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San Pedro College of Business Administration

San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines

Constitution and By-Laws


We, the students of San Pedro College of Business Administration (SPCBA), San Pedro, Laguna imploring the
guidance of Almighty God in order to institute a systematized student organization and to successfully develop the
youth as future leaders of the nation, do hereby promulgate and adopt this Constitution and By-Laws of Skilled
Pioneer Learners and Achievers Society of Senior High (SPLASSH) that shall advance, implement, and maintain our
goals and aspirations, embody the ideals and principles of freedom, equality, justice and democracy and promote
the welfare and rights of all students and academic standards of the Senior High School of our Alma Mater.

Article I


The name of the organization shall be Skilled Pioneer Learners and Achievers Society of Senior High.

Article II


Section 1. The Goals of the organization are:

a. The Skilled Pioneers Learners and Achievers Society of Senior High is a democratic autonomous and
representative of the Senior High Department. Power and Authority emanate from the students
b. To establish an organization that will represent the whole students of the Senior High Department.
c. To carry out the objectives of the College.
d. To foster harmonious relationship among the faculty and students of the Senior High Department.

Section 2. The objective of this organization is the following:

a. To promote the moral, social, competitiveness, and mental wellbeing of the entire Senior High Department
b. The Skilled Pioneers Learners and Achievers Society of Senior High shall protect the student interests,
rights, and welfare.
c. To involve the students in finding solutions of different problems of the Senior High Department, the
College, and the Community.
d. To channel all matters and problems regarding the students to the attentions of the Senior High
Department, and to the Administration.
e. The Skilled Pioneers Learners and Achievers Society of Senior High shall develop among the students a
sense of service and responsibility so that they will utilize educational opportunities to the maximum for
the unity and welfare of the student.

Article III


Section 1. All certified students of San Pedro College of Business Administration - San Pedro, Laguna; who are
enrolled in Senior High School, regardless of their strand/track, race, religion, sex and nationality are
automatic members of Skilled Pioneer Learners and Achievers Society of Senior High (SPLASSH).

Section 2. A membership fee of 50 pesos valid for two (2) terms will paid compulsory to all members (old and new),
officers of the organization.

All fees including the membership fee and t-shirt fee are expected to be paid in full, before the end of the
semester in order to be cleared off in any responsibilities in the department and in the organization.

Section 3. The Skilled Pioneer Learners and Achievers Society of Senior High shall be composed of all elected and/or
appointed officers from all year levels within the Senior High School Department.

Article IV


Section 1. Senior High School students shall have the rights to the information of matters concerning them.

Section 2. Senior High School students shall have the rights to enjoy freedom of speech and of the press.

Section 3. Senior High students shall have the rights to undertake research, publish, and discuss findings and
recommendation, appertaining there in accordance with the principles of the organization and of the
academic freedom.

Section 4. Senior High students shall have the right to appeal any decisions made by the department and of the
organization affecting their rights, interests, and welfare.

Section 5. Senior High School students shall be treated equally and fairly; their requests, concerns, and/or
complaints shall not be a subject to special treatment; they have the right to due process of the law.

Section 6. Senior High School students shall not be subjected to any discrimination, exploitation, involuntary
servitude, harassment or cruelty and/or unusual punishment.

Section 7. Senior High School students shall have the right to exercise freedom of religious, ideological and political
Section 8. Senior High School students shall have the right to vote.

Article V


Section 1. Every student shall observe at all times the rules and regulations of the Society of Senior High and uphold
this Constitution and By- Laws.

Section 2. Every student shall promote and maintain peace by observing the rules of discipline and by striving to
develop a harmonious relationship with fellow students, teachers and academic staff, and other school

Section 3. Every student shall pay all the fees imposed by the Society of Senior High and the organization.

Section 4. Every student shall uphold the integrity of the school and help his/her fellow students to achieve
academic excellence and abide by the rules and regulations governing his/her academic responsibilities.

Section 5. Every student shall attend and participate in whatever seminars and meetings of Society of Senior High to
get updated on such announcement from the organization.

Section 6. Every student shall identify, develop, and implement an organizational plan to achieve their educational

Section 7. Every student shall act in a civil manner that respects other students in the campus, such as college
students and complies with campus policies outlined in the student constitution and catalog.

Section 8. Every student is responsible for communicating any concerns to the facilitator, peers, teacher and/or
respective Society of Senior Highs officers.

Article VI


Section 1. The following officers shall compose the administration and lead the entire organization:

(1) Adviser
(1) President
(1) Vice President
(1) Secretary
(1) Assistant Secretary
(1) Treasurer
(1) Assistant Treasurer
(1) Auditor
(1) Assistant Auditor
(1) Business Manager
(1) Assistant Business Manager
(1) Vice President for Academe
(1) Vice President for Activities
(6) Representatives
(1) ABM
(1) STEM
(1) GAS
(1) ICT
(1) THE

Section 2. In case the President vacate his/her office, the Vice President shall then take the post immediately and
choose among the remaining officers to be the new Vice President; also, in case of any vacancy of the
position by other officers, the rest of the officers shall choose and elect the substitute from the remaining
officers or from the elected Vice President of each section.

Article VII


Section 1. Adviser
He/ She shall:
a. advise, give an opinion or suggestion to the organization about what should be done in every project or
proposal and/or plan
b. observe and recommend what's best for the organization
c. be limited only for advising, opinion making, suggestions but shall not, in any case be the executor of plans
of the organization
d. act as a buffer when the organization cannot decide on what will be the plan
e. not be bias in every decision making pertaining to the objective of the organization

Section 2. President
He/ She shall:
a. represent the entire organization at any function on or off the campus
b. preside meetings and/or may assign another officer to preside for a specific meeting
c. serve as an ex-officio member of all executive committee
d. enforce this Constitution, By-Laws and other regulations that may be promulgated
e. sign all the official minutes, project proposals, resolutions, correspondences and other official papers of the
f. represent the organization or designate his/her representative for any external or internal affairs/function
g. implement programs and projects involving the organization
h. perform other functions inherent and incidental to his/her office
Section 3. Vice President
He/ She shall:
a. preside in the absence of the president
b. serve as chairperson of the Program and Activities Committee

Section 4. Secretary
He/ She shall:
a. record the minutes of all meetings
b. keep the files of the organizations records
c. issue notices or meetings to all offices necessary to attend
d. maintain a current list of membership
e. write Memorandum For Approval (MFA), narrative reports, and letters necessary for the operation and
activities of the organization
f. maintain two copies of items (MFAs, narrative reports and letters)
g. issue notes, approved by the president, which would require the representatives to be informed about the
subject matter
h. assign officers who shall duty to the office
i. submit a certified photocopy of MFA to the officials
j. post announcements to the bulletin board

Section 5. Assistant Secretary

He/ She shall:
a. preside in the absence of the secretary
b. share the duties responsibilities of the secretary

Section 6. Treasurer
He/ She shall:
a. receive all funds and keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures
b. make budgets from the submitted detailed plans of activities and programs
c. maintain records of list of inventory
d. make cash flows statement for the month, for a semester, and for administration end

Section 7. Assistant Treasurer

He/ She shall:
a. preside in the absence of the treasurer
b. share the duties responsibilities of the treasurer

Section 8. Auditor
He/ She shall:
a. audit the cash flows statement
b. audit the budgetary plan

Section 9. Assistant Auditor

He/ She shall:
a. presides in the absence of the auditor
b. shares the duties and responsibilities of the auditor
Section 10. Business Manager
He/ She shall:
a. direct the talent and resources within an organization to advance strategic business and financial goals
b. develop and implement budgets, prepare reports for senior management and ensure the department
complies with organization policies

Section 11. Assistant Business Manager

He/ She shall:
a. presides in the absence of the business manager
b. shares the duties and responsibilities of the business manager

Section 12. VP for Academe

He/ She shall:
a. coordinate with other necessary personnel who are required to be informed and involved for the
implementation of the programs and activities
b. serves as the chairperson for the designing of the bulletin boards and who shall then assign other officers to
help in the beautification of the bulletin boards
c. handle the preparation of the programs and activities through securing the necessary equipments and
materials needed, as well as personnel involved

Section 13. VP for Activity

He/ She shall:
a. attend meetings related to non-academic activities in case the president and the vice-president are unable to
b. coordinate with other necessary personnel who are required to be informed and involved for the
implementation of the programs and activities
c. serves as the chairperson for the intramurals

Section 14. Representative for each strand (ABM, STEM, HUMSS, GAS, ICT, THE)
He/ She shall:
a. represent his/her strand in meetings and events
b. coordinate the relied information in oral or in writing to each respective strand

Article VIII


Section 1. The student organization should be responsible, transparent, true, free and capable of giving
acknowledgement for the questions or suggestions of Senior High School students of San Pedro College
of Business Administration.

Section 2. Officers must show their utmost care and concern to the school's environment, especially to the students
of San Pedro College of Business Administration.
Section 3. The organization may be removed from the office if there will be a violation of the constitution, treason,
bribery, graft and corruption or betrayal of the whole organization. All other student officers may be also
removed from the office provided by the law.

Article IX


Section 1. The Election of officers shall be concluded in every general assembly of Senior High Schools class
Section 2. Only the Homeroom class presidents shall be appointed as the officers for the entire academic year. If the
class president will not be available on the day of the general assembly, the homeroom Vice President
shall take his/her position.

Section 3. Each strand (STEM, ABM, HUMS, H.E, and GAS) should have their representative.

Section 4. The president of the skilled Pioneer Learners and Achievers Society of Senior High (SPLASSH) should be a
grade 12 student but since 2016-2017 is the first batch of Senior High School, the president will be a grade
11 student for the mean time.

Section 5. The election of the officers entails various rules and the attendees of the general assembly should know
their responsibilities and roles in the said event.
5.1 Each attendee of the general assembly has the right to nominate his/her fellow class president in each
position however; he/she should be responsible in nominating a particular person.

5.2 Each candidate for a certain position shall introduce himself/herself to the other presidents. He/she should
mention his/her achievements during the previous academic year and his/her capabilities to become a good

5.3 Each candidate will vote according to their preferred candidate. The candidate with the highest number of
votes will be declared as the winner and will be appointed to the position.

5.4 In case of a tie, the candidates with the lesser number of votes should step down from candidacy; therefore,
the election process will be repeated again.

5.5 If the candidate doesnt want to be nominated on a specific position, he/she has the right to object and can
be replaced by other candidate.

Section 6. The selection for the representative of each strand will be done by toss-coin or draw-lots just in case that
there are two or three candidates for the position. If there is only one candidate, he/she will be
automatically appointed as the representative of his/her respective strand.

Section 7. The election will be only concluded if the entire homeroom class president has been designated on a
specific position.
Section 8. Just in case that the class president of a certain section is not present, he/she will be appointed to any
vacant designation by the adviser and the rest of the officers.

Section 9. Once the election of the officers has terminated, the newly elected officers shall immediately do their
respective roles in the said organization.

Section 10. The list of the newly elected officers should be passed to the principal of the school.

Article X


Section 1. The Organizations adviser is the one who guides the officers and members in order to make better plans
and to achieve ideal goals that will contribute to everyones academic excellence.

Section 2. In order to choose the Organizations adviser, the officers should consider the following characteristics/
traits that a good adviser possesses: willingness to help the organization, compassion, creativity,
openness to change, respect and with good moral and ethics.

Section 3. Aside from the values and ethics stated above, the adviser must also acquire the following:
3.1 He/she must be willing to give his/her full time support for the organization since the officers and members
would need him/her from time to time.

3.2 The period of time which a position lasts is not a factor as the adviser still possesses the required
Article XI


Section 1. The organization shall have regular meetings. Meetings should be held every Saturday, 1 o clock (1:00
pm) in the afternoon.

Section 2. The organization shall hold special meeting on a date agreed upon by the body.

Section 3. The organization shall hold special meeting at any time if necessary. The quorum shall consists of at least
50% plus one of the total numbers of the members of the organization

Section 4. Emergency meetings shall be conducted upon the request of the President and / or by the other officers,
if deemed necessary.
Article XII


Section 1. Any officers who fail to attend the meeting shall pay P50.00 per absence.

Section 2. If absence is unavoidable, the officer shall inform the President of the organization two days
before the meeting. If the president sent an approval for the reason of the officer, the officer shall not pay
a fine.

Section 3. Any officers, who fail to attend, participate in the meeting/ activities of the organization shall
pay P50.00 for the 1st offense. The fine will be doubled for the succeding offense (e.g. P100.00 for
the second offense, P200.00 for the third offense etc.)

Section 4. Fines collected shall be deposited as part of all the organizations funds and deposit it at the
designated bank/holder of the organization.

Section 5. Any officers/members who came 10 minutes late for the organization's meeting/activities will
pay P20.00 fine.

Article XIII


Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws can be amended every two years (2) with a majority vote of all present
officers in a regular or special meeting specifically called for that purpose.

Section 2. All proposals for amendments must be submitted in printed form the officer's name and signature
attached. And also, with the explanation to the secretary at least fifteen days (15) prior to the regular or
special meeting specifically called for that purpose.

Article XIV


This Constitution and By-Laws, after the ratification of the officers of the organization: Skilled Pioneer Learners and
Achievers Society of Senior High (SPLASSH), that represent its members, and after verified by the faculty adviser,
shall take approval of the school administration.

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