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9 Inventions Leonardo da Vinci

Man of art. Man of ideas. pronunciation

In this unit 9.1 m a r v e l l o u s m i n d s Man of inventions. 6a 2.17
Verb endings The past simple ending -ed
has three possible pronunciations. Listen to these
Grammar His life examples and repeat them.
past simple, regular and Leonardo da Vinci (14521519) lived in a /d / enjoyed /t/ helped /d / needed
irregular small town in Italy with his grandparents.
He studied at home and enjoyed music, 6b Put the verbs from Exercise 5b in the correct
Vocabulary column, then listen to Track 2.16 again, check and
inventions singing and mathematics. At the age of 16,
repeat the sentences.
medical science he wanted to study art, so he moved to the
city of Florence for art classes. He finished
his studies after four years. He then worked G r a m m a r tip
On the radio
in Milan as an engineer and he started his Some verbs in the past simple are irregular.
Study skills life as an inventor. In 1500 he returned to We dont add -ed to the infinitive.
taking notes while
reading Florence and in 1516 he travelled to France, He had the first ideas. (infinitive have)
where he stayed for the rest of his life. He built his robot in 1495. (infinitive build)
Writing skills
a short biography His inventions
Leonardo da Vinci lived and worked before 7 Read the rest of the text (His inventions) again
people used electricity and petrol for power, and find the past simple forms of these verbs.
but he had the first ideas for many machines
that we use today. 1 stand 3 hold 5 make
Alfred Nobel Leonardo da Vinci Levi Strauss 2 sit 4 drive
The robot Language reference and extra practice, pages 138139
Necessity is the mother of invention. Leonardo built his
Plato, Greek philosopher
robot in 1495. The 8 Complete the sentences with the past simple
robot stood up, sat of the verbs in brackets. Is each verb regular or
r ea d ing G r a m m a r : past simple (affirmative) down and held things irregular? (See the irregular verb list on page 159.)
in its arms. 1 Last month, I three films at the cinema. (see)
1 What do you know about the three people in the When we talk about finished events and times in The car 2 Last year, we to Hawaii on holiday. (go)
photos? Discuss them with a partner. the past we use the past simple: A single passenger 3 He Russia in 2006. (visit)
In 1500 he returned to Florence. drove the car. It
2 Leonardo da Vinci was a famous inventor. Look at travelled 40 metres at
4 They in a hotel by the sea last summer. (stay)
these inventions. Which are his ideas or inventions? infinitive return past simple returned 5 Yesterday, I home at midnight. (get)
a time.
the bicycle the car the diving suit 5a Read the first paragraph of the text (His life) The helicopter
6 My father mathematics at university. (study)
the helicopter high heels the parachute again and find other examples of the past simple. 7 When I was a child, I in a small town. (live)
Complete the table below. Leonardo designed
the radio the robot the telescope 8 I to class by bus this morning. (come)
the first helicopter but
Read the text Leonardo da Vinci quickly and check Infinitive Past simple he never made it. His
your ideas. design used a screw to S P E A K ing
return returned
3 Read the text again. Are these sentences true lift the helicopter into
or false?
Note: we usually add -ed to the infinitive to form the past
simple but sometimes there are spelling changes:
the air. This is different 9 Tell a partner about last weekend. What verbs do
from the modern you need to use? Make a list.
1 When he was young, Leonardo was at a study studied, travel travelled, live lived design, but the general Last weekend, I visited my grandparents on Saturday.
large school.
Language reference and extra practice, pages 138139 idea is similar. I had lunch with them.
2 Leonardo was an engineering student.
3 A lot of modern inventions use his ideas. 5b 2.16
Complete the sentences with your The diving suit Last Sunday, I went skiing. I had a great time.
answers from Exercise 5a. Then listen and check. Leonardo made the
4 The robot could only move its legs. suit of leather and
1 Leonardo his studies of art in 1468. W R I T ing
5 The car could only travel a short distance. added long pipes to
2 He these studies in 1472.
6 Leonardos helicopter is the same as the carry the air to the
modern ones. 3 He money so he started work as an engineer. diver. He also invented 10a Look at the information on page 121
4 Leonardo as an engineer for 32 years. about Alfred Nobel and Levi Strauss. Match the
7 Modern divers use Leonardos diving glove. special gloves for
information with these inventors and then write a
5 He in Milan from 1472 to 1500. divers. Today, divers short text about them.
4 Put the inventions in the text in order of 6 He to Florence after 28 years in Milan. use them on their feet!
importance. Compare with a partner. 10b 2.18 Listen and compare your texts.
These are just some of Leonardos hundreds
of inventions. He also invented a parachute
and even high heels!

74 UNIT 9 Inventions UNIT 9 75

9.2 w h i t e c oat s w h i t e c oat s 9.2
V oca b u la r y : medical science Grammar: listening G r a m m a r : past simple (questions)
past simple (negative)
1 Choose the best words to complete the sentences. Use your 9 Look at the two questions below and choose the
dictionary. 4 Underline the negative forms of the correct words in the statements 14.
1 Science/Medicine is the study and trial/treatment of past simple in the text. (The first one is Did Felix Bloch invent the MRI scanner?
illnesses. underlined.) Then complete the rule. When did they build the first scanner?
2 Teeth/Skin and bones/the heart are hard parts of the body. To make the negative of the past simple, 1 Past simple questions use the past form of do/have.
we use: subject + + +
3 A scientist/doctor usually works in a laboratory/waiting room. 2 Did always comes before/after the subject of the
infinitive without to.
4 A scientist uses tools/equipment to do question.
Note: when we speak, and in informal
examinations/experiments. writing, did not didnt. 3 The main verb comes before/after the subject.
Language reference and extra practice, 4 The main verb is in the infinitive (without to) / the
r ea d ing pages 138139 past simple (affirmative).

5 Write true sentences with the past 6a Look at this picture. What is this machine, do
2 Look at the photos AD and match them with paragraphs simple (affirmative or negative) of the you think? G r a m m a r tip
14 in the text Medical inventions. verbs in brackets. a) an MRI scanner b) an X-ray machine Notice the short answers:
c) a microscope
3 Complete the table with information from the text. 1 People the scalpel for the first Did you see him there? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.
time around 3000 BC. (use) 6b 2.19 Listen to the first part of a radio interview Did they arrive on time? Yes, they did. / No, they
Medical inventions 2 The Japanese acupuncture. didnt.
and check your answer.
Name Date Country Other information (invent)
scalpel 3000 BC 1 didnt change for 3 People false teeth before 700 BC. 7a Do you think these sentences about the Language reference and extra practice, pages 138139
machine on Track 2.20 are true or false?
2 years (wear)
1 The machine looks inside you.
10 Put the words in the right order to make
3 4 5 4 False teeth between 700 BC and questions. Ask and answer the questions with a
acupuncture still popular in
AD 1770. (change) 2 It can only take a picture of your head. partner. Check your answers on page 121.
needles and other countries
5 Zacharias Jansen the first 3 Its dangerous. 1 Thomas Edison TV Did invent ?
6 700 BC 7 didnt change until microscope. (make) 4 German scientists invented it. 2 make Europeans the first paper Did ?
6 His microscope objects ten times 5 Hospitals first used it in the 1980s. 3 did invent Wilhelm Rntgen What ?
9 10 Holland people didnt want bigger than their real size. (show)
4 the Americans When on the moon did
to look at 11 7b 2.20 Now listen to the rest of the interview and
land ?
things then check your answers to Exercise 7a.
5 Where first arrive did in America
8 Listen again and complete these sentences. Christopher Columbus ?
Medical inve n t i o n s A B
S P E A K ing
1 The scalpel is one of the oldest inventions in medicine. It
is a small, light and very sharp knife. People used it for the 11 Tell your partner about your first experiences.
first time around 3000 bc in the area of modern Iraq. The Use ideas from the list. Answer your partners
scalpel did not change very much for 4,000 years. questions.
2 The Chinese invented acupuncture needles around cook a meal play a sport move to a new house
2000 bc. At first, they did not make needles from metal, but
eat foreign food win something hold a baby
from stone. Today, people in China and other countries use
acupuncture for many illnesses. 1 The scanner can show both the hard parts and the organise a party fly travel alone vote
3 People in southern Italy invented the first false teeth about soft parts of the body. go abroad
700 bc. They used pieces of bone, or sometimes second- C D 2 It can take a picture of the body. I first travelled alone when I was 18.
hand human teeth! After that, false teeth did not change 3 In the 1950s, Felix Bloch the importance of Then listen to your partners experiences and ask
for the next 2,500 years until, in 1770, a Frenchman called NMR for looking inside the human body. questions.
Alexis Duchateau first used porcelain, a hard, white material
4 Raymond Damadian and his team built the first Did you like it / enjoy it?
that we still sometimes use today.
full-body MRI scanner in .
4 Zacharias Jansen from Holland made the first microscope in How did you feel?
about 1590.Through it, objects appeared nine times bigger 5 In , hospitals around the world bought their
What happened next?
than their real size, but it did not give a very clear picture. first MRI scanners.
Jansen did not use his invention very much because people 6 The scanner isnt good for people who dont like
at that time did not want to look at small things! .

76 UNIT 9 Inventions UNIT 9 77

9.3 scena r io On the radio 9.3
P r epa r ation 4 2.23 Thepresenter next gives four reasons for voting for the
umbrella. What do you think she says? Choose four reasons
1 Match the things below with photos from this list, then listen and check.
AE on page 79. How often do you use 1 It is one of the oldest everyday inventions.
them? 2 It is a good simple design.
chewing gum lipstick Post-it notes 3 It has three different uses.
tin cans umbrellas 4 Umbrellas can be very colourful.
2a 2.21 Listen to the introduction to 5 Umbrellas are not expensive.
a radio programme and complete the 6 They are easy to carry.
1 the title of the programme: K e y lang u age : giving reasons
The nations everyday
2 the phone number of the radio show: 5 2.24
Look at the reasons below from the programme.
0810 Complete the sentences, then listen and check your ideas. D
2b Listen again, then complete this 1 Well, the important reason that its one of the
description of the programme with the oldest inventions in the world.
words in the box. 2 Secondly, the umbrella is a great invention its got several
different uses.
choose history information 3 Vote for the umbrella umbrellas bring colour to our grey,
normal opinion texting rainy streets.
4 My reason that umbrellas are very cheap to make. B
This programme gives the 1 of
inventions that people use in their
6 You can put many different things before the phrases
lives. We learn some important
reason is that and because Write the following words 8 Ask and answer these questions with a partner.
about the inventions. Each week, Use the phrases from Exercise 6.
or phrases in the correct place below. E
the presenter gives her 4 about the
1 Why are you learning English?
inventions and, after the programme, the a very good they are popular another
listeners 5 their favourite invention Im learning English because I like the language.
one people buy umbrellas the main
by 6 a phone number. The main reason is that I want a better job.
umbrellas are useful buy an umbrella
2 Why do people join clubs?
3a How much do you know about A very good They are popular
the history of the umbrella? Are these 3 Why do people go to university?
sentences true or false? Guess. 4 Why do people play sport?
1 People first used umbrellas in places reason is (that) because 5 Why do people have pets?
like India, Egypt and China. 6 Why do people go abroad on holiday?
2 At first, only rich and important people
used umbrellas. task : giving a short
3 The British made the first umbrella for 7a Stressed words Look at these phrases. Underline the words presentation
the rain. that are different in each phrase. othe r Usefu l ph r ases
4 In Europe, for many years, only men 1 An important reason is that 9a Work with a partner. You are the presenters My invention is
used umbrellas. Women did not like 2 A good reason is that of the radio show. Prepare a short talk about an
them. Here are my three facts.
3 The second reason is that everyday invention. Follow the instructions below.
5 The first umbrella shop opened in Pair A: Look at page 113. Firstly, Secondly, Finally,
London. 4 One reason is that The first / second / main reason is
Pair B: Look at page 118.
5 Another reason is that Pair C: Look at page 120. that
3b 2.22 Listen to the radio programme
6 The main reason is that Pair D: Look at page 120. So, why vote for ?
and check your ideas.
Make sure you
7b 2.25
Listen to the phrases fom Exercise 7a. Which word has
give a short introduction to the invention perhaps
the most stress in each phrase? 9b Now work in groups of four students. Each
an interesting fact, or a description of the invention group has an A, B, C and D student. Give your talk to
7c Say the phrases with a partner. Is your sentence stress good? give three facts about the invention the other students in your group.
give some reasons for voting for this invention
make a final comment. 10 Vote for your favourite invention and say why
Look at Tracks 2.222.23 on page 153 for an example. you like it.

78 UNIT 9 Inventions UNIT 9 79

9.4 st u d y an d w r iting skills 9.4
w r iting skills :
Winds from the East: a short biography

Chinese inventions 6 Discuss these questions with a partner.

1 Do you know the names of any women inventors?
The Chinese invented many things that we use today, 2 Why are most inventors men, do you think?
long before they appeared in the West.
7a Look at these events in the life of Hedy Lamarr and
The Chinese invented paper in the 2nd century bc. number them in the correct order. Detail from
Over a thousand years later, in the 12th century Discuss your order with your partner. communications system
ad, Europeans first made paper. Another example is a) She went to America.
matches: the Chinese had matches in the 6th century, b) She acted in the European art film Extase and she
but Europeans did not use them until the 19th became famous. 10 Use the information below to write a
century. Paper money is another Chinese invention: Marco Polo travelling by camel caravan, c) She wrote a book about her life. short biography.
Europeans first made it in Sweden in 1661, but Catalan atlas, 1375
d) When she was a teenager, she went to acting school
the Chinese invented it 800 years earlier, in the 9th
in Berlin.
century. Arabian Gulf and northern Africa and, from there,
e) After four years, she left her husband and she went
Knowledge of other inventions came along the Silk they spread north to Europe. Travellers like Marco
to London.
Road, linking East and West, and more information Polo (12541324) also brought stories of Chinese
f) She became a Hollywood star. Madam CJ
came by sea. Sailors brought Chinese ideas to the inventions back to Europe. Walker (Sarah
g) She and George developed a radio communications
system for submarines. Breedlove) the first
h) As a child, she grew up in Vienna. African-American
i) She married Fritz Mandl, the first of her six husbands. woman millionaire
S t u d y skills : taking j) She met George Antheil, a composer. 9 1867 born Sarah
A 1
notes while reading 2nd c. bc k) Hedy Lamarr was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1913. 1 Breedlove in
paper 12th c.
Louisiana, USA
1 Discuss these questions with a
2 7b 2.26 Listen and check your answers. 1874 parents died / she went to work in
partner. e.g. Marco Polo
8 Linkers Look at Track 2.26 on page 153. Complete this table cotton fields
1 When do you take notes? with the underlined linking words. 1881 married Moses McWilliam
2 How do you take notes? 1885 only daughter Lelia born
matches matches At the same Next
3 Do you think you are good or bad 3 CHINA 4
EUROPE 19th c. time 1887 husband died / she got a job
at taking notes? Why? Road washing clothes
during later
2 Recording notes There are 1890s lost some of her hair
different ways of taking notes. There by sea via 1905 developed new hair care products /
is no right or wrong way. Read the Arabian Gulf + 6
9 Read the text about Ada Lovelace and changed her name to Madam CJ Walker
text above and complete the two choose the best linking words.
1908 opened a training college in
paper money paper money
different kinds of notes. Pittsburgh
5 7
3 Note-taking style Study the Lady Ada Lovelace the worlds 1910 built a factory in Indianapolis
first woman in computers 1916 gave money to help African-
notes and answer these questions.
Ada Byron was born in 1815 in Americans
1 Do we use words like a, the and in
Piccadilly, London. Her parents (the
in notes? B Chinese inventions 1919 died in New York State / richest
poet Lord Byron and Anne Milbanke) African-American woman
2 What do these symbols mean? Chinese invented 1 2nd c. bc Europe 12th c. separated immediately 1then / later / after her birth.
a) b) + c) " d) c. 2 Four months 2during / before / later, Lord Byron left
" " matches " 19th c.
England forever. In 1828, at the age of 13, Ada produced
4 Which kind of notes do you " " paper money 9th c. " ad 1661
a design for a flying machine. 3Before / Then / During,
prefer, A (the mind map) or B? Why?
Ways to Europe in 1833, Ada met the mathematician and inventor
5 Look at the text about Leonardo 3
Charles Babbage. Two years 4after that / next / then,
da Vinci on page 75. Make notes Road she married William King (later Lord Lovelace) and they
on it. Compare your notes with a by sea, China Arabian 4 + northern Africa Europe had three children. 5During / After / Next the birth of
partner. Can you make your notes her third child, she began work with Charles Babbage.
5 , e.g. Marco Polo
better? She developed the idea of using binary numbers (0, 1)
and understood many ideas that we use in computer
programming today. She died in 1852. Charles Babbages Analytical Engine

80 UNIT 9 Inventions UNIT 9 81

rEVIEW u N I T S 7 9
Malta 7
The Phoenicians 6 (be) the other early visitors. They
(use) the islands natural harbours for their ships,
and they also 8 (trade) with other countries around

Certainly. We have over 50 different designs.
I dont know. There are so many!
Today, Malta is a popular holiday island in the Mediterranean
the Mediterranean from these harbours. During the Roman 7 read the email from Camilla to her sister Susie in A: This one is popular.
Sea, but it 1 (not/be) always an island: thousands of the uK. Choose the best word, a), b) or c), for gaps 19.
years ago, there 2 (be) a large desert between Europe Empire, Rome also 9 (control) the island for seven B: Why?
and Africa, but at that time there 3 (be) no people there. centuries. A: Well, 4 . The first advantage is the camera and
Between 7000 and 5000 bc, people 4 (travel) across Like the Phoenicians, the Romans 10 (not/can) control the second is that you can listen to music on it.
the sea from Sicily to Malta. They 5 (build) the famous the islands any more and they 11 (leave). Malta 12 Camilla Nichols B: Yes, but that means its the most expensive. Sorry,
temples on the island. (have) many more visitors after that. The Arabs 13 Susie Nichols but Id like something cheaper.
(live) there for two centuries and 14 (give) the modern Mums birthday A: 5 . This model is half the price.
Maltese language many B: Does it play music?
words. The Spanish, the Dear Susie A: No, 6 , but it has a camera.
1 are things? Im emailing you from a petrol
French and the British all
15 (come) and station. The petrol, or what Americans call 2
is really cheap here. I can fill the car for about $20
, 9b 2.28
read the conversation in Exercise 9a
16 (leave) the and listen to a similar conversation. There are five
and drive across California! The 3 are like our
island, and, finally, in motorways but a lot 4 and ten times longer. Im differences. Write the changes.
1964, Malta 17 driving a big American car its so big that yesterday,
(become) independent I couldnt drive it out of the parking 5 (thats car
and 18 (can) make park for you!). L AnGuAGe CHeCk
its own laws and protect Its Mums birthday next week. I think shed like a
The Hagar Qim its own people.
6 camera. Are they expensive? In the United
States everything is so cheap compared with the UK.
10 Write in the missing preposition in sentences
temple in Malta 110. use the prepositions in the box and look at the
I found trainers for about 5 at a shop called The Big
Shoe 7 , so I bought two pairs. And I also got pages to check.
some gold 8 heels. I cant walk in them but they
look wonderful! before down during for
GrAmmAr 5 2.27 Listen to a conversation and choose the best 9 for now. in in of on on to
answer. Camilla

1 Write the verbs in the text in the past simple. 1 Where is the woman?
1 a) Hope b) Hi c) How
a) in a supermarket b) in a car park 1 I dont spend a lot of time the shops. (page 58)
2 Complete the questions about Malta in the past c) in a managers office 2 a) oil b) gas c) water 2 How much did you pay these DVDs? (page 59)
simple. 2 What does she want to buy? 3 a) main streets b) highways 3 A lot of companies are doing business
1 Q: How did the first visitors ? a) food b) clothes c) food and clothes c) high roads the Internet. (page 61)
A: They travelled by boat. 3 How is the woman paying for her shopping today? 4 a) widen b) width c) wider 4 First all, its an interesting place to visit. (page 63)
2 Q: Who ? a) by credit card b) with cash c) by direct debit 5 a) lot b) market c) car 5 We saw that film the day yesterday. (page 67)
A: The Phoenicians. 4 How much does she usually spend? 6 a) electric b) computer c) digital 6 We usually go holiday to Spain. (page 69)
3 Q: Why ? a) 100 b) under 100 c) over 100
7 a) Store b) Motel c) Station 7 Do you chat friends on the Internet? (page 69)
A: For their ships and because they could trade with
other countries. 6a Choose the correct form of the verb in the 8 a) long b) heavy c) high 8 Youre on the third floor. So go those
conversation between a supermarket manager and a 9 a) Bye b) Care c) Love stairs to the second floor. (page 70)
4 Q: How long ?
A: For seven centuries.
customer. 9 Leonardo started his studies 1468. (page 75)
M: Hello. 1Im / Im being the manager of this 10 She married three different men her life. (page 81)
5 Q: What ? Key L AnGuAGe
A: Many words.
supermarket and today 2we talk / were talking to
some of our customers. 3Do you have / Are you
6 Q: When ? having five minutes? 8 Put the words in the right order to make LO O k bAC k
A: In 1964.
C: Yes, OK.

3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions M: Great. What 4do you buy / are you buying today? a) you some mobile show could phones 11 Find the exercises in units 79 where you
Food or clothes? me please ? discuss your shopping habits. (U7)
about the past.
C: Food and clothes. 5I always buy / Im always b) problem no thats
Student A: Look at the information on page 114. buying food on Mondays and today 6I also look for
learn American English. (U7)
c) can you help I ? give a short talk. (U7)
Student B: Look at the information on page 119. / Im also looking for some clothes for my children.
M: OK. And 7do you usually pay / are you usually
d) not afraid Im read about one of the worlds first cities. (U8)
4 Where do you normally buy food and clothes? paying by credit card? e) to see would like phones which you ? compare your grandparents way of life with
How much do you usually spend on food shopping C: Yes, I do but 8I use / Im using cash today. f) has advantages main two it yours. (U8)
a week? M: I see. And on average how much 9do you spend /
are you spending here every week under or over 9a Complete the conversation with the sentences ask politely for something. (U8)
100? in Exercise 8. find out about the first helicopter. (U9)
C: Oh, probably over 100. A: Hello, 1 say what you did last weekend. (U9)
B: Yes. 2 listen to a radio programme. (U9)
6b Listen again and check your answers.

82 REVIEW 79 REVIEW 79 83

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