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Pityriasis rosea and pityriasis roseaelike and Prevention, University of Milano-Bicocca,

eruptions Monza,b Italy
To the Editor: We read with great interest the case of Funding sources: None.
pityriasis rosea (PR)elike eruption associated with
lamotrigine by Papadavid et al.1 This article may raise Conflicts of interest: None declared.
the issue of why a drug eruption presents with Correspondence to: Arianna Agnoletti, MD, DISSAL
clinical features that strikingly resemble genuine Section of Dermatology IRCCS Azienda Univer-
PR. It may be speculated that the drug could have sitaria Ospedaliera San Martino-IST, Viale
triggered human herpesvirus (HHV) 6 and/or HHV 7, Benedetto XV, 5, Genoa, 16132, Italy
recently implicated in the pathogenesis of PR,2-4 to
abandon their latency and to reactivate. This E-mail:
phenomenon has been demonstrated in drug
reactions associated with eosinophilia and systemic 1. Papadavid E, Panayiotides I, Makris M, Giatrakou S, Dalamaga
symptoms (DRESS).5 M, Nikolaos S, et al. Pityriasis roseaelike eruption associated
Our experience, however, seems to disprove such with lamotrigine. J Am Acad Dermatol 2013;68:e180-1.
a hypothesis. In fact, we studied 12 patients with 2. Drago F, Ranieri E, Malaguti F, Losi E, Rebora A. Human
PR-like eruptions from a clinical, histopathologic, herpesvirus 7 in pityriasis rosea. Lancet 1997;349:1367-8.
3. Broccolo F, Drago F, Careddu AM, Foglieni C, Turbino L,
and virologic point of view. The eruptions followed, Cocuzza CE, et al. Additional evidence that pityriasis rosea is
without a definite interval, a lesion resembling the associated with reactivation of human herpesvirus-6 and -7.
herald patch in only 3 cases. Lesions were more J Invest Dermatol 2005;124:1234-40.
confluent than in typical PR, they involved the limbs 4. Drago F, Broccolo F, Rebora A. Pityriasis rosea: an update with
more extensively, in 2 cases the face, in 6 cases the a critical appraisal of its herpesvirus origin. J Am Acad
Dermatol 2009;61:303-18.
mucous membranes (mouth and tongue), and 5. Husain Z, Reddy BY, Schwartz RA. DRESS syndrome. J Am Acad
caused excessive itching. No patient experienced Dermatol 2013;68:693.e1-14.
prodromal symptoms. Five patients had a slight blood
eosinophilia. Histopathology was studied in 9 pa-
tients showing eosinophils in the dermis in all cases, a
perivascular infiltrate in 7 cases, necrotic keratino- Reply to: Pityriasis rosea and pityriasis
cytes within the epidermis in 8 cases, and signs of roseaelike eruptions
junctional vacuolar degeneration in 7 cases. All the To the Editor: We appreciate the interest of Drago
patients recovered 2 weeks after discontinuing the and colleagues in our article and we are pleased that
drug, which is less than it takes for typical PR. they present their cases of pityriasis rosea (PR)
In 10 patients we searched for HHV 6 and HHV 7 and PR-like eruptions. However, we would like to
DNA in plasma and blood mononuclear cells, by respond with 2 short comments as follows:
calibrated quantitative real-time polymerase chain
reaction as previously described.3 HHV 6 DNA, a 1. Herpesviruses are highly adapted to lifelong
marker of active infection, was detected in the infection of their human hosts and thus can
plasma of only 1 patient. be considered a component of the human
We hypothesize that the clinical and histo- microbiome in addition to their role in illness.1
pathologic features and, above all, the virologic Herpesvirus reactivation (especially human
investigations, may help to distinguish typical PR herpesvirus [HHV] 6 and HHV 7) has been
from PR-like eruptions, although, considering our demonstrated in drug reaction with eosinophilia
small series of patients, further studies are needed. and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome.2,3
A viral origin in PR has been suggested, with
Francesco Drago, MD,a Francesco Broccolo, MD,b
HHV being the most likely etiological agent
Arianna Agnoletti, MD,a Francesca Drago,a
according to studies,4 including those by
Alfredo Rebora, MD,a and Aurora Parodi, MDa
Drago et al.5 Our case does not fulfill the criteria
DISSAL Section of Dermatology IRCCS Azienda of DRESS but represents a well-documented
Universitaria Ospedaliera San Martino-IST, case of PR-like drug-induced exanthema associ-
Genoa,a and Department of Clinical Medicine ated with adenopathy. We do not propose a


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