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‘A2 axis gy70, measuring vertical changes will have: ) 2. one degres of freedom, vertical axis b. two degrees of freedom, vertical axis © one degres of freedom, horizontal axis two degrees of freedom, horizontal axis Toe inp tothe sal warning sytem a: ‘Which of the following will 2 angle of stack b AS. « slat flap position é ‘The properces of a gyro are: a rigidity b. precession © inertia é ‘The sources of error in a DGI are: earth rate ‘Aa aircraft fined with a DRMC upon landing in a northerly direction will indican a no change > oscillation about north & a tum towards east & arama towards west a direct reading compass? a ferrous metals rae vine ’. non-ferrous menals ere e electrical equipment . ~ a magnetic fields + operating range of the GPWS is a 50° 2500" b 50° - $000" ‘ '- 2500" Nd 0 5000" ‘Where in the aircraft does JARs require the FDR to be fied: 2 atthe back Bathe front & inthe wings inthe undercarriage bay An FDR Sed to an aircraft of over $700Ibs after Apr 98 must record for: a 10 hours b 25 hours & switch on to switch off &. ae moving under own power to switch off © first contact with ATC to switch off ¢ A vibrator may be fined to ax altimeter to overcome: 2 friction B_bysterysis (oe me @ ‘Standard PUDSOD questions - ASVMach/Al/VSI ‘The machmeter consists of: @—_anairspeed indicator with mac scale b. ——_apairspeed indicator with an altimeter capsule © an altimeter corrected for density @ a VSland altimeter combined 4y the display of a flight director a fly upand ight bly up and left c Ay down and right & fly down and lef Red pointer / arc on an EGT gauge?? (White arc on a temperarure m7 @ cota gust?) CAS is LAS corrected for: 2 position and instrument error >. temperanure error density exer €——compressability Where is TCAS displayed? \ 2 onits ownsereen \ onthe ERIS \ \ € combined withthe weather radar \ LCD variometer ‘Where are the flight director modes displayed? a PED BND , oe EICAM \ dF contol panel CAS - uses SSR only TCAS - what is the effect of loosing mode C GPW informs pilot of: \ 5 evraceive eink rate ‘ AM FM pulse pulsed FM Radio altimeter measures distance; 8 from A/C to ground v. ¢ ¢ ADGI bas; one degree of freedom & a horizontal spic axis ‘two degrees of freedom & a vertical spin axis two degrees of freedom & a horizontal spin axis one degre of freedom & a vertical spin axis poee ‘As aircraft is fying at an indicated alrnade of 16,0008. The outside air temperanure is -20° ¢ ‘What isthe true altinde of the aircraft? 2 16,200 ft b 15,200 . 18,600 a 13,5008 The rain cause error ina DRMC is ‘parallax in the rose taming ‘magnetic deviation latinde the airfield baromeric pressure the setting that will give zero indication on the airfield the equivalent sea level pressure at the airfield the serting that will indicate airfield height ‘er gyros are used in an IRS, Why must accurate Lat & Long be inserted? to determine magnetic north check the function of the laser gyros to determine the computed tibedron to compensate for arcrat movement poor What is & 1 Schuler period? 21 minutes 84 minutes 1 oscillation in azimuth 63 minutes ‘What does a FDR reord? a corknit voice horizontal axis with 1 degree of freedom vertical axis with 1 degree of freedom horizontal axis with 2 degree of freedom vertical axis with 2 degree of freedom / Toe taut motor ofa pyre subse magaesi compas N A factor giving an error on a direct indicating compass would be: recesses the directional gyro ‘takes its input from the lux valve ‘moves the heading pointer moves the Selsya stator 2 crosswinds- particularly on easvwest headings . parallax due to oscillations ofthe compass rose c. acceleration on easvwest headings / Was ‘are the basic functions of an autopilot? { a. pitch attinde > b,wings level ©. altitude bold heading hold © speed bold ft is lying, straight and level, over a warm airmass. The altimeter reading will b 2 comeet b. greater than the rel height © less than the real height 4 oscillating arcund the comect height ‘At 50 feet ag! during ax autoland, what happens to the glideslope signal? continues to be actioned fs disconnected 1s factored for range is used to flare the aircraft Flow meter ~ what compensation is require to indicate mass or volume wv meter ~ what are the disadvantages of mass over volume? ‘What are the disadvantages of a single float fuel quantity system? Relationship between auto thromtle and auto land. ILS ~ when are the signals considered capnured. ‘When is altinude aquisition engaged. Definition of a tacho-generator - phonic wheel? EGT thermocouples - principles EPR - where measured —jerpipe? AFCS ~ what conzols what in various sages of Bight

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