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Format for the 8-item Survey of

Suport organizational perceput

University of Delaware, 1984

Listed below and on the next several pages are statements that represent possible opinions that
YOU may have about working at _____. Please indicate the degree of your agreement or
disagreement with each statement by filling in the circle on your answer sheet that best
represents your point of view about ____. Please choose from the following answers:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Strongly Moderately Slightly Slightly Moderately Strongly
Agree nor
Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Agree

1. The organization values my contribution to its well-being.

3. The organization fails to appreciate any extra effort from me. (R)
7. The organization would ignore any complaint from me. (R)
9. The organization really cares about my well-being.
17. Even if I did the best job possible, the organization would fail to notice. (R)
21. The organization cares about my general satisfaction at work.
23. The organization shows very little concern for me. (R)
27. The organization takes pride in my accomplishments at work.

1. Organizatia apreciaza contributia mea la bunastarea acesteia.

2. Organizatia nu apreciaza efortul suplimentar din partea mea.
3. Organizatia ar ignora orice plangere din partea mea.
4. Organizatiei chiar ii pasa de starea mea de bine.
5. Chiar daca as fi facut cea mai buna treaba posibila, organizatia oricum nu ar fi
6. Organizatiei ii pasa de satisfactia mea la locul de munca.
7. Organizatia este foarte putin preocupata de mine.
8. Organizatia se mandreste cu realizarile mele la locul de munca.

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