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Reflection of planning and implementation strategies in six learning experiences

By Yurina Kanuma

Section 3

Strategies in Reflection
experiences 1-6
Scaffolding I am now more aware and valuing the authentic and spontaneous
interaction with children (over being restricted to follow learning
focis only). Following newly emerged interests expressed by O
facilitated holistic and effective literacy learning experiences (Flint et
al., 2014; DEEWR, 2009).
Questioning My questioning style has increasingly shifted to an open-ended style.
Notably my Mentor Teacher advised how asking rhetorical
statements (not question) is effective, as it does not non-verbally
pressure the childs response. (E.g. to ask I wander what is rather
than What is.?). Also, integrating descriptive language for colour,
shape, size, number, order, textual vocabulary had fostered Os verbal
vocabulary (Early Childhood Australia, 2012).
Role-modelling Role-modelling scenarios occurred in several contexts (e.g. when
Olivia pointed at Menu and asked how to read it etc.; Setting clear
safety and learning expectations) (Flint et al., 2014).
Directing Originally, my personal uncertainty of the best timing to give choices
or not, reflected in my group management skills; influencing the
quality of learning. However this improved over time, by writing
daily critical reflections as per requested by Mentor Teacher.
Strengthening my authoritative teaching strategies (balancing control
and involvement, focalising to scaffold childrens communication
skills) has helped (Flint et al., 2014; DEEWR, 2009).
Reflection of planning and implementation strategies in six learning experiences
By Yurina Kanuma

References for this section

Department of Education, Employment, Employment and Workplace Relations. (2009).

Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia.
Canberra, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.

Early Childhood Australia. (2012). NQS PLP e-Newsletter No.45 2012: Inquiry-based
learning. Retrieved from

Flint, A., Kitson, L., Lowe, K. & Shaw, K. (2014). Literacy in Australia: Pedagogies for
engagement. Milton, Qld: Wiley.

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