Marsradiostory Lucasfrancoclaytonhuberandrescerillo

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Mars Radio Story

To Mars
Andres, Clayton, and Lucas

Story Plan & Plot

Act 1 : Beginning: what is happening at the beginning?

Jeff had just graduated from flight school, his dream of

becoming a pilot was coming true right before his eyes. He had
never felt this adrenaline and excitement before, but when he
was handed the diploma, he couldnt hold in his emotions. The
excitement he had couldve lasted for what seemed like forever,
until that day happened. A week after the graduation, he went to
clinic for his monthly check-up, all seemed to going well until
his Doctor, (Dr. Hoff) had informed him that he had a brain
tumor. Jeff was torned, his excited face was no longer.
Hopeless, he then ventures to travel to Mars as his dying wish.

Act 2: Middle: usually the highest point of action in the story.

On his space flight to Mars he starts to count down the amount

of days that pass by until he quickly arrives to Mars. He then
forgets about what his Doctor had told him due to his happiness
of arriving, upon arrival, his rocket had blown up when he
landed, luckily he was able to get out in time, he then quickly
makes friends with Martians so that they could help him rebuild
it, but if things couldnt get worse, a light had appeared in
the sky, as it was coming closer the martians had ran away, but
Jeff wasnt moving, he was frozen in awe until the light had
caught up to his eyes.

Act 3 : Ending: how did everything finally work out?

Everything went to black, no sound, no sight, no nothing. 7

years later there was a funeral for Jeff, it turns out he never
made it to Mars, everything he saw was nothing but a
hallucination, the insanity of being alone got to the best of
him, to the point where he fell in a coma and eventually
ultimate death.

The Setting

The Characters

List all characters: protagonist, antagonist and secondary


Tip: Who is the main character? Do they have any friends or

helpers? Is there someone who challenges the main character?
Instead of just naming people, talk about what makes each person

Protagonist: Jeff Antagonist 1: Bright Light

Antagonist 2 : Jeff (Insane)

Side Character: Dr. Hoff

Side Character: John Johnson

Overview of Mars Radio Project/Exhibition Presentation

The Mars radio project consists of making stories about our lives on Mars or
about our Journey to the red planet. These stories cover a wide variety of genres
such as Satire, Romance, Adventure, and Action. We have also done research
about Mars, and we have read the Martian to write theses stories. Our Story is
about this person named Jeff who is a very happy man who just recently
graduated flight school hoping to become a full fledged pilot. Suddenly he got
news from his doctor (Dr.Hoff) that he has a brain tumor and he only has 10
months to live. Hopelessly, he enters a raffle to become the first test pilot for a
one way mission to Mars. Once chosen, he then starts his mission on a
problematic but hilarious journey to Mars.

Clayton: BLUE
Andres: GREEN
Lucas: RED

List of scenes: Write down your scenes in order from beginning

to end. Remember for each scene to include: title of scene, the
main event,the function of the scene to your overall story, the
setting, the characters who may be involved, the outcome of that
scene. Some of your strongest lines should be your first and
last lines of each scene.

Intro: Hello my name is Andres, my name is Clayton, and my name

is Lucas. We are ninth graders in the school of High Tech High
Chula Vista. Today, you will be listening to a story that we
have written for our project. Just a quick disclaimer, we advise

you to not do any of the things that are said, this is strictly
satirical and is not meant to be taken seriously. Jeff Jefferson
is a trained professional and we dont take fault for your
action. Dont sue us. Hope you enjoy!!

Scene 1: Introduction:As Jeff climbed into the rocket, he

recalled his graduation from flight school, his face shimmering
from excitement and awe. As he walked towards the stage, he
looked back at the audience and quickly spotted his roommate in
the crowd. His roommate was the only one there that Jeff
considered family, since his family left him when Jeff dropped
out of high school in the 10th grade, when Jeff joined flight
school. He also recalls the first day he met his roommate in
flight school, Jeff had walked in the first day of second
semester and his teacher said Good morning class! Today we are
joined by a new student! His name is John Johnson. Ever since
that day Jeff and John became the best of friends.

Intro to Story:

Royalty Free Space Music


Narrator: The night sky was shimmering brightly on a very

special NASA landing pad... this pad will send the first person
to the red planet(Mars)... As Jeff Jefferson
climbed into the rocket, he recalled his graduation from flight
school, his face shimmering from excitement and awe.

Jeff: Well... I see a lot of black stars... and a white night...

Narrator: As Jeff looked down from the rockets window, he

quickly spotted his roommate in the crowd. He thinks to himself

Jeff: Well... I guess this is it... Ill see you on the other

Narrator: John his roommate, was the only one there that Jeff
considered family, since his real family left him when he
dropped out of high school in the 10th grade, when he joined

flight school. He also recalls the first day he met his
roommate... Jeff walked in the first day of second semester and
his teacher says

School bell:

Professor:Good morning class! Today we are joined by a new

student! His name is John Johnson.

Narrator: Jeff and John locked eyes... ever since that day they
had been of best friends... Jeff now remembered the day he
graduated, but he was nearly stuck in place, the nervousness and
excitement had kept growing as he was

approaching the man that would impact his life, his professor.

Jeff: Oh man, oh man, oh man! I cant believe this is happening!

Narrator: As Jeff stared on to see the man ahead of him grab his
own diploma, Jeff looked down to see that his hands were
shaking, and before he knew it he saw his professor looking down
at him, diploma in hand, Jeff was not moving:

Professor: Jeff are you okay? You look constipated, Listen I

have a schedule. Can we hurry this up?!

Narrator: Jeff then came to his senses and instantly grabbed his
diploma and ran ! Hours later he was then continuously
congratulated by his roommate John.

John: Congrats Jeff! Now you can fly me anywhere I want to go!

Jeff: (sarcastically) Ha Ha Ha. Thats funny.

Scene 2: Crisis: Jeffs hands were shaking with both

nervousness and excitement as he was handed the diploma, this
diploma gives him the authority to fly all kinds of planes. He

could not believe that this was happening right in front of his
eyes, he even pinched himself because he truly believed that he
was dreaming. He was continuously congratulated by his roommate.
He believed that his happiness will last forever, just like the
fairy tales. Until that day had occurred, he went to the doctors
for his monthly check up, all was going well until his doctor
(Dr.Hoff) had given him the tragic news that he had a brain
tumor. The happy face that Jeff had before was no longer, as his
face, mood and emotion had quickly deepened with sadness and


Narrator: Jeffs alarm had loudly rang. Jeff was then surprised
and had jumped from his bed and immediately changed.
Alarm Clock
Jeff: Oh no I overslept! Im gonna be late for my physical

Narrator: Jeff was running towards the clinic, his smile was
spread from ear to ear. Dr.Hoff surprised by this look had then
happily greeted him:
Foot Steps
Dr. Hoff: What brings you here today Jeff?!

Jeff: WellIm here for my physical, dont you remember?!

Dr. Hoff: Take a seat here, Ill run a few tests!

Narrator: As Jeff was getting his blood pressure taken, he

noticed that Dr. Hoff had an expression like he had just seen a
ghost throughout the check-up.
HeartBeat Sound
Jeff: Something wrong Doc?!

Dr. Hoff: Oh its nothing, its nothing. Dont worry about it.

Jeff: Alrighty then

Narrator: As they finished, Dr. Hoff issued Jeff to walk with
him to his office. With a devastated look on his face he

Dr. Hoff: Jeff after running numerous tests and searching for
alternative treatments I am afraid that the tumor we discovered
in your brain is inoperable and we cant do anything about it.
You have 10 months to live.
Sad Music
Narrator: Jeff became quickly distraught, the excited face he
had before was no longer, his face looked empty, like a ghost
had just appeared right before his eyes, barely able to speak,
he quietly asked in desperation:

Jeff: Youre joking right?! Please tell me youre joking!

Narrator: Dr. Hoff stood up and put his hand on Jeffs shoulder,
and said:

Dr. Hoff: I wish I was Jeff, I really wish I was.

Recorded Audio:


Scene 3: Raffle

After hearing the news of having a brain tumor, Jeff hopelessly

entered a Raffle to go on a one way mission to Mars. While he
was waiting for the raffle, he volunteered as a stand up
comedian because his other lifelong goal was to make people
laugh, but he was soon kicked out because all of his jokes were
really corny. Weeks later, he was then accepted into the journey
to Mars. He throws a party at his apartment and only his
roommate shows up.


Fair (Throughout the Scene)

Narrator: After Jeff heard about being diagnosed with a brain

tumor he was crying... Jeff desperately drove to his local fair
in look for an opportunity.

Jeff: I dont know what to do, What to do for my last 10

Narrator: Jeff heard a man shouting from a booth saying

Booth Man: Step right up folks, enter this raffle for a chance
to head on a one way Journey to Mars!

Narrator: Jeffs face !!!LIT!!! up with happiness when he asked

Jeff: MARS!!! Aint that a candy Bar?!?!?!!

Booth Man: We are holding a raffle for a one way trip to Mars,
The Red Planet! In fact, we actually got a Virtual Reality of
Mars sent in from NASA!

Jeff: Wow thats so cool! What is it?

Booth Man: It simulates the weather and gravity on the planet,

it makes you feel like youre actually on Mars, and the best
part is you get to do whatever you want! Aint that cool!?

Jeff: I have no idea what you just said, but let me have a try!

Narrator: After walking around in circles for 30 minutes only

being able to see mountains in the distance, and red dust all
over the place, Jeff finally said:

Jeff: Well Whoop De Do!!! Count ME INNNN!!!!

Narrator: Weeks Later Jeff got an email stating that he got

chosen for the once in a lifetime Journey!

Scene 4: The Lift Off

Jeff Climbed into the pilot compartment alone with no one by his
side, awaiting the countdown to begin. What Jeff didnt notice
is that his roommate John snuck into the spaceship. The
countdown began T-10, T-9, T-8, T-7, T-6. T-5, T-4, T-3, T-2,
and T-1 Houston we have lift off, I repeat we have lift off!
Jeff said. As the Ship started to leave the atmosphere Jeff
started stared out the window to see earth for the last time.


Narrator: Jeff climbed into the pilot compartment alone with no

one by his side.

Footsteps on Metal (When hes climbing into the Space Ship)

Jeff: GOD!! I cant Believe this is it!! The last time on Earth
sunny boy.

John: I-I... I cant live without Jeff in my life!!!... I know

what I can do... Ill sneak in!!!!

*enters in the spaceship*

John: I wonder where Jeff is, I gotta find him! Ill stay here
in the bathroom until we are in space!

*CountDown Begins*

When the Countdown begins

Narrator: As Jeff started to leave the atmosphere he said

Jeff: Man, It look Better in The Movies!!!

Scene 5: Crisis #2/Solution

As Jeffs lands on Mars, he walked around the freezing red

planet, as he was walking around he heard a faint beeping noises
from his space ship. As he walked back to the ship he saw a
large black smoke cloud followed by a huge explosion. Quickly

devastated by this, he soon became hopeless because he believed
that there is truly no way back, in the distance he saw small
figures, that seemed to be carrying weapons. They seemed to be
threatened by this explosion, but with Jeffs wit, he convinces
theses Martians to help him reconstruct the ship.

Narrator: Jeffs rocket was continuously shaking and vibrating

(Rocket Shaking,Beeping Sounds) confused, he then ran to his
small window and looked out, he saw a small red dot from his
peripherals, fascinated, he noticed that the dot was growing
bigger and bigger.

Jeff: What the H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS!!! Is this Mars?!?!

Narrator: The rockets velocity started to increase, a little

faster than Jeff had expected, it seemed to be too much for him
to handle, Jeff started to have a panic attack:

Jeff: NO! NO! NO! NO! I cant die now!! I still need to learn
how to swi-

Narrator: Before he could finish his sentence, the rocket made

impact with Mars, Jeff was left unconscious, he started to

Jeff: *snoring*

Narrator: Jeff thought he smelled bacon and immediately woke up:

Jeff: Is that bacon I smell?!?!

Narrator: Jeff noticed that there seemed to be a small fire

coming from inside the rocket (Fire Sound Effect). Jeff was
caught off guard and immediately ran as far away as he can from
the ship.

Jeff: Holy crabernickles, that was a close one!

Narrator:Jeffs face quickly became horrified as he saw black

smoke coming from his rocket, it was then followed by a huge
explosion (Explosion Sound Effect). Jeff saw all the rockets

debris slowly fall down (Debris Falling). His face changed to

Jeff: NOOOO!!! If Im stuck here then I know for sure I wont be

able to fly a plane!!!

Narrator: As he finished his last sentence, he saw small figures

in the distance, curious, Jeff stared at the figures. He noticed
that they started to come closer. Jeff froze with fear. The
figures started to run towards him carrying small weapons.

Jeff: Whoever or whatever you are, I mean no harm!!!!

Narrator: Jeff then got a clear vision of these martians, they

were wobbling towards him like penguins, the bodies they had
were skinny, it reminded him of the tools he was handed before
he climbed in the ship. Jeff was outnumbered, he couldnt move
and suddenly blurted out.

Jeff: Alright I have a deal! If you help me rebuild my ship, I

will give you not just one, but TWO Mars candy bars! Sound good?

Narrator: The martians looked at each other, they seemed to be

arguing, but in the end, they all nodded in agreement.

Jeff: Alrighty! Lets get started!!

Scene 6: Crisis #3

As Jeff and his fellow friends were rebuilding the ship ,they
all were caught off guard by a small white light in the sky.
Jeff and his friends realized that it was getting bigger and
brighter. All of his friends started to run but Jeff because he
was frozen in awe. As the white light got closer everything went
to black.


Narrator:A few hours later since Jeff and the Martians met they
were hard at work on trying to fix the ship(Construction Sound
Effect). Until they were all caught off guard.

Jeff: Wait!!! what the lobster in my pants is going on here what
is that in the sky?!?!

Martians: *Odd communication sounds*

Narrator: They soon realized the Bright yet small White Light
was getting closer and Bigger. (Light Sound Effect)

Martians: *Running away panic sound*


Narrator: Jeff tried to run when the Light got closer, he

couldnt because he was frozen in AWE! In a matter of seconds
everything was white. Then it all turned to Black.

Scene 7: Suicide


Jeff finally comes to his senses and realizes that he's crazy,
he is not on mars, his ship is an unfixable piece of tin, and
there is no fixing it. Jeff starts thinking about his sad life
while going on a stroll in his ship and spots his dead
roommate's body in the bathroom, his hips were smashed into his
upper chest, legs gone, arms gone, and his eyes were jammed 2
inches deep into his skull. Jeff realizes there is no point to
carry on in his life, there is no option-Quote im Jeff
Jefferson and I approve this message... He floats into deep
space with nothing but regrets in his life... THE END


Narrator: Jeff finally woke up and realizes that he's crazy, he

is not on mars, his ship is an unfixable piece of tin.

Jeff: huh... what??? Im not on mars??? So all that was a

dream... geezus...I... I need to use the restroom

Narrator: Jeff walks into the bathroom to see his roommate
flattened out like a pancake

Jeff: oh no... John... did you get plastic surg...??? Ooh nah...
you just dead... well sir-John... I need to move ya so I can do
my duty

Narrator: Jeff slid John off of the toilet and did what he had
to do... he then walked out

Jeff: Darn... everythings gone, Johns gone, I have nothing...

what's the point of living you know what I mean. Well... Im Jeff
Jefferson and I approve this message

Narrator: Jeff then jumps out into space with nothing but
regrets in his life... the door gets caught on his foot and he
slammed into the ship...

Jeff: Oww!!!

Narrator: Jeff will always be known as the brave soul to die on

the first manned mission to Mars. The message we are trying to
propose is to live everyday like it's your last, do things that
people usually don't do, because you never know when it's going
to end.

Jeff: Agreed!

Everyone: THE END


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