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A Vocabulary of Attitudes to Identify Tone

Students sometimes feel vaguely the correct attitude toward what they are reading, but are unstable to clarify and
intensify the mood because they lack vocabulary adequate to describe. Here is a list of attitudes, which should prove
helpful when trying to identify tone in a piece of writing.

Attitudes chiefly rational:

Explanatory, instructive, didactic, admonitory, condemnatory, indignant, puzzled, curious, wistful,

pensive, thoughtful, preoccupied, deliberate, studied, candid, guileless, thoughtless, innocent, frank, sincere,
questioning, uncertain, doubting, incredulous, critical, insinuating, persuading, coaxing, pleading, persuasive,
argumentative, authoritative

Attitudes of pleasure:

Peaceful, satisfied, contented, happy, cheerful, pleasant, bright, sprightly, joyful, playful, jubilant, elated,

Attitudes of pain:

Worried, uneasy, troubled, disappointed, regretful, vexed, annoyed, bored, disgusted, miserable,
cheerless, mournful, sorrowful, sad, dismal, melancholy, plaintive, fretful, querulous, irritable, sore, sour, sulky,
sullen, bitter, crushed, pathetic, tragic

Attitudes of Passion:

Nervous, hysterical, impulsive, impetuous, reckless, desperate, frantic, wild, fierce, furious, savage,
enraged, angry, hungry, greedy, jealous, insane

Attitudes of self-control:

Calm, quiet, solemn, serious, serene, simple, mild, gentle, temperate, imperturbable, nonchalant cool,
wary, cautious

Attitudes of friendliness:

Cordial, sociable, gracious, kindly, sympathetic, compassionate, forgiving, pitying, indulgent, tolerant,
comforting, soothing, tender, loving, caressing, solicitous, accommodating, approving, helpful, obliging,
courteous, polite, confiding, trusting

Attitudes of unfriendliness:

Sharp, severe, cutting, hateful, unsociable, spiteful, harsh, boorish, pitiless, disparaging, derisive,
scornful, satiric, sarcastic, insolent, insulting, impudent, belittling, contemptuous, accusing, reproving, scolding,

Attitudes of comedy:

Facetious, comic, ironic, satiric, amused, mocking, playful, humorous, hilarious, uproarious
Attitudes of animation :Lively, eager, excited, earnest, energetic, vigorous, hearty, ardent, passionate,
rapturous, ecstatic, feverish, inspired, exalted, breathless, hasty, brisk, crisp, hopeful

Attitudes of apathy:

Inert, sluggish, languid, dull, dispassionate, colorless, indifferent, stoic, resigned, defeated, helpless,
hopeless, dry, monotonous, vacant, feeble, dreaming, bored, blas, sophisticated

Attitudes of self importance:

Impressive, profound, proud, dignified, lofty, imperious, confident, egotistical, peremptory, bombastic,
sententious, arrogant, pompous, stiff, boastful, exultant, insolent, domineering, flippant, saucy, positive,
resolute, haughty, condescending, challenging, bold, defiant, contemptuous, assured, knowing

Attitudes of submission and timidity:

Meek, shy, humble, docile, ashamed, modest, timid, unpretentious, respectful, devout, reverent, servile,
obsequious, groveling, contrite, obedient, willing, fawning, ingratiating, deprecatory, submissive, frightened,
surprised, horrified, aghast, astonished, alarmed, fearful, terrified, trembling, wondering, awed, astounded,


Tone reveals the attitude the writer has toward a subject. Word choice (Diction) and syntax allow a
writer to vary the way the audience understands and responds to the feelings the writer incorporates in the
passage. Consistency of tone is how a writer creates unity within a piece. When analyzing tone you are
analyzing the writing the way you would a speakers voice.

EXAMPLES: Read the following murder confessions and try to pick out what the writer used to convey the
corresponding tone.

I just shot my husband five times in the chest with his tek9 TONE: matter-of-fact, objective

How could I ever have killed him? It just isnt possible. TONE: shocked, disbelief

Ive murdered my husband. How can I ever be forgiven for this dreadful act? TONE: remorseful, regretful

That dirty rat. Hes had it coming for years. Im glad I finally did it. TONE: revengeful, triumphant

When analyzing tone the basic elements can be analyzed using the LIDDS acronym.

L anguage overall use of language, such as formal, informal, jargon, etc.

I mages vivid appeals to understanding through senses (metaphor, simile, etc.)

D iction the connotation of word choice

D etails facts that are included or those omitted for a purpose

S yntax how structure affects the readers attitude

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