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NAME: Angel Israel Guerrero Sarchi


DATE: 10-06-2017

The air pollution is an enemy

In the present all people are polluting the environment in which we live. The air

pollution is a problem in Latin America because it afflicts our environment. The

pollution is growing which is very bad, even we contribute to this pollution. One

of the causes of increased pollution is the rapid growth of the number of cars.

Day by day people are exposed to air pollution and this causes them health

problems. The consequences of pollution are many and evil. The carbon dioxide,

sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide of the gas produced by vehicles are very harmful

for the health, produce irritation for the eyes, the nose, the throat, also bronchitis,

pneumonia and can even causes lung cancer. Currently the cities in Latin

America do not have air quality standards that can control this problem. Therefore

the government should take control of the pollution. The government must assess

the consequences for life as it is in danger from pollution. Also the people must

help to reduce pollution. Air pollution is one of the biggest problems nowadays, it

worries people a lot as it will gradually diminished our population. We must make

people aware of the contamination which is getting worse every day. Pollution

can be reduced if we all do our part, so hopefully in the future we can live in an

environment without pollution.

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