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No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)


1} At some angle of attack of aircraft

1. The velocity of airflow over the upper surface will increase
2. The velocity of airflow over the lower surface will increase
3. The velocity of airflow over the upper surface will decrease

2} Go around mode can be engaged when

1. Radio altitude is more than 2000 feet
2. Auto throttle engaged and radio altitude less than 2000 feet
3. Auto throttle engaged and radio altitude more than 2000 feet

3} One is associated with auto pilot

1. Airspeed hold
2. Feedback hold
3. Localizer hold

4} Negative feedback in amplifier is used

1. Reduce gain
2. Reduce response time
3. it use as a oscillator
4. All

5} If X and Y inputs of a CRO are respectively V sin and V sin. The resulting lissajous pattern
will be
1. Straight line
2. Ellipse
3. A figure of eight
4. Circle

6} When the aircraft is descending, if pitot probe is blocked and drain is open the ASI will
1. Over read
2. Under read
3. Not read

7} If cabin rate of climb is too great, the control should be adjusted to cause the
1. Cabin compress speed to decrease
2. Outflow valve close slower
3. Outflow valve close faster

8} Due to acceleration in northern hemisphere gyro horizon indicate

1. Turn to starboard and climb
2. Turn to port and climb
IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

9} Hunting is
1. the mechanical type of anti-hunting device used for high power
2. As in a & anti- hunting devices also used in servomotors
3. for high power supply electronic type anti hunting devices are used
4. All

10} In bimetallic strip method of temperature compensation

1. It consists of steel with 36% Ni
2. it consists of steel with 36% Cu in 1 and have high temp. coefficient
4. As in 1 and have low temp. coefficient

11} If penta valent impurity to an intrinsic semiconductor then

1. it become N type Semiconductor.
2. it become P type semiconductor.
3. as in 1 and holes are majority carriers.
4. as in 1 and it has nearly empty conduction band.

12} In dc motor the speed can be controlled by varying

*Armature resistance
* Flux
* Supply voltage
* All

13} ASI range marking over which landing gear flaps operate
* White arc
* Blue arc
* Red arc

14} CMOS circuits are extensively used for on-chip computer mainly because of their
* Low power dissipation
* Large packing density
* High noise immunity
* Low cost

15} Drain valve should be located

* Lower side of the Pitot tube
* Underside of the Pitot tube

16} Engine vibration monitoring unit

* Vibration pick off or sensor are mounted at right angle to its axis
* a moving-coil micro ammeter calibrate in thousand of an inch
IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

* amplifier monitoring unit is show vibration amplitude

* All

17} Profile drag is


18} the output of EX-OR gate is high when

*Both the input are different
* Both the inputs are 1
* Both the input are 0

19} Instrument transformers are used to increase the range of

* Ammeter
* Voltmeter
* Wattmeter
* All the above

20} .. error is control by deliberately unbalancing the inner gimbal ring so that a
constant force & precession are applied the gimbal system
* Earth rate
* transport wander
* real drift

21} Most sensitive air data instrument

* Altimeter

22} Mach indicator fail then

* M flag will be indicates Mach failure
* VMO flag will indicate on failure of VMO & MMO circuit
* INOP flag show
* All

23} The critical mach no. for a particular type of aircraft is indicated by
* It is constant for given aircraft
*depend on density and speed
* depend on weight of aircraft

24} Standard atmospheric condition

* 1013.25mb, 15degreec, 1.98degreec, for every 1000feet of height
* 14.7 psi, 15degree c, 1.98at every 2000feet

25} Which are the essential instrument required in pressuzation

IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

* Barometric altimeter, ASI,VSI.

* ASI, cabin Altimeter, differential pressurization.
*Cabin Altimeter, Differential Pressure indicator, VSI.

26} In Oxygen 3 operational positions are.

1. Low, high, emergency.
2. Normal, high, emergency.
3. Normal, low, high.

27} The mode switch display dispatch readiness of an aircraft

1 operational mode
2 Status mode
3 Maintenance mode

28} In capillary type pressure gauge the method of temperature compensation

1 Bimetallic strip made of invar / brass
2 Bimetallic strip made of copper / aluminum
3 Bimetallic strip made of copper / brass

29} In turbine engine exhaust gas temperature are measured by using which thermocouple
1 Iron and constantan
2 Copper and constantan
3 Chromel and alumel
4 Platinum and aramid

30} In the measurement of exhaust gas temperature thermocouple is used for turbine
engine is
1 Chromel (-ve) and alumel (+ve)
2 Chromel (+ve) and alumel (-ve)
3 iron (+ve) and constantan (-ve)

31} the display show position of flight control surface in the form of pointer
1 Operational mode
2 Status modes
3 maintenance mode

32} In the oxygen system if the reducer valve fails what prevent flow of oxygen into
1 Check valve
2 Pressure relief valve
3 Non return valve

33} oxide coating is done on emitter to increase the temperature to

IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

1 750
2 1200
3 1300
4 3650

34} For measurement of low pressure of ROCI

1 For low pressure measurement Burney nanometer is used
2 Low pressure measurement dead weight testers is used
3 For low & high measurement dead weight tester is used
4 for low pressure measurement mercury manometer and for high pressure measurement
dead weight tester is used

35} in turn & slip indicator speed is kept constant by

1 Centrifugal governor mechanism
2 As in 1 maintain constant frequency

36} which synchro is used for precise angular momentum

1 Resolver
2 Torque synchro
3 Control synchro
4 Differential synchro

37} In indicator use of color in display red radial line indicate

1 Maximum and minimum limits
2 Take off
3 Precautionary areas
4 operations in prohibited

38} the error of observing an instrument at an angle is called

1Parllel error
2 Parallax error
3 Position errors

39} In ADC which type of transducer are used

1 Mechanical
2 Electro mechanical
3 Electrical
4 All

40} which scale is used in ROCI indicator

1 Linear
2 Logarithmic
3 Square law
IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

41} At which earth rate rotate

1 5/HR
2 15/HR
3 10/HR
4 30/HR

42} Circuit containing flip-flop as memory element an also containing logic gate network is
1 Sequential logic circuit
2 Combinational circuits

43} in head up display system

1 Head display of a system know as visual approach monitoring (VAM)

2 The system an airborne equivalent to VASI
3 And aid to pilots then approaching air field not equipped with VASI, ILS OR other approach
4 All

44} all the flight control surface are aerodynamically stable to

1 Statically stable the aircraft
2 Dynamically stable the aircraft
3 to reduce pilots effort in controlling the aircraft

45} which is not used for low pressure sensing

1 Pezos electric
2 Photo electric

46} If the gyroscope speed of rotor is increased then the rate of precision
1 Rate of pressisecion increases
2 rate of pressisecion decreases
3 no effect of rate of precision

47} if there is not good electric contact between static discharger and the structure
1 It should be replace with new one
2 It should removed and contact surface is clean
3 continuity check between static discharger and structure
IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

48} convert the decimal number 35 into excess 3 code

1 01101000
2 10000110
3 10111000
4 00100100

49} the rapid response time thermocouple is used for

1 Turbo propeller engine
2 Turbojet engine
4 Turbo shaft engine

50} Pinch of voltage is known as

1 Minimum drain to source voltage at which drain current essentially becomes constant
2 Maximum drain to source voltage at which drain current essentially becomes constant
3 As in 1 and get shorted to source

51} MTCS
1 Lever mechanism used in direct reading
2 Rod mechanism used in pitot static function system
3 Gear mechanisms is used for various multipoint type of indicating element
4 All

52} MTCS
1 Y plates is supplied with ramp voltage
2 X plates is supplied with signal to be supplied on the screen
3 Aquadag coating is provide for accelerating the electron bean and collets the electron
produce by secondary emission
4 All

53} Blinking LED

Blinking LED is combination of
1 Two LED & oscillator
2 Two LED
3 One LED & oscillator
IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

54} Indication of whether an a/c is flying TO-FROM a station meter supply with the signal
from a phase comparator circuit
1 When the VOR/LOC station frequency is tuned in
2 When the LOC station frequency is tuned in
3 When the only VOR station is tuned in

55} In diluter-demand oxygen regulator

1Oxygen is supplied to the particular passenger seat as demanded
2 Automatically cabin is supplied as per oxygen requirement
3 It work as continuous flow type
4 None

56} Programming is stored in .and temperaly data is stored in .

3 Accumulator & ROM
4 None

57} MTCS
1 Lap winding is suitable for small generator especially these made for 500-600v circuit
2 Equalizer connections are not necessary in lap winding
3 Lap winding are measure unequal voltage are produce which set up a circulating current that
produce sparking at brush
4 All

58} In dc motor a mechanical output power actually comes from

1 field system
2 Air gap flux
3 Back emf
4 Electrical input power

59} ADC give output to

1 Engine electronic control
2 Inertial reference unit
4 All

60} In EFIS display failure of data is

1 Red
2 Yellow
3 Cyan
IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

4 magenta

1)Radio altimeter display changes to a white circular at 2500 ft
2)the circular scale calibrated in increment of 100ft and the selected DH is then displayed
as magenta color marker
3)at the selected DH +500ft an aural chime sound
4)All of the above.

62)Heading hold signal is applied to_

1)pitch channel
2)roll channel
3)Pitch and roll channel

63)Heading hold signal is applied to_

1)pitch channel only
2)roll channel only
3)Pitch and roll channel

64)Diagram of press to reset-

1) 2) 3) 4)

65)when ADC provides data to the system then-

1)horizontal guidance will be shown on display
2)vertical guidance will be shown on display
3)attitude direction will be shown on display

66)synchronous motors differs from induction motor due to its-

1)it has higher rotor resistance
2)high power rating
3)low staring torque
4)greater inertia

67)4-pole 3 phase motor having single supply of 50 hz, then what will be the speed of
magnetic field of stator-

68)In case of air-speed indicator-

IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

Error compensation
1)+vly increased through-out the range bi-metallic strip moves towards rocking shaft
2)+vly increased towards the higher end capsule is moved away from the rocking shaft
3)-vly increased towards the higher end capsule moves towards the rocking shaft

69) Instrument made of four principle element sequence wise-

1) detecting, measuring, coupling, indicating.
2) measuring, coupling, indicating, detecting.
3)detecting, coupling, measuring, indicating.
4)coupling, detecting, measuring, indicating.

70)The bourden tube have a combination of

1)detecting and coupling
2)measuring and coupling
3)detecting and measuring
4)coupling and indicating

71)At which point the aircraft is directionally stable-(AFCS-22)

1)1 2)2 3)3 4)4

72)In parallel shunt generator are generally used because af its


73)In tacho-generator rotor is made up of composite type squirrel cage for-

1)self starting and high starting torque
2)low starting torque and high power factor
3) self starting and high power factor

74)Mechanical loss in the transformer-

1)Iron loss
2)copper loss
IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

3) windage
4) hysteresis loss

75)In dc generator which loss is proportional to V2-(BLT-2-925)

1)Hysteresis loss
2)Iron loss
3)Copper loss

76}Accuracy in GNSS is given by .


77} Satellite communication is used primarily

1 because it has accurate communication over covering world wide.

78} when the Rigidity of gyroscope is increase then the rate of precession is
1. decreases
2. increases

79} when a/c taking north turn it shows max. error due to
1. at the north error is grater and varies rapidly with the distance
2. at the equator error is grater and varies rapidly with the distance
3. at the south error is less and varies rapidly with the distance

80)all the elements of an instruments are inside of the indicator itself

1. Direct reading
2.Remote reading indicator
3.Self contained unit

81. bimetallic strip method is used for temp. compensation

1. It consist of steel with 36% nickel in 1+it is used in altimeter and ASI in 2+it is also used in VSI and engine temperature measurement

82.MTCS about gear.. (old pallet-p13)

1.backlash is an unavoidable since the dimentioning of the gear teeth must allow for a set of
play to avoid jamming of gear
2.the method most commonly adopted is geared mechanism is one involving the use of coiled
hair spring.
3.anti-blacklash gear is also used
4, All
IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

83. what is equivalent of 1 horse power

1. 746 watts
2. 34.5 pounds per hour(boiler)
3. 550 ft-lb per second(mechanical)

84.when the signal of different frequency is not properly amplified which distortion
1, amplitude distortion
2. frequency distortion
3.harmonic distortion
4.bandwidth distortion

85. During approach which of the following provides azimuth guidance

1. glide slope

86. If static defect controller(SDC) detects the error then. will be automatically compensated in CADS

87. In artificial horizon freedom of gimbal ring is ..

1. 360 in pitch and 85 in roll
2. 360 in roll and 85 in pitch

88. in aircraft data transfer from the computer to all CPU , and all component to CPU.
1. Parallel bus
2 data transfer bus
3. series bus
4. ARNIC 429

89. In some cabin pressurization system , pressurization on ground is restricted by..

1.Main landing gear operated switch

90. MTCS
1. Vent in instrument is provided for release case pressure to atmosphere.
2. Instrument case is filled with inert gas like nitrogen and hermetically sealed.
3.Instrument case is filled with inert gas like helium and hermetically sealed.
4. all the above
IIAE PUNE, B.No01,(Shruti, Pratik , Pallavi ,Parag ,SHAHAJI JADHAV)

91. The primary reason for marking the coil span of a dc armature winding equal to a pole pitch
is to.
1. obtain a coil span of 180 (Electrical)
2. ensure the addition of e.m.fs. of consecutive turns
3. distribute the winding uniformly under different poles
4. obtain a full pitch winding.

92. the speed of the synchronous motor is constant regardless of

1. at all load
2. at all frequency
3. at all current
4. at all voltage

93. IAS in FDI gives guidance of

1. horizontal guidance
2. horizontal and vertical guidance
3. vertical guidance
4. lateral guidance.

94. category in which R.V.R is must

1. CAT 1
2. CAT 2
3. CAT3


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