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Jordan Russell

Whole New Mind

Looking back at my MI Application, I realized that not all of the learning activities I proposed for
each way of learning actually does not reach the level of Synthesis, or putting new ideas into a new
product or plan.

My MI Applications:

Visual/Spatial: Draw a map with pictures of certain objects given to be the land-markers.

Although this activity was a good idea so the student could create an original idea, I dont think that only
drawing allows for the actual level of Synthesis to occur. It is down lower in the last level actually of
Knowledge, because it is really just discovery and based on that students thoughts/observations from
past knowledge. It doesnt dive in deep.

Bodily-Kinesthetic: Make a letter using the whole body.

Originally I thought that this was a really good learning activity because it involved movement, but it
actually doesnt reach the Synthesis level, only the Comprehension level which includes demonstrating

Musical: Watch a video that sings a simple song pointing out words/letters while singing (saying the

This activity hardly enters Blooms Taxonomy as it only reaches the lower level (definitely not Synthesis),
which is Knowledge, and that is only because of the pointing/naming letters. Listening/watching to
something actually isnt that effective in long-term learning for students.

Interpersonal: Participate in a group activity where half the group members say the sound/word aloud
to present, and the other half show a poster they have drawn with pictures or symbols representing
these sounds/words.

This learning activity is within the last two levels: Knowledge and Comprehension. The reason it reaches
Comprehension is because of the demonstrating part to it. Otherwise, it only involves the Knowledge
level of naming.

Intrapersonal: Make a journal entry where letters or pictures are written or drawn to show why the
alphabet is important to him or her.

This learning activity reaches higher in Blooms Taxonomy as the student has to explain the importance
and significance to him or her, leading to the level of Application and perhaps and Analysis. This is
because in Analysis it includes organizing ideas, which is done here as the student really has to think
about what has been taught and learned, and communicate it in the journal entry.
Linguistic: Using the computer, a collage will be created showing letters and written symbols that
represent words/sounds.

This learning activity reaches mostly the Application level as there is designing and experimenting
involved with making a collage. Depending on the student and collage, it could reach the Analysis level
as well with organizing and recognizing ideas.

Logical-Mathematical: Do a couple puzzles with the alphabet and some words on them and say the
sounds aloud as they are completed.

This reaches the lowest level in Blooms Taxonomy, Knowledge, since although the puzzle has the
alphabet and words on it, doing the puzzle is the main focus here, which is locating and observing.

Naturalist: Look at various pictures of animals with their animal name underneath them, and identify
what animal it is, and which letter it starts with.

This activity stays in the bottom two levels of Knowledge and Comprehension. Looking at the pictures
isnt what is important in this activity, but the identifying part, which would match the naming part of
knowledge and perhaps even demonstrating in Comprehension.

Existential: Show different art pieces representing language being written and the history of language,
and have the students brainstorm why we would need graphemes, something to represent what we
say. Have the students find a way to express their thoughts and reasoning on the matter (poem, picture,
letter, ect.).

This learning activity starts to move up in Blooms Taxonomy as it could be argued to hit the Application
and Analysis levels. Since there is much thinking, creating, and representation involved, this could mean
designing and experimenting in Application or organizing ideas to create something in Analysis.


Looking back on my learning experiences in school, I realize that many of my teachers taught me, but
only within the lower levels of Blooms Taxonomy. But then they assumed I understood and would test
me on it, and I wouldnt be able to remember the information, even though I was in class, and tried to
participate. I also realized with looking back at my own teaching ideas listed above, that I am doing the
same thing. I need to dig deeper about learning activities and assignments that will reach the higher
levels in Blooms Taxonomy. That is where the true learning and retaining happens. I need to really re-
think my MI Application!

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