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Observation Example of a childs resilience, flexibility and persistence lead to team work/

co-constructing with peers. This may be reflected in future experiences. By Yurina Kanuma

1. Observation and analysis Learning Story: Peer-educator scaffolding to complete double

sided puzzle of The Very Hungry Caterpillar (total thirty six pieces)
Childs/Childrens Name/s: O and another child
Date: 25/03 1pm (Play Room)
What is the context? (Who is present, what are they doing, what happened prior to this etc.)

O and another child to resolve a double sided floor puzzle of the Very Hungry Caterpillar
(total of thirty six pieces).
What did the child/children do? (Write a detailed observation, and/or include a photograph and/or a sample -e.g. writing
or drawing - and how the child created the sample or what they were doing in the photograph)

O initially began to fit pieces having green colours. Another child sat aside and observed her
trial and error trying to fit the pieces. An educator encouraged children to have a closer look
to realise how it has two sides/illustrations. O was startled, exclaiming What!. The
educator suggested; Why dont we turn all the pieces so they face the same way up first?.
Another child began to turn the pieces over together with O. Another child picked up a pair
forming an pear.

The educator scaffolded suggesting to have a look at the illustration on package. Where is
the pear?. O pointed at the pear: Here. The educator asked Another child The pear comes
after the strawberry!. Observing this, O suggested Another child to tell her which food is
positioned where (before and/or after the food). Another child happily agreed, verbally
reciting each food per attempt. They collaborated to spot pieces forming the food (e.g.
strawberry etc.). In the end, O and Another child successfully completed the puzzle over an
approximately twenty minute period.
What learning/ development/dispositions/relationships/interactions did I observe? How does what is
happening in this observation link to the Learning Outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework?
EYLF Outcome 4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity,
cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and
- Indicator #8 Persist even when they find the task difficult. (DEEWR, 2009).

EYLF Outcome 4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving,
inquiry, experimentation, hypothesizing and investigating.
- Indicator # 7 Use reflective thinking strategies to manipulate objects including trial and
error (DEEWR, 2009).
Observation Example of a childs resilience, flexibility and persistence lead to team work/
co-constructing with peers. This may be reflected in future experiences. By Yurina Kanuma

EYLF Outcome 4.3 Children resource their own learning through connecting with people
and processed materials.
- Indicator # 5 Manipulate resources to investigate, take apart, assemble, invent and
- Indicator # 9 Use feedback from themselves and others to revise and build on an idea
(DEEWR, 2009)
What can I do to extend the childs learning or development and/or to promote positive dispositions
and/or build positive relationships and promote interactions?
Implement experience which essentially require team collaboration with at least one peer to
achieve a shared goal. Extend as per Vygotskys Zone of Promimal Development: implement
peer-educator scaffolding, rolemodelling, questioning and/or problem-solving/critical

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