Highway II Practical

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Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

Experiment No: 1


To determine the CBR value of the given sample in Lab.

The CBR is a penetration test developed by the California Division of Highways as a
method for evaluating the stability of sub grade and other flexible pavement materials.
The test is empirical and results cannot be related accurately with any fundamental
property of a material.

The CBR is a measure of shearing resistance of the material under the controlled density
and moisture conditions.

Briefly the test consists of a cylindrical plunger, 50 mm diameter to penetrate the

pavement component material at 1.25 mm/minute. The loads for 2.5mm and 5mm are
recorded. The load is expressed as a percentage of standard load value at respective
deformation level to obtain CBR value.

Apparatus Required:
i) Loading Machine
ii) Cylindrical moulds
iii) Compaction Hammer
iv) Adjustable stem, perforated plate and dial gauge
v) Annular weight
vi) Filter Paper, Sieves, oven, balance

1) The optimum moisture of the soil under consideration was determined by using
modified proctor compaction test. Also the maximum dry density was determined
from the graph along with optimum moisture content.
2) About 5kg of oven dry sample was taken and sieved through 20 mm sieve. The
sample was mixed with the optimum moisture content. This sample was
compacted by Modified Protector test. The soil sample was placed in the mould in
5 layers and each layer was compacted by 4.89 kg hammer by applying 56 blows.
Soil sample was collected for determination of moisture content.
3) The collar was removed and excess soil trimmed of the sample was inverted, filter
papers were placed on the upper and lower sides.
4) A surcharge with annular hole at center was placed over the sample. Each
surcharge weight was about 5kg altogether.
5) The sample was then placed in a water tank for determining the expansion due to
water. The dial gauge was placed properly in its position and the initial reading of
dial gauge was noted.

Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

6) After allowing the soil sample to soak and swell for 4 days the final dial gauge
reading was noted.
7) The sample was allowed to stand vertical position for 15 minutes to drain of the
excess water. The sample along with the mould was weight and noted in order to
calculate the water absorbed.
8) The surcharge weight was again molded and the assembly with the base plate was
placed in compression machine.
9) The plunger was brought in contact with the top surface of sample. A seating load
of 4 kg was applied. The dial gauge for measuring the penetration was set to zero.
10) The load was applied smoothly at the rate of 1.25 mm/min.
11) The loads regarding were recorded for penetration of
25,50,75,100,125,175,200,300, 400, 500,600 and 700 and so on the division of
dial gauge.
12) The load was released and mould was removed from loading machine. A soil
sample from the top 3 cm collected and weight for moisture content

Observation and calculation:

Mould used:
Diameter of mould=150 mm
Height of mould =127 mm
Weight of mould =8.228 kg

Optimum moisture content(OMC):

The OMC of the soil sample was taken as 20%. (As the determination of OMC of soil
sample was already studied in Soil Mechanics, so it is not determined again due to time

CBR Value:

Penetration(mm) Load (Kg)

0.00 0.00
0.5 4.00
1.00 14.00
1.5 30.00
2.00 41.00
2.50 50
3.00 58
4.00 70
5.00 77.5
10.00 102.50
12.5 110.8

Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)













0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Penetration (mm)-->

CBR(%) = × 100

Penetration(mm) Standard load(kg) Corrected observed load(kg)

2.5 1370 58
5.0 2055 80

CBR2.5 mm = x 100 = 4.23%

CBR5 mm = x 100 = 3.89%

Normally, CBR value at 2.5 mm penetration should be higher than at 5 mm penetration
and the higher value is taken as CBR value of soil. Hence, the CBR value of the given
soil sample was found to be 4.23%.

Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

The initial concavity of Load-Penetration curve may be due to:

the bottom surface of the plunger or top surface of soil not being truly horizontal,
which results in impartial contact between plunger bottom surface & top surface
of specimen initially.
the top layer of specimen being too soft or irregular.

Engineering Application:
CBR test gives arbitrary strength of subgrade soil. The CBR test values obtained are used
empirically to design flexible pavement(thickness of the pavement is determined using
design charts based on CBR value) .

Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

Experiment No: 2


To perform the spot speed studies to obtain the design speed, maximum safe speed,
minimum allowable speed and model speed.

i) Stop watch.
ii) Measuring tape.
iii) Chalk.

Spot speed can be defined as the instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a specified location.
The spot speed is obtained by finding the running speed of the vehicle over a short
distance (50m) depending on the approximate speed at that location. Spot speed can be
presented by average speed, cumulative speed and model speed.

The spot speed is affected by physical features- pavement width, curves, gradients,
pavement conditions, design intersections as well as road side developments. In the
environment factors visibility, weather, traffic condition and motive of travel affects the
spot speed.

Spot speed is instantaneous speed of the vehicle at a specified location.
98th percentile speed : The speed below which 98 % of all the vehicle travel is
used to design speed in geometric design. Sometimes 95th percentile speed is used
for this purpose.
85th percentile speed : The speed below which 85 % of all the vehicle travel, is
used for determining the speed limits for traffic regulation. It is taken as limit of
safe speed in the road.
15th percentile speed : The speed below which 15 % of all the vehicle travel is
used to determine the lower speed limits on major highway facilities such as
Expressway. Vehicles travelling below this speed may cause hazards.
Spot speed can be measured by long base period method, recommended base
lengths are measured as follows :

Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

Average Speed of Traffic Stream (Km/h) Base Length (m)

<40 27
40-65 54
>65 81

Procedure :
1) A 50m stretch of road was selected, which was marked in the kerb by chalk.
2) One observer was stationed at the beginning of 50m and the other at the end.
3) When the vehicle just reached the initial marking a hand signal was given to the
second observer by the first observer. On the basis of signal, second observer
would start the stop watch and stopped it as the vehicle crossed the end mark.
4) The process was repeated for 100 observations.
5) Speed of each vehicle was calculated and frequency table was prepared for the
presentation of spot speed data.
Location:Guheswori Fuel Pump Date:21-07-2010 Performed by:
Madhyapur,Thimi. Time:02:30 P.M. Anil Aryal(06-104)
Road: Araniko Highway. Weather:Cloudy. Dipak B.T.Chhetri(06-109)
Mandeep Pokhrel(06-116)
Rajesh Chaudhary(06-127)
Ramesh C. Ghimire(06-128)
Umesh K.C.(06-146)
Binaya Shakya(06-148)
VEHICLE (m/s) (km/h)
1 BUS 4.4 11.364 40.909
2 BUS 4.8 10.417 37.500
3 BUS 4.3 11.628 41.860
4 BUS 3.1 16.129 58.065
5 BUS 3.7 13.514 48.649
6 BUS 3.7 13.514 48.649
7 BUS 3.6 13.889 50.000
8 BUS 3.1 16.129 58.065

Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

9 BUS 3.8 13.158 47.368

10 BUS 3.6 13.889 50.000
11 BUS 4.1 12.195 43.902
12 BUS 5.7 8.772 31.579
13 BUS 5.6 8.929 32.143
14 BUS 3.9 12.821 46.154
15 BUS 8.3 6.024 21.687
16 BUS 5.2 9.615 34.615
17 MINI BUS 3.6 13.889 50.000
18 MINI BUS 5.4 9.259 33.333
19 MINI BUS 4.5 11.111 40.000
20 MINI BUS 4.8 10.417 37.500
21 MINI BUS 5.9 8.475 30.508
22 MINI BUS 5.5 9.091 32.727
23 MINI BUS 7.3 6.849 24.658
24 MINI BUS 5.8 8.621 31.034
25 MINI BUS 3.4 14.706 52.941
26 MINI BUS 3.9 12.821 46.154
27 MINI BUS 4.4 11.364 40.909
28 MINI BUS 4.2 11.905 42.857
29 MINI BUS 4.2 11.905 42.857
30 MINI BUS 4 12.500 45.000
31 MINI BUS 6.2 8.065 29.032
32 MINI BUS 5.6 8.929 32.143
33 MINI BUS 5.9 8.475 30.508
34 MINI BUS 6.4 7.813 28.125
35 MINI BUS 7.1 7.042 25.352
36 MINI BUS 5.1 9.804 35.294
37 MINI BUS 5.6 8.929 32.143
38 MINI BUS 8.5 5.882 21.176
39 MINI BUS 7.2 6.944 25.000
40 MINI BUS 5.2 9.615 34.615
41 MINI BUS 4.4 11.364 40.909
42 MINI BUS 5.4 9.259 33.333
43 MINI BUS 4.5 11.111 40.000
44 MINI BUS 4.8 10.417 37.500
45 MINI BUS 4 12.500 45.000
46 TRUCK 4.1 12.195 43.902
47 TRUCK 6.5 7.692 27.692
48 TRUCK 3.5 14.286 51.429
49 TRUCK 4.5 11.111 40.000

Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

50 MINI TRUCK 4.5 11.111 40.000

51 MINI TRUCK 4.8 10.417 37.500
52 MINI TRUCK 3.1 16.129 58.065
53 MINI TRUCK 4.5 11.111 40.000
54 MINI TRUCK 4.7 10.638 38.298
55 MINI TRUCK 4.1 12.195 43.902
56 MINI TRUCK 5.1 9.804 35.294
57 MINI TRUCK 6.1 8.197 29.508
58 MINI TRUCK 3.6 13.889 50.000
59 MINI TRUCK 4.7 10.638 38.298
60 MINI TRUCK 3.9 12.821 46.154
61 MINI TRUCK 4.1 12.195 43.902
62 MINI TRUCK 4.4 11.364 40.909
63 TRIPPER 5.4 9.259 33.333
64 TRIPPER 2.8 17.857 64.286
65 TRIPPER 5.1 9.804 35.294
66 TRIPPER 6.1 8.197 29.508
67 TRIPPER 4.7 10.638 38.298
68 TRIPPER 6.9 7.246 26.087
69 TRIPPER 3.3 15.152 54.545
70 TRIPPER 6.9 7.246 26.087
71 TRIPPER 4.6 10.870 39.130
72 PICK UP 3.4 14.706 52.941
73 PICK UP 4 12.500 45.000
74 PICK UP 5.2 9.615 34.615
75 PICK UP 5.3 9.434 33.962
76 PICK UP 4.8 10.417 37.500
77 PICK UP 3.6 13.889 50.000
78 PICK UP 4.8 10.417 37.500
79 PICK UP 4.7 10.638 38.298
80 PICK UP 4.2 11.905 42.857
81 CAR 3.5 14.286 51.429
82 CAR 3.8 13.158 47.368
83 CAR 3.6 13.889 50.000
84 CAR 4.3 11.628 41.860
85 CAR 4.9 10.204 36.735
86 CAR 5 10.000 36.000
87 CAR 5.6 8.929 32.143
88 CAR 5.1 9.804 35.294
89 CAR 5.6 8.929 32.143
90 CAR 3.9 12.821 46.154

Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

91 CAR 5.6 8.929 32.143

92 CAR 3.4 14.706 52.941
93 CAR 3.7 13.514 48.649
94 CAR 3.6 13.889 50.000
95 PAJERO 6.8 7.353 26.471
96 PAJERO 2.8 17.857 64.286
97 PAJERO 4.8 10.417 37.500
98 PAJERO 7.1 7.042 25.352
99 AMBULANCE 3.3 15.152 54.545
100 MICROBUS 4.3 11.628 41.860


20-25 22.5 4 4 4
25-30 27.5 10 14 14
30-35 32.5 18 32 32
35-40 37.5 23 55 55
40-45 42.5 17 72 72
45-50 47.5 16 88 88
50-55 52.5 7 95 95
55-60 57.5 3 98 98
60-65 62.5 2 100 100


Cumulative Frequency(%) -->

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Speed(km/h) -->

Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)


No. of vehicles(frequency)-->




20 30 40 50 60

a) From frequency distribution curve, modal speed corresponding to maximum
frequency is 37.5km/h.
b) From cumulative speed distribution curve,
a) Lower speed limit for regulation (15th percentile speed) = 28km/h.
b) Upper speed limit for regulation (85th percentile speed) = 46.5km/h.
c) Speed for geometric design purpose(98th percentile speed) = 56.8km/h
c) Mean speed = = = 39.987km/h.

d) Standard deviation = = 9.358 km/h.

e) Coefficient of variance = 100% = 100% = 23.40%.

From the experiment, it can be concluded that the lower limit of speed of vehicles
travelling in Araniko highway in Madhyapur Thimi section is 28 km/h and higher limit is
46.5 km/h. In other words, if the vehicles travel with speed less than 28km/h than it
causes traffic congestion and safe speed limit at this section of road is of 46.5 km/h.
Similarly, the geometric design speed for the road can be taken as 56.8 km/h and largest
proportion of vehicle ply at speed of 37.5km/h at this road.

Engineering Application:
This test is helps us to know the traffic load intensity on road. It also helps to obtain
design speed and speed variation of vehicles plying on a road which is to be extended or

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Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

Experiment No: 3



i) To determine the use of the Benkelman beam to measure the pavement deflection
under a heavily loaded truck.
ii) Evaluation of structural performance of flexible pavement.
iii) To measure the elastic deformation of pavement under the wheel load.

i) Benkelman Beam.
ii) Markers.
iii) Test Vehicle (heavily loaded truck).

The pavement section, which have been subjected to traffic, deform elastically under a
load. The elastic deflection depend upon various factors.

The Benkelman beam is a handy instrument which is most widely used for measuring the
deflection of pavements. The instrument consists of lever 3.6m long pivoted 2.44 m from
the end carrying the contact point which rests on the surface of the pavement. The
deflection of the pavement surface produced by the test load is transmitted to the other
end of the beam where it is measured by a dial gauge or recorder. The movement at the
dial gauge end of the beam is one half of that of at the contact point end. The load on the
dual wheel can be the range 2.7 to 4.1 tons.

The beam is pivoted at 1/3rd its way and is carried by a frame which is supported on 3
adjustable legs. A dial gauge is mounted on frame in such a way that it measures
movement of the beam resting on the road surface.

Procedure :
1) 10 points(minimum) along the outer wheel path (60 cm from the pavement edge
for narrower pavements & 90 cm from pavement edge for pavement having width
more than 3.5 m) for each lane were selected for observation.
2) The rear wheel of the vehicle was brought near the marked points and the probe
of the beam was inserted between the dual wheels so that the top rests on the road
where the deflection was measured. The dual wheels were centered over the
marked point.
3) The standard wheel load of 4085 kg is used for the test. The tire pressure being
5.6 kg/cm2.
4) The dial gauge reading was noted initially in the position described above.

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Highway Engineering (II) Practical Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)

5) The truck was driven forward at a slow speed and dial gauge readings were taken
when the truck stopped at 2.7 m and 9 m from the measuring point, and when the
recovery(rebound) was equal to 0.025 mm per minute or less.
6) Pavement temperature was recorded at the interval of 1 hour & the tire pressure
was checked and adjusted if necessary at the interval of 3 hours during the study.
7) The final and intermediate dial reading are subtracted from the initial readings.

Two kinds of deflection measurement are possible:
a) Rebound deflection, which is the recoverable deflection or the elastic deflection.
In a well designed road, the deflection is entirely elastic and recoverable.
b) Residual deflection, which is the non-recoverable deflection. As a pavement ages,
it losses a portion of its elastic property and permanent deflection takes place.

The rebound deflection value D at any point is given by following two conditions:
If Di - Df ≤ 0.025 mm,D = 0.02(Do - Df) mm
If Di - Df ≥ 0.025 mm,D = 0.02(Do - Df) + 0.02K(Di - Df) mm

In the second case, correction for vertical movement of front leg is done.
The value of K is given by
K = (3d-2e)/f
Where,d=distance between bearing & rear leg.
e=distance between dial gauge & rear leg.
f= distance between front & rear leg.
The value of K of Benkelman beam available in Nepal is 2.91.
Thus, the process to measure the rebound deflection of the flexible pavement surface was
comprehended. The beam gave the measures of the deflection on the pavement surface
due the axle load of vehicle(8170 kg). Two beams give the deflection of the wheels
simultaneously. The readings of the deflections were directly noted by the dial gauges.

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