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Example from past Literacy Assignment displaying capacity to interpret and evaluate

students data and modify teaching practice By Yurina Kanuma

Strengths and Emerging Understandings in Literacy and Language Development
EYLF = (DEEWR, 2009)
Eclipse = (Department of Education & Children's Services, SA., 1997)

For Oral Language

Appendix Number Eclipse Speaking and Listening and EYLF Outcome 5
D1, D3, D4, D5 O is able to:
- Talk in three-four word sentences
- Use intonation for questions
- Spontaneously tell imaginative stories
- Talk with, listen to and discuss and share ideas, taking
Name and/or Describe:
- People, place and familiar objects
- Position up/down/front/back/before/after
Example from past Literacy Assignment displaying capacity to interpret and evaluate
students data and modify teaching practice By Yurina Kanuma

For Drawing / Writing

Appendix Number Eclipse drawing and writing and EYLF Outcome 5
D3 and D6 - Understanding and using symbols to represent ideas and
- Use creative arts to mean-make (*also connects to Wrtight,
- Sharing and discussing information
- Recognise and repeat patterns
- Draw simple picture/people and name it
- Write their name

For Visual/Reading
Appendix Number Eclispe Reading and viewing and EYLF Outcome 5
D5 and D2 O is:
- Noticing messages are conveyed in multiple methods (e.g.
- Learning symbols instantly convey information
- Meaning-making with a range of texts
First Steps: Reading (Phase 2 Experimental Reading)
- Knows English print directionality
- word level meaning-making: recognises her name; some
letters and name alphabets
Example from past Literacy Assignment displaying capacity to interpret and evaluate
students data and modify teaching practice By Yurina Kanuma

For Critical Literacy

Appendix Number EYLF Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

D1 Os curiosity, confidence, creativity stimulates critical literacy. O is

able to:
- Stay committed and concentrate persisting challenges
- Trial and error; problem-solving; inquiry; experimentation etc.
- Reflect on self and/or peer/educator/others cooperation and
- Manipulate resources to investigate, take apart, assemble, invent
and construct meanings

Future literacy learning opportunities
Learning Foci Rationale Suggestions for extended
1: For O to orally Language shapes our understanding of - Childrens effort to
recite phrases in ourselves and our world (NSW Board communicate should
pretend play of Studies, 2012). Peer and Educator be positively rewarded
(preferably more scaffolding based on Os interests in rather than
than three-four peer pretend play may build verbal (grammatically)
words) communication skills (Appendix C2, corrected (Cox, 2012).
2: For O to Extending on Os interest of reading - Open-ended and
verbalise critical and pretend play etc. (Appendix C2) challenging questions
analysis Educator-child Scaffolding promote O (Cox, 2011)
skills in: recounts; narratives and - Reading aloud;
explanations (Hill, 2006). Implement dramatic play; story-
Vygotskys (1962,1978, as cited in Cox, telling; prosing
2012) Zone of Proximal Development questions during peer-
(ZPD) (Appendix D1.3. and 4). interactions (Hills,
Example from past Literacy Assignment displaying capacity to interpret and evaluate
students data and modify teaching practice By Yurina Kanuma
ACECQA. (n.d.). National Quality Standard. Retrieved from

Cox, R. (Ed.). (2012). Oral language. In Primary English teaching: An introduction to

language, literacy and learning (pp. 13-22). Moorabbin, Vic: Hawker Brownlow.
Chapter 2, pp. 131-22

Department of Education & Children's Services, SA. (1997). ECLIPSE. Early Childhood
Literacy Includes Parents, Staff and Education. Adelaide:Author.

Department of Education, Employment, Employment and Workplace Relations. (2009).

Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia.
Canberra, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.

Department of Education Western Australia (2009) First Steps Continuums.


Flint, A., Kitson, L., Lowe, K. & Shaw, K. (2014). Literacy in Australia: Pedagogies for
engagement. Milton, Qld: Wiley.

Hill, S. (2006). Developing early literacy (pp. 20-49). Vic: Eleanor Curtain Publishing.
Chapter 2, pp. 20-49

NSW Board of Studies. (2012). English K-10 syllabus: NSW syllabus for the Australian
curriculum. Sydney, Australia: Author.

Early Childhood Australia. (2012). NQS PLP e-Newsletter No.45 2012: Inquiry-based
learning. Retrieved from

Early Childhood Resource Hub. (2016). Early Childhood Resource Hub Website. Retrieved

Wright, S. (Ed.) (2012). Children, meaning-making and the arts. Sydney, Australia: Pearson
Prentice Hall.

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