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Date: 21/11/2015
Venue: Fourth block, Third floor auditorium
Time: 10-11.30am
Attended by: 4th Semester students (All sections)
Guest Name: Mr.Gnanaseelan,
Senior Technology Architect,
Accenture Software, India.
Mobile no.: 9889496197
Email: gnanaseelan@yahoo,com

Educational Qualification : BITS Pilani, Bharathiar UniversitySummary16

years experience in the software development industry. Experience in full
software lifecycle and architecting systems

Introduction of guest by: Prof. Nikitha

Topic: How a mechanical engineer shapes him to tailor the needs of the software

Mr. Gnanaseelan shared his personal experience on the software industry,

expectation of the company for an employee, potential personnel and behavioral
skills required to adapt to the competitive world, Negotiating the changes in the
working environment, how to analyze the problem and different ways to resolve it
by taking the case study of an industry

He also gave a broad overview of the different types of industries such as

health, Finance, Communication and retail services. He stressed the need of
adaptability and agility from the employee to fit inside the expectations of the
customer. He spoke about the booming opportunities in mobile based platform. He
spoke about the overview role of a programmer in Software Company and the
strategies required for facing the interview.

Remarks by Guest

Well organized and well planned (regarding career guidance guest lecture)
Photos of guest lecture

Mr.Gnanaseelan delivering the lecture

Interaction of the students with the speaker

Prof. Benrajesh proposing the vote of thanks

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