A, Any, Some, An, There Is, There Are

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1 ESO revision Unit 2 (there is/are, a, some and any)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with A,AN,SOME or ANY.

1. There are _________________ eggs in the fridge.

2. There aren't __________________ sandwiches for lunch.
3. There is _____________ new interesting film at the cinema.
4. Are there _____________ animals in the farm?
5. Is there _____________ good documentary on TV tonight?
6. There isn't _______________ airport in our town.
7. There are _______________ important people at the party.
8. Is there _____________ orange sofa in her living room?
9. There is ________________ cat sleeping on the computer.

Exercise 2
Write questions and short answers using: IS THERE, ARE

1. Post office in your street?

2. apples in the fridge? X
3. Italian person in the room?
4. coke in the fridge? X
5. students in the courtyard?
6. new car in front of your house? X
7. an orange pencil-case on the table?

Exercise 1

1. some 2. any 3. a 4. any 5. a 6. an 7. some 8. an 9. a

Exercise 2

1. Is there a post office in your street? Yes, there is

2. Are there any apples in the fridge? No, there aren't
3. Is there an Italian person in the room? Yes, there is
4. Is there a coke in the fridge? No, there isn't
5. Are there any students in the courtyard? Yes, there are
6. Is there a new car in front of your house? No, there isn't
7. Is there an orange pencilcase on the table? Yes, there is
1) Elige si en las siguientes frases va some o any:

1. There isnt ___________________________ butter in the refrigerator, is there?

2. I bought _____________________ peas and ____________ beans at the
3. We dont have ______________________________ eggs to make an omelette.
4. We must go to the bank. We need _______________________ some money.
5. There isnt _____________________ honey in the jar but you can have _________
6. There are ____________________________ people waiting outside the cinema.
7. I havent _____________________________ salt. Could you lend me
8. I bought her ____________________________ flowers for her 40 th birthday.
9. We havent _________ cherries but there are _________________________
10. Are there ______________________________ English books in the library?
11. There were ___________________ mistakes in the dictation you made last Monday.
12. Would you like _________________________________ cream in your coffee?
13. They never drink ____________________________ beer. They dont like it.
14. Could you lend me ______________________ money to buy the newspaper?
15. Are there _________________ children playing in the park?

2) Las siguientes palabras son contables o incontables?

Biscuit, sugar, sweet, milk ,

egg , butter, cheese, rice, apple, chocolate, jam , ice-cream, bread, sandwich, c

Une las palabras de arriba con las siguientes imgenes:

3) Completa los recuadros con How much o How many.

birds are there?

There are two birds.
money is there?
There are three thousand dollars.

dolphins are there?

There are two dolphins.

pencils are there?

There are thirteen pencils.

books are there? There are three books.

milk is there?
There are four litres of milk.

eggs are there?

There are eight eggs.

chocolate is there?
There is a bar of chocolate.

sausages are there?

There are five sausages.

bread is there?
There is a kilo of bread.

students are there?

There are four students.

cheese is there?
There is half kilo of cheese.

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