenting with value album to several hundred thousand British
creation based on this rule, nearly one-half of fans who purchased the Mail on Sunday
the startups we analyzed were doing so. newspaper. The band Radiohead released
its recent album In Rainbows over the Web,
RULE #2: Get ready Your customers value with a name your own price model for fans
digital content (down to and including a price of US$0).
With the explosion of digital content in Both Prince and Radiohead are using these
recent years, emerging technologies are giveaways to stimulate demand and buzz, with
now enabling new ways to create, share and the objective of generating substantial revenue
consume all forms of digital content. This shift through tours and limited-edition content sold
is causing dramatic changes in many estab- at premium.

 Value 2.0
Theres urgency in the industry to representing a new frontier of opportunity. It is
estimated that investors have put over US$1
find new ways to monetize content billion into virtual worlds since October 2006.

and the economics of the Internet

It has been fairly easy for large enterprises to
facilitate thisbecause it allows for enter this space and explore value creation.
a leaner organization while letting Our analysis showed nearly 30 percent of
fans dictate the process. sampled large enterprises were leveraging
virtual worlds, compared to only 4 percent of
Peter Lauria, New York Post9 the analyzed startups. Virtual worlds have a
variety of potential applications and exciting
And this new rule does not just apply to business opportunities for large enterprises.
the entertainment industry. Digitization is These applications are enabling Value 2.0 in
expanding across diverse industries. For three broad areas:
example, motorcycle fans can download ring
tones of their bike accelerating. They can also Creating new markets for virtual
buy professional promotional videos of their products and services The visual, social
bikes. And they can create and share their and entertainment aspects of virtual worlds
own videos with other enthusiasts, or even buy have created an entirely new market for
a virtual bike in Second Life. Although many virtual goods and services paid for in real-
companies do not yet realize it, these digital world dollars. These include clothing for user
product extensions can be very valuable. In avatars, virtual houses, cars and more, with
some cases, they can be worth more than the total spending on virtual goods estimated
physical product.
10 at more than US$1.5 billion per year. The
popularity of virtual worlds has also enabled
While this trend does not currently apply some companies to sell virtual products
equally to every industry, within many markets that complement or enhance real-world
it is a real and significant opportunity for products, making their overall brand experi-
innovative enterprises. The race is now on for ence longer and stronger with customers
enterprises to develop their innovative capaci- (for example, Mattels Barbie).
ties and organizational abilities, to change their Opening a richer direct channel to
business models, and to capture Value 2.0 customers Virtual worlds such as Second
generated by ubiquitous digital content. Life represent a new channel to customers
and provide new opportunities to advertise
RULE #3: Jump in Virtual worlds are real
and market real world products/services.
The interactivity and social aspects of this
Virtual worlds and other three-dimensional
medium provide extra value in customer
(3D) online environments were born in the
interaction, above that of a simple Web
massively-multiplayer online game (MMOG)
page or B2C/B2B site. This direct channel
arena. However, they have quickly evolved to
to customers is more akin to what channel
become one of the hottest areas of Value 2.0,
partners and retailers have traditionally
offered in the real world, further disrupting
the value chain.

 IBM Global Business Services

The second set of new Enhancing collaboration and commu- Getting closer to markets and customers
nication As MIT Professor Irving The next set of rules illustrates how large
rules emphasizes creation
Wladawsky-Berger stated at a recent confer- enterprises can create new value with
of value by getting closer
ence, Meetings and learning and training emerging technologies by becoming more
to customers and markets, may very well be the killer app for virtual intimate with customers, gaining better infor-
obtaining useful insight 13
worlds. Enterprises are becoming increas- mation and insight from the social Internet,
from the social Internet and ingly more distributed across geographies. and forming community experience around
developing a community Their knowledge ecosystem is becoming customer solutions.
fragmented across employees, partners and
experience around
customers. To thrive in this hyper-distributed RULE #4: Trust the network it really does
customer solutions. world, an enterprise needs to help ensure know more than you
that its employees connect and collabo- The Internet offers deep, broad, and widely
rate. Face-to-face meetings are expensive accessible information worldwide. And busi-
and time consuming, yet conference calls nesses are learning to tap this information
lose much in the way of the social capital source in new ways. Of the large enterprises
created through personal interactions. we studied, 50 percent were addressing value
creation by tapping into network intelligence,
Telepresence is one way to bridge this gap. compared to nearly 47 percent of startups.
Telepresence refers to a set of emerging
technologies that help connect people by If Web 1.0 was about putting basic product
allowing them to feel that they are physically information on the Internet, Web 2.0 is about
present at another location. For example, a rich commentary on all things by almost
IBM is currently holding new employee training everyone, including consumers, experts, trend-
sessions in Second Life in order to allow setters, the average person on the street and
employees regardless of geography to meet the not-so-average.
in a virtual world. The goal is to offer a richer
Mining this information for business intelli-
experience than a conference call.
gence and insight is just beginning. Emerging
Simultaneously, advances in video streaming Web analytics technologies are making
are another set of technologies being used to it possible to obtain much more valuable
support virtual collaboration. Since 3D worlds insights from the social Internet and the rich,
and video streaming are both converging in heterogeneous data resulting from online
this space, many experts see a combination social networks. Large enterprises not only
of both video and 3D Internet technologies need to recognize that this intelligence exists,
providing the best platform for virtual commu- often outside their current knowledge sources.
nication and collaboration via telepresence. But they must also have the right mindset,
processes and tools in order to tap into,
accept, and act upon the collective wisdom of
the masses.

 Value 2.0
There are many valid privacy concerns that will tion. Value 2.0 is then created, as enterprises
need to be addressed as this area matures. leverage this participation from customers to
But the new, more socially interactive Internet gain realtime input.
is a tremendously valuable source of informa-
tion on customers, markets, competitors and A second way emerging technologies enable
other key concerns for a business. Enterprises new value through customer intimacy is via
that move quickly here may well be rewarded crowdsourcing and crowdsupport. These
with superior insights on sales and market terms refer to enlisting customers to directly
trends, new product ideas, competitive intel- help an enterprise in every aspect of the life-
ligence and operational issues. cycle of a product or service. For example, in
the consumer world of Web 2.0, an organiza-
RULE #5: Embrace customers tion like Wikipedia and virtual worlds have
Staying close to customers has been a been able to leverage the small group of users
business battle cry throughout the ages. willing to give their time and energy to create
Leading organizations have historically sought content for the larger community to use. This
customer input in every stage of the lifecycle same principle applies to crowdsourcing and
from design to marketing to distribution and crowdsupport. A large enterprise can enlist its
sales, to after sales support. The traditional small group of highly dedicated users to help
ways to engage customers via focus groups, improve the overall quality of its products and
surveys and industry experts are expensive services for all; often these users will do this
and limited. Todays emerging technologies for free. For example, Nintendo has had great
enable a new level of customer intimacy by success with a program, described in detail
changing the way enterprises connect and later, which engages its dedicated users in all
build customer relationships. Enterprises can aspect of its business from design to customer
move from knowing the customer to truly support. Its success indicates that large
embracing the customer. This is another rule of enterprises can benefit from this approach
value creation that is getting substantial atten- as well as the start-up or pure-play Internet
tion, both in large enterprises and startups. company.
Our analysis found 55 percent of large enter- As emerging technologies make it easier to
prises and 45 percent of startups creating connect with customers, it becomes easier
Value 2.0 by embracing customers. for enterprises to find and encourage those
First, emerging technologies enable greater small groups of highly dedicated users who
customer intimacy by increasing the ease of are willing to help other users get the most
access to customers and lowering the relation- out of these sites, advocate the brand, spread
ship barrier. Customers are already online and the word and contribute content to make the
many are already discussing and commenting product/service/solution even more valuable.
on every aspect of products and services. The result of embracing the willingness of
Enterprises that encourage free-form discus- some customers to directly support a business
sion around their products and services can is Value 2.0, through: better product/service/
start building a rich community of participa-

 IBM Global Business Services

The third set of new rules solution quality, a better brand experience and Creating advocates for the company in the
lowered costs to serve new customers with a increasingly transparent world of the social
is about the value the
richer interface. It is expected to remain a win- Web, where information and misinformation
enterprise can gain by
win relationship for both an enterprise and its disperse instantaneously.
building new capabilities customers.
that are enabled by With global competitive pressures increasing,
large enterprises are taking this rule of Value
emerging technologies. RULE #6: Use social networks to create
solutions 2.0 to heart. Our research showed 55 percent
Selling business solutions instead of products of large enterprises and 37 percent of startups
or services alone is an established strategy exploring Value 2.0 through social networks
of many large enterprises. Solutions require and corresponding solution ecosystems.
better integration across business partners Creating new capabilities
to meet client needs. Innovative technologies This next set of new rules focuses on Value
like Web 2.0 have opened up an entirely new 2.0 enabled by emerging technologies inside
dimension to integrate an ecosystem. That the enterprise to build capability. Flexibility of
is why creating ecosystem solutions through business models and systems is becoming
social networks is a new rule of Value 2.0. a critical aspect of creating value in todays
Apples iPod ecosystem is the foremost marketplace, especially as disruptive forces
example of this socially-driven, Web-based incapacitate existing enterprise models.
solution. In creating iTunes, Apple integrated Fostering rapid, collaborative innovation is
content, devices and community into a busi- another key theme to staying competitive in
ness model. Combining the entire music todays marketplace.
ecosystem around one solution gave Apple
RULE #7: Embed flexibility in business
a true competitive advantage, and helped it
models and information systems
secure 70 percent of the PC-based digital
16 Traditional business models, processes and
music market.
information systems have been built to be
Social networks, enabled by innovative tech- as efficient and effective as possible, but the
nologies, are critical components for creating ability to quickly adapt has not traditionally
these Web-based solutions. As rule #5 shows, been a top requirement. Not surprisingly, this
online social networks empower loyal brand new rule applies mostly to large enterprises, as
advocates to enrich the user community. More startups tend to be more flexible and adapt-
specifically, social networks can drive value in able by nature. Of companies studied, 45
these key areas: percent of large enterprises were exploring
Value 2.0 opportunities to improve flexibility,
Building loyalty, trust and camaraderie in an
compared to only 2 percent of startups.
increasingly mobile and global marketplace
Fostering innovative discussion and support Business leaders understand that this must
among online communities with committed change. All aspect of the enterprise should
participants, expert users and early be designed not only to optimally perform the
adopters task at hand, but also to enable rapid change
to drive superior performance. Enterprises

 Value 2.0
poised to capture Value 2.0 embrace this innovation have been lowered. Innovation can
fundamental need for flexibility and are now be fostered and developed anywhere in
building this capability across their enterprises, the enterprise. Enterprises no longer require
including: centralized research departments to be the
Rethinking overall business design, taking a sole contributors to the innovation pipeline.
modular/component view of the enterprise Social networking technologies and other
that structurally is a more flexible model collaborative tools enable more functions
within the enterprise to drive innovation at a
Making hard decisions about which activi- grassroots level.
ties belong inside or outside the enterprise,
based on a deeper understanding of which Most importantly, enterprises are starting to
components are truly a source of competi- recognize that speed is often more important
tive advantage than perfection when it comes to innovation.
Adopting a service oriented technology Failing fast and failing cheap or launch
architecture that translates the business and adapt are strategies that echo the Web
component model into IT services that 2.0 paradigm of the perpetual beta. In this
support superior business performance respect, large enterprises need to shift their
today and greater IT flexibility tomorrow all thinking and learn a great deal from multiple
at a lower cost. inexpensive, rapid failures, rather than learning
a little from a single launch event.
These approaches to flexibility can reduce
the internal cost of quickly adjusting to market Finally, new metrics must also be developed
forces and enable the enterprise to succeed in to understand Value 2.0. Return on invest-
an era of accelerated change. ment (ROI) is useful to a certain degree, but
it often does not capture opportunity costs of
RULE #8: Foster rapid, collaborative missed innovation, network effects or value
innovation in the enterprise from communities. Restrictive metrics, along
In the Value 2.0 environment, new ways to with restrictive control of ideation and incuba-
collaborate and share knowledge, joined with tion can stifle innovation as well. Management
greater transparency, are creating new forms systems need to adapt to create Value 2.0
of collaborative partnerships while lowering the through a grassroots, collaborative innova-
cost of innovating across enterprise silos. tion approach. This evolution is underway, but
creating a new innovation mindset across the
Collaborative tools and social networking tech- marketplace takes time. Among companies
nologies are already providing higher levels of surveyed, only 15 percent of large enterprises
transparency and collaboration among orga- and 1 percent of startups were focusing on
nizations and their partners, customers and Value 2.0 in this respect.
employees. At the same time, cost hurdles for

10 IBM Global Business Services

Large enterprises are The new rules in practice Large By the mid-2000s, it faced serious challenges
reaping benefits from enterprises enlist Value 2.0 as its worldwide share of video game consoles
The examples below illustrate the impact that dropped from 61 percent during the days of
using the eight new
the new rules, used alone or in combina- 16-bit game consoles to just 22 percent as
rules alone or in the new 128-bit game systems were taking
tion, can have on the performance of large
combination in terms enterprises. These organizations let networks
hold of the marketplace. These new 128-bit
of greater market share do the work of creating, disseminating and game consoles were launched by Nintendos
and customer intimacy. amplifying knowledge. They reap benefits in competitors and, because of their technical
terms of greater market share and customer superiority, were appealing to traditional hard-
intimacy. These Value 2.0-enabled enterprises core gamers (18-26 year-old males).
are rapidly launching products and services
The companys challenge was to attract
that have been suggested, tested and co-
new customers without alienating hardcore
created by communities. They are better able
gamers. To help with this, Nintendo launched
to change business models quickly and apply
a community platform on the Web, offering
niche marketing tactics, for example, without
incentives in exchange for product registration,
alienating their core customer bases. Their
feedback and profile information. Information
communities can guide them about which
captured this way provided critical customer
offerings to grow, which to maintain, and which
insights that led to a loyalty program with a
to exit gracefully.
status aspect. Sages are an elite group of
Embracing customers helps Nintendo experienced gamers, handpicked by Nintendo
regain market share staff based on the value and frequency of
Creating and capturing Value 2.0 is not an their community posting. In return for leading
isolated event or a quick win. Value 2.0 is forums and helping new users, they have
created as a result of deliberate, thoughtful access to exclusive game previews and other
strategy about far-reaching business issues, one-of-a-kind benefits.
taking into account new rules of value creation
By embracing customers through a Web-
and the technologies that can enable them.
based community with crowdsourced Sage
Nintendo has recaptured a market leadership
support, Nintendo was able to reconnect
position in game consoles thanks to several
with older, casual male gamers, as well as
factors: embracing customers more closely
women two atypical segments for console
than competitors; reaching new customer
game devices. Nintendo, through its under-
segments with insight from these close rela-
standing of customers, provided users with
tionships; and enabling a vibrant customer
intuitive game controls in the Wii system, as
well as an online game library full of nostalgic
After the early 1990s, when Nintendo held a game content especially appealing to non-
strong leadership position and a market share traditional customer segments.
of 68 percent, competition greatly intensified.

11 Value 2.0
FIGURE 4. thousands, hundreds of thousands and even
Nintendo regains market share. millions of people. WorldJam was the initial
experiment to prove the power and ability of
70 the IBM intranet to connect and tap into its
workforce. Over 50,000 employees partici-

Percent Nintendo market share

pated and as a result of this success, IBM
realized that there were broader applications.
Subsequent jams held over the next five years
tackled big issues: company values; prag-
20 matic solutions for growth and, most recently,
10 new market opportunities based on IBM R&D
Early 1990s Mid 1990s Early 2000s Today capabilities. Jams have become part of IBMs
0 (Super NES) (Nintendo 64) (Nintendo (Nintendo Wii)
Gamecube) management system, used as a collabora-
tive management tool with a distinct business
Note: Based on worldwide game console shipments.
Source:, Worldwide Hardware Shipments, purpose, clearly understood objectives and
October 2007, and Nintendo Co., Ltd. desired outcomes. Participation in these
events increased six-fold between 2001 and
2006 (see Figure 5).
Today, with 42 percent market share (see Figure
4), Nintendo has recaptured the lead over its News of these events resulted in requests for
competitors for the latest generation of game IBM to help other organizations set up their
consoles. By embracing customers and own jams, including the World Urban Forum
bringing brand advocates Sages inside for the United Nations Habitat for Humanity
enterprise boundaries to provide key customer office and the Canadian Government, and an
support and product feedback (in return for industry association, the Original Equipment
status, rewards and recognition), it created and Suppliers Association, based in the United
20, 21
captured Value 2.0. States. Frequent impetus for these Jams
includes the need to drive change in culture,
IBM changes its culture and helps others values or strategy. For example, global tele-
do likewise communications equipment provider Nokia
In 2001, IBM faced serious hurdles in engaging
Siemens Networks held a jam to create new
over 300,000 employees worldwide to drive
values after the merger of two large and cultur-
the kind of change needed to maintain its
ally different companies. In addition, global
market leadership. To meet the challenge, it
consumer electronics manufacturer Nokia
created WorldJam, the first of a series of
developed ideas to realize the companys new
massive, online discussions using the Internet
strategy, with its new values from the jam as a
to support conversations among tens of

12 IBM Global Business Services

IBM Jams: Collaborative innovation evolution, 2001 to 2006. 37,000


72 72 72
1,016,763 54

Hours Posts Views Hours Posts Views Hours Posts Views Hours Posts Views
WorldJam 2001 ValuesJam WorldJam 2004 InnovationJam
A new collaborative medium An in-depth exploration of Focused on pragmatic solutions For the first time, IBM clients,
to capture best practices on 10 IBM values and beliefs by around growth, innovation and business partners and even our own
urgent IBM issues employees bringing the companys values to life family members joined in a new
exercise in Collaborative Innovation
Source: IBM Jam Program Office.

Initially a tool for social dialogue focused Where is the tipping point of social
on cultural change, jams have expanded to software and emerging technology adoption
become an enabler of Value 2.0 by harnessing among your current customer segments?
the power of grassroots, collaborative inno- What does that tell you about your current
vation. They serve as one example of many marketing strategy?
in which Value 2.0 is created and multiplied In what ways can you harness the liquidity
through enterprises as disjointed, dispersed and ubiquity of digital content in your
employees are connected to share knowledge, marketplace? Which customer and partner
collaborate and drive innovation. segments are your earliest indicators of this
Several important questions Creating Value 2.0: A critical
can help guide enterprises proficiency for large enterprises What are the most information-intensive
elements in your value chain? How is digiti-
to deal successfully with the Questions to consider zation impacting those elements? Can your
confluence of three major business model handle those changes?
Capitalizing on new markets and business
trends changing consumer models With virtual worlds, how can 3D visualization
preferences, intensified What are the underserved segments in your plus multi-user socialization enhance your
globalization of competition marketplace? What have been the traditional products, services, brand image or even
and the proliferation of barriers to serving them cost, impact on internal capabilities (such as training and
existing customer segments or channel learning)?
social technologies.
How can a virtual experience become a
brand enhancer for your enterprise?

13 Value 2.0
Getting closer to markets and customers What social connections do you encourage
What organizational barriers prevent you outside of purely professional interaction?
from inviting your customers inside your Which passions, interests and expertise
organization? areas of your employees go unharnessed?
What is your enterprises ability to gather What if they could pour those passions
and extract value from the unstructured and energies into communities focused on
social interaction and heterogeneous data product development, sales and marketing,
among you, your customers and partners, service delivery or innovation?
as well as among customer segments?
Value 2.0, when harnessed effectively, can be
How do you build and offer a rich experi- a significant source of advantage for large
ence or community around your products enterprises. Indeed, in the coming years, we
and services? In what ways can you stand anticipate that a Value 2.0 approach will evolve
out from the clutter of me too communities from being a nice to have initiative to being
and truly offer your customers something of a critical capability for global corporations.
value? The confluence of three factors changing
Creating new capabilities consumer preferences driven by the millennial
What is your companys permission to generation, intensified globalization of compe-
innovate? Are your non-R&D employees tition, and the proliferation of fast-evolving
given explicit time or permission to focus social technologies that connect people and
on innovation and ideation? How do your ideas is what we believe will make Value 2.0
management systems encourage innovative proficiency critical for global corporations in all
contributions outside of normal productive industries. Value 2.0 will take hold at different
work? paces in different industries, but make no
mistake about it employees, customers, part-
How socially connected are your ners and competitors are changing how they
employees? Compare that with the interact with each other. Innovative, emerging
geographic distribution and isolation of your technologies are becoming the key enablers
remote workforce. for large companies to deal with these disrup-
tions and remain competitive.

14 IBM Global Business Services

Authors Contributors
Matt Porta is the global leader of IBMs In the spirit of collaborative innovation,
Technology Strategy Consulting Practice and many colleagues throughout IBM and
SOA Transformation within Global Business beyond venture capitalists, analysts,
Services. He can be reached at matt.porta@ and others contributed to this paper. In particular, this paper would not have been
possible without the substantial contributions
Brian House is a Senior Consultant in IBMs
throughout the research of Anubha Jain, Bindu
Strategy and Change practice in Global
Oleti and Prasanna Pownsubbiah. The authors
Business Services. His focus is on business
would also like to thank Wataru Sasamoto
model innovation, growth and marketing
and his team for their contributions in identi-
strategy, and the strategic implications of inno-
fying innovative start-ups. Thanks as well to
vative technologies. He can be reached at
Ray Bedard, Saul Berman, Marc Chapman,
Eiji Hayashiguchi, Elissa Houchin, Deborah
Lisa Buckley is a Managing Consultant Kasdan, Aaron Kim, Bernie Michalik, and
in IBMs Global Business Services, where George Pohle, all of IBM, as well as analysts
she focuses on IBM Jams: Collaborative from various organizations including Forrester
Innovation, as well as innovative technolo- and Gartner.
gies and community building. She can be
contacted at About IBM Global Business Services
With business experts in more than 160
Amy Blitz is the Strategy and Change Lead for
countries, IBM Global Business Services
IBMs Institute for Business Value within Global
provides clients with deep business process
Business Services. She can be reached at
and industry expertise across 17 industries,
using innovation to identify, create and deliver
value faster. We draw on the full breadth of IBM
capabilities, standing behind our advice to
help clients innovate and implement solutions
designed to deliver business outcomes with
far-reaching impact and sustainable results.

15 Value 2.0
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17 Value 2.0
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