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Date 05/May/2017 Friday

Weather Sunny and chilling

Attended O, E, J Absent N/A
Attempt of Transition and key songs Tenth Before morning Lunch
Key songs Icky Sticky Bubble Gum
If you have the colour game
Significant Events and/or Feedback from my Mentor Teacher
Today I received particular constructive feedback in regards to the matching Number cards
Game experience:
- Overall my Mentor Teacher was very pleased with the experience.
- For future experiences, it is worthwhile to consider individualising and adapting the
learning experience levels per child (although they share the same learning foci).
- An example: Some children may be allocated higher/bigger numbers to count
one-on-one correspondence, as they may be confident in this learning process.
- The Mentor Teacher was pleased to see how children were able to successfully
engage in Zone of Proximal Development.
- Suggested to possibly mix the number order.
- Such as when reciting the numerical symbols. This is as the current consecutive
order (reciting 1-10) will lessen their engagement in terms of physically
comprehending the numerical symbol. Mixing them out of order will encourage
children to become more observant to identify the symbol, before responding.
I feel much more confident in concluding and transitioning children after my planned
experience. Children were again very engaging in this experience.

I was reflecting and I realised how some children are more comfortable in counting the
pictures with their fingers independently. Some preferred to have peer and/or Educator
scaffolding and discussion. An example was for other children to orally count together.

I believe that turn-taking was successfully facilitated as children were happy to wait for
their turn. Furthermore, spontaneous critical analysis of symbols occurred and had been

Children gave positive evaluative feedback about the experience. They also wished to do
another number game and/or counting games. If possible, I wish to implement this in
my future experience.

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