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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

NAME: ____________________________________
Course & Section: ___________________________

I. Directions: Considering everything youve learned from PS rules and Tense-Aspect System, How would you
explain to your students theses errors in the following sentences?

1. He can swims very fast.

2. Jane is jump rope.

3. Bob will go to come tomorrow.

4. The man been to Chicago twice.

5. Sarah put the books.

II. Directions: Provide an original example sentence illustrating each of the following terms. Underline the
pertinent term9s0 in your example.

1. Simple Present

2. Past Perfect Progressive

3. Future progressive

4. Past Progressive

5. Present Perfect

6. Future Perfect

7. Present progressive

8. Simple Past

9. Past Perfect

10. Future Perfect Progressive

III. Directions: Answer the following questions in not more than 5 sentences.

1. One of your students asks you why a certain grammar text claims that English has no future tense. This
student feels that English has a future tense. How would you answer this question?

2. If a student asks you what the difference between the following sentences is, how would you answer?
a. I have been hearing that melody over and over again.
b. I have been listening to that melody over and over again.

3. If your students produce the following utterances, what errors are they making? How would you explain
to them these errors?
a. I got many informations from that book.
b. In my point of view, I think thats a bad ideas
c. Photography has passionate me since I was a child.

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