Quality Control Note by Farid A Ghani

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Quality: is a customer determination which is based on the customers actual experience with the product or service,
measured against his or her requirementsstated or unstated, conscious or merely sensed, technically operational or
entirely subjectivealways representing a moving target in a competitive market.
Process and Process Improvement: A process takes inputs and performs value-added activities on those inputs to create
an output.
Variation: Present in any natural process, no two products or occurrences are exactly alike
Specification: Product or service characteristics in terms of desired target value or dimension
Tolerance Limit: Permissible changes in the dimension of quality characteristics
Inspection: Activities designed to detect or find non-conformances existing in already completed products or services
Quality Control: Use of specifications and inspections of completed parts, subassemblies and products to design,
produce, review, sustain, and improve the quality of a product or services
Statistical Quality Control: Collecting statistical data, analysing, and interpreting it to solve problems
Statistical Process Control: Prevent defects by applying statistical methods to control the process making products or
providing services
Total Quality Management: Management approach that places emphasis on continuous process and system
improvement as a means of achieving customer satisfaction to ensure long-term company success.
Continuous Improvement: focuses on improving processes to enable companies to give customers what they want the
first time, every time.



Two aspects of quality: (Subjective What customers want). (Objective What the physical properties are)
Remove variations: Apply easy-to-use statistics, for common cause variation & special cause variations
Common causes: Controlled variation that is present in a process due to the very nature of the process
Special causes: Uncontrolled variation caused by something that is not normally part of the process
Controlled and uncontrolled variation: A phenomenon will be said to be controlled when, using past experience, we
can predict, at least within limits, how the phenomenon may be expected to vary in the future. Here it is understood that
prediction within limits means that we can state, at least approximately, the probability that the observed phenomenon
will fall within the given limits.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) chart will tell if the process is out of control (subject to special causes)
Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle for analysis of problems
Dr. Demings 14 points:

Create a constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive
and to stay in business and to provide jobs.
Adopt a new philosophy
Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality.
End the practice of awarding business based on price tag alone. Instead minimize total cost.
Constantly and forever improve the system of production and service.
Institute training on the job.
Institute leadership.
Drive out fear.
Break down barriers between departments.
Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce.
Eliminate arbitrary work standards and numerical quotas. Substitute leadership.
Remove the barriers that rob people of their right to pride of workmanship.
Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement.
Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.
Proposed the big (Q All processes in all industries) and little (q the products in manufacturing) in quality
Quality is Free: Lack of quality is costly & spending money to reduce waste @ improve efficiency saves money in long
Quality systems: Prevention of defects
Quality Performance Standards: Zero defects
Quality Measurement: Costs of quality
7 tools of Quality: Flow chart, Control chart, Check sheet, Histogram, Pareto Diagram, Cause & Effect Diagram, Scatter



Flow chart symbols:



Descriptive or deductive statistics: A population or complete group of data. When describing a population using
deductive statistics, the investigator must study each entity within the population. This provides a great deal of
information about the population, product, or process, but gathering the information is time-consuming.
Inductive statistics deal with a limited amount of data or a representative sample of the population.
Measurement error is considered to be the difference between a value measured and the true value. The error that
occurs is one either of accuracy or of precision.
Accuracy refers to how far from the actual or real value the measurement is.
Precision is the ability to repeat a series of measurements and get the same value each time.
Examples of Histogram:

The engineers working with the thickness of the clutch plate have decided to create a histogram to aid in their analysis of
the process. They are following these steps:

Step 1: Construct Tally Sheet from above data

Clutch plate thickness Tally sheet
0.0620 /
0.0621 ///
0.0622 //
0.0623 ////
0.0624 //// //// //
0.0625 //// //// //// //// ////
0.0626 //// //// //// //// //// ////
0.0627 //// //// //// //// //// ///
0.0628 //// //// //// //// ///
0.0629 /
0.0630 //// ////
0.0631 //// //
0.0632 ////

Step 2: Find range value

= . .

= 0.0632 0.0620 = 0.0012

Step 3: Find cell interval (Between 2 cells midpoint), cell midpoint (centre of a cell) and cell boundaries (the edge of a

: = +1

For this case, cell interval, i not given. We assumed i is 0.0003:
= +1= + 1 = 5
The highest value of cell interval, the less number of cell will be. Thus, following rules of:

Data below 100, used 4 9 cells

Data 100 500, used 8 17 cells

Data above 500, used 15 20 cells


= +

For example, start from earliest data 0.0620, MP need to add with cell interval value, i we get 0.06215

After that, we can easily add with interval value, i 0.0003 to find next MP values,

From this, we will get, 0.06245, 0.06275, 0.06305 and 0.06335

Cell Boundaries: Location of all edges at each cell

After get MP & cell interval, we need to find the location of edges at each cell. We easily can find by playing with Data values,
MP values and interval value.

For 0.0620, the cell boundaries lie before and after MP by dividing cell interval value: 0.06185 and 0.06215

Step 4: Label of Axes

X-axis: Data obtained, midpoint and cell boundaries

Y-axis: Number of occurrences

Step 5: Interpret the histogram

Mean: Sum all the data divide by the number of data, 0.0627

Mode: The highest frequency, 0.0626

Median: 0.0626

Seeing the whole Picture: The grand average mean, X = 0.0627, median 0.0626 and mode 0.0626 confirm that the histogram is
skewed slightly to the right. Because we know the desired target value of 0.0625 in. The frequency diagram gives us the critical
information that there are no plates with a thickness on 0.0629 in. The range distribution of 0.0012 in.

Example: Monitoring Silicon Wafer Thickness

Step 1: Define problem, the production of integrated circuit by etching them onto silicon wafer requires silicon wafer of
consistent thickness

Step 2: Select the characteristics need to be measured. The customers have established a target value for wafer thickness is

Step 3: Choose subgroup size to be sampled. Every 15 minutes, 4 wafers are randomly selected and measured in the order they
are produced.

Step 4: Collect the data, like shown in figure above

Step 5: Determine the trial centreline for X chart

Step 6: Determine the Trial Control Limits for the X Chart

When number of data per subgroup, n = 4, A2 = 0.729 (Appendix 2)

Step 7: Determine the Centerline and Control Limits for the R chart

When n = 4, D3 = 0, D4 = 2.282 (Appendix 2)

X Chart for Silicon Wafer Thickness

R Chart for Silicon Wafer Thickness

R chart reveals that variation is present in the process. Not all the wafers are uniform in their thickness. The customers target
value is 0.25 mm, while the process values have the potential to vary as much as 0.0084 (UCL). Need to determine the method of
removing the variation from their silicon wafer production process

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