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Baird Market and Investment Strategy

Weekly Market Notes

June 12, 2017
Dow Industrials 21271
S&P 500 2431

Please refer to Appendix Important Disclosures

Sector Rotation Bullish for Stocks
The Dow Industrials reached a record high last week but the best performance was seen in small-cap indices including the
Russell 2000 Index which gained more than 1.00%. A late-week rotation away from the 2017 market leaders into previously
underperforming sectors is considered a potentially bullish development. A major
concern has been that only a small group of stocks representing slightly more than
1.0% of the S&P 500 have a weighting of more than 13%. Nearly 40% of the gain in
the S&P 500 this year is attributed to just five issues. Extremely narrow leadership is Economy: Housing Affordability Index drops
to lowest level in ten months rising home
often seen near the end of a bull market. One weeks performance cannot be prices offset lower mortgage rates; Bloomberg
considered a trend, but should the emphasis continue to shift away from a handful of Consumer Comfort Index down for first time in
stocks into a broader range of groups and sectors it would be a healthy development four weeks; jobless claims plunge, close to 44-
that could significantly extend the life of the bull market. year low
The fact that the materials sector soared to a record high last week also has bullish
ramifications. Raw material prices are a dependable leading indicator of economic Fed Policy: FOMC meets this week with rate
hike near certain
strength. A continued rally in the energy, materials and financial sectors would argue
that the U.S. economy is gaining momentum and that the strong earnings growth
recorded in the first quarter could persist in 2017. Fed Chief Janet Yellen is widely
Sentiment: Demand for puts suddenly drops;
VIX hits two-decade low
anticipated to raise the fed funds level 25 basis points on Wednesday. A rate increase
is fully priced into the financial markets and suggests that the Fed believes business
Strongest Sectors: Materials, financials and
conditions are strong enough to absorb higher interest costs. The markets will be health care climbing in relative strength
more focused on what the Fed will do in the second half of the year which could keep
markets on the defensive into the news.
The technical condition of the stock market continues to favor the upside. The strongest evidence that further upside progress
can be expected can be found in the long-term trend, which is positive for the U.S. equity markets and also seen in most foreign
markets. Strong upside momentum was lost late in the first quarter and has yet to resurface. Following the three-month
consolidation phase, we were anticipating a breakout to new highs that would be accompanied by one or more sessions where
upside volume exceeded downside volume by a ratio of 10-to-1 or more. This has led to a market that has grinded higher on the
back of just a few stocks. At the start of June, only three S&P 500 sectors were trading above their 200-day moving average. The
reversal in the technology sector last week could spark the broadening trend into more groups and sectors, which has bullish
ramifications. Investor sentiment turned more optimistic last week as the demand for puts weakened. The percentage of Wall
Street advisors with a bullish view rose sharply and the survey from the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII)
showed move bulls than bears, completely opposite the data from the previous week.

CBOE 10-Day Put/Call Ratio

89% 92% Neutral
Below 86% is bearish; Above 95% is bullish

CBOE 3-Day Equity Put/Call Ratio

61% 63% Neutral
Below 60% is bearish; Above 68% is bullish

VIX Volatility Index

10.7 9.8 Bearish
Below 11 is bearish; Above 20 is bullish
American Association of Individual Investors
Bulls: 35.4% Bulls: 26.9%
Twice as many bulls as bears is bearish; 2X more bears than Neutral
Bears: 29.5% Bears: 31.1%
bulls is bullish

Investors Intelligence (Advisory Services) Bulls: 55.8% Bulls: 50.0%

55% bulls considered bearish/more than 25% bears is bullish Bears: 18.3 % Bears: 19.2%

National Assoc. of Active Investment Mgrs. (NAAIM)

90% 91% Bearish
Below 30% is bullish; Above 80% is bearish

Ned Davis Research Crowd Sentiment Poll Excessive Optimism Excessive Optimism Bearish

Ned Davis Research Daily Trading Sentiment Composite Optimism Entering Optimism Entering Neutral

Bruce Bittles William Delwiche, CMT, CFA

Chief Investment Strategist Investment Strategist
941-906-2830 414-298-7802
Weekly Market Notes

RSRanking RS
Current Previous Trend SubIndustryDetail
Leaders: InternetSoftware&Services;DataProcessing&Outsourced
Information EntertainmentSoftware;ElectronicComponents;Electronic
1 ** 1
Technology ManufacturingServices;SemiconductorEquipment;
Leaders: Airlines
Industrials 2 ** 4 Laggards: Construction&Engineering;TradingCompanies&Distributors;
Utilities 3 ** 2
Leaders: AutoParts&Equipment;Casinos&Gaming;Hotels,Resorts&
Consumer InternetRetail;Computer&ElectronicsRetail
4 ** 3
Discretionary Laggards: MotorcycleManufacturers;DepartmentStores;General
Materials 5 7
Laggards: CommodityChemicals
Financials 6 5
Laggards: RetailREIT's
Leaders: ManagedHealthCare;HealthCareTechnology;LifeScienceTools
HealthCare 7 8 &Services
Laggards: HealthCareServices
ConsumerStaples 8 6
Laggards: Brewers;AgriculturalProducts
TelecomServices 9 9
Laggards: IntegratedTelecomServices
Laggards: Oil&GasDrilling;Oil&GasEquipment&Services;Integrated
Energy 10 10

Source: Ned Davis Research

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Weekly Market Notes

Appendix Important Disclosures and Analyst Certification

This is not a complete analysis of every material fact regarding any company, industry or security. The opinions
expressed here reflect our judgment at this date and are subject to change. The information has been obtained
from sources we consider to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, S&P 400 and Russell 2000 are unmanaged common stock indices
used to measure and report performance of various sectors of the stock market; direct investment in indices is
not available.
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Weekly Market Notes

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