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Christine Le

Mrs. Parrot/ Mulvey

Eng 1P/ per 1
17 March 27

Love Has Many Aspects

Have you ever thought of the many different aspects of love? In collection 4 the theme

was sweet sorrow, the feeling of deep distressed but a sweet meaning behind. In the theme of

sweet sorrow it demonstrates how love is not always a happily ever after ending and how love

isnt the most simplest thing to commit to. For example in collection 4, the theme of sweet

sorrow was based on the famous play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare and the Myth Pyramus

and Thisbe by Ovid. These two readings both involved aspects of love in different ways such as

passion, pain, and conflict. In the romantic tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

sums up to how two kids from the Capulets and Montagues, who were the two rival families

whom kids fell in love with each other at the Ball. Later on in the play, Romeo and Juliet meet

each other and plan a secretive marriage with Friar Lawrence. On the day of their secret marriage

a tragedy occurred leading to the death of Mercutio, Romeos best friend and Tybalt, Juliets

cousin whom was part of the Capulets. The cause of Tybalts death lead to Romeo's banishment

from Verona. Which turned the play around to the misunderstandings , by the end of the play

shows the misunderstanding how Juliet and Romeo both fell in love, but lose their lives because

of the misunderstanding and the family fued that just caused obstacles between their love.

Furthermore, in the myth, Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovid also sums up to a romantic tragedy

because Pyramus and Thisbe were couples with parents who dont like each other. So, one night
Pyramus and Thisbe decided to sneak out without anyone knowing and they decided to meet at

mulberry tree. As Pyramus was on his way he found a bloody-stained shawl. The bloody stained

shawl was the symbol of Thisbes death. Furthermore in the myth, It was a misunderstanding

that they both lost their lives because Thisbe was really hiding and she wasnt actually dead, but

in the end they both lost their lives. Inferring to these to readings in the collection it demonstrates

that love can have traits as passion, pain, and having conflict.

To start off with, love really doesn't have a meaning of its own that is the same towards

everyone for every connection there is. One trait of love is how love can be such a passionate

feeling. Some people say love is the best thing there is because you have someone there for you,

you have a person to share your life with, and you can do almost everything together with that

person who you love. According to the famous romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet by

Shakespeare the play states, But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East,

and Juliet is the sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale

with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she. ( Shakespeare II/ii/ 2-6). This

quotation from Act 2 scene 2 shows Romeo's passionate feeling to Juliet because he is saying

that Juliet's beauty makes Romeo imagine that she is the sun, transforming the darkness into

daylight. This explanation reveals the trait of how love can be such a passionate feeling. On a

similar note, people say love is the best thing, and some say love can be a pain going through

many obstacles. Love isnt just love because love isnt just a simple thing which leads to how it

can cause so much pain. In addition, in the myth of Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovid the author

points out a similarity to the famous play Romeo and Juliet when the author displayed how the

couple sneaked out late night because their families did not exactly get along. The text states, If
you searched all the East, youd find no girl with greater charm than Thisbe; and no boy in

Babylon was handsomer than Pyramus. (Ovid 4-7). This evidence displays their feelings and

passion towards each other when they both say that there is no one like him and no one like her.

This is important as the passionate feeling when it comes to love because they both show their

affection towards each other. Readers can sum up to the point of how love can be passionate

inferring to the two texts when they both explain their love to one another. Which leads to how

love can have other traits such as pain.

From time to time, love doesn't stay passionate the whole time. Loving one another will

lead to facing some obstacles which is another aspect of love such as pain. In the famous

William Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet demonstrates the action of pain throughout the

majority part of the play. The author points out pain between the two main characters Romeo and

Juliet when he stated, O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris, From off the battlements of

yonder tower, Or walk in thievish ways, or bid me lurk Where serpents are. Chain me with

roaring bears; Or shut me nightly in a charnel house, Over cover'd quite with dead men's rattling

bones, With reeky shanks and yellow chapless skulls. Or bid me go into a new-made grave And

hide me with a dead man in his shroud, And I will do it without fear or doubt, To live an

unstained wife to my sweet love ( Shakespeare IIII/i/78-90 ). To better understand this position,

the author is explaining that All the things that used to frighten Juliet are now unimportant

compared to the horror of betraying Romeo and marrying another man. This reveals pain

because Juliet is in love with Romeo and she's doing everything she can to get to Romeo again,

but during this scene Juliet was forced to marry another man. In a relation to this, another author

from the myth Pyramus and Thisbe also shows the same trait of pain in love connections as
Shakespeare. In addition, in Pyramus and Thisbe the text states, Oh my poor girl its I who

led to your death (Ovid 81-82 ) This example explains pain when Pyramus thought that Thisbe

was actually dead because of the bloody stained shawl. This is important as because it was a

misunderstanding and it demonstrates pain because in the end of the myth they lose their lives. In

addition, pain in love connections can also cause conflicts. Readers can come to a conclusion

that love isnt always passionate, it involves pain in many different ways such as argument,

misunderstands, or even death.

Furthermore, in collection 4 the third aspect of love is how love involves conflict in the

relationship with loved ones. Throughout the famous play Romeo and Juliet by William

Shakespeare. He points out in the play how love involves conflict in the prologue, the Montagues

and the Capulets, "both alike in dignity" this means that the story is involving in a rather messy,

and uncivil family feud. The text demonstrates conflict when it stated O Romeo, Romeo,

wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, Or, if thou wilt not, be but

sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet (Shakespeare II/ii/36-39). To better understand

this conflict between Juliet and Romeo, Juliet shows how she struggles with the conflict between

her feelings for Romeo and her knowledge that he is an enemy of her family. This reveals that

she is trying to separate Romeo from his identity as a Montague, and contemplates deserting her

family for him. She does not imagine that their love and their families' opposition can be

reconciled. On a similar note, not only did the famous romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet

demonstrate conflict in love, but in the myth Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovid also demonstrates

the obstacles and conflict in love. In the myth of Pyramus and Thisbe explains how their

relationship wasnt as close and involved in many obstacles for the both of them. The author of
Pyramus and Thisbe points out conflict when , but marriage was forbidden by their

parents ( ovid 11-12 ). This quote defines conflict in the myth because they both struggle being

together because their parents dont approve of them being together or being a married couple.

This reveals to how love involves different conflict such as not being able to be together and

marriage was forbidden. In addition, throughout the famous play on Romeo and Juliet and the

myth of Pyramus and Thisbe both had conflict in their relationship because the two couples

were not allowed to be married, and they both had the conflict of how their parents wouldnt

approve them to be together. Readers can come to a conclusion that there are varieties of aspect

of loves. Also, that conflict can lead to different tragedies and pain.

Finally, to sum up the aspects of love inferring to the famous play Romeo and Juliet by

William Shakespeare and the Myth of Pyramus and Thisbe. Love involves the aspects of love

such as passion, pain, and conflict in different ways such as tragedies or misunderstandings.

Throughout the two readings that were based on how love can have varieties of traits when both

the play and myth when marriage wasnt approved and how they werent allowed to be seen

together because of the families feud. The themes that were showed during collection 4 is how

love is not always a happily ever after ending. Love involves pain, conflict , arguments, and joy.

This demonstrates that love needs a lot of dedication and knowledge because tragedies can occur

at the end.

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