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SPWLA 40thAnnual Logging Symposium, May 30-June 3,1999


Matthias Appel, J. Justin Freeman, Rod B. Perkins
Shell E&P Technology Company, Houston, TX, USA
Jan P. Hofman
Shell International E&P RTS, Rijswijk, The Netherlands -

ABSTRACT gradients.Our measurementsconfirm recent theories

publishedin the open literature and may be of
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) is typically significant importancefor the interpretationof
assumedto be lithology-independentsince the pore
wireline NMR data that is basedon the diffusion of
fluids are the only sourceof the measuredsignal.
pore fluids over extendeddiffusion times.
However, due to interactionsof the pore fluids with
rock surfaces,the rock matrix can significantly
influence the fluid response.Although these
interactionsmay seriouslycomplicatethe INTRODUCTION
interpretationof the data, they also provide useful Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) has developed
information about the pore structureof the rock. into a powerful petrophysicaltool for reservoir
characterization(Kenyon, 1997).In particular,
Two primary mechanismsthat complicate
diffusion-basedNMR techniqueshave beenfound
interpretationof NMR data (wireline logs or core
useful for pore fluid identification due to the inherent
analyses)are: (1) strong internal gradients;and (2)
contrastin the molecular mobility of gas, oil and brine
(Akkurt et al., 1989).
Under laboratory conditions, measuredin a
NMR experimentsbecomesensitiveto the molecular
homogeneousbackgroundmagneticfield, internal
diffusion of the pore fluid if the applied magnetic
magnetic field gradientscan be calculatedfrom the
field is not homogeneousbut possessesa gradient
increaseof the transverserelaxationrate of pore fluids
over length scalesthat are comparablewith the
with increasinginter-echotime. Whereasa linear
dephasinglength of the spins, i.e., the typical
relation betweenthe increaseof the relaxationrate
displacementlength of fluid moleculesbefore they
and the squaredinter-echotime exists for the caseof
dephaseduring the time of the NMR experiment.
unrestrictedmolecular diffusion of the pore fluid,
deviationsfrom this linear relation can be expected Interpretationof NMR data relies on knowledge of
due to effects of restricteddiffusion and a pore size the gradientin which the pore fluids reside.Typically,
distribution causing a distribution of magneticfield this gradientis that applied by the wireline tool or
gradients. laboratoryspectrometerand henceis well
characterized.However, in porous media, magnetic
We report results of laboratoryNMR experimentson
susceptibility differencesbetweenthe solid phaseand Ff=
core samplestaken from the Gulf of Mexico and from
the fluid filling the pore spacemight lead to
the Far East. For thesesamples,the calculation of
significant magneticfield inhomogeneities,the so-
internal magneticfield gradientswas complicatedby
called internal magneticfield gradients.It is
the effects of restricted diffusion. Whereasthe
commonly assumedthat thesefield gradientsare
reduction of molecular mobility due to restricted
diffusion was sufficient to explain the measureddata mainly causedby paramagneticions such as iron,
in the range of inter-echotimes interestingfor nickel or manganesewhich are frequently found in
clays (Kleinberg et al., 1994). Internal magneticfield
standardNMR logging procedures,an additional
gradientsare proportional to the applied magnetic
reduction of the effective internal magneticfield
field. When thesegradientsare larger than the
gradienthad to be assumedto interpret the measured
data for a wider rangeof inter-echotimes. This gradientapplied by logging tools, interpretationof
wireline NMR data is considerablymore complicated.
observationwas supportedby separatePulsedField
GradientNMR diffusion measurementsusing pulse Restricteddiffusion occurs when the size of the pores
sequencesthat minimize the effects of internal becomessmaller than the Brownian motion of the

SPWLA 40Annual Logging Symposium, May 3OJune 3,1999

fluid molecules.In a homogeneous,unconfined formation, movablebrine was later displacedby a

system,the random motion of moleculesgives rise to light mineral oil (Soltrol) at 100 psi capillary
a probability distribution of molecular displacements pressureequivalent.For this sample,only the
which is determinedby a Gaussian.Deviations from relaxation-and diffusion propertiesof the mineral oil
this Gaussianprobability function can be expectedif will be discussedin this paper.
subsequentmolecular displacementsare not
independentof eachother but correlatedwith regard All measurementswere performedat room
to length or direction of the elementaryjump process. temperatureand normal atmosphericpressure.The
Such a memory effect may be brought about by the core plugs were wrappedwith NMR-silent material
moleculesthemselves,e.g., in polymers, or by using a testedprocedureto avoid any loss of
physical confinementsof the diffusion processin saturationduring the experiment.The sample
porous system with length scalesless than about 100 nomenclatureand standardpetrophysicalparameters
pm, such as in sedimentaryrocks. In this situation, are summarizedin Table I.
the maximum displacementof the diffusing molecules
will be determinedby the length scaleof the matrix The spectraof the transverserelaxation time, T2, of
rather than by the time allowed for the moleculesto the sampleswere determinedusing a Carr-Purcell-
propagate.This processis known as anomalous Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequencewith varying
diffusion and is characterizedby a diffusion echo spacingsbetween200 ps and 4 msec.The
coefficient that is smaller than that of the bulk pore experimentswere done without external magnetic
fluid and is a function of the experimentdiffusion field gradients.For eachsample,the delay time
time. betweensubsequentpulse sequenceswas chosento be
at least five times longer than the longest component
Since knowledge of the diffusion coefficient is
of its longitudinal (Ti) relaxationtime spectrumto
required to analyzewireline NMR data,restricted
assurea completepolarization for eachexperiment.
diffusion may significantly complicate evaluation.
CPMG signal decaycurves were then inverted to
However, given the fact that propagatingmolecules
distributions of relaxation times using a distributed
scanthe entire pore space,restricteddiffusion may
exponentialfitting procedurewith an optimization of
also representa powerful tool to derive information
the regularizationparameteraccordingto the signal-
about the structureof the confining matrix.
to-noise of the experiment.To obtain the value of the
In the following paper we will presentresults of peak position independentof any bias due to the
laboratoryNMR experimentson core samplestaken incrementingTz-valuescalculatedby the fitting
from the Gulf of Mexico and from the Far East. For routine, ten data points aroundthe centerof the
thesesamples,we found significant internal magnetic investigatedrelaxationtime peak were fitted to a log-
field gradientsthat exceedthose applied by wireline normal distribution and the position of this log-
tools or standardbenchtopNMR analyzers.The normal peak usedin the further evaluationof the data.
interpretationof the measureddata was complicated
by effects of restricteddiffusion of the pore fluids. As a comparisonto the samplesinvestigatedand to
We will support our conclusionswith additional assurethat the observedshifts of the relaxation time
PulsedField Gradient (PFG) NMR experimentsusing peaks were not causedby any inhomogeneityof the
a pulse sequencethat minimizes the effects of internal backgroundmagneticfield, a similar set of CPMG
magneticfield gradients. experimentswas also performedon a cleanedand
water-saturatedBerea sandstone.

EXPERIMENTAL For both the Far East samplesand the Gulf of Mexico
core plug, the self-diffusion coefficient of the brine
Sevensandstonesfrom the Far East and one siltstone and oil, respectively,in the pore spacewas
from the Gulf of Mexico were investigatedusing determinedusing PulsedField Gradient (PFG) NMR.
commercial low-field benchtopNMR analyzers Becauseof the suspectedlarge internal magneticfield
working at proton resonancefrequenciesof 1 and 2 gradients,standardPFG NMR approachessuch as
MHz, respectively.Prior to the NMR measurements, primary or stimulatedecho were not useful, and a
the samplesfrom the Far East were vacuum- and modified pulse sequence,the 13-interval,condition I
subsequentlypressure-saturated at 30bar with 50,000 pulse sequence(Cotts et al, 1989)was applied. Figure
ppm NaCl brine. The Gulf of Mexico samplewas 1 showsthe sequenceof RF- and magneticfield
saturatedin a similar way with 220,000ppm NaCl gradientpulsesusedfor theseexperiments.
brine. To further investigatethe producibility of the

SPWLA 40AMU~ Logging Symposium, May 30-June 3,1999

Qualitatively, the effects of internal field gradientson inter-echospacingsis a decreasedsensitivity to fast

the echo amplitude are reducedby use of 180 relaxationprocessesat long TEs due to the delayed
refocusingpulsesand oppositelypolarized applied start of signal acquisition. The experimentson the
field gradients,which lead to an accumulationof the cleanedBereasandstoneexclude external field
phaseencodingcausedby the applied gradients.In inhomogeneitiesto be the reasonfor the observed
contrastto this, the phaseencodingcausedby a relaxationpeak shifts of the Far East and Gulf of
constantlypolarized internal magneticfield gradient Mexico samples.
is refocused,and its effect is canceledout.
Figure 3 showsthree examplesof Tz-spectra
Experimentally, during the PFG NMR experimentthe measuredfor a seriesof inter-echospacingsfor a Far
intensity of the NMR signal, il4, was monitored as a East sampleand the Gulf of Mexico core plug. In
function of the areaof the applied field gradients,Sg. contrastto the Berea sample,significant shifts of the
The PFG NMR experimentswere performedfor a transverserelaxationpeaksare observed.Figure 3a
seriesof diffusion times, A, to monitor effects of representsa set of experimentson a Far East sample
restricted diffusion which would be revealedby a (sampleNo. I), measuredat 2 MHz. The inter-echo
reduction of the measureddiffusion coefficient, D, spacinghas beenincreasedfrom 256 psec to 4 msec,
with increasingdiffusion time. The diffusion which covers the full rangeof inter-echospacings
coefficients were calculatedfrom the acquiredsignal typically usedfor the acquisitionof wireline NMR
attenuationplots using the following relation (Cotts data,including more recent approachessuch as
et al, 1989): enhanceddiffusion techniques(Akkurt et al., 1998).
Figure 3b shows the peak shift of the Gulf of Mexico
M(g) samplewhere the movablebrine had beenreplacedby
= M(g=O) mineral oil. Figure 3c illustrates the peak shift for the
samesampleshown in Figure 3a but measuredat 1
Normalization of the measuredsignal intensity, M(g),
to the signal intensity without applied field gradients, For all samplesdiscussedhere, the NMR responseof
M(g=O), eliminatesany effects of signal attenuation capillary boundbrine could be resolvedfrom that of
due to relaxation processes.y denotesthe magneto- the movablefluids even at the longest measuredinter-
gyric ratio. The pulse sequenceand the meaningof echo spacings.The responseof the capillary bound
the other timing constantsusedin Eq. (1) are brine appearsat longer relaxation times due to the
illustrated in Figure 1. delayedstart of signal sampling.

In Figure 3b, the short Tz peak in the relaxation

DISCUSSION spectracorrespondsto the NMR signal from capillary
Shiji of Relaxation Peaks. Figure 2 showsthe Tz boundbrine. The long Tz peak representsthe signal
spectraof the cleanedand water-saturatedBerea from the mineral oil. The clear separationof the two
sandstonesample.The inter-echospacing,TE, has peaksallows us to establisha BVI cut-off value that
beenincreasedfrom 200 psec to 4 msecto test can be usedin the interpretationof wireline NMR
whether any inhomogeneitiesof the magnetic data.Note that only the signal from the movable FF
backgroundfield are present.Since the cleanedBerea mineral oil is shifted to shorterrelaxation times with
sandstoneis unlikely to producesignificant internal increasinginter-echospacing,TE. The peak of the
magneticfield gradientsat low resonancefrequency, capillary bound brine remainsalmost unchanged
any shift of the peak positions to shorterrelaxation exceptfor effects due to delayedsignal sampling at
times with increasinginter-echospacingwould have the longestinter-echospacing.That meansthat the
to be causedby diffusion within gradientsof the TE-dependentdiffusion term does not significantly
external backgroundfield, BO.The inset in Figure 2 contributeto the overal relaxation rate of the capillary
shows the position of the major peak around300 boundbrine. Since the strongestinternal magnetic
msec as a function of inter-echospacing.The Tz field gradientscan be expectedat the rock-fluid
spectraof the Berea sandstoneare not TE-dependent; interface,the stationarybrine peak is a clear
the slightly increasedrelaxationrate at very long indication of restricteddiffusion: the molecular
inter-echospacingsis not significant and is an artifact diffusion of the brine moleculesin the bound water
of the inversion routine. The only significant layer is strongly restricteddue to chemical
difference betweenthe spectraacquiredwith different interactions(first molecular water layers) and due to

SPWLA 40A~ual Logging Symposium, May 30-June 3,1999

structuralconfinement.Theseconstraintsresult in a linear fit of the first 6 data points to a free diffusion

strongly reducedeffective diffusion coefficient of the model results in an internal field gradientof 90 G/cm
capillary bound brine which explains its static peak (dotted line).
position despitethe strong internal field gradientsthat Free diffusion for very short diffusion times, i.e.,
the capillary bound brine is expectedto experience. inter-echospacingsin a CPMG experiment,is not
unexpectedsince most of the moleculesof the
Evaluation of the Observed Peak Shifts. The overall movable fluid fraction will not initially experiencethe
rate of the transverserelaxation, Tz, of the pore fluid surroundingbarriersinitially. Only if the majority of
in a porous system is the sum of the bulk, surface,and moleculeshas interactedwith the walls of the matrix,
diffusion relaxation rates, significant deviationsfrom the Gaussianprobability
distribution of moleculardisplacementswill occur. As
T; = T<&, + +$y2g2TE2D.
a result, deviationsfrom unrestricteddiffusion will be

For the surfaceterm, p denotesthe surfacerelaxivity DiSfirsion Models. The reduction of the diffusion
and S/V the surface-to-volumeratio of the pore coefficient of the pore fluids due to effects of
structure. restricteddiffusion dependson the pore size and is, in
principle, unknown. Mitra et al. have developeda
To calculatethe intensity of the internal field model to describethe short-timebehavior of restricted
gradients,for each inter-echospacingthe shift of the diffusion of fluids in porous media with smooth
position of the movable peak (either brine or mineral boundaries(Mitra et al., 1993):
oil) relative to its position at the shortestmeasuredTE
was plotted as function of the difference betweenthe
squaredrespectiveinter-echospacingand the squared
shortestmeasuredTEL Since only the contribution due
to diffusion dependson TE (Eq. 2), plotting the In Eq. 3, S/V denotesthe surface-to-volumeratio of
experimentaldata in this way separatesthe relaxation the pore structure,Do the diffusion coefficient of the
due to diffusion from the bulk- and surface bulk fluid, and A the diffusion time. This model is
relaxations.However, including bulk- and surface consistentwith previous experiments;however, the
relaxation into the evaluation of the data would
dam measuredat 2 MHz show that a & -dependence
simply causea vertical shift in a T2-1versusTE plot.
of the restricteddiffusion coefficient is not sufficient
to explain the observedpeak shifts in the investigated
Figure 4 shows the shift of the position of the
time interval.
movable brine T2 peak of sample#l when the inter-
echo spacingwas increasedfrom 0.256 msecto 4
msec.This plot is a representativeof all data Although a straightforwardderivation of the internal
field gradientsfrom the experimentaldata was not
evaluated;plots of similar shapebut different slopes
possible,an upper limit of the gradientscan be
accordingto the respectivefield gradientsof the
estimatedusing a generalizedmodel for the
sampleswere obtainedfor all samples.The error bars
diffusional behavior of the movablepore fluids.
representan estimatedexperimentaluncertaintyof
Following the conceptof diffusion under the
influence of confinementwithin a fractal structure,
the diffusion of the pore fluids may be expectedto
In this diagram, a peak shift causedby fluid
follow a relation of the type
moleculesdiffusing freely within a constantmagnetic
field gradient would be representedby a straight line.
Clearly, the measureddata significantly deviate from (4)
this relation, which, accordingto Eq. 2, has to be
brought about by a decreasingproduct of the diffusion
coefficient and squaredgradient strengthwith with < Y2 > denotingthe molecularmean-square
increasinginter-echotime. However, the first six data displacementduring the diffusion time, A. The time
points in Figure 4 appearto follow the linear relation exponent,K, representsthe fractal dimensionof
expectedfor free diffusion within a constantfield propagation;if x=1, unrestricted,or free diffusion
gradient.This behavior was found for all samples will occur, whereastime exponents~1 are causedby
measured.For sample#I illustrated in Figure 4, a restrictions to the diffusion process(Avenir, 1989).

SPWLA 40thAnnual Logging Symposium, May 30-June 3,1999

in a linear relation betweenthe peak shift and the

Eq. 4 can be transformedinto the time-dependenceof differenceof the squaredinter-echospacing.
the diffusion coefficient, 2. At longer diffusion times, restricteddiffusion will
D(A)- AK- , (5) occur. The plot of peak shift versusdifference of
squaredinter-echospacingswill have a smaller
which meansthat free diffusion is characterizedby a and constantlydecreasingslope due to the TE-
time-independentdiffusion coefficient whereas dependenceof the restricteddiffusion coefftcient.
restricteddiffusion is indicatedby a diffusion Assuming the caseof completely restricted
coefficient that decreaseswith increasingdiffusion diffusion, the diffusion coefficient scaleswith
time. TE*in this interval.

Obvioulsy, any diffusion processof fluids in a porous 3. At very long diffusion times, time-independent
structure,will start out as free diffusion given diffusion will again take place. If only one
sufficiently small diffusion times. This behaviouris (averaged)field gradientgovernsthe shift of the
indicated by the first six data points in Figure 4 as relaxationspectra,the plot of peak shift versus
squaredTE-increasewill in this interval keep the
discussedabove.However, a diffusion coefficient that
is independentof diffusion time will also be found at smallestslope of interval 2 constant.The cross-
very long diffusion times when the diffusing . over from time-dependentrestricteddiffusion to
moleculeshave propagatedover displacementsthat time-independentlong-rangediffusion depends
are large comparedto the typical length scalesof the on the tortuosity (and, hence,permeability) of the
pore structure.In a statistical sense,molecular rock matrix.
diffusion in subsequenttime intervals is then
subjectedto identical conditions so that a reducedbut This diffusion model in principal only estimatesan
time-independentdiffusion coefficient will be upper limit for the internal field gradient.Becauseof
observed.This processis known as long-range the finite permeability of the samples,completely
diffusion and allows us to calculatethe tortuosity of restricteddiffusion for all fluid moleculesis not likely
the diffusion path (and hence,of the pore structure) to occur.Therefore,the coefficient of restricted
from the reduction of the diffusion coefficient diffusion will be somewhatless dependenton
comparedto its bulk value (Coateset al., 1993). diffusion time (i.e., less reducedfrom the bulk fluid
value) than the theoreticallimit assumedabove. Since
Between thesetwo limits of time-independent the product g2D determinesthe magnitudeof
diffusion, the measureddiffusion coefficient will be a relaxationpeak shift at a given TE, an
function of diffusion time. The strongestreduction of underestimationof the diffusion coefficient, D, results
the measureddiffusivity can be expectedfor the case in an overestimationof the gradient,g.
of completely restricted diffusion within closed pores.
In this situation, the maximum mean-square For all samplesinvestigatedat 2 MHz resonance
displacementwill be only deteterminedby the pore frequency,such a diffusion model was applied to
structurebut not by the diffusion time. Subsequently, calculatethe internal field gradients.For the
accordingto Eq. 4, the time exponent K has to be evaluationof the 1 MHz data, insufficient data points
equal to zero, which translatesinto a diffusion were availableto establishthe crossoverfrom free to FF
coefficient that is inversely proportional to the restricteddiffusion at short inter-echospacingsand a
diffusion time. model basedon the reduction of the restricted
diffusion coefficient accordingto Eq. (3) was applied
Combining the measuredshifts of the relaxation to allow comparisonof the data. The difference
peaksand the theory describedabove,the following betweenthe results obtainedwith thesetwo models
diffusion model can be madeto estimatean upper will be discussedlater.
limit of the internal field gradientsfrom the
experimentaldata: The coefficient of free diffusion was measured
seperatelyby PFG NMR for both brine and mineral
1. The diffusion processof the movablepore fluid oil. The cross-overfrom free diffusion at short times
startsout unrestricted.The time-independent to restricteddiffusion at longer TEs was determined
diffusion coefficient, in combinationwith an from the measuredpeak shifts as the points at which
averaged,constantmagneticfield gradientresults deviationsfrom the linear relation betweenthe peak
shift and the difference of the squaredinter-echo
SPWLA 40Aunual Logging Symposium, May 30-June 3,1999

spacingfirst occurred.From this point onward, gradientsand a lower limit of the gradientreduction
compIetelyrestricted diffusion was assumedfor the at longer TEs.
remaining range of inter-echospacings. The maximum calculatedvalues of about 100 G/cm
are surprisingly high for internal field gradients,
Figure 5 illustrates the diffusion model applied to especiallyconsideringthe low applied magneticfields
sampleNo. 1. This diagram also contains PFG NMR usedin the experiments.Hirasaki et al. reported
dam that were made to supportthe chosendiffusion valuesof internal field gradientsfor pure chlorite /
model. Unfortunately, for the samplesfrom the Far brine systemsof about 300 G/cm (Hirasaki et al.,
East it was not possible to detect~atime-dependent 1998).To understandthe existenceof this
coefficient of restricteddiffusion since the shortest susceptibility contrastbetweenthe fluids and rock
diffusion time that could be realized experimentally grains,the crystalline componentsof the Gulf of
using the 13-intervalpulse sequenceof Cotts et al. Mexico samplewere determinedby X-ray diffraction
was 9 msec. Obviously, the crossoverto restricted analysis.
diffusion occurs at earlier diffusion times and only the
long-rangediffusion coefficient could be measured. Table II showsthe mineralogicalcomposition as
Nevertheless,the experimentaldata fit well into the weight percentin crystalline portion for this sample.
diffusion model since a smoothtransition from the The given uncertaintyof the data representsthe
experimentallydeterminedvalues for free and long- estimatedstandarddeviation at the 95% confidence
rangediffusion can be achievedassumingcompletely level. Additional X-ray diffraction analysisof the clay
restricteddiffusion in the time interval not accessible mineralsprovided the clay composition listed in
by the experiment. Table III. However, this analysiscovers only clay
minerals in the particle size rangebetween0.26 to 4.7
The result of applying the diffusion model outlined microns. Since clay minerals in the samplemay fall
aboveto evaluatethe internal field gradientsfrom the outsidethis range,the results of the clay analysisare
measuredpeak shifts is illustrated as the thin solid not necessarilycomparableto the analysisof the bulk
line in Figure 4. The initial slope of the peak shift of samples.
this samplecorrespondsto an internal field gradient
of 90 G/cm. We found that even the maximum The clay content of 11+5% of the Gulf of Mexico
theoretically possiblereduction of the diffusion sampleis relatively high. Internal field gradientsare
coefficient that was assumedin our diffusion model most likely causedby chlorites becauseof its pore-
was insufficient to describeover the entire rangeof lining morphology and its high iron content after
measuredinter-echospacingsthe strong deviation of isomorphoussubstitutionof Mg2by Fe3.The fact
the measureddata from a linear relation. Since the that only minor amountsof Fe-chlorite were found in
initial value of 90 G/cm for the internal field gradient the Gulf of Mexico sampleis, however, consistent
is required to fit the first half of the data points, the with the young age of this reservoir which has not
only possible way to explain the measuredpeak shift beendeeply buried or subjectedto high temperature.
over the entire TE-rangeis to assumea further It is known that the chlorite content increasesin
reduction of the internal field gradientat longer inter- sandstonesthat have undergoneburial diagenesisat
echo spacings.For sample#l, a gradualdecreaseof temperaturesgreaterthan lOO-120C.Nevertheless,
the gradientfrom 90 to 77 G/cm was sufficient to fit the internal gradientscan be explainedby the
the measuredpeak shifts. This behavior was found for presenceof a significant amountof mixed-layer clays
both the Far East and the Gulf of Mexico samples. (smectite/illite) with a large smectitecomponent.
The determinedgradientintensitiesrangefrom about Smectitesare extremely variable in composition and
40 to 90 G/cm with a lo-15% decreaseat long times. readily adsorband exchangecations.Therefore,the
A summaryof the determinedintensity rangeof the large gradientsobservedin the Gulf of Mexico
internal field gradientsof all samplesmeasuredis sampleare most likely causedby a combination of
given in Table I. small pore geometriesand high content of mixed-
layer clays.
An even strongerreduction of the field gradients
would be necessaryto explain the measureddata if Table I also comparesthe results of the gradient
completely restricted diffusion was not assumedin determinationfrom the data measuredat 1 and 2 MHz
the evaluation of the experiments,i.e., the diffusion proton resonancefrequency.Theoretically, a linear
model usedprovides an upper limit of the field relation betweenthe internal magneticfield gradients
and the applied backgroundmagneticfield should
SPWLA 40AMWI Logging Symposium, May 30-June 3,1999

exist. Comparingour data measuredat 1 and 2 MHz, In their discussionof transverserelaxation under the
respectively,it should be rememberedthat the 2 MHz influence of magneticfield gradients,Hiirlimann et al.
data were evaluatedusing a model that tendsto describedthe NMR responseof fluids in porous
overestimatethe field gradients.In contrastto this, the structures.It was proposedthat the decay of the NMR
model usedto calculatethe gradientsfrom the 1 MHz spin echo is governedby the interplay of three length
data will underestimatethe gradientssince it assumed scaleswhich were referredto as:
a constant fi - dependenceof the restricteddiffusion 1. diffusion length, ld Id = fi,
coefficient over the entire rangeof inter-echo 2. size of pore structure,lS,
spacings,Additionally, the 1 MHz data should be
comparedto the lower limit of gradientsmeasuredat 3. dephasinglength, &, 1, = m.
2 MHz since this value better representsthe 1 MHz
model than the maximum 2 MHz value that mainly For eachratio of combinationsof theselength scales,
correspondsto the fluid fraction diffusing freely. different attenuationsof the NMR signal as function
Consideringthesedifferences,the typically observed of diffusion time and gradientintensity can be
factor of three insteadof two betweenthe data sets expected.Additionally, Htirliman introducedthree
might representthe uncertaintiesof both the asymptoticregimes,thefree difJsion, the motional
experimentand the evaluationproceduresutilized. averaging, and the localization regime. In the
motional averagingregime, the pore size is the
Figure 6 illustrates the dependenceof the calculated shortestlength scale,so that the diffusing spins
internal magneticfield gradientas function of averageall field inhomogeneitieswithin one pore and
porosity and permeability for the samplesfrom the the NMR signal decaydependson the local geometry
Far East. Clearly, the highest internal field gradients only but not on diffusion time. In contrastto this, the
can be expectedfor the sampleswith the lowest localization regime appliesin large enoughpores
porosity and permeability becauseof more when the dephasinglength is shorterthan the pore
pronouncedinteraction of the rock matrix with the structure(Htirlimann, 1998).
pore fluids. The internal field gradientsare more
strongly correlatedwith samplepermeability than by In the analysisof our data,the cross-overfrom the
sampleporosity, which confirms the perceptionthat free diffusion to the motional averagingregime has
the strongestfield gradientswill be presentat the pore beenincorporatedinto the time-dependenceof the
throats. restricteddiffusion coefficient. Our experiments
clearly show that severaldiffusion mechanismshave
Comparison to Recent Theories. Problemsrelated to to be consideredin the evaluationof the measured
internal magneticfield gradientsin inhomogeneous data.It is important to note that for any given
samplesinvestigatedby NMR have beendiscussedin diffusion time, there must be a different distribution
the open literature for natural and artificial porous of effective gradients:at long times, spins in smaller
materials,polymers and biological samples poreshave lost their phasecoherencedue to surface
(Htirlimann, 1998; Geschkeet al., 1991;Packer, relaxationand only the spins in larger pores survive.
1973). Therefore,the distribution of gradientsat longer times
should be dominatedby smaller gradients.In contrast
Glasel et al. have shown that the magneticfield to this, spins in both small and large pores contribute
gradient,G, outside of a spherewith radius r. can be to the NMR signal at shortertimes, which results in a
approximatedfor a region close to the sphereas larger effective field gradientthat governsthe
relaxationof the spins due to their diffusion
G = kHoAX
(6) Implication to the Interpretation of Wireline NMR
Data. Fluid identification that relies on diffusion-
basedNMR techniquesis only robust if the gradient
where ,uodenotesthe magneticpermeability of applied by the logging tool dominatesthe dephasing
vacuum,HO the applied magneticfield strengthand of the spins, i.e., the internal gradientsdue to
Ax the difference betweenthe magnetic susceptibility contrastsare negligible. Although
susceptibilitiesof the sphereand the external medium carbonatesand pure quartz are diamagnetic,
(Glasel et al., 1974). sandstonesmight be paramagneticdue to
paramagneticimpurities in clays and may possess
strong internal field gradientseven at low resonance

SPWLA 401hAMUZ~ Logging Symposium, May 3OJune 3,1999

frequencies.Especially in formations where small Mexico. For all samples,we found significant internal
pore sizes and high clay content is expected,fluid magneticfield gradientsthat exceedthose applied by
identification derived from diffusion coefficients may NMR logging tools, and were able to characterize
be problematic. thesegradientsusing laboratoryNMR measurements.
Our dam show that for the samplesinvestigated, Since fluid identification using diffusion-basedNMR
significant reductionsof the magneticfield gradients techniquesrelies on knowledgeof the applied field
are observedfor inter-echospacingslonger than 1.2 gradients,laboratory measurementsmay be required
msec.In this case,only restricteddiffusion within a to supportinterpretationof wireline NMR data.
constantfield gradientwould have to be consideredin
the evaluation of the dam for most standardwireline Effects of restricteddiffusion complicatedthe
NMR applications.Deviations from a constant interpretationof our data. The experimentshave
gradientmight be of significance if Tz relaxation shown that it might be sufficient to assumerestricted
spectraare obtainedwith longer inter-echospacings, diffusion within an effective, but constantmagnetic
such as in the enhanceddiffusion method. field gradientfor the rangeof inter-echospacings
typically applied in standardwireline NMR programs.
The magnetic susceptibility contrastand, hence,the However, if the rangeof inter-echospacingsis
correspondinginternal magneticfield gradientswill extended,more complicateddiffusion- and gradient
be smaller at reservoir temperaturethan at ambient models may be required.
conditions. Since water is diamagentic,and
diamagnetismis not temperature-dependent, only the
changeof the magneticsusceptibility of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
paramagneticgrain and clay materialswith
temperaturehas to be considered.For low magnetic The authorswish to thank Wim J. Looyestijn, Walter
fields and high temperatures,the temperature F.J. Slijkerman and Yakov Volokitin, Shell
dependenceof paramagneticmaterialscan be InternationalE&P for helpful discussionsand
describedby a Curie-law, reviewing the findings of this paper.We also wish to
thank Wim J. Looyestijn for supplying the samples
from the Far East.

where C denotesthe material-specificCurie constant
and T the absolutetemperature. Akkurt, R., Mardon, D., Gardner,J.S., Marshall,
D.M., Solanet,F., 1998,Enhanceddiffusion:
We have estimatedthe temperaturedependenceof the expandingthe rangeof NMR direct hydrocarbon-
magnetic susceptibility from data publishedfor typing applications,Transactions of the SPWLA 39h
sandstones(Htirlimann, 1998) and for pure clays Annzeal Logging Symposium, Keystone,Colorado,
(Mattesonet al., 1998).We found on averagea 20% May 26-29, 1998,paperGG.
reduction of the magnetic susceptibility at a
temperatureof 200 F comparedto 75 F, which would Avenir, D. (Editor), 1989, Thefractal approach to
lead to the samereduction of the internal magnetic heterogeneous chemistry: su$aces, colloids,
field gradientsfor this temperatureincrease. polymers, Wiley, Chichester.

Additionally, the linear dependenceof the magnetic Coates,G.R., Vinegar, H.J., Tutunjian, P.N., Gardner,
field gradientson the external magneticfield of the J.S., 1993,Restricteddiffusion from uniform
NMR logging tool has to be consideredwhen scaling gradientNMR well logging, Transactions of the SPE
laboratory data measuredat ambient temperaturesto 68 Annual Technical Conference, October 3-6, 1993,
reservoir conditions. paper26472.

Cotts, R.M., Hoch, M.J.R., Sun, T., Markert, J.T.,

CONCLUSIONS 1989,Pulsed field gradientstimulatedecho methods
for imoroved diffusion measurementsin
We have presentedexperimentalresults on transverse heterogeneoussystems,Journal of Magnetic
relaxation time and diffusion measurementson core Resonance, 83, pp. 252-266.
samplestaken from the Far East and from the Gulf of

SPWLA 40& Annuai Logging Symposium, May SO-June 3,1999

Geschke,D., Fleischer, G., 1991, Dynamics of ABOUT THE AUTHORS

polyethylene melts as studied by nuclear magnetic
relaxation including effects of inner field-
inhomogeneities, Acta Polymerica, 42, No. 8, pp. Matthias Appel received a Ph.D. degreein Physics
from Leipzig University, Germany in 1995. Before
joining Shell E&P Technology Company in Houston
Glasel, J.A., Lee, K.H., 1974, On the interpretation in 1997 he was a postdoctoral researcherand later
principal investigator at the Exxon Research&
of water nuclear magnetic resonancerelaxation times
Engineering Company in New Jersey.Matthias
in heterogeneoussystems,Journal of the American
primary interest and responsibility is the application
Chemical Society,.96, No. 4, pp. 970-978.
of NMR techniquesto investigate the interplay
Hirasaki, G.J., House, W.V., Zhang, G.Q., 1998, betweenthe geometry of porous media and the
confined pore fluids as well as the development of
Diffusion in internal field gradients, Transactions
laboratory NMR capabilities to support Shells NMR
of the I998 International Symposium of the Society of
Core Analysts, September14-16, 1998, The Hague,
logging program.
paper SCA 9823.
J. Justin Freeman is a Staff ResearchPhysicist for
Shell E&P Technology Company in Houston, Texas.
Htirlimann, M.D., 1998, Effective gradientsin
Sincejoining Shell in 1988 he has worked in the
porous media due to susceptibility differences,
fields of geophysics,acoustic rock properties,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 131, pp. 232-240.
compaction and permeability estimation. He has also
spenttime in operationsworking as lead
Kenyon, W.E., 1997, Petrophysical principles of
petrophysicist in Shell Offshore Inc.s Mars and
applications of NMR logging, The Log Analyst, 38,
No. 2, pp.21-43. Auger projects. He currently headsShell Oil Co.s
NMR researchactivities. Justin has BSc (1982) and
Kleinberg, R.L., Kenyon, W.E., Mitra, P.P., 1994, Ph.D. (1985) degreesin Physics from the University
of Leeds,England
Mechanisms of NMR relaxation of fluids in rock,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A, 108, pp.
Roderic B. Perkins received a B.S. degree in
Electronics Technology from the University of
Houston in 1978. He joined Shell Development
Matteson, A., Tomanic, J.P., Herron, M-M., Allen,
Company in Houston in 1982. He initially worked in
D.F., Kenyon, W.E., T\TMRrelaxation of clay-brine
the marine seismic data acquisition section and later
mixtures, Transactions of the SPE Annual Technical
on several acoustics,laser and rock properties
Conference, SeptemberU-30, 1998, paper 49008.
projects. Rod is currently on the NMR team, and is
primarily involved with making laboratory
Mitra, P.P., Latour, L.L., Kleinberg, R.L., Sotak,
measurementsof rocks and fluids.
Ch.H., 1993, Time-dependent diffusion coefficient
of fluids in porous media as a probe of surface-to-
Jan P. Hofman joined Shell Researchin Rijswijk in
volume ratio, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series
1971. From 1980 to 1985 he worked at the Technical
A, 101, pp. 342-346. FF
University in Delft. He has worked in the
developmentof many core analysis techniqueswith
Packer, K.J., 1973, The effects of diffusion through
an emphasison electrical properties. Jan is currently
locally inhomogeneousmagnetic fields on transverse
responsiblefor the analysis and interpretation of
nuclear spin relaxation in heterogeneoussystems.
NMR core and fluid measurements.
Proton transverserelaxation in striated muscle tissue,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 9, pp. 438-443.

SPWLA 40Annual LoggingSymposium,May 30-June3,1999

I I Internal Field Gradient 1 Int. Field I

Sample Location Porosity Permeability Mealsured @ 2 MHz Gradient
No. WI Gmax GIllhI Ranae
--i_~ @ lMHz
bu.) bm (G/cm) (G/cm) (%I I (G/cm)
1 Far East 21.0 75 90 77 14.4 I 28
I 2 Far East 24.0 240 I 73 63 1 13.7 1 26

17.0 1 16

Table I: Nomenclature,basic petrophysicalpropertiesand calculatedinternal magneticfield gradientsof the


I Crystalline Component

70% Smektite/ 30% Illite



Illite 40fll
Chlorite-Fe 8&3
Kaolonite 3+1

Table III: M ineralogic compositionof the clay in the

Gulf of Mexico sample(sample8) as determinedby
X-ray diffraction. The uncertaintyof the data
representsthe estimatedstandarddeviation of the data
at a 95% confidencelevel. Only clay m ineralsin the
Illite 6*3 particle size rangebetween0.26 and 4.7 pm were
SmektiteAite 3+1 coveredby the analysis.

Table II: M ineralogic compositionof the Gulf of

Mexico sample(sample8) as determinedby X-ray
diffraction. The uncertaintyof the data representsthe
estimatedstandarddeviation of the data at a 95%

9o 1so0 90 9o 180 90 9o

gradient gradient I
Figure 1: Pulse sequenceapplied to measurethe self diffusion coefficients of brine
space.By use of bipolar magneticfield gradientsand 180refocussingRF pulses,this
condition I sequencedevelopedby Cotts et al. m inimizesthe effects of internal magneticfield
the signal attenuation.The crushergradientssupportthe balanceof the field gradients.
SPWLA 40thAnnual Logging Symposium, May 30-June 3,1999

.-8 0.8

= 0.2

1 10 100 1000 10000
T2 / msec

Figure 2: Spectraof the transverserelaxation time, T2, for a cleanedand water-saturatedBerea

sandstone.The inter-echospacing,TE, has beenvaried between0.2 msecand 4.0 msec.The
inset shows the position of the relaxationpeak relative to its position at the shortestTE. No
significant shift of the relaxation peak was observed.


g 60 --

2 50
* 40
- 23

Figure 6: Calculatedinternal magneticfield gradientsof the Far East samples.

SPWLA 40uIAmmal Logging Symposium, May 30-June 3,1999

z 1

2 iI8
2 a6
TE4.0 Ins

TlS3.2 ms
TlSk2.8 ms
o.ctl a1 1 10 100 1mJ lam
T&2.4 m T2lmec



TFd.6 Ins

TE=lAm -+-TM.Oms
TFA 2x11s

TFFl.0 Ins

TEM-J.8 Ins

TFA.6 m

TFGo.5 ms

Tk0.4 117s

0.01 0.1 1 10 im imo iowo


Figure 3: Examplesof transverserelaxation time, T2, spectrafor the samplesinvestigated.

Figure 3a: Far East sample#l, measuredat 2 MHz proton resonancefrequency.The inter-echo
spacinghas been increasedfrom 0.256 msecto 4 msec.

Figure 3b: Tzspectra for the Gulf of Mexico sample,measuredat 2 MHz resonancefrequency.The
inter-echospacingwas varied between0.28 msec and 2.048 msec.Note that for this sample,
movable brine has beenreplacedby mineral oil. The short T2 peaksin thesespectracorrespondto
the signal from capillary bound brine, whereasthe long T2 peaksrepresentthe NMR responseof the
mineral oil. The short T2 peaksdo not changedue to restricteddiffusion effects. The shift of the
mineral oil peakswas evaluatedto calculatethe internal magneticfield gradientfor this sample.

Figure 3c: T2 relaxation peaksfor the samesampleas plotted in Figure 3a but measuredat 1 MHz
proton resonancefrequency.The inter-echospacinghas beenincreasedfrom 0.32 msecto 4 msec.

SPWLA 401hAnnual Logging Symposium, May 30-June 3,1999

Gradient gradually decreasing
from !?OGkm to 77 G/cm

0 2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 II

TE* - TEo* / msec*

Figure 4: Shift of the position of the T2-relaxationpeak of sample#l. The peak shift has been
normalizedto the position of the relaxationpeak at 0.256 msec.This changein peak position is
causedby diffusion of the pore fluid within internal magneticfield gradients.Note the constant
slope of the first data points which reflects free diffusion within a constantfield gradientof 90
G/cm (dotted line). At longer inter-echospacings,effects of restricteddiffusion (thin solid line)
and, additionally, changesin the gradientintensity haveto be consideredin the evaluationof
the measureddata (bold solid line).

@ l.OE-09 -

l.OE-10 -I I
0.1 1 10 loo

TE / msec

Figure 5: Diffusion model applied to interpretthe measuredpeak shift of sample#l. For inter-
echo spacings,TE, shorterthan 1 msec,free diffusion of the movable brine was assumed,
supportedby a linear slope of the measuredpeak shift in this interval (seeFigure 4). For
longer inter-echospacings,completely restricteddiffusion within closed pores was assumedto
estimatean upper limit of the internal field gradients.The experimentaldata have been
measuredwith PFG NMR and representthe long-rangediffusion behavior of brine through the
rock matrix. For all samplesmeasured,similar diffusion models have beenused.


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