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Diploma in Leadership Lesson 2

and Management Competencies and why
they matter

Course Educator: Chris MacNulty

(RRP 599)

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Lesson Two

Management competencies and why

they matter

Management and leadership


Application of basic management


Contrasting styles of leadership

Developing your personal style of

Pillar 2

Management and Leadership Competencies

Management and leadership competencies

Skills and competencies

What is a Skill? A learned capacity

A proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed A Skill is something Learned in order to be able to carry out one or
through training or experience. more job functions.

The ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to

do something well.

What is a competency? A measurable pattern of behavior

Competencies refer to skills or knowledge that lead to superior A measurable pattern of knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviours, and
performance. other characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or
occupational functions successfully.
A cluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and skills
that enable a person to act effectively in a job or situation.
Management and leadership competencies

Behavioral competencies that are part of the job

Job effectiveness Relationships Organizational

Achieving Results Builds Trust Commitment to Continuous Quality
Communicating Effectively Honesty / Fairness / Process Improvement
Dependability / Attendance Positive Attitude Continuous Learning /
Job / Organizational Knowledge Recognizes Others' Achievements / Development
Effective Decision-Making Resolving Conflicts Creativity / Innovation
Planning / Organization Managing poor performance Customer Orientation
Problem Solving / Judgment Respecting Others Displaying Vision
Being Productive in your work Dealing with Diversity Flexibility / Adaptability to Change
Taking Responsibility Understands Others' Perspectives Leadership / Initiative
Teamwork / Cooperation

Behavioural competencies encompass knowledge, skills, attitudes, and actions that distinguish excellence
across three areas: job effectiveness, building relationships and organizational success.
Center for Creative Leadership: McCauley, C. (2006). Developmental assignments: Creating learning experiences without changing jobs.

Core competencies of leadership

Leading Oneself Leading Others Leading the Organization

Demonstrating ethics and integrity Communicating effectively Managing change

Displaying drive and purpose Developing others Solving problems. Decision-making

Exhibiting leadership stature Valuing diversity and difference Managing politics/influencing others

Increasing your capacity to learn Building and maintaining relationships Taking risks and innovating

Managing yourself Managing effective teams Setting vision and strategy

Increasing self-awareness Managing the work

Developing adaptability Enhancing skills and knowledge

Understanding and navigating organization

Core competencies of leadership

Leading Oneself What you need to demonstrate

Build integrity into your job: show up on time every time, keep promises, focus on
performance and communicate frequently both the good and the bad.

Ethics & Great leaders articulate a common purpose, shared values, and a aligned vision. These are
Managing Integrity the building blocks that help drive of a sustainable culture. They also keep improving.
You have stature when those around you recognize you as someone who can help and
provide direction when they need support. Leaders who have stature inspire others to
take their organizations to a new levels of excellence and influence.
Oneself Drive &
. Managing yourself means learning how to be accountable and following through with
excellence. Get regular feedback on decisions made and try to ensure that when working
Stature with others is productive. If you use your time well others will too.

Develop an authentic leadership style. The first person you will lead is yourself! Leaders
generally accomplish more than what is expected.

Leading Oneself is about how leaders learn as they go, they re-align and recalibrate as
needed. They learn from their failures and are not afraid to fail quickly.
Core competencies of leadership

Leading Others What you need to demonstrate

Leaders communicate effectively. They are active listeners. Show empathy, be friendly in

Develop Great leaders make each employee feel that their values are recognized, understood and
Build Others
Relationships respected. Leaders are aware of their own personal bias. They value diversity.

Leading Developing others new skills is viewed as the third most significant driver of employee

Others is engagement..

Value Leaders provide a clear sense of direction. The relationships they build are based on
Respect Diversity articulating the vision, purpose and values that each employee can engage with and work
Leading others is about team members being clear on what they need to do to succeed.
The time spent on this helps increase motivation and productivity.

Ultimately, leading others is first and foremost about respect.

Core competencies of leadership

Leading the Organization What you need to demonstrate

Leaders get buy-in and experience of others prior to embarking on any change

Managing Leaders learn to scan the environment in which they work. They learn how to
Change navigate through the red tape and set clear directions for those around them.

Leading the Leaders appreciate that Risk is built into the desire to be innovative. They have the

Organization ability to learn from past failures.

Vision &
Leaders spend some time to articulate the vision they have. This is want they
Risk &
Innovation want organization to become. The strategy is what they are going to do to
achieve the vision.

Leaders see where the gaps are in performance and will provide opportunities
for departments, teams and individual to upskill.
Pillar 2

Application of basic management competencies

"Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. Leaders who are good navigators are capable of taking their
people just about anywhere."

John C. Maxwell
All managers and leaders must master these four competencies

Basic management skills and competencies

Setting Directions Giving Feedback

Be clear Empowering and delegating others

Set SMART goals Leading positive change

Agree understanding Building effective teams

Recognizing Performance Communicating

Recognition Active listening
Managing conflict Verbal and non-verbal
Influencing others communications
Using body language
Paraphrasing and getting agreement
Application of basic management competencies

Setting Directions and Goals

Be clear in what your asking.

Employees and teams get frustrated when theyre not clear what the boss wants done.
Write it down and follow up so all team members are aligned and ready to go.
Use the opportunity to motivate the team and explain why the project is kicking off.

Use SMART objectives.

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound.
Use the 6Ws Who, What, Where, When, Which and Why.
If you set a goal that you have no hope of achieving, you will only demoralize the

Verify employee understands whats been asked of them.

Always check back after the team meeting to see if everyone is clear on the tasks.
If you need to clarify, do so, and verify again..
Check in regularly to see if everyones aligned
Application of basic management competencies

Giving Feedback
Purpose of feedback is to improve performance
As a manager you should be providing regular feedback.
It enables employees to modify or correct their actions.

Managers must give regular feedback

Schedule regular one-to-ones to give feedback.
Provide feedback in private.

Positives must outweigh the negatives

Five positive to one negative is a good ratio,
Share information rather than give advice.
.Take the needs of the receiver into account, its vale and usefulness

Focus on the behaviour not the individual

Request what you'd like them to do differently.
Verify that they have understood the feedback
Application of basic management competencies

Recognizing performance

Inspire Its not seen

Recognition should inspire. 82% of US employees dont
Managers should recognize the feel recognized.
value that others bring. Lack of recognition takes a
Should bring out the best in people. terrible toll.

Its so simple Small wins, win big !

Recognize effort, Publicly recognizing small wins
Appreciate a job well done. keeps everyone motivated.
Call it out ! Verbal praise.

Make it fun ! Make it eligible for all

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetuer adi pis Build in recognition to weekly Be transparent.
cing elit. Aenean comm meetings. Communicate the criteria for eligibility.
Use opportunity to be part of any To be effective keep it as close to the
team activity. event being recognized as possible.
The spaces between the perceiver and the thing perceived can be closed with a shout of recognition. Timothy Findley,

Differences between reward and recognition

Rewards Recognition
Rewards are tangible, something you can touch, or count. A call out earned in recognition for superior performance on
the job. Often intangible, invisible, but priceless in value.

Transactional Relational
Something is done X, you get Y. Great for retaining people. It reinforces the behaviours that
Good for attracting in people are aligned to a companies vision value and purpose

Impact not permanent Longer lasting

A bonus is not motivational, as soon as its spent its Because recognition is personal, it inspires future action.
impact has gone. Rewards buy temporary compliance.

Expected but conditional Surprising

Rewards are fixed and determined on achieved results. Recognition focuses on behaviors and are more fluid
"People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and
rewards." Dale Carnegie
Application of basic management competencies

Tips to communicate effectively

Focus is on the message Focus is on restating in

Use clear concise language. your own words

Ensure you have mastered You need in your words to

what you want to get playback to the speaker
across. what you have taken to be
Be polite, respectful. their concerns.

Active Listener Verbal Message Body Language Playback Summarise

Focus is on the speaker Focus is on body language Focus is on the outcome

Go over again the main
Show Empathy Notice if the person
points and get agreement
Be There opposite is un-comfortable.
on the action, outcome..
Listen Are your non-verbal cues

Observe reinforcing the message?

Pillar 3

Contrasting styles of leadership

Great leaders choose their leadership style like a golfer chooses his or her club, with a calculated analysis of the matter at hand,
the end goal, and the best tool for the job.
Leader Effectiveness and Culture: The GLOBE Study. 2012. Center for Creative Leadership.

Contrasting styles of leadership

Charismatic/Inspirational/Transformational Humane
Stresses high standards, decisiveness and innovation. Patient, supportive, and concerned with the well-being of others.
Seeks to inspire around a vision. Stresses compassion and generosity.
Creates a passion to perform and lead by example

Team Oriented Autonomous/Autocratic

Instils pride, loyalty, and collaboration. Characterized by an independent, individualistic, and
Highly values team cohesiveness. self-centric approach to leadership.
Common purpose or goals.

Participative/Democratic Self-protective
Encourages input from others in decision-making. Emphasizes procedural, status-conscious, and 'face-saving' behaviours.
Emphasizes delegation and equality. Focuses on the safety and security of the individual and the group.
Contrasting styles of leadership

Autonomous/Autocratic Leadership

Autocratic leaders expect obedience, not understanding and input from their
staff or followers.

It is characterized by very little trust and management relies on threats and

negative enforcement to get things done.

Can be used in certain situations. When employees are largely untrained and
insecure, the firm decisions that come down from an autocratic leader can
This style of leadership wont work in the long term.
Autocratic leaders eventually create fear and this
be welcomed. When there is limited time to get results an autocratic style
might work.
creates low morale, which is counter-productive.

This is a leadership style that has become something of a relic in today's

business environment.
Contrasting styles of leadership

Participative/Democratic Leadership

Democratic should be thought of the complete opposite of autocratic


Democratic leaders empower others to bring forth their creatively. They

provide just enough control to guide the overall vision without imposing
their own views on proceedings.

These leaders understand that sometimes team members can establish

project goals and even evaluate their own work. Involvement in decision-
Democratic leadership should not be used when there
is little time for consultation. Why? Sometimes the
making improves the understanding of the issues.
decision made might be the wrong one. In addition, if
the staff are inexperienced, there is a chance that end
Democratic leadership styles are appropriate when work issues require a
disparate and wide variety of viewpoints.
result might not be what is in the best interest of the
company or customer.
Contrasting styles of leadership

Charismatic/Transformational Leadership

They are willing to take charge by standing front and centre and inspiring
those who look up to them to perform in ways that are always reaching for

Transformational leaders seek to bring about some sort of change so they

are characteristically passionate and energetic.

The transformational leader is there to sell belief in a process and highlight

that all hands need to be on deck to achieve the change. They believe in
their followers to succeed.
However, dont sacrifice substance for style. Ensure you
have a solid vision and plan of action. Otherwise, the
Adopting this style of leadership is great when there is a need for a change followers may become quickly disillusioned.
leader. If the situation calls for conversion of ideas and processes towards a
different way of thinking and doing, nothing is more appropriate than a
transformational leader.
Leadership in practice

Leadership qualities at Google Project Oxygen

Google hired smart engineers

Promoted Brilliance Left them Alone

Some managers thrived, teams performed better, retained better and were happier.
Focused on quality of manager What if every manager was that good?

However, people were leaving!

Searched for and found 8 common traits and qualities
Leadership in practice

Googles leadership traits

1. Coaching 5. Good communicator

Good Managers at Google know how to They learn how to listen. They encourage open

coach and give feedback. dialogue and pay attention to the teams needs.

2. Empowerment 6. Growth and development

They encouraging employees to work out They appreciate and notice hard work, they

problems but are there when needed. help them in their career development.

3. Take an interest 7. Clear vision and strategy

. .Team members are made feel welcome They keep their team involved in developing
and time is taken to get to know them and working the teams vision..

4. Results focused 8. Technical skills

They understand the challenges they face and
They help employees by removing
are prepared to help the team out.
obstacles and prioritizing work..
Pillar 4

Developing your personal style of leadership

When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete,
everyone will respect you.

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Develop you personal style

Do you know how to be yourself?

Know your Strengths

What are you good at?
What do your colleagues think your
strengths are?
Play to these strengths.
Know your teams strengths

Be Bold Stretch
Boldness is an essential for future Actively work to stretch into the
leaders leadership style(s) you find harder
You need to be noticed. Blend with your team's leadership
Be proud to apologize! strengths to best advantage.

There is no perfect leadership style, which means there is more than one
way to lead effectively.
This is who I am !

Developing your personal style

Your strengths and weaknesses.
Your values and beliefs your purpose.
Know your personality traits.
How do you work?
Take time to reflect on the impact you have
around you.

Whats your style? Be Authentic

Style reflects the substance of what you do. Be true to yourself dont be a phony !

The results that you deliver. Trust your instincts.

Its what will make you memorable to others. By focusing on your strengths you will
display a natural authority.
Stay positive.
You are unique !

Determine your leadership style

Consider your values

Leaders lead from their most deeply held values
Your behaviour, choices and actions are guided by those

Know your personality traits

Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Your natural style will grow form these traits
Validate your strengths and weaknesses.

Look to leaders you admire

Learn from, dont copy
Seek feedback and adjust accordingly
Give your self time to grow as a leader..

Keep learning
The best leaders are always learning: read, listen, engage.
They scan/observe their environment for insight.
Management and leadership

Application of basic management


Contrasting styles of leadership

Developing your personal style of


Congratulations you have just learnt the basic of

Lesson 2 Summary management competencies and why they matter.

Attend all of the lessons live to ask Questions in

real time and benefit the most

Were here to help, so contact us anytime!

The next session is How Leaders have vision, values and purpose.
We look at:

Leadership and Culture

Value Based Leadership
Creating a Vision and Purpose
Leadership and Strategic Alignment

Your Next Lesson

Lesson 3 Attend all of the lessons LIVE and your knowledge will grow
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will be in your Members in your Members Area

Area within 24 hours every Friday.

after the live lesson. Pass the Final Assignment

to gain your Diploma.

36 B Square presentation to Design tuts

Your Bonus Video
is Now Available

Lets Go See

Video 1 is: 5 Tips to Communicate Effectively

Learning Log

Key thought today: Smile more

Actions: have lunch with Johann

from the Ops team tell him my
Weekly Challenge idea for collaboration

Key Observation: Maggie did not

take Gregs feedback

My key learning: Give feedback in

See you back next week
QUESTION TIME How leaders have vision, values and purpose. @shawacademy

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