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June Robert C.

Zamora , 2015-04723

A Reaction Paper on an Example of a Thought Collective On Social Medias

Creation of collective thoughts, and thus styles, in social medias nowadays is

very rampant, and one such example of a contemporary collective thought we can
observe is the one centered on the issues of Mining in the Philippines associated with
the current DENR Secretary Gina Lopez.

It all started with Gina Lopez campaign against irresponsible mining which in
paper, is supposed to be a noble cause for the environment and in turn, for the country
itself. But, the enactment of the cause was the one itself irresponsible and was carried
out with no so much basis and objective reason. To date, More than half of the
countrys Mining Industry was forced to close down which did hurt the countrys
economy. Thus, the creation of collective communities, thought and style centered on
this issue.

In social media , there has been memes , videos , picture or interview

documentations regarding this matter and the online community has been discussing
and rebating issues about this. One collective community , mainly those people who
are well versed in the subject of geology, mining and economy, opposes and thus hold
discussions and online pubs to educate people and interviews to know what the
secretary is thinking, as well as to demand on the secretary to listen to technical
reports. Some do agree, and others dont know thing or two. Of course , in their
discussion, the critiques must be critical on the geological ,geographical and political
laws concerning the said issue to make sense.

I think it is great for a leader to be an idealist because these people, they see far.
Yet , leaders must act not just on the idea alone but with proper reasoning, moral
judgements and factual basis. The world just dont run on what you think , or what
your dreams and visions are . Sometimes, you must be grounded on reality and
consider what others think and how it will affect them because after all , a leader is to
serve and service is joy.

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