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Bruna Aalsmeer Z i idstraat 45

PosiNl emee nto -Alsmeer l+ri rR Aalsnreer
PostNL Ziidsiraat 45
1431 EA Aalsmeer 0297-328285
1 14950
Barcode : 3SRPKS31 054941 5 (A\,P)
Gemeente Aalsmeer 6elG5
Produci : Aaneetekende brief Barcode : 3SRPKS82i392731 (A|iP) l3lun17 12:13
Gew i cht :56e Product : Aansetekende brief P0sT , l'll rileegschaa I 50,10 t
Parnassuswee 220
eu i cht ;56s FI|0LPEi,I D00R l'lanaser Gemeentehuls Aalsmeer
: l4useumwee Aansetekende brief
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Iransact ienummer :
Burgerzaken Totaa I 1 sttlks 50,.l0
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1)(8,35 8,35
13-06-2017 11:29r43
}4AESI RO 50, 10
|-let ueruoer eeschiedt door PostNL Transact i enummer : 022005520030 Bonnummer t 41270
onder de sedende Alsemene Voorwaarden Het ueruoer eeschiedt door PostNL
onder de eeldende Alsemene lioorllaarden
I 040
uniuersele Postdienst (laatste uersie). Aaneetekende brief l.JL
uniuersele Postdienst ( laatste uersie) Kassan r
Transact i enummer : 0220055i0030 I 04 l
Deze kunt u uinden op wwtrl.postn.n, rag 9t60478
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Deze kunt u uinden op tlr,lw.postnl,nl.
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AAi.ITAL I)(S;J5 8,35
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Boek I ngsper i ode : 7'164

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Legal 'lsat ie 9,35 L I]ETAt INI
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EUR 022005520030
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l|\llsod r00p ipOlt4csa6 Je0nref troH Product : Aansetekende brief
Ruilns birtnen 14 dagen met kassabon',
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Totaal t 2'00 EUR



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020-6925303 I amsterdam@totalcopyservci,nl


I Arbeidsl00n 0pstsrtkosten C0tput8r/Printer
r 0,50

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Dorpsstraat 22 1431 tD Aalsmeer|

-ozgl -lzillq I aal sniee r@tota I copvse rv i
ce' nl
r. o.t"purkstraat 1,""19?1.,11"1i:|3i*'",
13-e2017 BEED IGD E-VERKIARIN G-C ERTIFICATEN.doc - Goog le Docs

Afdeling Priwatrecht
Scctie Familie & Jeugd
Locatie Alkmaar
TAV.: mr. R. Kleefman; mr. J.L. Roubo; mr. J.AC.R.W. Verloren ran Themaat- Van der Hoeren; mr. M.M. van
Weelyen mr. AM. Ayal
Kruseman lan Eltenweg 2
1817 BC Alkmaar

CC:PER EMAIL: Drs. H.(Harry) Berndsen, lid r,an NVO en NOBTRA, Gedragswetenschappelijk adviseur en
consultant rechten van het Kind, Ouders en Grootouders,

Juni 2017

Betreft: Certificaten "lndigenous Standing" - Familie Cacica - Mavis, Eduardo en Rafael Andrews

Geachte heer/mewouw,

Hierbij hechtik een kopie lan Mijn:Prestatie Certifcaatdatik rechtstreeks heb ont\angen van de: Hoofd van de;
s ee-Moors lndigenous Standin g Proces s (c)
At-s ik-hatar :Nation of :Yam as
(https:/,' rs).De: At-sik-hata::Nalionof
. ; httoj/on.calam9.o,com./a.covntsiE039960) is een
inheem se natie, mensenrechtonverdediger
Genoteerd met
de Verenigde Naties als: een NGO (Niet-gouvernementele Organisatie -
([mentsilsues/CullgralRiohts/DesliuctionHeritaloiNGOS/N-sik'hata.0df) en Civiele
Maatschappijorganisatie (CSO -
h[o:/ ww.ohcti.orq/DocJments/lssuesANonien^IVRGS/ReogrVcvilsocstv/1 5.odf) lk eveel deze internationale
mel deze zaak,

lk waardeer Uw tijd en overweging in deze zaak.



_ Persoonlijk d Mavis
_- Geprod uceerd e lclentificatie fant UCC 1

Type en # ran lD: Drivers License # 5624524506

Notaris Openbaar

Bijlage 1) Alikelen 1 tot en met 4 ren het Verdrag inzake de Rechten ran het Kind 1 3 .l|.Jll, z}fl
2) Certificaten - "lndigenous Standing" De Burgemeestor van Aalsmeer verklaart
(fr"'sl n u"n
M'3 l,i: : "''l sti"Ji'lt g


J. van Teetfelen
htlps ://docs,g oog lo.cony'documenll dl 1pl2T P 1VU2Ba9scW473Y$3ifC
13-6-2017 BEED IGD E-VRKLARIN G-C ERT lFlCATEN.doc - Goog le Docs

Openbare Basisschool
De Vieger
T.a.v.: Annette Schaik - lntern Begeleider
Sneeuwgansstraat 1 I
1826 GP Alkmaar

CC: PER EMAIL Drs. H.(Harry) Berndsen, lid lan NVO en NOBTRA, Gedragswetenschappelijk adviseur en
consultant rgchten r,en het Kind, Ouders en Grootouders,

Junl 2017

Betreft; Certifcaten "lndigenous Standing" - Fam ilie Cacica - Mavis, Eduardo en Rafael Andrews

Geachte heer/mewouw,

Hierbij hecht ik een kopie van Mljn: Prestatie Certifcaat dat ik rechtstreeks heb ontrangen ran de: Hoofd lan de:
igenous Standing Proces s (c)rM
At-s i k"hata::N ation of :Ya m as s ee-Moors lnd
(httpsy'/www.facebook.conl/nrolile.ohp?id=5556-5?B-94605254&ref=br rs). De:At-sik-hata: :Nation of
; htlp://cn.calanrso.con/accounls/5039960) is
een inheemse natie, mensenrechtenverdediger
Genoteerd met
de Verenigde Naties alsleen NGO (Niet-gouvernementele Organisatle -
en Civiele
Maatschappijorganisatie (CSO -
ht{o:/ivww.olichi.oro/llocuments/lssuestrVomenMRGS/RerorV-civilsocietv/1 5,pct0 lk beveel deze internationale
JUndsche documenten aan teninO dze in alle dossiers en agentschappen te betrekken die verband
m et deze zaak.

lk waardeer Uw tijd en overweging in deze zaak.

Verklaring \n de Verenigde Naties over de rechten ran inheemse volkeren
lp!futy.un.oro/esa/socdev/unpfillciocuments/ORIPS en.odf), Arnerikaanse verklaring oler de rechten
inheema; roI[ein (fr[n:twww,un.orq/es , Vlrl-conrentie over
economische, sociale en cutturle retrt, HanOvestwn de Verenigde Naties:Artikel 55 en 56: Presidentile
Proclamatie 7500 HJR 194, S. Con. Res 26, september 120a, HJR-3 (HJ 3 1H)'
Bevestigd aan en ingeschreven voor mij deze dag juni 2017.

_ Persoonlijk d AAn
_ Geproduceerde ldentificatie Affiant UCC 1.308 AL R HOUDEN
Type en # van lD: Drivers License lt 5624524506

Notaris Openbaar ssie venalt

13 JU{l 2017
Bijlage: 1)Artikelenltotenmet4ranhetVerdraginzakedeRechtenranhetKind
2) Certifcaten - "lndigenous Standing" De Burgemeester van Aalsmeer verklaart
dat de ges is:ijn van
Mev r A.--

J. van Teeffelen
httpsJ/docs.g oog le.cony'documenVdllpl2TPl!f28a9scW473Y$3ifCutSl6pYbhQC9dpU OAJedit 6/6
13-6-2017 BEED IGO E-VER KI-AR I NG-C ERT lF ICATEN'doc - Goog le Docs

deling Priwatrecht
Team Familie & Jeugd
T.A"V.: Mr. H,L,L. Brit
Parnassusweg 220
1076 AVAmsterdam

CC: pER EMAIL Drs. H.(Harry) Berndsen, lid lan NVO en NOBTRA, Gedragswetenschappelijk adviseur en
consultant rechten lan het Kind, Ouders en Grootouders, pmtg@kpnmail'nl

Juni 2017

Betreft: Certificaten "lndigenous Standing" - Familie Cacica - Mavis, Eduardo en Rafael Andrews

Geachte heer/mewouw,

Hierbij hecht ik een kopie van Mijn: Prestatie Certificaat dat ik rechtstreeks heb ontngen van del Hoofd van do:
ee-Moors lndigenous Standing Process (c)ril
At-s ik-hata ::Nation of :Yam ass
(,oho?id=555652894605254&ref=br rs). De: Al-sik-hata: :Nation of
: ; htto://en.calarneo,cont/qcountsi5039960) is
een inheem se natie, mens enrechtenlterdediger
(hp://www.ohchr,or.oocumenls/lssues/Democracv/Forum2016/NationQfYanlgsFeeMoorE,Dd0, Genoteerd met
de Verenigde Naties als: een NGO (Niet-gourlernementele Organisatie -
(hlto;//rvwr;'hata'odf) en Civiele
Maats chappijorganisatie (CSO -
hfio:l/www.olichi.oro/DocumentslfsstlesAlVomen/]VRQslReoort/civilsocietv/1 5,Qd0 lk beveel deze internationale
met deze zaak.

lk waardeer Uw tijd en overweging in deze zaak,

Verklaring ran de Verenigde Naties owr de rechten van inheemse rclkeren
(htto:i/www.un.o,o/esa/sodev/unpfil/documents/D8IPS on.od0, Amerikaanse verklaring over de rechten ran
VN-c-onventie over
economische, sociale dn cdturele rechtenLlandvst wn de Verenigde Naties: Artikel 55 en 56: Presidentile
Proclamatie 7500, HJR 194, S. Con' Res 26, seplember 1200, HJR-3 (HJ 3 1H)'
Bevestigd aan en ingeschreven wor mij deze dag juni 2017'

_ Persoonlijk Bekend sA
_ Geproduceerde ldenlificatie fiant UCC 1

Type en # van lD: Drivers License # 5624524506

Notaris Openbaar ste

Bijlage; '1
) Artikelen 1 tot en met 4 \n het Verdrag inzake de Rechten
2) Certificaten - "lndigenous Standing"
wn het Kind 13 .ft,il 2Al7
De Buemeestervn Aalsmeer verklaart
dat de gestelde handfekening(en) is/zijn van
Me.vr . Andre\rs. M. A . --

. van Teetfelen
13-6-2017 BEED IGDE-VER KLAR lN G-C ERTIFICATEN doc - Goog le Docs

Raad voor de Kinderbescherming

Noord Holland
Jansweg 15
2011 KL Haarlem

CC: PER EMAIL Drs. H.(Harry) Berndsen, lid ran NVO en NOBTRA, Gedragswetenschappelijk adviseur en
consultant rechten r,an het Klnd, Ouders en Grootouders, pmtg@kpnmall'nl

Juni 2017

Betreft: Certificaten "lndigenous Standing" - Famille Cacica - Mavis, Eduardo en Rafael Andrews

Geachte heer/mewouw,

Hierbij hecht ik een kopie ran Mijn: Prestatie Certifcaatdat ik rechtstreeks heb ontrangen van de: Hoofd lan de:
s ee-Moors lndigenous Sta nd ing Proces s (c)rM
At-s ik-hata: :N ation of :Yam as
(httosJ^trww.fcebook.corn/orole,pho?ld=555652894605254&refnbr rs). De:At-sik-hata: :Nation of
: ;htto:// is
een inheemse natie, mens enrechtenverdediger
(httpf/www.ohchr,orqiDocuments/lssues/Demociacv/Forum2016/NationOffamasseel&ors.Dd0, Genoteerd met
de Verenlgde Naties als; een NGO (Niet-gouvernementele Organisatie -
(htto:/ v$ir.ohchr.oro/lfocuments/lseuesiCulturalRights/DestructionHertaoe/NGOS/At-sik-hata.Ddf) en Civiele
Maatschappijorganisatie (CSO -
htto:/^vww,hchi,orq/Documeots/lssues^,VomenMRGS/Reoort/civlsocietv/15.odf) lk beveel deze internationale
rerband houden
Judische documetten an teneinde deze inlldossers en agentschappen te betrekken die
met deze zaak.

lk waardeer Uw tijd en overweging in deze zaak

Verklaring ran de Verenigde Naties over de rechten r,an inheemse \olkeren
(htto://www.un"oo/esa/sodev/unolil/documentslDRIPS on.odf), Amerikaanse verklaring orer de rechten wn
, Vl,,l-conventie orer
economische, sociale en culturele rectrten, Hndvestran de Verenigde Naties:Artikel 55 en 56: Presidentile
Proclamatie 7500, HJR 194, S, Con' Res 26, septembet 1200' HJR-3 (HJ 3 1H).
Bovestigd aan en ingeschreven voor mij deze juni 2017.


_ Persoonlijk s A Ard
_ Geproduceerde ldentificatie Affiant UCC 1-308 ALL N

Type en # ran lD: Drivers License # 5624524506

Notaris Openbaar venalt

Bijlage: 1) Artikelen 1 tot en met 4 \an het Verdrag inzake de Rechten

2) Certificaten - "lndigenous Standing"
wn het Kind { 3 JUlil 2017

van Teetfelen
https://docs.g oog le.conldocumenUdllpl2TPlW2SagscW4TSYt3ifCutSl6pYbhQC9dpUO/edit
13-6-2017 BEED IGD E-VERKIARIN G-C ERTIF lCATEN.doc - Goog I e Docs

Jeugdbescherming Regio Am sterdam

Overschiestraat 57
1062 HN Amsterdam

CC: pER EMAIL Drs. H.(Harry) Berndsen, lid lan NVO en NOBTRA, Gedragswetenschappelijk adviseur en
consultant rechten van het Kind, Ouders en Grootouders,

Juni 2017

Betreft: Certificaten "lndigenous Standing" - Familie Cacica - Mavis, Eduardo en Rafael tdrews

Geachte heer/mewouw,

Hierbij hecht ik een kopie van Mijn: Prestatie Certifcaat dat ik rechtstreeks heb onhangen van de; Hoofd tan de:
At-s i k-hala : :Nation of :Yam as s ee-Moors lndigenous Standi ng Proces s (c)
De: At-sik-hata: :Nation of
;Yamassee-lvloors (htln://sites, alanationv ; is een
inheemse natie, mensenrechtenverdediger
Genoteerd met
de Verenigde Naties als:een NGO (Niet-gouvernementele Organisatie -
en Civiele
Maats chappijorganis atie (CSO -
hflo://www.ochi.oro/Doqumonlsilssuesl\VomenMRGs/ReporlcivilopietY/1Q.rdf) lk beveel deze internationale
met deze zaak.

lk waardeer Uw tijd en overweging in deze zaak.

Verklaring \n de Verenigde Nalies over de rechten van inheemse rclkeren
de rechten ran
http://www,qn,ore/esa/so.cclev/unplUdooumentp]RIPS en.odO, Anerikaanse verklaring over
inheem". \olkeren tpywwu,;.n.otg , VN-contntie over
economische, sociale en cultwele rectrte.n Hndvest ran de Verenigde Nalies: Artikel 55 en 56: Presidentile
Proclamatie 7500, HJR 194, S. Con. Res 26, september 12QA, HJR'3 (HJ 3 1H)'
Belestigd aan en ingeschreven vror mij deze dag juni 2017'

_- Persoonlijk Be A And
_ Geproduceerde ldentificatie Affiant UCC 'l VOOR OUDEN

Type en # ran lD: Drivers License # 5624524506

Notaris Openbaar

Bijlage: 1 ) Artikelen '1 tot en met 4 van het Verdrag inzake de Rechten ran het Kind
2) Certifcaten - "lndigenous Standing"
13 Jt ilt 2At7
De Buemoes?or van Aasmeer verklrart
dat de gesteldo liandtekening(en) iVztjn van
Mevr. Andrews'M.4,--

van Teeffelen

1s-8-2017 BEED IGDE-VER KLARING-C ERTIF ICATEN.doc - Goog le Docs

J.D. wn Arkelschool
Onderdeel lan IKC -Het Mozik
T.a,r Helene de Vries - Directrice
Museumweg 1

1721 BW Broek op Langedijk

CC: PER EMAIL Drs. H,(Harry) Berndsen, lid mn NVO en NOBTRA, Gedragswetenschappelijk adviseur en
consultant rechten van het Kind, Ouders en Grootouders,

Juni 201 7

Betreftl Certificaten "lndigenous Standing" - Familie Cacica - Mavis, Eduardo en Rafael Andrews

Geachte heer/mewouw,

Hierbij hecht ik een kopie lan Mijn: Prestatie Cerlificaat dat ik rechtstreeks heb ontrangen van de: Hoofd wn de:
At-sik-hata: :Nation of :Yamassee-lt/l,oors lndigenous Standing Process(c)rM
(httos:// rs).De:At-sik-hata: :Nationof
Yamassee-Moors (htlg://sites.qooq!;htln:// is
een inheemse natie, mensenrechtenvetdedger
(htto:/vww.ohchr.orq/Document/lssues/Democracv/Forum20164{ationOJY3masseelvhors.odf), Genoteerd met
de Verenigde Naties als: een NGO (Niet-gouwtnementele Organisatie -
(htto:/www.ohchr.orq/Documentslssues/CulluralRiqhts/DestructionHoiitae/NGOS/At-sik-hata,9d0 en Civiele
Maats chappijorganisatie (CSO -
http:/lwww.ohchr,oroDocuments/lssuesAlVom onllNRGS/Rsoodlcivilsscietv/15.sdl) lk beveel deze internationale
juridische documenten aan teneinde deze in alle dossiers en agentschappen te betrekken die verband houden
met deze zaak.

lk waardeer Uw tijd en ovennreging in deze zaak

Verklaring \n de Verenigde Naties over de rechton \n inheemse lolkeren
(htto://www,un.orq/esalsocdev/unnfl/documents/DRIPS-on.pd0, Amerikaanse trerklaring over de rechten van
inheemse rrrlkeren (trtto://www.U.orole. , VN-conventie over
economische, sociale en culturele rechten, Handvestlen de Verenigde Naties:Artikel 55 en 56: Presidentile
Proclamatie 7500, HJR 194, S. Con. Res 26, september 12A0, HJR-3 (HJ 3 1H).
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Bijlage: 1) Artikelen 1 tot en met 4 r,an het Verd ras inzake de Rechten ran het Kind I 2017
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
lwithowt reference to Min Conornittee (A/61/L.7 nd' Ad'd..l))

6I/295. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of

Indigenous Peoples
TIte Generl Assernbly, noteof the recommendation of the Fluman Rights Coun-

cil containcd in its resolution L/2 of 29 Irne 2006,t b), which the
Council aclopted the text of the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples,
Reclling its resolution 6l/178 of 20 December 2006, by which
it decided to clefer consideration of ancl action on the l)eclaration
to allorv time fbr further consultations thereon, ancl also clecided to
conclude its consideration before the end of the sixty-first sessiou of
the GeneralAsscmbl
Ad.optsthe Unitcd Nations Declaration on the Rights of L"rdigenous
Peoples as contained in the anncx to the prest:nt resolution.
I07th plen ry lneeting
13 Septewber 2007

United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Tbe Generl Assernbly,

Gided. b), the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United
Nations, and good faith in the fulfilment of the obligations assumed
by States in accordance rvith the Charter,
Affirrning that incligenous peoples are equal to all other peoples,
while recognizit'tgthe right of all peoples to be different, to consider
themsclves different, and to be respected as such,

t See Ot'f.cil Rt:cords qf the Geterl Assernbl--r, Sixty-frst Session'

Su.pplent.ent No. 53 (A/61/ 53), part one, cltap. II, sect. A.

Article 13
t. Indiger-rous peoples harre the right to revitalize, use, clevelop and
transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral tradi-
tions, philosophies, rvriting systems and literaturcs, and to designate
and retain their own nlnes for communities, places and persons.

2. Statcs shall take effective measures to ensure that this right is

protected and also to ensure that incligenous peoples can understancl
and be understood in political, legal and administrative proceedings,
where neccssary through the provision of interpretation or by other
appropriate means.

Article 14
l. Indigenous pcoples have the right to establish and control their
educational systems and instinrtions providing eclucation in their
own languages, ir-r a manner appropriate to their cultural methocls of
teaching and learning.
2. L.rdigcnous individuals, particularly children, have the right to
all levels and forms of education of the State without discrimina-
3. States shall, in conjunction rvitl.r indigenous peoples, take effec-
tive measures, in order for indigenous individuals, particularly chil-
dren, inclucling those living outside thcir communities, to have
access, when possible, to an eclucation in their own culture ancl pro-
videcl in thcir own languagc.

Article l5
l. Indigcnous peoples have the right to the clignity and diversitl'
of their cultures, traditions, histories and aspirations which shall be
appropriately reflectecl in education and public information.
2. States shall take effective measures) in consultation and coopera-
tion with the indigenous peoples collcerned, to combat prejudice
and eliminate discrimination anci to promote tolerance , unclerstand-
ing ancl good rclations among indigenous peoplcs and all other seg-
ments of society.

Article l
I. Indigcnous peoples havc the right to establish their own n"redia in
their own languages and to have access to all forrns of non-indigenolls
media witl-rout discrimination.
Convention on the Rights of the Chld

Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly
resof ution 44/25 of 2O November 1989

entry into force 2 September 1990, in accordance with article 49


The States Parties to the present Convention,

Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations,
recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human
family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Bearing in mind that the peoples of the United Nations have, in the Charter, reaffirmed their faith in
fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person, and have determined to
promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Recognizing that the United Nations has, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the
International Covenants on Human Rights, proclaimed and agreed that everyone is entitled to all the
rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status,

Recalling that, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has proclaimed that
childhood is entitled to special care and assistance,

Convinced that the family, as the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the
growth and well-being of all its members and particularly children, should be afforded the necessary
protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its responsibilities within the community,

Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should
grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding,

Considering that the child should be fully prepared to live an individual life in society, and brought up
in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular in the spirit
of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity,

Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to the child has been stated in the Geneva
Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 and in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted
by the General Assembly on 20 November 1959 and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (in particular in articles 23 and 24), in
the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (in particular in article 10) and in
the statutes and relevant instruments of specialized agencies and international organizations
concerned with the welfare of children,

Bearing in mind that, as indicated in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, "the child, by reason of
his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal
protection, before as well as after birth",

Recalling the provisions of the Declaration on Social and Legal Principles relating to the Protection and
Welfare of Children, with Special Reference to Foster Placement and Adoption Nationally and
Internationally; the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice
(The Beijing Rules) ; and the Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and
Armed Conflict, Recognizing that, in all countries in the world, there are children living in exceptionally
difficult conditions, and that such children need special consideration,

Taking due account of the importance of the traditions and cultural values of each people for the
protection and harmonious development of the child, Recognizing the importance of international co-
operation for improving the living conditions of children in every country, in particular in the
developing countries,

Have agreed as follows:


Article I
For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of
eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier,

Article 2
1, States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present Convention to each child
within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child's or his or her
parent's or legal guardian's race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national,
ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status,

2. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected against all
forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or
beliefs of the child's parents, legal guardians, or family members.

Article 3
1. In all actions concerning children, whether undeftaken by public or private social welfare
institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child
shall be a primary consideration.

2. States Parties undeftake to ensure the child such protection and care as is necessary for his or her
well-being, taking into account the rights and duties of his or her parents, legal guardians, or other
individuals legally responsible for him or her, and, to this end, shall take all appropriate legislative and
administrative measures.

3. States Parties shall ensure that the institutions, services and facilities responsible for the care or
protection of children shall conform with the standards established by competent authorities,
particularly in the areas of safety, health, in the number and suitability of their staff, as well as
competent supervision.

Article 4
States Parties shall undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other measures for the
implementation of the rights recognized in the present Convention. With regard to economic, social
and cultural rights, States Parties shall undertake such measures to the maximum extent of their
available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international co-operation,

Article 5
States Parties shall respect the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents or, where applicable, the
members of the extended family or community as provided for by local custom, legal guardians or
other persons legally responsible for the child, to provide, in a manner consistent with the evolving
capacities of the child, appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the rights
recognized in the present Convention.

Article 6
AR fr,4T tLt,F.rTollrr rftc *.r l.vroh.

MAVIS ANDRE:WS Nor,v Knorrn As: Anacaona Alcia Cacica

Hs Saccessfu Conpleted The

:Indigenous Standing Proce5s@rH in Accord with the Constitution of the
:At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-loors, Motu Proprio, Pope Francis f: *I Urge
the Downtrodden to Change the World Economic Orderro UI{DRIP, ADRIP,
UN Charter, Uf{ IDPOAD and lltth The Soul of Our Ancestors Now.

YamassicDate: ZlstYear, r8thMonth, thDay - .,1 , @84p

Maye6 riqvfv,uf*Yfr-
h; a
/ilo -S[-,or,b <t r {;{,wt
;Pleno t entiary of : Turtle- I ain, ,{flcn, Arnexern, Muu-laf,, fr
:Clriqf.'Va ny a- Shaabu : EI :@s rM
.'A t - srk- hat a .'JVa f io of : Y amasse e -lfo org
3. h ttp :rr/sites. goo g I e. com,/s ite/ a u t h e n ti cex p o L
,frrtlt,r.r*,, i,ft fl,41 UJ,F.4A$rr fRC *,F Rror,

RAFAEL JOHNSIIAE SIIAIIN AI\IDREI,IS Norr Known As: Caonabo Ahari R.afael ,acica

Eas Successfu Completed The

:Indigenous Standing Process@rr'r n Accord with the Constitution of the
:At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors, ltlotu Proprio, Pope Francis I: oI Urge
the Downtrodden to Change the lfiforld Econornic Orderro UllDRIp, ADRIP,
UIt Charter, UN IDp(}AD and tJlJth The Soul of Our Ancestors ftlow.

Yamassic Date: ZtYear, l8th M onth, reth Day

Mayz6 :F/vrr; hrtuYf*yffl' :/ft,
;c;"fi'l o{*: El
I ). :Pleno t entiary of : Tur tle-fsland Atlan, Amexem, Mua-Ian, Elexia
:Cft.ief, .lfa nyc - Sha abu : EI :E@ Inr
:.4f -sik-afa ;JVaf on of : Iramcss ee- Mo ors

i \ : ://si tes. googl e. co m / site / aut h e n t i cex p ort/ 1
l,tr fr^"r' ut?,'Zouu fC */ t r'?ok

EDTIARDO MIGUEI A]TDREWS Nour Knor,rn As: Mayneri.A,wanda Eftardo Cacica

Has Snccessh Completed lhe

:Indigenos Standing process@rl in Accord ruith the Constitution of the
tAt-sik-hata :lrlation of :Yamassee-Moors, ldotu Proprio, Pope Francis I: oI Urge
the Downtrodden ts Change the World Economic Orderro UNDRIP, ADRlp,
UN Charter, Uil IDPOAD and lfifith The Soul of Our Ancestors l{our.

Yamassic Date: zlst Year, 18th *"t#?HT, y,\w- ryr&, tr : v , L "4P

Lhdfi tt'. b, i I,@Tfv\
lr I't:' 1.1.)(
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: PIen o t entiary af : Tur tfe-.fslcn d Atlan, Amexerm, Ivfuu- Ian, Ilexian
,I : Chef : N any a - S haa b u ;-git.'
E6 r'r
Itt :,4f -sik- ftafa ;JYaf on of ; Fcmcss ee- Mo or
{t r-1
6 ; t h ttp :,fsites. google. corn/siter/a u th e n ti ata-1

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