Collection 1 Togetherwecanfindcommonground

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Together We Can Find Common Ground

What is common ground is opinions or interests shared by each of two or more parties. In
the terms of finding common ground means to come together finding an agreement. Kofi Annan
once said, We may have different type religions, different languages, different colored skin, but
we all belong to one human race. For example, the text in Collection 1s,A Quilt of a Country
, Making the Future Better, Together , Once Upon a Time , Oklahoma Bombing , The
Gettysburg Address , and A Raisin in the Sun all share the theme of finding common
ground. In addition, they have the same values of obstacles that don't allow us to come together
such as, prejudice racism, differing, opinions, and perspectives. Some people think the values
that allow us to come together are open mindedness, embracing diversity, and forgiveness. On
the other hand, most individuals struggle to find common ground because of prejudice, racism
stereotypes, differing, and opinions. The reason why most individuals struggle to find common
ground is because everyone is different, which means we all think differently with the minds of
our own. There are always violent things happening outside just because people are different or
can't come to an agreement.
People struggle to find common ground due to prejudice, stereotypes, and racism. In the
blog, Making the Future Better, Together , the text states, The man who welcomed the Jews
and Catholics into the nation, the man who spoke of government that gave bigotry no sanction
and persecution no assistance, he was a slaveholder ( patel ). This shows the viewers that this
nation could easily have been declared a lie by an entire race of people - kidnapped and enslaved,
separated out and hunted down (Patel). This demonstrates racism and stereotypes because the
man who welcomed Jews and Catholics was a slaveholder. Also, that just because people were
Jews or Catholics doesn't mean they're bad people , they just have different beliefs. LIkewise, the
short story, Once Upon a Time by Nadine Gordimer also shows the reader prejudice,
stereotypes, and racism. In this short story, Once Upon a Time , the text describes, about
how the white were separated from the different colored ski because the whites did not feel safe
and protected outside of the city where buses were being burned, cars stoned, and school
children being shot by the police in those quarters out of sight and hearing of the suburb. The
whites were in a city with electronic gates surrounding the house, bars on windows, signs with
the words of YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED , and shiny blades. Even with these equipments
surrounding the house, intruders were still able to sawing the iron bars and broke into homes (
Gordimer ). On the other hand, the white family had a housemaid who was absolutely
trustworthy and an itinerant gardener who was highly recommended by the neighbors. Yet the
housemaid an itinerant gardener came from outside the city (Gordimer). By looking at this part if
the short story, the people can assume that different colored skin and people who were part of the
outside city were the bad people, and the white people who separated themselves to live in the
city away from the violence are the good people for protecting themselves and not being
involved. This evidence demonstrates racism and stereotype because the housemaid and gardener
weren't from the city, but they were brought into the city because they were trustworthy people.
Which means that not everyone from outside the city are bad people. This is a stereotype of
people who are outside of the city are untrustworthy, violent, and bad people, but people who
were in the city are the good people. This proves that that people struggle to find common
ground because there are many stereotypes that people believe in. As a result, in the blog
Making the Future Better, Together and Once Upon a Time proves that people struggle to
find common ground because of racism and stereotypes. The points being stated is that people
shouldn't let opinions and so much stereotypes to stop the people from anything In addition, A
Raisin in the Sun , the play by Lorraine Hansberry is another text that involves how people
struggle finding common ground.
Furthermore, people struggle to find common ground due to racism, stereotypes, and
differing. In the play, A Raisin in the Sun, the text explains, How Karl Linder noticed a
black family moved in the Clybourne park area. Karl Linder was the representative of the
Clybourne Park Improvement Association. Karl liner doesn't want any black family in the
Clybourne Park area so, he tried convincing the family to move out in a nice way. LInder also
mentioned to offer the family money to get them out of the area . the second thing Linder
mentioned was about having the residents from the neighborhood that paid money to have no
black family in the area ( Hansberry ). In this example, the readers can see that this shows
racism of how the black family can't live in the area just because of their skin color. This
demonstrates racism because Linder as trying to kick out the black family just for n good reason.
Additionally, this is racism of how people struggle to find common ground because Linder
barely tried to get along with the family. As a result, Linder was being trying to get the family
out of the area. Which shows racism because there's nothing wrong with the black family.
Finally, Common ground can have an effect on racism because due to the different
people, religion, and thoughts. The evidence presented suggests that it is a struggle to find
common ground because of prejudice, racism ,and stereotypes. The three texts Making the
Future Better Together , Once Upon a Time , and A Raisin in the Sun all share common
ground and points out that racism is an obstacle of finding common ground. Overall, it is
extremely important for people not to get racism and stereotypes out of the way of finding
common ground and come together happily finding an agreement.

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