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C:\Program Files\Jagannatha Hora\data\Aashish Gupta

Natal Chart

Date: November 27, 1971

Time: 22:15:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 80 E 21' 00", 26 N 28' 00"

Kanpur, India

Altitude: 0.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Virodha-krit - Margasira

Tithi: Sukla Dasami (Mo) (37.05% left)

Vedic Weekday: Saturday (Sa)

Nakshatra: Uttarabhadra (Sa) (73.32% left)

Yoga: Vajra (Mo) (13.29% left)

Karana: Garija (Ju) (74.10% left)

Hora Lord: Jupiter (5 min sign: Ge)

Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Ta)

Kaala Lord: Mercury (Mahakala: Mercury)

Sunrise: 6:39:59

Sunset: 17:11:52

Janma Ghatis: 38.9591

Ayanamsa: 23-26-57.33

Sidereal Time: 2:30:11

Body Division Index In whose amsa in D-60 (Trd)

Lagna 41 20 Komala

Sun 23 38 Amrita

Moon 14 47 Seetala

Mars 37 37 Sudhaa

Mercury 6 6 Kinnara

Jupiter 43 18 Indu

Venus 10 10 Vahni

Saturn (R) 19 42 Vamsa-kshaya

Rahu 28 33 Daavaagni

Ketu 28 33 Daavaagni


41. Kulanasaamsa Papa Amsa " V a n i k ' ; T h o s e travetlstay on other

places for trading/
business purposes; ( D o o r a D e s a V y a p a r a s t h u l u ) Dealers of import/
export goods; Trave l l i n g b u s i n e s s - m e n / R e p r e s e n t a - t i v e s / i n a
n d abroad in journeys.

2O. Komala Amsa Shubhamsha :- "l-ata Pushpa Phala Yikrayi" /Yaidyaha" All those
dealing in
fruits/Dry fruits/Vegitables /llerbal M e d i c i n e s / Neutropathy/tlomeo p a t h y / D
t l a k i m s / P h a k i r s / Veg. Vendors/All Production/Trading units in Food/ confe
ctionary related items; All physicians of Allopathy/Unani.


25. Vishu Amsa (Vageesha Amsa) N i s h i d h a Vikrayakara" Those p r o d u c t i

o n s / tradings are prohibited items as intoxicants; smuggle blackmarketers. .

38. Amrita Amsa :- ' V i g n a n a S a s t r a N i p u n a h a " R e - s e a r c h S c h o l

a r s / Professors/lnventors/Scientists/Research Associates ln Vignana Sastras..

47. Sheetala Amsa Shubhamsa :- "Ganiko": All those p r o f e s s o r s / r e -
searchers in mathematics/Engg. Scie n c e s / A s t r o n o - mers/Statisticians/C o
warelsoftware) pers o n n e l ; A c c o u n - tants of all cadres/ Financial lleads etc

14. Devagana Amsa (Marutyamsa) :- Marut pradhana". This includes those i n p r o

Heads of villages, towns, municipalities, Village barbers, village revenue
collectors etc.


24. Maheshwara Amsa :- Shubhamsha Gramanam Adhikarakruta " Those landlords, heads
of villages/ towns; Jamindars; Elected local Admn. heads as Municipalities/Co-op bodies etc.

37. Sudha Amsa Shubha Amsa :- "Panditaha"; A scholar; A learned person well versed in
Shastras; Professors / Lecturers / Acharyas/gurus in different fields.


6. Kinnaramsa :- Lipilekhana Tatparaha" Those Indulge in all sorts of writing; writers poets,
new journalists; typists; stenos & clerks etc.

55. Krura Amsa :- KsheeradI Vikrayi" Those in production and trading in relation to Milk,
meat and soft drinks and milk products / confectionaries/ / Hoteliers Coffee/ Teal Milk houses


45. Utpathaka :- Papa Amsa :- " S h a s t r an g na h a" : A l l S c i e n t i s t s o r

scholarly disposit i o n ; O n e w h o knows veda/Vedanga; In such r e l a t i o n t o
Atharvana VedaMundane sciences.

18. Chandra Amsa :- Shubhamsha :- "Raja Karya Rataha"; "Udyogi"; Those in

profession o f G o v e r n m e n t / publlc sector employment in different cadres;
Persons in civil service.


lO. Agni Amsa :- "Yagnikam" Those in the profession of arranging rites/ceremonies

of tlindu
religion etc. And those engaged in various Yagnas for the progress and happiness
of families etc.

51. Kalagni Amsa Shubha Amsa :- ' ? h a l a m o o l a d i Vikrayi" Those

producers,/tradres of
Fruits/Vegetab les/ Food a n d confectionary items o f a l l k i n d s /
Hoteliers/Restaurants/Canteens etc. (more of Vegetation)

Saturn (R)

t9. Mridu Amsa :- R a k s h a k a Bhataha": Sena R a k s h a n a S a k h a ; Those

in various
callings in military service in lower ranks; Military; Pol i c e a n d s u c h Rakshaka
establishm e n t s
' a s N C C / Home Guards etc.

42, Vamshakshaya Amsa Subha Amsa :- "Yeda Vedanga R a h a s y a g n a h a ' P r

A c h a r y a s / S i d d h a n t i s / L i n - g u i s t s / V e d i c - people/Purohits of h i
g h e r l e v e l / A s - trologers/Qrammari a n s / P e e t h a d h i p a t i s - heads.

Rahu / Ketu

28. Kshitiswara Amsa :- Shubha Amsa :- "Sukra karaka v y a p a r e e ' "Dhupaka"

Dealers in all articles gove r n e d b y S u k r a ; Textiles; Perfumes; Luxurious bed
comfort items; Scenteci
a n d d e c o r a t i v e items; Paints; Sellers and producers those engaged in them.

33.. Devajna Amsa :- Shubha Amsa :- "Krishi Kruth": Agriculturists; Cultivat o r s ;

Farms; Land irrigational projects; Rel a t i n g t o a g r i c u l - tural produce of
different kinds; Fertilizers/land improving systems/items; Relating to Pesticides to
get good crops by protecting
the growth etc. etc.

Weekday Lord Saturn is the fire of native and is the air element planet in an earth
rashi . So conflict between Air and Earth Element . As air destroys the earth so the
11th house is destroyed by the Saturn.

Tithi the water element in the chart is Dashmi lorded by moon a watery planet
placed in a watery sign Pisces is good for the chart.

Karana the earth element is Garija lorded by Jupiter is placed in Scorpio the
watery sign along with Sun a fiery Planet . Sun will do the job of Jupiter and
Jupiter will do the job of Sun in its mahadasa .
As Saturn is 7th from the karana the door will be opened by Saturn so that karana
can work.

The work for native will be that of represented by Jupiter and Sun and also that of

25. Vishu Amsa (Vageesha Amsa) N i s h i d h a Vikrayakara" Those p r o d u c t i

o n s / tradings are prohibited items as intoxicants; smuggle blackmarketers. .

.Venus and Mercury 2nd from karana will feed the karana . Rahu 3rd from varada
will required lots of efforts to overcome difficulties.

Mars in 4th house will make lots of drama at business place.

Moon from 5th will support the karana and ketu from 9th will pull native towards
headless decisions.

So wear Yellow Sapphire or do guru mantra.

Mahakala hora lord is Mars placed in 4th house so all the energy of Saturn is
diverted towards 4th house of work which is wasted in fighting all the time at
business place.

The Nakshatra lord is again Saturn the Air element so Saturn is holding Air and
Fire which makes native very explosive.

As Jupiter is Atmakaraka so native will have tendency to do work of Jupiter.

As Saturn is placed in Scorpio in Lagna of D-60 , Heavy Past life sorrows are
bound to come.

So remedy is to worship Kali in the morning hours of Saturday.

As Mercury is placed in 4th house of Navamsa in Aries so he should always

Worship Lord Ram for his well being.

As Sun is in the 10th house of Navamsa so Sun periods will prove highly
beneficiary for him in financial matters.

Kali Worship on Saturday Morning.

Guru Worship on Thursdays. Wear Yellow Sapphire or Gold on Body.

Shri Ram Darbar worship on Tuesdays with Jai Shree Ram Mantra Daily 108

Light Diya when exiting Home every time.

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