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Reprint from MPT International Volume 30 (2007), issue No.

6, page 38-42,
Copyright. Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, D-Dsseldorf

New generation ladle slide gate system for

performance improvement

The ladle slide gate system is a Introduction controlling factors such as refractory
critical piece of flow control material, plant operating conditions
equipment in liquid steel cast- Recent technological advances in and steel grades. Therefore a new gen-
ing. The service life of the slide steelmaking practices demand longer eration slide gate system is the key to
gate plate is a limiting factor to service life of various supporting extending the service life of the slide
achieve performance and is process equipment for higher produc- gate plate to achieve higher productiv-
greatly dependent on the type tion efficiency and more economical ity and economical operation.
of slide gate mechanism used. operation. The ladle slide gate system
A new generation slide gate is one of the critical flow control com-
system is the key to achieving ponents in the steel casting process. Special features of the FF
longer plate service life and The basic function of the ladle slide ladle slide gate
hence higher productivity and gate system is to control the flow of
more economical operation. the liquid steel from the ladle to the The FF series ladle slide gate is a two-
tundish as shown in figure 1. For its plate linear, hydraulically driven gate.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of liquid steel casting equipment

successful operation it requires a slide The gate valves are designed for small,
gate mechanism and other related medium and large capacity ladles. The
refractory components. The slide gate characteristic features of the FF ladle
plate is one of the most critical refrac- slide gate are as follows:
tory components in the slide gate sys- - safety and reliability,
tem for liquid steel casting and meter- - simplicity and robustness,
ing. It has been observed that the serv- - higher stroke length,
Jayanta Chaudhuri, Gautam Choudhury, ice life of slide gate plates is a limiting - automatic face pressure loading,
Satyendra Kumar, Visvanathan V. factor for improved performance of - outboard spring design,
Rajgopalan, IFGL Refractories Limited, the slide gate refractory system. Now it - optical configuration,
Kolkata, India has been found that the performance - plate crack control,
of the slide gate plate is greatly - higher face pressure,
Contact: dependent on the type of slide gate - lower nitrogen pick-up,
E-mail: mechanism in addition to many other - increased plate life.

38 MPT International 6/2007

Continuous casting

The complete refractory assembly of

the FF ladle slide gate is shown in figure
2. It features a one-piece well block and
a one-piece upper nozzle, unlike the
conventional Flocon design which uses
two-piece well blocks and two-piece
ladle nozzles (upper nozzle and lower
nozzle), as shown in figure 3. The fixed
and sliding refractory plates are identi-
cal in terms of shape and size. The steel-
encased collector nozzle is detachable
and it is available in standard or cus-
tomized designs. In the Flocon design
the top and bottom plates are different
and the collector nozzle is built into the
bottom plate.
The innovative shape is based on 3D
stress modelling and finite element Figure 2. Schematic view of the FF ladle slide gate refractory assembly
analysis studies. Standard steel can has
been replaced by hot steel band for
crack control. Internal stress distribu-
tion has been optimized by the octag-
onal shape, hot banding and plate
clamping, virtually eliminating cracks
in the stroke area.
The forces act on the plate from four
corners resulting in no cracks in the
sliding longitudinal direction, which
would be very much detrimental for Figure 3.
slide gate plate. It has been observed Schematic view
that all cracks are oblique and the stroke of 6300 Flocon
area is completely free from cracks. gate refractory
Conventional solutions usually assembly
require a good deal of hard manual
work to open and close the gate. Due
to the automatic face pressure loading
of the FF gate, no special tool or any length than the Flocon 4200 gate. Simi- - faster circulation of ladles,
manual effort is required. larly the FF60 has a 48 mm longer - lower number of ladles required,
stroke length than the Flocon 6300 - minimal amount of consumables,
Specifications. The specifications of gate. So the additional stroke length - higher spring life,
the different FF models are shown in provides a higher level of basic opera- - lower inventory due to higher plate
table 1. Here only three basic models tional safety and prolongs the plate life. life,
are shown for better understanding. - energy savings.
However, many other models are
available depending on the ladle size Quality improvement in steel
and plant operation logistics. and further advantages Material selection
The FF ladle slide gate system pro-
vides much more safety compared to Due to the unique pressure distribu- The material of the ladle slide gate
other gates due to its higher stroke tion in the collector nozzle and the plate is selected based on many steel
length and other related special fea- tightness of the mechanism, nitrogen plant-related factors and specific oper-
tures. The FF50 gate which is compara- pick-up by steel is minimized. This ating conditions. Some basic guidelines
ble with the Flocon 4200 gate in terms markedly improves the quality of the are given below for general understand-
of bore size has a 46 mm longer stroke steel. It has been observed that nitro- ing. A specific selection can only be
gen pick-up has come down dramati- made based on judicious analysis.
cally from 60 ppm to 20 ppm after
Model FF50 FF60 FF90 installation of an FF gate. So the FF Based on steel grade. The basic
Stroke length, mm 160 200 230 gate provides an additional advantage refractory material of the slide plate
Face pressure, kN 60 80 100 over competitor ladle slide gates, must be compatible with the chemistry
No. of springs 8 8 10 which is essential for quality steel of cast steel grade. Otherwise, serious
Spring cooling Yes Yes Yes making. problems may occur at any time. The
Bore size, mm 50 70 100 The new gate provides the following specific selection requires many factors
Table 1. Specifications of different models additional advantages: to be taken into consideration.

MPT International 6/2007 39

Continuous casting

with ladle sizes from 150 to 320 t are

summarized in table 2.

FF90 gate was installed in plant D

having a ladle capacity of 320 t (figure
4). Two FF90 gates were working
simultaneously in the same ladle for
ingot casting. An average plate life of
Figure 4. 5.25 heats (maximum plate life of 6
FF90 gate under heats) has been achieved - against a
operation at plant D plate life of one heat achieved with
the existing Metacon C-80 gate. Fig-
ure 5 shows the used plate of FF90
after five heats. The plate surface is
absolutely clean and smooth. The
bore of the plate is also perfectly circu-
lar and the edges of bore are very
sharp. In general, it was proved that
the FF90 plate installed in the FF90
Figure 5. gate performs much better than the
FF90 plate of AZC- existing system.
850 material after
five heats at plant D FF60 gate was installed in plant A
having a ladle capacity of 150 t (figure
6). The casting duration of the single
strand slab caster is around 60 min-
Based on sliding stroke length. The - lightly burnt metal bond - most utes. The average plate life achieved
material of the slide plate is also advanced bonding system with was 5.42 heats (with a maximum of 7
dependent on the sliding stroke length specifically designed firing, heats) against an average life of 2.5
of the plate. For smaller plates magne- - carbon bond - most conventional heats achieved with the existing Flo-
sia-based materials are highly suitable, bonding system with proper firing, con 6300 gate. Figure 7 shows the used
and for bigger plates alumina-based - ceramic bond - most stable bonding FF60 plate after six heats. The plate
materials. system with solid state sintering at surface is in a very good condition.
high temperature. The bore is circular and the bore edges
Based on caster type. The slide plate are in good condition. In general, it
material and the proper bonding sys- Based on calcium content in steel. was proved that the FF60 plate
tem are strongly dependent on the The calcium concentration in the steel installed in the FF60 gate performs
caster type. The slide plate is usually plays an important role in the selection much better than the existing one in
subjected to severe throttling and high of the slide plate material. However, a the conventional gate.
abrasion in ingot and billet casting. specific solution can be achieved based
Accordingly, a plate material with a on careful consideration and analysis
suitable bonding system is to be select- of the operating conditions. Conclusion
ed. In slab and bloom casters these
effects are much lower. IFGL manufac- From the above series of successful
tures the following types of bonding Successful field trials plant trials with the FF90 and FF60
systems for superior plate performance ladle slide gates the following conclu-
in any type of casters. A series of successful field trials have sions can be drawn:
- metal bond - most advanced bonding been made in a great number of plants - The FF slide plate installed in a new
system with suitable heat treatment, worldwide. The results of six plants generation FF ladle slide gate per-

Plant A B C D E F
Ladle capacity, t 150 270 150 320 170 170
Type of caster Slab Ingot Billet/bloom Ingot/bloom Ingot/slab Slab
Casting duration, min 60 80 60 70 60 80 60 70 40 50 40 45
Casting temperature, C 15501580 15601580 1560 1580 1550 1580 1560 1580 1550 1560
Plate bore dia., mm 70 50 45 65 75 75
Conventional plate Flocon 6300 Flocon 6300 Flocon 6300 Metacon C80 Metacon C80 Flocon 6300 Table 2.
Average plate life, heats 2.5 1 2 1 1 1 Details of
Trial slide gate FF60 FF60 FF60 FF90 FF90 FF90 plant trials
Average plate life, heats 5.42 2.25 3.5 5.25 5.5 6.35

40 MPT International 6/2007

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