CRV Distributrion

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20120"7 1890 Honda Truck CR-V 2WD 2.0.MFI DOHE Acyl | Repair Guides| Distributor lotion System | gion Control Module | Honda CRV/Odyssey 1995-2000 Repair Information REMOVAL AINSTALLATION Ignition Control Module ‘The larson Ganel Modula GM Islecated in te rb nousing are lion co To ecco he module, remove the buts eap, rob, anefequosed, he dust S00 Figur Fig ig. THe CM i locate nthe dtr housing. The datrbutor cap, rotor and dust protector must be emovedto gain acces the module TESTING sto sunt the lation where te wire ate comet. Use a pac of papr andre the wire eotane and connection, oat mathe wires ele removing them. Faire te restate wes coracy oul cause expensive component lie RV Models ‘Loosen ne esters securing te atbutor exp tobe deo nousing, move he ap wih na wes anaened ane place stl 3.Locat me nln Conte Moauo ICM) which 6 nearne on | Romove ne yatowirer,lskhllow, whieive wires, rahe sue wires fom he IC 5. ute ne gnlion so ON, deck or bay vole Between te blckellow and ground lage presen: raced wih esting no vlage present heck ‘6. vie Be gion swe ON, ceck or batly voli Between te whitsiue and ground. ela is pregen gols he nex lp. novella presen check he 1Detah te sacicalmal-connect atte Engine Contol ModulPowettis Contol Module ECMPCM ane heck Wr contnulyon ha yebonlgyan wre betneen Be rmul-comectr an he ylowgreon ie athe ICM. Ter shoul be contin therein contin, check or an open cratin th ylawigraen wie cut Chock torconsnuty between be yllowleea wt and found Thee shouldbe no consul ete is contro rou, eale where he yellowlyrecn wie i shoe > 1.00 1997.98 CRV model, hac cantly Bebvan he CM ue wie and Be est taco cote octagon conta eneek'oran open eatin bli wre rit Crack orconinuty etwas he hia wre and aun Thera oul be ba consnty Hera éenfouiy are is conn ground, local whee the ble we ie sored Io ground, and ep ale testcancions ar passad replace ho IM, 4-0pindor odyssey Models Toesthe 2212 Odyssey modes roceed as ows "Gas waictos Rerave he bnckoow bus (7) yalowigeon, ard a Sue (2) wree Tom OME "Gae:7 venaen Removes yolowiiaan Dlacijolow whibblad andthe bos wies fon he Wr ‘Gia vehilor Rerave fe yllongron, basyolow and wifeBiaccwires For neIGW we ‘ute Be anion swich ON, check or balay vlan Beteen the blatellow and gtound vllage ie resent roca wih a tap shwwrw autazone.comitepairinftrepirquide pai GuideC onl sp:pagelé=0000c 1520026755 2020"7 1899 Honda Truck CR-V 2WD 2.0.MFI DOHE Acyl | Repair Guides| Distributor lgnton System | gion Control Module | 2. ne ignion swioh ON, cock orbatley votage Btwoon the whi or ue (2) (1898 made) and ground. vetage le present, got the next of ue} we betwsan the ICM and th eo ack (1996-98 mod rullscomecor tnd ylongren le athe ICM. Ther shoul be conta heen cotinaly checkor an open ain he yelowlgraen wire cei Check ‘or coninutyBetven he yolow/yeen we and ground. Tete soul be no canny bee's conn ground, eae where me yellongren we shored 4.01995 model, cecktr contin beteen he OM bie (1) wre and he Tansmeson Conol Module (TCM). Tare sould be continu. Mere fe candy, heck or an apn ceitin fhe ve (1) wire sal Chek fr afin between the ble (}) wi and ground. There shoul be na corti. heres conto 5.07 1996.97 mele, cnesxforcontnuly betwsan he ICN bie we and ea oul 9 contol. tena coniniy ther is conn oro, ocle wher fb is shored fo ground, and epaz ‘sro contnuly check orn oan retin Be blue whe eit Checker contnuly betwee he blue wwe and round. There shouls REMOVAL & INSTALLATION 4.Not the rao cunt coe,Heguiped, nen aconrectihe negate tary sabe ot nin flora tbr sha Nole he poston ote or freisllaton, remove Be tne, rol an, Mesupped. ne ‘Locate me ion Conte tedule ICM) which snearhegniton cl and mounie at he abuse housing pa. Remave he flawing wees: {Fav Rerov be ylowigroon Scioto, whale wren and Fequped fe ie we Fon be ‘Tyrer Gdjasey mada On I-connecbr CMs roove he yoow ren, Dlacjeow and whine wres 7 cannedor OM rave fe resi arose centiing ne blekllow, ue, nd yelowtaren wires, whtblackor be () an the separate Bu 2) we om me EM 7. Connect batarynogatve cable and ener ne radio secu code ‘Ine Poworein Cento! Modul( CRO ie memory st be reset ate reconnecting fe bate State engine end Raitt 300 pm ute cooing fan comes on. Thea stow he engin ifr bat venues mi seeswoes OFF ond wit a vansade Pao Nota tap shwwrw autazone.comitepairinvtrepirquide pa GuideC ont sp:pagelé=0000c 1520026755 22.

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