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Module 2


Shops & Services

A Match the products to the shops. Which shops can you see in the pictures

bread, aspirin, tinned food , roses, boots, glasses, earrings, minced beef , jacket, contact
lenses, headache tablets, fruit & vegetables , skirt, chicken wings , tulips, ring, bread rolls,

shoe shop
clothes shop

A . B . C .

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Module 2
Products of the future

B Fill in: victim, sale, fitness, covering, dietary, textiles, voice-activated, graft, endless,

1 Top athletes have to constantly monitor their ..... and diet to ensure
that they are in the best condition to compete.
2 Scientists are working to develop ..... that can repair themselves
when they get ripped or torn.
3 The bands new album will go on ..... next week.
4 Buying a new sofa would be expensive, so were thinking of getting a new furniture
..... for it instead.
5 Joshua has a(n) ..... computer he doesnt have to press any
keys, it just responds to the commands he gives.
6 The patients arm was badly burnt, but doctors used a skin ..... from
her leg to repair the damage.
7 Solar panels can ..... electricity to power appliances and light
homes by using energy from the sun.
8 After being rescued by firefighters, the burn ..... was rushed to
hospital in an ambulance.
9 If you are worried about your weight, your doctor can give you some ...
.. advice about which foods to eat.
10 There are ..... possibilities for using a 3D printer in the field of

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Module 2
Supermarket shopping

C Fill in the crossword with supermarket shopping vocabulary.

1 2




1 A person who buys goods from a shop.
3 A long narrow space between rows of shelves in a supermarket.
4 The place in a supermarket where someone pays for the goods they have bought.
5 Food which has been prepared in advance and put in a package before selling it.

2 An object with wheels used for shopping.
4 A person who gets or gives out money in a shop, supermarket, etc.

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Module 2
D Fill in: overflowing, sliding, freshly-baked, smell, produce, waste, eye level, money-off,
line, loyalty, answer, tempting.

1 I prefer to buy fresh ...., like fruit and vegetables, rather than dried or
frozen goods.
2 The library has .... doors which open automatically when you walk
towards them.
3 I went to see the doctor to find out why I was constantly feeling tired, and she said that the
.... lies in my poor diet and lack of exercise.
4 As soon as you get off the train, the .... of the chocolate factory hits
5 Supermarkets usually place the most expensive products at ....
because customers will see them first.
6 Dont forget to scan your .... card in order to get 10% off the total
7 Weve picked up so many things that this basket is .... maybe we
should have taken a trolley instead.
8 When Mark saw the .... display of cakes in the window, he just
couldnt resist going inside and buying one.
9 I love buying a loaf of .... bread and eating it while its still warm from the oven.
10 Sorry Im late. I had to wait in .... at the supermarket for 20 minutes
before I got served!
11 Julia hates to see food go to .... and she always finishes everything
on her plate.
12 If youre going to the supermarket, Ive got some .... coupons you can
have: 50p off the price of a tub of yoghurt and 1 off a box of cereal.

Made in the USA

E Underline the correct word.

1 The new fashion is a big/popular hit with teenagers.

2 Linda is such a thrilled/fussy diner and always finds something to complain about.
3 Ive had a terrible cough, so Mike gave me the formula/medicine for his home-made cough
4 This recipe makes enough for about six servings/ingredients.
5 Im quite hungry, so Im going to order a group/batch of fries with my meal.
6 This restaurant has banned/stopped the use of mobile phones.
7 Tom likes his pizza to have a thin base and nice hard/crispy edges.
8 Builders and workmen need sturdy boots and durable/manual cotton trousers that will last
for a long time.
9 The company expects sales of its new perfume to rise/raise dramatically after the
revelation that it is used by celebrities.

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

Module 2
10 The exact recipe of the drink has remained a staple/trade secret for over 100 years.

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

Module 2
Furniture & Appliances

F Replace the underlined words/phrases with words/phrases from the list.

vintage, bland, spirit, cherishes, looks after, admit, out of sight, shudder, ruled, longs for,
distressing, values

1 Ben is terribly afraid of snakes even a picture of one causes him to shake with fear.

2 Hannah takes care of her elderly neighbour by doing his shopping and collecting his
3 My grandmother believes that, in the past, people had better moral principles and more
respect for each other than they do now.
4 They have several antique appliances, like a television from the 1970s and a cooker that
was made in 1958.
5 Mr Adams has eleven grandchildren, but he adores each one of them equally.

6 My brothers life is controlled by computer games and television.
7 Carl has a stressful job in the city, but he desires a quiet life in the countryside.

8 The clothes this season come in very dull colours no bright reds and yellows, just greys,
browns and blacks.
9 Katie avoids watching the news because she finds the stories too upsetting.

10 I confess that life in the 1950s was probably more relaxed, but some things would have
been harder because they didnt have modern technology.
11 Sally is such a lively, outgoing person its good to have someone with that kind of energy
in the team.
12 Cathy generally keeps that tablecloth hidden because it doesnt match the rest of the

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Module 2
G Match the words to form collocations.

1 time a appliances
2 traditional b lipstick
3 moral c hat
4 retro d warp
5 second-hand e fashion
6 trilby f values
7 throwaway g principles
8 bright h dcor

Skyscraper farms

H Fill in: long, farming, shortage, environmentally, solar, transport, produce, light source.

1 The school uses .. energy to light the classrooms and power

2 We need to install a permanent .. in the greenhouse so that the
plants can grow during the winter months.
3 Sue made the whole meal using local .. from her farm.
4 In the UK, the days when people had to get water from a well are ..
5 Buying vegetables from your own country, instead of abroad, saves on ...
6 The technique of vertical.. involves growing crops on different
levels of a tall, glass tower.
7 Due to the drought, there is a food .. in the area and people
dont have enough to eat.
8 Dan rides his bike to work because it is more .. friendly than driving
his car.

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7

Module 2
Faulty products

I Fill in: broken, torn, scratched, cracked, damaged, missing.

1 I need a new mobile phone because my screen is right across the

2 Marie has to carry her bag in her arms because the strap is .
3 Have you seen a small, black button? Theres one from my coat.
4 James is returning the CD to the shop because the surface is and it wont play.
5 The sleeve of my shirt is I caught it on the gate and it ripped.
6 I have a problem with the headphones I bought yesterday. They are .
Both of them dont work properly. Could I exchange them, please?

How to be a responsible shopper

J Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 I love shopping online because there are .. consumer choices and you
can buy practically anything. (END)
2 Watching the documentary about sweatshops gave me a greater .. of how
my clothes are produced. (AWARE)
3 The charity campaigns for more .. working conditions in factories, such as
8 hour shifts and workplace safety. (ACCEPT)
4 We have to conserve .. resources, such as coal and oil, by using the
central heating less often and only driving our car when we have to. (NATURE)
5 Theres no reason to package apples in plastic it is completely .. . It is
much better for the environment to sell them loose. (NECESSARY)
6 Paula buys second-hand clothes on the Internet, as well as in .. charity
shops. (TRADITION)
7 You can save a lot of money by spending .. . For example, compare
prices in several different shops before you buy. (WISE)
8 Rob always takes advantage of the .. retail shifts and buys most of his
clothes in the January sales. (SEASON)

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 8

Module 2
K Fill in: trove, sense, reduced, labour, mine, hard-earned, hunting, rights, manufacture.

1 The Internet is a of information on the subject of fashion.

2 In some countries, people dont have basic human, like fair
pay and safe working conditions.
3 Laura doesnt have any money shell spend hundreds of
pounds on a designer handbag and then struggle to pay her bills.
4 Dave works 50 hours a week, but he spends most of his cash
on presents for his children.
5 If youre into retro fashion, that new shop is a treasure of
1970s clothing.
6 I think its appalling that some big companies still use child in
their factories.
7 Many large retailers goods in foreign countries where labour is
8 Rebecca loves to go bargain in the market on a Saturday
she usually tries to find fashionable tops for under 5.
9 The shop is closing down and you can buy shoes at prices of
20 or less.

Phrasal verbs

L Choose the correct particle.

1 I really get along/by with Rachel because we are both interested in fashion.
2 Charlie is going to sell out/off his furniture before he moves to the USA and buy new things
when he gets there.
3 Andys essay on consumerism was so badly researched that the teacher told him to do it
over/out again.
4 The town is changing rapidly and new cafs and restaurants are springing through/up
5 Im going to drop by/off the library on my way back from Uncle Jims house.
6 It was hard to get across/through the importance of ethical fashion to the group of wealthy
7 Sonia is looking over/into the possibility of opening her own bakery.
8 The piece of wasteland near our house is going to be turned to/into a community farm for
growing fruit and vegetables.
9 Penny worked night and day during her first few years at the law firm in order to get
ahead/along in her career.
10 You had better do over/up your coat its pretty cold outside today.

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Module 2

M Choose the correct item.

1 My cousin got me this blouse from China and its made real silk.
A by B with C of D in

2 The displays fresh produce in the supermarket really catch your eye.
A with B in C between D of

3 The new mobile phone will be the market next summer.

A on B at C in D to

4 A free service of your vehicle is available demand just ask your mechanic at the
A through B on C with D by

5 Melanie was thrilled her new MP3 player.

A with B by C at D of

6 The bands new CD will go sale next week.

A at B for C on D in

7 Barbara is in retreat the modern world and lives her life as a 1950s style housewife.
A across B with C over D from

8 In some places, people work 12 hours a day just to provide food their families.
A for B at C of D with

9 I used to pay to take the bus, but then I bought a bicycle to save transport costs.
A for B with C on D across

10 Brian wants to get involved a local project to grow his own vegetables.
A on B for C with D in

11 I had lost my receipt, so I couldnt get a refund. However, the manager let me exchange the
sweater a pair of jeans.
A with B by C for D of

12 The students are doing research peoples shopping habits.

A for B on C with D at

13 You should take advantage the sales to get some good deals.
A from B with C of D for

14 For one week only, Intersport is selling all its sports equipment reduced prices.
A at B in C from D with

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 10

Module 2

N Fill in the verbs: dissolve, expose, grab, wonder, spoil, make do, convert, drain, soar,
consume, power, treat, operate, demonstrate in the correct form.

1 We all need to think carefully about how much food we really .. and
how much we throw away.
2 I was running late, so I just .. a trolley and threw in all the things I
needed to make the cake.
3 We should be able to .. the old shed into a greenhouse fairly easily.
4 Every company should .. its employees with dignity and respect.
5 The TV documentary last night .. the truth about sweatshops.
6 Cheer up! Your bad mood is going to .. the party for everybody else.
7 The factory produces a lot of pollution because it uses coal to .. the
8 The scientists will .. the medical uses of their 3D printer at the
conference next week.
9 The civil war has .. the country of its resources.
10 Theres no time to go shopping for a new dress youll just have to ..
with what youve already got in your wardrobe.
11 Have you ever .. how much the workers who make these shoes get
12 If you add salt to a pan of boiling water, it will .. in the water.
13 As land becomes more scarce, food prices will .. and many people will
find it difficult to afford things to eat.
14 Max has worked at the supermarket for twenty years and he knows how the business
.. .

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 11

Module 2
Word formation

O Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 Bella bought the most extravagant dress in the shop, but she regretted her decision almost
2 The coffee table comes with instructions for easy . (ASSEMBLE)
3 The queue seemed there must have been over 200 people
waiting in line for tickets to the festival. (END)
4 I read books for , but my sister prefers to watch television.
5 Im sorry if I offended you it wasnt . (INTENT)
6 These shoes are too lets look in some other shops and see if
we can find something cheaper. (EXPENSE)
7 The display of fruit looked so fresh and I just had to buy some.
8 My mother cooks meals using the recipes her own mother taught
9 We all earn a lot in to some factory workers in India. Some of them
only get paid 1.50 a day! (COMPARE)
10 There is no easy to the global food crisis. (SOLVE)
11 Our homework is to find on vertical farming on the Internet.
12 Of all her , Charlenes designer shoes are her most precious
possession. (BELONG)

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Module 2

Will Be going to Present simple/Present continuous Future


A Choose the correct item.

1 If all goes well, this time next year I will be running/will run my own shop.
2 Sue has saved up money and will be getting/is going to get a new phone.
3 The department opens/is opening at 10:00 am tomorrow.
4 I really like those jeans. Ill take/take them.
5 The new tablet PC Id like to get will come out/is coming out next week.
6 Be careful with that knife! Youre going to cut/re cutting yourself.
7 I hope they are delivering/will deliver our new fridge tomorrow.
8 James waits/will be waiting for us outside the cinema at 6:00 tomorrow.

B Complete the dialogue with the correct future form.

Sam: Hey, Ben. What are you looking at?

Ben: This catalogue from an electronics store. I 1) .. (buy) a new laptop.
Sam: Have you decided on one? I 2) .. (help) you choose, if you want.
Ben: Sure! In fact, I 3) .. (go) to that new store in Preston tomorrow
morning around 10:00. Why don't you come with me?
Sam: Sorry, I 4) .. (work) at that time. Can we do it later?
Ben: Of course. The store 5) .. (close) at 9:00. Theres plenty of time.
Sam: OK. I 6) .. (probably/get off) work around 6:00, so we can still make
Ben: Great! By the way, 7) I .. (have) dinner with James and Lily
tomorrow night around 9:00. You should come along.
Sam: Id love to. I haven't seen them for ages.
Ben: I 8) .. (call) them now and let them know. Theyll be thrilled to see
you! See you tomorrow.

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Module 2
Future perfect Future perfect continuous

C Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect
continuous .

1 By next May, he .. (study) fashion design for two years.

2 He hopes that by the time he retires he .. (save) enough
money to buy his own farm.
3 John .. (design) computer software for 20 years by the end of
4 Im sure Emma .. (not/finish) her project before the deadline
5 In about two months, the tomatoes Ive planted .. (grow) and
be ready to pick.
6 She .. (fly) for 16 hours by the time she reaches Sydney.

Comparatives Superlatives

D Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets into the correct comparative or

superlative form.

1 A: These pancakes are by far (good) Ive ever tasted.

B: Yes, they are delicious.
2 A: It amazes me that so many ads are directed at teens and children.
B: Thats because these age groups are .. (easily) influenced
by ads than adults are.
3 A: This silk shirt is great, but I cant afford it.
B: Wait for the sales, then. Itll be a bit .. (cheap).
4 A: Itll take us ages to get to Leeds.
B: Well get there a lot .. (fast) if we take the M1 motorway.
5 A: Whats so good about doing your shopping online?
B: Its .. (convenient) than having to go out to different shops
and prices are usually .. (low) than at the shops.
6 A: Did you like Cathys new dress?
B: Yes, a lot. Shes .. (elegantly) dressed woman Ive ever
7 A: That sales assistant is very nice.
B: True. Shes .. (helpful) assistant in the shop.

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Module 2
E Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets into the correct form.

Hi Emily,

Hows it going? I know its been a couple of weeks since we last spoke to each other, but
I need your advice on something.
I want to get my parents something nice for their anniversary. Since you work as a
personal shopper, I don't know anyone who is 1) .. (qualified) than
you to help me with this! The thing is that Im on a tight budget and
2) .. (much) I can spend is 100. 3) .. (good)
idea Ive come up with so far is treating them to dinner to a fancy restaurant, but thats
not very 4) .. (original), is it? Besides, theyve been celebrating their
anniversary at a restaurant for as 5) .. (long) as I can remember! Ive
also been to the shops trying to find something theyd both enjoy, but I couldnt find
anything I liked. My brothers getting them a silver photo frame, but I think thats
6) .. (boring) present a person can get. So, thats why I need your
help. Please tell me you can come up with something 7) .. (exciting)
than this!
Let me know if you think of something!


-ing form infinitive

F Choose the correct item.

1 A: Hello, Id like returning/to return this shirt.

B: Of course, madam. Can you to show/show me your receipt, please?

2 A: Jason was lucky to have escaped/to be escaped the accident with just a few bruises.
B: I know. Hed better to drive/drive more carefully from now on.

3 A: Claire refuses telling/to tell me what she got me for my birthday.

B: Its no use thinking/to be thinking about it. Youll find out soon enough.

4 A: Marianne spent four hours to prepare/preparing the food for the dinner party.
B: Why didnt she ask for help? I wouldve been glad giving/to give her a hand.

5 A: Were thinking of go/going to Hawaii for our summer holidays.

B: Really? Well, having been/have been there twice, I can tell you its wonderful.

6 A: The party is really great!

B: Yes, everyone seems to have been having/to be having a good time.

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 15

Module 2
G Put the verbs in brackets into the correct ing or infinitive form.

1 a How can you forget . (order) these books? You only did it
two days ago!
b Your electricity bill is so high because you usually forget .
(turn off) the lights when you leave home.

2 a Most ads try . (persuade) us to buy things we don't really

b Have you tried . (place) your order online? Itll save you time.

3 a We regret . (announce) that our restaurant no longer

accepts credit cards.
b Tina regrets . (not/buy) that microwave oven that was on

4 a Jared prefers . (cook) with fresh vegetables rather than use

frozen ones.
b What would you prefer . (have) for breakfast today? Eggs or

5 a Having your own business means . (have) responsibility and

the ability to make good decisions.
b I meant . (get) some roses from the florists on my way
home, but it slipped my mind.

6 a I don't remember . (see) that film before. Lets rent it.

b Will you remember . (take) my coat to the dry cleaners

7 a Why don't we stop . (pick up) some dinner from the Chinese
takeaway on our way home tonight?
b Now that shes stopped . (spend) so much on luxury items,
Nadia has saved up quite a bit of money.

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 16

Module 2
H Put the verbs in brackets into the correct -ing or infinitive form.

Are you tired of 1) .. (taste) additives and preservatives on your

dinner plate? Then you can 2) .. (grow) your own vegetables and
enjoy 3) .. (eat) fresh, delicious produce every day.

In our two-week course you will learn:

how to make use of small gardens 4) .. (make) vegetable patches
which crops allow you 5) .. (have) a better yield
how to avoid 6) .. (use) chemical fertilisers and pesticides

If you want 7) .. (learn) these and many more things about how to
create your own vegetable garden, then we look forward to 8) ..
(see) you in our class.

For more information and registration details visit our website:


I Fill in: what (a/an), how, such (a/an) or so.

1 A: Mary got a promotion at work.

B: This is . good news!

2 A: Look at Sally in her new dress.

B: . beautiful she looks!

3 A: Do you like these leather boots?

B: Yes, but theyre . expensive!

4 A: Im reading this article about skyscraper farms.

B: Skyscraper farms? . interesting idea!

5 A: The new assistant at the bookshop is really nice.

B: Yes, shes . lovely girl!

6 A: Our neighbours offered to water our plants while were away.

B: . helpful people they are!

7 A: Look at the picture Timmy drew.

B: Wow! He is . artistic child!

8 A: Lets get Mum a pair of gold earrings for her birthday.

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 17

Module 2
B: . nice idea!

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 18

Module 2
Clauses of concession

J Join the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 She does the dishes by hand. She has a dishwasher. (even though)
2 He feels ill. Hes going to class. (despite)
3 Tom couldnt find his glasses. He looked everywhere for them. (yet)
4 Frank is a vegetarian. His brother loves beef burgers. (whereas)
5 They rarely recycle. Theres a recycling bin near their house. (in spite of the fact)
6 There was a tsunami warning. Many people didnt move to higher ground. (Although)

K Choose the correct item.

1 This jumper is great but its really expensive, yet/though.

2 Despite/Although proving that the camcorder was broken when I bought it, I wasnt able to
get a replacement.
3 Lisa bought the antique chair whereas/even though it was expensive.
4 Bellinis is a fantastic restaurant. Nevertheless/Although, its pretty hard to get a table
5 Although/In spite some ads are very creative, they fail to fully inform people about the
product advertised.
6 The shop is operating under new management. Though/However, not much has changed.
7 No matter how/Even though hard she worked, she didnt get a promotion.
8 I live in London, yet/whereas my brother, Nathan, lives in Paris.

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 19

Module 2
Key Word Transformations

L Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence. Use two to five words including the
word given.

1 The cotton shirt is better than the nylon one.

The nylon shirt ............................................................................................ the cotton one.

2 James and Lilys wedding is in June.

James and Lily .......................................................................................... married in June.

3 Please dont serve any seafood at dinner. Im allergic to it.

Would ..................................................... any seafood at dinner because Im allergic to it?

4 George finds it difficult to solve complex Maths problems.

George ....................................................................................... complex Maths problems.

5 Sandra gave up her university studies two years ago.

Sandra ........................................................................................ university two years ago.

6 Michael always makes the most of sunny weather to go for a walk.

Michael always ................................................................. sunny weather to go for a walk.

7 Even though they argued, they agreed to work on the project together.
They agreed to work on the project together ..................................................... argument.

8 Alice isnt as sociable as her sister Anna.

Anna ........................................................................................................... her sister Alice.

9 The film will be over by the time we get to the cinema.

The film .......................................................................... by the time we get to the cinema.

10 Gus ran very fast, but he still didnt win the race.
No .........................................................................................., Gus still didnt win the race.

Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 20

Module 2

Read the text and match the subheadings (A-G) to the paragraphs (1-6). There
is one extra subheading.

In the past, being frugal was seen negatively as being thrifty and sparing. However, in this
day and age, it is the new cool operation that saves us money instead of losing it. Whereas
before, budget buys and coupon saving was tiresome and unattractive, money-saving
methods are the new savvy way to handle money. Here are some useful tips!

Look at it as setting the rules of a game. First of all, ask yourself: will my budget allow me this
pleasure? For some, the urge to shop will never go away. Whether you splurge with a large or
small budget, you will always have the same satisfied feeling. So, turn it into a contest with
yourself. Being frugal doesnt mean never spending, it just means making what you have to
spend count.
Be smart with your time. The pressure of keeping up with others has started to lessen in recent
years. Now, its all about beating others to find the best deals. Before you commit to purchasing
something, think sensibly: check the price in different shops, use price comparison websites and
search for discounts. Youll feel much better than your friend who paid full price for something you
found on sale!
Shopping is emotional; its time to get your head involved in the process. So, instead of buying
fresh vegetables from a supermarket, try growing your own. Its fun and a great way to save
money. Also, instead of eating takeaways, check out supermarket meal deals; youll find healthier
options for better prices. How about lunch for work? Dont buy it every day, there are plenty of
leftovers sitting in the fridge!
Instead of discarding your perfectly working items for upgraded ones, consider selling them on
auction websites. Your desire for something new will be picked up by the perfect frugal shopper.
Using auction websites, for both selling and buying, will keep your bank account looking healthy.
There is something satisfying about saving up for a special treat. A good tip is to label boxes with
Shoe Fund, DVD Fund and so on. Work on bringing back the piggybank! Start saving for things
instead of buying without thinking.
A Control your Emotions
B Think Cheap, Think Different
Before you buy anything, slow down, stop and think. Go and
C Final Words of Wisdom
distract yourself with a cup of coffee if necessary. Everyone is
D Save Then Spend
guilty of buying things with the I need it attitude. Dont get
E Play the Game
carried away!
F Think of Other Frugals
G Shop Around
Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 21
Module 2

Listen to five people who have ordered goods online/by post and match the
problems to the speakers. There are two extra problems.

A The customer wants a replacement. Speaker 1

B There a problem with the delivery. Speaker 2
C The customer has been overcharged. Speaker 3
D An item is faulty. Speaker 4
E The customer wants a refund. Speaker 5
F The wrong item was delivered.
G The customer has changed their mind.

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